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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a sweet 100 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. i don't most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the in widespread destruction and gauze, or at least 20 people are killed, as is right in strikes destroy palestinian homes in the north, the district. another strike. it's an unrest school building and they all show it to you. refugee county getting 4 people to ensure the other ones are in jordan, this is obviously are a lie from don't also coming off of the head of the us agency for palestinian refugees appeals to the security council for protection warning against israel's
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efforts to dismantle unreal teaching the seas and i was own will take you to make sure the kindergarten and casa for children, learn as is there any pro, display of ahead? of us re imposing sanctions on venezuelan oil off of the main opposition candidates was found from this is the beginning. gaza with these ready ministry has carried out a series of ass strikes across the street at least 70 palestinians, including 3 children, had been killed in the southern city of russia. that's removing one point. 5000000 possibly describes people trying to seek shelter in julian conditions described by a boot as catastrophic in the middle of the district of the 7 alice dims where
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killed them to shake rod one neighborhood. 13 of those were killed nearby off to on his randy as frank on a residential building is read also talking to the unrest school located in the l shante camp in northern gauze, at least for palestinians were killed the children also among the dead. meanwhile, accusations of torture blind folding and strip searches coming out of northern garza displaced palestinian sheltering at a school in bay till noon site is ready. troops besieged the building, carrying out a campaign of mass arrests before they withdrew. intel because already reports from data by law in central gulf, a lot of a lot of men's and women's clothing, little above those roads in between noon and nothing cause all the items left in the dirt after what policy use describe as a campaign of mass over as. busy but is there any forces anybody missed? yeah, and the father and mother of these really soldiers rounded up all the man in the
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area. some were ordered to run for their lives. others stripped hancock to the blindfolded and brought to the spot for interrogation somewhere? interrogated myself, included, and were tortured and abused. before these rallies withdrew, they destroyed the school building, sheltering people before withdrawing from the area as well as military, both those roads and destroyed food or keats and olive trees. as one journalist in the area uncovered to them talking to from a tenuous exactly from the show us cause the this way, the forces besieged this quote for more than 24 hours. and this is cool. there's really forces conducted a detailed search and it can be of service thing and they also investigated with own people. and also if it is who i should think and this is cool, where homes ones do it. all that remains is rebel, displace palestinians returning to the area,
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find few reminders of the lives they once knew of the model of, of the destruction has affected us greatly. less the full story house and another area within the city. enough to that we would displace to another full areas with their homes destroyed. many palestinians have been trying to find child. no clues on latree news is where the bomb being in the past few days has created even more difficulties for those trying to burn their lives. hundreds of families have flood a tenuous since the latest is reading patient in search of another place to sign. so as to know the law is the men were rounded up, taken in groups, while women and children were stripped off all their belongings. we were all civilians taking shelter in school building hallway. where should we go? tell us, where should we go? 2 of these palestinians are displeased once again,
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many are wondering whether anything will be left is rose, military may have withdrawn, but for these policies to use, the damage is already done in the city address either to the central cause of as the not to mention says roughly 80 percent of gaza schools have been destroyed since the world began putting palestinian children's education in jeopardy. but one kindergarten and southern gaza has kept the closet is going by pitching a tent up. there's really air strikes destroyed the building for the economy poles and it makes shift the classroom. he kind of units palestinian children practice their reading the the home of his really drones overhead doesn't dump in there on tuesday as those drones alongside the rest of israel's arsenal. have destroyed schools across, gather, forcing these children to learn and attend the,
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the name that i learned in this tent as an alternative to the ro, kindergarten. and it was bombarded, i don't like learning and attempt, i want to be in a proper kindergarten. the old one i used to go to, he's released, have destroyed that kindergarten, and i wish it would come back, but they don't have a permanent school to go to kindergarten running these classes says it's doing what i can to help them continue to study. i think i can. a remove all the ideas this initiative is to highlight education. everyone else is focusing primarily on entertainment with focusing on kids education, which has been neglected for almost 7 months to enable them to read and write in the circumstances we are experiencing here to you and says close to 400 schools across guys. there are known to have been damaged and the actual number is likely higher. those that remain are being used as shelters for displace
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palestinians. the children here at the royal kindergarten aren't just missing as on the learn. many are missing families and carrying trauma. my name is, must a med was displaced from garza to russell. my father remained in garzo and he was killed. i came to this kindergarten to learn an inside this tent palestinian children and get a rare chance to live as they did before. israel's invasion of cavities, but the war still awaits them at side. for the a car, which is here at the head of the humans agency, if a palestinian refugees as appealed to the security council for protection sleep. eliza really says there's been a concerted effort to dismantle on right at a time when its work is more crucial than ever. early this year the agency lost some of its funding up to is really to some of its employees of involvement. and the october 7th, the tax, i would just say it was gabled,
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at least on the report. some you and a headquarters in new york. i ask you all to rise of diplomats and the un security council. pause for a moment of silence for aid workers killed in these reels wore on. gotcha. over the past 6 months, after the reflection, the focus shifted to the work of unreal and israel's attempt to dismantle and discredited. the government of east was $62.00, and $1.00 was activities. agencies requests to deliver it to the noise, repeatedly denied all stuff above from coordination meetings between israel and mandatory and actors luxury and he said is rio is also limiting. unrest staff movements in the west bank and it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep schools and how centers they're open. israel's ambassador to the un said unwrapped should be defended and shut down. honora is creating
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a sea of palestinian refugees, millions of them indoctrinated to believe that is rarely belongs to them. phone calls for own was closer and not about the difference to inventory principles. just called about ending the rest of the state use of median of palestinian acquisition. that's only what deliberately perpetrates risk reduce states use a false dishonest. the agency exists because a political solution does not stop before the meeting, jordans for administer said israel's attempts to dismantle unrest. go back many years long before october 7 under what has been the target to of a political assassination campaign by and is there a government that wants to do so in order to kill the palestinian refugees issued
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in january, israel accused 12 unreal staff members of taking part in the october 7th attack to this day is real, has provided no evidence to back up those claims to either the head of unrest or to be un secretary general. never the less the secretary general has ordered 2 investigations into the matter. one is concluded, and the results are expected to be released publicly on monday. gabriel's under. how does it at the united nations in new york? what chris goodness is a former unrest spokesman. he says israel criticism of the organization is dishonest and politically motivated. this is based on a lie, it's this oldest. and that line is that if you get rid of the, you suddenly magically get rid of the 5900000 refugees that are registered with under. but of course, it's not gonna disappear at this very minute. these would remain human beings with,
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in a novel rights, the rights which a cation, the right to health, the right, to a broad range of political rights, including the right to self determination. so that's the law. that's the political lie that underlies this attack. be led by israel and because as well as one member of a 195 plus members of the general assembly, which steve it's mandates, volleyball, original side as we were hearing from your correspondence in new york, the tax bureaucratic, plenty of the headquarters building, for example, in the west bank, the lease of memphis being questions the bank accounts which as well which summer use this is all those also being questions. and then the questions of permits and bases in god will save you some of the 22nd of march of law from a convoy to the north and the implications of that of the 300000 people. that cool, already facing salvation will split the into salt lake sheet. for many on the
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employees arrested by is running guns that have accused is ready forces of torturing them while they were held in detention. the us state department's not quoting for full investigation, we are aware of this recent report, but the un put out highlighting communities allegations of extensive human rights abuses were deeply concerned by these reports and will continue to press and engage directly with our is really a partners on the need for a full investigation into these allegations and accountability for any perpetrators . uh, but beyond that, i don't have any specific conversations to read out. we of course are in touch with our is really partners. i'm all time, but broadly then we continue to call on all parties in the region, calling israel to do more, to protect humanitarian aid workers, to improve the conflictions mechanisms, and to pursue full accountability for incidence of harm against dave workers. now
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your opinion leaders have announced new sanctions on iran, offered the attack on these ran on saturday to around says that a tank was in response to these really bumming of it's conflict in damascus. 2 weeks, it us a den this attacked by the one against east west. we have decided to put to essentially, to put in place the sentence against the new one. so if a clear signal that we want to to send it's, we also want to do everything to protect the savings interested in life, not us. we tool on the release, we thought editor. this is a for hostages, which one of the ceasefire images a ceasefire. students at new york's columbia university have staged a pro palestinian setting. the protest came was the university's president appeared before congress to testify and allegations the campus has become a rife with anti semitism. christians sending the triple students flooded the main
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lawn of the columbia university campus before dawn, setting up dozens of tents and what they've described as a cause of solidarity and cabinet. they're calling on the university to completely divest from israel. their active protests coinciding with university president mot shop peaks testimony before a congressional subcommittee in washington d. c. today. house republicans the university has faced accusations of anti semitism by some house republicans columbia, as leadership refuses to enforce their own policies and condemn jewish hatred on campus. creating a breeding ground for anti semitism and a hot bed of support for terrorism from radicalized faculty and students. the university president said the vast majority of campus protests have been peaceful. anti semitism has no place on our campus and i am personally committed to doing everything i can to confront it directly. i have
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a police presence here at columbia university barricades have been set up all around the campus and they won't let media or anyone without a school id beyond the gates. and you can see that some demonstrators now have actually set up outside of the gates as well as on campus, like other colleges in the united states. columbia has seen regular demonstrations, some in support of israel, but the loudest and most persistent had been protest calling for a ceasefire. some jewish students told us they feel threatened, recognizing past getting suffering, shouldn't mcgee, too, or something. but that's what we've seen. you've seen that the immunization of choosing is really on campus, but those who kept on the lawn wednesday say they're the ones being harassed by the university. now because of the encampment leave, they will be suspended from school. this young woman said she was afraid to give her name or show her face. i'm afraid that the university will of tentatively
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attacked me for participating in the pro palestinian movements as they have indiscriminately attacked students of all estimates of these races and face who supports post ending with ration demonstrator say they won't stop protesting as long as civilians are dying and gaza and until the university ends with they describe as its complicity in genocide. kristin salumi alger 0 new york time for a short break here. now just here, when we come back, electricity is russian in equity. why the government's huntington post power cuts in major searching? sometimes i have serious concerns about the safety of the 787 and triple 7 aircraft. and i'm willing to take on professional risk to talk about having is on the screw to meet again. what's the blower tells us senate? the company is building defective across more nice things. the
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hello good news. it's much calmer. picture across us the radiant peninsula. good to see. so here's the forecasts on thursday. know what weather really to speak of except in young men. so as a result, those temperatures are now starting to climb, i think for saudi arabia's make a profit and we will see sun spots reach 40 degrees on thursday. closer look, shows us. yep. plenty of sun in the forecast that includes for us here and they'll have $31.00 degrees. all the weather has slid across the gulf of all mine has pushed into iran, afghanistan, and bucket stone. it's produced flooding in eastern afghanistan, and northern focused on, in fact, focused on has declared a state of emergency because of how bad it has been. what, whether sites in to that western side of the circle? yeah, that includes is stumble with the height of $21.00 degrees and keeping with this theme of when we've lost the sea breeze. so that means temperatures and both new
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oxide and bond. joe will be about 40 degrees on thursday. at one point, all of kenya was under an alert for a heavy rainfall. is this back to see much of the same for tanzania as well with those wind scooping up that moist, dropped the indian ocean and dumping it right along the coast. there had been, some foggy, starts of the day for south africa's western coast. but cape town, looking good. plenty of sun into forecast for you on thursday of the to. but nature's biological rhythms. heat, the percentage ultimate but this is not to, it's countless killing works of ality official light, allowing industrialized agriculture defies seasonal and geographic constraints. witness shed slice on the impact of emerging cultivation on the natural world to which we even know sleepless bags. on tuesday era,
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the welcome back here watching out. just a quick reminder about top stories here this hour. it's really s try. some of the city of roughly garza has killed up in 7 dozens more died another southern and the central air is at the strip to the number of other students killed since the war began so much 54 hours ahead of the u. n. 's agency for palestinian refugees of appeal to the security council for protection. leave the lesser reading says there's been a consent of an effort to dismantle and the refugee status of millions. now in georgia, around 20000 and protest as of riley's in the capital to please see against the new
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so called foreign influence. low the proposed legislation passed its 1st hurdling parliament as opposition and peas, boycotted the vote. the lawyer were required organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as far an agent's opponent said, resembles a restrictive russian little pro europeans argue it may undermine georgia's bid you membership to the bottom. introduction in croatia has been won by the routing conservative party, but the 60 seats secured by the age these that is 6 feet of them the last election, and not enough to form a majority. 5 minutes to andre plank of which is set for top kind of nation talks. lucky with the far right groups to form a government said the also to as of tomorrow morning, we will begin the process of forming a new pilot main true majority in order to form our 3rd government meet them all.
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of course, we're going to continue with that policy, which over the past 8 years, is protected probation. citizens from crises preserve the christ and economy, and enabled us, which is a series of strategic objectives both at home and abroad. now the british governments planned to deport asylum seekers drill one that has had another stumbling block in parliament for the 4th time. the upper house of lords rejected legislation needed for the go ahead. both houses of parliament need to agree the wedding before attempt to come. no, i'm flights to run the can begin. none. i've taken off so far because of legal challenges to the conservative governments, flagship policies in order to reduce the number of asylum seekers arriving. and he has not been active states has reinstated oil sanctions against venezuela's government arguing it has not met conditions. the whole fed uncompetitive elections of the us all companies, chevron will be allowed to continue a joint venture with the venezuelan stage oil company. i'll just say it was locked in america, edits us to see a new and ripples decision to reimpose oil sanctions against venezuela was the late
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the us response to president nichol estimate buddhist decision to ben. his most competitive opponents from renting and july's presidential elections. brutal and his representatives prevented the democratic opposition from registering the candidate of their choice. harris and intimidated political opponents and, and justly detained. numerous political actors and members of civil society says the us state department, head of the us announcement president, my rudo showed his disdain for american sanctions aimed at forcing him to allow competitive elections. caveon settled on you by wanting to home us. you home yourselves with going ahead of a weasel without a license. we owned a yankee colony. we owned your colony in this way that will move on with its economic pace. no one will stop us mister yankee. know that
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the renewal of sanctions against the country with the world's largest oil reserves is not as devastating as it may sound. according to venezuela's, royal minister who says he expects the us treasury to allow companies to request individual licenses for the oil sector. not this does not impact our economy, a tool on the country. there's maximum stability and maximum greg smoke. anything in the bible administration concedes that more than a decade of harsh economic, political, and financial sanctions against my brutal have failed to dislodge him. in fact, pushing him closer to us adversaries like russia, china, and iran. and in the wake of the russia, ukraine conflict. the white house admits that it was hurting its own economy by banning but as wayland oil production and sales. the elections which are expected to reinstate president. my brutal for a 3rd consecutive term are being widely criticized by the international community.
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but even with the re and position of some us oil sanctions, they're likely to go on ahead as planned. see, and human algebra present in president and movies and ask the sofa is in columbia to meet president gustavo, petro. they discussed the political situation in venezuela. they had of elections in july, and they also signed corporation deals on fighting crime, hunger and human trafficking, alessandro and pitcher reports now from baba, tough of the 2 presidents samantha playing bobo on wednesday at a time. and which the region isn't golf in counseling, diplomatic and security crisis. and they've addressed some of those crisis. and they are meeting at the end of their meeting talking to the press up the president of the column. it was have a 5th row said that in particular they spoke about haiti and that they went to work to gather a to help find that democratic solution out of the security crisis there. they also
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spoke about venezuela in the upcoming election saying that they have already proposed to the president of any. so let me class them, i do it in the opposition, the possibility of a plebiscite to ensure the safety of whoever will lose the next elections there. it'll give you the most of the young lady see, it has to do with the possibility of a play besides during the coming elections and the guarantee, a democratic pact to ensure that the life and political rights of whoever loses are guaranteed. the 2 countries also signed a number of a trade in develop mindset agreements on a wide ranging number of issues and presidents, new life, in particular, insisted on the need to increase economic integration between columbia and brazil at to spearhead the larger integration in the region. a seal. so
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a new relationship between brazil and columbia is bold. a new way of handling this relationship is bone. and you mentality for entrepreneurs is bone to help convert as into 2 great nations that can attend all the demands. and the aspirations of millions of colombians, brazilians finally front and center was the issue of the ice on the amazon rain forest. that the 2 countries said they were working together to save that. also now seeing a series of new agreements in both security and development of the region to protect the environment the they're something that the 2 countries will present that to next to united nations biodiversity conference that will be held here in the columbia city of cotton. in october, alison that i'm 50 just the book with us. now the government in columbia has grappling with a severe energy and was
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a crisis. april long drought has reduced the countries reservoirs to less than 30 percent to the user level. most of columbia is energy comes from hydro, electric sources, and the government have to suspend its electricity exports to neighboring equity or to avoid blackouts at home. the echo is also suffering from a drought link to the el nino without pots and then the government has begun to rush thing electricity in full. it's major cities. i'll just say with stories about ripples white squid power that's impacting everything from street lights, to homes and businesses on tuesday, a quite old declared and natural emergency and began rationing electricity for us to the new and novel of land. because when the lack of planning and corruption by the previous administrations and then ongoing drought or so when i see them for that, we took a strong decision once again because it's necessary, which is to declare the country's energy sector to be in the state of emergency of
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us before the resignation of the minister will cover 50 percent of the electricity bill for households for the month of april. i don't even know who i highlighted the severity of the situation by implicating saboteurs and threatening severe consequences for anyone involved in disrupting the country's power supply. the drought is happening because of patterns linked to the weather phenomenon and new that are decreasing the countries the rest of wars to historic lows of this week. neighboring columbia actually deals with severe drought hold electricity. exports to make what order restaurant toner cutting. but it always says, without electricity, it's going to be a huge challenge to run her business. the effect of a sudden, the full effect quite a lot because you know that in restaurants we have products that can boil. if electricity shuts down all the time, it affects us. besides the restaurant requires electricity, because we need to blend for juices, it affects us quite
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a lot. it's not clear how long the power cuts we left on wednesday, the government order all public and private workers to stay home for the next few days for maybe more at least, who owns a store in the capital key to the decision hertz. her bottom line came up for that and then i left a center. i can serve people because it's dark. you can make the payment work. it affects me a lot because i need to keep the store closed 2 days in and i've seen fewer clients . people come in but leave to see is doc preston and noble. i had promised financial power cuts when he passed an energy little earlier this year. 3 months later, the power cuts are back with no end in sight city. so we'll just see this made climate change is being blamed for the heat wave and the so hello region of west africa and this month. the world where the attribution says, temperatures would have been 1.4 degrees celsius. lower fossil fuels have not been banned worldwide. the partial group also says the extreme heat in west africa was
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at once in a 200 year event. but the trend will continue of the us that cost manufacturer, boeing is facing increase scrutiny off to a series of accidents. and manufacturing site is us sentences held back to back hearings on wednesday to investigate across the safety site is a company engineer, and we'll do a toll send. it says that he's seen alarming deficiencies on assembly lines and boeing is producing defective aircraft. i have always the size of a human hair can be a matter of a life and that in a rise to address the its bottlenecks in production. boeing had problems pushing pieces together with the excessive force to make him appear that the gaps don't exist even though they exist. the gap didn't actually go away, and this made result in pretty mature for the failure. effectively, they are putting out effective airplanes. well in dallas i for my national transportation.


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