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tv   People Power Israels Foreign Army  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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is incumbent upon minnesota, andre plank. eventual have to enter into talks to confirm a majority that was controlled vesee. though often the president decided to run for the prime minister's job. the full resigning his post. his center left social democrats came in 2nd with 42 seats. police and fonts have rated the largest costa account a 100 days ahead of the powers olympics. $450.00 migrants, including refugees, were evicted from an abandoned warehouse and a southern suburbs of capital. and it's believe that most of them were documented and they will be moved to camps outside paris, northern side as well. so it's good. there are lots of children who go to school that you who grow not. there are lots of people who work. in fact, most of them are fighting to fitted and they'd like to stay in paris. some of them are okay. they're going to move to the region. they're going to get on the buses. and there are still others who left last night because they no longer expect much from these operations supposed to. they're going to try and find solutions
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elsewhere. police and canada have arrested 6 people as part of what they're calling the largest gold highest in the country's history. some $16000000.00 worth of gold and currency went missing. as an account of the congress facility in toronto a year ago. police say the suspects and building to kind of a walk is forced an air waybill to steal the congress that arrived from switzerland . a south just still on for 3 more people vote to be involved on peru has turned the metal from thousands of confiscated weapons into a playground and an open engine. as far as you say, they've melted down more than 6000 guns and use them to create swings and exercise machines. children and adults are now able to enjoy the new equipment and the name and neighborhood that has previously been affected by extreme gun violence. steve, was that across manufacturer, boeing is facing increased governance cruise any off to a series of accidents and manufacturing fan is us senate has held back to back
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meetings on wednesday to investigate aircraft safety faults. a company engineer and was over the told senators that he lost that management of alarming deficiencies on assembly lines. but he had been told to be quiet so kind of corruptions and northern indonesia has forced thousands of people to leave their homes. bound for long, fast stuff and spewing ashton smoke on tuesday and then they're up to 4 times on wednesday. and another airport in the capitol of no sort of waste. the province has also been closed to protect against showers of ash, expense, fee of that pause of the volcano could collapse into the sea and cause us to know me. well that's it for me and associates. hey, i'll be back with one year is often people in the house. stay with the award winning deb investigations. they give compelling insights into
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toes to from asia and the pacific one. 0, one east. on out just sierra the says up to the 7th, 2023 is reading and a true rates and sec, lavonne and search in the occupied westbank. hundreds of palestinians have been killed in thousands in more than a dozen countries, including the us. i've condemned the violence. the watch house us even allow sanctions because several is right in the settlements. tens of thousands of americans live in illegal settlement. and many sub in the is really ministry. people empower investigates. the role us citizens play in israel's occupation and settlements expansion the
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the some of the car they know of you believe it back to the hundreds of his release or attending this pro, rally in jerusalem, supporting the bombardments of golf assault right settlers and american jewel, national things on top of that here in the united states to send these and restrictions on the island. so this doesn't really because the relationship between the united states,
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the occupation on specialist one state was challenge sharla. copying the call back, i'll be in the slide deck a about the destruction i knew literally it's a whole lot or a very new i be the charlie. so yeah, that's a yeah. they asked me to lose. yeah. and that's the barble. in february 2024 to mounting pressure, us president joe biden issued an executive order functioning for a freight assessment, accused of violence and intimidation against palestinian since then both federalist i'm supplements is being added to the list, but the us remains, israel's place has to political ally and continues to give it more military aid than any other country in the world. mister president meeting was our united war cabinet to lead as well to victory. israel has the right and i would add that
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responsibility to respond to the slaughter of the people. and we will ensure israel has what it needs to defend itself against these terrace, the relationship with the united states and as well. and one sentence how, what did you say? new scripts read the destroyer. ok. the more to both party they exports thinking a little bit more like in the united states. right there for us to be shot the. so as we're taking a look at happened, we have to we have to draw the line and say they don't understand the strange the state power. so. 4 you smack them picture in the face and knock them down and didn't even tell you everything we showed you was fighting for
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the idea. and that puts us in the position as well. and so how mazda test, on october 7th, one, at least $1139.00, were killed. and 240 people taken hostage. israel has carried out one of the most intensive foaming campaigns against the populated area and history. so far, killing at least that to $3408.00 to $2.00 people and displacing 8 to 5 percent of the population does need a lot of coverage about accusations the war crimes are being committed by the v is really boston. do you think that that is an issue that the american jewel, national to be in an army that causes accusation plugins. these rollings were choose your prize whether, whether we commit them or not. we have suffered so many our guys
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battle because don't go in carpet bonds the way they got the building was the death truck wash or just knock it down. absolutely free. i'm not of the human rights groups accused. he is ready military, collective punishments, arbitrary executions, torture and starvation. israel continues to blame him off for his actions, while the usb towed multiple coals by the un for a ceasefire. and despite biden's executive order, palestinians living under occupation save, they faced increasing restrictions or movements while 2nd was accused of violence and drawing near in punitive settlers and was ready citizens who live in the west bank and east jerusalem palestinians have
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a tree which has been occupied by as well since 1967. so we're now around 700000 specialist, the 3000000 palestinians who the ministry long since october 7th, more than 400 and said to call us to me and be killed by his very soul. just all such lives in the occupied west by 29 year old zachary and add to the end of it himself. but he ought to a collection of palestinian villages, which have faced years of attacks and systematic force. displacements by his ready settlers. i'm the military on the 13th of october, settler shelton in the stomach. he now has trouble walking in a tank and is in constant pain that's associated with the of the, the news, i'm sorry, my southern stockton, the, the, some of them the image in the,
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in the services the inside of your so my 2nd man as you will have the title of the hordes to month, they get the easy who have hopefully the weakness a lot of names though, and it's like a non it's definitely something to get. could you describe that moment? did you know what was happening to the some of the who i am so sorry, i didn't, they come in and assessed and the model is moving figures because you're not in front of them. so i didn't that once i got the sense out simple time initial fraud, i send you a button and i know how busy the model tell you not kinda touch this house on or sign what i call cool. got can got. oh gosh, i don't know. yeah. and then i can see if anybody else have something nicholas, let me know some of that and i'm shave what is happening now in this way. i
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remember how to log in with such and such, but then somebody knew how much is a plumbing one item. so the, so how does the, how do i need to know that they've started with the teen? zachary, assess the sheets i came from the direction of have asthma on an illegal outpost in the southern have on hills. right. squeaks say it has a history of violent harassments of palestinians. yes, according to recent media, reports has received private us funding. this isn't uncommon. us residents of funding of millions of dollars of tax deductible donations and illegal settlements, which violate international law play a significant role in the expulsion of palestinians from the land a around 20 filaments, his nose is heavy and city. one of the stock is symbols of the occupation. it's homes around 200000 palestinians, and 1000 federalist utah from mona's has supplements answer expansions to is ready campaign group peace. now, in order to protect this small group of settlers inside the front of state and city,
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the is riley army seat and whole neighborhoods from the presence of palestinians, the heart of the old city where you had all the shops are closed for 30 years already full palestinians and there are parts of the streets that they are not even allowed to walk since october 7th. the whole area became even more restricted, for instance i, as i was walking up here, i saw the police station house where the roof of it is taking as a military post. what? so they just take over the roof of the home and they have a military order. it's called the caesar older, and the come under. so i need this property for the security of the area. and i take it temporarily. so this family has to eat, sleep, go about the day while there is an occupying force on that roof. sometimes it's
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not only on the roof, sometimes it can be in, in the next room. all of it is for the security needs. certainly our interview is interrupted. so every time we do an interview web net with soldiers, they're sent here. i believe, to check if swear, a threat to whatever i need to see already. yeah, most of the vision sold is really governmental video. they know that we're here. ok, it's telling me yes, i'm just a as well just so you're not the guy here and the fema a cynthia terrace smells is 0. we have to make sure you and what is your accident from michigan, michigan. okay. as to checking on what documents they finally left, what was really interesting is i just spoke to one of the folders and he told me
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that he was from michigan. and a jewel national. how many of the settlements that you're talking about of funded by us residents? we couldn't really know how much money is going directly from funds of charities, american charities to settlements. there are many settlements that get funds from charities in america. you can also look at, you know, the americans give his red x amount of billions for our security. so a freeze, excessive amount of billions for other causes for it as well. so you can say that this in directly supports the settlements. do you think that there's any desire to try and limit people living on land size? it seemed illegal internationally. i don't see this still in the united states, any big position to the very settlements. what we saw is like
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the 1st step, and i think it's not insignificant, it is an important step. and it puts a lot of political pressure within his room. and it's bringing the issue of secular violence to the headlines in his room, which is something very, very significant. but of course, this was not the end, the occupation, the soldier we met isn't the only american in the westbank. according to a study by oaks wood university released in 2015, 60000 settlers living in the occupied palestinian territory are also american citizens. that playing a significant role and enforcing the occupation as we travel through the city to meet palestinians. we witness just how difficult it was to move around. there were many is really checkpoints, some denied entry. were trying to find a different route. so i got to the palestinian that lives in this area of hyper on times to the idea how do you guys get in for the gate over there?
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yeah. is that an issue of, i mean, you know, you just did it for to. so this is a situation and have right now there's a lot of security and it's very difficult to move around over there. it's called the red oval, but there's no science on the gate. there's literally no money of the event. so this is a so i'm role he lives on the other side over here. he's a local resident of hebron told us that he was attacks us october. the 7th he's now tries to communicate with a is ready, sold us to see if we can pass through any of them with totally to us in that you, me can somebody come out and look at a legal name. jim is looking this to him best both. so the so that go to the end will okay. because well yeah so, so i was talking about the next test as you just asked the sorry, this is the the lowest.
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so next, so this is the reality of have run i am living here since the autumn of 1718 years. you literally have to get through a dozen soldiers just to get to your home. and people come just come and nobody can come to visit me. when the people who are living inside the area are allowed to come here. so it isn't a good bike, but the thing and land by that is what it is a close. and usually that tech posting in farming is here and you're the tech stuff or you saw me, rose says the on october 7th. he was attacked and detained by both setlist and he's ready soldiers. and 9, the days after his release, he was also forced out to be signed. so we, we put a says claims to the is ready ministry, but we didn't hear back. i was tortured. i was almost killed. i was coming from here to my house the way you you came and sit close in on autumn,
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uniform part of my neighbors i was kidnapped by them. i was kept for the 10 was handcuffed, plentiful, did get beaten sexually assaulted the pointed the gun and put it to my husband, count to 10. i fainted. 2 times without any medical treatment spitting. got to me seeing many of them as but bad things to me, they would send plating torturing me for 10 hours continuously and you thought you were going to die? i. i said good bye to everything. you know. i told that it's my last moment. and recently we've been hearing from the united states from some european countries that they are gonna impart visa restrictions on the settlers. he was convicted of turning out a tax. what did you think when you had this? i can see that it's a kind of a public opinion that fiction, the citizen i think about the thing is already floating, always always to bank the dead, but i think it's because by so it does that include, what are the, and many american citizens here that many american citizens,
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they live here illegally. inside cheaper on a sickness, bishop take them to american costs and to read them as what criminals to be very honest, they should be brought to that. i see nobody was accountable for what happened to me and to many of the statements. and the fitness of not the only one. what of taking boston in these latest villages was simpler than an autumn uniform. that of many zip codes joined the army and the killing posting. if you want 3 d to make them accountable, because of that account, the sitters got a backed up by the government that's supported by the government, the finance, by the way, the government. so let's go off, those are the governments and then stop them and be spent. and all these are these developments according to the technician and the, the, the white house recently with us, the little tons of the policy on israel supplements expansion declaring them
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inconsistent with international law. yes, organizations like the one as well. so i'm an american north of process exempt from federal tax claims x rays, millions of dollars to supplement from us, sent us a message on october 7th. never again is now one of its permanent sub buses. is gabriel books that directly promotes on fundraisers to settlements and is really sold as a shop in february. you also have a company that is really military as it won't cost. yeah, that's all i can say right behind me you cost on any tablets or read that we learn what really they believe extra october 7th we are now approaching the cave of them a lot. this huge structure is the burial place of the patriarchs
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and matriarchs of the jewish people. it's also a holy site, some muslims, the abraham, the most in order to get to around the regions. strict ministry control we met with david and american is ready to will guide. so what do you say says r, as in america, who stated on the shipping mill functions on even the funding of federal or by private us like that? or i think that the people who claim that they support the palestinians are not aware of the facts on the ground, are either being fed misinformation intentionally or imagining a events that are not actually happening. david takes us to my alphabet. it's right access to a highly secured and gated settlement, which has received donations from the one israel fund. around $700.00 central us
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lift and the sprawling. so that in style and luxury community, we met by giving you an aerial, an american is where he says he's lived here to 11 years different places. here's my home. oh yeah. what's your head when i uh, fast, by the way, i get my kids for the way. this is the view that the that sold me on my la cover. my wife has a cousin who lives here and we would come from time to time for the holidays. and the one day our, her husband took me outside and said, you see this house next door, you can have it for 250000 shekels, which was a pittance in the time. why is it important to live in a community like this? well, 1st of all, why is it important to live anywhere a person lives where they want to live? and this is, as you can see, a beautiful place. historically, god promised abraham, this is the land that is going to belong to you and to your children forevermore right here in my backyard. while it's a shall bought tomorrow,
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wish of us. so my wife there right here is preparing for sure. but the book yourself, hey, oh yeah, i was over here in american accent. it's like i what's going on? yeah. like, is we have people here from all different places of the world. we have people here from united states, from russia, from india, from germany, from u. c o p a. yeah, it is just a small community, a 100 families, a whole lot. chang. yeah. who are going to say, what the hell is the americans are being in this one because they are all jews. we are all jews who were exiled from this land about 2000 years ago. we kept that connection to the land for out those millennium. and now, thanks to god, we are coming back to our land if the united nation says that there has to be
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a significant increase in effects from setlist and then also as this area was called by the united nations, an occupation that is illegal under the geneva convention that it is only right for the united states to take actions. how do you respond to that? there's not a legal for me to raise my children here. i'm not bothering anybody else as why i never belong to anybody else who was always state lance. we're going to decide what's best for us. we've established the state which is thriving, which is helping people all over the world. and nobody's gonna tell us where we can grow. so hard is really right sweeps say part of the supplement is built on private palestinian land in august around 500 meters away settlers from an unknown location armed with em, 16 rifles with them physically assaulting a palestinian from how is your feel about potentially having palestinians when he adds a specific, a community is a small community and then wants to stay
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a small community. and we're also all religious jews over here. so don't here, but in other places, the general, it's very important. the jews stay the majority. and we, even though we believe in democracy very much. so we believe in the only place for jews to live in call with their own view and describe settlements and the displacements of palestinians to as a major obstacle to peace in the region. at the heart of this obstacle are american citizens and groups like the one israel fund, one of the settlers accused of violence and sanctioned by the us. i'm the u. k is by usas shown here on the one israel fund website. thank you, ma'am, for donating a drawing. these are the guys we're really responsible for, for venting hair saving lives, fighting the bad guys. funding is often used to support this very power. let me
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speak with surveillance equipment, like driving vehicles and tell me it's missing a lot of equipment. they need to record like now because of all the donations they've been able to people out and thank god to be improving the security of all japan scenario. so thank you all. thank you very much. in the us, that increasing pressure to explicitly found the funding of settlements by group select the one is real fund who did not respond to our repeated requests for comments. for now, american dollars continue to fund settlements and soldiers while palestinians like a stuff, by the front of the occupation. there is a drone up here, just now. do you think they know what doing industry what, what is the latest hitler's, they have drones. defendant us to intimidate us to spy on us and now it's only on us, was there so they're filming, as they are physically. gus? no, it happens almost every day. when even i have visitors, i have the and you're not as well on here. it's
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a kind of death we are watching you that. what do you think america needs to do? a medical needs to uh, what kind of to punish that. is there any government to punish the? is there any is it loves the those and to punish those? what 80 uh, if elements, organizations and angels, and even to start with themselves 1st to stop the 3 point $8000000000.00 a 2 days in the military every year. and making the things, you know, the ending does a completion and ending there's a, there's a lot of violence and ending. there's a about a tied here, and they should start with their own people to stop them from funding. that is what it is. it was the tourist here, it's really important that they should start the 1st in their own countries that goes into the league of the
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how do you manage diaz, open the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on just the, you know, the
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vouchers solutions that gives us know for a future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education, we want to go great. because the women in my country, the not sweet to come up to on we are not the night all or 2. we are human beings on this earth to be trees and the coins. we are working in their thoughts, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before,
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can be done even better. as long as the human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you the, the more widespread destruction and garza, another 56 palestinians, are killed in the past 24 hours. hello, i'm installing the attain. this is out of there at life from doha also coming. another school is attacked in northern garza for people are killed that all the agencies lead a pleads for protection in new york. the.


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