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tv   Witness Sleepless Birds  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 7:30am-8:00am AST

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as information some various as news agencies inside iran. and according to the latest, what we understand is that iran to air defense systems were not the ones that shut down these small unknown flying objects. and that because they were flying at a very low altitude and the ground based anti aircraft guns were used to destroy them before they reached their target. and their intended target from what we're hearing was the hash storm shook our air base near the city of san just north east of a small near the international airport there. what we understand is that there's been no damage cause to any of the military bases. there, but we also have just heard from officials that all of the countries airports have now resumed full operation, including the international airport. enter on the montclair many airport dose as you've been reminding us all morning. this comes against the backdrop of the ron's
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unprecedented attack on israel following this rate, the attack on iran conflict in the syrian capital, damascus. some intentions are extremely high between iran and his right. long day is certainly during this is the unprecedented levels of tensions because they're on for the 1st time, directly confronted israel in that unprecedented attack on april, 13th by launching operation to promise over 300 drones crews and ballistic missiles were launch towards israel with the aim of delivering the message after israel struck ron's console section in damascus on april 1st, killing 7 members of its revolutionary guard. and the officials tour had set that the status quo had to change. we heard from the highest ranking official in the country and the supreme leader, i told the company who said that israel will pay a price for what they did. and that is what the aim of true operation to promise was. that was launch on his ro, doing and said that's at this status quote of israel's hadn't run policy,
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could no longer be tolerated. and that you're on how to do something to draw all the red lines that it had set for itself. he said, the officials here had said that the failure by the united nations security council to condemn that is rarely ever strike on its console. it section and damascus was at what force iran to react with military response against israel. and that it doesn't want war. and it doesn't want to escalate the situation any farther. and now with this attack, it seems that israel has taken the opportunity to respond in a very new to way what many here would believe to be muted. and that it is really seen is delivering the message to, to her on that israel is able and capable of reaching around very fortified military installations in the country. but of course, i want to remind our view is this is not the 1st time. israel has attacks around
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a military facilities. it just in the past year or in january 2023 uh, drones were launched from inside iran on a military, a defense installation in the city of s for hans. the runs air defense systems were able to intercept 2 of them. but a 3rd one did hit a facility, and that's why i'm causing minor damage. all of this just proves that this shadow war that has continued between around an israel for the past 2 decades is coming to a head. and it's a very, very critical point. now, between the 2 countries as to how they will proceed, should this be at the end of it. and i think many here believe that radians will refrain from responding. but officials have set any kind of an attack on arabian soil by israel will be met with an immediate and harsh response. and also let me squeeze in one final question to you. what are the right in saying then about the
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kinds newcrest infinity because that's the, that's actually located in this behind as well, isn't it is a critical part of our ons nuclear program. or certainly there are 6 nuclear facilities in the country and not towns is one of the biggest ones. it's just outside of s behind, but it's still within us for hong province. it is a facility where iran is enriching uranium and it's one of the biggest nuclear facilities in the country. there has been multiple attack sabotage attempts in that facility over the past few years. what officials are saying now they've been saying over the past 24 hours is that work continues in not has as well as other nuclear sites in the country. and that's, there is no disruption. but should there be any attempt to attack and that's hands or the other facilities a wrong will respond in kind. and also we've heard from it official from the revolutionary guards, who's in charge of the security of the nuclear facilities in the country saying, should there be any attempts to disrupt the countries nuclear program?
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iran could look at reviewing it's nuclear policy, hinting that or wrong could adjust its position and status of where it's nuclear program is out at the moment. all right, i don't have to buy life as the in the range and capital to around to set. thank you. well is really, i'm, you're saying that the sirens of sound that in the north of the country that's bringing home to salute to live for us. and 10 of the i'm the is where the officials have promised that would be a response to very andy and attack on israel last south of the what are you hearing from his way to officials, the, if anything as well, nearly a week after that, unprecedented on in attack into israel is really officials all week have been saying that there is going to be a response convening war and security cabinets, left and right to try and decide on what an appropriate response would be when and how. now with this, our, these really army as well as the prime minister's office, our non offering comment on the series of events that have on folded in the last
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couple of hours, but nothing yahoo himself has been dodging calls from world leaders. and when he did speak to the for in secretary from the u. k. and before administer from germany, he essentially dismissed all of their concerns and said that israel will quote, act in a way of self defense that works for israel. meaning that there is going to be some sort of larger response by these rallies, but all this started on april 1st after and is really airstrikes targeted the it on the and console of building in damascus. these really still never claiming responsibility for that as they usually have a policy of never commenting on their military activities inside of syrian territory. but all sides were pointing to some sort of is really response in it on the in territory. but again, there's been no official confirmation bias, really, officials as a friday morning. yeah, i'm done israel's walking a tightrope. pay, i mean, 5 minutes i'm at yahoo as you say permits to respond to iran dismissal and drone
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attack. but do we know that if this, if indeed it was, is rarely this response is calibrated, so as not to then, so it's a much more violent tit for tat response on the wrong then blows the price is up as well. there's been a lot of pressure specifically from the americans for the israelis now to respond, pressuring them both privately and publicly saying that this will lead to some sort of larger regional conflict that perhaps can be contained if there is some sort of war between it on and israel, but nets and yahoo had ignored all of those concerns by every single ally saying that israel is still going to do what is best for israel now? we've been hearing from defense officials all week and he's really army chief of staff, the military spokesperson and israel's defense minister, jo, i've go on to said that this will not go on answer, but the problem becomes, when the it audience have said that any sort of is really intrusion into their airspace, will lead into some sort of larger response by the audience. and this is something
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that a lot of his really allies are trying to deter, saying, but this should not happen. but to these really is have said repeatedly that they were planning some sort of response and they were ultimately going to do what's best for them. i'm just the final forward to homecoming once the atmosphere, like on the streets in the country at the moment. so i mean, following last south, today's huge attacked by ron and how is these really public then bring the pad for what could be yet another rainy and attack? so i think the most important thing to note here is that these really public has a lot of face and israel's air defense system, since the war on guns began. and when you speak to his really is when you hear what they're saying, they were quite afraid of visit on an attack, but still saying that his roles, air defenses would get the job done. however, they are afraid of some sort of wider conflict with in the middle east breaking out, especially in israel because you have several active front. so you have israel's
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northern border, that is a situation that is simply not contain the cross border fire. intensifying over the last several months, which be gone on october the 8th, just a couple of days ago, we saw at least 19 people injure. 14 of them is really soldiers in a combined missile. and drone attacked by his butler. you still have the war on guns that were rockets are still being fired from the palestinian territory. and then you have the southern most city overlap which has seen a lot of different projectiles in is really airspace that are being launched and intercepted. they're constantly, so while there is a fear of some sort of wider regional war, the is really security and political establishment says that it's going to do whatever it sees best in terms of self defense. it's going to do whatever it sees best in terms of deterrence. and they want to send a message to the wider middle east that israel is not afraid to act, that they're not going to be deterred. and these are words that have been coming
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from is really officials all week. all signs were pointing to some sort of is really response in it on the, in territory. but it was just a matter of how, when and where they were going to do so. all right, uh huh. and that's the life of intel, of you've come to a thank you for that. let me just bring you. this is obviously a fast moving story. let me just bring you some lines coming out of the rainy an airport, some and navigation company. they're in charge of airports in iran that they have removed restrictions on oil flights and at o airports that witnessed a suspension dawn earlier today. so they raining at ports and, and jason companies saying they have removed restrictions on flights and remove restrictions on airports that witnessed a suspension during today. so the reigning space is now open. all right, with john henry joins us live now from washington dc. john, so report spend of the single tennis explosions in iran and syria. what are you hearing if anything, from us officials at this stage on a darren,
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officially, we've heard nothing from either prison, inviting the white house, the state department or the pentagon. but as often happens on these occasions, us officials are speaking on condition of anonymity and they have confirmed to our partners it nbc news that the biden ministration was warned that an attack would be carried out and in confirm that an attack has been carried out. although those us officials haven't described exactly what that attack is, but they say they were warned that on thursday that this attack would come within the next 24 to 48 hours. and we are seeing reports of the us was assured that the nuclear facilities were not part of this strike. i was at the state department a little earlier on thursday. and at that time we were fielding a number of reports that said a, that this would happen after pass over that's on monday. so this happens sooner than expected. and that among the options that israel was considering was striking
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out a rainy and proxies outside of a rainy and soil. well, they've decided not to do that apparently, and have struck on a rainy and soil that is a deeper and more direct attack. and of course we have those reports from iran, that is response would be immediate and at a maximum level. so what we're, what we're concerned about at this point is what happens after this, darren? yeah. john and president biden, as you've been telling us the old morning, i've been telling these randy prime minister to take the wind folding. it runs a tank on these very last saturday and not to respond clearly. netanyahu and these right, these see things by different like they've gone against buttons wishes, and that's absolutely right. i mean, 1st of all, a run didn't listen to the by the administrator when the president directly said to iran, if you're considering an attack quote, don't around, went ahead and attacked anyway. then the administration has been privately counseling, israel to use to exercise restraint, not to launch
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a major retaliatory strike whatever that might mean, although they acknowledge that is real. a, in, in the, by the administration's view, had the right to defend itself, and that the ultimate decision would be as real as the, by the ministration has clearly been counseling, israel against anything that would escalate this situation. and that would draw the us in, well, because me, us had defended israel and those are any, and strikes on that country. the us isn't involved in what is already a widening conflict. and that's exactly what the biden station has been worried about. we seen many reports that a bible himself has been concerned that israel, particularly at benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister there would be drawing the us into a wider conflict. and what's happened is that the us has now been drawn into that conflict, and neither side is particularly, it seems to be listening to what the us perspective is on that. and so the us is
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now kind of at the mercy of these 2 countries and is growing conflict in the middle east and all the vitamins ministration has been able to do is to say we are not in directly involved in this attack that it's entire involvement from the us perspective has been helping to defend israel against those or any and attacks. but what happens here is really not up to the us. so the administration is seeing a situation unfold. that is exactly what it was concerned about. and what happens now really depends on what the uranium just as i don't remember. the final thoughts from you here with the uh, just don't just the final question. i mean, how is this blanket them to play out domestically and politically, for president biden and to the ministration as we know, it's an election year, extremely important. as you've been telling us all morning bible says he's been trying to prevent the us being dried into a much why the conflict in the me, in the, in the middle east is that i political price to pay there. absolutely is. i
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mean, president biden has already been arguing for at least a temporary cease fire in gaza. these rallies weren't listening to him on that. now he has been arguing against a whitening conflict between iran and israel. and he doesn't seem to be having much influence in and that makes him appear weak in the u. s. during this election year, he's already got a problem with young voters with muslim and arab american voters who are upset about the war in gaza. and then now we has this escalating conflict with a ron and no matter what he seems to do, he does not seem to be in control of this situation. and that does not bode for him well in this election year during high to john 100 life us the in washington. john . uh when did that come back? i'm told you that later. but some now thank you. what speaking earlier on thursday, israel's ambassador to the united nations a choose the wrong of being the source of regional instability. easy run,
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you run that the insured from us was able to orchestrate the toner 7th messic or it is the total resuming to air on that has provided weapon every 2 piece by law to rein down missiles on these rarely towns and cities. it is the total resuming to air on that is equipped the hood. these, we've cruise me so as to fire at the merchant vessels and it is the total regime the launched, an unprecedented attack. israel a fellow un member states less than a week ago. when it assigned meeting the u. s. representative to the united nations echoed that message and reiterated the american support for israel. its ron and its mills and partners, including from us, have driven us to the precipice of a broader conflict. united states condemns ron's direct attack on israel, which we, along with israel and other partners helped to defeat. there was no doubt ron's aim in launching more than 300 munitions. it is real. was to inflict significant
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damage and cause a loss of life. the us commitment to israel security is iron clad, repeat iron clad. all right, that's bringing the 0 is gabrielle is on the is has been monitoring the story if i sent you and a headquarters in new york gave if you can. 3 just remind us what we've been hearing from the united nations over the past few days about these escalate intentions between iran and israel as yeah, the secretary general has been very concerned about. in fact, he spoke about it less than 24 hours ago with a security council meeting. early on thursday, the secretary general said that uh, let me be clear. the risks are spiraling on many fronts. it's high time to in the bloody cycle of retaliation. it is time to stop and what he was referring to specifically, there was these retaliatory back and forth. you saw, of course,
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is we've been talking about for our correspondence to have before me here is real launching that attack on the, on the iranian consulate in damascus. iran says, listen, that was unprovoked, it was a direct violation of international law. your end said we waited nearly 2 weeks to respond. you runs for administer. as said, we were hoping that the security council here at the u. n. would have responded at least condemned israel for that, but they did. and so israel iran basically said we had to take matters into our own hands and within the purview of international law, we responded that is are right. those are the words from that you're running for administer. who was here in the un speaking to the security council on thursday, and those were his words. he said it's not so much that it's it's, it's not a ron that is a driving things to the precipice. it's israel, israel that has been attacking iran over and over again,
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but the message is clear from the secretary general. the secretary general has said that he condemns all of these attacks back and forth. and he's been incredibly worried about exactly what we're starting to see between iran now and israel, his back and forth. and he says it simply has to stop because so much is at stake. yeah. guy. but as we've been reminding of us throughout the morning, just comes pretty much, doesn't it? on the same day of the us again, guy comes out to these ratings and vetoed that palestinian bid for full membership at the you. and yet these right is if it was never talk, of course, went against president biden's request not to respond. how could this them play out at the you and in the coming days? good. so i can tell you that the situation is top of mind with the un and with the security council. of course, the security council is the key body here within the united nations. when it comes to we're seeing peace and security around the world. and you know,
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they were talking about israel talking about palestine talking about your and just within the last 12 to 24 hours here. and i can tell you that even though it's approaching 1 am here in new york, and that if the secretary general is watching this right now, if this members of the security council are watching this or will wake up to it on friday morning, i can tell you that it will be top of mind and what will happen, we'll have to wait and see, there's not enough information yet at this point out of your end to know exactly what's going on. but i can tell you that the security council is due back here at un headquarters on friday for other meetings. and i can tell you that there will be a bass or is it will be asked about this and be huddling on the sidelines to figure out what the council can do if anything moving forward to try to alleviate this, escalating any further. all right, that guidelines on the, the at un headquarters in new york, gabe, thank you. well,
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the writing and president everett, i am right. you see totally made of contact on tuesday of up to iran would respond to any is why the attack against this interest surrounds one minutes is also wanting israel of an immediate response. how much in on check, appreciate if the is ready ration you make some mistake. this time around the response. as it runs minutes rickamono is announced. will not be minimal media until the next 5. let's bring and mom and miranda use a political and security. i'm left at the university of 10. ronnie joins us via skype. mama, good to have you with us. so the picture still remains confusing. some report suggesting this was unlimited. is there any response to that? it rang and i talked last saturday on israel a how significant is this? what is it will mean mama? it was, it's still unclear if anything important happened in may have been a 3 o'clock copters that were down somewhere near as fun. but nothing important has happened. and everything is business as usual. people who
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are in s 400 or how i know at least online have said that everything is fine. uh the writings have said that if the israelis attack again, if they carry out another act active aggression, they will strike back harder than last time and they will strike back without waiting 2 weeks like last time of this violence of course began years ago. this rarely regime per year, as has been assassinating iranians that has been carrying out sabotage. it has been murdering iranians and syrian, finally, when they attacked the embassy, the uranium said enough is enough. sadly, the un security council, as you know, refused to condemn the bombing of the writing embassy because of the position taken by the united states, france and the u. k. and the secretary general of the and really if he
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was going, if he was a, if he had curry, he would call out the americans and europeans. but he, of course, himself is a european so he is not going to take or i'd be so far hasn't taken the moral stands that he should of i'm yes to stay with this issue. a mom of highly ron might respond to mean iran has repeatedly said, look, it doesn't want a full scale will. but to around, as you just pointed out, says it's finger is pretty much on the trigger under the respond heavily to any is ready attack on iran. so then what kind of response i would like you to see, could it be a direct response or perhaps what you're on the process with you. how do you see it playing out? story? run doesn't have proxies. hezbollah, how my stomach job. i am. so a lot of these are all the running allies and they have agency in the room has said that many times. but the, the writings have said after the attack on them busy in the murder of your writing
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and citizens in damascus as well as local stuff. uh that uh for now on. if this riley strike iranian targets, if they murder iranians, if they target you ryan's, they will get a direct response and a heavy handed response from you run directly. so this is a policy shift. the ronnie is a, is that they've changed the page. um, let me just get to another fort for me, mohammed, i mean, let's abroad in it out a bit if we can. and what does this mean? you know, i mean these ongoing tensions in israel under um, what does this mean for the wider region in the middle east of the arab countries are also very worried about a whitening of the conflict and the impacts it'll have on relations with israel and the us and i think that it's becoming increasingly clear that to the region is outraged by the ongoing genocide, the fact that the united states and the west fully support the genocide lip service
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to cease fires. and that sort of thing does not full any one. the americans are giving those rallies, whatever they need. the same is true with the europeans. and then now, when this riley regime bombs and the running embassy, uh and uh, the west again supports the regime and sanctions iran. i honestly, again that only further is this trust towards the west, across the region. then we do the west likes to speak about rapprochement between these re, the regime and i have the government so countries. but the fact is that our public opinion is extremely hostile to the regime. public opinion across the region is extremely hostile. towards the is right of the regime of the west shouldn't be fooled by people who did not really represent the public it this could explode at some point. let me just please. and one more question briefly,
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i'm clicking to count the focus of course is not one is reading the wrong. but that takes the focus of the world and gaza and the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding the. what does this mean then for the war and gaza? now israel might start it's offensive on rough in the south of the spring, so nothing can distract the world away from an ongoing holocaust. that is impossible. that's wishful thinking. on behalf of the white house to tell of the vin bear european allies, the world is watching every single palestinian that's being murdered all every single child and mother that's being murdered. the world recognizes that these riley regime can not do this without the full support in the consent of the west. and without a doubt, in any exchange between military exchange, between israel, any run you run will have the upper hand you're on, will humiliate this, right? the regime and it will only we can it for the the regime has lost in gaza on the battlefield is lost alongside the border of love and on the battlefield. and the
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red sea rising capable. and the ron will do the same to this right. of these as well mom and we happen to have that. thank has always been your time. all right, q. let's quickly recap the breaking news this uh right end state television is reporting explosions up in hub the, the city of this fun. but quoting iranian army official that says, no damage has been caused, it says that the defense themselves were activated in multiple provinces. the country civil aviation organization as announced flight restrictions in several efforts, have now been lifted and some reports of explosions in syria american media sites. and us officials is reporting on his way to attack attempt. his pensions are running high in the region. often that it raining and attack on israel on saturday . all right, that's it for me down jordan, for now i'll be back shortly with most of the days and he's done the way stations and so much and by some of the
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i'm going all the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference the is there any insight me to say sweet brightens? were shut down over the city of this fun using a across the steps. the other ones are enjoying this about 0 life and also coming out to us, vito is a try for losing the resolution of the united nations. that proof of palestine is be admitted to the union as a full member of states. premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions, i'm not a chief state for the past.


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