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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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it provides for their proof of the importance of an immediate and permanent ceasefire in gaza. and the need to rebuild a political horizon in the middle east. it is deeply worrying and completely unacceptable. the discounts whose demand for a ceasefire in accordance with the ocean 2728, has been disregarded by the parties. we wish to read that a debts on the article 25 of the truck there. the members of the united nations agreed to accept and to cut out the decisions of disagree with the council. yes, security the council decisions are binding. we have consistently con them from us for that sort of principle. there is the tax. on the 7th of october, including the murder of over, $1200.00 is reilly's, the taking of hostages, and any acts of sexual violence committed the trauma from the guard,
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the day would for ever haunt these are the people, particularly those wisdom suffer daily knowing their loved ones are still showed hostages by almost once again. do you 3? it's hard to mind to the tomas release on hostages immediately and unconditionally hovering gaza. it's not only the hostages who are suffering over 33700 philistines have been killed. most of them women and children, thousands have been injured or maint. countless others remain on accounted for. missing under the rubble of ruins, neighborhoods the prospect of a further escalation into alpha, where over 1000000 displaced civilians are struggling daily to survive.
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ease on country ben. as we stress our firm rejection of any ground defensive into alpha and any further displacement of palestinians with over half of the population on the cost of a man made farming. coupled with this amazing health system, children also dying from lack of food and water. according to unicef today and gaza, one in 3 children under the age of 2 years are acutely malnourished. targeted effects on health care violates all the unique protections on the international law for pregnant bursting and full spots and women, as well as children with threats that all parties have
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a legal obligation on the international law, including the national humanitarian law to protect civilians in line with this provisional orders of the international court of justice on 26th, january and 28th of march, must be complied with accident cease since the beginning of this conflict delivered levels of 8th and the gaza have been highly insufficient. you to physical restrictions and bureaucratic impediments, more reiterates the denial of humanitarian assistance is a great violation of international law. and the use of the vacation as a weapon of war may constitute the work right. for their more we strongly on their line. the safety of view and personal humanitarians and journalists must be guaranteed we called for israel to both fully respect and utilize your military and
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multiplication system as intended. and conduct an independent investigation into all the killings of you in a few minutes out of you and stuff. the commercial trades must also be allowed to resume as the people of gauze accounts remain dependent on age alone. and the words of the secretary general. as far as i am shift is required to adequately address the desperate conditions in gaza. just yesterday, this council felt a briefing on the indispensable nature of one rough and the slave saving services. we maintain that the agency is a civilizing force in the region and demands our continued support and resources. turning to the why, the region, the ripple effects of the war and gauze that including that we have witnessed, over the last days, is deeply troubling the hiding sanctions in the region. and the
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increased escalations and skirmishes in the west bank, lebanon, syria, iraq and the m, and push the region closer to and on the conflagration immediate, the escalation and restraint is of paramount importance. international law and diplomacy must be our guiding principles. in the west bank, rising violence targeting civilians and intensified military operations, push the occupies but as the entire 3 into further instability. both of stresses that the illegal is rarely settlements demolition of about a senior property and settler violence on an obstacle to piece violated the national law and threatened the viability of 2 states for the issue as we call them as read through various such actions and abides by the relevance of 2000
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resolutions, we welcome ongoing efforts towards reinforcing them to reflect the rising, the palestinian authority, the international community. my support will actions which would allow its effective governors in line with the 2 states. what you should and would garza as part of an independent palestinian state. fundamentally adjust the resolution of this conflict, the minds area ality which embraces the palestinians, legit them with aspirations for you and membership and states which it also demands that reality in which is right at least live in security without being held hostage by the threats of theaters of the parameters of the realization of this vision are well known and must be pursued as a matter of urgency. malta reaffirms signed waiver and commitment to a comprehensive political solution based on the 2 state solution along the pre 1967
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borders addressing village. is there a desperation of both sides with jerusalem as the future capital of 2 states living side by side in peace and security. and this in line with the relevance of curious accounts, the rest of the oceans and internationally agreed. but i'm, if there's, i thank you, and i resume. i function us for us event of the call soon. i'll give the floor to is excellent to see mr. i'm are the tough minister of foreign affairs, a national community abroad about you? yeah, that's good. come see barry's. why are you? i'm for pick up the mean. how that left estimate. i bought the 99 water fees and i can send deepest gratitude sway. and just for the holding of this meeting today, this is
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a session which we believe will be a good stuff in the right direction. and here we're talking today about grunting the status of full membership to the state of the website within our organization. which means that we are going to re examine the palestinian close upon these solid basis, which means the tree going to shed light on the very essence of this, jo. huh would be new. which kind of being help defect goods cannot be altered, cannot be tested. what do i mean by essence? what do i mean by its substance in this way? i mean, it's historic and legitimate right for the kind of thing and people to create an independent on sovereign state. this is a historic, right approved by the international community. within this august
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organization 76 years ago in the international community is attached to consolidating this as a just lasting and them definitive solution for the public opinion. cool was this is a historic right which has not been been implemented. and the lack of implementation of this right is because of the product cation of this area is really conflict. this is because of the lack of security and safety in our region. the region which hasn't known the piece for over 17. yes, this is a historic right, that is really occupation today. 7, we were jackson torpedos. it's very base for or worse. absolutely. how you mean a new drug. how beautiful this is really occupation clearing and unequivocal a,
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reject this and does everything it contributed to coated. and it does this and scrupulously of them with no crimes. garza and it's resistance has shown with the names of there is really occupation when you're controlling whether this may visit. oh, no, $100.00 due to the liquidate the palestinian codes. and this is why this has been done and to where that will depend on national project. with regard to this palestinian colorado we, nobody is unaware of the facts of the genocide rule in gaza. undersea this is suffocation from the west bank with the middle of the sun. the settlement which kinetic station polish cities upon palestinian territories. as well as
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on get rid of the pipes, jerusalem on the campaign, a force displacement upon police tending the phone or continuing lima bathroom. how do we that guessing what is known as this is really evolved from the arrangements from belinda warren ga sense her property. so all of this was for me, for succeeding step was this part of abroad to and much more dangerous is really fun. with vision is really planned once to resuscitate and bring into being the great service project of israel, which is to eradicate the foundations of a palestinian state. or is it destroyed its pillows? look, i'm sure he's an ottoman indeed the entire world. full witness just a few minutes ago to watch the news really referred to did in the general assembly as holding up the map
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of the middle east. where palestine did not appear. that this was a map constructed of the hallucinations and desires. the escalation imposed by his really occupation is continuing monkeys on the number of friends in our region. one who ca hudson is escalation is now clear to distract the international communities attention away from the palestinian cause and to try to create new regional conflicts. whether right so published and young people would gradually be dissipated. or why the playing with the products to be in close to be extinguished? after everything i have just said to, to, to was kind of,
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some still allows themselves to follow the allegations by the is really occupies, and to follow the plans, which we have all too well understood. we've understood the motive behind it, not so i'm, i'm fine. after all of this is it's difficult for some to understand the true face of israeli occupation and of occupation made up of quite nice ation. which insists on propagation and spreading illusions and undermining the security and stability of the middle east upon the ruins of a palestinian national project after all of this con. so even if you still insist on saying that it is not yet time to crumbs, palestine the status of full member to our organizations. are
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you sure the seals? this situation is dangerous. the situation facing the palestinian cause here. 30 viscouso has a historic responsibility under decisive one decisive responsibility which is essential such as the responsibility to immediate change to impose the 2 state solution to face god, the foundations of the creation creation of a palestinian state. the 2 state solution is facing imminent. multiple danger, hop on a new user, i repeat the 2 state solution is facing imminent, or we're moto danger. we must save this solution before it is too late. which means grunting the status of full membership to the state of palestine to safeguard
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peace and stability. to safeguard security for more in the middle east as a whole. any hesitation for, for me from the truck to wavering will have disastrous consequences and would give them to catch flash or a green light to these really occupation to continue with its plans boxes with stealing g, plundering, with profound expansion on one side and extremism and ups to a donation on the other side of so the shut off in this regard, julia hesitancy on a, of your hosting the declaration of the creation of a police to new states on the 15th of november, 1988. we also had the honor of being the 1st
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country to recognize the palestinian state officially as part of this historic magazine which is free so which we are very proud of to see. the presence of the mist had been machine to dublin. he is from the to pier in of the general assembly during his last session. germany called for the next generation of the process of grunting the status of full membership to the state of palestine within our organization. there. because my country swiftly put forward a draft resolution to this o gust counsel and in coordination, full coordination we've. i've had a student in an arrow brothers and sisters and also were working with other various regional groups in favor of the palestinian cause. so the legal part of states,
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the organization, fries limit corporation and underlined movement on the african union. the time has come to assume all responsibilities and duties without faltering. no, wait a minute. and without avoiding a new doing such responsibilities, we must keep our promises, which is why we urge own members office. so it goes to counsel him and he's happy that or to support our lessons. these are for you to, thanks to the precious voices in favor of granting the status of full membership to the state of by the, to the palestinian state who have them from this so well achieve the following 3
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things. first of all, is will consolidate the 2 state solution, unprotected from threats which seek to undermine it, destroy it, or even barrier to, to get a 2nd late will safeguard the foundations of the palestinian states in the future. an independent sovereign states in the night, within the 1967 borders with theresa, includes chevy as a capital. thirdly, and finally, most madison is real. so since it builds the peace process upon solid foundations, which will allow for a loop in a is ation of efforts and to respond to the needs of the palestinian cause in order to restore peace, stability, and security for throughout the middle east. and the hope to hear from nobody is unaware that such a step is
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a very simple one. with me. this is what we must do. we as she minded to ask me for the meeting, has come within this little guest, but it is our duty to thousands and thousands of published and young people who are being monitored every day, every hour, every minute, every 2nd data in order to ensure that that cost lives on our course, look over here to the close of human it, t as a however, in some shopping with screening, just as may be, must be served to the palestinian people. this is a jew to a this is a legal, due to a political do tend to security duty. it is a to you to take you to the scale of humanity and civilization as a whole. i think i think is excellent. seems to doctor for his statement and then
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i'll give the floor to x and seems so they're not a full body check. so because we're trying to room is just go on a 15 g m t i'm laura kyle and we have been watching the united nations security council holding an open debate on the situation in the middle east, including what the cooling, the palestinian question i've had from the you in section general antoneyer the terror saying that garza is extreme monetary and health scape also from palestine and israel read times just that we were listening to al jerry a saying that the 2 state solution is facing imminent and more multiple thing to on the how to sign these recognition as a full member states of united nation says, spring, and i was just gabriel's on today who's up to you and had courses in new york. and okay, 1st of all, let's look at what the us extra general had to say at this. closely meeting was focused on the policy and situation that be is really offensive and goals. it has created a humanitarian health scape and the region as
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a whole is on the brink of full scale conflict. things that typically strong woods from the factory general. and they a yeah, they really were and he got into a lot of detail that sometimes you don't hear from the secretary general. you really laid out multiple fronts where the conflict is expanding to and where the risks are very high. but i think the, the big take away here was a couple of things from the secretary general. he basically confirmed that israel is not doing enough to get a in and allow aid in to the people that needed the most in guys a, despite the fact of the i c, j issue in those provisional measures, back in february pieces besides the fact that is real saying after the death of several humanitarians from world central kitchen that they were going to allow more ada and the secretary general says it's not happening. and just last week, he cited some really figures that just last week is real denied. 40 percent of the
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un requests to get a trucks in to is into guys a to distribute a denied by israel. he also said that, well, some border crossings are opening up very temporarily. he said, israel sometimes is only allowing the trucks in to guys uh, uh, at nighttime. and he said, the un humanitarians cannot deliver aid in a time in the middle of a war zone. so it's almost a mute point. he is essentially said the system is not working and he pointed the finger to israel saying they're clearly not doing enough to, to facilitate humanitarian aid at the scale that it's needed to prevent a famine. okay, bear with us on that for the moment. thanks very much. will be returning to the un security council, open the base of the course of this. i will also return to you guys to get reaction to it. but as those minutes to discuss the situation in palestine the will in garza
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continues, that's bringing honey. my mood from rafa in the south of the gauze at strip. and honey is politicians, quotes the situation that remains as devastating as ever. we have had casualties all across the strip in the past 24 hours. yes, indeed, it has been very, very tough. the past, the 24 hours have been very bloody, very violent across the, the gaza strip would be an intense bombing campaign. and so far, we're talking about 7 atrocities committed at different parts of disturbing clinic defense from area here and over crowded roof i city. and more of the northern part of the not only has been suffering from the a spread of family, but also the intense deliberate bombings of remaining residential buildings and public facilities including evacuation centers. as we see in the a deliberate attack on a school that has turned into an evacuation center for hundreds of displaced
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parameters of from parts of the northern part of the strip and, and gaza city. what we're looking at right now is a gaza evolving into this idea of becoming a killing zone dominated by the presence of the surveillance of drones attack of drones, rich recognizance, eric crowds of as well as the cons to none and stuff artillery shilling and the ongoing goals of constant a grounds, incursions of certain parts of the got to be included on the side. i refuse you got the northern part where it just yesterday there's really a monetary analysis. it withdrew from the it had withdrawn from the, the northern part of the, of done on the campus, south bend, but leaving a trace of devastation then, and sheer level of destruction to all means of life and total elimination of social services to the point. people who went back to check on their homes and to inspect the situations, feel that it has become required on an habitable right now. and that's pretty much
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our representative sample of what happened in hon units and what happened in the northern parts and got, was it about the same time, the rolling, the stress of expanding the ground invasion throughout the city, just making, making the whole situation is worse for the 1500000 display of palestinians cornered in rough i city here with daily struggling to, to provide for their families whether it's food supplies, water supplies, or other survival items. but the most important thing is how to stay protected and how to stay safe. while at the same time and during the unpredictable fall in bonds on residential bulls, as we said last night, where your stress targeted origins been shut on, leaving 7 people from one family, that's a display family from all the way from the northern part of javascript game throughout my city to shelter only to die here because of these unpredictable bar. okay, honey. my wanted to bring us the scene across garza. thank you very much,
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honey for joining us from russell. joining us now prove out this out from ramallah in the occupied west bank of political analysts no a day. no, great to have you with a sofa at the united nations security council. we've heard israel standing alone last thing, the un for suppose it empty as well. bias saying it is knows about multi naturalism but terrorism. what do you make of that? this is the only line that is real can have given the international um, you know, sentiments and given the fact that it's really actions and the support that is really enjoys from the united states and other players, it has basically brought the international system to the brink of the breaking point of israel just a few days ago called on the security council to convene so that they can condemn it on for striking back at israel after it had a docked. uh the
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a brand new consulate in the masters. so anyway, as well, which was born out of a resolution of the united nations, the rates, the un calls at all sorts of names, continuously a talks down to its officials, tries to undermine the work of its agencies, calls it baptism magic, but what code which comes to shove, they also need the un to work in their favor. so this is not a surprising position, especially given the fact that they know a resolution would be put forward to support palace times application for full membership, which is something that, of course, they oppose. this is really government and previous funds have opposed because the a that basically puts in stone, international recognition of palestine regardless of where is real stance, that they oppose as they also have managed to get a lot of power speed and security council. having the with the support of the us
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amongst all the so it's highly unlikely that the palestinian question, the full membership of the you and is actually going to go ahead. absolutely. i mean, depending on how many countries vote if there are 9 or more countries voting in favor of the resolution that i'll, jerry had just presented them. the united states will be pushed to use its veto power. and i say purse because this is not the scenario that the fight and administration wanted. they wanted to kind of pressure enough governments to make sure there aren't enough votes. it seems there will be. and this will, once again, put the americans and their allies in a very precarious situation, the un, no matter you know what kind of opinion or where you stand on what the un does or doesn't do. it is still the place where all countries come together and get things done and, and discuss, you know,
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crises and things that are important to old states. making sure that the security council is dysfunctional, which is exactly what the us position has done on as well, puts the whole system in jeopardy. and so a veto. while a sure thing for israel and in favor of these very position doesn't need it doesn't exactly leave the bite and administration without bruises, political and moral bruises on the international front. and i think that's why they were trying to avoid the situation. but now it seems that they want to have a choice, okay? no or day from the moment, many times over time too. as we keep an eye on the events that the un security council, the we will be hearing from her saying i'm in a delay on that's the ron in for an administer ops, this me sitting probably within the next hall firewall. so this as the us and u. k of just impose new sanctions on a wrong days of to 10 from noticed
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a drone and miss all the tax on israel. individuals connected to the revolutionary golf, the defense minister, as well as funds involved and drone for done some have been targeted in these new sanctions as present jo bivens, as the move has been coordinated with g 7 countries with bringing all white house correspondent. now kimberly, how could she joins us from washington, d. c? so it can be a united front is announced in coordination with g 7. lead is. what more can you tell us of the yeah, that's right. the us president releasing a statement saying that he is holding a ron accountable for the air attack that occurred on saturday in coordination with partners in the allies g 7 leaders. you'll remember that he held that meeting on sunday, that virtual meeting with g 7 nations following that air attack, vowing to hold a diplomatic response. and the sections are an example of just that
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imposing due sections and export controls. according to the president statement, targeting leaders and entities connected to the i r g c arrives, defense ministry also runs missile and drunk program. so essentially what the jump in the sorry to interrupt. we're just going to go back to you and storage console to listen to the russian 4 minutes to speaking. it's happened to well to happen because we didn't do enough to do to do such an assertion. would be blatantly false similar to that to me. on the 7th of october 2023. the counsel. what day in day out discussing possible the product get towards ending the violence and gods that would get a good little bit of delegate. sions offered no less than 10 different draft resolution was which i'm sure you'll agree. it's a fairly large number of issues with smoke as early as the 16th of october, 1st iteration. both of the 1st draft on the spot in the strip is new and we received a negative boat from, from the tabe us within the next draft was both of by brazil submitted on the 18th
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of october. the u. s. was the only delegation to veto it, although it did contains is highly important as our us colleagues now telling us what highly important wedding condemning disorder must just imagine how many lives we could saved if these proposals received support at the time. this includes the lives of the of hostages, the release of which we also demanded. since then 3, washington has cost $3.00 more details. preventing the council from taking a decision which would have stopped right, is military operation. you guys currently use our american colleagues to not conceal that they view the security council as a stumbling block, which shouldn't get in the way to the point of the effective diplomacy on the ground. tell me an actual fact when they did best to give the main released. and it was like a free hand to clear out the enclave. it is also to me and we remember certainly very well. and we hope the security council members, due to that, to the us delegation demanded the deletion of the made mention of the necessity to
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stop the violence from o drop. and then because the colleagues view, because every us veto costs on guys, it's not just another statistic in the b s. these histories, we shouldn't forget that it has a specific, a frightful price. it comes with the specific fretful price, the lives of thousands of new people for the pick these and peaceful people and got them. it took 6 months for washington to at least realize that it has lost any means of influence over israel, or keeps the tail is wagging. the dogs television is dictating as conditions, demanding unconditional support from the us for all of its reckless decisions. back in, in march. so show up with the u. s. which has been reviewed by practically the entire international community verle. it's been humane. vito's costs the list. tribes to why bush themselves, both right in the very strange draft resolution. and it's the us where the last philosophical, determining and imperative for
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a cease fire without actually demanding one. at the same time, the resolution was chalk, look with clots and mines, which the fact ok, the green light for the military operation conducted by israel, including declaring out of rough on killed was because, as i said together with china and algeria, we couldn't let the security council, to approve this license to, to the, the piece so posted in tuesday. you put in your and thanks to this, the security council 3 days later, mentioned adopted the aforementioned document in both of by the e. 10 containing a demand for ceased by throughout, from adult the selected to today the us is disingenuous, lead of choosing russia and trying to of vetoing it's wonderful products. in reality, a veto was an example of why we need this instrument. they be to you every month at the same time. and also, if it's a response to all those calling, calling for the veto is the polish meant to put a new is it's necessary because we need to avoid the adoption of in balanced and
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county decisions. being promoted by washington is really unfortunately good. israel is open to ignoring the resolution 2728 to do with the us as an encouragement which actually rushing you to call the security council resolution non binding previously . who as a result, we have a situation where by the un human rights council, special ripple to on human rights in the posting. and territory francesca open is a spare key choosing for i'm compelled to recognize that is rote has met the threshold for the crime of genocide, but at the moment. so we can both have characterized loose fuel goes to assertions by as leadership about the fact that the legislature abiding by international ministry and law and also as well as use of the right of self defense and the fight against terrorism. as pretext, ms. elden is a characterize these as of the senator in camouflage, but i have a 2nd question for you to do for a collective f. it's did we manage to improve the humanitarian situation in the, on quite the opposite. again, his notion of failure. we knew this,
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the council adopted to submit it to him. resolutions 27122722. and yet without a loss, think cease fire. these resolutions every want. everyone remained dead less a mandatory aid work and cannot do their job against the backdrop of an active hostilities. these people on, on 2 departments, not only can they not help civilians, they can't actually defend themselves. you should have re repeating that despite that this information being spread by the us would be different with both of the aforementioned resolutions, just like resolution 2728 can take measures for protecting from an attorney to a work as a senior. and yet without the ceasefire, they cannot be implemented. so just because the israel, so to clear out of gaza has already done the debates. distinction of claiming the highest number of lives i've submitted your input because of a 140 people have died including 178, which one rest stuff which and this clear up is not. you know that i ask you, what do you mean? it looks, it's a beautiful,
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it's really these really miller tree is hitting a miniature in convoys blocking access along the passage of supplies is up with these terms. and yet, western states only castigating this row for these actions. if west incentives and die as a result, you can all calls for the confliction which are based on the goodwill a field commander mc that wouldn't actually do anything to change the guy situation documented or in a way because on the crowd, unless we have a fully fledged says, seized by a can you possibly do? the last question i'd like to put to you is this. so that we did the introduction community managed to prevent the spillover of the conflict throughout the region. the answer is once again, no, because the situation on the lebanese is really what it is. highly unstable level down in syria, a being subjected to his reading, bombing, constantly a western colleagues specifically the usb and came from a to blame for the fact that the security council did not condemn israel strike on the right name calculate in damascus. on the 1st of april, which would have refund. basically this is a crude basis of
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a secret principle of international relations being by the ability of diplomatic, uncomfortable premises and stuff. and you have this resulted in a new, highly dangerous uptake and regional escalation. the consequences, wholly unpredictable and such disdain, on the part of a wisdom, colleagues, just specific states and their rights, the, to the division of the world into us and them, the us are above the laws of them. well, they local interest can be ignored. this has brought the middle east to the brink of a large scale was. this is what you quote, effective diplomacy. this is what it looks like and the fruit of it starts at this time. each time dismissal diplomacy is more victims and more destruction. by the way, another effect of his disdain is, despite the cleared amount of algeria you supposed to have that, that we haven't managed to protect, to oppose students from is really slow to we haven't be managed to improve bio violence. these you was not to mention the fact that since 1948 we haven't managed to help hosting is if you would like your belief legs,
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news state. so give us the best of israel in his statement. and in fact, we knew what he was going to say before he said that to the, to the i don't know what disrespectful towards ministers from the region who are in the room today are, but just as another ministers for a long time. now the payoff is ro, has the managed to, to say, well, things about the human stuff, the s g with the business. and today he called comes the security council, the terra council, that you have those who still, some of this isn't salting will he forgot? and probably that's the state of israel was due and in fact, established on the recommendation of the security council based on general. sadly, resolutions some do you what the cost out on this decision as well, perhaps the to use really invested a will answer my question to do, but israel meet the criteria for membership when it was funny, d admitted to the un for a short to but it's a good look at a shortened does island history. this is alyssa from the chairman of the committee
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on the admission of new members to the president of the security council. dated 1948 is very short, less i'm going to read it. the security council membership committee is discussed easily is implication for admission to membership of the united nations. as a result of these discussions, the committee came to the conclusion that it was not present in the imposition of the requisite information to enable it to come to any decision in particularly plus pointed out. even the going to the general assembly itself could not be at least any conclusion on the police team in question. as a whole, new us assign you, creating delegates declared with the collab, however, that for the but they saw a movies and whatever for doing easily is admission to the united nations, the city, and then a good on the other sounds express. he's a position to the application for admission, and that's the implication. did not minutes consideration the security council
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membership committee, cuz instructed me the price of the guns loved the both. the can me to can see does that include the for the security council, the new sites at the proper time where the to throw them at the back to the community. well, think of decision itself. this is a, tim, is i to you and then move on to be on the 7th of march. 19141949. so the letter from the present to the security council wasn't drafted, would transmit during the draft resolution on the admission of israel. it was transmitted to the journal assembly was busy, but modern therefore use you'll be using a minimum, if to the way i was compelled to do, based on all moral imperative is satisfy. tell us dines aspiration for your membership health side as well to lindsey. negligent pos, towards this point, says 2012. it has enjoyed a single estate as an un non member of the state. it's one step away from permanent membership. we call on old security council members to vote in favor of the
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relevant draft resolution, which was put forward, as i said earlier, on behalf of your students to pretty much be our real estate group, apartment's algeria. oops, with be we're convinced that recognize in palestine mostly complete and it status on how with israel will help the long term settlement of the post. i is ready. conflict on the basis we own the welding international legal basis endorsed by the u. n. and buttressed by the 20 to 2002 or piece administrative sort of house video . the goal being the establishment of an independent contiguous server and tell us to me and state within $9067.00 board. as with easters limit as it's capital, which would've lived side by side with israel in peace and security and security. it's clear that to involve towards his goal. in addition to, if it's which involved the resolution of the phone mentioned, acute issue just a minute term issues. we also need the establishment of a collective diplomatic mechanism where we stand convinced that in such a mechanism, a key role should be played by countries from the region arab states. as long as
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the dates they understood no less, they probably understand better and more than others. about how to achieve a fair solution which would be founded on mutually agreed and to actually go basis . of course, none of this pretty good should overshadow the immutable importance of a sci fi as per as per resolution. $2720.00 aged ferguson with some, if the resolution isn't implemented, the security council is within its rights to impose sections on those who violate and sabotage its decisions. will be preventing villages issued very soon. thank you . or i think the representative of the russian federation for this statement, i will give the floor to do presented of the united kingdom. thank you president, and let me start by thanking the secretary general for bracing us today. let me start by reiterating thoughts the u. k. condemns in the strongest terms. it runs unprecedented attack against israel,
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as well as its violation of jordan and the rocks space. the u. k continues to cold for de escalation and remain steadfast in our commitment to protecting and upholding stability in the region. iran actions do nothing to advance the prospects for peace in israel and garza president. the u. k condemns the october 2nd attacks unequivocally on calls. so the unconditional and immediate release of all the hostages. united kingdom remains resolved to work with international partners to urgently secure an immediate force to get aid in until stages out and then progress to a permanent sustainable ceasefire without to return to fighting adults of life.
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we also urgently cool for the full implementation of resolution 2720 to protect civilians, unable humanitarian assistance. there is a devastating and growing humanitarian crisis in garza gardens need more age and they need it now. so we welcome israel's commitments to for the open ashed old port and the rest check point and to increase capacity to the georgia non colorado. we are resolved that the international community will work with israel to see these vital changes fully implemented as my for and 2nd, she made clear during his visit to the region yesterday. we must maintain, i'll focus on getting more aid into garza. i'm guessing hostages out
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for all part, the u. k has tripled the aid commitment to this financial year. we will keep doing everything we can to get more aid in by land sea and to reach people in desperate need. in garza president. we support a 2 state solution that guarantees security and stability for both the as riley and palestinian people. we must give the people of the west bank and gaza, the political perspective of a credible route to a palestinian state under new future. and it needs to be irreversible. this is not entirely, you know, a gift. however, the friction and all partners can help by confirming our commitment to
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a suffering viable palestinian state. on recognition. this cannot come at the stall through the process, but it does not have to be the very end of the process. a longstanding position has been that we will recognize a palestinian stage at a time, which is most conducive to the peace process. that pathway. let's start with fixing that. he made huge crisis in garza a precedent. we must focus collectively on the vital elements for lost in peace. these include the release of old hostages, the formation of a new palestinian government for the west bank and gaza, accompanied by an international support package removing how much capacity to launch attacks against israel mass. no longer being in charge of garza.
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and i have mentioned a political horizon which provides a credible and a reversible pathway towards a 2 state solution. finally, president, i'd like to address the ongoing settlement expansion and demolition of palestinian properties in the occupied palestinian territories. we are clear that supplements are illegal under international law, and once again, urge israel to hold settlement expansion immediately. the u. k remains committed to acting robustly to support peace and stability in the region. president, let me end by reiterating the case commitment to a 2 state solution and turning this councils words into actions. we
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must work together to make this vision for piece a reality. i thank you. ok . or i think the representative of the united kingdom for this statement, and then i'll give the floor to his exit. i don't see mister timothy moose look up the minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation of c o l l. well that would just be inherently russia and the united kingdom laying out the positions during this open debate that we're following out as closely missing out the united nations and security council, which is focused on the situation in the middle east, including the cooling, the palestinian question we believe they'll be around $67.00 speakers during the course of this debate, so it'd be stepping in and out of the debate throughout this. i'll also and
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meet you. in the meantime, we're going to be bringing you some of the news that we are coverings from around the world and will be returning festival to the story about functions on a wrong. like what your opinion needs is on top of the us and u. k. also we're going to impose sanctions in the coming days thought solve to is drone and miss honda cycled israel. time on says today's attack was in response to these really blaming of its concepts in damascus. 2 weeks ago, withdrew them this tact lotion by you one against the ease read. we have decided to put to essentially, to put in place sections against the new one. so if a clear signal, the $31.00 to to send 8, we also want to do a receipt to protect the savings interested in life. let us restore on the release. we thought this was a for hostages, which one of the ceasefire images
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a ceasefire. it was, he's having 4 ministers, amazing supports and the it's highly an island of cap free that expects to focus on the growing tensions between iran and israel and the white a region also on the agenda as well as warm calls of the situation in the red sea and the will and ukraine. g 7 meters will meet in june. let's go to also as jenna how he's been covering that g 7 meeting in comprehend joins us now from the lives of jenna. how concerned are g 7 for a minute? says a bounce as well as next move as well. i've spent an awful lot of time over the last day and a half talking about the situation in the middle east talking about the potential for a wider war in the region. talking about sanctions whitening the sanctions regime is punishment on iran and also as a way of trying to dissuade and a repeat of the weekends attack on israel and adding to those e u sanctions. you've just been reporting on that the us and the u. k. announcing
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during the course of the often in a coordinated series of additional sanctions on individuals and entities involved in that attack involved in a ron's ms. solemn drug production programs of the export of miss 1000 drugs, the proxies in the region. and they've also been talking about try to re focus attention on the need for what the g 7 describes as an immediate and sustainable cease fire and gaza. but yes, as you suggested your question, there is a bundled concern about just what he's ro is planning to do next. in particular, off to benjamin netanyahu. these riley prime minister left u k. 4 and 60 david cameron with the belief in a meeting on wednesday, that is real easy, in fact, planning a military response. so the big questions hanging over these meetings now and elsewhere, of course. what is that response? when would it come? and to what extent, if a tool would it be limited seating the goals at the g 7 for caution, unrestrained in order to avoid any wider escalation?
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okay, don't know how the name is. thank you for bringing us the ve, the, from the cap for a view and says roughly 80 percent of goals of schools have been destroyed since the will become one. kindergarten in southern gaza. has kept classes going by pitching a tent after his very strikes destroyed the building for the a call has more or in a makeshift classroom, a tiny, eunice, palestinian children practice their reading the home of his ready drones. overhead doesn't jump in there on tuesday. as those drones along side the rest of israel's arsenal have destroyed schools across gather, forcing these children to learn and attend the name that i learned in this tent as an alternative to the ro kindergarten. and it was bombarded. i don't like learning and attempt i want to be in a proper kindergarten. the old one i used to go to, he's really is, have destroyed that kindergarten and i wish it would come back. but they don't have
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a permanent school to go to kindergarten running these classes says it's doing what it tends to help them continue their studies if it goes in the law. and the idea is this initiative is to highlight education. everyone else is focusing primarily on entertainment with focusing on kids education, which has been neglected for almost 7 months to enable them to read and write in the circumstances we are experiencing here to you and says close to 400 schools across because there are known to have been damaged and the actual number is likely higher. those that remain are being used as shelters for displace palestinians. the children here at the royal kindergarten are just missing, as i learned. many are missing families and carrying trauma.
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my name is mohammed. i was displaced from garza to russell. my father remained in gozo and he was killed. i came to this kindergarten to learn a lab inside this tent palestinian children get a rare chance to live as they did before israel to invasion of causes. but the war still awaits them at sight. pretty a car, which is 0. what do i need from washington dc is showing tell, see, oh, of the american, the east refugee aid organization. thanks very much for being with us. oh, i'm reading the what is hearing it, what is happening inside garza is referred to as scholastic decide. i mean that's a pretty uncommon would. can you give us a bit more of an idea as to what it actually means? yeah it's, it's a, i think it's a new word for, for all of us in a terrible world where it, it reflects the targeting of schools and god,
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and people who know, palestinians who know guys are the know, palestine know the importance of education for palestinians and particularly in gaza, where there's not a lot of other outlets and aspirations that people can, can achieve. education is, is, is paramount literacy rate. and god is 9798 percent even higher than in the west bank. the rate of, of school in university level is very high, and now every single university in guys is out of commission. and the whole education formal education systems come to a standstill. so the targeting of schools, the inability for anyone to be having formal education at this point is what's given rise to this term score on the side. it's quite telling isn't it that they've got a 119 states signing of what's known as the safe schools declaration back in 2015.
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this is to protect education insight on conflicts, but telling with israel and the us are amongst those who didn't sign it terrible, terrible helping you now can you not be in support of guarantee the universal education if working out for a better future where people have a chance to achieve their aspirations, to live normal lives, to be educated and have jobs and livelihoods. how can we deny the right, the education ok, showing carol many things indeed for taking the time to join us discussing the destruction of education and goals. um that's it for me for this news, i will be back in just a moment though with more of today's news i'm, we're continuing to monitor the open debate that's happening at united nations security council that we've thought o member. busy and others,
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$67.00 speakers in total discussing the situation in the middle east, including what they're referring to as the palestinian questions they do stay with us for more on that growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series. it seems to understand the challenge is mobilizing, use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seem the groups the size of the system as know for most the interest of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera. now let me tell you about the co result in the past of its kind. in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now, able to practice much luck. the now be used only electric very close here. like
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coming here, sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a look in my private for me. now. thanks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, restored to been gone. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis, haven't had going through the run for crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the, the straight back to the destination security council, where when this thing to china, talking about the situation in the middle east,
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the end to fighting in order to prevent a completely from expanding and a show safe and smooth flow of humanitarian relief. he has also emphasized that dr . fonts, a mental way out, is to implement the tuesday solutions, so as to promote a comprehensive, just a long lasting solution to the question about the function at an early date. as to complex deal goes on, the situation on the ground is precarious. wall is a test of caution and justice, while peace caused full rationality and responsibility for the international community, especially the united nations security council, must demonstrate firm determination and make the right choice by taking vickers action b, u e. so he's on the team for an immediate cease, fire must be promoted with the utmost search and seizure until the end of the ramadan, the people of cause i still did not see the long awaited seas file who do small over the negative effect of the conflict continue to spill over with the song. the
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cruel reality of more than 6 months has made it on fox fountains. a clear continuation of fighting would not.


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