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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the some size of the $300.00 on luis heavens, have gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. i will most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the view esvito is a draft resolution of united nations close to palestine to be admitted to the you and as a full member states. premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions. i'm not a chief state for the cost of the i'm carry thompson. this is all just from the also coming up american end is rarely officials discussed a ground operation in rafa. in southern does, that is washington saying it's again,
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expressed consent as well as plans plus the charlie, the politician accused of using a nazi slogan law campaign gets underway. the report from germany, the beginning, united nations security council, where the united states has veto the draft resolution going forward by l. j. a, which calls for palestine to become a full member states of united nations 12 countries voted in favor and to abstain, including the u. k was speaking of to using a veto. america's representative said, washington supports the 2 state solution. the claim that full protestant and membership is not yet possible. since the attacks without sober 7 present button has been clear. that sustainable piece in the region can only be a cheap through a 2 state solution. with israel security guarantee,
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there is no other path that guarantees israel security and future. as a democratic jewish state. there is no other path that guarantees palestinians can live in peace and with dignity in a state of their own. and there was no other path that leads to regional integration between israel and all its our neighbors including saudi arabia. we also have long been clear the premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions. well, not a chief state hood for the palestinian people. i wish to begin by thanking the united states and particularly president by the end for standing up for truth and morality in the face of the par, chrissy and politics. colleagues, i sat here mere hours ago describing why this resolution is destructive.
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i explained how the palestinian authority does not meet even the basic criteria. they have no authority over their territory. and the policy now authority is a terror supporting entity. and that it was moved by all of your statements, those who voted in favor and even those who voted differently over the passion that it contained in your commitment and understanding the pain and the moment over the policy. and then people i said with you and the name of the policy and people i'm totally the sure gabriel and his own though has more details from united nations headquarters in new york. it's easy to focus on the united states because
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they are the ones that raise their hand in the veto. but it's very important, i think, to also point out there were 12 council members that voted in favor of palestine being a full member, we heard from many of those from kiana to china, to france, to, to uh, to, to russia as well. all of them laying out a case of why they were trying to vote for or did vote for palestine being a full member like a 193 other nations to right or wrong and correct an injustice that has been for so many years now. so it's important to point that out, and it's also, you see countries like japan, the republic of korea eco door. these are strong us allies here that often will abstain or vote with united states in the last 7 months since this conflict began. you saw those countries break from the us and vote for palestine full membership here that is significant. if this vote showed one thing,
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it really showed how isolated the us is on this very issue. i'll just here as a senior political analyst, my own bizarre says united states is rewarding the current to follow. right. is there any government with its v t in the united states has grown more isolated around the world, including after ukraine, but no. where is it? as isolated as it is on the question of palestine, because of the end of the day, the united states is still a prosperous leader in the world. so my to country is search country. and you know, with how with tens of bases all over the world. it's, it's just as present and it's popular in many countries when it comes to 1st time it has brought on itself. i solution in order to be at the service of is read. and in this case the service of and is ready to government. that is basically genocide, the that's fanatic, that's neo fascist. that by that himself is the man think that this government
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changes of the same time he goes into the united nations and defense, discover and troops down. a very simple and noble idea, which is the right of self determination. they know the level of the right to so they have over people. now it was or that has become etc. when do united states, you look at a 100 at the $193.00 countries around the world. and you said the palestinians that helped establish different countries in the middle east itself. the palestinians, who are some of the most educated people in the world with the highest illiteracy. the processing is what able to build a society. i don't know for the, on the occupation those, but the thing is i'm not really just half a state really. so the justification for the american decision is just false and transparently so. now there is this understanding that the americans try to push quite strongly that they support the idea of the principal, the vision of
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a palestinian state. but this is not the time, but as the 1st thing is, i've been saying again and again. when is the time i mean, since 1993, the americans have been making the fed as 10 years and they are promises, but they never fulfill for 3 decades. the united states supervisor, sponsor a piece process 3, but it seems very, there's always book the israel line. it was is way the lawyer that is an advocate. and then of course, here's a now, once again, it says that it's only the united states that can bring about a ta associates and piece them, at least except this time they want to, if they want to have more other countries pay a higher price in order for the insurance to be satisfied, this genocide that is read should be rewarded for this genocide was more of a condition more a more sponsorship, more arms. and we'll do the pretty much the protection. this doesn't make sense for much of the international community. and for those people who are working today,
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12 of the us and israel have agreed on the shed objective to defeat a mass in rough up during the actual tools on these very armies. plans to launch a ground operation in the city the forensic and says it very easily as well can complete it's offensive. was protecting civilian lives, after spine mounting pressure from rights groups warning, it would turn nebraska into a graveyard. i think the discussions continue in terms of, again, enabling the united states to share with israel what our concerns are and to provide lessons learned that, that we've gleaned over the years and conducting these type of operations. and i think we'll have those conversations going forward again. our position has been pretty clear we understand the need for israel to go after i'm austin, to eliminate or defeat him off as a threat. and so we believe there's a way to do that. well, also taking into account civilian safety and ensuring humanitarian assistance says, turns the situation on the ground and goes and with it is rarely minutes. she's
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talking residential buildings across the street. but these are images from the shape and neighborhood in the north rescue teams. i've been working against the clock to rescue protest against trump onto the rubble around 12. how to students, many of the women and children at least 2 billing cycles during the attack. strikes have also intensified in the central regional district. positively withdrawal of is very ground forces civilians attempted to turn to and this refugee camp for them. the announcement that admitted to operation had achieved its objectives, but just hours later, it was a wave of artillery and ad. but bob and in the area, the total number of palestinians killed since the war began. stands at almost $34000.00, including all the 14 and a half 1000 children. i'll just here was hand off quarterly gains access to mrs. wright's account in gaza. defense us this report shortly before and above and resumed. as you see,
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this destruction is massive. people are left homeless, but palestinians are very desperate for more than 6 months. now this is still going on evacuating from a place to another, setting up tens, dismantling tons going to your your, your relatives house, leaving and being forced to evacuate with your relatives house. every single area in the gaza strip is currently being targeted. people are left this appraisals and homeless. they're telling us like i asked the woman, where are you going after your house has been bon too said i do not know who because the tower behind me. my home was flattened by. that is read the army as simple as doctor, our homes, our lives, our memories, and our children's future are all gone. the next stick,
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fear everything we've worked so hard for our kingdom home, and that's all destroyed. but thank god we are alive. how listing is believe that there is no play safe? there are no plays, they could go to because everywhere is crowded and they're left with nothing, not none of their belongings, none of their stuff and they are left without anything. and this continues. there has been, at least a dozens of bodies still trapped under the rubble of the houses. and the civil defense are telling, announcing that they could not reach these bodies because they need to have the equipments and they're not capable to do that 6 months. and this is still going on as you see, children are trying to have their families to bring blankets. hello us,
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and what's left of anything they could find from their apartments and fluff. this is one of the apartments that has been harsh to the damage, where people are lucky that they could take some of their belongings. other houses has been completely wiped off and flattened to the ground. this is in the godaddy on the say right refugee come cause the palestine in ok pod westbank. israel has announced the decision to seize a 64000 square meters of land to establish an illegal industrial settlement. the panel display some 8000 palestinians in northern hebron. israel husband expanding its illegal sacraments across the occupied westbank since launching its wall garza, the abraham is indefinitely him with more on the legal is rarely land grab on this illegal is really supplements behind me. started off as a small supplement before it started expanding and expanding,
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taking up more and more palestinian lines. and not only are palestinians not allowed to live in it, because it is it only for is really living in the, in the occupied westbank. but it has been taking up more resources, infrastructure and lands from palestinian is the start of the world. garza, we've been seeing how the gain is really supplements, have been expanding, but we've been seeing a wave and increase of the approval of the land being confiscated by a festival. the issue a minute, that olds that are considering the land to be state law, they've done to the lies. jordan's, the responsive is sort of the over this then, and they don't consider the tennessee means. have any lights in their own land. data sticks even the what's, what administration for the city is on the an area and be an even that is gun. now this is
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a which is what i should not be interfering in 88. they built into the field, an area, and even an area be the government of small, but it's been viewed autumn, noticed that things i must, the planning or for the scene in areas in any of the when we talk about these land grabs, we're not just talking about new or there's to confiscate more, more lands, but we're also talking about changing the purpose for which those lads were confiscated. first of all, they would be confiscated for like a military zone or the national or reserve before palestinians discover that it's soon been changed and more is really settlers are going to be allowed to move in to those areas. another way palestinian said that israel is grabbing more lance, is by secular attacks that have been intimidating palestinians living across be occupied westbank since the start of the will receive more than $1200.00 palestinians, mostly from the by the one community. the community being forced out of the lads
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moving their locations because of the growing attacks by settlers here and the occupied westbank is that, but he, bethlehem be occupied westbank. so to come on out, how did the type of 19 spread, w h o v defines what exactly enabling disease is critical debate. punish farmers are angry. people of starving and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians and may be opened in the highest level have been using games for the policy. let me cut out to him and dave, and course the arrival inside story on al jazeera, unique perspective,
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that plays himself and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices to humor. i tried to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, even upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really a lot about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the or the colleges here with the, the
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2 about just a reminder about type stores. this to us has veto the draft resolution, the un security council, which caused a ton of science. we recognized as a full member, you and 12 member states voted in states to abstain. the less expensive supports the 2 state solution. the claims that full protestant and membership, the rims not yet accessed the us and israel have agreed on the shared objective of speech and come us to read the virtual tools. the pentagon says that very easily as well trying to complete it's transmitted she offensive, and southern guns that was protecting civilian. nice, occupies westbank. israel has announced the decision to seize 64000 square meters of net to establish an illegal industrial sacrament. the plan will display some 8000 protestant. no,
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you're wrong based on group says it will escalate the operations of israel. it expands, it's offensive to wrap up the capacity but side also how that group has been carrying out the attacks against us bases is lead spoke with al just there was some of been jumping. the extension is continued to similar in the middle east. as israel struck in the range in cost of that in iran, struck back. now there is fear that his route might strike again and to discuss it with this is the founding member, as well as the general secretary off of ca, biopsy, and the show. and that one of the fighting groups here in iraq, which has been fighting a israel, is linked in for us here in iraq as well as in the region. mr array. thank you very much for taking the time. your group has been designated a terrorist organization by the united states. you're based in iraq. so why would you get involved in a fight between israel and iran? what are you, monica?
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well, you haven't any, will any battlefield involving the united states against any arab country? we will stand without our country, any war directed by the us against any islamic country. we will stand the long side boxes limit country. but either one of them, you know, loveless, my daughter this, have you got it after tax against americans or his relatives in the past? but i know if i can do that, we force against us occupation for 10 years until its 1st expulsion from iraq. now, these nomic resistance, these, the us taking an active part and because of and supporting his ro without this american intervention, as well with multi exist thought and we felt against the americans. we all part of the resistance and the front to support our brothers the much i had been in palestine. the is that made resistance of the rock now is 3 major organizations. capacity of the show, the image of a and cuz i've just below what are your capabilities mccomb and it's time of the assistance in iraq increase, disclosed and on disclosed function is there on their non groups watching with us.
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our capabilities have developed more than $20.00 to $30.00 times and we have the ability to manufacture michelle drones and we have developed an arsenal. shouldn't rocky, a public opinion or resistance or fighting. come from the government of the rock rather than a groups that are not part of the government. what i have a difficult we have them. we do not want to embarrass the governments with this issue. this is why we see i was a supportive role. the rocky resistance was carried out to more than $400.00 attacks, and we continued to target this role by a drug dealer. and if the occupation expands the wall, it's a rough idea of what is level of assistance will escalate its operations. cookie, and i'm of the, do you not think that this escalation is going to take the entire region towards war and the people of it off the people off for various countries are going to suffer the most? i'm, i don't want to know what we believe in the excess of resistance. i will fight isn't human 11 on syria, iraq and iran, you know, in case of allows we'll,
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we are with the islamic republic over on we all standing with the heroes children and women of gaza if all else will takes place. our messages that americans in iraq will be hostages. under the control of the islamic resistance, the world health organization has expanded the definition of an air borne pathogen . it comes off the controversy around the original definition that to miscommunication. communicate with 19 pandemic. and you report defines a new set of criteria for iphone infections. most importantly, it found that the virus could still be defined as an 8th on pathogen, regardless of the size of the chopped. it spreads the luminous during the early days of tons of excellence has complained of w h. i failed to warn people. the risk of, of virus could spread through. the scientists say the new definition is more precise and who helps save lives in the future without foundation of those areas. a senior scholar at the johns hopkins center full health security joins
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a slot from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. welcome to the program. so how would this expand to definition have changed the wells response to the coping 19 pandemic? if we would have understood that small aerosol transmissions were occurring over short distances that might influence what personal protective equipment were recommended for individuals to use. it also might have influenced people kind of falsely relying on a 6 foot distance to be kind of iron clad. so i think what it would have done has been more exact. but i think what this really does is try to bring the science up to date because we were using some outdated ways of thinking about disease transmission that really wasn't fitting with arrow biology. even though it had a purpose in a role in hospital infection control. and what about other viruses, and should we be now changing our response to those 2? i do think that we've always known that, for example,
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the influenza does transmit through the airborne. ralph to some of the extent and some through the droplet route. i think it's much more better to think about this in terms of what is the actual risk. so we take a, a standard airborne disease like measles. it still has a very different epidemiology. it's much more contagious, for example, than kogan or influenza. so, so there's still a gradations within it, but what i think it does is kind of keep us from being very rigid about what needs to be done for each type of virus. and really allows for the fact that improving air quality, improving uh, you know, bringing in outdoor air, improving air changes make sense for a whole host of respiratory viruses. and there may be a larger role for and 95 maps, especially during certain medical procedures. where does this leave the public then in the event of any kind of any future pandemic? what should we will be doing? because people will be forgiven for being very confused about all of this?
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i think now people are very attuned to the benefit and value of and 95 or, and 95 equivalent math. so if there isn't another pandemic independent make is likely to be from a respiratory virus the end of $95.00. may i ask, who's going to probably be the cornerstone and the 1st type of math that's recommended rather than homemade math or even surgical math, because these are now available in abundance and people are comfortable using them and we know they offer the highest level of protection okay, believe it that delta m. s i 1000. thank you very much indeed for joining us here on that, which is here. thanks for having me. now from the leader of the far right, i have the policy standing trial see using a nazi slow junior campaign, rather punishable crime in germany. the, on the whole is campaign to become the 1st half the prime minister of the german states and september state elections. so i've asked them to pull stuff and kind of how they, in germany. i don't have to use the slogan. everything for germany at
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a complain, riley had up to 2021 general election. the same phrase was used by the s of the so called stormtroopers of the nazi party was crafted into the nice during the 3rd the rice hooker, who is the age of the party leader is the ring. yeah. has officially been classified as a right wing extremist by german intelligence. this under surveillance in response to his trial took a road on the social media platform x that germany is prosecuting political opponents and suppressing free speech outside the court process because we have mentally disagreed with him. and welcome to trial, to make sure that the, uh, this is nothing that we will accept in our society no matter what. it's not the only remembering it's also to, to set boundaries. we learn from history that the fastest. so need the, the majority, they only need the certain amount of people or a certain percentage to destroy the democratic system,
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even though it's important that everyone can express themselves the way they want. it's also important to be respectful of each other and especially to have very specific rules about what we think is acceptable. the is the pulling is the largest party in form. i used to have been states such as 3 media nationally . it is supported by nearly one in 5, durham, and millions of people took to the streets across the country after it was revealed . the a if the was involved in a secret meeting, discussing deportations of immigrants, it's slit in the poles after that. german law doesn't provide an official list with that, not to slogan, so it's up to the courts to decide. but the off race is the past previously, like 2 convictions, such as piracy plus one people, one empire, one leader sentences like this could be punished up to 3 is in prison. focused as he didn't know that the phrase,
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every thing for germany was against the law. but for success as a form, a history teacher, we should have been aware only a few of her supporters. he does his calls to attend the trial. and it is an odd no, he didn't do anything wrong. all he meant is that germany should above all work for german. if it's sentenced to 6 months in prison or more, the court could take away his right to run into september election. the trial continues next week. steadfast and l g 0 holler. i mean actually had a cold carrying canyons defense chief is crushed. kidding on board. the croft went down it again and mount quit county. that's about 400 kilometers north west of the capitol hill of francis one. the ongoing that was amongst tenant senior officials on the helicopter. part of a mission with all the defense force troops in the region. to bind, united arab emirates has witnessed major disruption of the heaviest rains on reco.
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drenched the gulf nation a years worth of rain for the single dana only dry regional cheese day, which left much of the city's infrastructure under water. we can find more information on our website. i'll just say what the. com the weather is next to move in. you is i store the the hello. well now theres been flooding in so far as boxes done. this was not too far away from nevada or streets flooded out here and people told to stay indoors, you know, between afghanistan and box has done more than a 100 people had been killed in flooding. and we still see that intense rain locked up into northern pockets, dawn and more rain for that eastern side of afghanistan, where we have seen the majority of the floods. about 23 of us kind of stands, provinces are dealing with flooding. it's a story of heat though,
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across india for the 1st time this year at temperatures of shot up to $45.00 degrees or past $45.00 degrees. colors are on target, the read, the higher the temperature. this is pre monsoon heat bucket. cold cut of 40 degrees and we're also bumping in a lot of humidity with this breeze off the bay of and gall. so calcutta, your temperature is going to walk in to about $4041.00 over the next several days. that is well above where you should be for this point of the year is free is coming in off the south china sea is bumping in a lot of humidity as well for china is honda island and northern vietnam. and with this heat and humidity, it's acting as one of the ingredients to triggers some severe storms across southern china. but for japan, it's so much calmer picture with that disturbance moving into the northwest pacific . see later, the illegal goal is threatening the survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna,
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monique people, the forest and the planets ecosystem. with a counter offensive is underway. as the tribal chiefs had to your gold cloud, the corridors of power not to seek help to demand the world to see the warnings of its indigenous people. holding up the sky, a witness documentary on the jersey, the aiming to individuals in somalia, federal leaders are invited to discuss and security and constitutional changes, but with some only politics so deeply fragmented is national unity possible. and what role does some of the as neighbors play in achieving a more peaceful future? this is inside story. the
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