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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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stories with a laser audience only $48.00 it welts, 12 women come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility around the u. s. v. ties the draft resolution united nations quoted for palestine to be admitted to the u. n. as a full member states. premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions, from energy statehood, to the posting, pete, the voluntary johnston. it's val just here a lot from the also coming up. american induced very officials discussed a ground operation. and rafa in southern tanza in washington saying it's again,
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express concerns of israel's beforehand. that's the trial of a politician excuse of using a nazi sleuthing. painting gets on the way the report from training. i'm preparing from a man must exercise in democracy a 1000000000 the indians set to vote wells and not just as a general index, the beginning united nations security council, where the united states has vetoed widely supported the draft resolution brought forward by algeria backing a palestinian fit for full membership of the united nations, 12 member states voted in favor and to abstain, including the u. k. speaking of to using a veto, america's representative said washington supports a 2 state solution, but the claim that full testing and membership i, d u. n is not yet possible. since the attacks october 7,
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present button has been clear. that sustainable piece in the region can only be achieved through a 2 state solution with israel security guarantee, or there is no other past. the guarantees israel security and future as a democratic jewish state. there is no other path to guarantee its palestinians can live in peace and with dignity in a state of their own. and there is no other path that leads to regional integration between israel and all its our neighbors, including saudi arabia. we also have long been clear, premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions. well, not a chief state hood for the past and people i wish to begin by thanking the united states and particularly president by then for standing up for truth and mortality
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in the face of repub christy and politics. colleagues, i sat here mere hours ago describing why this resolution is destructive. i explained how the palestinian authority does not meet even the basic criteria. they have no authority over their territory and that the policy now authority is a terror supporting entity. look, i've been uh, had lived on it in idaho, we accepted the 2 state solution along the 1967 borders as an international vision of peace. arab states put forth the r a piece and mission fits to support this vision. we built our states with the efforts of our sons and daughters, and with the support and trust of the international community. despite the obstacles placed by is wrong that we have engaged in the peace process in a manner that would secure what i was supreme national interest. and we have abided by the foundations of a peaceful and legal settlement to the conflict. it's bringing i'll just here as
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gabriel is on tonight, is that you in headquarters in new york. so gabriel, in terms of this but it was very much an ice slate to united states. it really was. and it's easy to focus on the united states because they are the ones that raise their hand in the veto. but it's very important, i think, to also point out there were 12 council members that voted in favor of palestine being a full member. we heard from any of those from kiana to china, to france, to, to uh, to, to russia as well. all of them laying out a case of why they were trying to vote for or did vote for palestine being a full member like a 193 other nations to right or wrong and correct an injustice that has been for so many years now. so it's important to point that out, and it's also you see countries like japan, the republic of korea eco door. these are strong us allies here that often will
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abstain or vote with the united states in the last 7 months since this conflict began. you saw those countries break from the us and vote for palestine full membership. here that is significant. if this vote showed one thing, it really showed how isolated the us is on this very issue. and we also had from the palestinian representative. he was visibly emotional during his speech. a he was, he gave a very long speech laying out how you know that the international community should not try to quell or overlook palestinians long aspirations. but he also said, we just want to be equal. we want to be a part of your, a club meeting, the united nations on an equal level as everyone else in palestine is in trade now they've been disenfranchised for decades now. has only a observer state since 2012,
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and so they are disenfranchised. and you saw him at the very end choke up and wipe away tears and, and collect himself as he was saying. palestinians are just like everyone else. we want dignity, we want life. and we want to be part of the international community. and, and so it was a very powerful and emotional moment there by the palestinian ambassador. and you could really tell that this has been weighing on him heavily because he's been trying so hard to get to this point to get it to the point of a security council vote. and knowing that it was just one country, the united states that vetoed the block ultimately ended up blocking the aspirations that palestinians have one and for so long to be a permanent a to be, i'm sorry, a full member of the united nation. something that they aren't now. how do you and for us that gabriel? thank you. let's be king off to the fails, both algiers on back to the to the un about to keep fighting. pint of funds for
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mention when the security to call some really cool. see the big question of aggression of palestine again? yes, we, we are the to stronger and more woke and we will be back by the over. we're mingling majority of course, the general assembly of the united nation houses here, a senior political analyst of island. the shara says the u. s. these are voiding the current far right. is there any government with its v to the united states has grown more isolated around the world, including after ukraine, but nowhere to visit as isolated as it is on the question of palestine. because of
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the end of the day, the united states is still a prosperous leader in the world. so my to country is search country. and you know, with how, with tens of bases all over the world it's, it's just as present and it's popular in many countries when it comes to 1st time it has brought on itself, i solution can cause it to be at the surface of is red. and in this case, at the surface of an is ready to government, that is basically june inside the that's fanatic. that's neo fascist. that by dint himself is the main thing that this government changes of the same time. he goes into the united nations and defense, discover and shoots down a very simple and noble idea, which is the right of self determination. they know the level the right to so they have over, people know, it was or that has become etc. when the united states, you look at the $193.00 countries around the world,
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and you say the palestinians that's helped establish different countries in the middle east itself. the palestinians who are some of the most educated people in the world with the highest literacy. the person is a what able to build a society, i don't know for the, on the occupation those, but as soon as i'm not really to have a state really. and so the justification for the american decision is just false and transparently. so. now there is this understanding that the americans try to push quite strongly that they support the idea of the principle, the vision of a palestinian state. but this is not the time, but as the 1st thing is i've been saying again and again. when is the time i mean, since 1993, the americans have been making the fed as 10 years and they are promises, but they never fulfill for 3 decades. the united states supervisor, sponsor a piece process 3, but it seems very, there's always book the israel line. it was is way the lawyer is an advocate. and
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then of course, here's a now, once again, it insist that it's only the united states that can bring about a ta associates and piece them at least except this time they want to, if they want to have more other countries pay a higher price in order for the insurance to be satisfied, this genocide that is read should be rewarded for this genocide was more of a condition more a more sponsorship, more arms and the diplomatic protection. this doesn't make sense for much of the international community. and for those people who are working today, 12 of the us and israel have agreed on the shed objective to the feet from us in reference to inc. virtual talks on these very on these plans to watch a ground operation in the city. the plan has been widely condemned as 1500000 displaced palestinians, a shelter, and a white house correspondent, kimberly house that has more. well, the goal here is really to try and convince the is really,
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is that there is an alternative path that they can try and find how mazda operatives that they say are living amongst the palestinian population in rafa. that there is another way to do that. and so what this discussion is about is really trying to find what the united states says is common grounds. what we know is this was initially supposed to be an in person meeting, but what happened was as a result of the a ronnie and retaliatory air attack that took place on saturday. uh what happened was then the is really official said, look, we're going to stay in israel, let's do this virtually. and so that's what this discussion is. it says really officials with us officials being shared by the national security advisor, jake sullivan. and again, what this is, is trying to convince the is realize that there are alternatives, this is not going to be a good idea. in fact,
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it would be disastrous. and so the united states, as opposed to it and really trying to present an alternative path to the israelites that seem fixed on going through with this ground operation. authentic on the says it believes israel can. that completes its pounds admitted to offensive was protecting civilian lives, despite mounting pressure from rights groups warning, it would turn rafa into a graveyard. i think the discussions continue in terms of, again, enabling the united states to share with israel what our concerns are and to provide lessons learned that, that we've gleaned over the years and conducting these type of operations. and i think we'll have those conversations going forward again. our position has been pretty clear we understand the need for israel to go after i'm austin, to eliminate or defeat him off as a threat. and so we believe there's a way to do that. well, also taking into account civilian safety and ensuring humanitarian assistance.
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let's turn to the situation on the ground in gauze and now as strikes have intensified in the central regional district. also, withdrawal of is where the ground forces civilians attempted to attend to this route, refugee camp for them. the announcement that's a miniature operation and the chief is subjective with the styles later, that was the wave of october in april involvement in the area. the total number of protestant is killed since the war began. stands at almost 34000, including well then 14500 children officers and a who do you gain access to them is right to come in garza, she sent us this report shortly before the bomb and received as you see, this destruction is massive. people are left homeless, bus palestinians are very desperate for more than 6 months. now. this is still going on evacuating from a place to another. setting up tends,
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dismantling. tons going to uh your, your, your relatives house leaving and being forced to evacuate with your relatives house . every single area in the gaza strip is currently being targeted. people are left this appraisal and homeless. they're telling us, like i asked the woman, where are you going after your house has been born? she said, i do not know how to move across the tower behind me. my home was flattened by. that is read the army as simple as doctor our homes. our lives, our memories and our children's future are all gone. stabs of luck, dick, fear everything we've worked so hard for our kingdom. home, all destroyed. but thank god we are alive. how listing is believe that there is no play safe? there are no plays. they could go to because everywhere is crowded and they're left with nothing, not none of their belongings,
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none of their stuff and they are left without anything. and this continues. there has been, at least a dozens of bodies still trapped under the rubble of the houses. and the civil defense are telling, announcing that they could not reach these bodies because they need to have the equipments and they're not capable to do that 6 months. and this is still going on as you see, children are trying to have their families to bring blankets. hello us, and what's left of anything they could find from their apartments and fluff. this is one of the apartments that has been harsh to the damage, where people are lucky that they could take some of their belongings. other houses has been completely wiped off and flattened to the ground. this is in the godaddy
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on the say, right? refugee comp, cause the palestine in okay, pod westbank israel has announced the decision to seize at 64000 square meters of land to establish an illegal industrial supplement. the plan will displace some 8000 palestinians in northern hebron. israel husband, expanding its illegal settlements across the occupied westbank since the watching it's gone. gone, sir? so the head on now is, is there? well, the biggest baby, so it's not a fractions fails to come to sugar. did switch products in poor countries. the here's your whether story for the america is glad to have your long so much pressure feel from the argentine pappas freight down to patagonia,
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plenty of sun in the mix for you on friday. but if we lift north, we've still got this intense range raped over northern brazil, pushing into that western side of the amazon jungle and for ecuador, highest level alerts issued for northern and eastern portions of the country. for an intense rain on the way for friday, we do have some showers, some storms across central america through the caribbean as well. i think best bet will be jamaica his spaniel into puerto rico on friday. quite intense weather's for ohio state. this now shifting east or through the great lakes pushing into the music by and take showers and storms in the mix here on friday. and it is cold enough to see snow for a time across the sky joined in manitoba light dusting. here those winds will be with an up to about 40 to 50 kilometers per hour. but to the west, it's looking quite nice. the pacific northwest, seattle 20. let's go 22 in portland. bit more in the way of cloud cover though for california, both for us and l. a. and we do have some storms for the southern states,
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but check out what happens on saturday. these really get going, especially for northern texas, some of which could be severe of the in the polls. but it's nuns of breaking stereotypes full while practicing the ancient mush allowed to come. it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educate to young goals $1.00 oh, $1.00 east beach. the kung fu nuns cap men do on al jazeera, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe, which is here. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the watching out, just a reminder about top stores this out us has vetoed a widely supported draft resolution, united nations security council, backing and protest in bid for full memberships. 12 member states voted in favor and to abstain us as it supports the 2 state solution. the claims not the full protest in the membership, is not yet us. us send israel have agreed on the shed objective of defeating a mass in russia. drink virtual tools, authentic and says that police as well, and the tips fans, miniature, offensive, and southern casa us protecting 79 from the leader of the far right. f. d pots, a standing trial for using a nazi slope, and the junior campaign. rather a punishable crime. in germany,
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the on hawk is competing to become the 1st as the prime minister, but german states in september the state elections, survosity reports from the town of hiding in germany. i don't have to use the slogan, everything for germany at a complain, riley had up to 2021 general election. the same phrase was used by the s of the so called stormtroopers of the nazi party was crafted into the nice during the 3rd the rice hooker, who is the age of the party leader is the ring. yeah. has officially been classified as a right wing extremist by german intelligence. this under surveillance in response to his trial, took a road on the social media platform x that germany is prosecuting political opponents and suppressing free speech outside the court process. cuz we a mentally disagreed with him and welcome to trial to make sure that the uh,
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this is nothing that we will accept in our society no matter what. its not only remembering it's also to, to set boundaries. we learn from history that the fastest. so need the, the majority, they only need the certain amount of people or a certain percentage to destroy the democratic system, even though it's important that everyone can express themselves the way they want. it's also important to be respectful of each other and especially to have very specific rules about what we think is acceptable. the a, the pulling is the largest party in form. i used to them and states such as 3 media nationally. it is supported by nearly one in 5, durham, and millions of people took to the streets across the country after it was revealed the a if the was involved in the secret meeting, discussing deportations of immigrants, it slipped. and the poles after that, german law doesn't provide an official list with that, not to slogan,
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so it's up to the courts to decide. but the off race is the past previously, like 2 convictions, such as piracy plus one people, one empire, one leader sentences like this could be punished up to 3 is in prison. focused as he didn't know that the phrase, every thing for germany was against the law. but for success as a form, a history teacher, we should have been aware only a few of her supporters. he does his calls to attend the trial. and it is an odd no, he didn't do anything wrong. all he meant is that germany should above all work for german. if it's sentenced to 6 months in prison or more, the court could take away his right to run into september election. the trial continues next week. steadfast and l g 0 color. shareholders of the food and beverage john leslie, have rejected a proposal for the company to reduce its reliance on healthy foods. proposal
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brought forward by coalition of shareholder to this and to cut back on the use of souls of sugar on facts. this phase most popular products. well, this coincides with a scandal, the high sugar content and maybe food sold in low and middle income countries. investigation found that necessary serials in your pain countries contained no added should the same products in africa, asia and latin america was sweetened with up to 7 grams of sugar purse something to close it up. now at the findings. it's on a goal in south africa, for example, this get to favorite cereals for babies age 6 months and older contain 6 grams of added sugar for every serving in switzerland. the same product has none. the same double standards are seen across to play with some of it, and that's by products including baby formula companies. main markets are in africa, asia, and latin america. chris, excited that space business model relies heavily on promoting and southern unhealthy foods and developing nations. the world health organization recommends
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babies avoid added sugars in this weekend to the eclipse during the 1st year of nice to promote healthy development as well, let's say gave us statements in response to swiss me. you're saying all the formulations comply with international and that was including labeling regulations . i did that mine of variations and formulations from country to country depends on the various factors including legislation, without affecting the quantity of, of products. that's a says, it's evolving its infant serial products to further reduce added sugars without compromising on quality safety. and then the other day, is there a search at public high and coal? so all the reports he joins us live, not from this. welcome to the program. so what is the reasoning that behind any food company, adding more sugar to its products? well, you know, if donald trills, if we're really talking about babies here,
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so up to 3 years of age when they start eating heavily added sugar shortly. they will start to develop an advantage preference for sweet foods. and so they will become focused on these kinds of sugary foods. and they will keep on 18 days fluids until later in life, which leads them to slippers low off of potential obesity and on to link. this is just like that, which is also something that you don't want about. some might say, well, no one forces anyone to buy these products and that consumers can just choose something else as well. yeah, at 1st a baby hardly gets to choose what it is itself. but even then, pirates are happily targets as buying mass play, store aggressive marketing. we've seen egregious health plans made on these kinds of food. they are supposed to be contributing to brain development and developing in june a,
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in june systems furnace children. and that's place also using infront insert nutritionist, students specifically at target parents. otherwise the same products contain up to 2 groups of added sugar per meal. so give me what you say then, to what extent does this put an essay in the, in a difficult position? well, it's comes 15 years or 30 original, and some formulas campbell, people may recall the sol copayment killer scandal, which shows how misplaced practice in low income countries contributed to its 1000. so maybe that's and so it dream, it shows that the company even though it seems to have learned from it, not really. and that's also the largest spanish little corporation in the world. you have to remember 14000000000 that's based on sales for dinner for next light. and so if even the biggest corporation kind of take care of these babies,
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it seems to be a really a problem. and that's what it says. it's working to quote, the reduce added sugars is unquote, they would say they all taking some action uh, the choice 5 characters just not room for any added sugar for thoughts for children up to 3 years of age. so the claim of nest played to take strides, to stick, to some extent produced sugars just doesn't cut it. okay, we'll leave it there. thanks very much. indeed for joining us there. thank you. 9. well, i better a 12 terrace has not been selected enough for us present. donald trump's hush money trial is comes to south is off. the 2 juniors who had been sworn in for the trial were excused from the case. one of they dismissed us said she had experienced intimidation from faces, charges stemming from alleged of book payments made to an adult from stuff
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and then she had a cop to occurring. kenya's defense chief has crashed, coming on board, they crossed went down and he'll get my rent. quit county that's about 400 kilometers north west of the capital journal. francis on the go. that was a month 10 senior officials on the helicopter. part of a mission, with all the defense force troops in the region, there remains arrived in the capital neighborhood, and i wrote the for burial. what county is present when the router was ordered investigation and announce 3 days of national morning. alarm has lost one of her most valued generals. we have also lost the government of 2 tax subsidies men and women. the demise of generalized painful loss to me and such envy the soto we followed
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feel about these passing on each chair by order of the people of king and most especially the k d f for a tunnel to buy a new item. remember, it says witness major disruption of the heavy rains on reco drenched the gulf nation, his worth of rain finding a single day and a normally drawing by on tuesday, which left most of the cities infrastructure on the water or friday sees a stall to the general election in india, thing in the wells and i'll just democracy will last night. it's 6 weeks. permit us to and the rain for moody is taking us the time. reading it, p j is criticized, but promoting in the nationalist agend. cracking down on the opposition financing. the media of the engine government has failed to give visas to l. just it was correspondence to cover the story that full, we're covering the election from outside the country. know fernandez for one of the
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last election campaign events before the 1st phase of voting begins, a 6 week cycle. the state of money put in the northeast of india as being run by violence between the hindu majority, macy and cookies, or tribal communities since last me. and then you would, i don't know what i can find the one that i, the existence between all the company does the ruling bgp enters the election on the hi, new or cleaning the tub of charged indian economy is one of the major a treatments, but higher unemployment, police, and mistakes and economic anxiety driven by soaring prices. pinson volta, i'm either the son of a t cell is $73.00, it would be g p leading to arrange a movie. you see naturally, spotty is most effective weapons. however, if you give one vote to the congress party or the communist, they cannot form a government at the center. you'll go to the go, we start the car. and so it looks like go to the b a b which will form the government. that is my got it. 26. so position policies have created an alliance
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just of the, the g p. d a to use the government of using state agencies to track down on the


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