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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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ms. warren goes to change the situation and now listen, we have 70 percent more business. people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year a fast and besides with those hungry and suffering in, gone to the me of the least. he's on a nice edge you since escalations making even more important to support goats face efforts to find lasting peace between israel and the fully independence. viable and solving and follows the state. are you on secretary general calls for de escalation in the middle east and says failure to support a 2 state solution will only increase volatility. the
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you're watching all to 0 light from a headquarters and del time getting you navigate also coming off. this comes ahead of a security council votes on upgrading powers signs of service status after you went to full membership. meanwhile, more destruction inside garza, israel's air force short strikes several areas across the strip killing dozens of people. and we take a look at the winner of the serious world press photo competition, highlighting the human costs of 7 months of war in gaza. the hello, the middle east is on a knife edge on all sides must pull back from the brink. that's the appeal from the un secretary general, who, who's address the security council. and so when you're good terrorist says there's a root cause for the recent escalation between israel and the ron. and he wants an immediate end to the sufferings in gaza. this guy's a $600.00
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a month. so these are, they only meet its annual perturbations. they've created the humanitarian health, scape, tens of thousands of people have been killed to 1000000 follow stevens. i've been doing this this direction and the denial of live saving you meditating. the aides and they are now standing down on a sort of ation. and he's really open actually in the rough uh, with compound these humanitarian catastrophe. well, those comments were made ahead of an upcoming vote on upgrading palestine is membership of the united nations. it currently has non member of service status and it's seeking full recognition. but the us, which has veto power, has signaled it doesn't support the move. we're not 1st from other countries. other countries have made clear where they stand on this issue. we have explained to them our concerns about it, many of them share. ready concerns about it. again, you know, it's not about pressuring anybody, you know, it's about,
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what do you think is the best way to get towards the 2 state solution. in our view isn't having this phone right now, doesn't do that. okay, let's bring it all to 0 is gabrielle. he's on the who's running us on the un headquarters in new york. so gabriel, just give us a sense of how this mode is looking and who said what so far? the vote is looking like it will happen perhaps at 5 pm local time. that's about 2 hours from now. and i mean local time, new york time, 2100 g m t. however, there is some doubt that this could still happen because they're in the middle right now of this meeting on the middle east and palestine separate from the issue of membership. and they're still 30 countries on the list that have to speak. so we're going to have to see how they handle this because they're simply running out of time, but we'll watch that closely. if there is a vote, there will be a vote by the security council or 15 members on the admission of a palestine to become full members of the united nations. we don't know how many
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countries will vote in favor. we're thinking we've already heard from countries at least 7, maybe 8 that have to signal that they will for sure vote for it. but the big one to watch is of course, the united states. if it gets 9 boats, that's what the threshold that the resolution needs to pass. then the us as a signal that they certainly will use their veto power to block it. and that will be that it will then no longer go to the general assembly. the process will stop at that point, should the us decide to be to a yeah, i mean, gabriel looked for us as capella finds application for you and membership off limits for many years now. and this time around algeria presented this draft resolution on the issue. why no, is quite frankly high because i think a lot of the members of the united nations are fed up quite frankly. i mean, the vast majority of the 193 members of the united nations support color stein's bid to be a full member. that's pretty clear,
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we've seen that in previous abodes. however, it has to go through the security council 1st. the process, as it goes through the security council committee, it did not get passed committee. they need to reach consensus. they did not reach consensus or 15 members cannot agree. i think of jerry, the era group and others basically said let's take this to a full vote. let's make every good security council member layout their case why they think palestine should be a member. and likewise, the, the countries that are against it, why they shouldn't be a member. and let's put it on record. and i think that's why you're seeing this now, because there is a real movement by countries you're seeing so many countries now voicing support per pallet times full membership. and that's why how dreary a want it to get this issue front and center in front of not only the security council, but the world, quite frankly, even though we know that the us most likely is going to be taught if it comes to that because they've signal that that is exactly what they plan to do. people are
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saying, let's go, let's take a vote on this. let's, let's get this out because it's been too long for many countries that palestine has been an observer member of this body, but it's still disenfranchised because they're not a full member, as are a 193 other countries, including israel, by the way. all right, gabriel will speak to you later on. thank you so much for that reporting from the united nations. well, air strikes have intensified and central gaza after the withdrawal is really ground forces civilians attempted to return to the nice and the site author refugee camp following the announcement that a military operation had achieved its objectives. with an hours later, there was a wave of artillery and air bombardment in that area. and the total number of palestinians killed since the war began. stands at all is $34000.00. including more the more than $14500.00 children. i'll just, there was in the for the you gain access to the know, so you don't have to comp in gaza. she sent this report shortly before the bump
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arguments resumed. as you see, this destruction is massive. people are left homeless. but palestinians are very desperate for more than 6 months. now, this is still going on evacuating from a place to another. setting up tense, dismantling tons going to uh your, your, your relatives house leaving and being forced to evacuate with your relatives. house, every single area in the gaza strip is currently being targeted. people are left this one for the homeless. they're telling us, like i asked the women, where are you going after your house? has been bonds? to said, i do not know how to go to the tower behind me. my home was flattened by. that is read the army as simple as doctor, our homes, our lives, our memories and our children's future are all gone. the next big fear,
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everything we've worked so hard for our kingdom home, all destroyed. but thank god we are alive. how listing is believed that there is no play safe? there are no plays. they could go to because everywhere is crowded and they're left with nothing, not none of their belongings, none of their stuff and they are left without anything. and this continues. there has been, at least a dozens of the bodies still trapped under the rubble of the houses. and the civil defense are telling, announcing that they could not reach these bodies because they need to have the equipments and they're not capable to do that 6 months. and this is still going on as you see, children are trying to have their families to bring blankets. hello us and what's
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left of anything they could find from their apartments and fluff. this is one of the apartments that has been pushed to the damage, where people are lucky that they could take some of their belongings. other houses has been completely wiped off and flattened to the ground. this is in the godaddy and the say, right, refuge account, gaza palestine. all just there was honey. my food has been monitoring developments and sent this update on the resumption of air strikes in central garza, the trash. it is deep on folding across the gaza strip where the renewed it 1st attack from the central area of reports of more residential buildings and being targeted by is really relentless airstrikes. and this is a very particular area. and which of these really monitor is just withdrew from but right now, as people are making their way to inspect on their homes and to try to salvage
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whatever remained inside the residential buildings in their homes are being destroyed in areas right. just a struck the area and leaving many casualties. we're still waiting for confirmation of the number of casualties arriving to unlocked for hospital in the city. but that's the, the after not that we have been monitoring and seeing evolving every, every area that is really military is a, pretty much a relentless, via talking and man conducts the military operation. and that there, within hours of a withdrawal, it becomes, it gets under heavy bombardment either by air or by the artillery setting. but the past 24 hours have been very bloody, very violent for palestinians across the street below. looking at the leaves are based on this statement by the health ministry. it's a close to 70 people being killed within the past 24 hours. the vast majority is our entire families who are killed inside their residential homes as these on
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a predictable fall in bonds. destroyed and flattened, the very residential homes that have been filtering. and since the genocide, the war started across gauze and the expansion of the military operations and the ground division, either han units or not. so you can also, we're getting confirmed reports of more attacks, errors try for you to shop at refuge account that for the northern washington part of the city as well as your valley records, you cam and your body of town. meanwhile, the u. s. has confirmed that virtual talks are being held with is really officials over the is really armies plans to more on say, ground operation in the city of set us off. the plan has been widely condemned as one and a half 1000000 displaced palestinians, or sheltering their. we're bringing our white house correspondent, kimberly how could, who's joining us now from washington dc. so kimberly, i mean this is the 2nd such meeting and recent weeks between officials. what more do we know about the base talks in particular? yeah, well the goal here is really to try and convince the is really,
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is that there is an alternative path, but they can try and get find how mazda operative, so that they say are living amongst the palestinian population in rafa that there is another way to do that, and so what this discussion is about is really trying to find what the united states says is common ground. what we know is this was initially supposed to be an in person meeting, but what happened was as a result of the a ronnie and retaliatory air attacks that took place on saturday. uh what happened was then the is really official said, look, we're going to stay in israel, let's do this virtually. and so that's what this discussion is. this is really officials with us officials being shared by the national security advisor, jake sullivan. and again, what this is, is trying to convince the is realize that there are alternatives that this is not
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going to be a good idea. in fact, it would be disastrous. and so the united states, as opposed to it and really trying to present an alternative path to the is really, since you fixed on going through with this ground operation. and kimberly, on another note, the us has now announce new sanctions on iran and coordination with g 7 liter is, i mean it runs been under us sanctions for many years. so the question is, if the sanctions will have the desired effect, but the us wants them to us is right? because, and prior to this, there had been $600.00 plus entities, individuals that had been section. so you'll have to ask the question, how effective can another round of sections even be? and it's a valid question, given the fact, but uh, this is supposed to destabilize the iran, the defense industry is supposed to stabilize the defense department and really prevent the attacks that occurred on saturday, namely the missile and drone program. and in the bottom line is it's likely to have
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very little impact. and if you look at the language of us officials and they've admitted as much, and if you go back as far back as 2022 of the u. s. has admitted that there is an ongoing partnership between iran and russia. that is not only robust, but it is growing by the day. and specifically, what they're doing is they're working together to essentially build their representation in terms of the partnership, whether it be helicopters, whether it be drones, whether it be military expertise. so this is something that is growing and is expanding by the day in both directions into a full fledged defense partnership. all right, thank you so much. kimberly healthcare, thanks still ahead on alpha 0. tell me that, but i am in the occupied west bank and i'll be telling you about the latest is really plans to grab more of that in the occupied
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the here's our forecast for europe in africa on friday right here. right now let's go good to see this. so to zones have disturbed weather one in the north, one in the south. we'll dive into those details. got to take you to the north sea. we've got this wind blowing down so really raw fueling day in the netherlands. belgium, northern friends, and some of these winds will actually catch se single in london looking to see gas of about 40 kilometers per hour on friday. thunderstorms, rumbling across italy, pushing into grease. there is a slice of sunshine though to be found bosnia. as we look into southern and eastern hungry and some of this, what weather will also drip itself over western side of turkey as so assemble 16 degrees at slightly below where you should be for this point of the year breezy at
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times through a barrier on the south of france's ball but continues to be mostly dry here. and we have last set seabreeze across. the can be a so bundle $43.00 degrees for you. and with that disturbs whether run this central mediterranean, it will be wendy for to and is your temperature at 19. and that's also below average for this point in the year for southern africa. here's how the story goes. still some funky starts to the day for the west coast of south africa. cape town though, coming in at 25 degrees on friday of the you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p. use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects, except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth,
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and increases systems. costs on red chris, the the, the top stories on out to 0 this hour. so un secretary general has called for the escalation in the middle east. and so as failure to support a 2 state solution will only increase volatility on toner to tyra's address. but un security council on thursday, members are set to vote later on whether to ground power assigned full membership. i think united nations is really forces that resumed of on parchment of the site on
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to a few g. com. and that's after announcing the ends of the ground operation, a number of civilians attempting to return to the area have been killed and is really striking. northern gaza has displaced people who are sheltering in a school. local journalist robin, which is a being shot that comes with a look at the aftermath. a whole bunch of cities have been killed including to children as a result of and as well as to like target to i don't know what's cool in the west of garza city, exact in a shot that can know how far we've got the wall collapse on top of me and threw me to the floor, i started screaming and even passed out for a few minutes. then i found the strength to check on my niece and nephew, and i walked over to them and saw the baby was crying. dying would have been easier than surviving that experience. well, how about it's different? i held my nephew and his newborn sister in my arms and started walking. i was alone . when i walked out, i was met by 3 men who took my niece and nephew unhealthy block because of they saw
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how nervous i was on. i just see behind me, this is the result of the is the, the rate on the go to russ cools. more than a $1000.00 to me is sheltering inside. this is cool. and now, as the sea people all gathering their stuff in order to evacuated from this dangerous school. stanley occupied westbank going to the occupied westbank where the is really military is conducting. several raids columns of army vehicles have been spotted heading into the eye and, and some fond camp in jericho, in the central part of the territory is really troops and bulldozers have also been deployed to the city of turn academy in the north destroying roads and infrastructure drones could be spotted in the skies above. this is in the occupied westbank. israel has announced the decision to seize 64000 square meters of land to
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establish an illegal industrial settlements. the plan will display some 8000 palestinians in northern hev or on israel has been expanding its n e g o settlements across the occupied westbank since launching its war on gaza. need that, but he is in bethlehem with more on the illegal as really land grab on this illegal is really supplement behind me. started off as a small supplement before it started expanding and expanding, taking up more and more palestinian lines. and not only are palestinians not allowed to live in it, because it is it only for is really living in the, in the occupied westbank. but it has been taking up more resources, infrastructure and lands from palestinian is the start of the world. garza, we've been seeing how the gain is really supplements, have been expanding, but we've been seeing a wave and increase of the approval of the land being confiscated by
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a festival. the issue a minute, that olds that are considering the land to be state like they don't the lies. jordan's, the responsive is sort of the over this then and they don't consider the tennessee means. have any lights in their own land? data sticks even the what, what administration for the city is out on the area and the even that is gun. now this is a which is what i should not be interfering in 88. they built into the field, an area, and even an area be the government of small, but it's on the bottom. notice that things i must the planning of but a scene in areas in the area be when we talk about these land grabs, we're not just talking about new or there's to confiscate more, more lands. but we're also talking about changing the purpose for which those lads
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were confiscated. first of all, they would be confiscated for like a military zone or the national or reserve before palestinians discovered that it's soon been changed. and more is really settlers are going to be allowed to move in to those areas. another way palestinian said that israel is grabbing more lance, is by secular attacks that have been intimidating palestinians living across the occupied westbank. since the start of the will receive more than $1200.00 palestinians, mostly from the by the one community. the community being forced out of the lads moving their locations because of the growing attacks by settlers here in the occupied westbank that but he, bethlehem the occupied westbank. the police in new york have cleared out a group of columbia university students who were staging a sit in protest and supported palestinians. some of the students were detained and loaded onto the buses. the protests began on wednesday after the universities.
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presidents appeared before congress to testify and allegations that the campus has become rife with anti semitism. christmas. salumi reports students flooded the main lawn of the columbia university campus before dawn, setting up dozens of tents in what they've described as a cause of solidarity and cabinet. they're calling on the university to completely divest from israel. their active protest coinciding with university president mot should fix testimony before a congressional subcommittee in washington d. c. today. house republicans, the university has faced accusations of anti semitism by some house republicans columbia, as leadership refuses to enforce their own policies and condemn jewish hatred on campus. creating a breeding ground for anti semitism and a hot bed of support for terrorism from radicalized faculty and students. the
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university president said the vast majority of campus protests have been peaceful. anti semitism has no place on our campus and i am personally committed to doing everything i can to confront it directly. i have a police presence here at columbia university barricades have been set up all around the campus and they won't let media or anyone without a school id beyond the gates. and you can see that some demonstrators now have actually set up outside of the gates as well as on campus, like other colleges in the united states. columbia has seen regular demonstrations, some in support of israel, but the loudest and most persistent had been protest calling for a ceasefire. some jewish students told us they feel threatened recognizing pals, speeding, suffering, student mcgee too, or something. but that's what you've seen. you've seen the demon is ation of choosing his roads on campus. but those who camped on the lawn wednesday say they're the ones being harassed by the university. now because of the encampment
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leave, they will be suspended from school. this young woman said she was afraid to give her name or show her face. i'm afraid that the university will of tentatively attacked me for participating in the pro palestinian movements as they have indiscriminately attacked students of all estimates of these races and face who supports post ending with ration. demonstrators say they won't stop protesting as long as civilians are dying and gaza and until the university ends with they describe as its complicity in genocide. kristin salumi al jazeera new york. well, joining us now from inside the university campus has taught at kenny's show. well, he's a former columbia university graduate students and he's now a policy fellow as and show because of how sending and policy think tank. welcome to alta 0. can you tell us what you saw while you were on the grounds of columbia university? yes, of course. thank you for having me on 1st of all. um,
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so i'm gonna choose up to be in front of the library and after uh morning students, if they're going to move in, they finally did. and they hurried out at least 30 arrests. i believe my friends since repair it out, the rest additional 100, some additional students have come to the come to the west long standing, but the library and i've taken the they've been said so it looks like bass bass arrest campaign is actually galvanized quite a bit a lot of the other company seems to be not in support, it seems to have been arrested by the by to do not currently being capable. how many students would you say are out there right now in these and conference in these protests that it should be nearly either nearly a 1000 or several 1000. nowadays, there's been a couple of 100 when i, when i came inside. but again, it looks like it's been, you know, he's going to call to a call to action by a lot by asked jp i gave you the, the,
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uh, another um, uh, i know there's 2 groups for others. i somebody seems to come to campus and it looks like again it's, it's really galvanizing a lot of people. so right now there's hundreds of not potentially, uh, thousands of students out there. what are the students calling for their demands or are simple um, even though they're, they're, we're calling for the university just to do more to support a ceasefire and to call for us this far and goes on. but they're also going to be inverse of new to the best from uh, companies that profit from the occupation and the expression, palestinians made their demands. uh extremely. we are over the past months in some years, actually based with multiple divestment votes that i've succeeded and passed in which the majority of a student body i called for a diagnostic from the best needs. and. ready really, company just simply that processing boots really occupation popular versity, unfortunately continuously ignore the benefit of the students and then as long as
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they do so, um it looks like the students are gonna. busy are going to be made about purchasing and demanding the product, the respectful. all right, i thought it kind of show us. thank you so much for speaking to us from new york. so thank you. now the netherlands, the netherlands based world press, photo competition, has announced its winners for the best visual journalism of the past year. and the winners captured some of the most powerful snapshots photographer leon olva k story . valen by been a $14.00 story of the year. her portrait, so people with dementia and the family members who would care for them and not a gas car, where the disease has little public awareness on a 100 se, garra documented migrants at the northern border of mexico for 6 years. and then there's julia culture to have as photographs of ukrainians living through 2 years
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or 4 with russia that long the open for model awards. but it was the work of the reuters photo during the listing does um, how much sign them which was awarded photo of the year. his image taken just 10 days into israel's war on gaza. shows a woman named in us, of my motor, cradling the body of her niece, sally. the little girl was killed, spine is really missed all attack on her home in front of you. and this is ramona zane who is executive director of the world press photo foundation. she says photo journalism is a vital part of documenting conflict around the world today. so to insure into this, especially for the journal, this really act as witnesses to what is happening around the world, especially and, and goes uh, specifically today. and when, when i spoke to him, how much said, i'm telling him that he had one wordpress photo. he told me that, you know, it was to, to the skis of frantic experience because he was of course, you know,
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we needed to find a place where he had entered that he was been a shelter. he was in augusta had that point in time. he had an agent in a couple of days and um, and he was like, i just go off and i'm in a war zone and here i am. you know, with having my dream come true, which is to become the photos to your floor press photo. but to he was very humbled by the fact that his image was going to be able to be seen by billions of people around the world. and that is the essence of the work that we do as well. press photo is to be able to give the new leg gives a new life and increase that visibility to as many people as possible in order to be able to bring discussions to be able to bring some kind of solution and especially to be able to bring empathy and i think that is what's so special about this photo of the world this year of the wordpress photo is that it does not you know.


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