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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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that has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision. this key is you to the more widespread destruction and garza and all the 56 palestinians are killed in the past 24 hours. hello, i missed all of your time. this is out of here at life from don't also coming. and the school is attacked in northern garza for people are killed, that all the agencies need a pleads for protection and your, your patience. and i wrote,
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he says it's the troops are ready to help pay g. but some kenyans are questioning the decisions at the point. and the venezuelan president dismisses us decision to reimpose oil sanctions. thing the economy can survive on the well, these really ministry has been carry out more strikes across garza, more than 50 people have been killed in the past 24 hours in the southern city of ross, at least 12 palestinians, including 3 children, were killed within one and a half 1000000 people who been forced to be displaced on living in that city. they are in your, in conditions described by 8 agencies as catastrophic mean, well in dollars a city that teen palestinians were killed when it is really striking, a residential building and alger lost. and israel also targeted in unrest. school
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located in the us chassis account in northern garza, at least full palestinians, were killed that and children are among the dead. well, that's good. well, correspondents on the ground, tarka was there and he's in rafa and southern garza tarik. you've been talking to us for days now about escalations and strikes took us to what's been going on the last day was of the well, the reality is that there is nobody really tough been fighting on the ground in many areas across the territories, specifically that they use when the military has been targeting the middle areas widely within the past 24 hours, but recently they have been carrying out a full withdrawal from us iraq, a refuge account. as of right now, the military troops have been re deployed again in the area for over night strikes, where it's complete the flow d as 11 palestinians have their report of killed in a rough law, including 5 children off to a farm land that was taken as a refuge among palestinian evacuees have been, has been directly talk,
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it said without any prior warnings. and it's worth mentioning back within to be a not within the hours of nice audience. but it meant that you had been using limited to quite cool to draven's and massively, to search for a lot sites more security information on the ground as they have been moving and flying over the houses on between streets in a row for has a number of residents of. busy informing, go use the are about this so gladly. at the same time, the confrontations and bottles are still on going in there, but i'm more our area where the is very minute treat has been trying to exec, more pressure in order to gain more control over the co reason. with that, it had been recently established by, according to the municipality openness, i ross refuge account. the military has left behind mass destruction and residential houses alongside with the civil infrastructure in that area where they have been destroying what's
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a well as they have been full. so i 2nd agree cultural land making a complete change in landmarks of living in that area. i met more potential attacks will be carried out within the coming days and all the costs of the gaza strip as it's been a ministry has been booming with the option of inviting gruff off as it has become . the main course, interaction is very media outlets. reports in this ongoing genocide, the miniature campaign on the territory. and target you mentioned what has been less than honest here it. is it your understanding now that these really ground troops that they use to have entirely pulled out of that area? yes, they have been completely withdrawn from the another. i'm positive on this, the retro to decap where they have been conducting the miniature operations on we have been hearing something is really military that their operation the will continue for a couple of days. and that's what practically has happened on the ground. they have accomplished their task in that area. and they have right now we did throw
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withdrawn from the northern part with full destruction being left behind as witnesses, that have been describing the situation to be really bloody. i'm at these very informations and costs of guns, and at the same time, it's important to note that this area where the is very military had been operating and to now people are still trucked under the russell as new assets being made by the civil defense cruise in order to recover the victims eye witnesses have been saying that people have been killed in that part of the gaza strip. civil defense, cruise, fixing a police struggle to, to recover them because of is where the intensity of the bottom of the, off the with the drug will move. but it's have to recover it. um, as much as it's to now being made by a medical to use by civil defense cruise to search for victims. some of these have been cooling, unappealing, for more f, as to be made in light of the ongoing is very bombardments, power come assume that with a very nice hist for us from the ground,
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from profit and southern parts of the goals district. thank you. time a whole accusations of torture, blindfolding and stripped such as had been coming out of northern garza. the space pulsating and sheltering as a schooling. bait 100 and say that is where the troops besieged that building. carrying out a campaign of mass rest before they withdrew from the conduct could already reports from de paula in central garza. let us in the front of you. men and women's clothing, little above those drawers between noon and nothing cause all the items left in the dirt after what policy news describe as a campaign of mass over s. but is there any forces anybody missed? yeah, and the thought on uh for more of these really soldiers rounded up all the main in the area somewhat order to run for their lives. others stripped hancock to the blindfolded and brought to the spot for interrogation somewhere. interrogated myself, included, and were tortured and abused. before these riley's withdrew,
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they destroyed the school building, sheltering people before withdrawing from the area as well as military, both those roads and destroyed food or keats and olive trees. as one journalist in the area uncovered to them talking to from a tenuous exactly from the show us cause the this way, the forces besieged this quote for more than 24 hours. and this is cool. there's really forces conducted a detailed search and it can be 1st thing and they also investigated with own people. and also if it is who i should think and this is cool, where homes ones do it. all that remains is rebel, displace palestinians returning to the area, find few reminders of the lives they once knew of the model of, of the destruction has affected us greatly. i lost the full story house and another area within the city. enough to that we would displace to another full areas with
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their homes destroyed. many policy means i've been trying to find child to have no clue. the latrine news is where the bomb being in the past few days has created even more difficulties for those trying to burn their lives. hundreds of families have flood bay tenuous since the latest is reading, patient in search of another place to find shelter. now the men were rounded up, taken in groups, while women and children were stripped off all their belongings. we were all civilians taking shelter in school building hallway. where should we go? tell us, where should we go? 2 of these palestinians are displeased. once again, many are wondering whether anything will be left is rose, military may have withdrawn, but for these pilots to use, the damage is already done in the city address, ita city by the central cause of a cattle says it's reassessing its role as
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a mediation between our mazda and israel, the prime minister, made the comments of to amazing what the talk is, foreign minister, he says, the negotiations of store. yes, he can be of them. and unfortunately, there are many political went up men, ships from politicians, with narrow interest, unless we were trying to conduct their election campaigns by hurting the state of kata. and this is unacceptable to hear something in closed rooms, new public. they make destructive statements. the on the which i 7 foreign ministers have amazing for talks on the italian island of country. they're expected to focus on the growing tension between iran and israel and the why the region also in the agenda. israel's war on garza the situation in the red sea and the war and ukraine. g 7 need is we'll be meeting in june with ahead of the u. n's agency for palestinian refugees has appealed to the security council for protection. but it was a really says there's been
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a concession effort to dismantle on right off to is really curious, some of the agencies employees of involvement and your type of 7th, the tax gabriel is on the reports from you in headquarters. and you'll, as i ask you all to rise of diplomats and the un security council, pause for a moment of silence for aid workers killed in these reels war on. gotcha. over the past 6 months, after the reflection, the focus shifted to the work of unreal and israel's attempt to dismantle and discredited. the government of east was $62.00 and $1.00 was activities. agencies request to deliver it to the north, repeatedly denied all stuff above from coordination meetings between east well and many tory and actors luxury. and he said is rio is also limiting. unrest staff movements in the west bank and it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep schools and how centers they're open. israel's ambassador to the un said
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unwrapped should be defended and shut down. honora is creating a sea of palestinian refugees. millions of them indoctrinated to believe that israel belongs to them, calls for own was closer and not about the difference to inventory principles. just called about ending the rest of the state use of median of palestinian acquisition. that's only what deliberately perpetrates risk reduce states use a false dishonest. the agency exists because a political solution does not. this before the meeting, jordan's foreign minister said israel's attempts to dismantle unrest, go back many years long before october 7 under what has been the target to the
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political assassination campaign by it is really a government that wants to do so in order to kill the palestinian the teachers issued in january, israel accused 12 unreal staff, members of taking part in the october 7th attack to this day is realized, provided no evidence to back up those claims to either the head of unrest or to be un secretary general. never the less the secretary general has ordered 2 investigations into the matter. one is concluded and the results are expected to be released publicly on monday. gabriel is under. how does it at united nations in new york? will students and new york's columbia university have stage decision in support of palestinians. the protest came, as the school was president, appeared before congress to testify on allegations of anti semitism on campus presents really has the details from you. students flooded the main lawn of the
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columbia university campus before dawn, setting up dozens of tents in what they've described as a cause of solidarity and cabinet. they're calling on the university to completely divest from israel. their active protest coinciding with university president much of phoenix testimony before a congressional subcommittee in washington d. c. today. house republicans the university has faced accusations of anti semitism by some house republicans columbia, as leadership refuses to enforce their own policies and condemned jewish hatred on campus. creating a breeding ground for anti semitism and a hot bed of support for terrorism from radicalized faculty and students. university president said the vast majority of campus protests have been peaceful. anti semitism has no place on our campus and i am personally committed to doing
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everything i can to confront it directly. i have a police presence here at columbia university barricades have been set up all around the campus and they won't let media or anyone without a school id beyond the gates. and you can see that some demonstrators now have actually set up outside of the gates as well as on campus, like other colleges in the united states. columbia has seen regular demonstrations, some in support of israel, but the loudest and most persistent had been protest calling for a ceasefire. some jewish students told us they feel threatened, recognizing, posting suffering, shouldn't mcgee, too, or something. but that's what we've seen. we've seen that the immunization of choosing, as well as on campus, but those who camped on the lawn wednesday say they're the ones being harassed by the university. now because of the encampment leave, they will be suspended from school. this young woman said she was afraid to give her name or show her face. i'm afraid that the university will of tentatively
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attacked me for participating in the pro palestinian movements as they have indiscriminately attacked students of all estimates of these races and face who supports post any liberation, demonstrate or say they won't stop protesting as long as civilians are dying and gaza and until the university ends with they describe as its complicity in genocide . kristen salumi al jazeera new york face to hezbollah fighters and a 3rd person has been killed and is really air raid. and for the 11 on that's as media reports indicate that these really all me 5 believe to be and send you re munitions and 11 on the weapons contained chemicals that are capable of finding through skin and disintegrating tissue fried scrapes of previous st. documented as well. as use of white fuss, rest and self 11 on its use in civilian areas is widely considered illegal. so they have here on out of their tab that will take you to
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a mix of to kindergarten and goals are with children online. and as, as rates runs, flyers cost clumping down on dusting money center goals. new governments uses a record, whole of counterfeit cash and cocaine. the the hell i think we may well say some rein pushing into southern parts of the philippines over the next couple of days. at the moment, the majority of shouts, cal se asia extend their way through central and southern parts of the region. this is in the fall, se of indonesia, and maybe 200 millimeters afraid. and every 24 hours, you click plenty of houses here over towards the pump too. popular beginning also seen some big down pools. crap. the showers there across malaysia job the same
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whether so much or also say lots of heavy right. if you're shy, was there up to was in the light peninsula. todd, i didn't reach why, but one or 2 rugs, showers coming in from time to time. i think the shower was a little more widespread, nudging the way into vietnam as it go through fast. i boss us, they notice that what the weather creeping towards the philippines pushing and as we go on through the remainder of the we can let's push the south where we are looking at that was just around popular, popular new guineas slipping. some really big down pools into the gulf, a carpenter area, just across the cape, your peninsula, multiple straight to generate dry, high pressure in charge. here, a leslie winds will lift temperatures in w way back up into the search as united disappear. so it's just around the east to sort of over the next couple of days, trying to push the race was attending. what to the sealant?
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why have american evangelicals become his real strong? his background is us president. you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line, as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, the showcase of the best document free films from across the network on al jazeera, the welcome back to watching al jazeera and let's remind you about top stories for sound. these really minutes he has carried out more
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strikes across concepts and over 56 people have been killed in the past 24 hours in the southern city of rough, at least 12 palestinians, including 3 children, were killed as an i had of the u. s. agency. for palestinian refugees has appealed to the security council for protection on route. once there's been a concerted effort to dismantle it. and that without the aid it provides many more people will die for you and says, roughly 80 percent of cause of schools have been destroyed since the war on the cause of again, one, kindergarten and self in causal. there has kept its cost is going by pitching a tent of to really strikes destroyed the building. sadie a call has been in a makeshift classroom. he kind of eunice palestinian children, practice the reading, the the home of his ready drones. overhead doesn't jump in there, and susie, as those grown alongside the rest of israel's arsenal,
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have destroyed schools across as a forcing these children to learn and attempt to know. then that i learned in this tent as an alternative to the ro, kindergarten that was bombarded. i don't like learning and attend, i want to be in a proper kindergarten. the old one i used to go to is bailey's have destroyed that kindergarten. and i wish it would come back because they don't have a permanent school to go to kindergarten running these classes says it's doing what i can to help them continue to study ethically in the. a remove all the ideas this initiative is to highlight education. everyone else is focusing primarily on entertainment with focusing on kids education, which has been neglected for almost 7 months to enable them to read and write in the circumstances we are experiencing here to you and says close to
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400 schools across guys. there are known to have been damaged and the actual number is likely higher. those that remain are being used as shelters for displace palestinians. the children here at the royal kindergarten aren't just missing. i learned many are missing families and carrying trauma. my name is mohammed. i was displaced from garza to russell. my father remained in garzo and he was killed. i came to this kindergarten to learn a land inside this tent palestinian children get a rare chance to live as they did before israel to invasion of calvin. but the war still awaits them at sight. for the a car, which is here to kenya says it's for the head to lead a human back to mission to haiti aimed at stopping the gang was that bug can indeed is a facing increasing pressure to justify the risk intervention. catherine,
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so i reports from the kenyan capital nairobi, plants deployment of canyon forces to k. u. t has been controversial from the start . a 1000 police offices from and the to units are due to be sent to help stop the bomb was and to restore order in the caribbean country, kenya is expected to meet the un mission, doing nothing in the field. so the human stop party is therefore up, so get leap out of west many canyon said, concerned about getting involved in another crises will to seize canyon. police have been deployed to several peacekeeping missions in the past, including the democratic republic of congo, somalia is the more and elsewhere well, many people who are asking is whether they are capable of handling a security crisis as big as that of painting in one of their
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robes, most dangerous loans, guns, fight full control of garbage sites and other resources for tax collection. anthony mcgintey was part of a gun. now he helps young people stay away from crime. asked about the hated deployment. he says menu, residents in missouri think the police need to deal with domestic security motus heads of everything else. i don't think i'll police can be able to handle hyper, if not a tell us. and they still claim that is waiting on this to some of these young man who are still giving police of really have time to sleep. last night, a position politician for a court went to court to block the deployment it sure that there must be received pre caused by law troll security agreement between the haitian government and kenya, surprised didn't oh, court plans to go back to court to block in the all the plans to deployed canyon
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police to haiti. he's an occupational mission does nothing to do with peacekeeping . it's not even peacekeeping hunting to it's, you know, it's laughable. and they say that the is going to is, don't know an order. we have no twisted, no under day, no on country. a dimension by the un in haiti is not new. it has happened 3 times for the last 3 decades. the last mission was marked by human rights violations, and one of the countries washed cholera epidemics government officials here say if it does go ahead, this deployment will be different. but many canyon's not social, catherine. so i'll just sarah nairobi. customs officials incentives all have seized a record $8000000.00 worth of faith bank notes alongside a separate launch drug bust. and so a lot of the drive to fight crime and corruption by the countries maybe the next of government. nicholas hoc has the details from the capital tackle this one record
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seizure after the other. this is the latest by sending goals. police. these black notes are fake money worth 5000000000. say if i francs or the equivalent of about $8000000.00 found in the back of a car parked at the small guest house since then it goes southern region of cuz i'm on this video circulating or social media appears to show how the notes are transformed into counterfeit us dollars using powder and chemicals, for man, have been arrested to have them foreigners. this comes days after one ton of cocaine worth nearly $150000000.00 was found hidden in the back of a truck. both of these record seizures come from tip offs from whistle blowers, sending goals new government has made fighting corruption. a priority must have a pledge made by its new young president betsy. it would you may find the young guys. it is not that they will promptly initiate
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a bold policy of economic and financial good governance by a relentless, the combat and corruption penal repression of the tax fraud and the elicit financial flows. protecting whistleblower is fighting against embezzlement on public funds and money laundering. my baptism before the elections folly and that will probably minutes to spend some co were sent to prison after they denounce state corruption and the criminal activities of previous government officials. the court saw their claims as defamation. science on co want to introduce a new law to protect whistle doors. okay. and there is a culture say no one really wants to denounce legal activities because it's not easy, given the reprisals. so to have a little the can protect whistle blows, of it can encourage others to break the silence and reveal crimes sending goals. new leadership is asking all those who have stolen from the state to return the money or face justice. custom officials as well as government. the authorities who
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were once accused of being corrupt or ignoring crime, now appear eager to show they are doing their work for a senegalese public that wants to see an end to impunity. nicholas hawk alger 0. the car call them in for your election in croatia. husband won that by the governing conservative policy. but the 60 states secured by the h t said are 6 fewer than the last election than nothing else to form a majority. prime minister under a blanket which is such a tough coalition, troops likely with fall right groups to form a government and his right in present. nicholas madura has dismissed a new round of us sanctions saying that venezuela is economy cancer. vive on it, or washington reimbursed oral sanctions on wednesday, arguing that correct cuz have not met the condition for free and fair elections out of here is lost in america. edison lucy and human reports for decision to reimpose
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oil sanctions against venezuela was the likely us response to president nicholas some of those decision to ben his most competitive opponents from renting and july's presidential elections. brutal and his representatives prevented the democratic opposition from registering the candidate of their choice. harris and intimidated political opponents and, and justly detained. numerous political actors and members of civil society shows the us state department, head of the us announcement president, my rudo showed his disdain. for american sanctions aimed at forcing him to allow competitive elections. caveon settled on you by wanting to harm us. you home yourselves with going ahead with the without a license, we don't a yankee colony. we don't your colony bend this way that we'll move on with its economic pace. no one will stop us mister yankee. know that the renewal of sanctions against the country with the world's largest oil reserves
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is known as devastating as it may sound. according to venezuela's, royal minister who says he expects the us treasury to allow companies to request individual licenses for the oil sector. not this does not impact our economy a tool on the country. there's maximum stability and maximum greg smoke. anything in the bible administration concedes that more than a decade of harsh economic, political, and financial sanctions against my google have failed to dislodge him. in fact, pushing him closer to us adversaries like russia, china, not under ron. and in the week of the russia ukraine conflict, the white house admits that it was hurting its own economy by banning but as wayland oil production and sales the elections which are expected to reinstate president. my brutal for a 3rd consecutive term are being widely criticized by the international community.
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but even with the re and position of some us oil sanctions, they're likely to go on ahead as planned. see and human algebra, a journalist and problem that critic of journals in present case site has been sentenced to 6 months in prison. and the book allowed was charged with insulting a public official. the country's national union for john le says his arrest and conviction is aimed at financing a free press. police and canada have arrested 6 people in connection with a gold highest at toronto airport last year. so i'm a $16000000.00 worth of gold and cash was driven off. and one of the biggest properties in the country's history of the 400 kilograms of gold stolen or need one has been recovered to meet you met with and co reports ocean's 11 eat your heart out. unlike the hollywood movie crew, these thieves didn't need explosives, hacking or an acrobat just a forklift of.


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