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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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was black the last the night. not a single rich american less than like the real cost of the climate to emergency. the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series died off to the higher, the widespread destruction in gaza at least 20 people are killed as it's very strikes destroyed. how does pinion phones in the north, the street is ready of talking to southern city, a rough or at least 7 people are killed. 3 children are among the dead, the territory. and this is all just, there are lots of time also coming out the heads of the humans agency for
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protestant and refugees appeals to the security council for protection warning against as well as efforts to dismantle the schools about ending the rest of the state. use of millions of palestinians. i have serious concerns about the safety of the 787, and triple 7 aircraft. and i'm willing to take on professional risk to talk about the beginning guns that was very forces of carry that more tax across the strip. 7 people, including 3 children, had been killed in the southern states. you have a rough, at least 1500000 people have been forced to be displaced. that's are there in,
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during conditions described by 8 agencies as catastrophic. i'm in the north of this trip is rarely strikes of talking to the group of palestinians gathering. yet one of the few faces they can connect to the internet. at least 7 people were killed that shake rod one in guns, a city 13 others were killed in a nearby residential building. honey mountain was it has more now from rough. the 2 major explosions took place one day or the rough idea of him, the order that was merely in an empty land, very near the border. no casual reported. but the other attacks the further the eastern part of robust city where an empty land also was targeted, administered reports confirmed that there were no casualties, but within half an hour people reach out to arrive to the area and they found out, in fact, there were displaced families inside that land, when it was targeted, 7 people were removed from the targeted sites and were transferred and the judge
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hospital additional numbers was a 3. and then at a later and later our 4 more people were found at the side of the, of the targeted place. 7 people are right now and the job hospital and dozen others of critical injuries arriving to the hospital and with a hospital like a new job that has insufficient medical stuff and very difficult times. it enters the providing and offering a proper medical intervention. it becomes very difficult. what are these people the injuries are going to make it or not, but that's the latest where we're getting the from the city. as of this, our, it just happened to be a tragedy because people did not know until half an hour later there, there were people show drink and this place there was inside the land that was targeted accusations of torture design, folding, and strip searches are coming out of northern garza,
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this soft to displace palestinian sheltering at the school and they say it's really true the seems. the building carrying out to campaign a mass arrests before they withdrew. and whoever you reports from the in central gaza. a lot of us in the front of you men and women's clothing, little above those drawers in between noon, and nothing causal. the items left in the dirt after what policy news describe as a campaign of mass of it has more than a figure supply. is there any forces anybody missed? yeah, and the thought in front of all these really soldiers rounded up all the man in the area somewhat order to run for their lives. others stripped hancock to the blindfolded and brought to the spot for interrogation somewhere. interrogated myself, included, and were tortured and abused. before these rallies withdrew, they destroyed the school building, sheltering people before withdrawing from the area as well as military, both those roads and destroyed food a keeps an olive trees,
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as one journalist in the area uncovered. to them, token to from the tenuous exactly from the show us cause the there's where the forces besieged. this is quote for more than 24 hours and this is cool. there's where the forces conducted a detailed search and it can be 1st thing and they also investigated with own people and also for the washer 3 and the school were homes ones did. all that remains is rebel displaced, policy means returning to the area, find few reminders of the lives they once knew of the model of, of the destruction has affected us greatly. less the full story house and another area within the city. enough to that we were displaced to another full areas with their homes destroyed. many palestinians have been trying to find child to nuclear . latrene is where the bomb being in the past few days has created even more
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difficulties for those trying to burn their lives. hundreds of families have floods a tenuous since the latest is reading taishan in search of another place to find shelter. now the men were rounded up, taken in groups, while women and children were stripped off all their belongings. we were all civilians taking shelter in school building. oh, where should we go? tell us. where should we go to? all of these policy news are displeased. once again, many are wondering whether anything will be left is rose, military may have withdrawn. but for these pilots to use the damage is already done in the study. obviously you did it by the central cause of the head of you and the agency for palestinian refugees has appealed to the security council for protection for the reservation. he says there's been a concerted effort,
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dismantled out of time when it's work is more crucial. vanessa. earlier this year, the agency lost some of its funding off the israel, a cheese that some of its employees of involvement and the october 7th. the tax calls for only wants closure on not about the difference to inventory principles, just called about ending the rest of the state use of median of palestinian the 6 to change the long standing political perm interest for peace in c, occupied published in a territory set by the resolution of the general assembly on this concept acquisition, that's only what deliberate the pepper to it's risk. reduce, state use, a false dishonest. the agency exists because a political solution does not care for others on there has more details from united
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nations headquarters in new york. jordan requested this meeting because the situation with unrest is so difficult right now. not only and guys of what we're hearing. also in the west bank as well. they're more than $25.00 countries. a ambassadors were on the speakers list. and we basically heard from the plaza really on how difficult the situation is. it is, he said it's clear that is real, wants to dismantle unwrapped based on their actions. he said israel is prohibiting unreal from delivering a to the north, not allowing unrest staff to take part in meetings with these really officials and other 8 organizations. and even said in the west bank, now it's becoming increasingly difficult for unwrapped to do their work. because israel is restricting staff movements, which is making it harder for on road to maintain the facility such as health facilities and schools as well. so for the plaza reading was basically saying if on
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right, is completely the funded and is forced to leave, it would have huge short term and long term ramifications. we heard from other security council members in other countries, they were using one word over and over backbone. he said that and raised the backbone for palestinian refugees and it must be protected. and us and saved essentially gone us is a former only a spokesman. he says this, what else criticism of the organization is dishonest and politically motivated. this is based on a lie. it's this old instance that line is that if you get rid of the, you suddenly magically get rid of the 5900000 refugees that are registered with on . right. but of course, if i'm gonna disappear at this very minute, these would remain human beings with, in the 80 animal rights, the rights which of the rights to help the right to a broad range of political rights, including the right to self determination. so that's the law i,
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that's the political lie that underlies this attack, be led by israel and to as well as one member of a $195.00 plus members of the general assembly received under a it's mandates. felipe operational side, as we were hearing from your correspondence in new york, the attacks bureaucratically, the headquarters building, for example, in the west bank. the lease will not just be questions bank accounts, which as well which summer use this is all those also being questions and the questions of permits and bases in got with save you some of the 22nd of march of law from a convoy to the north and the implications of that, of the 300000 people that who are already facing salvation will slip further into starbuck she. how many on the employees are arrested by israel? in gauze? i have a tooth is very forces of torturing them while they were held in detention us state
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depaula, which is not quoting for further investigation. as we are aware of this recent report, but the un put out highlighting movies allegations of extensive human rights abuses were deeply concerned by these reports and will continue to press and engage directly with our is really a partners on the need for a full investigation into these allegations and accountability for any perpetrators, but beyond that, i don't have any specific conversations to read out. we of course, are in touch with our is really partners and all the time. but broadly though, we continue to call on all parties in the region calling, is there a to do more to protect humanitarian aid workers, to improve di conflictions mechanisms and to pursue full accountability for incidence of harm against a workers is already military, has targeted an online school located in the shockey camp in northern gauze, attending at least 4 products students. children are among the dead. the school was
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housing forcibly displaced, palestinians who was seeking shelter from as well as the bombing campaign. civilians have been searching through the rubble racing against time to find people trapped underneath your case. far as the secretary has met the protestant in 5 minutes during ramada, david cameron and of the stuff are discussed, efforts to increase access to monetary and relief in gaza. and the need for a pause in the fighting area. on wednesday, david cameron and the german foreign minister and the book met is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu discuss attention to the one on cameron says is rebel, act talk to around is a tackle inside today. hoops it will do so in a way that doesn't escalate the situation. european union leaders say they will do everything to isolate or on imposing new sanctions in response to it's a ton of one as well. a den this attacked by the one against the east where we have
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decided to put so essentially to put in place the sentence against the new one. so if a clear signal that we want to to st. 8th, we also want to do everything to protect the savings interested we do life, not us. we tool on release. we still issues or for hostages, which one of the ceasefire images to cease fire runs present, says it's policies are ready to face any threats him or i see made the comments during national ami de dosage a by the pull. it's not from the capital tara, the show of military force in iran during its annual army day celebrations. the goal to show the nation's military preparedness. but the events this year comes just days after iran launched an unprecedented attack on israel for whose leaders the president had this one. i got to got out about if our action was
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to be large scale, then nothing would be left of design. this regime there false ground door collapsed in operation. any attack on our soil will be dealt with fiercely and severely iran loans more than $300.00 drones and missiles toward israel on saturday. in response to the attack on the console of the section in damascus on april 1st, which killed 7 members of the revolutionary guards. the operation dog to promise by the military is being viewed here as a historic when. but concerns about what comes next has put the country on high alerts. so if israel target's a site in iran, that is not that sensitive, for example, somewhere close to the border since iran is not looking for will. then in this case, a wrong could respond to his proxies. but if it's euro attacks, any sensitive sides, i think a wrong respond on a larger scale. and even its allies like us interests could be targeted in the
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region. as a rating and officials wait for israel to respond, they continue to highlight their military strength. the attack on israel has shown that iran leaders are willing to follow through on their threats while the daily life goes on without any major disruption. the historic tensions have put people on edge fearing that an attack here could how far reaching consequences door. so safari al jazeera kevin as well, has loans drones and missiles into northern israel. lebanese group says it targeted the military base and wrap around shit. and there the boulder is very minute trace has at least 14 soldiers were injured, is by the law says it wasn't a response to it is very dry and strong that kills at least 3 of its fights is in southern lebanon on tuesday, a sort of head on al jazeera, accounting outside columbia,
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students demands university or cuts its ties. we as well record crime, boston center goal tape, pulse need some massive seizures of counterfeit cash and drugs. the critical debate, punish farmers are angry. people have starving and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments pull, in addition to the highest level, they've been using games for the policy. so let me cut out to him and dave, and course the rivals inside story on al jazeera, the killing of, i'll just return it is shooting of a hawk. there was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press
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freedom of turn in the skilled ones doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction that the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalists killed in the occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding anyone accountable for the death shooting the messenger on 0 to 0, examining the headlines, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience, explorer and abundance of world class programming. on alex's era, the the,
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you want to know this here in mind about top stores. now this is where the strikes of killed the 2nd palestinians and the southern city of reference, thousands more died in central and southern areas. it brings a total number of palestinians killed since the war began to almost 34000 the head of the humans agency for palestinian refugees has appealed to the security council for protection. the doesn't mean he says that it's going to consist of the efforts, dismantled, and an end the refugee status of a 100. a students at columbia university new york of gather, to quote on the institution to cut ties with these rel, university's presidents has appeared before a congressional committee to respond to allegations of anti semitism on campus for sicily. me has this report from you, of hundreds of columbia university students flooded the campus in the early morning hours before dawn, setting up 60 tabs and what they describe as an encampment of solidarity with gaza
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. they say that they are going to stay in these tents on campus until the university divest from israel. this is a continuation of a discussion and a debate. and a movement that has been happening over here on columbia is campus, but in campuses around the country. and it happens as the president of the university, a woman by the name of a new shot peak, is in washington dc, testifying before a house. republicans subcommittee on anti semitism on her campus, something that she hardly denies. she says that the university has uh, same primarily peaceful protests and that they are working to make sure that all students feel safe. there's a lot of debate among students about that on campus, but the palestinian, the protesting and demonstrators that we spoke to say that if anything, they are the ones who are being threatened and harassed,
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they have been threatened with suspension for this demonstration, which is ongoing. on the campus so far, no arrests, but a heavy police presence around the kansas. as you can see in new york. the result. so crisis, routing, conservatives are on cost to in the most seats. so wednesdays parliamentary election or the exit polls suggest the ration, you know, as before, sort of an outline majority is closest arrive is a sent to left coordination that by the social democrats you will say across manufacturer. boeing is in the spotlight again. the u. s. congress is holding back to about hearings to examine the safety phases on the companies across last month. so 787, the dream line. s line from sidney to oakland. lane to into a sudden dive, entering 150 passengers. industry officials told the wall street journal newspaper, the plunge was likely caused by a switch being activated by accident on the pilot's chair,
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pushing him forwards into the controls. in january bowing, it's 737 max 9 planes were grounded and after door panel blew out on alaska airlines flight, it was forced to make an emergency landing safety inspect to say boats were missing for one. but an employee has now come forward and has testified to a set of parent quality engineer. so i'm a sign up for raise questions about the safety issues on the aircraft. i'm not here today because i want to be here. i'm here today because i felt that i must come forward because i do not want to see another 787. i do not want to see 787 or 7, triple 7, crash. i have serious concerns about the safety of the 787, and triple 7 aircraft. and i'm willing to take on professional risk to talk about them. i have analyzed boeing's own data to conclude that the company's taking manufacturing short cuts on the 787 program that may significantly reduce the
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airplane safety to and the live cycle. since 2013, that had been serious issues on the 78th things on program. not properly closing thousands of gaps in its assembly of the few slots on major jones customs officials and set a goal of caesar rec, hold $8000000.00 worth of fake bank notes. separately, officers car, we got a sizable drunk bust. was all parts of a drive to fight crime and corruption by sending goals newly elected government. it was hot reports from the capital one record seizure after the other. this is the latest by sending goals to police. these black notes are fake money worth $5000000000.00 say if i francs or the equivalent of about $8000000.00 found in the back of a car parked at the small guest house since. and it goes southern region of cuz i'm on this video circulating or social media appears to show how the notes are
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transformed into counterfeit us dollars. using powder and chemicals for man have interested to have them foreigners. this comes days after one ton of cocaine, worse than nearly $150000000.00 was found hidden in the back of a truck. both of these record seizures come from tip offs from whistle blowers, sending goals new government has made fighting corruption. a priority must have a pledge made by its new young president, but sir, would you might find the young guys. it is not that they will promptly initiate a bold policy of economic and financial good governance by a relentless, the combat and corruption penal repression of the tax fraud and the elicit financial flows. protecting whistleblower is fighting against embezzlement and public funds and money laundering. my bet is a and before the elections fall, you know, probably minutes to spend some co were sent to prison after they denounce state
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corruption in the criminal activities of previous government officials. the court saw their claims as defamation. fine sancho want to introduce a new law to protect whistle doors. okay. and there is a culture for no one really wants to denounce legal activities because it's not easy given the reprisals. so to have a little that can protect whistle blowers of what it can encourage others to break the silence and reveal crime scene and goals. new leadership is asking all of those who have stolen from the state to return the money or face justice. custom officials, as well as government authorities who were once accused of being corrupt or ignoring crime, now appear eager to show they are doing their work for a senegalese public that wants to see an end to impunity. nicholas hawk alger 0, the car police a rated the largest squats in france, 100 days ahead of the power. so lympics $450.00 migraine square,
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evicted from the abandoned warehouse. and the southern sum of all the capital is the most well documented on moving move to camps outside of paris, tyrese's se evictions have been steadily increasing. not concerned by the lack of adequate shelter or with this is gains just around the corner. there's increasing speculation at the host city for the 2032, and then fix may not be up for the challenge of hosting. and they just supporting event for o'clock reports from prison in australia, a green with a touch of gold, 100 days out from paris, estrada your husband, vile. it's olympic uniform in id is brisbin. we'll get it's 10 to host the summer olympics. item percent of the vin, these are in place, but plans to build a new one and a half $1000000000.00 stadium at the city gather cricket ground have now being dumped and an independent review recommending a new stadium stating 55000 people. be built at this in
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a city park has also been abandoned. the games need to fit within the region and the queens and governments as the re, regions, government, the state government for city government. they need to decide what's best for them . instead of near construction, the sides, government has chosen to upgrade existing facilities and roads to ryan in spending these 50 year old stadium will host the athletics, the spot criticism from some athletes that it's not up to olympic standards. the opening and closing ceremonies will be held here at the sun coach stadium, with $1000000000.00 upgrade to increase capacity. indian. these are these all decisions to be made by the communities for the communities long to and then when you have the support of communities unit, you minimize the risk of loss. and that's very important, as well as the confusion as to which facilities will be used at the 2052 brisbin lympics. last month the queen's on premier was forced to deny speculation that he
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had sold advice on canceling the olympics. a decision that would come of the cost of up to half a $1000000000.00 in compensation. it's these cost either runs and confusion. that's less the people have brisbin questioning if they want the games at all. so i think it's going to be good for business on concerned the government as to whether they've got the ducks in a row. but i think it'd be great preparation for the tourism and all international athletes coming to australia and all of the money or that would come into the economy. queensland, it's just on the, on the 6 month day sites, the same elsewhere in australia as well. you know, we've seen this sort of attitude elsewhere. we sold a victorian premiere from a for to room permit. den andrews dumpling come with games and he got away with that, that too much collaborative criticism. and you talked to people in queensland and they're not interested in mainland fix. the cities load mir and the president limpid committee refused, and also to talk on camera. vice however said the city is on track for 2030 to 0
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o'clock out to 0 person. the other is next then inside story with x, i'm in the pocket stones expulsion of the gun, refugees, summer, lived in the country for decades. please stay with us here. the the hello. well, this state of emergency has been declared and pockets done all has to do with the floods. we've seen them in the north, at what weather now. sliding into below just on province as well. also been flooding in eastern afghanistan, that includes in cobble, all of this wet weather is slid out of the gulf. we know this one's been packing a punch. we've seen the flooding right across the gulf. and now those scenes are being repeated and both, i've gone. it's gone and focused on and more what, whether to go on thursday. here's how this story goes in india. it's
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a hot and humid one, both for the east and the west coast. all has to do with the winds here. first coming off the arabian sea, and then coming off the bay and then call that's pumping in a lot of humidity. so it is feeling like 40 in many places. also keeping with that same of wind off the south china sea here that gives us humidity for china is had an island in northern vietnam, but it also sparks them severe thunderstorms. pretty much anywhere from you know in providence right into one down, dark in the blue and the yellow. the more intense that rain is falling. well, japan skews you. island just getting clipped with a bit of rain here on thursday. it's also gonna kick back a bit of what weather into tokyo with a height of $21.00 degrees and biggest burst of rain and into an easy on thursday will be forced to bounce around. and so the ways the islands see it later, i the, the latest news as it breaks around, han has given
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a cause that people have just come out in large numbers, galvanized public to the board with detailed coverage. but the recent prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have. why is paul castanan expelling? african refugees have kind of stones as the move is a legal pockets done and assistance for security reasons. is this politically motivated and how will telephone officials deal with the many thousands of people who may be arriving? this is inside store the hello that on james phase. hundreds of thousands of ass guns to being forced to
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leave pockets still on his part of the government. cranked down many of lives for decades and consider that home. but the.


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