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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters, and they'll find that you navigate that. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. we're live at the u. n, where the security council is due to vote on a resolution granting palestine full membership. but will the us once again exercise, it's vito, the me of the lease is on. it's nice, it's decent. escalations, making even more important to support workspace efforts to find the lasting peace between israel and the fully independent, viable and solving and policy state. hours earlier,
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the un secretary general call for a de escalation in the middle east saying a failure to support a 2 state solution will only increase volatility. meanwhile, more destruction inside the jobs of israel's air force strikes several areas across the strip, killing thousands of people. we take a look at the winner of this year's world press photo competition, highlighting the human costs of 7 months of war in gauze and preparing for a mom's exercise in democracy. nearly a 1000000000 indians are set to vote in the world's largest effort general election . and i'm teach the same as with all your sports, needs them by indians beat the punjab kings in a thrilling or appeal match. i don't have the latest tweet from tonight you wrote for the quarter finals. secondly, games the,
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the middle east is on a knife edge on all sides must pull back from the break dots. the appeal from the un secretary general who is address the security council. and so when you get terrorist says there is a root cause for the recent escalation between israel and iran, and he wants an immediate end to the suffering in gaza. this guy is a $600.00 a month. so these are, they only mean it's ideal perturbations. they've created the humanitarian health gate. tens of thousands of people have been killed to 1000000 palestinians. that'd be able to do this, this detection and the denial of live saving. you meditate in the aides. and they are now standing down on a sort of ation. and he's really open actually in the rough uh with compound these humanitarian catastrophe. so those comments were made up ahead of an upcoming vote on upgrading policy lines,
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membership of the united nations. it currently has non member observer status and it's seeking full recognition. but the us, which has veto power, has signals. it doesn't support the move, we're not fresh from other countries. other countries have made clear where they stand on this issue. we have explain to them our concerns about it, but any of them share. ready concerns about it. again, you know, it's not about pressuring anybody, you know, it's about, what do you think is the best way to get to what a 2 state solution in our view isn't having this phone right now, doesn't do that. well, it's not bringing all the zeros. gabriel is on death is running us from the un headquarters in new york. so gabriel, this both needs 9 out of 15 to pass. give us a sense of how this vote is looking and who said what so far? yeah, that's right, the this security council meeting was just gabbled into order just within the last couple of minutes or so the representatives from palestine and israel were invited
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to take part in this very important security council meeting the procedures coming up in the next few minutes are as follows, the, the, the president of the security council this month is malta. they will invite any security council members that wanna speak before the vote to do so. there might be some security council members that use to do that. they will lay out their case for why they are going to vote for the way that they will uh, or make some comments. we then expect the vote to go by very quickly. it should just be a raise of hands. if it gets 9 up for a minute, boat, it would pass. but if the us does not bode for it, that would have centrally be a veto and it would not go any further. so that is essentially the process of what we we see playing out in the next few minutes here. i can already see that the l. jerry and i'm baset are, is asked to speak and it appears he will be making some remarks before the vote takes place. that is essentially the process historic moment because this will be
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the 1st time that palestine is bid for membership reaches this far along in the process, going to a boat of the security council in 2000. 0, we're actually going to listen in committee. algeria and bassett. or for a moment i'll come back to you shortly. we truly value your hard work and personal commitment. bumpers, on behalf of my company called judy on behalf of the auto group on behalf of the organization of each lumnick corporation. on behalf of the normal line move on and on behalf of those cones bliss oh, the peas,
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moving companies are spun before the highest oregon in for us to read the maintenance of international peace and security to introduce the off the resolution on the mission of the state of palestine to him through united nations. on november 15, 1958 miles comp. how judy was the whole of the declaration of independence, of this faithful part. as far as to day to day the course of his story. 3 songs, once again, i'm to choose my honda,
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2 foot before the council there to come on vision to meet the state of fund as far as a full member has a for member of the united nation cities. critical steps towards the next few, far and long standing in justice late. yes. that off up in his pic, big lot. ations. proclaiming the state to fund this time and then the exclusion for, for the students from the marshman community. he said, and i quote, at the time, when the contempt come from port already worked, was for me day change. it's
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a new value system. the buttons of local and global po, or excluded the police, damian's from the common destiny. it became clear once again, the trustees alone does not move the wheels of east coast kind of cool to day to day respond to on said hi yes at off of the cool. but how did you, how inquiry seemed to security to call some to vote in favor of meeting by this 5 to, to use the least, we cause to go to horner,
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the depth. yes. the depth we owe to its people. we say loudly the international community funds review, published by we remain steadfast in our commitment to a piece for saw. but i'm, i'm, i'm dependent palestinian state this historical and justice must be addressed. the call, the scale of justice must be re balance or the president re firmly believe paula is fine for the fears or un membership criteria as defined
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by the founding fathers. in the chart. we owe every member to support this resolution which is by, for published by today it's light for place among the community of nations. as seeking as un membership is a from the month the expression of part is 10. you sense that, that in the nation the mission strengthens not. and then mines the state to state solution. a solution goes fund 3, under threats from bows will seeks to a raise. find a senior identity, palestinian hospitalizations piece really come
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from by this time. so inclusion not from its exclusion. one, acknowledging the challenges this good organization makes ation violence. i'm denial of policy and by how response must be clear. i'll meet by this guy. how is the 1st from the month the step toward piece this membership? we definitely consecrate the 2 state solution, but they will combine authorities continue to start. i'm hoping the against these membership really continue with constitute rejection
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of their attempt to raise the police sydney and people and to destroy the police, to join the state and every prospect of peace. let us welcome by this time today un undue is. so for the launch a genuine peace process between e clause, is there anything the way for the last piece seemed to me the least failure to do so? it is again, a denial of this very call to say, well, if you choose pulse it's responsibilities. failure to act is a serious,
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unforgivable mistake. failed to wake up 2 days. his sons for continuing and justice and impunity. failed to do so. he's lost in shame. the cold for palestinian freedom must be heated. the cold for a free part as far as the lighting across the road must be a reality enjoyed by the palestinian people. but the president, i conclude with what the president of the republic who set up the budget the boon. how stated before? the general assembly last year and i called the
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farm house. com for palestine to become a full member of the united nations. even though it's fairly tony remains hookup. i we, we looked, we, we look a bundle, disclose, and we remote that has come to the objective, is that she hi, thank you. i'm at the present signs representative as your yes other statements. i shall now put a draft resolution to the votes with those in favor as a favor of the draft resolution contained in document s slash 2024 slash 3. 12, please raise their hand. ok
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. those against thank you. extension the draft resolution has not been adopted owing to, i'm sorry. the results of the votes is as follows. 12 votes in favor. one votes against 2 extensions. the josh resolution has not been adopted owing to the negative votes of a permanent member of the council. i now give the flow to those members of the counts who, who wish to make statements. offices of both. i paused to flow through the representative of the russian federation. dispose of it, but it's not on the president's disposal, but it's a good plan. and presidents was obviously not in
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president's state to do this day. he was to go down in history as a day when of the 3 quarter of the century. the international community at last made the right choice on the past towards correcting the many years of historical injustice done to palestine and these legitimate aspirations of it. so rather people will suit your needs as well because it was a simple question. first of the publishing is worthy of being part of the global family, fully participating and one of the decisions of international life. a solution, a couple of questions that we have constantly on search with consent and when israel was welcomed into the u. n. and when dozens of states also released from the colonial jo, quote, welcomed into the u. n. however, our american colleagues believe differently. you mean you get to those having for
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the 1st time since the beginning of the exacerbation and goes a veto. they have, once again demonstrates just what they really think of the palestinians for washington as they do not deserve to have their own state. and it is pretty good, they are only a barrier on the past, was realizing the interest of his route for that reason, the united states is ready to the last ton of blind daughter to the crimes of israel against the 7 ends and caused that you not know chang c illegal, set them a building activity in west jerusalem on the west bank. soon. the i'm is to break the policy and use will to force them continued so once and for all to submit to the occupying power, to turn them into a 7th and 2nd class of persons and perhaps to once and for all forced them out of their native territory, the good part of the policy is certainly having the opposite impact in your
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presence. that absolute majority of the global community supports paula styles application to become a full member of the world organization, the suffering of public opinion. the civilians is resounding in the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world. in countries that supply weapons to west jerusalem from jerusalem, the allow to allow the fullest as cooling, boist as cooling for their supplies to be found. susan, you today is use of the veto by the us delegation, will do, is a hopeless attempt to stop the inevitable cause of history. the results of the vote was to have washington was practically incomplete. isolation speak for themselves. like i knew some deals with the most of playing into the hands of the most irrational actions by the ally and reluctant to find the justice solutions on the basis of the existing international legal basis is a direct deposit to be further sliding into the maya of war which could encompass
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the entire region. if the united states and israel benefit from this, then it will only be in the short time periods. and at the same time, washington will one central remove itself from the list of peace, loving and respected states. having fully shared responsibility with this is very allies for the death of tens of thousands of palestinian civilians. and that is not what i think you have a great power and history will not forgive you for that. we call them the united states to listen to the voice of reason to think about the consequences of their decisions and to immediately join in the efforts of the other members of the security council to establish an immediate cease fire in the cause. i thank you. i think the representative of the russian federation posts as low to the united states. thank you. madam president. united states has worked vigorously and with determination to support palestinian statehood in the context of a comprehensive peace agreement that would permanently dissolve these really
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palestinian conflict. since the attacks about tobar 7 present button has been clear that sustainable piece in the region can only be achieved through a 2 state solution. with israel security guarantee, there is no other path that guarantees israel security and future as a democratic jewish state. so there is no other pass, the guarantees, palestinians can live in peace and with dignity in a state of their own. and there is no other path that leads to regional integration between israel and all its our neighbors, including saudi arabia. we also have long been clear that premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions. well, not a chief state hood for the past and people. as members of the security council, we have
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a special responsibility to ensure that our actions further the cause of international peace and security, and are consistent with the requirements of the un charter. as reflected in the report of the admission committee, there was not unanimity among committee members as to whether the applicant met the criteria for membership as set forth in article for the un charter. for example, there are unresolved questions as to whether the applicant meets the criteria to be considered for state. we have long called on the posting authority to undertake necessary reforms to help establish the attributes of readiness for statehood and no to whom us a terrorist organization is currently exerting power and influence in gaza. an integral part of the state and vision. and this resolution for these reasons, united states voted no under security council resolution. again,
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united states continues to strongly support it. 2 state solution. this vote does not reflect opposition to palestinian statehood, but instead acknowledgement that it will only come from direct negotiations between the parties. a central focus of us policy prior to october 7, october 7th from us terrace. the tax was to promote normalization between israel and it's our neighbors. and as a critical element of a normalization package, to generate tangible benefits and the political verizon for the past. and in peoples this was based on the u. s. judgment. that normalization is the most bible pathway to make progress. and what have been an intractable situation between the israelis and the pal student. in the aftermath of october 7 conversations on potential normalization and the political horizon for the
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palestinians. that would lead the state of it. and membership at the un have continued. i'm us and it's a rainy and backers would probably prefer this effort not succeed. but we are determined to see it through it remains in the us view that the most expeditious path toward stated for the past and people is through direct negotiations between israel and the palestinian authority. with the support of the united states and other partners. we believe this approach can tangibly advance palestinian goals in a meaningful and enduring way. we also believe in lot of runs unprecedented and outrages actions over the last week. the israel's neighbors would stand to benefit greatly from normalization. united states is committed to intensifying engagement with the palestinians and the rest of the region. not only to address the current crisis and gaza, but to advance a political settlement that will create
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a path to palestinian statehood and membership in the united nations. united states will continue to oppose unilateral measures that undermine the prospect of a 2 state solution. this includes any actions that violates the principles that secretary blinking has emphasized for months. because it cannot be a platform for terrorism, there should be no is really re occupation of gaza. and the size of gases territory should not be reduced. as we have said before, that we believe a 2 state solution coupled with these elements, is the best way to achieve a durable piece in the region on which security for his release and palestinians, documented present. i think of representatives united states and foster flow to the represents the front. so i'm assuming the thank you madam president, fonts for logistical jerry
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a for proposing this resolution. which invented in favor of you to this. it is time to achieve a global political supplements of these ready published and you in conflict on the basis of the 2 state solution. the only thing that kind of response, if you don't have security, okay, so that is what's happening at the un security council right now. and here is what we know at this hour. the us has blocks the palestinian request for full united nations membership. these are how the votes played out. uh, as i said, the united states voted no. there were 2 extensions, the u. k as well as switzerland. and there were 12 who voted in favor of that resolution given palestine full un membership, we have with us all of the 0 senior approval code list. what a warm shorter here in the studio there it is milan. i mean, it was pretty much expected that the us was going to use their veto power. well, they said, so actually they've come up with all of the excuses that one could come up with.
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the problem is that they're more or less the same experience as they've been giving for the past years, decades inside the system. what this implant is, 1947 more than 100 plus countries have gained independence. but palestine didn't mainly, mainly because of the united states that has always vetoed the possibility and always put obstacles in front of palestine. what's changed today is that america is totally isolated. stop palestine. that's isolated even though it's not a country full membership. that's the united nation, even though it's occupied, even though it's going on the repression genocide. but it's the united states that's isolated the council and this is just the fact. it's not on opinion. so analysis, when you have 15 members and 21 votes against vito's 22 x stains, and usually it has to be the u. k, right?
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it's like the other side of the coin of the united states. so with a ton of majority and more than a 130 something that i think off or i, i last accounts maybe a 140 countries or the as part of the you and general assembly that support right there. more than a 130 in fact, uh for the membership. clearly the united states is isolated on behalf of this, or no one can accept the russian reasoning why the united states is such an obstructionist right on fight palestinian and by justice accepts whatever the russian and busted upset or one can give it. the united states. the benefit of the doubt listening to the american and bustle. what did the american buster say? you said no, no, no. we support the to assist with you. should we support? eventually? i posted yesterday, except we don't do it now. to put it in a phrase. my way or the highway,
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the ballast thing could only become a consumer the way the united states is it and is red caesar one of the only at the time when it's suitable through the united states only within the geo politics. and the global interest of the united states. and so explain things the question of independence of palestine because of the u on or to a to, to black, to me or the 2nd part of countries or to black to me, to start the other countries. and so on, so forth basically sacrificing the question of palestine and the freedom of the city and people for the good this because or for nettle interest of the united states. that is right. but once again, my way or the highway has become the isolated position. i figured not technicians. what about the extensions? i mean, how can we know that there were 12 who voted in favor of this resolution? are you surprised by the u. k. in swiss extensions?
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i think the k on the research. so knock has been quite a pattern thing, the amount of composition taking the distance, even if sometimes you would think that lords cameron would want to new ones. the british position to sign with a bit different from the american position. but the british prime minister has always edited the american since the ukraine. great britain has basically shoved itself behind the united states and basically it does whatever the god says wants. so sometimes that different methods i should have done, i'll have to look into it after i finish here to find out why a stick into a new neutrality position. but i think what's important is that for us a voted for specimen for no present macro and other presidents before him has been saying, expressing support for the idea, but now it is a clear volt. but also more or more, we got a p as on board likes, levine, you know, so on, so forth. my pulse of japan themselves, korea,
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these are major american allies also voted for. so we can see that the momentum has gone beyond sort of the usual suspects. out, but most of the country is less than american countries. african countries to really include basically everyone strong arming countries against the people of palestine for the right to stay towards when they are going on a. so a general side to do so is really genocide has become a different, a difficult american proposition to, to, to, to enforce a guess to course other countries to vote along with the united states. okay. model on stand by for a moment because i'm going to bring in our corresponds and gabriel is on though who's running us from the un headquarters in new york. so we now have the numbers vote a gape obviously. i mean this vote hasn't passed, but what happens next? a nothing is over the bid doesn't go any further than this is do this is the,
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this is the process is it plays out in the charter of the united nations. it 1st goes to the security council to committee. if it doesn't get consensus in the committee, which it doesn't, it can then be forced to a vote. that's the vote that you just saw, right now the resolution that was put forth by out your area. as we've just been reporting the us decided to veto it. that's it. it does not go to the general assembly. now the process stops. now in 2011, i didn't even get out of committee in the security council, but in 2011. then at the suggestion of france, palestine went directly to the general assembly not to get full membership because they can't. but the general assembly voted to give them palestine observer status in early 2012. and that's where it stood. there's no other avenue for palestine at this point to get full membership unless in the future the united states changes its position. but we don't see that in the foreseeable future. let me just quickly
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also reaffirm a little bit of what marwan was just saying there. this is a, a really a boat that was pretty overwhelming in favor of palestine. and what i mean by that is, you know, countries like france, ecuador, korea, japan. those are countries that we have seen abstain in the last 6 months, 7 months when they want to not upset the united states. these are key allies of the united states. the fact that you saw ecuador, korea, japan, france, vote for this really shows how isolated the united states is on this issue. because make no mistake about it, the united states would have preferred without a doubt, that this would not have got 9 boats, because then the us would not have had to veto it. it got well over 9, but it's got 12 boats. so that's what force the us to veto it. and i got to say what i don't want to say, i'm surprised by this,
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but i want to say we're here every day at the u. n. we talked to diplomats, we kind of can gauge the moved on a daily basis. and uh, you know, it wasn't guaranteed. i don't think that this was gonna get 9 boats. the fact that when they were forced to vote it got 12 votes in favor of palestine is a very significant make. no make no mistake about that. um gabriel, look, i mean obviously we'll wait to see what reaction has come through. but we're now hearing that the palestinian presidency has said that the us veto is unfair, an ethical and unjustified. and also the is really for a minister says this quote unquote, shameful proposal was rejected in the un security council. look, speaking of the mood over at the you and how do we expect it to be after this votes to well, we're starting to hear from countries right now, and it's a disappointment. i mean, we heard from guiana saying that they were disappointed that this was the toby
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heard from russia, basically saying that the, you know, the isolation that the us now faces being between this speaks for itself and the russian ambassador saying to the us, basically think about the consequences of this. yeah, and this is really, you know, let's just get to, how do you become a member of the united nations it's, it's spelled out in the charter right here. you know, it's not that complicated. it's, it's, it's article for, and the membership qualifications it's, it's not a long qualification process really or, or, or what have you. but the us is basically saying 2 things that they're unsure that palestine meets the qualification of being a state. that's number one argument by the us. and the 2nd argument by the us is that this should be something that's a negotiation between palestine and israel amongst themselves. now, the vast majority of council members disagree with this. they think palestine does
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meet all of the requirements laid out in the un charter. and so the mood here is very much on the side of palestine. it's very clear they spoke, they voted the vote speaks for itself there. you know, the switch, the switch and the, the u. k. basically of standing. but beyond that, you're seeing council members speaking now about how they do feel that palestine very much should be at the table and have a a seat at the table of the united nations equal to the other 193 members. okay, gabriel, thanks for the time being we'll cross back to a little later on. we're going to bring and she hubbard tends to know who's joining us from washington dc. so she helped me and as we're discussing for years, the us says really tough powers find application for you and membership sort of completely off limits. and we've just seen that now the u. s. v towing that resolution. just talk to us about the arguments that the us had put forward as to why they did so as well. we have the funny enough, we actually got
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a leak of diplomatic cables on wednesday, which spelled out all of the arguments that were just made. 10 trip in the scene of antiseptic, or got the league and it was, yeah, this is counter productive. the only way, ford is, and this is what's written, a girl who is the middle east coordinator for the national security council. once it hits his baby, really is this idea about an extension of the abram accords the truck post on the, on the trump of normalizing relations in israel. and saudi arabia is the way for the tools like biting the greater than an election. yet somehow i'm because i'm just in the wall street journal on wednesday solve the officials are probably so, yeah, it's something we will, we will consider. we all considering that in return for civil nuclear program access, it will turn for hiking defense corporation. we will accept simply some sort of global assurance from is ro, posted in stage will be recognized in order to mobilize, normalize relations. i mean there's no one really there in the foreign policy. blo
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be here in dc, but you talk to quite envision what that even means that a vague assurance is wrong then i will recognize will recognize the power as the inside of the everything we've seen. also the pronouncements from that in yahoo and all of his colleagues about what they intend to do with, with guns and what, what does that even even mean? but that's still a very active bolt here in dc. so i'm outside of the, by the administration still seem very whether to even they're biting himself. a said that he thinks the abraham accords of the trump with directly link to the october 7th of tax. but they know about this looks and it's been reported that on a daily basis, the by the administration has been in touch with the public sitting there, party pleading with them to drop this request for recognition. there was even a report that's the administration such as the above to come to the white house will give you a white house visit if you dropped this application. i'm on with our boss about, let's say that's what you said to me a year ago. and we're still waiting for invitation. we did drop it a year ago. we're not doing
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a drop at this time. there's one other thing on that other people's isolation among the cables that released on wednesday was one from the embassy in chico ecuador. now we just went back to the gates, we'd rather as a full budget for palestinian recognition. and yet last friday we have a student teacher, the u. s. embassy and teacher were pretty sure that the foreign minister sommerfeld gabrielle selma, filled april 12th said, equitable would not support any un security council resolution recommending the admission of pablo style. and she would lobby from japan and career in moultrie. rules are also very good for the resolution, not to support any such resolution will tell you something happens in future since last week, because in the end they voted yes. how this it in should be recognized as the state, a huge environment, a huge environment for the us. okay, so you have, thanks for the time being uh, model on, i'd like to bring you in again. i mean, i, i know you want it to say something when both the correspondents were speaking. but
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this will, puts us in an uncomfortable position. it still can be isolated. and it brought this one, it sense. i mean, this not something that just happened. it's not something that it's against, it's when the united states has brought this thing up on that side of the problem that this has been with us for decades now. the united states decided to take on the so called peace process certainty one years ago inside 54 years ago since 1991 beginning of 90 in january 1991 i believe in the great the length of the one. and also they decided to sponsor it failed over 3 decades to establish peace of them. and it started by this time. in the meanwhile, it failed. big time in afghanistan and iraq in libya, in the out of spring on the question of human rights on the portion of the nuclear
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program. it just continues to sail again and again and again. for decades now, ever since the united states took over from britain as the influenza at all events, and then at least the right to establish effects america in outsource. it has been one failure after another non stop. and it ends up being isolated. the united states supposed to be the want super about it is the richest, strongest country in the world, and it has been involved with them at least for decades. it's can't even muster some minimum support for its position anywhere anymore. no, i wanted to not, not to interject, i don't want it because i actually felt a gauge report that was what struck to our next. and i thought i was just going to say that across the board in the world today across the board. there's supports for the city and state, right, including in the united states. and i'm not just talking about voting. i think, united nations, i'm talking across the boards,
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that the public opinion and you the public opinion in the united states, everywhere. and the world is for the very few governments who i'm not expressing it clearly is because they've been strong on by the united states. mm hm. so, generally speaking, the justice for quite a stein, freedom and independence is i recognized international principles. okay. but let me ask you this, then i mean after say, look, palestine is already a member of several, you embodies like you and ask, for example like the i, c, c. it's also joins most if not all you, when human rights organizations. so it's a political reality, the better already exists. what does it, the worries the us so much about it having this full member status of the un? it's a so it's, this is such a good question. i'll tell you why. because for the life of me, i don't understand why
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a full fledged palestinian configure was independent software and better cigna state is any problem for the united states or as read for that matter. i mean, really, most people most contact people who look at them after they say what kind of thing is they forget about it. it has to be a once fiction vision. what jewish christians are most of live in one state of its citizens because that's the idea of what kind of thing is the state where some 6700, it's 1000 in legal, jo, stuck those live. it's basically impossible, but it's not, it's couldn't be contiguous or self important depend on the circumstance. but the idea of today saying look, is that it has failed on all levels, right? in palestine, it's been 75 years of more of the same. and as it is not getting more secure, and american from promises of his really security is, are not bring, he gets more security today is the secure than it was before. so the idea of a senior state is the only pathway not 20 to piece,
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but for security purposes in your state. and it's not against american interests for the, for the probably sir, or american interest to be honest. some like president, i bet. suppose it is a when, when the spinning or thought at the end to say for example, the so the new, the shape or the model at the leadership or the jordanian, or the egyptian. i'm not supporting the single states to stand against the united states. they're doing it because the bottom part sort of the amount of conversion and them, at least just everyone seems to think that the united states is not against is rarely or american interest. in fact, when it comes to, is there any interest, the only guaranteed to issue a security is us home in defense of solvent, but as soon as they can guard, it's all secure with the meaning of city and security. that's how you bring personalities. so the idea, the notion that the united states repeat those again,
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right? i need a prospect for a palestinian space. is a political crime, a 4th, right? because the entire rule has come to the munitions that would, what $19394.00 member states. now it's about time, which is nice about a slide when historic about his son was petition 1947. i think that was 53 countries around the world today, 193 right in front of spanish to deny this independence. okay. and i wanna thank you so much. i still ahead on the all to 0 and his our tell me that, but i am in the occupied westbank and i'll be telling you about the latest is way the plans to grab more or less in the occupied with by the these business uptake. these voltage by the state bank growth partner of bung the dash before to use
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the these business uptake the restaurant net bundle dash move forward to use
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the the color again, the top story on alpha 0. this our is that the us has just blocked the palestinian request for a full united nations membership. and here are the numbers us blocking. we had 2 extensions. those were the u. k. and switzerland. and 12 countries voted in favor of thought resolution to give palestine full un membership of palestine at the you when we are on file and continue with the security council and listen to what the chinese representatives would cost to say. conditions on the assumption that the cost ations between the 2 sides. so we'll tell you all countries that genuinely supposed to say solution should not standing the way by
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the science full membership at the un president these and telling the well if history is eroding, fall at the trend of the time is p resist, opponents. young. we're convinced that they welcomed with the state of pa, those tumble, enjoy the same rights as other members of the united nations policy that palestine israel as 2 states. but you won't be living, won't be able to leave side by side in peace. as naples, alice was the 2 people's understanding of these really living things, tranquillity, and happiness. and that to you in china, will continue to make unremitting efforts to play constructive growth and for the early to realization of that day. and the thank you president, i find the represents of china. i'm so slow to eclipse glasses. thank you. another president. historically, the quote over to ecuador has supported the published candidate people. okay, so that was the chinese representative speaking at the un security council. so obviously china voted in favor of that resolution being one of the 12 who voted in
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favor. let's bring in. gabriel is also joining us from the u. n. so j for any of you are a sort of just catching up with the news. just talk us through what's happened with the past half hour or so is sure this was a united nations security council vote on palestine application to become a full member of the united nations. since 2012, palestine has had just observer status, which means they can participate in some meetings. they can join some un organizations and bodies, but they can not vote in the general assembly. so they've had it separate from sweeping disenfranchisement for many, many years. now with in the u. n, as only observer status not having the full membership status as a 193 other countries including israel. so they reapplied for full membership several weeks ago. it went to the security council as per procedure,
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it did not pass through committee. but at that point, algeria submitted a un resolution to the security council to put it up to a vote. that is the vote that you just saw here. and that is the vote that got a lot of support. 12 countries, as you mentioned, voting in favor of it. 2 extensions. but then the united states voted against it essentially be towing the palestinians. palestine is bid for full membership. so now what we're seeing is security council members giving comments statements about their vote, and many of them showing their disappointment in the united states if they veto this at this critical time. a little will speak through a little later on. thank you for the time being. thanks for that report from the u . n. well, well, all of this is happening at the u. n. us and is really officials of health virtual talks over there is really armies plans to launch and grounds operation in the city of f off. so that plan has been widely condemned as one half 1000000 displaced
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palestinians or sheltering. there are white house correspondent, kimberly hawk. it has more as well. the goal here is really to try and convince the is really, is that there is an alternative path, but they can try and find how mazda operative that they say are living amongst the palestinian population in rafa. that there is another way to do that. and so what this discussion is about is really trying to find what the united states says is common grounds. what we know is this was initially supposed to be an in person meeting, but what happened was as a result of the a ronnie and retaliatory air attack that took place on saturday. uh what happened was then the is really official said, look, we're going to stay in israel, let's do this virtually. and so that's what this discussion is. this is really officials, that's us officials being shared by the national security advisor,
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jake sullivan. and again, what this is, is trying to convince the is realize that there are alternatives, this is not going to be a good idea. in fact, it would be disastrous. and so the united states, as opposed to it and really trying to present an alternative path to the israelites that seem fixed on going through with this ground operation. let's i'm bringing david the ra, she's a professor at the national defense university attorneys here in the city to david . welcome back to i was like the rest of you heard kimberly they were talking about how the us is trying to prevent some present. excuse me, some sort of alternative path to the is really, is when it comes to the ground invasion of how, what does that alternative look like to you? well, the, the administration's proposals are to back off the sort of isolate theory and conduct targeted special operations rates in against specific homeless people. so i don't think these release will accept this, and i'm not sure how i'm workable. this is in practice. but what are your concerns? well,
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the 1st concern is that you have to have very good targeting. and if you have so many display sp people, it's very hard to, to discriminate between what's military person, what's not from us operatives, you know, personally, you know, they embed themselves some of the civilian population. they don't make it easy to find themselves. so i think these relatives will probably reject this is unworkable and impracticable until the around attack, united states focused on this and probably was doing it now. the narrative has shifted a little bit and i think it's more likely than not that these are at least will reject this proposal where they might not have done it last week. i mean the, the, the concern of course, has always been, i mean there's a lot of pushback from the international community when it comes to israel sponsor enough because of the large number of displays, palestinians are a sheltering there. i mean, that's exactly right. yeah. well, not, not just that, even without the displace palestinians, you still would go into an area that um the mos,
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the main body from aust has moved into. they have underground infrastructure. you would be destroying another city the last, the last. so he, that hasn't been destroyed really in uh, in the gaza strip. but the problem is, from the internet, you know, international opinion was moving against israel was restraining israel opinion and united states was doing it. now it appears that there is a shift that the focus is now on restraining israel from attacking your rod. and i think that in the course of negotiations between the united states and israel is really is, are apt to say, okay, will do one for you. but you've got to support us on the other. so if that's the thing, i mean how credible do you think these reports are right? because there are, there is some reporting coming out of the us saying that israel is potentially holding off on a talking iran in exchange for the us. the supports. yeah. when it comes to invading it off off. that's, that seems to me sound about right to you. that sounds, that sounds exactly right. based on what?
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well the military logic is. i just don't see how you could achieve is real security goals or in gaza without going in there physically destroying the military infrastructure. that homos house. you can do it in a way that perhaps would minimizes civilian casualties. you'll still have some, you can do it in a way that, you know, might be more likely to do it. but i think that israel's declare security goals and gaza require them go in there at some point. i think they were restrained by 3 factors. one was shifting public opinion, one was the fact that their ground forces were just exhausted and they withdrew a lot of them a few weeks ago. and then the other one is you have passover, which runs until the 30th of april. so i think the next few days, it is possible that as, as a result of, i'm agreeing not to have a massive attack against iran, which would igniter a goal of a wider regional conflicts. it's abide in mystery. she wants to ignore the body of
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industry. she's probably going to give way on rough up and is really forces will be more prepared, more abreast of what, what i wonder, what makes you think that they can actually achieve their declared military objectives. because it's 7 months into the war and they still haven't been able to do. so that's a very good question. i didn't say they can achieve their military object, as i said, they can't achieve their military objectives without doing it. so they may still fail. but this is something that i think if, if they are to have a success, a chance of success in doing it, this is something that they have to do. and how can they do so without sort of escalating the situation even more? not only obviously a harming a huge number of civilians, but also potentially um, seeing the, the other friends ignite, even more like the friends which has been the under and the, and the rockies as well as the amenities. good question. so i, i think what i, my guess is that what these are at least will do is they'll say, ok, you're wrong. launched a massive, unprecedented ballistic missile in your own strike upon us. they said that they
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consider that the end of it. that's fine. that's the end of that exchange. however, if we see a resumption from their proxies, any, i'm in, in, in lebanon, and elsewhere, while we're conducting these operations, we will consider that pleasure to be gone and it's game on. and then a get you have, once again, the prospect of it is really reach out to you really believe that that is the end of the sort of is really a rainy and i do kind of okay, i do not. i don't, i don't believe that any is really politician can be allowed to acquiesce passively or not in a direct attack on these really homeland of that scale and still have a future in israel. i just think that that's too much. so how do you think they'll respond are well, that's a good question. i think they will respond in a more target manner. i don't think that you'll see 330 project else coming out of wrong. i think that what you'll see though is some damage to the facilities and
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they will emphasize proportionality, so missile and drone factories, revolutionary guard leadership targets, and possibly infrastructure that's being used to disrupt shipping, shipping, naval infrastructure, things like that. it's of note that the target that everybody was talking about was the best shot, the rainy and shipping, the gulf of 8 that's been used to target attacks on civilians, things that ship, they seem to have gotten to where that ship has sailed after i think 3 years at sea back to iran. um we just have about 15 seconds or so left david, but a quick thought from you on the see either x or seem to israel's response to that reading and attack would have failed without american intelligence or support in the support of our partners. yeah, i mean that's true. i think that's true. um we're seeing reports that most of if not all of the drones were taken out by us to our danny and allied coalition force . all right david, we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much. david ross for speaking to us and thanks for watching the news, our on out to 0, we're back in just a moment and we'll have more news on more headlines for you. we'll see you in a minute by
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the this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered in the full for an a progressive change, you're locked in america. this time the slides were made high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i come to one, osiris to 2 young women were taken different routes to establish grace of freedom and equality. welcome to generations haines of level series attempts to understand
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and talents. the idea is that mobilize youth around the wild generation changed on out. you'll see era. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the chest. wow. the you will, the got a duty and a grow viewing for p. use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects, except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth,
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and increases systems. costs on red, chris are the, [000:00:00;00] the alternators our life from a headquarters in delphi and tell you, navigate that here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes view. esvito is the draft resolution of the united nations calling for palestine to be admitted to the


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