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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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in case that, among other things is real, is hindering aid by the un getting into guys. he said that there are certain instances where israel has helped to open up some border crossings, but just sporadically. and that not nearly enough aid is getting in. and a lot of that the secretary general was insinuating, directly, not even really insinuating is it's because of israel clearly laid that out. he also pointed to the westbank and increasingly difficult situation. there was $450.00 posting and skilled among them, a $112.00 children since october 7th, secretary general, again, reaffirming that the vast majority of those palestinians killed in the west bank at the hands of the is really military. so secretary general laid out a very strong case there about the situation in palestine to westbank guys and the needs for a to get in immediately for those that need it the most, which is essentially everybody in gaza. aside from that, we're also hearing
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a lot of countries voice support for palestine bid to become a full member of the united nations. now you're asking why is this being discussed right now? the reason is because we believe later today, there will be a vote on this in this security council, we think roughly around 5 pm new york time, 20 $100.00 g m t is what we're being told. and this will be a vote just by the security council needs needs of 9 votes to pass, but the united states has hinted that they would be prepared to veto it if it does get the 9 votes that it would need. so we'll be watching this in the coming hours as well. but i just gotta say in summary, we've heard from a lot of countries, russia, china, malta, gone. uh uh, just to name a few of the top my head that is very clearly said palestine should be
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a full member of the united nations just as these really is. and that they deserve this and that they need all the qualifications. this will be a debate that we're going to be hearing from the other speakers as well for to point out that they're over 60 countries. speaking of this meeting right now, but it will only be the 15 security council members that will vote in a few hours from now. we believe on palestine is big to be a full member of the united nation. something that palestine has been pushing for for many years now. yeah. okay. we'll be, we'll be able to cover it covering that to voters in a few hours as well as the united nations general assembly. one of the point that i wanted to pick up on from what we've been hearing of security council over the past few hours is what we heard from israel. and it's the 1st time we've heard it, of course, but it is what reminding view is and talking a little bit again about how dismissive israel is of the un, at least in this public forum, it's railing against unknown. it's
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a multi natural organization, but a terrorist organization that's biased against israel. i mean, it's really a master is railing against the un saying that the un and its current form can no longer exist anymore. he talked about a different organization taking over the duties of the un. he's spoken previously about how secretary general antonia gutierrez, should resign in shame. and it's not only the united nations as a body that is real and there, and basset, or continues to personally rail against. it's also the palestinians in the palestinian people with very pointed and quite frankly, for lack of a better term, grotesque language about the way he talks about the palestinian people. uh and his, this how dismissive he is about their quest to become
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a full member of the united nations. and he said, you know, to become a full members united nations according to the charter, which is true. you have to be a peace loving nation. right. there's a 193 countries that are part of the united nations and he says, you know, give me a he said in his words, give me a break, palestine, a peace loving nation. i mean, just very, very language that just kind of makes your eyebrows raise if you will. this is not new. i cover the united nations. of course, i've heard a lot of speeches by a variety is really ambassador here. but if every time you hear it, it's more shocking on how personal he makes these attacks on the, on the institution of the united nations. but again, you have to say that israel in these views of the united nations, really in the minority 193 countries, are part of the united nations. and if tell us stein's bid to become
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a full un member gets to the general assembly, it would pass over whelming way. but the, but the, but the, the un charter says that it's 1st has to go through the security council. and that is where the problem is for palestine, because of 5 permanent members can veto and other 5 permanent members, united states has said they are prepared to veto. and that would block palace times bid from going any further. the united states, of course, being israel's biggest ally in the, in the, on the security council often will, will cast boats and the security council to protect israel if you will. we heard that from the russian ambassador and his speech. he said the us has vetoed 3 separate security council resolutions since october 7th, calling for either humanitarian pause or a ceasefire. 3 separate times, the russian ambassador reminded the security council on the other ambassadors in the room about this and said if the us and his words are russian and bass, or if the us had not vetoed these previous ceasefire resolutions,
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perhaps there would be more palestinians that are still live today in guys that, but the russian ambassador said, the reason the united states as his view of the reason the united states is block that the blocked any ceasefire. resolutions is because the us wanted to give free rain these real to do what they want it, whatever they want to do, so that that's the view from russia's side of it. of course. okay, gabriel, be we're expecting to have from the around in for him is to up this open debates in the next few minutes we'll be bringing view is that we'll be talking to you more off to us for the moment. thanks very much. oh me model on the ground in goals or at least $71.00 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours off to his really strikes target had several areas across the strip in southern goals or at least falls, palestinians were killed in this way to strike on rough uh that attack took place on a residential boom. housing displays, palestinians left behind a crater and people collecting for a remains a hundreds, riley forces withdrawal,
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evidence of all between killings and torture, and much in the vicinity of i'll ship a hospital, dozen small bodies have been found weeks of to and is really attack under the central goals of as widespread destruction following days of intensive 20 bombardments underground operation known as threat refugee income families have been with tons of accomplices right emoji withdrew from the area. i've been trying to gather that belongings which have been buried on the level the matter of on this or it says the is really ministry, deprived people the most basic human services officer, his hand alcantara has gained access to all new service, come and gone through and she sent us this report. as you see this destruction is massive. people are left homeless. but palestinians are very desperate for more than 6 months. now, this is still going on evacuating from
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a place to another. setting up tends, dismantling. tons going to uh your, your, your relatives house leaving and being forced to evacuate with your relatives house . every single area in the gaza strip is currently being targeted. people are left this appraisal and homeless. they're telling us, like i asked the woman, where are you going after your house has been born? she said, i do not know who because the tower behind me, my home was flattened by. that is read the army as simple as doctor, our homes, our lives, our memories, and our children's future are all gone. the next day, everything we've worked so hard for our kingdom, all home, all destroyed. but thank god we are alive. how listing is believed that there is no play safe? there are no plays, they could go to because everywhere is crowded and they're left with nothing,
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not none of their belongings, none of their stuff and they are left without anything. and this continues. there has been, at least a dozens of bodies still trapped under the rubble of the houses. and the civil defense are telling, announcing that they could not reach these bodies because they need to have the equipments and they're not capable to do that 6 months. and this is still going on as you see, children are trying to have their families to bring blankets. hello us, and what's left of anything they could find from their apartments and fluff. this is one of the apartments that has been harsh to the damage, where people are lucky that they could take some of their belongings. other houses
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has been completely wiped off and flattened to the ground. this is in the godaddy on the say, right? refugee, come cause palestine. let's go straight now to our correspondence in garza and the southern rafa area, honey. my fluids and honey. just the girl of the politicians talking at length about the situation in the middle east, especially about the situation in palestine and gauze. what is the actual situation on the ground of the full i. 7 talking to you on security accounts are confused about discussing multiple issues. the stipulations on the ground are getting really difficult by the hours with the growing the threats of expanding the ground invasion dropbox pretty just a wide that sense of a frustration and also trinity with an advisory going on right now. 1.5000000
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people have been cornered in robust city for the past 6 months on the struggling on daily basis to provide for, for themselves, for their families and trying to stay protected and safe. one at the same time. very good. an intense bombing campaign across the city of alpha city has been targeted repeatedly, just over nighted fox leaving 7 people go to from one family and it's, it's a displaced family that has been children in this house for the past few months. and since the beginning of the intense harris attacks and don't know the parts and all the city, the situations are getting very difficult right now is you're looking at examples of what happened in this. i don't refrigerate comes with more air attacks, more artillery, shipping costs causing further civilian casualties, leaving side trails of destruction, auto devastation, not only through residential homes, but also to public facilities, infrastructures, and literally compare the complete elimination of, of, of social services and, and public facilities. to the point you can,
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you can literally see that this place has its becoming uninhabitable because there is no point of, of living in a place that doesn't have it of the services whatsoever. and that old jews into the plan of driving people out of their cities, out of their residential blocks, the past 24 hours. we see that please, 7 across cities across the gaza strip with more than 65 people that been killed. done a 110 people that critically injured up. the vast majority are our having the problem in risk getting their life inside the hospitals managed sales facilities. given that there is insufficient middle color staff, the shoulders of medical supplies, that the intervention necessarily to save. life is not available as hospitals, as the remaining health facilities are operating at the lowest capacity possible, just risking the lives of many, many of the injuries who most of the time just lose their life or within their hours or days of their arriving due to the hospitals,
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now what's going on right now is this sense of shatter, of shattered safety here and rough actually the as there are not only talks about expanding the ground and vision, but also there are reports of a decision that has been made at the prime minister office and is really military is just waiting for a green light to start the operation just when we talk to people here about how they feel about this. it just hotter the drama going on because there is literally no place safe to go to right now is the last refuge for all the display of college spinning and hundreds of thousands of people i've taken drove as a review. but it's the last one other than this, all the northern part of district has turned into pile of ruins. so far, i need one of the key things is coming out of this. the open debates of human security council is, is wells need to increase the amount of humanitarian aid that is getting into the strip. but we're also hearing 40 percent of aid trucks a being denied by as well. can you tell us what the actual situation is?
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the of the school that has been going on for quite some time. this is not the 1st time we're here and international body and gay, the united nations security council talking about the increase of the human interior. we've seen the general simply been out of nations and in the past there was a resolution that demanding the increase over human attorney, but things on the ground are completely the contrary of these talks. i mean, there are tough thoughts going on. there are tough demands. are being made, but on the ground we're seeing the ongoing is really restrictions and policies on the ground that so far has have blocked the vast majority of the necessarily needed for, for people in the northern part and god, the city. the fact we're seeing a spam and is spreading over the northern part and gotten the cities because of band force. the star vision into hide reached the high bridge and people are not as starving their being as far by the ongoing restrictions on instruction of the flow volume. and it's very unpaid,
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we have at least 30 people or 3rd applies to be able to who died of this and for the hydration and starvation. but seeing this number of a trucks making their way through the got the server, the still not nearly enough to respond to the aggravating situations on, on the president, the catastrophic situations across the strip here and over crowded part of the strip. there is a need for, for the hospital to sustain themselves the need there is need for medical supply, the need for necessarily food supplies to get it, particularly for one number of rooms. whether it are children or women who are pregnant, or breastfeeding, or those are with, with some health complication. but even worse in the northern part, the family that had just the spread, we need to please 6 months worth of ongoing, non stop tungsten, slow video monitoring a to hold people. combat be because situation, the number of a truck they've been talking about, where we looked at 40 percent of it happening to block deliberately bite is really monetary, including much of the,
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necessarily medical supplies to the hospital. only making the situations very bad for people within that for the coming day. okay, honey, my brain is to be the, on the goals a strip from the south of going to in rafa. thanks very much, honey. are all going to stay with calls are and in the sense of the strep of john list was recording at the exact moment, and his righty, sniper opened fire the residence, scott said off the shots, run out, run out warning. others of a slight foot in the area. several children were among the great running for cover media have been in the area documenting the destruction of the new server. it comes from so your let's go back now as united nations security council though we can hear wrong addressing the open today to, to,
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to con seems to shade with you. my concert is positions regarding to important developments in west asia include didn't get to the defense in palestine, i guess. no, i tried to present my concerts position on the safe man's impression language. oh, you had a 2 year sort of presidents over the past month. got the security council has held several meetings to deal with the various times of the war crimes and genocide. find is ryan the regime, the gas, gaza, a child which despite the adoption of 3 resolutions and it press the statement that requesting that will have an immediate cease fire and install it. and the on it be extensive and unrestricted, delivery, navigate to the people have yielded no practical results. g. i repeat that there's no practical resides with that or is email is throw you at the same time getting gets during this same period, costello, to bypass the economy the, the,
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the as why the regime has continued to kill and destroy the arc most brutalities resulting among other things in more than 34000 federal palestinian civilians, much of getting killed mostly women and children and the injury of tens of thousands of 100. yes. yes, it has. the force displacement on the a b says have thought that of the population of gaza and deliberate instruction on wall 10 hub back. so more than 70 percent of the residential areas. and the infrastructure is including the vast majority of the animal hospital. they are just examples, some examples of devices, structural provision. that's why they've regimes responsible caught up as the president. i missed on this icon. the 1st of april, monday you ran into somebody to kind of system that has not shown yet. again, the regime does not hesitate to wiley the fundamental principle of the unit, so scandals such places and peoples as well as the the known patent and really recognize that we are not conventional is willing to accept as the majority of the
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members of the security council is actually declared of april 2nd of meetings here in ham lydia tag. not because there was the clear why elation of the charter of the united nations miller international law. and the librium of inventions have a young man and of us is a strong lady, some damage i was, i see progressively, the security council had not taken that. and that action during the past month, easy for our official and repeated requests to prevent further attacks by is windy regions is on the wrong same places centers out on of and the military, the official military advisors. oh, you're wrong. well cool. we're there to fight against terrorism on venice, on metal tests, and to show you all did not talk today about spend home and due to the unit on fortune. it's incompletely the responsible side of behavior of the united states, the you can or french them in response to this illegal attack halls,
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there are natural to fails, even by your own. so issue, the nearest statement saw this, i already had a containing a simple condemnation. mister president, no member of space, the dynamo repeats. meantime the, you know, member of state and will remain silent. i see in face of such a brazen and serious military attack on his embassy, which is considered a symbol of its sovereignty, as well as the killing of its legal official and diplomats. but the agents quote, how to get started and immunization from the sorry public over onto battle. you do get which until recently had shown considerable. it was strange that about already the games today in order to reset key mess silo tags form will bear in mind the dire situation in the region one in and out and feast willing to give the role of
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the united nation is a chance to prevent the escalation of the conflict, you saw me, it was faced with the continuation of the white house as green lights granted to the is my new regime that as well as the continued the national, the security council in preventing these attacks. yeah. that google's easy as how my lot is prevent saying that you saw the attacks, right, is right, the region back on this. so therefore it out of it could no longer be patients have rules against the attack on his embassy and the attacks on his sovereignty. therefore, it on the wrong military attacks on april 13th was that 1st and foremost unnecessary because it, iran had no option to vote. secondly, it too, though it was carried out in wisconsin to a series of attacks. and the retiring aggressions bite is rieney regime in form of messiah tags on everyone's interest,
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especially on our embassy and syria, that thirdly, the tow truck place and the fulfillment of it was rights to legitimate defense, under international law or fleet. it was conducted off by observing the criterion of non aggression to civilian people and places stop hangs on fearfully go it focused solely on america and only go on the on choose the military bases to that of the is riley regime which had been useful. india tag on our embassy by nobody. and therefore, as and as it was, that it completely limits searching and proportionate in terms of a scope and military requirements. moreover, since it was completely clear that some of the supporters of let more as ryan the regime and not who are unrelenting and absolute partners and his carnage and gaza would assist the regime in neutralizing that uranian attach lives on the why?
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the new. yeah. and don't it was on may you live? i had that has mean therefore hired sends, legitimate staff defense was done in a way to achieve our goals on the mall that of how they attacked or my country's, our forces was limited and minimal. and they just felt at target change or to lee military basis, define him and was in line with the international law and the principle of non aggression against civilian areas. to ensure you proportionality them with hands and then the hard to read by execution is so back to that be the on back. so fraud has to achieve the goals for now, mr. prism i emphasize again my see if there was legitimate defense counter measures on how young girls have been concluded about live for ball yet 3, this riley regime here is the terrorist as rioting regime must be compelled to stop
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. and any furniture or military adventure resembled against our interests. certainly as to god, in case of any email at all, you have any use of force. spider is riley regime and of violating our sovereignty. this time of public of iran will not hesitate. it bids to assert it's inherent rights to give a decisive improper response to it, to make the regime regret, dates have the actions. mean this has is have you on the, on changeable decision. oh, you're a mr. president. time as the so i would like show you to make it abundantly clear with the ball and loudly in new york that iran has always been a positive part of regional developments trading the path of
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a stabilizing piece. and the last thing security, including the fight against terrorism, i'm guessing maybe, and the mental will have no reservations, nor compromise at all with any party over our national security and interest, as well as the collective security in the sensitive region or west asia. the security council must compel it on the road and rebel regime of israel to immediately stop the war. probably gone in gaza. you call him visual mall, or you had a, it's mean on the i would like to assure you, mr. president, that the, sorry public of the wrong will remain committed to promoting peace and stability in the region. as a matter of fact, i mean, when we talked about sustainable security and stability in the region encountering terrorism, it is impossible not to mention the very significant and prominence rules
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played by your honest revolutionary guards core, otherwise known as i r, g, c in the fight against terrorism, one cannot say, let, to praise the dedication and socialist sacrifice as made by his commanders, especially major general. awesome. so they money and have generals on the on, on is already and right he, me and their companions that over the quote i think just went over to the, in the recent missile know, tax that's against our mission in the to be in damascus or cody, is that there is no doubt suggested that sacrifice has made by general. so the money and the i r g c. in restoring the p to the region to left. i'm rushing to the age of the government. so people of iraq and syria is known to everyone that until and this find the runs and to terrorism. military advisors will continue
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as mightily as ever their efforts to achieve last think security is on the, in the region. oh, you have a mr. president all the crimes of this riley regime during the past. betty, i saw you didn't my days in gauze on other areas occupied pilots, fine as well as tags on other countries in the region are indicative of silver roll, undeniable facts as strongly including number one, you the tags missing, instruct you a total your time on the taxes i'm of these regimes have only takes 2 because food as the crime of aggression or crimes, your new crimes against humanity, you know, yet the mass which and crime of genocide and therefore the regime be noted in midland, yet he may have so he remo and its allies are fully responsible and i'm o hi, media and all the commanders, perpetrators,
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and supporters of those crimes must be held accountable and brought to justice for the rest crushes crimes number to the, to them on the as since nature of this, ryan, the regime is based on aggression, occupation, turner and genocide off i'm all there for it. but all of its past actions nets eaten, such as this so called the peace negotiations. shipping on at the conclusion of the abraham courts and the normalization of relations were not only to the time, were not on the lonely, peaceful, but inherently and completely deceptive. and as a result blasted any practical results to realize the inherent rights of the palestinian nation. they both number 3 have lost some of all the method as they've, i've had on in the data developments law. he was i state and the resistance of gaza in the last 6 months of animal one since again have show data. finally, you have
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a capital o is the, the best of mobility is called gab. how come off as a liberation movement? him all you have to how many it is nothing more than an illusion. the supports of all nations of the region and the freedom features of the world for the appraisal of the resistance of the palestinian nation. also prove that destination is not at all alone in realizing this inherent rights. it's so easily over left, a message is not the legitimate it states that it is only a occupying power and the passage of time will, does not and will not give legitimacy to the occupying power. because based on the well known principles of international law, the occupation of a land is temporary. even if it lasts for dictates, oh, you must have presidents. that'd be yet as to what are you. i'm yet in his autumn, you'd have the security council. there's this farm, we expect that to shoulder risk responsibilities and adopt
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a comprehensive and decisive resolution under the 7th chapter of the united nations charter. on the following matters. number one, i had already establishing an immediate completes on conditional and permanent ceasefire in all areas of gauze. off the bank fluid things been run rough and the west bank number to call me the full listing of human blood case against cause and number 3 and the exchange of prisoners for humanitarian purposes number for that. so obligating the regime to immediately and completely, and on conditionally withdraw on this or re forces under war for equipment from casa and in the search. ready of the safe return of.


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