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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the cynics, warren garza changed the situation, and now we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year, a foster and besides, with those hungry and suffering in, gone to the res to the ground. the optimal service as well as intense bombardment on new sarah in central gaza with many people looking for pieces that formalize the color that i'm just as you tell you, this is algebra lot from don't tell me that. but i am in the occupied west bank and i'll be telling you about the need. this is really planned to grab, more or less in the occupied by germany is foreign ministry has summons the russian
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and boss of the accusations. the 2 jewel nationals have been spying for russia. the also ahead of kenya says its troops out, ready to help pay to have it. some locals questioning the decisions to for the wisconsin, gaza when move in 50 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours of to is really as strikes targeted several areas across the strip. now in central gauze it has been widespread destruction. the following day is of intense as really bombardment, underground operation. the all new server refuge account companies have been returning to that can also be, is really military withdrew from the area. they've been trying to gather their belongings that a buried under the rubble the neck of i'll new so it says that these really minute treat deprived people of the most basic human services. meanwhile,
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in the southern city, rough of face 12 palestinians were killed. and it is rarely strikes on a residential area, housing displaced, people, family members of the victims gathered as a hospitality protest for the funeral as well. that smells to be taught correspond tarka boys, and he's in rough us southern garza, for us so tired. we've seen these troop movements leaving new sarah and yet the strikes are continuing. yes, i will generally what we have been getting from i and it says on the ground that under say, rock refugee comes up. the military has completely with the drug and bought the compartment as well continued in different parts of the gaza strip. but why would they have been completely stressing on is the fact that there was, i see destruction in the entire area left behind these very, with the drug with where residential house has been completely destroyed as civil defense themes, amenities to where you have to wait on to recover knowing that bodies for palestinians found killed in the areas of the number of parts of under. so rock
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truck you did come off to a number of days of the is very information's being completely carried out in that area. but similarly, the situation sounds critically, diane, other parts of the gaza strip in the shop to richard to come in to be more specific . if this is such a lead that the is very military targeted. a school that has sense of any back creation center for them for a palestinian families where a number of palestinians have to reported killed and injured in the shop the refuge account. but now the situation sounds relatively called in raphi in the south of the 2 or 3, but there is still ongoing active minute, 3, a movement for the east valley, a flight to jets, as people he has been talking to them to have been describing and expressing the own fee, as regarding the potential military, encouraging for rough district um its move statements and more press release is being made by the is very military officials and also what the is very media has been completely circulating in the past few days. a fall to potential mid address
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talk in a rough uh after finishing all the preparations that are required to evacuate civilians from areas of white thing to a couple of them there with the very latest for us from the ground and rough night . and southern is also thank you, time the holidays to hezbollah sizes on the 3rd pass and have them killed. and it is rarely air raid and southern leather, not not. so as media reports indicate that these really all me find what a believe to be and send you a munitions in 11 on the weapons, contain chemicals that are capable of funding through skin and disintegrating tissue rights groups have previously documented israel's use of white foss. rest in southern oven on its use in civilian areas is widely considered illegal as well. there appears to be an escalation along that is really lebanese border over the past several days. has what i it seems to have started a new phase and its attacks on is rarely forces. these really minute tree says at least 14 of its soldiers. we injured 6 of them seriously and an attack on wednesday
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saying hold a roof looks down from beverage. there's been a mark shift and has well as attacks on wednesday, the is really army suffered the highest number of casualties in a single strike since the conflict began in october. the 6th is where the soldiers were seriously injured, and the round a dozen others need a treatment. when the lebanese armed group used arm drones and missiles to target the building, a few kilometers from the border. this time their rockets are um, drones did manage to get through israel's defense system. it wasn't the 1st time hezbollah managed to break through, as well as defenses 24 hours earlier. as well as armed drones targeted what the group said was an iron dome. air defense battery showing also the size of the damage that transport lampkin inflicts on israel and in case of where they run where is full as it. oh gunny bob from. ready ron, okay, no, yeah, you do,
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and we have to be part of a when and if necessary, hezbollah appears to be showcasing its ability to enlarge. what has so far, been a limited confrontation in the past. 72 hours we've seen was seen dozens of as rarely casualties. i think that's stuff in play stuff and not the kids out. that's and he was not the case. and in the past 6 months, this is a new level of, of fight thing. and it's much more costly to these riley horses of israel to has been using more force against hezbollah targets. we've seen that gain a degree of escalation, but also related to the fact that tensions have been obviously increasing to an unprecedented level between iran and israel. directly, the lebanese arms group, which has so far,
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been careful not to expand. the conflict appears to be raising the stakes as isabel threatens to respond to a runs unprecedented attack over the weekend. as well as secretary general house on those throughout the cold as well as targeting of a bronze consulate in damascus, a turning points. and for the 1st time since opening what he called a supports front for garza, he expressed readiness to intervene militarily in the event of a wider war between israel and iraq. the conflict between israel and has been law is in a new phase, then they're obviously to bid this to you. and it says roughly 80 percent of costs of schools have been destroyed since the war on call us up again. one kindergarten in southern gospel, there has kept its cost is going like pitching a tent of the is really strikes destroyed the building. so do you call has in a make shift classroom it kind of units palestinian children practice their reading
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the the home of his really drones overhead doesn't dump in there on tuesday as those drones along side the rest of israel's arsenal. have destroyed schools across kaiser, forcing these children to learn and attend the, the name that i learned in this tent as an alternative to the ro kindergarten. and it was bombarded. i don't like learning in a tent. i want to be an improper kindergarten. the old one i used to go to, he's rarely have destroyed that kindergarten, and i wish it would come back because they don't have a permanent school to go to kindergarten running these classes says it's doing what it tends to help them continue their studies because it's in the. a law and the idea is this initiative is to highlight education. everyone else is focusing primarily on entertainment with focusing on kids education, which has been neglected for almost 7 months to enable them to read and write in
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the circumstances we are experiencing here to you and says close to 400 schools across guys. there are known to have been damaged and the actual number is likely higher. those that remain are being used as shelters for displace palestinians. the children here at the royal kindergarten aren't just missing as on the learn. many are missing families and carrying trauma. my name is mohammed. i was displaced from garza to russell. my father remained in garzo and he was killed. i came to this kindergarten to learn an inside this tent palestinian children and get a rare chance to live as they did before israel's invasion of causes. but the war still awaits them at side. for the a car, which is here in the occupied westbank, israel has announced
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a decision to see some 64000 square meters of land to establish. and the legal industrial settlement is latest on grab targets. areas in northern hebron as well. so to space some 8000 palestinians. israel has been expanding its illegal settlements across the occupied westbank since launching its war on garza will not speak to any to abraham that she's invested him for us in the occupied westbank need. it took us through the scale of the expansion that we've been seeing over the last few months. as you can see behind me, one of the illegals is really supplements that have taken off the lines of palestinians here in bethlehem, in the occupied west bank over decades. for the simians have seen it increased inching closer, expanding and really making it difficult for palestinians to expend in their lines . not only that, those supplements are making it impossible for palestinians to have. it couldn't sink you with palestinians states in the future because it would lock and you couldn't to give it to you with black, the connection between the occupied east,
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jerusalem, bethlehem and other areas in terms of what we're talking about today, which is the non grab that is taking place and how you can probably see here at the map that we've just gotten from age research center. and in the blue areas, you would see that already existing supplements. and in purple you would see the new plans to confiscate more and more lands. what does this mean for palestinians? it means that the whole area wouldn't be built off eventually, and it wouldn't be off limits for palestinians. remember, when we talk about the league, it is where these supplements. we're not just talking about the bill stuff, areas. we're talking about the infrastructure that surround the surrounds them. we talk about the roads, the barrier, the, the separation areas with palestinians cannot answer. and this same is what
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mechanism to drop and take more and more palestinian lines. when we talk about those illegals is really sacraments. yes. we've seen a surge of is the approvals during the war and the scene here, that is right is using the word and gods. one. the walls of attention is shifting their to expand. more and more league is really supplements and indeed when we travel across the occupied westbank, we see how roads have been changed. we see this the of the plans to establish more and more roads for the benefits of the israeli settlers and at the expense of the palestinian citizens. new york in the occupied west bank. i understand also just in the last 24 hours that have been more arrests that have taken place that just a day off, the palestinian prisoners day. yes, a day after promising prisoners this but even on the day of protest, the prisoners the we've seen his way before raising palestinian 60000 villages
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across the occupied west bank. guessing the messages that there was a wreck to non stop needed. we've seen them increased during the whole the month of ramadan during the a, as in other in many places in the occupied to us bank. so really when we talk about those waves, they are a daily occurrence. the numbers of those rates have drastically increased after the war. well, when we talk about cities and the address, we're not just talking about people who are being put up in jails. we've been listening to very difficult testimonies from palestinian prisoners who have been decently the least saying that since the war everything has changed when it comes to the conditions of palestinian. there they took about the torture they took about being between now and just as they was interviewed, the man who was bruises are still that he's just been released 2 weeks ago. so this cycle of violence against palestinians inside this radio is what's making process to be in families much more worried now when they see the sun's their daughters,
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the loved ones being taken up by the is waiting for him for him. they are pushing for us from best to him and the answer 5, west 9th, thank you so much need as well. still a head here on out a 0, capturing global attention. a picture depicting the horrors of calls us in a wild press 5 to and why no 3 is government has reported the remove street lines along the roads leading to south korea. the critical debate. pony farmers are angry. people of starving and we actually have to experts. oh wow. good. because we've money to buy informed athenians. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians with the often in the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the service to implement aid and course the rivals inside
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story on al jazeera in the via now more the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fought for justice. i guess some of the most powerful forces in the world, the people versus agents orange analogies, 0 the powell just the
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a welcome back to watching alger 0. let's remind you about top stories. the ssl is in central golf out. there has been widespread destruction following days of intense relief on boardman underground operation and the understanding with refugee council. tell me something, returning to that comp often be, is there any minute to withdrew from the area as well. meanwhile, has issued a decision to seize some of the 64000 square meters of land and the occupied west. back to establish another and equal settlement as latest land grab the targets areas and move in hebron and will the space on a 1000 color spending at least 2 hezbollah fighters and a side pass and have been killed. and it is really a raid in southern 11 on media reports also indicate that fee is really on the $5.00, what's believes to beat incendiary munitions in lebanon. germany
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is foreign ministry has some of the rushes and bass of them not softer police arrest and 2 man suspected of spying for russia and cutting sabotage against military facilities and industrial sites. the gentleman, russian and nationals were detained in the town of bay of royce, on wednesday and prosecute his accused them of attempting to undermine german military support for ukraine on behalf of russia. secret service company came reports from that in on the allegations against these men. or what we understand from the federal prosecutors is that the 2 individuals have been in contact with the russian secret services. one of them since october of last year. and they have been looking at specific united states installations in germany, installations in which ukrainian individuals from the ukraine on forces learn how to operate united states military machinery and one abrams tanks. and that sort of thing. the suggestion for prosecutors is that these individuals were thinking
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through the ways of sabotaging these installations using explosives and other ways of carrying out awesome attacks at those places. one of them has been doing it in contact with the russian secret services since october of last year. or the other since march of this year, schumann induced climate change, et cetera. of course, the record of breaking heat waves that hit advocates the hell originality of this month, temperatures, and became the faster and molly, so to above $45.00 degrees celsius on the wall is whether attribution estimates hundreds. if not thousands of people died. as a result is also added the be extreme. heat was a once in a 200 year of angel there. the trends will likely continue with future warming. well, we can now speak to him was certainly mon, i saw he's the executive director at the martin in climate and sustainability for him. he joins us now from north shot. me. so this a how is missing usually pretty hot, but this heat wave was surg stream. we saw so many desk that i understand moves run out of space. was this a failure of governments to adopt?
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couldn't they have known what was coming is going to use you be so happy that it should not come out of the sales price because the store 3 to be getting much space between my 2. because i keep getting in touch with him. once this all seems a lot of activities, especially, so i the end of it, it tends to be during the weekend. i mean, does consequences are driving it was probably the most of my russian souls, english just don't want ops and the side of the supply. and these best people is, you know, really the issue. and i think i have a lot of toys on a be expecting for, i did not get the support from the country is but the settings on the bottom to lead to be able to raise some problems and getting an interest in there with them. when i try to use them and be. ready able to come to cool to where the spring time sheet went to climentree meetings to dispense so it sounds like the attendance of trying to deal with outpatient. i mean, i understand there was also been electricity shortages related to this heat wave.
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now, if this is a sign of what's to come, how does infrastructure need to adapt and, and given the lack of support that you're describing, that is there actually the capacity to make it happen. and i mean, these are the, the, this do shrunk away. and although these constants are related to, and to be honest, i mean, just by getting close for hours, the international community continues to delay. the actions are success brucely issues. i mean, visa, ending in factories, i'm unable to get that submitted. please wait for the support and see if we can find a place with the main stand out or blank or change glimmering guess. so let's just bear with me and didn't find a book. so we know it was actually no, the issue is much more trinity them that before the technology related to either way and it used to allow them to have something most that's the name of the learning process. yours is the sign. in fact we, so at any point it's quite expensive when it does allow,
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so they don't get support from the what's the best way to make these technologies available to people to cope with the voice mails to these people because of these huge ways recently reporting i mean these, the comments you portion of many people in the dining sites, but you're gonna need to stop in moving along despite all i'd be hyper ccd bought. i mean, people sounds not taking it seriously. and i think what the property now maybe just before the eyes of the leaders of the world and have a blessed a loss of which was that, as you mentioned, climate change and all the related weather impacts is also driving deep. and some instability and migration across the whole civil region. is it possible to try to address that outside, you know, obviously that there's kind of change discussions going on in terms of mitigation that outpatient. but is there a way of trying to deal with, with the ongoing impacts of that but politically, economically,
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across the region. it means people have been seen so long. the climax inbox something coming to the future. i mean, it's already the present at the box for some communities including decided communities in general. and yes, discussing huge national photos can how be most to have a plan where we can discuss issues related even mitigation of the patients. but the action needed now is to see how to get some photos of communities to be visited by the environment smartgate kind of show or even helping them to get access to it, to the community. because it's portable and also a condemned to seek out. they get the fine native baby solutions because it's very important to be able to go in the side of the printer. then i'm going to do a lot and do my vision. people are trying to fire comes because the role of water a lively force. i them, so this is the see how it can do it by the gate.
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also making slow identity by a financial flows have one extra super simple to do to be able to make it happen. if we do make these arguments equal wisdom, what is happening in onboarding and what's the money? so the executive director, the martin in that comment and sustainable su 4 and thank you so much for joining us on al jazeera. so you know, what can you says it's prepared to lead us back to mission, to hazy aimed at stuffing the gun more than catherine sway reports from the kenyan capital. and i wrote me a launch deployment of canyon forces to k. u. t has been controversial from the start, a 1000 police offices from and the 2 units are due to be sent to help stop the bomb was. and to restore order in the caribbean country, kenya is expected to meet the un mission, doing nothing in the field. so the human stuff party is therefore up so deeply out
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of west many, kenyon said they're concerned about getting involved in another. crises will to seize kenyon, police have been deployed to several peacekeeping missions in the past, including the democratic republic of congo. the mind yet is the more and elsewhere well, many people who are asking is whether they are capable of handling a security crisis as big as that of painting in one of their robes, most dangerous loans, guns, fight full control of garbage sites and other resources for tax collection. anthony mcgintey was part of a gun. now he helps young people stay away from crime. asked about the hated deployment. he says menu residents in my sorry, think the police needs to deal with domestic security. martha's head of everything else. i don't think i'll police can be able to handle high if not
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a self that they still claim that is waiting on this to some of these young man who are still giving police of really have time to sleep last night. a position politician for a court went to quotes to block the deployment it sure that there must be received pre, called by law troll secuity agreement between the haitian government and kenya, surprised, didn't oh, court plans to go back to court to block in the all the plans to deployed canyon police to haiti. he's an occupational mission does nothing to do with this keeping . it's not even peace keeping on send it to. it's really, it's laughable and they say that the is going to is don't know an order. we have no twisted, no, i know they know on country a dimension by the un in haiti is not new. it has happened 3 times for the last 3 decades. the last mission was marked by human rights violations,
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and one of the countries west cholera, epidemics government officials here say if it does go ahead, this deployment will be different. but many canyon's not social catherine, so i'll just sarah nairobi. well, north korea has apparently removed street lights along roads that had connected it to south korea in spring viewed as the late to sign that it's from the distance thing itself from so north korea has reportedly remove dozens of street lamps lining the only 2 known paperless connecting north and south korea, they run on either side of the peninsula. the county line on the west and the pool can line along the eastern coastline. south korea's joint chiefs, a south confirmed the demolition on thursday. now these are gateways that carry deep symbolism for south korea. the western line was the land route, then south korean president, no more. john and the 1st lady took as a travel to come young for only the 2nd to enter korean summit in 2007. it was also
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use regularly with korean business owners commute in to the once bustling heres on industrial complex, where tens of thousands of north koreans were employed over it's 12 year run along the east coast that lied was used by south korean family members who had bus to the north to see their separate, attend leading hours. not enough to make up for the last decade. the line was also used by tours to be among the future height come down on a government sanctioned tour. now all of these programs have been idle for years and with north korean leader conjunction in january ordering for the era parable destruction of any contact with the south. a longer shared border. shutting off the lights appears to be counted as late as noon to cut out any hope for cooperation. eunice, kim alda 0. so how is eunice? can they're reporting for us from the south korean capital. now the netherlands
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based world press version competition has announced it's when is the best visual john lives in the past year, the wind is captured some of the most powerful shots photographer. yeah. or they've all kind of story volume. but then at one the story of the have portraits show people with dimension the family members who care for them and not a gas sca where the disease has little public awareness. alejandro is a gar documented migraines at the northern border of mexico and black and white. as you see that for 6 is judy i could to target as opposed photographs of ukrainians living through 2 years of war with russia. and one the open format to was i thought it was the lack of voices, photojournalist, and causal home and solemn, which was awarded photo of a in his image taken just 10 days into israel's war. on garza shows a woman named in us, abo mom and cradling the body of her niece sally. the level go was killed by in his writing this all attack on her home and con. lots of remain installs. you tell you
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can always find one website out. is there a dot com next inside story looks at august on the expulsion of african refugees, some of whom have lived in the country for decades to stay with us here on the, the hello, the weather's lossy set fire across the korean peninsula and japan for the time being but where the weather is on the way because cloud and rain coming into good parts of china. now here's a very apply pressure. that's why it is keeping it settled and dry across the korean peninsula. this every flight pressure gets squeezed. the re switch as we go through uh friday, right, this guys come back in behind 25 sales just to have a ticket and also for so. but it does to include a website, of course,
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a good parts of china, which is why the will be further south. down towards southern most posit gavin's, it pushes out into the east, tennessee. i'm a garage, i see where the weather coming back in across the korean peninsula, and it's a southern pulse of japan. meanwhile, they've got some west weather coming into pockets. donna present. this is the same system that brought the flooding range that all full web into the you a into a mom pushing across iran, now few shelves into the north west of india for much. i'll be in the us about the he to stay. we have go, he was always wanting across the dish and into westbank goldfish. i was into southern most pop over the next couple of days. still a challenge and a few showers into iran, either the next style site, but it is drawing up across the writing peninsula. wanted to show us that for you um and with rain to let's see. the illegal goal is threatening the survival of the brazilian amazon sienna,
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monique people. the forest and the planet's ecosystem, with a counter offensive is underway as the tribal chiefs.


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