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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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even if it's the last 4 digits. oh, you must have presidents. that'd be yeah, that's what i am yet in his own. and the security council is this phone. we expect that to shoulder as responsibilities and adopt a comprehensive and decisive resolution under the 7th chapter of the united nations charter. on the following matters. number one, i had already establishing an immediate completes on conditional and permanent ceasefire in all areas of gauze, off the bank, fluid things been run rough and the west bank number to call me the full listing of human blood case against cause. and number 3, and the exchange of prisoners for humanitarian purposes, number for the obligating duration, immediately, and completely and a on conditionally withdraw more minutes or re forces under war for equipment from casa, and a necessity of the safe return of the people to the areas. and places number 5
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model is enforcing a comprehensive, an immediate arms embargo against design is regime ethics supporting the legally binding provision on orders of the international court of justice. and also providing the basis for the trials and accountability of a whole the home in the old, the commanders, perpetrators and supporters of the is why the crimes in casa, and other occupying, published in territories due to the general, your kid jang, due to widespread and heinous, commission of genocide and they got a targeted killing of journalists. now it's how you might have the un humanitarian workers out about it and what kind of rhetoric, hello and you know, more power repeated use of non conventional weapons that including fast response that but tasked against the people of gauze and the repeated press spite is windy regime officials to use nuclear bombs in gaza. what you language at the then i
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would like to reiterate that the roots of the middle east crisis lies into occupation of the historical land of palestine highly johnny and his comprehensive just and permanent solution also lies in providing the necessary ground afford to complete and free with the realization of the in the alien and the rights of the policy and people to self determination through holding a referendum, neon, m all and all the original palestinian residents, including muslims, christians, john, belmont, and jews of oakland width. all the help of the united nations that you draw the lead and you have to the establishment, sir oliver and inclusive, that he attended the government in the historical setting and modern land, the palestine, the whole says is capital. so kind of mister president, i would like to conclude my remarks with the universal poem by the world renowned
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iranian poet. so ideally, we have a piece of poem that is engraved on the carpet donated by iran to adorn the will of the united nations building shots, the very same uranian carpet. that symbolizes this strategic one. haitians, science, the knowledge on arts, and this trends of iran and or iranian as a whole or the world and human beings are members of a hold of into creation or one essence and sold it. one member is afflicted with pain. audrey members, i'm on that on the easy will remain. thank you, mr. president. i think is that soon so you missed the hit on for his statement. i'll give the floor to his up soon. seems to be seen listing to the wrong in farm is to addressing the un security council as open debate that we're following closely in new york. just reminds view is that this is a quarterly event,
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and this ticket discussion is focused on the middle east on the palestinian question that's bringing all corresponds in gabriel's on the app, the un headquarters in new york. let's 1st of all look at a ron. that was a speaking that gave has been the target of many because out this open debates and runs responses was the condemnation of, as well as the attack on its embassy and syria, to yeah, that's right. you heard there from the reading for administer. there has speaking in the security council chambers, and he again reminded diplomats in the hall there and in the security council chambers that you're on the attack drone attack on israel was a response to israel's attack on any rainy and diplomatic mission in damascus. but he not only said that he also said it was also a response to other missile attacks by israel, uh, to iranian, uh,
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interest in the region as well. so they ran in for administered kinda reaffirming what we've heard from other raining officials in the last few weeks as well. or the last few days is that this was a legitimate response. under the guise of international law, it was proportional and it was meant to not bring civilian harm, which for the most part it did it. and it was aimed according to random foreign minister there to really a 2 main is really military institutions. and he said it needs pointed out that this really attack on the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus was on april 1st. iran waited almost 2 weeks for the security council to have some sort of condemnation or some sort of action against israel and nothing came. so we said we were essentially left with no other choice than to defend ourselves and respond. and that's what you heard there from the origin for administer. gave me when this
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thing to many speak is addressing the council in the past few hours. lots of ground has been covered, one of the, some of the key themes that you've been seeing. imagine. so yeah there's, there was a lot of ground cover. we're over 3 hours into this. there's still more than 50 countries on the list to speak here. let me just set the table one more time of what, what's going on, because it's important for viewers to understand is this is a quarterly open debate to deal with the middle east of the question of palestine. at this time today, it is taking on attic significance because of the increased devastation and hostilities against the palestinians in gaza. that's why you're seeing more than 10 for administers here that's, that's number one. number 2 though is aside from this, we are expecting perhaps as early as later today that there will also be a vote by the security council on the admission of palestine to be
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a full member of the united nations. right now they are just have observers status . so this is happening as well, perhaps later today if they can get through all the speakers in time. so you are hearing some of the countries that are speaking. many of them, not all, but the vast majority that we've heard so far, saying we also support palestine is paid for full membership. you are from countries, i got algeria slovenia just to name a few. i can go on about how they feel it, the palestine each does deserve to be a full member of the united nations. something of the palestine has been pushing for for many years now since actually 2011. so we expect his vote to be perhaps as early as later today, and they can get through that through the agenda. but that has been a key theme that we've seen here. also from the secretary general, who spoke more than 3 hours ago, really laying out the case. the israel is impeding un humanitarian efforts to get aid in 2 people and gaza that needed the most. okay. cameras on the
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united nations headquarters in new york gave many things and data going to keep following this debate at the united nations security council. we've got cash, all speaking probably in the next hour, so we will bring that to view as well. we're going to be taking a short break and then we'll be staying with the kind of find somebody that but i am in the occupied west bank and i'll be telling you about the need. this is way the plans to grab more or less in the occupied with the place as i normally the service has now been resumed around the golf. we are looking at uh, the shower was moving out of the way that went to weather the bomb and storms petering out as it makes its way across iran. so we're all going to say still
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a few showers that having to i've kind of thought eventually pushing across into northern park. this down in particular some snow over the high ground. but as you can see, it is looking somewhat dry and brought up behind just around the gulf here, 30 celsius into by, in the sunshine, over the next couple of days. one or 2 showers, that just around the western pos all around, but nothing to lively. it's hot and dry into baghdad. 30 i sell so already same those type of just ramping up, as it will continue to do in the coming days, weeks and months. no 2 minutes, whether across the 8th or the side of the mediterranean, but some very right by the coming in across the g and through the boss was going to see von and storms rumbling away across that west to sort of ducky over the next day or so to across or across northern parts of africa, we have cut the usual shows, thoughts to show the hand through west africa recalls. we'll see those shows coming in here as we go one through the next dial side. meanwhile, shelves continue for eastern positive times in there. i'm running into kenya of
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the 300 years ago, the melodies, the full season, the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating and the disturbing like performance in south korea. this nokia or of so on al jazeera the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, again, you're watching out 0 has reminder of on top stories this, our human is actually general, has called the escalation in the middle east and it says failure to support the 2 state solution will only increase volatility to guitars, interest you in security council, on the 1st day members a set to vote later on whether to go on how assign phone membership at the united nations and in central gall. so that's why it's for destruction. pulling days of intense is really on palm and on a ground operation, alumnis or at the refuge account. families have been was hunting to the account of today's rainy minutes. she withdrew from the area and the occupied westbank. israel has announced a decision to seize 64000 square meters of land to establish an illegal industrial settlement. the time will display some 8000 palestinians in northern hebron as well, has been expanding its illegal sacraments across the occupied westbank since
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launching its wall on gauze. the. the abraham is in back to him with no on the illegal is rarely land grab. this illegal is really supplements behind me started off as a small supplement before it started expanding and expanding, taking up more and more palestinian lines. and not only are palestinians not allowed to live in it, because it is it only for is really living in the, in the occupied westbank. but it has been taking up more resources, infrastructure and lands from palestinian is the start of the world. does that? we've been seeing how the gain is really supplements have been expanding, but we've been seeing a wave and increase of the approval of the land being confiscated by a festival. the issue a minute, that olds that are considering the land to be state like they don't the lies. jordan's, the responsive is sort of the over this then and they don't consider the tennessee
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means. have any lights in their own land? data sticks even the what, what administration for the city is on the an area and the even that is gun. now this is a which is what i should not be interfering in 88. they built into the field, an $88.00, an even in eddie, a b the this government of small, but it's been via autumn. notice the things i must, the planning of, but the scene in areas in any of the when we talk about these land grabs, we're not just talking about new or there's to confiscate more, more lands. but we're also talking about changing the purpose for which those lads were confiscated. first of all, they would be confiscated for like a military zone or the national or reserve before palestinians discovered that it's soon been changed and more is way the settlers are going to be allowed to move in
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to those areas. another way palestinian said that as well as grabbing more lands is by secular attacks that have been intimidating palestinians living across be occupied westbank. since the start of the will receive more than $1200.00 palestinians, mostly from the by the one community. the community being forced out of the lads moving their locations because of the growing attacks by settlers here in the occupied westbank that but he, bethlehem be occupied westbank mustang and the occupied westbank weather as rainy military is conducting several reigns. columns of only vehicles have been spotted heading into i'm l sole tongue comes in jericho. and the central part of the territory is where the troops in boulder is as of also being deployed to us. if you have to come in the north destroying roads and the infrastructure drains could also be supported in the skies above. well, joining us now from ramallah and the occupied westbank is a political analyst no,
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a day. she's been with us for the past as we've been watching this united nations open to base out the security council. and during this debate, no, in the past few hours we had old st. oh, jerry is saying a 2 state solution is facing imminent multiple things, but we have the u. k. and the us still cooling for a 2 state solution looking at the situation in the occupied westbank. is it realistic? i'm sorry. well, it's only realistic if the parties are serious. it's one thing to say that you support the 2 state solution, but it's an entirely different thing to act in accordance with that pronouncements and so far what we've seen is a lot of talk over the past 30 years and palestinian land shrinking because it's realized been allowed to take more lines to build more supplements and to expose more palestinians from their homes. this has been, you know,
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displacement and replacement on steroids since october of last year. but this hasn't stopped for over half a century in the west bank. and so what we see certainly is, you know, the chances of this materializing dissipating palestinians feeling like they're being erase physically, politically, materially and trying. i guess all avenues to make sure that the world does not accept that a razor. whether it's by recognition or by natural level between states or by the you and you know, setting, it's a done done saying these are the borders that we recognized for both states. because so far, israel hasn't set its own borders, it keeps expanding them, they're quite elastic. know what you say is the situation that's being on steroids since october, the 7th, since the attacks that we do when you hear about it move ways going on. right
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now. destruction of infrastructure. drones, overhead of the occupied westbank. how much of an escalation is that since before october, the 7th? a look it's the situation has been going from bad to worse in the west bank. i live in the law and i look out my window, look out my balcony, and i can see and is rarely set for me. and more and more palestinians feel a very credible fear that they might be next their, their neighborhood, their village could be attacked. that is a very credible fear. because you see those settlers going into city is going into towns shooting, killing burning homes at with 0 accountability because they're not vigilante groups. these are people who serve. and these rarely army,
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they're protected by soldiers on duty. and they are tiered on by ministers in government. so the situation is not just the theory or anything. it is creating very credible fear. the displacement in the west back, which is ongoing, will ratchet up, will reach unparalleled levels. and there's really nowhere to go in the west bank at, you know, barring any intervention, you will see more and more palestinian towns and communities disappear if nothing is done besides nice, nice sounding words as we've been hearing over the past few hour. oh, well, so what we had at this, you and debates was the u. s. saying how much is the so obstacle to seize a ceasefire in gauze that it should accept the deal as it stands? what do you know about the proposal to? well, we know from reports even in is really media, is that the families of is really captives accused nothing. yeah. how of torpedoing those uh,
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those talks of changing the rules of changing the mandates of his team negotiating in. and though how and in cairo of, of going back on his word and so on and so forth. we've heard, you know, that the officials in a thought and in egypt voicing frustration about these shifting sands. a under the feet of the negotiators. and we also heard from ha, saying that they have a presented several scenarios, several ways in which a ceasefire could be implement. the truth is the, this is the only position the us can take, given its policy, given the fact that it continues to provide weapons to israel. even though it's accused of genocide that it continues to refrain from any kind of credible pressure on israel. it even refrains from, you know, talking about whether international law or whether the rules of war apply to gaza
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or not, as we've seen recently in, in question and answer at the state department. so this is consistent with us policy, but it doesn't have traction at the international level. these kinds of big grandstanding statements don't sell at the united nations because people have the information. you've kept spin, international law like that of the un, are kind of gloss over the facts and the realities that you on officials and you and experts have been reporting on. so it's hard, it's a hard sell for the you and rep, i feel for him having to make the case knowing very few will take it seriously. okay, no, i'd, i'd great to get your thoughts. thanks very much for joining us. that from ramallah . well, we have be around in 4 minutes to addressing that to you and serious counsel open debate just in the past hoff. all i might say we have many speakers condemning wrongs attack on is rather the past few days, which of course was in response to israel's attack on its embassy in damascus. the
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us and the u. k. have now impose new sanctions on a rom, just phase off to the attack on israel, individuals connected to the revolution, we call the defense minister as well as firms involved in joining production have been target says by the new sanctions is present terabyte and says the move has been coordinated with g 7 countries plus bringing a white house correspondent company how, cuz he joins us now from washington dc. so it came to a united front. these sanctions were announced in coordination with g 70 does what . what can you tell us? that's right. well, as you mentioned, they are targeting leaders and entities connected with the i r g c. they are also targeting arise defense ministry and michelle and rome program. and as you will recall, it was ms 1000 drones that were fired by a ron towards israel on saturday. evening,
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as you mentioned in retaliation for the attack on the causal list in damascus. now, what the white house is saying is it is really committed along with its partners and allies to the stabilizing the efforts of a ron, to be able to carry out another attack like the one that occurred on saturday evening. so that's what the sections are all about. so not only has the u. k also done this, but expect the other g 7 nations will be doing the same in the coming days. okay, kimberly animal. so what, what do we know about a virtual meeting between the us and israel over this high anticipated ground offensive? and rafa slowly know, is that the, initially, it was planned to be in person. and given the fact that this attack occurred on saturday evening,
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that meant that is really officials who had planned to fly to washington decided to stay in place in israel. so they are not present. instead, this is a virtual meeting. as you mentioned, what we know is the national security advisor. j sullivan is convening the meeting according to the national security council spokesperson, john kirby it is being attended by us. and it's really officials and what is being discussed is really the future of the as really operation in terms of a ground, defensive, inter, rasa. and of course, many of our viewers are well aware that there are more than a 1000000 and almost a 1000000 and a half people sheltering their palestinians. in rafa the united states is opposed to any sort of as really ground operation there. in fact, this is the 2nd meeting of its kind in the united states has repeatedly been presenting alternatives to israel in terms of what can be done instead of this
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ground operation. the argument by israel is that there are how must operatives that are operating in their hiding out amongst the population. and that is the reason for the need for this ground operation. still the united states trying to find alternatives. and so the goal of this media, according to john kirby is to try and find common ground. so we're watching this very carefully. apparently there will be a readout coming out of this meeting. and so we're waiting that. okay, we'll wait and see with you and kimberly money. thanks indeed for joining us that from the white house is nowadays to hezbollah. visors and a 3rd person have been killed. him is really irate in southern lebanon. as his media reports indicate, is really ami 5 also believed to be in seminary munitions. in the oven and weapons contain chemicals that a k full of funding through the skin and disintegrating tissue rights groups have previously documented, as well as use of white phosphorus and south lebanon is using civilian areas as
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widely considered illegal as an escalation, long 11, on israel boulder in the past several days has the past was done to the new phase and it's a tax on his way. the forces is remote cheese has at least 14 of its soldiers with injured 6 of them. seriously, often attack a wednesday and a lot of reports from berries of the there's been a marked shift and as well as a tax on wednesday, the is really army suffered the highest number of casualties in a single strike since the conflict began in october. the 6th is where the soldiers were seriously injured and around a dozen others need a treatment when the lebanese armed group used to arm drones and missiles to target the building, a few kilometers from the border. this time their rockets are um, drones did manage to get through israel's ad defend system. it wasn't the 1st time
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has been on managed to break through as well as defenses 24 hours earlier, as well as arm drones targeted. but the group said was an iron dome, air defense battery showing also the size of the damage that transport lampkin inflicts on israel. and in case of where they run warehouses for law as it oh, got any pop of your on. okay. no say that the do and would have to be part of a when and if necessary has below appears to be showcasing its ability to enlarge. what has so far, been a limited confrontation in the past. 72 hours we've seen was seen dozens of it's rarely casualties. i think that's stuff in the stuff and cannot the kids out. that's and he was not the case. and in the past 6 months, this is a new level of, of 5 thing. and it's much more costly to these rarely forces
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of israel to has been using more force against hezbollah targets. we've seen that gain a degree of escalation, but also related to the fact that tensions have been obviously increasing to an unprecedented level between iran and israel. directly, the lebanese arms group, which has so far, been careful not to expand. the conflict appears to be raising the stakes as isabel threatens to respond to a runs unprecedented attack over the weekend. as well as secretary general house on the swell, a cold as well as targeting of a bronze consulate in damascus. a turning point. and for the 1st time since opening what he called a supports front for garza, he expressed readiness to intervene militarily in the event of a wider war between israel and iraq. the conflict between israel and has been law is in a new phase, then they're obviously to bid it. well that said from a laura car, you can always find much more on our website. that sounds as their adult calm and
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to stay with us here on the channel the back in just a moment. there's no on this open debate that we've been following for the past few hours at the us. the one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states. and will the media be able to cover the vote freebie and fairly ongoing coverage in the selections on out? is there a, a unique perspective? everything is political. you must be out of college and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god and that the stories that really feel us having
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a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's hot. it's right here and right now the stream announces era in the pool. what is known as a breaking stereotypes full, while practicing the ancient marshal out of the country. it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educate to young goals. 101 east beach. the kung fu nuns cap. men do oh no jews here. what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's international perspective with the human touch, assuming way in and then pulling back out again. ok. foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis,
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haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the of the other the i'm or kyle: this is the news our live from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes to me, the lease is on a nice at recent escalations, making even more important to support groups face efforts to find las, the peace between israel and the fully independence. viable and solving and follows the state the ones extra general cause. but the escalation in the middle east and
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says failure to support of the 2 state solution will only increase full attended st


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