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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the rainy and media is reporting the shooting down of 3 drones and what the us says is on a ton by his right. the other ones are in jordan, this is all just they are a lie from dough hard with breaking news coverage out of iran. also had the us vito's a draft resolution of the united nations that cool for palestine to be admitted to the u. n. as a full members premature actions here in new york. even with the best intentions, i'm not a chief statement to the customer on some of the some southern gaza search for
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loved ones barely make some grades off. his reading forces withdrawal from the, the, the on site television says the countries air defense systems have shut down 3 drones of uranium skies. intersections are posted to have happened and they, the central city of this fun range and media says a new class sites on a military base in the area have not been damaged. american media, citing us officials are reporting, but it's on is really a tough. but these really ministry has not commented israel voucher retaliates off to iran, north hundreds of missiles and drones that is very tired tree last saturday. a. well, here's a quick look up slide right uh, over ron flight. so briefly suspended to him from several cities including terror on this on and show us well, we have a team of reporters following those developments. john henderson is in washington,
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dc. bennett smith is in occupied east jerusalem. but let's 1st go to do a search bar. she's in the rainy and capital tat around dose, as it seems to be unclear this type just to exactly what happened with these explosions in is behind. what are you hearing at this stage and what, what are writing and official se, as well other than a radiant state media, we've only heard from a senior commander in the countries air force within the army who is confirmed. that's a number of drones were shut down by iran or defense systems. now we understand that they were at the target or is possibly the 8th tactical air base of the country's army in an assault and province near the international airport. and as the han itself, what we do know is that this air base is home to iran, sweets of a very old american tomcats the f. 14 war plants that are on has it,
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it's a stockpile. now there was also reports of uh, air defense systems being activated over the city of type reason, northwestern part of the country at which resulted in the arabian, if you should, officials at closing down the countries aerospace for the 2 hours and counseling flight. so we understand that has all resumed now at the mid airports are, are a fully operational and according to this military command or the army commander, there is with no damage sustained to that air base in a small adult. so this comes against the backdrop of the rooms, unprecedented attack on these rail following these, right. the attack on it's consulate in the syrian capital, damascus. i mean tension is extremely high between iran and israel. certainly during the iran said that it was basically that's no choice but to carry out operation to promise that april 13th and an unprecedented move around directly attacked israel with
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a number of drones and missed the crews and ballistic missiles. and waning officials said that their response was limited and proportionate. and then the aim of that response was to deliver a message to israel that their behavior is no longer going to be tolerated. the in response to the error strike on a rating consulate in damascus that kills 7 members, overwhelms revolutionary guard. at this history of it is really is continuing to attack, uranian military, a nuclear officials, both inside and outside of or on is something iran said cannot continue. and that's this operation was aimed at creating a new narrative between iran and israel. and to highlights that this a psychological warfare a cannot continue and that iran is able and willing to respond to israel. alright, the dosage of our life as the in the writing and capital to around to so thank you . let's call 7 out to ben at smith. he's an occupied east jerusalem,
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but it serves really officials as you've been telling us, i have promised that wouldn't be a response to the rainy an attack on these rail a few days ago. what are you hearing now from is randy officials, if anything a so the only official line coming out these riley's from these rarely military who says it's military has not changed its instructions. disease is rarely public. it's only from us of media reports that we're hearing, that israel was in the us in advance, that this attack was going to take place. of course, in the last week, as well as war cabinet has been meeting deciding what sort of response it should take us present. joe biden has told, told benjamin netanyahu to take, to take the success really of, of the failure of around to pace is rails. at defense is on saturday, the precision us foreign ministers were here a couple of days ago, carrying that same message not to retaliate or at least it is well worth to retaliate, to calibrate it to avoid
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a broad conflagration. while if this was just as we have 3 drones, maybe some of that advice, a benjamin netanyahu paid attention to from foreign governments, governments, and made this sort of minimal respondents to way around is attack is relevant. essentially just wanting to show it can strike you right. entire truth, it wants to. yeah, that's an important point. you make, the domain is right of walking a tightrope. hey, a prime minister netanyahu promising to respond to a ron's miss allan during that time last saturday. but as you say, any response carried out would need to be calibrated so as not to generate a much stronger response from iran. and perhaps that's why the slightest response, but suddenly method in scope and damage. i mean, yeah, there are real frustrations a and as well, particularly on the northern board of the border with the level on frustrations with around because has followed by the writing backed group that has forced about a 100000 is riley's to,
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to be evacuated from about 20 communities along the northern border because of constant showing from has ball on but many moms now, israel has been saying he wants to try and force has bought a box. so the ring to 11 on to start the shelling of those communities. so those people come move back, so there are real domestic pressures on these rarely government to do something about iran, particularly because of that problem along the northern border. and there's been an uptick in violence that are in the past few days. 14 is riley. so just seriously injured in showing after israel kill the scene that has bullet come under and 2 of the lebanese peoples of a tit for tat on the border has been increasing significantly. and we can also say today the u. s. embassy says out of an abundance of caution, it's told his employees and the families to restrict that movement, say, in israel and the palestinian territories. and the all strands of told it citizens in these israel and the palestinians to leave if possible, because of the risk of ass space closures, and flight cancellations,
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on diving ocean, all right, defendants may apply for 7 of the bodies chosen invented. thank you. so let's bring in john henry and he's live for us for reaction from the us. john's in washington dc. john, so a little bit more detail now on the story. 3. drones and shop down over on what are you hearing from us officials the if anything at this stage as well there. and this all happened late thursday night. it's now about 2 o'clock in the morning, washington time. so the administration is certainly up there. people are depending on at the state department of the white house who are sure. ready the fielding, all of this information, right? never, they haven't come out with any statements so far. we do expect that in the coming hours, but us officials have confirmed to us media. this was in a rail is really strike that the us did have warning on thursday that within 24 to 48 hours, there would be
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a strike. and we were told that in the, in the previous couple of days, that it was likely this would happen asked after passover, which starts on monday. so this is sooner than that in there. where is discussion between the us and israel, of what the options might be. some of those options were striking is really prox, i'm sorry, a ronnie and proxies outside of a ron. and while this strikes seems to have been fairly limited, it was on a, ronnie, and soil. so these really to appear to have taken a mis, a middle ground on that. but the important point here i think, is that the us had been counseling both sides to de escalate this conflict. and israel went ahead with a strike in any case, a judge on the oven with the, by the ministration. i have received any warning from these right and use that they were about to carry out some kind of retaliatory strike against iran. yes, the us is definitely the biggest sponsor of the israeli military program,
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donating millions of dollars each year for the ad. and there are strings to that in generally, the israel use would tell the u. s. and indeed, we are told by us officials that that did occur that the us was given. notice the us official says that you are to endorse or support this effort. us didn't participate in it, but that it was made aware. lloyd austin, the defense secretary, spoke to you. i think a lot his counterpart in israel earlier in the day. we don't know if that's where the us got the notice that this strike was coming, but it was certainly discussed because the us has been warning is real, that whatever it does, it should not escalate this conflict. a president biden has, has been saying, take the when to benjamin netanyahu, and that would, would apparently seem to mean don't launch a strike or don't launch a major strike. so i think in the coming hours,
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we'll find out just how big that strike was. and whether that is likely to mean that there will be another response from iran, which of course would be an escalation, which is the last thing that i did. ministration wants darren. alright, so john, 100 life us the in the washington dc. john, thank you for that. that's bringing not everybody got us. james, daisy jones, we live on st. james. so the picture still remains somewhat unclear. report suggesting is unlimited, is ready to respond to that. a rating and attack last saturday, whatever it was, how significant is it? and what does it will mean? this is still a dangerous moment. it has been dangerous since i think the writing an attack on israel, on the 13th of april. i bought in terms of what israel could have done in an attack on the right and install this is about as limited as it could be. and it seems like the radiance of repelled it to and so now seem to be down put down playing it's. i'm sure that will be those washington of course, is not speaking directly to the wrong,
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but they'll be all the pack channels through other countries. the gulf countries particularly to key a switzerland sometimes speaks to around those of, of, for the us. and the amount of the gulf countries is, is a key one that operates as an intermediary between the us and iran. and i'm sure the message perhaps, to iran, is somewhat similar because the take the util down you took down these, you took down these drones, takes away and do not respond because that's the danger we, we have then have another rainy and response. then we have another, it's right, the response and the danger was miscalculation and escalation in the circumstances . so let's talk about some of the politics that particular un james, if you follow these events for us at the united nations, i mean this pretty much comes on the same day. the us again, good color to these railways and veto the palestinian bid for full membership. yet these readings went against the president buttons request not to respond. what
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impact james is the oldest and having on the us? is randy relationship? well, i think there are still tensions. remember we, we sometimes with all of this going on the forget about what's going on and guns are in the war and gathering the bombardment of the people of gauze and the fight. these really still say that going to do that rough or offensive, which the, the, the, the us, um this, your p and i would say would be an absolute disaster. i think what's the un closely for the next couple of hours? because with regard to the strike, we need to see if iran wants the security council meeting and the way it works is only one of the 15 members of the security council can call the security council meeting a soon as that was the attack on israel august 13th of the month, a straight out of 2 hours off to the us. cool for meeting, what is the wrong? what's the meeting brush or will cool one for a rotten. so we need to watch that very close. james, you're just taking everything back to the you and so let me just give you a final thoughts on the you and what is the music at the you and at the moment, james and how, why we don, you and members about these escalate intentions between iran and his rad,
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it's also taken, as you say, is taking the focus of gaza and the terrible humanitarian situation that yeah, well, i mean, i think the, the risks of the regional war all the highest, they've been in this very, very dangerous 6 months. we've had. so people are extremely worried about the political effects of that and the economic affects potentially posing the strait simple moves and what that would mean for not just people in the region, but people who around the world. and it has somewhat taken that the focus of garza, but still real concerned about the humanitarian situation in gauze that the continuing is ready to compartment. but also the famine that's developing that we've got time for one more pressing just to be squeezed and you were mentioning that some of the regional players in the middle east. how worried of a about what is on the folding before us nowadays? i think the countries in the region are very, very concerned, and we're talking about those that live around the borders of, of israel,
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because they are very, very of the tall, bullets all nations. and we've seen the spill or other already into lebanon and syria and iraq. we've seen what's going on with the, who's these, but also now you're thinking about those countries in the persian gulf as well because they are very, very close. they go, miss solves potentially in a reasonable that will be flying over that territory. and i think very, very serious concerns about the risk that escalation that this thing. all right, james, based on diplomatic edits of james, thank you. as always, was making on thursday as well as on bass of the to the united nations. i choose the wrong of being the source of regional inst dependency. an easy run, you run the to ensure a mazda was able to orchestrate the. the 7th mess occur is the total resuming to air run that has provided weapon every 2 piece by law to rain down missiles on these rarely towns and cities. it is the total resuming to air on that is equipped the hood. these we've cruise missiles to fire at the merchant vessels
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and it is the total res, seem to launch to an unprecedented attack. israel, a fellow un member state less than a week ago. well, the us on buffalo to video and also condemned iran at that same meeting. ron and its mills and partners, including them, us have driven us to the precipice of a broader conflict. united states condemns ron's direct attack on israel, which we, along with israel and other partners helped to defeat. there was no doubt. ron's aim in launching more than 300 munitions that israel was to inflict significant damage and cause a loss of life. the u. s. commitment to israel security is iron clad, repeat iron clad, tougher shop right here. and i'll just say when we come back, we'll have more on the breaking news out of the on the truant attack of the central city. of more than
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the a critical the bank, pony farmers are angry, people are starving and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments on addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the service to intimidate and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in the news is something that happens to every single day, whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial.
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the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best camera man best produces the best fixes. and those of the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the welcome back here watching out. just a real quick reminder, our top story at this i let it ring and state television is reporting. the 3 drugs have been shut down in the city of this fun. but the use of anti cropped on tillery flights, where breezy suspended to him from several cities across the country, including to ron,
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it's on shirts. take me to set the defense systems were activated in multiple provinces, american media, citing us officials are reporting. it wasn't as radiant that comes as the tensions are running high in the region off and last weekend's iranian from the missile attack on israel. what area i spoke to him in rabbani in middle east list about those trend strikes. here's what he had to say. no one can safely assume this was in his early attack, whether it was launched from his really territory. was it missiles, was it the air force? was it drones? was it perhaps launched from observation with whom is real? has a very close to military relationship regardless of the iran has indicated that it would meet any further attack swiftly and severely. and now that it's saying that these explosions were actually caused by its air defenses. i don't think covers for that. so we're really on the precipice here, and i think there's
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a good case to be made that is the is rarely say it has taken leave of its sense is that it's now become a fully irrational state, determined to drag the entire region into war. but having said that, this real is not operating in the vacuum. if we looked at what is happening in the past 2 weeks in the united states, israel's chief enabler, did not condemn its attack on the iranian consul, it in damascus. although it said it was outraged, how did it respond? it prevented the one security council from condemning that attack. then it condemned the wrongs response to that attack and ultimately slap new sanctions, not on israel, but on the wrong. and it's quite possible that, that this was coordinated with the united states because the us made very clear that it expect to, to be consulted by as we go on any further a tops. and that's an important point to make 1000000 because the president biden
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should have announced he was telling us that from washington that he was telling me is ready. 5 minutes. but to take the wind following it runs attack on his rail is not responding to ron's attack. clearly, netanyahu and these radians see things made differently. yes, i mean either nothing. yeah. who has understood from the past 2 weeks that he can do as he pleases because there will be no consequences. and certainly no consequences in the us is rarely relationship. or the us decided that the best way to control as real as conduct was to participate in the planning and to sign off on something that, in washington's eyes would not elicit a further wrong and response and, and we'll find out very shortly just how strongly is we on the us have miscalculated us again, yet again, just the final thoughts you more than, i mean, how do you then see this content playing out? if this is on his right, the response,
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i mean it wrong. as you point out says it's thing is on the trigger and it will respond heavily to any is really attack on iran house, just like to play up. and, well, the problem here is that on the one hand, israel is determined to drag the us and the wrong into a direct confrontation. it's a confrontation, neither the united states nor iran want. but israel, through its continuous escalation, appears to be leaving a wrong no choice, but to respond, thereby further, potentially dragging the united states. and so we're really at an exceptionally dangerous moment right now. the palestinians in southern gaza facing the difficult task of searching for loved ones. buried in a makeshift grave, they've been looking through a temporary cemetery in the city of han, eunice, more than a week come to israel's military, withdrew from the area. some comedy is found the bodies of their relatives, while others are still searching for and of a sudden the i'm you waiting for my daughter to be brought out to me. she was in high school. she had gone to get water from nothing hospital where she was hit 10
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days ago. i come here looking for her and smelled a bad smell of what is important is to find to body to take her and very her. i swear to god everyday from morning to some said, i come and go, i hope to find, to have really hope to find to the united states as veto, to drop the resolution of the un security council brought forward by algeria, which coal for palestine to become a full member of the united nations, the u. s. was the only country to vote against the resolution. 12 members of the security council voted in favor with the u. k and switzerland choosing to abstain. i'll just say it was gabriel. as on the report from you in headquarters in new york, there was again, a single raised hand signaling the united states veto, which ended palestine aspirations to become a full member of the united nations. also showing how isolated america has become on the issue. they were the only no vote. the u. k. in switzerland abstained. while
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the 12 other council members all voted in favor of palestine to the palestinian people. diana will never abandon you. we will continue to use our advice until justice is served a grunting membership in the you went to palestine could be an important step towards peace. it would strengthen the role of the palestinian authority and which contributes to the security of the instead of as well. what i low as well, how all the fun in remarks after the usb to palestine, sam baset are gathered himself. as he talked about his people's quest for dignity and acceptance. the chamber sat silent. some diplomats were seen wiping away tears as he spoke. we love life to live in freedom and dignity in our nation and home. then we will not dispute either. you
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deal with us with fairness and give us a lot of rights or to give us all the rights to the united states justified. it's vito. by casting doubt on palestine qualifications, as reflected in the report of the admission committee, there was not unanimity among committee members as to whether the applicant met the criteria for membership as set forth in article for the un charter. earlier in the day, in a separate council session, open to oh, you and member states, the secretary general brief the council on the reality on the ground, gaza 6 and off months, the visa valley media teneo patients have created the many dead in health skate. tens of thousands of people have been killed to 1000000 palestinians. that'd be able to do this, this direction and the denial of live saving you meditating and they, they are now standing down on a sort of ation. it was
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a long day of more than 5 hours of speeches on palestine and humanitarian crisis and gaza, followed by nearly 2 more hours, focused on palestine ins bid to join a $193.00 other countries and become a full member of the united nations. but despite overwhelming support, it's now abundantly clear, it likely won't happen until the united states changes its position. gabriel's on to, i'll just say that at united nations in new york. meanwhile, the united states and israel have agreed on a shed objective to defeat thomas and rough and gaza during virtual talks on israel's plan to launch a ground operation in the city. the pentagon says it believes israel can complete its offensive laws, protecting civilian lives that that's despite mounting pressure from rice groups wanting. they would turn rough uh into
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a gray area. and i think the discussions continue in terms of, again, enabling the united states to share with israel what our concerns are and to provide lessons learned that, that we've gleaned over the years and conducting these type of operations. and i think we'll have those conversations going forward. again, our position has been pretty clear. we understand the need for israel to go after i'm austin, to eliminate or defeat him off as a threat. and so we believe there's a way to do that. well, also taking into account civilian safety and ensuring humanitarian assistance. hold on a quick recap on breaking news. iranian state television was reporting the 3 drugs and something shut down the city of this for one of the use of onto the cross flights. we have free feet suspended to and from several cities and tear on this on shit. us state media said that the defense systems were activated in multiple provinces. american media sites of us officials are reporting and his reading. that's it for me down until the weather is coming up next and inside story examines
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constitutes no changes and deep divisions in some, all that kind of caused by more information on our website spectrum. thanks for watching the hello. well, we can now add them into the list of countries in the arabian peninsula, dealing with flooding. rain was parked over the south coast here, so it led to dc and a tremendous amount of rain falling within a short period of time. i've got to tell you there is still more rain and the forecast in the zone on friday turns a bit lighter. we've got some pockets though, to the west and the north of the country. they could produce some funny, but otherwise, through most of the arabian peninsula, it is a dr. picture suns out. so those temperatures are starting to rise could see some storms flare up though for us. how do you, maybe as mecca,
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profit flooding between afghanistan and focused on who's killed more than a 100 people and still rain locked into northern pockets, dawn so things could get worse before it gets better. western searcy, i get ready for it. we've got what, whether dancing in here eventually through greece, but we can see it already on friday. is stumble, hitting the showers here with the height of 16 degrees. now with the stripped weather in the central mediterranean, it's blowing down a lot of wind fortune easier. so tune is that 19 is below where you should be for this point of the year. big wins, big waves off the coast of tens of nia. and we've also got winds often moves and big channel here. so given us a few showers for central and northern,
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most indeed the aiming to individuals in somalia federal leaders are invited to discuss in security and constitutional changes with somali politics so deeply fragmented is national unity possible. and what role does somali as neighbors play and achieving a more peaceful future? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much i'm shown. somalia has long been one of the world's most divided nations government leaders and they'll get issue have


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