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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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rustic crossing in recent months. most of these bless and the bless. i'm wheel turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the other i'm or kyle, this is the news our live from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. the me, the least is on a nice at a decent escalations to make it even more important to support goods face efforts to find las, the peace between israel and the fully independence. viable and solving and follows the state the ones extra general cause. but the escalation in the middle east and says failure to support of the 2 state solution will only increase full attendant
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st. it comes ahead of a security council votes on upgrading policy lines of service. states has up to you when to full membership. a more destruction inside gone so as well as apple strikes several areas across the street and killings jumped up to possibly take a look at the window of busy as well pressed by to competition, highlighting the human cost of 7 months of goals in gaza. the and the growing number of vigilante patrols in nigeria is northwest kidnappings and violence of become commonplace. and he just same is with you. a school at the philadelphia 76 is i have booked a spot in the n b a playoffs. they take down the miami heat, seem to play in tournaments a fix, a show down the
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the middle east is on a knife edge, an old sized was pulled back from the brink. that's the appeal for the un secretary general who's addressed the security council. i'm trying to guitar says that is a root cause for the recent escalation between israel and ron. he wants an immediate end to the suffering and guns that you guys are 6 and off months of these are they only made it said you'll put ations. they've created the humanitarian health, scape, tens of thousands of people have been killed, a, to 1000000 palestinians available to do this, this direction, and the denial of live saving. you meditate in the aides. and they are now standing down on a sort of ation. and these value, but actually in the rough uh with compounds these humanitarian catastrophe. well,
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there's comments i made ahead of an upcoming vote on upgrades in palestine membership of the united nations. it currently has non member observe a status and a seeking full recognition on the u. s which has veto power, has signaled it does not support the move without pressure in other countries. other countries have made. ready or where they stand on this issue, we have explain to them our concerns about it, but any of them share those concerns about it. again, you know, it's not about pressuring anybody, you know, it's about, what do you think is the best way to get to what a 2 state solution in our view isn't having this phone right now, doesn't do that. well, that's bring in all correspondence. now i was there was gabriel's on there who's the you and had courses in new york, so it gave we heard from the palestinians, who echo the 6th through general comments on z is riley's, who railed against the un. yeah,
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that's right. the palestinian representative basically laid out his case on why palestine should be a full member of the united nation. something that palestine has been pushing for for many years. now. initially the push due to the 1st application to be a full member of the un was in 2011 when it was didn't pass committee and the security council. so can go any further. and the post, any representative, also pointing out an echoing the comments of the secretary general, that is real, is and hindering the distribution of a into guys and gave examples of this. following up with the secretary general said that the 8 is not coming in in the quantities that it needs to. and that is real is only opening up border crossings temporarily. and in some instances, holding trucks at the border and not allowing them to get in a secretary general even saying a 40 percent of the un requests for their aid convoys to get in to guys that were
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denied by the israelis last week alone. we also did hear from you as rarely representative who made personal and sharp attacks against the un as an organization. so suggesting even that it should no longer even exist in its current form and also attacking the palestinians or palestinian people and the request for full un membership as well. i'm game nice and we've got to out jerry a bringing this votes on the palestinian full membership to the un. how do you think that's gonna play out? well, this is the 1st time they palestine apply for full un membership was in 2011. it did not pass committee in the un security council, and it's kind of getting into the back story here. but that's it 1st has to go to the security council for approval and then goes to the general assembly. now palestine a few weeks ago, resubmitted their application,
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it's now did not go through the past committee either. they were not able to reach consensus, but algeria is pushing it forward for this vote on the security council. we expect it to be later today. and the bottom line is all signals are pointing to that the us will use its veto power to block it if need be. if it gets 9 votes on the security council, it would pass and then the us, we need to be towed to. i'm clear if it has 9 votes, i've heard different things on that, but it might. and if it does, at that point, the us has signal that they will veto it as they've been saying all along. but uh, that's essentially how it's how it's looking. we do expect that probably $78.00, maybe 9. we don't know, but there will be several members of the security council. they've already said they plan to definitely vote for palestine to get full membership. but we'll have to watch the us and how they use their veto power if it comes to that. yeah,
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we'll watch that very closely when it happens later today for the moment though, it goes on day many thanks for joining us back from the un now on the grounds and goals or at least 71 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours after his really strikes, talked in several areas across the strip and southern gauze, or at least 12 palestinians were killed. in this way, the strike on vasa attacked took place on the residential boom, housing displaced, palestinians, and left behind a crater on people. collecting body remains and was rarely forces withdrawal, evidence of all which we kennings and torture, and much in the vicinity of the i'll ship a hospital. thousands more parties have been found weeks off to and it's raining attack under the central gulf. it is widespread destruction following days of intense, has really been bombed underground operation. and on this are a refugee come families have been returning to the camp offices. really ministry withdrew from the area. they've been trying to gather the belongings,
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which have been buried under the russell. the mayor of all is through. it says the is really ministry is deprived people of the most basic human services. well, i was there as him to alco diary has gained access to only sir, at comp and golf. so when she sent us this report, as you see this destruction is massive. people are left homeless, but palestinians are very desperate for more than 6 months. now this is still going on evacuating from a place to another. setting up tends dismantling tons going to uh your, your, your relatives house, leaving and being forced to evacuate with your relatives. house. every single area in the gaza strip is currently being targeted. people are left this appraisal and homeless. they're telling us, like i asked the woman, where are you going after your house has been bon too said i do not know how to
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move across the tower behind me. my home was flattened by. that is read the army as simple as that. our homes, our lives, our memories, and our children's future are all gone. sab, good luck, dick. fix everything we've worked so hard for our kingdom home, and that's all destroyed. but thank god we are alive. how listing is believe that there is no play safe? there are no plays, they could go to because everywhere is crowded and they're left with nothing, not none of their belongings, none of their stuff and they are left without anything. and this continues. there has been, at least a dozens of bodies still trapped under the rubble of the houses. and the civil defense are telling, announcing that they could not reach these bodies because they need to have the equipments and they're not capable to do that 6 months. and this is still going on
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as you see, children are trying to have their families to bring blankets. hello us, and what's left of anything they could find from their apartments and fluff. this is one of the apartments that has been harsh to the damage, where people are lucky that they could take some of their belongings. other houses has been completely wiped off and flattened to the ground. this is in the study on the se, right? refugee come cause the palestine that's bringing honey mac with da. hey, joins us from rafa in the southern goals. us there, honey. the situation across the gauze has strep remains as devastating as ever, with casualties or across the strip mounting of the
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yes, in a trash, it is defined, folding across the gaza strip with the renewed at 1st of tax on the central area of reports of more residential buildings and being targeted by is really relentless areas try some of this is a very particular area and which of these really monitor is just withdrew from. but right now, as people are making your way through spectrum, their homes and to try to salvage whatever remained inside the residential buildings in their homes that have been destroyed and areas right. just a struck the area of leaving many casualties. we're still waiting for confirmation of the number of casualties arriving to unlock law has to be built in the city. but that's the, the aftermath that we have been monitoring and seeing evolving every, every area that is really military is pretty much the relentless via talking and conducts the military operation in that there. within hours of a withdrawal, it becomes, it gets under heavy bombardment either by hair or by the artillery setting. but the
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past 24 hours have been very bloody, very violent for palestinians across the street below. looking at the leaves, uh, based on the statement by the health ministry, its, uh, the close to 70 people being killed within the past 24 hours. the vast majority is our entire family door guild, inside their residential homes. as these are on a predictable fall in bonds, destroyed and flattened, the very residential homes that have been filtering. and since the, the genocide, the war started across garza and the expansion of the military operations and the ground division, neither one unit or i'm not sorry about that. you can also, we're getting confirmed reports of more attacks every strife in a shopping refuge account for the northern washington part of the city as well as your valley out reference. you can and your body of town and the eastern part of the city i'm bid loud. yeah. uh city and over. not a taxi or in real fast city. uh,
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bills 7 people to from one family. that's a display family that has been sheltering in this residential building for the past 5 months. and they are coming all the way from the northern part of the city merely from your body. i refuse you can only uh, to get killed here by these really every strikes in the situation keeps on folding and more trash it is. are on both right now as more people being removed from under the level just the within the past hours, the close to 30 people have been recovered from under, from under the rebels and the dirt that the shape of hospitality court yard. it will let them have been identified to remain. the remaining number of people is still unable to be identified, given the fact that they are completely deceived with many family members are getting to us. you have a hospital, a complex of trying to identify remaining family members who have gone missing and do so. i'll do. we're still alive, but that is another evolving
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a tragedy that keeps expanding by, by the days and honey we've been following here now to 0. the open debate, the un security council of the past few hours, much of the phases of that as being on palestine, particularly garza people the following. what's happening as the u. n. so they care about as well. perhaps right now the most accurate description of what's going on is that the fact that people are waiting for a very, a solid announcement of a ceasefire. and they don't really pay much attention to what's going on of the un security council. and if it has nothing to do with the, with the implementing a permanent and an immediate cease fire right now, it just the fact that for the past few weeks, the multiple un security council resolutions and i'm the united nations, the general assembly, or the ruling from the eyes, the j,
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i have should have done little things on the ground and for the most part, 0 impact on the ground is really military, still pounding across the guys and stood with relentless airstrikes and conducting the military rate in the northern part in central area and han use, so if you're leaving trails of destruction everywhere, over crowded vice city where people were told to evacuate, to, to avoid being bombed and getting killed. they are killed area in the very area that were told it is safe in terms of a human. it's very and it's nothing to change significant, nothing significant change on the ground. so for them, there's really little trust going on right now with these international bodies, as long as palestinians are still dying and getting killed the record number with your level of destruction everywhere. if it, if the talks are not about an immediate cease, fire palestinians are list interested in what's going on right now at the international i the united nations bodies. okay. honey,
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many things indeed for joining us the from russell with the view from inside gone so well, meanwhile us has confirmed that virtual tools are being held with is really officials over the is really on a plans to launch a ground operation on the city of rafa. times and why the condemned as 1500000 displays palestinians of sheltering them as bringing all white house correspondent company. how could she joins us now from washington? d. c. can leave us what what, what do we know about these tools? all of israel's plans on rafa still according to the national security council spokesperson, john curvy. busy what we know is that this is a meeting of us and is really officials that has been convened by the national security advisor. jake sullivan, is the 2nd of its kind to help virtually because of the attack that was a, by a ron against israel. of course,
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in retaliation for the attack on its consulate and damascus was something that sort of held up the plans of his really officials to travel to the united states. so initially, it had been planned for in person. now it is virtual. and what we do know is that the attempt here is to try and find common ground if you will. the united states is opposed to any sort of plan 5 is really military to root out. any sort of home us operatives that they say are hiding with in the palestinian population that is clustered in rasa. an area that is really built for about 200000 people, not the 1500000 that are for us to be there right now. so this is the issue for the united states. they say that they really are trying to resist alternatives to this ground operation. and the issue for the 2 sides right now is trying to find common
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ground when the is really is, are still intent on moving ahead with that ground operation and can be with the us announcing new sanctions on a wrong dawson coordination with g 7. lead is, what more can you tell us about those us? yeah. what we know is that they are targeting the i r g c targeting the defense move industry, and specifically the miss island drone program. the goal in all of this is to essentially try and prevent or ron for being able to carry out the attacks such as we saw on saturday evening. and the reason being is that the there was miss housing drones that were launch towards israel. the bottom line is, is that the job i have and convened a meeting of g 7 leaders one day after that attack. and so well as the you can do us that are and building the sections right now. we should see similar sections be rolled up by other g 7 nations. the questions become really just how effective can
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the sections be given the fact that the united states has already sectioned entities and individuals to the tune of about 600 different sections towards a, ronnie, and officials, etc. as the question, it really is a probably not that effective after all, given the fact that the united states has admitted as far back as 2022. but ron has some pretty successful defense partnerships with, among other nations. russia and has been growing by the day in terms of those security agreements and the exchange of military hardware as well as expertise has been happening on the near constant basis. we know. and so as a result, we are hearing from defense officials, but it's a full fledged defense partnership with weapons and military expertise. expanding by the day, the question becomes then whether or not these are really going to have any impact lately. okay. kimberly money science for brain slice,
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as long as the from the white house, we're just hearing voices news agency dropping a line from this thing to the state department saying that the us has impose additional restrictions on the delegation of the iranian foreign minister who's in new york for us in me, things of course being following those un meetings we had from the iranian, for a minister, additional restrictions being placed on that delegation will be getting more on that as we find out about says the wrong as being saying that it's a tax on as well over the weekend where restrained proportional and in line with the principle of self defense. if one does well against any further escalation is on the terrorist is really regime must be compelled to stop penny fed and military adventure arisen against our interests. in case of any use of force in violation of us over into iran will not hesitate to sit its inherent right to give a decisive and proper response to make the regime regret its actions of violating
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our sufferings. david, the rush is professor at the national defense university, joins us here in the studio. great to have you with us. we just sold that iranian for administer addressing the you when we're now hearing that is going to be restrictions placed by the us on his delegation in new york. that's with the other sanctions, with the recently just being placed on a rumble sort of impact. so they going to have minimal, um, these are sort of de minimis actions that the government can take to show they're doing things. and i think that when you start with the economic sanctions, those are constantly being identified. sanction double targets and are being announced on an almost daily basis by the us government. so the fact that they're being publicized a little bit more, i think is, is the bye. didn't ministration trying to show people and try to show israel's leadership that they are taking an active role. the restrictions on uranium for administer referred to is ability to wander around new york when he's there for you
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in business. there is a case to be made. there happened instance where he was speaking reporters threatening them and their family in new york saying, you know, you're trembling, you should be trembling. i know you have family, but emily, this is due to sort of petty. there have been other delegations that have been engaged in active espionage. i think this is more just trying to show that we're doing something by short of war. absolutely, because we're still waiting to see what israel is going to do. is vows to respond and hold. numerous will cabinet meetings to try and decide on that response. what do you think it's going to choose what some line of action is that gonna ship? well there's, there's several, i think it does have to respond to me. i think that israel cannot allow an attack of this magnitude, which i would argue is disproportionate to, to be on challenge ship. this can't become a normal thing for israel. and he is really politician who agrees to that, won't have a future in this really politics. so i think that what they will try to do is
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identify a target that is closely identified with the revolutionary guard or with the religious regime that will inflict maximum embarrassment and damage, but is related somehow to this. this is very hard, but it could possibly be a drunk factory or missile factory. the factory at potter air base and is for hon. would be a good target, but it's very far inland or district. and then maybe some of the economic interest at the revolutionary guard increasingly controls that control by some estimates as much as 45 percent of uranium economy. so if they could find a business that is known to be owned by the revolutionary guard, that doesn't do a good job and target that, that would probably not give the solidification of uranium populace behind the regime effected israel's also trying to avoid it's very tricky. it's very tricky, so you do think israel will be able to respond in a way that will not further escalate will not warrant a response from the wrong. i'm further escalations. well, we're,
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we're talking about pride here. and so rationality and the things that your viewers engage and that's, that's not on the table. so i, i cannot predict what's going on. i can predict that when israel does respond, they will say this is a discrete, it's proportionate events. and it's up for iran to as to how they take that in the past. um, they have been able to, uh, you know, they've suffered some embarrassment and had been able to absorb that, you know, by making a promise to respond at some future time. but you know, when you, when you get cried involved, you get a rationality and that's when analysts like me just enter into the dark ages. unfortunately. so is it a 2nd of a points of this is that we've got the us and israel holding meetings on the rough ground evasion. the u. s. has been very clear that it does not support a ground invasion of rough up until perhaps we say do census a change in tone, and is that connected to israel holding off on escalating the situation to me?
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the wrong? yeah, it looks prior to the reading an attack on israel, israel was boxed in an international opinion. the narrative was israel and civilian casualties and suffering and gaza. now the narrative in the west, at least has shifted to israel under siege by iran. iran in effect, has pushed the suffering of gaza off the table in most of the west and its rehabilitated israel, among people in the west and in the united states who were at the verge of calling for a halt on it. so i think it's a very real possibility that as a direct result of disarray and action, the united states will say, okay, will hold, you know, israel will say will hold back on that. but we have to achieve our security goals and gaza. and those security goals can't be a chief without a military occupation of or off for some period of time. they have to rush very good speak. sure, thanks very much taken times during this and thank you me well in the occupied westbank. israel has announced the decision to seize 64000 square meters of land to establish an illegal industrial supplement of time will display some 8000
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palestinians in northern hebron as well as been expanding its legal settlements across the occupied westbank. since launching is more on garza, neither abraham is in bethlehem with more on the illegal is riley land. grab of this illegal is really supplement behind me. started off as a small supplement before the started expanding and expanding, taking up more and more palestinian lines. and not only are palestinians not allowed to live in it, because it is it only for is really living in the, in the occupied westbank. but it has been taking up more resources, infrastructure and lands from palestinian is the start of the world. garza, we've been seeing how the gain is really supplements, have been expanding, but we've been seeing a wave and increase of the approval of the land being confiscated by a festival. the issue a minute, that olds that are considering the land to be state law,
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they've done to the lies. jordan's, the responsive is sort of the over this then, and they don't consider the tennessee means. have any lights in their own land. data sticks even the what, what administration for the city is out on the area and be an even that is gun. now this is a which is what i should not be interfering in 88. they built into the field, an area, and even an area be this government of some of the rich on the bottom. notice that things i must the planning of but the scene in areas in any of the when we talk about these land grabs, we're not just talking about new or there's to confiscate more, more lands. but we're also talking about changing the purpose for which those lads were confiscated. first of all, they would be confiscated for like a military zone or the national or reserve before palestinians discover that it's
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soon been changed. and more is really settlers are going to be allowed to move in to those areas. another way palestinian said that israel is grabbing more lance is by secular attacks that have been intimidating palestinians living across be occupied westbank. since the start of the will receive more than $1200.00 palestinians, mostly from the by the one community. the community being forced out of the lads moving their locations because of the growing attacks by settlers here and the occupied westbank. is that, but he, bethlehem the occupied west bank? well, staying in the occupied westbank weather as rainy, military is conducting several raids columns of all me. vehicles have been sponsored heading into, i know fulton comp in jericho. and the central part of the top tree is very trips and boulders of also being deployed to the city of poker and the north destroying roads. and the infrastructure drains could also be supported in the skies above
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at least 2 has below sizes. and a 3rd person have been killed and is really irate in southern lebanon, as, as media reports indicate this way, the army 5 watts, i believe, to be in some dre, munitions, and leveled on lands contained chemicals that are capable of funding through skin. and just integrating tissue light scripts of pregnancy, documented as well as use of white false to us in south lebanon is here's and civilian areas is why the considered illegal? it still has hell now, to sierra tentative police force for passengers hate see. but as growing unease over that deployment to a country, this place like gun violence and preparing for a mama for exercise in democracy, nearly a 1000000000 indians are set to face and that was the largest ever general election possible as far as an appeal task await. she had been pups and never fully size, and i said football coming on the
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place as i normally the service has now been resumed around the golf. we all looking at uh, the shower was moving out of the way that went to weather the bomb and storms petering out as it makes its way across iran. so we all going to say, so a few showers that having to, i've kind of thought eventually pushing across into northern park, this down in particular some snow over the high ground. but as you can see, it is looking somewhat dry and brice it behind just around the gulf here 30 celsius in to buy in the sunshine, over the next couple of days. one or 2 showers, that just around the west and pause all around. but nothing too lively, it's hot and dry into baghdad. 38 celsius already same those type of just ramping up, as it will continue to do in the coming days, weeks and months. no, 2 minutes,
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whether across the 8th of side of the mediterranean, but some very right by the coming in across the it and through the bus was going to see bottom storms rumbling away across that west to sort of ducky over the next day or so to across or across northern parts of africa, we have cut the usual shows, thoughts to show the hand through west africa recalls. see the showers coming in here as we go one through the next dial side. meanwhile, shelves continue for eastern positive times in there. i'm running into kenya of the 300 years ago. the found is the full season the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been re composed by onto officially intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency. culminating in a disturbing like performance in south korea. this no pure of silver on al jazeera
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. the latest news, as it breaks around on has given a gauze that people come out, but those guys are nice population, a board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the relative things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world, people have told us the circumstances, even more important than usual, to come together to share what they feel they have. the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, again, you're watching out, is there a has reminder of our top story? is this our, your inspector general has called to de escalate sion in the middle east and says failure to support the 2 state solution will only increase volatility. continued to terrace address for you and security council on 1st day. members of set to vote later on whether to prompt palestine full membership at the united nations and central golf that as widespread destruction following days of intense is really from involvement under ground operation on this or as refugee families are being was heading to the countertops. these really minutes she withdrew from the area and luxury helicopter, carrying kenny as defense chief as crushed in kenya coming on board. general funds as a monday will go low as amongst 10. senior officials on the headache helps us out of admission with all the defense full of troops in the region and across went down around 400 kilometers north west of the capital. and his presence went in which it
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was also an investigation and announce 3 days of national mourning. milan has lost one of her most valued generals. we have been so lost kind of puts us somebody's men and women the demise of generalized painful loss to me. and suddenly, the soto, we all feel about this putting on each chair by order of the people. and most especially the could be a for a ton of a can yes, as is prepared to lead you when back to mission, to hate, to be able to still thing the gang will the attendant lead as a facing increasing pressure to justify the risky intervention happens. so reports from the canyon capsule library. the launch deployment of canyon forces to
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a t has been controversial from the start. a 1000 police officers from and the 2 units are due to be sent to help stop the bomb was and to restore order in the caribbean country, kenya is expected to meet the un mission. doing nothing in the face of the human stop party is therefore up. so get leap out of west many canyon said, concerned about getting involved in another crises will to seize canyon. police have been deployed to several peacekeeping missions in the past, including the democratic republic of congo. the mind yet is the more and elsewhere . well, many people who are asking is whether they are capable of handling a security crisis as big as that of painting. in one of their robes, most dangerous loans, guns,
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fight for control of garbage sites and other resources for tax collection. anthony mcgintey was part of a gun. now he helps young people stay away from crime. asked about the hated deployment. he says menu residents in my sorry, think the police needs to deal with domestic security, martha's head of everything else. i don't think i'll police can be able to handle high if not a set of uh, they still claim that he's waiting on the a few. some of these young men who are still giving police don't really have time to sleep last night. you know, a position politician or a court went to court to block the deployment it sure that there must be received pre, called by law troll security agreement between the haitian government and kansas presidents. a court plans to go back to court, want to block any of the plans to deployed canyon police to haiti is an occupational mission. does nothing to do with peacekeeping. it's not even
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peacekeeping. i've seen to, it's really, it's laughable. and they say that the is going to be still know an order. we have no choice to no under dana, on country. a dimension by the un in haiti is not new. it has happened 3 times for the last 3 decades. the last mission was marked by human rights violations, and one of the countries west cholera epidemics government officials here say if it does go ahead, this deployment will be different. but many canyons not social testing. so i'll just sarah nairobi dining. sure. as director of the international department at the midwest and marks institute to explains why there was opposition to the move and both kind of trans of both in kenya, indian haiti. and this appears to be a ridiculous ridiculous idea here who are the canyons to invade
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a country. they know little about half way across the world as we speak haitian creole. and with all the problems that the president, the new liberal president william rudo has within kenya, internally, he's seeking to cash in on $333000000.00 that washington will send. so again, in this invasion and occupation of haiti, washington will give the guns and the money in the canyons, or other foreigners will, will give the blood. they have absolutely no mandate. this is again, a neo colonial strategy against katie. all of the gardens that are fueling this power military gain more on the haitian population, come from washington. d. c is also is really good. leels, a wash in haiti, we're talking about a, a misnamed game war. this is a power and military war that is claimed thousands and thousands of innocent lives . and if the kenyans or any quoting pulled multi national security force in phase
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and occupies 80 for the 4th time and the last 100 years. the 3rd time in the last 3 decades, it will be a miserable failure with every day population of porter prints trapped in the middle. or has been a series of kids not paying this kind out by on groups in northern nigeria since february the attack. so on the via is often leading security forces, unable to support residents, has led to locals, some of whom have survived kidnappings themselves to set up vigilantly groups in the method to protect themselves. but amongst reports, they stopped the security shifts with a smile. for the task to prevent kidnappings in northeast and nigeria is deadly serious. 7 7 members of this civilian joint task pool, so vigilance, he's in a part of the country where regular police patrols have previously fail to protect
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the population. there was a time i was also did not tell us anything. you know, i was thinking to the account and i spent the weekend to come if it was monday fornia is to, is i was really beating new training to meet you kidnappings. hey, gain global attention 10 years ago. what around 300 schoolgirls from the town of chico was seized by bulk or had some remain missing, which is deeply felt by the families for me i wanted to say how do good evening. so i wouldn't i wouldn't, i don't forget that absence feeds pain but also and against the group and criminal games a like the but experts, winery,
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the villages carrying weapons could create their own challenges to control this guys. and i'm just to protect the company to i think the criminal elements we've capitalized on that opportunity. few up next to the city in the criminal enterprises. so i think the government should give you guys if i could try to thinking on patrol a sign of confidence as this community 6 to respond to the regions violence, the monks, i'll just say to a 2nd. sure a has been dismissed from former us present. donald trump's criminal trial to prosecute his raise questions over the accuracy of his audiences. it comes to sound as after another jury was excused, saying she had experienced intimidation. jury selection is ongoing for the trial trunk faces charges coming from an alleged hush money payment made to an adult film star a permanent leader of the far right, a f t policy, a standing trial for using a nazi slogan, joined a campaign, riley,
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a punishable crime. in germany beyond hawkeye, is campaigning to become the 1st of the prime minister of a german states in september states elections suffice and report from the town of jaila in germany. i don't have to use the slogan. everything for germany at a campaign, riley had up to 2021 general election. the same phrase was used by the us of the so called storm troopers of the nazi party crafted into the nice during the 3rd the rice. hooker, who is the age of the party leader, is the ring. yeah. has officially been classified as a right wing extremist by german intelligence. this under surveillance in response to his trial took a road on the social media platform x that germany is prosecuting political opponents and suppressing free speech outside the core through the task that's vehemently disagreed with him. and welcome to trial, to make sure that the, uh,
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this is nothing that we will accept in our society no matter what. it's not the only remembering it's also to, to set boundaries. we learn from history that the passions. so need the, the majority, they only need the certain amount of people or a certain percentage to destroy the democratic system, even though it's important that everyone can express themselves the way they want. it's also important to be respectful of each other and especially to have very specific rules about what we think is acceptable. the is the pulling is the largest party in form. i used to him and states such as 3 media nationally. it is supported by nearly one in 5 german millions of people took to the streets across the country after it was revealed. the a if the was involved in a sequence meeting, discussing deportations of immigrants, it slit in the poles after that. german law doesn't provide an official list with that, not to slogan,
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so it's up to the courts to the side. but there are phrases that have previously like 2 convictions, such as highly plus one people, one empire, one leader, sentences like this could be punished up this lee is in prison. circus as he didn't know that the phrase, every thing for germany was against the law. but for success as a form, a history teacher, we should have been aware only a few of her supporters he dismissed calls to attend the trial. and it isn't. i know he didn't do anything wrong. all he meant is that germany should above all work for german. if it's sentenced to 6 months in prison on more, the court could take away his right to run into september election. the trial continues next week. that's awesome. l g 0 hala friday seems to still have of a general election in india voicing and the world's largest amount because they will last any 6 weeks as
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a new and promoting and seeking us the time. but the willing beach i. p is criticized for promising a hindu nationalist agenda. cracking down on the opposition as part of the thing. the media indian government has failed to give bases to alta 0 is correspondence to cover the story. so we're covering the election from outside the country, nelson and as reports, it was one of the last election campaigning events before the 1st phase of voting begins. and 6 week cycle. the state of money put in the northeast of india has been run by violence between the hindu majority, macy and cookies, or tribal communities. since last me as you would, i don't know what i can find. the one that i the existence between all the company does the ruling bgp enters the election on the hi, new cleaning. the tub of charged indian economy is one of the to me to achievement . but higher unemployment, police, and mistakes and economic anxiety driven by soaring prices. pinson volta, i'm either the son of a t says $73.00,
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it will be deleted the range of multi se natalie spotty is most effective weapons. however, if you give one vote to the congress party or the communist, they cannot form a government at the center. your political restarted, and so it looks at go to the b b, which would inform the government that is my getting the $26.00. so position policies have created an alliance just of the be g, p. d a to use the government of using state agencies to track down on the opposition congress party politician. pre owned a gun. the says the ruling party wants to cure victory east. there is a level playing field or that is this man. it's the elections are free and stare where the voting machines are not tampered with. then i can say constantly. they can not win more than 180 seats. promote progress, the be g. p is successfully market and it's a new nationalist brand of politics in a nation where 80 percent of the population is in do with them. and they say it's
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not the only factor for the party success welfare benefits need or to see if we can itself off position. so that the money to do something simple, full evaluation or any single issue can not win any part the election. but not everyone is buying the b g p page cabin another politicians have jake did. look they closed villages and costs based politics. what others a weary of your normal because for poor people in for daily wages, his part in his government have not done anything for the good of the money. 10 years ago movies plus campaigned on the platform of hope. the 2nd tim judge trusts . and as he seeks us, that he's guaranteeing that he would make india a bigger and better country for it's 1400000000 people. critics said, the only way for that to happen is to have a strong opposition that holds the government accountable. you know fernandez g 0 and just remind the indian government have not gone to the fees as to officer as
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john list. so we are covering the election from outside of the country. it's still a head hair on alex's era was full. they'll be plenty of somehow on the slab. this is a lympics basketball tournament. is details coming up lisa with pizza. the business latest is wrote to you believe i guess is i live slowly on. one of your lives makes more than please
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the business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the, the oldest bolt now and his pizza. we're thank you so much. the philadelphia 76 is have reached the n b a playoffs. soft did they beat the miami heats in the eastern conference play in tournaments of the not really missing out on the automatic spots
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in the playoffs? the 76 is that the hard way to set up a food stamp play of thought of against the new york mix and bead had 23 points and 15 rebounds in the game as he helped us. so i fight back from a 14 point deficit. he's the 1st to katie. oh, the junior help. 76 is to when it's done. miami, he to get another shot at a playoff entry when they faced the chicago bulls on saturday. and that's because the bowls be p, atlanta, hawks, and they play in tournaments eliminates or to get another shot at making. it could be wife was the star affordable. it was a career high, 42 points. that's the end of the road for the whole expectations builds the teen usa and the score of super stalls head of the parents olympics. of the recent disappointment in the world cup pressure will be on to deliver a 5th straight goals, middle some sizes, and reports. 12 stars for india and v p's 6 and b, a champions. this is the close of 2024 team usa as history is rich,
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that quality is world renowned. some of his nickname them the adventures of as simply the trained team. now they begin the quest for a 17 gold medal and a 5th in a row on paper it seems unimaginable that they want to achieve it. i think what they saw this time was they really do need to put together their best t to with the store and the basketball around the world. hesitate as growing by leaps and bounds. and they looked at that people woke up and they said, well, we lost 3 games in that tournament. and each time we were out play by bigger players, you know, this is going to be a competitive, competitive, georgia man. and i think the usa realizes that, and that's why you're seeing such a strong roster there, you know, arguably the, the most glamorous las there since the original dream team in 1992 of that team from boston line to 1992 is one stop this a great to sports team ever assembled. t managing directs
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a growing hill have the task of putting together the team this year. it was a big task uh, herculean yes, that might be appropriate. um we uh just had an incredible amount of our players who were interested both young and guys who've been through the olympic games and usa basketball moments before. it's a group of individuals who were used to playing the star role for the n b a sides. so the big question now is whether they can work together. it will be steph, corey's 1st ever parents of the lympics? well, kevin durant is aiming for a record for the gold medal. lebron james missed out from the previous 2 games is still his resend, inspire the number of the household names to join him. i think heather duran to 35 is coming back because of the bodies. he's got anthony davis from the lakers joining him if labranz says to you, i want you to play in the olympics with the most guys will say ok, where do i, where do i show up?
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i hope there. so that's good. that sounds like fun. my thing that matters is i was wondering and it doesn't matter who gets the glory, who's leading score. it's all the minutes. this was, this is when a go metal everyone the one to beat them, including and be a champion, nearly your kids is sylvia who will be in the group time. oh, so with a team usaa will live up to that building on sizes out to 0. your call up has not given up hope for these little poolside staging and come back in the road. pretty cool with the final they trail through email or getting stuff alonzo who will be hosting the 2nd leg that was looking to win the tournament. and what is cups final season, at the club, the german coaches stepping down at the end of the season. so we are here and try to win the game tomorrow. that's all. and, and i think that's the, that's what we should do and, and we'll see if that's possible. if you play a lot of moments we had last week,
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we have a really good moments where i thought there was a baby lucky by the the end table. incomplete it is of that definitely really good can be didn't, takes an extreme to out by labor. cosen have been crowned new bundle. so the champions and they're looking to follow up that success by booking a spots in the reputation. send me final stay take on west ham away and leave the london side by to goes to know heading into that 2nd break. you're going to go for it. of course, 5 games left. to be something molded, especially if we can do it on to now i'm beaten, not just in the, in the bonus leave in germany, but there's one in europe. and if you also close to, to achieve that there's give everything to, to do it. even if even on a regular leak, how's it go? sites the hunger from a team mentality we have it's, it's unbelievable and we want to take it. and that's what was supposed to be useful . the time being uh,
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show between the little lakes. hello. we look forward to that very much. great, thank you very much. now the netherlands based world press fighter competition has announced as witness for the best visual journalism of the past year. the one is captured, some of the most powerful snapshots photographer leon olva. k stormy violem bay. no one the story of the yeah. a port. right. so people with dementia, the family members who cast of them and met a gas sca wherever disease has a little public awareness of a 100, say gara, documented migrants at the middle of the mexico board of 6 years. he won the long term projects award. you to a coach, a coach of type is photographs of ukrainians, living through 2 years of war with russia on the open format toward. so there was a work of voices, photo which are missing dogs. i'm having to sell them that was avoided photo of the yam, his image taken just 10 days into israel's war. on garza shows, a woman named m. s. i boot mama, cradling the body of her niece sally. the 5 year old go was killed. fine is ready,
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miss heart attack on her home, and con eunice or them on a l. zane. hoary is the executive director of the world press photo foundation. she says, photo journalism of vice will part of documenting conflicts around the wells, up to date. so to adjourn to this, especially for the journal, this reading act as witnesses to what is happening around the world, especially and goes on specifically today. and when, when i spoke to him, how much said, i'm telling him that he had one wordpress photo. he told me that, you know, it was to, to the skis of frantic experience because he was of course, you know, we needed to find a place where he had entered that he was been a shelter. he was in augusta had that point in time. he had an agent and a couple of those days. and um, and he was like, i just go off and i'm in a war zone and here i am. you know, with having my dream come true, which is to become the photos to your,
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of wordpress photo. but he was very humbled by the fact that his image was going to be able to be seen by billions of people around the world. and that is the essence of the work that we do as well press photo is to be able to give the new leg gives a new life and increase that visibility to as many people as possible in order to be able to bring discussions to be able to bring some kind of solution and especially to be able to bring empathy. and i think that is what's so special about this photo of the world this year of the wordpress photo is that it does not, you know, a violent image. it isn't violent in the sense that there is blood, it's a very individual image. it's a very zoomed image on this one woman with her knees, whose faces you can't even see. but to with whom you relate immediately on an emotional level. and you can take more of
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a look at those incredible fi says on on the website addresses out. is there a dot com fit for me? laura cloud, sorry, navigator. it's a just a moment with more of today's these for the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even have this is most important, which of these are going to and bushy poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome. upfront on out, is it hard? he came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to scientology use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful. here. the story on talk to how does era these are the most or dramas they use to march through the old city before dawn box with an increase is really military precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrived at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the street as part of the clinic cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will or is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use of the law on the street right now that it's easy to move around or the
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law because the difference in this war and going to change the situation in that list. we have 70 percent more business people here say the heart of the month is even more significant this year a false. and besides with those hungry and suffering in, gone to the me, the least. he's on the nice edge, a decent escalations, making even more important to support groups face efforts to find lasting peace between israel and the fully independence viable and solving and follow students. thank you. on secretary general calls for de escalation in the middle east and test failures to support a 2 state solution will only increase volatility. the


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