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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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well as ministers discuss the situation in palestine in new york, the will and garza continues most bringing honey my words. he's joining us now from rafa in southern garza. so he asked the petitions told me about the situation in gone. so remaining is devastating as of a and casualties mounting all across the strep and the past 24 hours. yes, that is all. it seems that every time we have the united nations or do you on security council beginning with an important sessions or decisions for his palestinians. i was seeing a surge india tax across the gulf. like on an all print out the tides for more mass killings and more destruction across distributors, the past 24 hours, 7 atrocities committed against families entire. we're looking at entire family obliterated inside residential homes that they've been filtering in here. here and over crowded rough i city as of last night, i talked in a residential home the eastern part of the city, including
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a separate attacks on people who set up tents and not in an empty land. they are their residential homes that were targeted over, reported, either killed or the critically injured at the hospital. then with the tragedy of these attacks. it was the and more of the people who are uh, transferred to the hospital, dying within hours or within days, a given the lack of medical supplies and the proper medical attention that is much needed right now in hospitals. these really military also, it had said to announce that it withdrawal from the the site i refuse the account, but also leaving entire independence visit residential deluxe completely destroyed and flatted with more of the public facility events, complete elimination of social services and more reports of people who are still missing a tribe under, under the rebels, the situations in the northern part of the strip are not different or not list a difficult done. what is it in the central area as well as in the over crowded
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southern part of the city? the this is rita military continue with the top, with uh, with, by here and by language constant non stop our dealers shutting down your valley as well as the northern cities off of the strip. so what's really making it very difficult right now for people the past 6 months have been very, very traumatizing for the 1500000 displays palestinians tight, and it's struggling on daily basis to provide the most basic needs for themselves for their families, state and protected state and saved, but the same time and during this intense bombing campaign, but with the, with the growing the threats of expanding the ground invasion throughout the city. just that just shot in any remaining sense of safety for people as there is no place to go to. and literally, there is no safe areas to evacuated to something that feeds into what people have described for that within the past week that the entire gaza strip has evolved into more of a killing box dominated by these really military top jets,
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a drawing surveillance and the non stop artillery show and honey we've just been hearing the un security council. i'm showing this open the banks that on the palestinian question of 40 percent of aid trucks, a being denied still being denied by israel. there's a, a broad call for more humanitarian aid to be allowed in said golf. so what is the situation of all the situations on the ground are still very difficult with the vast majority of people do not have the proper access to food supplies, water supplies, or, or is the vibe alive and just the health sector by itself. just a disaster and just a out of president of the catastrophic situation inside this health care facility, where they're here in rough i city or the central area of the city of hon unit for the northern part. we're looking at more than 90 percent of the healthcare facilities across the gusts. we've had been push completely out of service with extreme shortage of medical supplies. and some of these medical supplies are
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nothing certainly needed right now for people. but we see it as deliberate obstruction of entry of medical supplies of trucks into the gaza strip. is just part of the ongoing is really strategies of preventing anything that could help people survive these difficult situations. something that feed into turning the whole place into more of an uninhabited goals area for people. the number of a truck so far is not nearly enough to help people face these challenges created by the intense bombing campaign by the ongoing restrictions on the ground. also the, the shatter sense of safety and thought 0 sense of safety for 8 workers on the ground. just making it very difficult to continue with the theory and supply of the human interior is what we look at right now. is it like a situation that are above emergency just to be accurate and how to describe it because it is very difficult and they brought to ensure the smooth delivery and the uh, the delivery as well as the entry of
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a human and target and on the fact that there's really monitor, you're just allow the reopening of bakeries in the northern parts and the fit for flying areas with water with pipeline water pipelines is an indication unapproved that is really monetary for the past 6 months. hadn't did use food as a weapon to collectively counties. people in the northern part doesn't really the central area and also here in overcrowded southern part of the school district. i've taught correspondence in garza and southern rough uh, honey, my smooth honey. thank you very much. okay, let's take a short break, but when we come back we'll be staying with the palestinian story. tell me that, but i am in the occupied west bank and i'll be telling you about the need. this is randy plans to grab more of that in the occupied with the
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clouds gathering across central and southern parts of china. we have good weather weather moving out to the way, sweeping out into the open waters. high pressure comes in behind. so several briefly. hey, comes the my, you front lots of plowed across the west and fast moving right into the house of the region. we'll see some wet to weather heavy and fund re down. polls could cool some localized flooding and not where to weather will make its way further. east was green financially back in the cloud and the rain by the time becomes assessed. i along with southern areas of japan below the dry to the north of that. so now we're all going to say some showers to one of the 2 showers developing across indo china and maybe some west to whether we're eventually pushing into southern parts of the philippines. the usual scattering of shala's 3, malaysia, and indonesia lot is across and flooding in one or 2 spots as usual, popular seats and very heavy down post. recently, these will stay in play. so some heavy down pulls across southern parts of india are up the west and gets a chance of a shout to the west and past officer like
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a big story across india really is the hate. so we getting into the 40s now the pre monsoon heat building focused on now seeing that went to weather that affected the golf, but it's heavy as it was there, but we are seeing the shower was rolling out of afghanistan moving east of the. now let me tell you almost suffice. cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice much luck. the now be used only electric very close here. like coming here sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a look in my private for me. now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in gun the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the color again, you're watching out, is there a has remind you of our top stories this i'll do you inspector general quotes of the escalation in the middle east. i'm says, financial support of the few states solutions for early increased volatility, attending guitars, dress humans, coach council on the 1st day. limits are set to boot place on whether to ground on full membership. united nations and central jobs have as widespread destruction following days of intense has already been bomb into the ground operation. l, missouri. refugee comes families of being, returning to the countertops is really note. she withdrew from the area of you and says,
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roughly 80 percent of costs of schools have been destroyed since the will on dollars that began. one kindergarten in the self has kept costs, is going by pitching a tent off to his really strikes, destroyed. his building for the a call has more in a make shift, the classroom he kind of eunice palestinian children, practice the reading the the home of his ready drones. overhead doesn't dump in there on tuesday. as those drones along side the rest of israel's arsenal have destroyed schools across as a forcing these children to learn and attend. so then that i learned in this tent as an alternative to the ro, kindergarten that was bombarded. i don't like learning and a tent. i want to be in a proper kindergarten. the old one i used to go to is bailey's have destroyed that kindergarten. and i wish it would come back. but they don't have a permanent school to go go to kindergarten running these classes says it's doing what
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a tend to help them continue to study ethically in the. a remove all the ideas this initiative is to highlight education. everyone else is focusing primarily on entertainment with focusing on kids education, which has been neglected for almost 7 months to enable them to read and write in the circumstances we are experiencing here to you and says close to 400 schools across guys. there are known to have been damaged and the actual number is likely higher. those that remain are being used as shelters for displace palestinians. the children here at the royal kindergarten are just missing, as i learned. many are missing families and carrying trauma. my name is mohammed. i was displaced from garza to russell. my father remained in
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garzo and he was killed. i came to this kindergarten to learn a land inside this tent. palestinian children get a rare chance to live as they did before israel's invasion of calvin. but the war still awaits them at sight. pretty a car, which is here. and we'll keep an eye out of westbank. israel has announced a decision to seize 64000 square meters of land to establish an equal industrial settlement. time will display some 8000 palestinians in northern hebron as well, has been expanding its illegal sacraments across the occupied westbank since launching its wall on gauze them. it for him as in bethlehem with mol on the illegal is riley land. grub of this illegal is really supplements behind me started off as a small supplement before it started expanding and expanding, taking up more and more palestinian lines. and not only are palestinians not allowed to live in it, because it is it only for is really living in the,
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in the occupied westbank. but it has been taking up more resources, infrastructure and lands from palestinian is the start of the world. garza, we've been seeing how the gain is really supplements, have been expanding, but we've been seeing a wave and increase of the approval of the land being confiscated by a festival. the issue a minute, that olds that are considering the land to be state like they don't the lies. jordan's, the responsive is sort of the over this then and they don't consider the tennessee means. have any lights in their own land? data sticks even the what, what administration for the city is out on the an area and be an even that is gun. now this is a which is what i should not be interfering in 88. they built into the field, an 88, an even in eddie, a b, the,
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this government of some of the rich on the bottom. notice that things i must the planning of but the scene in areas in any of the when we talk about these land grabs, we're not just talking about new or there's to confiscate more, more lands. but we're also talking about changing the purpose for which those lads were confiscated. first of all, they would be confiscated for like a military zone or the national or reserve before palestinians discovered that it's soon been changed and more is really sucking. those are going to be allowed to move in to those areas. another way palestinian said that as well as grabbing more lands is by secular attacks that have been intimidating palestinians living across the occupied west bank. since the start of the will receive more than $1200.00 palestinians, mostly from the by the one community. the community being forced out of the lads moving their locations because of the growing attacks by settlers here in the occupied westbank is that, but he,
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bethlehem the occupied west bank at least to hezbollah fights as a 3rd person i've been killed in those really. right. and southern 11 and lots of media reports indicate these really all me fired was a believe to be in send or a munitions and method on the weapons contained chemicals that are capable of funding through skin and disintegrating tissue. light scripts of previous think documented as well as use of white false to us and south lebanon is use in civilian areas as widely considered. illegal. a well has been escalations 11 and as well. border in the past several days as below appears to have started a new phase and it's a tax on his way. the forces is very much. he says that he's 14 of its soldiers were injured. 6 of them seriously. often attack on wednesday. they know how the reports from they rate there's been a mark shift and it has well as attacks on wednesday, the is really are me, suffered the highest number of casualties in
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a single strike since the conflict began in october. the 6th is where the soldiers were seriously injured and around a dozen others need a treatment when the lebanese armed group used to arm drones and missiles to target the building, a few kilometers from the border. this time their rockets are um, drones did manage to get through israel's defense system. it wasn't the 1st time has been on managed to break through as well as defenses 24 hours earlier. as well as arm drones targeted what the group said was an iron dome, air defense battery showing also the size of the damage that transport lampkin inflict on israel and in case of where they run, where is full as it oh gunning, pop. ready ron, okay, now say that the do and would have to be part of a wind and if necessary has below appears to be showcasing its ability to enlarge. what has so far, been
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a limited confrontation in the past. 72 hours we've seen was seen dozens of it's rarely casualties. i think that's stuff in the stuff and cannot the kids out. that's and he was not the case. and in the past 6 months, this is a new level of, of 5 thing. and it's much more costly to these rarely forces of israel to has been using more force against hezbollah targets. we've seen that gain a degree of escalation, but also related to the fact that tensions have been obviously increasing to an unprecedented level between iran and israel. directly a celebrities arms group, which has so far, been careful not to expand. the conflict appears to be raising the stakes as isabel threatens to respond to a runs unprecedented attack over the weekend. as well as secretary general house on
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those throughout the cold as well as targeting of a bronze consulate in damascus, a turning points. and for the 1st time since opening what he called a supports front for garza, he expressed readiness to intervene militarily in the event of a wider war between israel and iraq. the conflict between israel and has been law is in a new phase, then they're obviously to bid. friday sees the thought of the general election in india facing and the world's largest democracy will last any 6 weeks. and it's a new engine id is seeking a 1st time, but the willing b. j. p is criticized promising a hindu nationalist agenda cracking down on the opposition of silence in the media . the indian government has failed to give bases to alger. 0 is correspondence to cover the story, not full of covering the election from outside the country. no fernandez reports. one of the loan selection campaign events before the 1st phase of voting begins
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a 6 week cycle of the state of money put in the northeast of india as being run by violence between the hindu majority, macy and cookies, or tribal communities. since last me, as you would, i don't want to have done 5. the one that i, the existence between all the company does the ruling b, g, b into is the election on the high news cleaning. the tub of charged indian economy is one of the major, a treatments, but higher unemployment, police, and mistakes and economic anxiety driven by soaring prices. pinson volta, i'm either the son of a t says $73.00. it would be g p leading to arrange a movie. you see naturally, spotty is most effective weapons. however, if you give one vote to the congress party or the communist, they cannot form a supplement at the center. you'll vote leave go, we start a car. and so what's a go to the b a b which will form the government? that is my got it? 26. so position policies have created and the lions to stuff the b g p via to use
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the government of using state agencies to see even scarce counseling new york. but jordan is adding its voice to the debate. the situation in the middle east i'll destroy gaza. it displays 2 thirds of its population and that is to have as well turned its schools into a problem and a terms into wreckage. need street of debris, one huh. as well as aggression has exposed the mentality of barbarism, braces, and every vindication mentality, that disregard for the human value and disrespect international law. it a fuel by hatred, john email, it's crimes, and the going to international powerlessness and selectivity in the application of international instruments. i said so that you might as well kill nearly 34000 pallets tonight as i showed all of 13000 to, to the child, you know, and the similar number of and mothers are far,
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far to some of them were children with is right easily. others you under siege, you, i see a lot on as top ation was used as a weapon and torture to join retaliation and it's around difficult. the world has never seen such our again since in humanity, in modern history. the might have to say you to of israel destroyed guns, i'm to expect a duty not to break the will of its people, to their will to business body did not kill gas and children's hold on for freedom . it will. we also in the face of an elderly galvan who defied oppression when he insisted that you will not leave the line to his policies are gonna be assessed or his law for that is where he was born. and that even where he will die, you know who hold please. so in this miles of gauze and children scored describe dozer childhood by israel. however, israel failed to steal their dreams of a free polish pinion home. but i'm just to let you know as well this place, the golf and chas. mohammad,
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highly bush to her. from the inside rod refuge account to rough. how much is over there? my hyundai, such as will turn bread every morning. that's when he finds them. he brings him to his pharmacy as well. the prize came to where your office cool, but every day he attends in less than interested. you can't go with peers now and who insists on their own. come, mohammed says he doesn't come tour comfortable, and instead he wants a future. he lost life and dignity. what on the photo, this free homeland is a right now the policy and to put a ride that will not die because an entire people from the time demanding for a stick to it is it will not be slain by the oppression of the occupation or it scores, tact, homeland the terrorism of its check. there is arthur attempt to change the historical and legal status of the as nomic and christian holy sites in jerusalem. and the siege of the freedom lower should be stability and security will not be
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achieved until the dream is the palestinian children is in body its rights in an independent and sovereign palestinian states on palestine national soil. this is the palestinian drive, and this is the fact and choose that must be recognized by all those who seek secure chance piece for our region. a dear colleague of occupation and piece r 2 extremes, that cannot be reconciled. there is no peace as long as the occupation remains when there is no security. as long as the x ray, the injustice continues to deny the humanity of the promising people the right to life will freedom, dignity security, does take to recognize the independent palestinian states along the 9 to 67 lines was occupied, jerusalem, and as each capital accepts the state of palestine as
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a full fledged member of the united nations do so to oppose justice to make a peace triumphant to reject cain just as to cry out against the task. the do not leave the future of the region. the future of palestinians is re lease and all the peoples of the region hostage, you know, to the opposite occurrences in some braces, extremist is really government. they are only pushing the region towards the destruction of whores of the cap. us just isn't off k us. they received it in the nurse and is one of the hatred and the apple herron's colleagues with the danger of escalation and the expansion of the war and gaza regional for these on the rise with each passing moment. each moment that which is to be continued regression on dogs, that the deepening of oppression and the entrenchment of the occupation in the occupied left with botkin jerusalem. the moment where the prospect for the election sees it either way you sign this is collation where the evidence last week wrong rest of the home good to as far as the bombing of its constellation,
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damascus had around his side the 12 month escalade. but further, but the is ready to government must also be prevented from escalating further than from dragging the west into a region of war. a war that would distract motion away from the crises in gaza with increasing international pressure, demanding and to it's completely yet on the escalation, as a regional and international necessity. and it must begin with an end to the aggression on garza and an end to the human. it's how are you in crisis? how does that continues to exacerbate? well i, this is the fundamental what was shown by, in addition to and when the oppression tyranny and cruelty of the west by the including occupied jerusalem. we must find re prospects for just the peas. so that should be our focus, but your call easier to actually we in the hashemite kingdom of golden mistress, the need to work collectively to prevent further escalation. and this will not allow anyone, neither israel nor
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a ron to turn the golden into an re not for com. so we will protect our security on the security of our citizens. we will counter was all the, our capabilities and competencies like, you know, counter any attempt to reach our aerospace or in danger of the security our citizens. because then whether by israel or ron or was the one i remember or any of the hashemite kingdom of the golden will continue to stand with the brother of the policy of people. it will remain a voice for palestinian vice, get out of the forest for the junction of peace. they see this is exemplified and an independent and sovereign palestinians, kate established on pals. thing in national, fully with living in peace and security alongside israel. that is the only way we just bought into this round the false, who didn't tell us. time lasted for too long. what's injustice went too far? it's oppression transcended in april. for this is really extremism,
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no matter how oppressive and unjust will not be able to kill the win of the policy . people for freedom, the aggression on guys i will not bring security to as well, nor would it perpetuate the occupation to west bond. can we 0 to some of them? it will not have wrecked and the arab and islamic identity all the precedent ox, a mosque, and had them and shedding them, let the bone leave the 10 and the occupation your fulfilling the rights to guarantee peace and security. once house 10 years and is ready to use, the security council must adopt binding resolution crises, fire in dogs. this is a decision that necessitates the counsels legal responsibilities. should be the result of the device patient caused by the warrant golf sound as roe can not be allowed to storm into a rough office. that would mean allowing new mass secure to be committed against $1000500.00 power thing is prob, attend the city. we warn against this attack,
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and it's a repercussions the security council must oblige, as well, not to the, against a rough off that we call on everyone to support the efforts. so the arabic public to the, just the state discounts are on the united states of america. to reach an ex change deal that would lead to the release of hostages, and i sure insure it and by the fire i them, it's because nothing justifies the fact that the council did not adopt the resolution requiring israel to uphold, to open old crossings for humanitarian aid, one of the simon and gaza is really the humanitarian needs of the people of cause that will not be met from the school across things are low tens. and um that, so you and organizations, especially underwater and are able to operate freely receiving congress or free between 800. we in the kingdom are ready to send more than 500 trucks a day. but i want us as well, removes bmw sediments and it allows you and organizations to receive. i'm distributed,
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am i the only the international community must lounge and immediately turn off the action that puts the region on the path to implementing an integrated plan to implemented a 2 state solution with a specific time frames the, the binding implementation guarantees we and our brothers will be active in partners in this endeavor model. we will spare no effort to make it a success and pretend end to this a conflict so that our region can enjoy peace and security as it deserves us. once again, we call upon you to impose this piece of recognize with palestinian estates and to ensure a security. i'm typically teaching from for the entire region and only the post to the high q and piece investing could be a function c, mr. so friday for his basement, and then i'll give the floor to his excellence seems tomorrow to vienna and i still for an official review. it is the presidents distinguish the representatives.
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i thank you. second, i always been listening to the open, the bank being held in new york cut the united nations headquarters. the security council. holding that open debate has a costly event, giving the situation on the, at least including the palestinians question. it's just coming up to 17 g m t. i'm nor a kyle, as we listen to all of these because most of these because at this open to pay that those are bringing all costs on the game is on the he's missing in from new york. the game was had from a number of speak is representing countries and organizations so far over the last couple of hours. one of the key points that he's been picking out of this as well. i think too. and there's been a lot to take in here, quite frankly, this is now going on. i think if i'm not mistaken, well over 3 hours now of listening to speakers. a couple key things here. number
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one is that we heard from the secretary general at the very beginning of this meeting at 10 am local time, 3 hours ago. exactly. and the secretary general and his speech laid out a very strong case that among other things is real, is hindering aid by the un getting into guys. he said that there are certain instances where israel has helped to open up some border crossings, but just sporadically. and that not nearly enough aid is getting in. and a lot of that the secretary general was insinuating, directly, not even really insinuating is it's because of israel clearly laid that out. he also pointed to the westbank and increasingly difficult situation. there was $450.00 posting and skilled among them, a $112.00 children since october 7th. secretary general, again re affirming that the vast majority of those palestinians killed in the west bank at the hands of the is really military. so secretary general laid out


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