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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the some size of the $300.00 on luis heavens, have gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. i don't most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the tell you watching the news hour on out to 0. i would need for these bad people coming up in the next 60 minutes. the wide spread destruction in gaza at least 20 people like you guys is really strikes destroyed kind of thing in homes in the north for the straits meanwhile. and he's really attacked in 7 guys. i in the city of all 5 scale,
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at least 743 children are among the dead. also this hour, the head of the united nations agency football, assuming refugees appears to be un security council for protection warning against israel's efforts to dismantle from the schools about ending the rest of the state use of median of palestinian and didn't have any escalation as voting body celebrates election results that show them in the needs but political deadlock, the fly key with no party winning enough seats to form and my job. i have serious concerns about the safety of the 787, and triple 7 aircraft. and i'm willing to take on professional risk to talk about boeing under scrutiny again, whistle blow a tells the us senate, the company is putting out the fact 2 bags, the
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discount 22, g m t. that's midnight in gaza. where is really forces of carried out more attacks across the strip. 7 people, including 3 children have been killed in the southern city of a rafa. at least 1500000 people have been forcibly to space their then during conditions described by agencies as catastrophic. and in the north of the gaza strip is really strikes have targeted a group of palestinians gathering at one of the few places they can connect to the internet. at least 7 people were killed, that in shared red, one in gaza. city, 13 others were killed in a residential building nearby. honey, my mood has moved from rough. the 2 major explosions took place one day or the rough idea of him, the order that was merely in an empty land, very near the border. no casual reported. but the other a tax, the further the eastern part of robust city where an empty land also was targeted.
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administered reports confirmed that there were no casualties, but within half an hour people reach out to arrive to the area and they found out, in fact, there were displays families inside that land. when it was targeted, 7 people were removed from the targeted sites and were transferred and the judge hospital additional numbers was a 3. and then at a later and later our 4 more people were found at the site of the, of the targeted. it plays 7 people are right now and the jar hospital and dozen others of critical injuries arriving to the hospital and with a hospital like a new job that has insufficient medical stuff and very difficult times it intervene by providing an offering and proper medical intervention. it becomes very difficult . what are these people the injuries are going to make it or not, but that's the latest where we're getting it from the city. as of this, our, it just happened to be
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a tragedy because people did not know until half an hour later there, there were people, it showed drink. and this place there was inside the land that was targeted accusations of torture, blindfolding, and strip searches. coming out of northern guys, i meanwhile, this is after displaced palestinian sheltering at a school in bates. i know and said is really super besieged the building, carrying out a campaign of mass arrests before they withdrew. and who did re, re, for some there are about a central gas, a lot of us in the front of you men and women's clothing, little above those drawers in between noon and nothing cause of the items left in the dirt after what policy news is 5 as a campaign of mass ever has more than a physicist, but is there any forces anybody just yet? and the father and mother of these really soldiers rounded up all the men in the area somewhat ordered to run for their lives. others stripped hancock to the
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blindfolded and brought to the spot for interrogation. somewhere, interrogated myself, included, and were tortured and abused. before these riley's withdrew, they destroyed the school building, sheltering people before withdrawing from the area is rid of the military, both those roads and destroyed food, or keeps an olive trees. as one journalist in the area uncovered to them token to from a tenuous exactly from the show us cause the this way, the forces see this quote for more than 24 hours. and this is cool. there's really forces conducted a detailed search and it can be 1st thing and they also investigated with own people. and also if it is who i should think and this is cool, where homes ones do it. all that remains is rebel, displace palestinians returning to the area,
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find few reminders of the lives they once knew of the model of, of the destruction has effected us correctly. i left the full story house and another area within the city. enough to that we would displace to another full areas with their homes destroyed. many palestinians have been trying to find child, you know, but renewed is where the bomb being in the past few days has created even more difficulties for those trying to burn their lives. hundreds of families have flood bay tenuous since the latest is reading creation in search of another place to find shelter. now the men were rounded up, taken in groups, while women and children were stripped off all their belongings. we're all civilians taking shelter and still building away. where should we go? tell us. where should we go to? all of these palestinians are displeased. once again, many are wondering whether anything will be left is rose,
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military may have withdrawn, but for these policies to use, the damage is already done in the city address either to the central cause of the head of the united nations agency for palestinian refugees has appealed to the un security council for protection any plaza really says there's been a concerted effort to dismantle and run at a time when it's work is more crucial. whenever. earlier this year, the agency lost some of its funding after israel accused some of its employees of involvement in the october 7th attacks calls for only was closure and not about the difference to inventory principles. just called about ending the rest of the state use of median of palestinian the 6 to change the long standing political perm interest for peace in c, occupied published in
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a territory set by the resolution of the general assembly under this concept acquisition. that's only what deliberately perpetrates risk reduce, state use. a false dishonest. the agency exists because a political solution does not live to all just here is gabrielle, is on do i to in headquarters in new york for so talk to us more gave about what we heard from last already there at the special session of the un security council, which was called by jordan as yeah, that's right. jordan requested this meeting because the situation with unwrapped is so difficult right now. not only and guys of what we're hearing also in the west bank as well. they're more than $25.00 countries. a ambassadors are on the speakers list and we basically heard from felipe last a really on how difficult the situation is. it is, he said it's clear that is real,
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wants to dismantle unwrapped based on their actions. he said, israel is prohibiting unwrap from delivering a to the north, not allowing unrest staff to take part in meetings with these really officials and other aid organizations and even said in the west bank. now it's becoming increasingly difficult for unwrapped to do their work. because israel is restricting staff movements, which is making it harder for on road to maintain the facility such as health facilities and schools as well. so for the plaza reading was basically saying if henri is completely be funded and is forced to leave, it would have a huge short term and long term ramifications. we heard from other security council members in other countries, they were using one word over and over backbone. and it said that on right is the backbone for palestinian refugees and it must be protected and us and saved essentially. and d, d, d. uh, is there any government has put
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a great deal of pressure on and right will recall that in january, the government of israel presented the un with information accusing some under employees, gave of taking part in the september the october 7 for tax, but did not provide any evidence to the organization? what is the latest in that inquiry? or? yeah, you're right. un secretary general, antonio gutierrez has not received any evidence from these really government on their claims at 12 unrest staff took part in october 7th. nevertheless, a secretary general has ordered 2 investigations, one is by the office of internal oversight services division of the un that is being done in secret, behind closed doors, as is normal with procedures for internal investigations. they are looking exactly at these 12 it, these allegations i should say by israel, we do not know when that report will be completed. the other is
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a re independent review being led by the former, a foreign minister of france. that review is expected to be released next monday i gave. thank you very much for that best solved as here. is gabe ladies under reporting that live from you in headquarters in new york? well, let's take a closer look at on right now the un relief and works agency for palestinian refugees. it is the main humanitarian provider in gaza. and let's take a look not why the agency so vital on rush to force nearly 6000000 policy and refugees who live within and outside of kind of find it provides basic support including food health care, education, relief and emergency assistance. operation spread across the occupied west bank and gaza as well as syria 11 on and jordan on or doesn't have a monday to resettle policy and refugees and has no authority to seek lasting
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solutions for refugees. want to talk more about. andrea's role is mandate and the implications of the, the agency being dismantled as is where i would like it to be joined by chris goodness, who's a former spokesman, a spokesman full on rough life from london. chris, always good to have you with us on alger 0 as well as we heard it long waged a war against on route why. why is this route so determined to dismantle this agency? the to the, to make one of the political, but of the operational on the political side as quickly general. let's really said this attack is based on a line. is this all the not like it so that you get rid of it, or you suddenly magically get rid of the 5900000 refugees that are witnesses with real, but of course i'm gonna disappear at this very minute. these would remain human beings with, in a, in the right, the right switch of the right to help the broad range of political rights,
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including the right to self determination. so that's the, that's the political lie that underlies this attack be met by israel because as well as long remember all of them not sizes plus them, as of the general assembly, receive on the it's mandates. volleyball, original side, as we were hearing from you. of course, somebody in new york, the tax bureaucratically, the headquarters building, for example, in the west bank. the lease will not just be questions bank accounts, which these will, which strongly use this is all those also being questions. and then that's the questions of permits and baez's in gaza with saying some of the 22nd of march loss from a convoy to the north and the implications of that. the 300000 people that already face installed ation will slip further into starvation. and also in guys a chris we saw a $170.00 it andre employees killed during is arouse more on,
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on the territory and lots of renew today at that briefing at the security council call for an independent investigation into the killing of these under employees. how likely is that to happen, and what would you hope to see? come out of it if there is an investigation. it was an interesting but a few weeks ago when 7 members of the well central kitchens organization were killed, we had to be on the side of the prime minister soon in preston, by the promising the independent, comprehensive, transparent investigation. and i asked the question, why don't seeing that for the 178 henri stuff went to a killed? isn't that something of a double sided if we don't? and that's why i'm so do i see the commission of general that's a really cool full that what we need to see is not just the transparent, comprehensive, independent investigation. we will see accountability,
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which the commission general so cool about accountability. we mean justice voters who committed these crimes and they call crimes needs to be brought to justice in a transparent, independent manner that as well. so i would like to see chris, of course you worked for under as one of it's a spokesperson. this is an agency that age more than 5000000 palestinian refugees in garza the occupied westbank 11 on jordan and syria. of course, what happens if on right is dismantled as the is really, is, would like it to be of what happens. and this is a get a point, which coincidentally really may, is it supposed to build a sci fi tomorrow morning in gaza? who is unreal, dismantle is going to help these traumatized, desperate people in the direction of a peaceful couple of weeks, couple of months left 2 years so that the immediate future,
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the implications of the not being the policy saw and full implementation policy, saw a great beyond imagination, bear off to what has to be widely for middle eastern, given that there was frankly, the middle east was cowardly raging between israel and the wrong between israel and is spelled out in method only between pistol. uh, and how much unreal is in the end of stability in a c o dependency any, any of these states people are really serious about stability in the mid least they would not think twice about having a fully funded obama with full political and financial support from across the board, that's as well just so what you needed tonight. and as you said in the beginning of this interview, chris israel wants to dismantle unwrapped because they say it's a fresh ways to refugee problem, right? can they be i just, and lasting solution to the palestinian refugee problem. there's been talking some
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quarters of resettling palestinian refugees around the globe. is that feasible? and of course it can be just set to move again. another of these very nice is the unrest perpetuates the refugee problem. internationally accepted power lines full resulting the refugee question, say it must be resolved in the context of an overall political sacrament, a peace deal. and the fact is, well, for most of the mid nineties, almost has refused to engage in the question of a just durable solution for the wreckage. these boxes will the patch weighs the rest of the problem and that so let's wait until august. the 2nd part you'll get some calls to kind of be piece of what needs to be excellent actors. those that can bring pressure on israel doesn't pay for as well kind of precious this is the price is only other positive to do so. it's not the only which is not right now, it seems desperate,
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but believe me as well is destined to live in security instability. unless until it realizes that it must give the policy of a peaceful putting on with development prosperity, justice. those are things that a good bring about peace. them not be on the, which is not chris, goodness, always good to talk to you. thank you so much for joining us on the houses here. chris, kind of just for my own rest spokesman, live there from london. now, many on right, employees arrested by is riley and guys, i have a ques, is really forces of torturing them while they were held in detention. the us state department is not calling for a full investigation, as we are aware of this recent report, but the un put out highlighting smooth these allegations of extensive human rights abuses were deeply concerned by these reports and will continue to press and engage directly with our is really a partners on the need for a full investigation into these allegations and accountability for any perpetrators . but beyond that,
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i don't have any specific conversations to read out. we of course are in touch with our is really partners and all the time. but broadly then we continue to call on all parties in the region, calling israel to do more, to protect humanitarian aid workers, to improve the conflictions mechanisms and to pursue full accountability for incidence of harm against dave workers. the case for and secretary has met the palestinian prime minister in ramallah. david cameron and mohammed mustafah discussed f as to increase access to monetary and relief in gaza. and the need for a pause in the fighting. early on wednesday, david cameron and the german 4 administer, and elaina bar bulk met with prominence. and it's now to discuss. pensions with yvonne cameron said as well. well. ok taffeta yvonne's attack on saturday, but hopes it will do so in a way that doesn't escalate the situation you want to set its thrown and miss on strikes were in response to is arouse
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a tank on his consulate building in syria earlier this month. he wants president, i said it's his forces are ready to face any freight, a brain where you see made the comments during national ami, the dosage or by every for some tear on the show of military force in iran during its annual army day celebrations. the goal to show the nation's military preparedness. but the events this year comes just days after iran launched an unprecedented attack on israel for whose leaders the president had this warrant. it's got a got automotive. if our action was to be large scale, then nothing would be left of design. this regime, their false ground door collapsed in operation. any attack on our soil will be dealt with fiercely and severely. iran launched more than 300 drones and miss halls toward israel on saturday in response to the attack on this console of the section in damascus on april 1st,
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which killed 7 members of the revolutionary guards. the operation up to promised by the military is being viewed here as a historic with but concerns about what comes next has put the country on high alerts. so if israel target's a site in iran that is not that sensitive, for example, somewhere close to the border since iran is not looking for will then in this case a wrong could respond to his proxies. but if it's euro attacks, any sensitive sites, i think a wrong respond on a larger scale. and even its allies like us interests could be targeted in the region. as a rating and officials wait for israel to respond, they continue to highlight their military strength. the attack on israel has shown that airlines leaders are willing to follow through on their threats while the daily life goes on without any major disruption. the historic tensions have put
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people on edge fearing that an attack here could have far reaching consequences door. so safari out to 0. 10 of the you announce on wednesday that it will wide and sanctions are already in place on yvonne in particular targeting the production of drones and miss size for us is also discussing a new sanctions against yvonne i. whitehouse correspondence. kimberly healthcare has a detail the warehouse says it sanctions package is comprehensive, designed to target a ron's missile and wrong program, given the fact that it was ms files and drones that targeted is real is saturdays air attack. it is also going to sanction entities supporting the i r g c, as well as the defense department in iran, the united states, not acting alone, but expecting there will be similar sanctions packages from g 7 nations. the goal is to contain and degrade, arise military capabilities, so it cannot carry out another attack similar to the one over the weekend. meantime,
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the defense secretary lloyd austin, making the case for more funding defense funding on capitol hill. the white house has been arguing for a $95000000000.00 supplemental bill, a stand alone package for israel ty one and you frame. now the house. speaker johnson saying that package will be split up is a for a bills to be voted on on saturday. defense secretary lloyd austin, making the case that the threats are persistent. and now that is proven by what he calls an unprecedented attack. and the attack on is real that iran hope would inflict maximum damage. but he said didn't quite work out as a ron had hoped. but what around should learn? is that number one, there they, their assumptions are off. and in to,
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you know, number 2 that you know, we're going to do what's necessary to, to help and a defensive issue. another reason the defense secretary says that that attack was unsuccessful. for ron is the fact that in the 10 days leading up the united states military may have significant force posture adjustments in order to support these really military. and there have been significant investments in defense by the united states at home and abroad. still, the defense secretary say, should there be further attacks on israel or us interest abroad? the united states will defend those interest at a time and place of their choosing. kimberly help it l g 0. the white house has said is reassessing its role as a mediator between hamas and israel. the prime minister made the comments after
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a meeting with turkeys for administer. they also stressed the need to de escalate tensions between avon and israel race. so saddam reports the doors in guides and escalation in the region have dominated. the tools between the truck is for administer and the country prime minister, because the prime minister said that he and his concert pod, they have this cost, the ways how to code the day a force to reach a permanency is 5 to achieve a permanency spike in gaza and he also said that he's country is steve continued as a mediator in the middle. she ations. however, i said that he's come through now is reassessing its role as a mediator. so here is why see i can be at, i'm in, but unfortunately there are many political went up men, ships from politicians, with narrow interests who were trying to conduct their election campaigns by hurting the state of kata. and this is unacceptable. you want to hear something in
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closed rooms. i mean the public, they make destructive statement. it's on be the tickets for the minister one. the other has said that on the day of after the 13th when you run at tact israel, in an attempt of the retaliation, the whole one will have seen how the possibility of the region of war is re and, and how the region is gradually being dragged into a diverse state in war, and he has a cruise. this is riley prime minister venue. i mean, if in, yeah, the game is to be a, so let's just sort of dimensional this to be clear that tonya was trying to track the region into war in order to remain in power from the for those who provide on coordination of support to israel they need to review their position urgently on, obviously the foundational and root cause of the events of the impression that is being perpetrated and gaza is with them. you know, here i would like to underline the palestinians are the victims. it's not, israel's reside the rear on the, on the ios as the turkish for the minister,
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about his meeting with how much political bureau chief his mind, how do you wish to place on wednesday in the house? he said that he met this my 10. yes. trying to understand how much perspective regarding the ongoing negotiations and also the ceasefire a force. but one thing was quite remarkable. he said that how must pull the code bureau chief smiles here told him that if a palestinian state based on the board as of 1967 is established, how most minutes a wing is ready to dissolve itself and is ready to do up on their arms this is quite a remarkable statement that we do not hear that much often however, has said that she was quite pleased to see that how much is ready to dissolve. it's made it through wing. if a palestinian state is established because of a nice international,
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i mean this has to have that. i'll just say around the has one that has launch drones and midsize into northern israel, lebanese groups as it targeted a military base in our, our, i'm shanie of the water. these are in the military's is at least 14 soldiers were injured, including 6, seriously as well as said it was in response to an is really john strike that killed at least 3 of its fighters in 711 on on tuesday. i'm the sound hotels, more from tennessee, to me is really military house, concerned that at least 14 soldiers were injured. after his bow out launched an attack on israel's northern border. that consisted of both missiles and groans. these really army, it said that they had retaliated against this attack, striking an area around a 100 kilometers from loving on southern border, heading of his bowl outposts and the launching side of those rockets and drones.
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now this comes as these really prime minister met with several foreign ministers from the u. k. and germany to discuss b is rarely response to it on and when it will be well members of the international community allies and foes, both urging palm these really prime minister has spoken in his weekly cabinet meetings, saying that israel will decide on his own self defense and a time and place that works for them. the international pressure has been mounting on these rarely is now to sparks some sort of wider, regional escalation or conflict after the audience had launched their attack on saturday evening. but remember that they had launch this attack in retaliation. so these really air strike on the, on the and console and in damascus on april. first, israel's war and security cabinets are scheduled to convince, according to is really media on thursday to discuss possible outcomes from the central jersey to televi. the sale i had on this,
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i'll just air and use our camping outside columbia students demand. the university new york caught it's ties with israel, a record crime, boston synagogue tape off lead to massive seizures of counterfeit cash and trucks. hey, welcome to your world's weather update, but it's got going. i'm taking this one off in australia and a lot of weather coming into the cape york peninsula, the sort tropical zone. so to be expected this sum of the year. but i want to take yourselves, so we've got what, whether crawling up the coast of new south wales pushing into southern queensland here. so, improvements in the conditions for sidney, but somewhat, whether to be expected in brisbin, and looking good, and w a sons out in perth with a height of $32.00 degrees. now whether it's to speak of for new zealand for now,
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but there is what whether it's sliding across the tasman. this will become the story for the southern most part of the south island on friday. because 1st of rain in indonesia, it will continue to be on to monitor island. same goes for us to the ways as well. but north of this i wanted to show you what's going on with the winds coming in of the south china sea. here. let me take you to china because this is sparking some serious storms here from united providence rate into one dung. these will be severe thunderstorms, the potential to drop, some hail as well. now for japan, but whether it's sliding in it's going to quit kyushu island possibly throw back somewhat weather into tokyo as well, but it will move quickly out of there. but look at how hot it is. and china is capital vision coming in at 28 degrees on thursday. so of the unique perspective, everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue. to on hud voices,
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we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is all right here and right now, the stream analogy you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on ridgecrest. the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching the news out. a reminder of on top stories is really strikes have killed at least 7 policy means in the southern city of rock by in the gaza strip. thousands more died in the central and the sound of the areas of guys on this takes the total number of products to me is kill since the war began to almost $34000.00 the hands of the united nations agencies of policy and refugees as appears to the security council for protection plaza really says there is been a concerted effort to dismantle an end for refugee status of millions of palestinians and 11 east group has voted that has launched drones. and besides targeting and military base in northern israel,
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the army says at least 14 soldiers were injured. as well as said, it was a response when these really drones try that killed at least 3 of its fighting not to the us where prominent california university as bind a mostly and student from speaking at a graduation ceremony because of her opposition days or as one guys, last year several university presidents resigned after haul size, congressional questioning, and pressure campaigns from pro is around groups reynolds re, for some this andras us for most little american students, us not to box them being chosen as valid. victoria, for the university of southern california was cause for celebration, but then usc abruptly banned to bottom from speaking because of a pressure campaign by pro israel activist. she says she feels surprised, disappointed, and betrayed. a university is supposed to in race discourse. it's supposed to
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embrace ideological inquiry. if you silence one person, you're effective, we silencing a lot of people, campus, jewish groups opposed to boston selection and the campaign to silence her was fired up by social media posts like this one from self help book author and self described. jewish activism, samantha edits features of muslim and high phonetic anti israel students to bottoms detractors pointed to links from her instagram page to a site that criticizes zionism as quote, a racist settler colonial ideology. not an anti semite. and i think any conflation of anti zionism and anti semitism is deeply deep. we problem matic usc provost andrew guzman wrote to the university community, saying that the decision was all about campus safety. say the intensity of feelings
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fueled by social media has escalated to the point of creating substantial risks relating to security and disruption at commencement. the council of american islamic relations called us these decision, cowardly messages. obviously, the messages we will stand by our students, especially those students, happened to be most of the students, especially if they are students who are there to speak for palestinian human rights . and the message they said is that we reward the bigots who, who engage in deformation and threats against the security of a university. last year, the heads of harvard and the university of pennsylvania were forced to resign. after being ruled by conservative republicans in a congressional hearing about alleged anti semitism on campus today. on wednesday, the president of columbia university named much traffic faces questions from the same congressional committee about anti war activism,
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student protests and freedom of speech, rob reynolds, which is 0 los angeles. hundreds of students at columbia university new york have gavin to call on the schools to cut ties with israel. the university's president has appeared before a congressional committee to respond to allegations of anti semitism on campus christian salumi, a report. so neil, hundreds of columbia university students flooded the campus in the early morning hours before dawn, setting up 60 tabs and what they describe as an encampment of solidarity with gaza . they say that they are going to stay in these tents on campus until the university divest from israel. this is a continuation of a discussion and a debate. and the movement that has been happening over here on columbia is campus button campuses around the country. and it happens as the president of the university, a woman by the name of a new shot, the is in washington dc,
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testifying before a house republican subcommittee on anti semitism on her campus. something that she hardly denies. she says that the university has uh, same primarily peaceful protests and that they are working to make sure that all students feel safe. there's a lot of debate among students about that on campus, but the palestinian, the protesting and demonstrators that we spoke to say that if anything, they are the ones who are being threatened and harassed, they have been threatened with suspension for this demonstration, which is ongoing. on the campus so far, no arrests, but a heavy police presence around the kansas. as you can see in new york, the tread taking those codes some of the days of in use now and official results show
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correlations running and 7 is on course to win the most seats and wednesdays parliamentary election. but exit polls suggests the corporation democratic union or h. d said well fall short of an outright majority. they set to take 61 of a 151 seats. the closest rival is a center less correlation led by the social democrats. let's take a closer look at the 2 main candid this was been vying for the role of prime minister incumbent andre bank of h was 1st elected in 2016 and has won the last 2 votes. corporation has maintained relative political stability under his leadership as taking a pro western position in supporting ukraine. his rival is the president's a rundown of age. he announces surprised bitter prime minister shortly after calling an early election. but this was ruled unconstitutional by the constitutional court deactivate, as opposed to 14 ukraine. elaina lucius has the latest from the capitals bankrupt. the votes are still being counted in the number of seats in the problem and so will
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certainly change because we are still waiting for the votes. uh, from the largest cities the in the price uh for now on the plane for which empties causes. there are, believe you blame for because i haven't, majority for the fall limit is still depend on false selection of qualities up to date in the selection. we had the highest that there now to in the fall of minutes and the election increased that in last 20 years as you can. so this elections took place in the middle of the week instead of usual sundays. and some report says, this is the reason for a such a high there now to because people go to the additional day off for voting when a certain mulanda, which president of grace and surprise, everyone a and the goal for them in 3 elections. he said that the river of justice will
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flooded the streets and we actually had the flooded streets is august to day, but obviously not into way milan. and we wanted the, we had some heavy rain in the afternoon hours, but still we saw hundreds of people standing in lines waiting for give their vote for the final results. of course, we have to wait some longer. while early i spoke to and a on the whole j who was lecturer and european law at the university college in london, he explains that felicia's support for ukraine was at stake in the selection. this was the right high state problem entry election. the place. yeah. and actually the majority of a lesson both on have experience in the last few years because here we have a sitting prime minister and assessing president going to have to have in indies election. and it was all sort of simplification, whether the president good wrong and whether the prime minister and, and all of that. but what is quite interesting here is that,
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which is definitely heading into a political instability because of course, it's going on cause to holidays. so monday, so they kind of form, my god, it's almost like you will be a minority government with some sort of uh, coalition partners. and this will determine that. and therefore we have to sort of put it into context. this, do we have about $66.00 as democratic election across the world, which on bonnet and the support of trade. it's very much top and it's of the heart of it. but at the heart of it, it's more or less the money that he's being pulled up in this particular election. what we so that croatia is one of the countries that has the highest inflation team . the euro's own countries. it's dealing with short to take off. i labor with migration and so on. so there was a lot of political as well as social issues here at stake, which the compet argument was as was,
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is this really necessary for us to just on the ok? and that will be something will be discussed to senegal. now wake of some officials has seized a racket, $8000000.00 worth of fake bank notes. separately, officers carried out a sizable drunk bust. all this is part of a drive to fight crime and corruption by sending guys newly elected government. nicholas hoc reports from the capital one card. this one record seizure after the other. this is the latest by sending goals. police. these black notes are fake money worth $5000000000.00 say if i francs or the equivalent of about $8000000.00 found in the back of a car parked at the small guest house since then it goes southern region of cuz i'm on this video circulating or social media appears to show how the notes are transformed into counterfeit us dollars using powder and chemicals for man have interested to have them foreigners. this comes days after one ton of cocaine worth
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nearly $150000000.00 was found hidden in the back of a truck. both of these record seizures come from tip offs from whistle blowers, sending goals new government has made fighting corruption. a priority must have a pledge made by its new young president, but sir, would you might find the young guys. it is not that they will promptly initiate a bold policy of economic and financial good governance by a relentless, the combat and corruption penal repression of the tax fraud and the elicit financial flows. protecting whistleblower is fighting against embezzlement and public funds and money laundering my that is and before the elections fall, you know probably minutes to spend some co were sent to prison after they did those state corruption in the criminal activities of previous government officials. the court saw their claims as defamation. fine sancho want to introduce a new law to protect whistle doors. okay. and there is
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a culture for no one really wants to denounce legal activities because it's not easy, given the reprisals. so to have a little the can protect whistle blowers of the can encourage others to break the silence and reveal crime scene and goals. new leadership is asking all of those who have stolen from the state to return the money or face justice. custom officials, as well as government authorities who were once accused of being corrupt or ignoring crime, now appear eager to show they are doing their work for a senegalese public that wants to see an end to impunity. nicholas hawk alj a 0. the car usa across manufacturer a boeing is in the spotlight again. the us congress has held back to back hearings on wednesday. examining safety fairly is on the companies that graft last month. a 787 dreamliner flying from sidney to oakland, wanting to a sudden dive, injuring more than 50 passengers. interesting industry officials told the wall
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street journal newspaper, the plunge was likely caused by a switch being activated by accident on the pilot's chair, pushing him forward into the controls. in the same month, a wheel from the landing gear of a bullying. triple 7 fell off as a faint climb from a san francisco airport. damaging parked cars beneath it. in january bullying, 737 max 9 plains were grounded after adult panel belonged to an alaska airlines flight. it was forced to make an emergency landing safety inspectors say bolts were missing. of the company has been facing almost constant safety investigations, since crashes in 20182019 killed almost 350 people that were blamed on faulty software and census 1. 1. boeing employee has now come forward and has testified to a set of hearing quality engineers,
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some sally for raise questions about safety issues on the aircraft. the size of a human hair can be a matter of a life and death in a rise to address that it's bottlenecks. in production, boeing had problems pushing pieces together with the excessive force to make them appear that the gaps don't exist even though they exist. the gap didn't actually go away and this made result in pretty mature for the failure effectively, they are putting out effective airplanes or from on this when are joined by allendale, who's a former national transportation safety board and federal aviation administrator invest administration. investigator is leih from albuquerque, new mexico. very good to have you with this, mr. deal. what did you make of what sam sally poor set to send his investigators today? how much trouble is bullying really? well, i think those are very serious allegations. obviously he's out on the floor saying these quality problems and you're dealing with a new technology. these,
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this airplane is not made of aluminum, like most aircraft. it's a composite structure. so lots of material and the assembly procedures need to be carefully scrutinized. and it sounds like bowling is cut corners and the allegation certainly from the western floor i, i quite serious as does boeing have a problem matic safety culture. and you've, you a spell i, i say that since they merged with mcdonald douglas, uh, back in uh, 96 up uh, probably a slip that boeing in. now i'm not the 1st to say that i, i think many people observe good, good, uh, trying to compete with their buses really cost slowly, dearly because a cut corners on the quality and on are inspections and tried to move the production too fast. so they, uh, they have certainly paid the price with billions of dollars of, of about last the value in their stock. because of what happens if, as you say,
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they cut corners, do you think government authorities ignored boeing's manufacturing problems also? sure. certainly they have what happened this has gone or gone over a period of decades. we uh they had a dual mandate to both uh, promot and regulate the aviation industry. so that was the problem that was years ago in the 96, congress said no more promoting, just regulate congress and 78. do regulated the entire airlines system within the states. and they didn't give the fha anymore inspector, so that was a ticking time bomb. that's come back and that's not just boeing's problem. that's what congress has problem. and then lastly, they started allowing delegation of authority when they didn't have enough inspectors, they allowed the companies like boeing to inspect themselves and it was sort of an honor. and that is also come back to, to, to bite boeing and frankly,
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the congress. so, so what actions do you think boeing is going to take to address risk this, this criticism? and what do you think congress has investigation is going to conclude as well? i think boeing is, is beginning to understand they really need to this problem. i have advocated that . so we need to do something we did years ago when we had a different kind of a problem with airlines. and that was, i brought in independent inspectors into the airlines. i was working for the us air force at the time. and congress basically gave the air force like $10000000.00 and said, you have to go out and inspect the airlines. so they train the air force mechanics and our force pilots as f a inspectors. and it really turn the system around. but that was a, you know, a much smaller problem involving the airlines and not manufacturing. right. have very interesting. how would you then compare boeing's problems compared to,
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to those of his main competitor address, for example. and then we saw, of course, this incident with the 787 dreamliner in australia. would you fly that a line if tomorrow, let's say, as well i would. uh, yeah. and so we've got to keep in mind that we obviously we add these terribly tragic events like the boeing match crashes. both branches, as you pointed out, with the killed over almost 350 people. but basically the system is saved. and if you're asking, we have air buses that a, a better record lately. the answer is yes. uh huh. but you got a roommate. oh, you just got a lot of old products out there and the older play instead of have a higher failure rate. so it's uh, sort of what happens in pine, apples comparison apples and oranges or apples and fine apples to little hard to make brookside statements. but certainly the airbus has got a great product and boeing i think, still does, but it needs
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a lot more scrutiny. and congress needs to come up with a bucks to get those inspectors. and those are all the oversight people into the boeing plants. and these need to be government employees. very good to talk to you about this. thank you so much for your expertise island deal for my national science foundation safety board and federal aviation administration investigator live there from albuquerque. thank you for your time, sir. thanks for having me. a hi. still a head on out to 0. some of the worst flags in decades have hit launch,
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wants have cause a sun displacing more than
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a 100000 feet. the, [000:00:00;00] the bottom back at least a 117000 people have been forced to my homes in context on the worst slide fair in decades, and not a beating as demetrius evidence or reports from bad to worse and tie regions of conflicts done in the north and the west underwater, some houses, a family identifiable with water up to the roofs. evacuations have been underway for 2 weeks now before which is beside the strike. rescuers help us by transporting people, delivering us food, water, and gasoline. all generators in the village are working now. presidents costumes. i'm kind of visited some of the worst it areas. he's called on the government's to limit any known as central spending and use the money to help the people. because
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really remember, this is just the way we're going through difficult times. this is a nationwide as austin, but positive changes are coming. now the water is receding. gradually. i think the upcoming 10 days will be the most critical. several 100000 people have said the houses was submerged or even washed away by the floods of the round river. it's europe's the longest causing extensive damage across the pots of context on and southern russia in the past few weeks, due to melting ice other rivers and russia, like the bowl inside barrier, have also passed that banks thousands of had to leave the area authorities and rochelle being criticized for not paying enough attention to full costing water levels and responding more effectively to meet them into the bank go out to 0. now with $100.00 days to go until the start of the olympic games in paris, it should be a time of excitement and anticipation for locals, right. but instead,
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the event is being met with mixed reactions. tom size and report is being 7 years in the making for paris is the city finalize preparations for the starts of the games. come july 10 and the whole 1000 athletes from 206 countries will descend on francis capital for an event that's expected to drawing 13000000 spectators for the 2100000 inhabitants who this, this has been a disruptive period for lots of them. the links to that strong on these really on the stuff i'm excited no story. that's certainly not the answer. i'm not excited at all about the olympics, even if it's still a great event for parents. i have a lot of concerns about the organization, transportation. the fact that we'll continue to work and concerns for those who are going to swim in that water. that is just disgusting. really disgusting. yes, i have a lot of concerns organized as a set, the confidence, the mood in the city will change as the event is that many parisians are said they
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would like to leave the city during the games. if they could have doubts over whether the cities ready and as possible as possible, and then a minute spike. and i don't think the city of paris itself is ready. in fact, there are things that we should have planned for sooner. like i'm thinking of the month upon us tower construction side. in fact, we were promised a lot of stuff. i even remember that we were promised that transportation would be free and nothing has been done. so i don't think we're ready. no. 3 don't simple spoken to some locals be of interest be met with optimizon, manage wants for the city to show as qualities as it goes up for its 1st hosting of the games for a 100 years. the opening ceremony is set to take place on the rivers center, but it could be moved to the step, the fronts to, to concerns over security and cleanliness, real. that's also a big impression on suppose because the insurance boom. yes, we're looking forward to it because it's a chance to see the olympic games in france. so we're happy and we can't wait. we know the whole world is watching us, so we'll do our best to welcome the world france. like you have
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a back down to you. i hope all's your think ceremony will kick off the games on the 26th of july thompson's out 0. and that's it. for this news, our own algae 0 and i said also for me, for the back to stay with us, so carry johnson live more of the days the is coming up very shortly. thank you for watching the one of the biggest elections of 2024 in the general election. will prime minister now render movies b. t p, increase its rule across the country? how will economic uncertainty and use some employment suede boots as in key states, and will the media be able to cover the vote freebie unfairly. ongoing coverage of india's elections on out is there a week to look at the world's top business stories? how much of the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and
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economies of small businesses we have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives. how big a problem is going on? food insecurity counting the cost. oh no, just here. so how is your vacation in this a shelves? the chest? wow. the boss or a 10 year job, in which it has become the most important translation award from? i'm into the outer a big language world wide. shea come out of old for translation and international understanding of nonsense. the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024
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starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t, a dot to a forward slash e m. the with leading eco friendly solutions to come back. to opt on its own out, you 0 the . ready the widespread destruction in gaza at least 20 people are killed as is very strikes destroyed palestinian homes in the north of the street. it's very attacking the southern city. a rep for the 7


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