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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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talking about the situation and then at least the end to fighting in order to prevent a completely from expanding and a show safe and smooth flow of humanitarian relief jungle. he has also emphasized that dr. fundamental way out is to implement the tuesday solutions. so as to promote a comprehensive, just a long lasting solution to the question about the time frame at an early date. as to complex deal goes on, the situation on the ground is for carrie, as well as a test of cautious and justice. while peace caused full rationality and responsibility for the international community, especially the united nations security council must demonstrate firm determination and make the right choice by taking vigorous action. b u e suite on the gym for an immediate cease, fire must be promoted with the utmost search and seizure until the end of the ramadan, the people of cause i still did not see the long awaited seas file. would you small over the negative effect of the conflict, continue to spill over with the lawyer,
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the foundation, the cruel reality of more than 6 months has made an impact fountains, a clear continuation of fighting would not make either side the safe or rather it will only result in more innocent civilian casualties attract the entire region into an even greater holocaust. we urge israel to effectively implement security council resolution $2728.00 immediately, and reverse 8 calls and sees it the military operations against cause on and abandon any plans to attack rafa. a woman do some of the countries with important influence on the policy through the conflict and to take any partial stand and make concrete to f. us about to promote, sees file, well know who your, what we call on the policy is concerned to exercise restraint or refrain from taking any actions that kent excavating tensions so as to prevent the conflict from further widening. b,
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u has tangible actions must be taken to alleviate to whom any chance against disaster in cause on the side. even if the people of guys are unlucky enough to escape showing an air strike, they still have to face men. they are fat and such a catastrophe. in the 21st century breached the bottom line of memorial cautions, isabel must act in accordance with the oldest of di, c, j, and relevant security council resolutions lift duplicate of gauze on the open. k phone o language in crossings fall dollar guarantee. adequate on record access for managerial supplies, such as they are safe and orderly distribution. we think awesome. the hopeful little bottle of news on rock i think is the guy came along on the humanitarian relief in gaza and its role is a replaceable. we impose any malicious attacks and up suppression. a guest are
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wrong and cold on countries concerns to resume funding to the agency as soon as possible. e. g, e, gender, electrician, a network, the 2 state solution must be revitalized with strong determination. the fundamental way out for the middle east question lies in the implementation of the tuesday solution, so that both of us indians and is released and realize come to security. and both the arab and jewish peoples can achieve common development comments rounds of conflicts as an a cause is family tragic wanting to the international community that it can no longer evade the aspiration of the palestinian people for independence and statehood, or perpetuate the historical injustice inflicted upon the palestinian people or would you advise on the kind of closes for intensified international diplomatic efforts screven to revitalize the political horizon of the 2 state solution and disconnection. we advocate the convening of international peace conference that is
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larger, more comprehensive and more effective to develop a timeline and roadmap for the realization of the 2 state solution. by using the california is really conflict, has dropped on for more than 70 years and follow sometimes. i mean, these real has long realized kids independence and statehood on the right of dependent standing people to self determination to state who it has long been disregarded. full membership in the you want is an important step for palestine to establish ending dependent's names. palestine has request as a renewed consideration of his application for full membership in to you when that kind of posted on all members of the council to take and responsible the attitude in light of history and cost a favorable vote this afternoon, follow to support palestine joined the u. n. family, as a full member. thank you president. as i think the representative of china for the statement and then i'll give the floor to the representative of ecuador.
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gotcha, thank you, and thank you. let me just bring this thing to china addressing the united nations security council, which is a holding an open debate on the situation in the middle east. the number of states and organizations will be addressing the council over the last hour, and probably in the next hour. the whole debate opens with you and check your journal engineer. good terrorist who says the middle east is on a knife edge on the suffering. and goza is that his root cause. goza, 6 and off months of use of a lead me to tell you, will patients have created the many dead in health skate. tens of thousands of people have been killed. to 1000000 palestinians endure this this section and the denial of life saving you meditating the aides. and they are now standing down on a sort of ation. and he's really open actually in the rough uh, with compounds these humanitarian catastrophe. the apollo signs representative to
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the un cold on the international communities to compel israel to hold his war on golf and allow in more age. this supplement, what we call on you today. more than ever to swiftly intervene and take the necessary measures to compel israel to put an end to its aggression, provide you not to allow the delivery of humanitarian assistance to his starving people, to immediately withdraw from the gods of strep, went in to comply with international law and the resolutions of international legitimacy. lucky certainly at the international community. i cannot stand idly by while a country is above international law and enjoys impunity that spring and you and that correspondence cable is on the who's out the headquarters in your missing and on all the speeches. so gave we had that from the palestinians. we also had a lab from the as rainy assembly and they rail strongly against the u. n. as an
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organization being biased against israel. yeah, they did that and it was sort of typical of what you hear from israeli officials who for many months now have been railing against the united nations and also against the secretary general antonio gutierrez, who israel says should resign in shame. so listen to what we heard from you is rarely ambassador. there was a sort of what we have been hearing for many months. nothing particularly unusual in terms of what we've heard from him in the past. it's unusual to hear that kind of attacking of the united nations even said the united nations in its current form could no longer exist. let's be clear here. the israel is very much on an island itself when it comes to those kind of opinions when it comes to united nations. that's for sure. the big picture here is really, let's take a step back to tell you what exactly you've been watching and what's happening. this is a quarterly open debate on the situation in the middle east and,
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and the question of palestine is focused on. and let's keep the focus there because that's what's really important here is, is humanitarian aid. and israel's continued war on guys and the effects that it's happening, that it's having on the palestinians in gaza. and that's what we heard from the secretary general telling the counsel. and the more than 60 other countries in the chamber that are represented there. right now the israel is not doing enough to get a in israel is not doing enough, in fact they're in during un 8 operations in gaza. and he also pointed to the westbank as well saying that the vast majority of the more than $450.00 pounds stands killed in the west bank. and the last 6 months have been at the hands of is rarely military. that was a little bit of what the secretary general had to say, but i also have to point out and this is important, you're hearing a lot of these speeches. the speakers talking about
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a full membership for palestine in the united nation to say what, why is this coming up now? the reason is, is because in about 5 hours from now, we're expecting that the security council will vote on a full membership for palestine in the us and they're currently just an observer state. so this is going to be happening at the un in the council chambers as well later today about $21.00 g m t 5 p m local time. so a lot is happening right now in the security council chambers, a lot of different moving parts. but the big picture again, the focus on the secretary general calling out is real for hindering a deliveries into guys or for the people that need it the most. okay, have us on day many thanks for breaking all that down for us will be coming back to you as we keep returning to the united nations security council. meanwhile, on the ground in gall, so at least $71.00 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. offers
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really strikes, talked to several areas across the strip. and southern galls, or at least 12 palestinians were killed in this way to strike old rafa. the attack took place on a residential room, housing displaced, palestinians, and left behind a crazy people collect sync the remains of bodies. and where is where the forces withdrew. evidence of all the treat killings of torture and much in the vicinity of i'll ship a hospital. thousands more bodies have been found weeks off to and is really attacked at a central garza as widespread destruction. following days of intense is ready, bombardment underground operation. and on this, that refuge account families have been returning to the camp offices. wait a minute, she withdrew from the area. they've been trying to gather the belongings, which should be buried under the rubble. the mayor of new thread says the is wait a minute tree is deprived people of the most basic human services while officers and could handle could already has gained access to on this. all right,
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come in garza and she sends us this report. as you see this destruction is massive. people are left homeless, but palestinians are very desperate for more than 6 months. now this is still going on evacuating from a place to another setting up tense, this month, links tons going to your your, your relatives house, leaving and being forced to evacuate with your relatives. house. every single area in the gaza strip is currently being targeted. people are left this one for the homeless. they're telling us, like i asked the women, where are you going after your house has been bonds? to said i do not know all the thoughts, the tower behind me, my home was flattened by. that is read the army as simple as doctor, our homes, our lives, our memories, and our children's future are all gone. the next exam,
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everything we've worked so hard for our kingdom, home, all destroyed. but thank god we are alive. how listing is believed that there is no play safe? there are no plays, they could go to because everywhere is crowded and they're left with nothing, not none of their belongings, none of their stuff and they are left without anything. and this continues. there has been, at least a dozens of bodies still trapped under the rubble of the houses. and the civil defense are telling, announcing that they could not reach these bodies because they need to have the equipments and they're not capable to do that 6 months. and this is still going on
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as you see, children are trying to have their families to bring one kids. hello us and what's left of anything they could find from their apartments and fluff. this is one of the apartments that has been partially damaged, where people are lucky that they could take some of their belongings. other houses has been completely fine. so the nice nation security council where we're taking a heavy united states address, the open debate on the moment of great peril in the region. ron and it smells and partners, including a must have driven us to the precipice of a broader conflict. united states condemns ron's direct attack on israel, which we, along with israel and other partners helped to defeat. there was no doubt. ron's aim in launching more than 300 munitions. it is real, was to inflict significant damage and cause
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a loss of life. the us commitment to israel security is iron clad, repeat iron clad in our contributions to israel's defense against iran, or clear manifestation that commitment. it is vital that the international community is united and condemning ron's reckless as good tory acts which prose a direct threat to international peace and security, destabilize the region and endangered its own people. in response, united states announced sanctions this morning. again, several actors involved in ron's unmanned aerial vehicle program, suppliers and customers of one of our rods, largest steel producers, and a rating. automobile companies with connections to the us, designated islamic revolutionary guard court, and the ministry of defense, an armed force, logistics, to re enter supplies, that our allies and partners will soon be following with their own sanctions. and
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we will continue to disrupt the networks that support the ron reckless proliferation of weapons that the stabilize the middle east and beyond. the security council must also not lived. ron's actions go unanswered. indeed, for far too long, ronald flagrantly violated its international legal obligations, notably through the actions of the i, r g c. the evidence is clear around his arms, his book in violation of security council resolution 17 o one. it is also armed, facilitated and enabled with the attacks on satellite radio and the u. a. e. and more recently, merchant and commercial shipping in the red sea. in clear violation of resolution 2216. and in defiance of resolution 2722 ron is transferred show had one way attack drones using attacks against multiple member states. at
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a time when such transfers were in clear violation of resolution $2231.00 around is also repeatedly violated international law by targeting with mines and sees and commercial ships in international waters of the persian gulf and surrounding waterways. just as it did on april 12th, ron has provided significant funding and training for the military waiting or from us, which as we know, perpetrated, unspeakable acts of cruelty on october 7th against his release. americans and citizens from countries all over the world. this long standing uranian support continues to contribute to the current crisis and gaza as well. the rods minister will offer excuses for these actions. today, we have a collective responsibility to set the record straight on iran from the far his actions to ensure that iran both complies with the counsels. resolutions and faces
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is violations of international law. colleagues. united states has committed to strengthening our cooperation to in the crisis in gaza, including by continuing to work towards an immediate and sustainable c fire. as part of a deal to release hostages by him, us, and deliver additional increased demand turn assistance to palestinian civilians and need a mouse, however, continues to reject offers from israel. it would halt fighting and relief hostages . over and over and over from us, accepted the offer. israel was made it would allow for an immediate cease fire that would benefit palestinians immediately. i should take this deal. if not, they should explain to the world and to the palestinian people why they have yet to do so. because right now, how much is the sole obstacle to a cease fire in gaza? the sole obstacle, colleagues,
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it is extraordinary extent to which a mazda has been almost erased from the story of what is happening in garza. none of what we have seen and gone so would have happened. had him, us released the hostages, put down its weapons, stop hiding behind civilians and in tunnels and surrendered. mazda is an opportunity now to agree to the proposal on a see fire and on hostages. the ball isn't from us as court, and the world is watching to see what it does. present fine is called on israel to announce and implement a series of specific concrete and measurable steps to protect civilians from harm. addressing that i turned suffering and ensure the safety of aid workers as israel must do more to prevent civilian casualties. far too many lives have been lost and the present has made clear of us policy with respect to god's it will be determined
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by the assessment of israel's immediate and sustained action on the steps. we welcome israel's decision to open more land crossings. we need immediate implementation of these commitments. we need immediate results as guides and faces . eminence family lives depend on it. we reiterate our support for senior coordinator, secret caught in, call on israel to cooperate with the us efforts to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale. over $240.00 humanitarians have been killed, there cannot be anymore. we reiterate our call for israel to implement immediate measures to remediate deficiencies within it's the confliction procedures so that humanitarian personnel can safely perform their life saving work. colleagues, united states also remains gravely concerned by the tensions in the west bank. we strongly condemn the murder. a 14 year old is rarely been. you mean ok,
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the mirror and the violence against palestinian civilians and their property that ensued after his disappearance resulting and dozens of injuries, property damage, and the killing of 2 palestinians. 24 year old jihad l. yeah. and 17 year old. oh my, i'm on a do gun a comment. we strongly condemn these murders and our thoughts are with their loved ones. civilians are never legitimate targets. we call on the authorities to take measures to protect all communities from harm. and we urge israel and the palestinian authority to do everything possible to be escalate tensions. additionally, united states will continue to impose our own sanctions on people involved in violent activities in the west bank. colleagues, the united states reiterates its commitment to continue working to address the
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multiple challenges we face in the middle east today. we will support israel as it faces unprecedented threats from iran and reiterate that iran must comply with all un resolutions and the charter. at the same time, we will also continue direct diplomacy to advocate for normalization of ties between israel ends. neighbors, as well as a political horizon towards the 2 state solution. so the palestinians and israelis give side by side in peace. we are committed to achieve incredible time bound and irreversible steps toward the 2 state solution. mister president, the representative of the russian federation has criticized us resolution. put forward on the situation and gaza. there's many in this room now. the us resolution was an effort to try to promote a realistic pause and the conflict and to help facilitate humanitarian assistance.
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no country has worked harder than us to improve the prospects for peace in the region. russia has frankly done nothing other than promulgate lives in this information about the us and as partners. i said this many times, russia is in no position to criticize any member of the security council, given the war crimes and other atrocities it is committing on a daily basis in ukraine. as for russia, the tragic situation and gaza is nothing more than an opportunity to distract attention from the risk war being conducted against the people of ukraine. thank you, mister president. i think the representative of the united states, but i've been listening it to the united states giving that speech at the united nations security council. just reminded that this is a quarterly open the base hold,
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held out to the united nations security council. and this is situate, this is focusing on the situation in the middle east, including what is called the palestinian question, will be returning to this in the course of the hour right now that we're going to bring in a guest nor a day who is joining us from ramallah in the occupied west of pine, she's been listening in with this, we have the us the saying, know that how much is the soul of the cold to a sci fi and gall so that it should accept the deal as it stands? what do we know about that proposal as well? we know that the families of is rarely captives have accused nothing. the whole of torpedoing those talks of making them difficult. we've seen and is rarely media leaks from the negotiating team that is negotiating on behalf of israel, a very a, you know, upgrade just a statements talking about nothing the whole making sure
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a deal was not struck saying that time us presented a deal. there was a deal on the table more than 2 months ago and nothing. yeah. how didn't bumped? there's a lot of double talk here, a lot of misspeak if you want and, and insistence of from the american representative to kind of talk about a reality that is parallel to the one. everybody knows outside the room of the security council, where we know that efforts are underway, where we know that nothing the whole continues to change the rules and change the conditions and change what he can and cannot accept in a deal. and where we know that the americans just a few weeks ago when the security council adopted a resolution on a cease fire and gaza set that it was non binding. and now we heard a few moments ago from him a talking about the need for a want to abide by you and resolutions of any examples like this are, you know,
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there are plenty of them in that speech. but really i thought it was very striking when he talked about the cease fire talks because it is no secret. these really media has reported on this extensively, that the one person who has done more damage to these talks than anybody else is nathaniel himself. no one can seem that seems to be emerging from this session. as a correspondent, give us under pointed out is many keys speakers, including israel's allies cooling for more humanitarian aids to get into gone. so the question is whether it's rather ready to listen to that as well, it's a good cop odd, isn't it? because the talking about the humanitarian situation without saying that it is the consequence of political failure, allows these countries to avoid the bigger question to avoid the fact that israel is spending trial now at the international court of justice. for genocide,
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it is not listening to anybody, it is not really being pressured to stop starving. palo study is to this and what start patient and simon is, is slow. i get my is a mass murderer, that's what we're talking about. and that's why the international court of justice issued provisional orders twice about because that's specifically on access of humanitarian assistance, which as well, continues to not just impede as we heard from the un secretary general, to also attack the humanitarian aid workers who are trying to bring in that aid to the people who need it the most across the gaza strip. so talking about the humanitarian situation, about contributions to that assistance. effort in a way is an attempt to dodge of the bullet of talking about the political failure and the political crisis that allowed all of this to transpire. and to persist for over 6 months. and to not have any evidence psyched, quite frankly,
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because nobody seems to want to tell israel that it has to stop killing palestinians on a mass industrial scale. no one other thing that struck me was when l jerry spoke. and they said that a 2 state solution is facing eminence, multiple things that we also had the u. k. and the us cooling for us to, to state solution. is it realistic? ok. well, you know, the us on the ok can slated by lots word recognition, which is a software and right that they have with membership at the un. because also again, it's hard to say that you support for to states which is an international formula and then say that i oppose recognizing palestine, which is already recognized by about a $140.00 states which has a seat on many un agencies and organs,
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including the international criminal court on the viability of that solution depends on the political will. and right now what we see at the security council and on the ground are the americans, the british and another significant players saying the right things. so they oppose supplements because they are a violation of international law. they oppose starvation because it's a war crime. they oppose killing civilians because it's another international crime . but what is being done about it's absolutely nothing and that kind of impunity is what allows the situation to, to happen and, and pushes palestinians to feel that their entire existence is being, is, is under threat. and is being a raised enhance, i guess, explains why palestinians have renewed their application for you and membership to put to the test. all those good words, all those nice words that sound right. let's say the right things,
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but fall short of doing what is required to make some a reality. knowing full well, of course, that the under international law, people's right to be free to have a state of their own is not contingent upon their colonizer setting them free. that is, you know, those 2 things are separate. so keeping the idea of palestinian statehood hostage to the is really the decision is one more way the americans, the british and others, are trying to keep this whole thing out of the u. n. out of the realm of political discussion and into the you know, reality a close drew was diplomacy that they've been conducting. okay, well no lice a in a few as time movie having of the united nations general assembly holding a votes on the full palestinian membership of the un for the diamond. se, thanks very much for joining us. what has ministers discussed the situation in
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palestine in new york, the wall and gauze continues my spring and honey my what he's joining us now from rafa in southern garza. so he asked the petition as to what we put the situation in gone. so remaining is devastating as of and casualties. mounting all across the strep in the past 24 hours. yes, that is all. it seems that every time we have the united nations or do you on security council, be dealing with an important sessions or decisions for as palestinians. i was seeing a search in the tax across the gosh. like on an open advertise for more mass killings or more destruction across distributors the past 24 hours, 7 atrocities committed against families entire. we're looking at entire family obliterated inside residential homes that they've been filtering in here. here in all very crowded, robust 50 as of. 1 last night attacked in a residential.


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