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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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just having a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and his whole life is right here . and right now, the stream on out to the around the hello, i'm sammy's a. then this is the news out live from bill coming off in the next 60 minutes. ron says it shut down 3 drones. and what the us media report say was an attack bias route is ready for us as destroy home shops and other buildings in an hour long, but at 3 right off the 5 west by russian ball. my shot sound in ukraine while president autumn is the landscape visits,
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fruits and zone yes. and india kicks off the 1st phase of its national elections for 5 minutes. the seeking at the terminal tom devin asked with support to you the a novice when has extended his contracts, his head coach of germany. he was linked to the move back to bind munich floods. he's committed to the national side until the 2026. welcome, the i was just going 1300 gmc, that's just pulse full 30 pm. any ron? what? ad defend systems that have shot down 3 drugs. tensions run high with as well. the intersections happen near the central city of us for hong rainy and media says a nuclear assigned to military base in the vicinity was not damaged. american media . on the other hand, well this citing us officials the saying it was and is really attack these right.
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the med free itself. it's not common thing. israel had found the hit back off to iran, struck israel on saturday, hundreds of trends and missiles 5 towards this route, the 1st time to her on the taxes route directly from its own soil. the wrong launch that attack in response to these by the bombing of its consulates in syria earlier this month, 7 members of a wrong revolutionary god were killed in that strike. well, such a body has mo, from to wrong. according to the head of ron's army, major general abdur rahim loose, ivy erodes air defense system, were activated over the skies s on province. early on friday morning, they did manage to down 3 small unknown objects and the head of the army and said that's no damage has been sustained to any military facilities in that area. we do know that there is
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a military air base in that area just outside of as for home city. but according to officials, nothing has been damaged. and there is an investigation that is underway to determine where these drones were launched from and who was behind the attack. the international atomic energy agency is said that there is no damage sustained to any of the countries. 6 nuclear facilities and the head of the agency, a, russell gross, he has urge restraints and highlighted the fact that a nuclear facilities should not be part of any military conflict. there is a sense that things are still very tense, but whether or not this is the final or response by israel. it is unclear what is clear is that this attack has been successfully withheld by iran and its forces for the time being whether or not anything else will happen in the coming hours or days remains to be seen. for now, there doesn't seem to be any appetite here to further escalate the situation between iran and israel. door such a vari,
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also sierra tower on stephanie deca joins us now from tel aviv. so at this point, stephanie, are we getting much comment from is right, the officials and what happened? you know, come back to me, but this is not unusual in the positive, always not confirmed, not denied when they were charged with, you know, striking particular areas in different countries. what we do know, and what was very clear before friday is that they were very clear that they would strike back both admitted to leadership. the political leadership saying that the extent the brazen, this overall is a talk on israel could only um, warrant a response. and of course, there was a lot of pressure from the americans, from other foreign powers, for israel, not to retaliate for it, no to escalate. but it could be an incredibly for soil and dangerous situation investigation regionally. so they haven't said anything. reading between the lines, of course everyone's saying it is, these are all even anthony blinking,
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the un secretary of state, the us extra state, started talking at the g 7 when he was all specifically about this. he said, well, those reports, but he also stressing the escalation, i think reading between the lines there was a feeling that israel has done the middle ground if you will, has retaliated, but iran is not playing at all. israel's not talking about it. so perhaps this is the middle ground that particularly the international community wanted to see trying to avoid a regional escalation. so a lot of cabinet tensions over this. how is this impacting nothing. yeah. as well, it was really torn between named josh community telling him not to respond to by then telling him take the when and his cabinet, particularly the writing elements of his cabinet were crucial to his political survival. wanting an immediate reaction, wanting a very direct and aggressive reaction we had to, it's more been gavera who was the minister of national security tweeting today. a
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hebrew word and slang, basically translating more or less to a pathetic reaction and lame reaction. and this has got a lot of criticism from within the cabinet. also the leader of the opposition near la p, tweeting that this was an unforgivable reaction from administer. and never before has them is really minister compromised israel. security to such an extent. certainly nothing yahoo has been under immense pressure saw me before this situation withdrawn because of the were on dollars that because of the lack of his efforts to bring the hostages back. and i think particular if you look into media now, the narrative is shifting again. paul silver major religious jewish holiday here starting on monday. it is a holiday that marks the idea we're freedom. these are lights getting their freedom from, from egypt. so now you also have the presence of today saying that every pos over table that needs to be an empty seats to your heat, getting the heat again on him. now, internally, there is of course, a major protest movement. you will see that here on saturday night,
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from the hostage families telling him to do more to bring the hostages home and also a growing voice for him to resign and for there to be new elections. all right, thanks so much. stephanie deca, a g 7 foreign ministers have been meeting in the thailand islands of could free the gathering has been largely overshadowed by israel, is apparent to tackle new ron g 7 nations. the votes do as well to show restraint following robin's retaliatory strike last saturday. speaking off to that meeting, us secretary of state anthony, blinking said, do you guys played no role in the right sort of wrong must be held accountable for its retaliatory strike on the as well. but we're committed to is real security. we're also committed to de escalate to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. so you saw as well,
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where you'll see soon and the g 7 statement a commitment to whole or on to account, to account for it's the stabilizing activities. holding into account by a degrading it's missile and drone capabilities. and yesterday the united states announced additional sanctions on the wrong targeting u. a. b programs steel industry companies that are associated with the r d. c. administrative defense. and it's our forces logistics. i'll just arizona holly is covering the g 7 funding just as me thing in the attending auto, capri. it joins us live from that. so john, as we had that, i think it had quite a few hardwoods. to say about it wrong, does he have anything to say about is rouse, apparent strike on the wrong of the no p expressly stayed away from any of the details of that strike. in fact, despite being off twice, he declined to say,
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even whether america be given any advance notice by as well as has been reported to strike and shed with g 7 partners. and he declined to say with the thoughts of the event of the limited nature of that strikes had been the result of successful love being by the g 7 and the as rose allies. he said simply that the us had not played any part defensive operations. and that he would say no more about the detail. interesting. the other literally a antonia, to johnny, the italian foreign mr. hosting this gathering incorporate got free. i've been quite happy to say that yes, that had been prior warning very shortly before the attacks that it had been shed among g 7 foreign ministers here. and that in his opinion, absolute is that limited nature of the attack was the result of successful pressure applied by israel's allies. secretary blinking as you heard this stuck very closely to the top lines of the g 7 communique, he said that the g 7 was more united that never in working towards the escalation
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in the mid least committed to holding up is rails. the security of sovereignty was condemning iran, and as you had the determined to hold iran to account by degrading, degrading, it's michelle and drug and activities by sanctions. he set out the sort of sanctions the us and put it into place in a joint operation with the u. k. more sanctions expected, at least in more detail from the e u and the rest of the g 7 in the coming weeks. john and he did, however, have something to say about and expected or anticipated. is ray, the invasion of rough off take us through that of the 12th us objections to any use, right, inpatient of, of rough. i've already been placed firmly on the record. he was asked about that, said the bank, and was asked about that in the light to the parent. preparations on the way by his rel, moving, will read, deploying troops into areas of jason, to rough. uh,
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and he reiterated us opposition to any such a move. he said that the us was in constant contact with senior us officials as recently as this week, specifically about rough. uh, he said it was the us view. the israel can achieve its aims in gaza without an outraging outright invasion of rough. i'm noting that 1400000 people are essentially seeking shelter. there was no means of escape and no way of defending themselves. uh, he said it would have terrible consequences for that population. he went on to cool for the rapids and sustained distribution of aid in gaza. he said the g 7 was committed to working for a cease fire, but he said it was a mazda that kept moving. the goal posts the only thing he said between a cx 5 and the palace to these people is how much. all right, thanks so much john. how after years of a shadow of conflict between is right and wrong, they now pay to be directly confronting each other as well. never public se
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confirms or denies its involvement, of course, last year to her on blamed israel for a drone attack on munition depot and us for hon. the same city attacks overnight in 2021 the tons nuclear facility. and as for han province faced a blackout as right, the media at the time in fulton, it was a cyber attack carried out by israeli intelligence. and in 2020 a top, a rated in nuclear scientists was assassinated in these con, it's out on. western intelligence believes must must, in fact reside they was behind the secret nuclear weapons program that was halted in 2003 and between 201201248 rainy a nuclear scientists were assassinated in shootings and bum bloss randy. and officials said they arrested several people working with his ready intelligence to carry out the bloss in the spring. and now i'll see the political analysts my want. the
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shadow joins us here in the studio. so model one, 1st of all, it looks like a lot of the officials right in is ray. they us quite tight lips at this point, is that point to a common desire to de escalate things? yeah, it just seems like if you know, when it's quiet like a duck can walks like a duck. it is one in a sense. but does that mean the range will not retaliate kansas? what it seems like they say that they don't have a plan to retaliate. and that's not surprising. i think it was cleared from the very beginning. that's was what was going to be a limited exchange. just as we're seeing between is around has more law. the for now, one to 6 months to confirm. fission has been kind of hitting up and cooling golf, but it was limited. so there is a 2nd understanding that there's no study those exchange austin disease. but that
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it will always be somehow good to know to be clear about the uranium position. one is not interested in that. ready confrontation with is read back by the united states and all that was some powers because conventional confrontation, conventional war between your on and is read back by. this is not a lawns advantage as the lawn has preferred for the past 40 plus years to engage in a symmetrical an invite rec in proxy was with is that right then direct how symbolic was this strike just 3 drones, none of them targeting the capital to wrong or no, no, i mean i'm not buying the writing and not at this at all. there's not much of an x ray or america not active, but clearly the attack has involved with, according to the now. ready increasing number of reports and it involves me styles
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. it involves drones, but it also involved involves me, solves shocked by, uh, uh, fighter jets is ready, 5 digits, and clearly uh, the attack on the revision that the guards airport, the munition apparently has been t for is right. so we don't know for the time being the degree of the damage or what do we know is what we've heard from they already know is that they shut down where it was, these rockets and drones and missed. why would these launch from what, dro, israel, all the bases or where i definitely don't know, right. but certainly just see the problem. look, i mean, is there any just i think we have a 2000 kilometer range without the extra tanks as well. so far as they can get so far and then apparently they could launch it besides that, they have a bunch of these air to land. besides that, they could uh,
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shoot that to your one. and this could be very, you know, precision type me size, but without, without the too much military, the details of the, i'm not really privy to for the time being. we're basically making that guessing what is clear is that you're on did that, but it wasn't that kind of hit that is meant to cause civilian damage. it's not that kind of hit that is meant to human, the 8th, you're on, it's the kind of head that is meant to satisfy his raz, military emission without getting the united states. you know the was this tool. we've talked about that oh and the have been reports discussing whether an unlimited is riley attack against iran might come as part of a deal at the expense of the palestinians while the us 2nd deal between the us and these are the us secretary of state, anthony blinking addressed as well as potential invasion of ralph on this one. we
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had the site on rough or we have been very clear about this. present by has been very clear about us. we cannot support a major military operation in rasa. first, there are currently somewhere around $1400000.00 people in rough, with many of them displaced from other parts of gas. it. in the 1st instance, it's imperative that people are able to get out of the way of a very conflict. and doing that, getting people out of harm's way, is a monumental task for which we have to see a plan and not only getting them out of harm's way, making sure that they can be supported with mandatory assistance. this thing into that, does that mean there is no us green lights for as well to go ahead and invite ralph or some kind old willingness to turn the blind guy in return for his route, not striking iran to halt. i think on this very particular issue. the american
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position hasn't changed. it doesn't want to see hundreds or thousands of people getting killed every day. because israel government decided to stop bombing or innovating that off. so basically, the american position is we share the final objective with the few things from us in garza. we disagree about how to be doing good in the southern parts of guys. i mean the and off. but i think the judge, i just want to, i just want to uh, on the line with you said before that john are kind of alluded to it with the part about um uh, how much stance between a ceasefire and the people of guys. but something else was said, and i think that's the bit that hit the soft spot as it where what he said is right, has made him us jetting that us offer. we've heard that before from the americas.
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best thing is being offered genetic, a generous offers. the generous offer that is made how much you guys have today, which is basically blocking the cease fire. this is consideration of war after several weeks of ceasefire, continuation of occupation, continuation of the presence of israeli troops and gaza. continuation of a siege. continuation of basically of the hunger after a few weeks of some a coming in and setting the doctor patient the, the continuation of the sinews of any security, independence and so on, so forth. so the idea that the protective cit, what's been israel has both of these been g not even to be respected proposal to have mouse as generous offer. that means that the united states now in directly extending totally behind, is read in it's next steps and goes on. well,
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i guess the time is going to show us what those steps will be. thank you so much model on the shuttle. the i'm talking about garza leaves full of people have been killed west of gauze, a city that's off the israel is mitre bummed, a family home in the north is ready for his child, jamalia and best law here of the tax have been taking place east of it off in the south, and let's go back to gaza now, at least, as we said, there have been more casualties taught a couple assume joins us live from that. so while there's a lot of international focus now on the ron israel, dynamic towards those about the growing fees in that off about any invasion looming that. 6 way, sammy,
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generally the majority of causes population more being here in a rough off have a great deal of the submissive on frustration regarding the potential military and cogent for walk. there's 2 different things to living. oh, the nature of the statements released by these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu about his opposite page. and really to add to up into work on too many totally destroy the remaining a thought to use for how much movement. clearly, they are questioning about their next destination. they have been told by the is really ministry multiple times to flee from different areas of devices to the following these folders. despite the fact that the roof had been widely attacked in the past few months, pump gladly right now. people are completely on stats and about if they're going to be safe, even if they are moving to a new area. despite the fact that the is by the military has been saying that the r t, you will take the ultimate precautions to guarantee the safety of civilian spot. we
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have been hearing from them that there are some assemblies we'll talk to not leave roof off because they have no any other place to uh, to take as a show to as long as also they cannot be a forward to all the basic needs in light of that attack doctors possibly might take place within the coming days, but completely right now people are terrified from that step as they are both growing. it's a national racism of that. a, i'm dissipated acts that will be take, be taken by israel by neighboring countries on, but also international humanitarian organizations regarding its deadly consequences will be result. it's all right, thanks so much thought a couple i zoom now in the occupied. westbank is ready for us is destroyed homes, shops and facilities in rise that have been going on for nearly 24 hours. is ready, ministry vehicles was sent into the north shunts refugee camp level. those as well used to rec, buildings and roads. number of people were detained off the home. so rated. at
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least 2 people have been wounded as bringing out just as a investor avi was in to have caught in the occupied westbank. so what's going on with that right now or? well, we've got a little more information about the one palestinian who has been confirmed, killed a resident of the nurse from scamp just behind me. during this rate. he was killed by snipers bullet to the head celine with a nom, a young man in his thirties. a resident of the cap. 2 of his brothers were killed in a raid in october and once again, a snipers bullet to the head. he was not in on friday, he was simply a resident of the camp. the rate, as you say, has been going on now for almost 24 hours in the new or some refugee camp just behind our location. there we've heard explosions, large loud explosions. several of them per hour, sustained, small arms fire, active firefights were underway for hours and sounds of that emanating from the can't be seen. smoke rising from different areas where explosions took place. we
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have in the last hour or so, seeing is really military vehicles on the streets below, driving back and forth. they may be leaving, they may not. what we can tell you is that there are still multiple drones. we go served at least 2 drones flying overhead. for hours we can still hear them overhead . and throughout the course of this rate, there were at least 40 military vehicles, is really military vehicles involved, including new military, bulldozers, the de 10 capable of driving directly through homes. and we're hearing reports that, that is exactly what they've been doing here today in a posting and resistance fighters numbering, the dozens have been fighting back. there have been reports of armed clashes and they do say they've been taking on these really military and multiple locations around the camp. the situation remains tense. it's been ebbing and flowing. there's been some quiet, there's been lows and then gunfire and explosions have been starting up again. residency, everything there remains dangerous, at least 60 houses were completely or partially destroyed. now, the area of tutoring is no stranger to these kinds of rains. but what we've seen
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here today, it is the worst incident of its kind in the last several weeks. and what locals here are saying is they describe the may have this going on today as the worst in scale of destruction since the early 2 thousands, when these really military destroyed the janine refugee camp during the 2nd intifada. all right, thanks so much. same bus fabi, a prominent palestinian academic has been released off to elliot being arrested by his ready police on suspicion of incitement. not that i shall ho couple can, was already suspended from her position as a professor at the hebrew university of jerusalem. that's off the comments she reportedly made last month, including abolishing zion isn't a lot of a lot of costs if is a connected number and the member. busy of the high bashed movement joins us from right. hope all is well good to have you with us. so what is the rest of the
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professor not going to say about the state of academia right now. hello. and thank you for letting me. if you just give me a, you know, both i did the volume because i cannot give you a very when it anyway, i was to your question and i've been saying time and time again in different interviews with you to add that to the other side. the calling of a, a continuous assault on guns, i had the ethnic cleansing in the west bank, the other side of the same coin, which i surely failed to as a fall. she's going to ease the ongoing a political persecution within these lab or for anyone away the boys, the print from the main stream of informed it is your money it, i'll get your does the diesel reflected by the fall? she's government. so unfortunately, a, not every one, of course, but too many it within these lady. i kept them. yeah. a be gone to cooperate with
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the such a monique, if you were to. and the best accused, one of my friends will face. so and not the sure who big will be a credit on a spot defeat a she was of the yeah, i think you just mentioned be right. there you go. i agree that she was a risk dead. and then the police, which is totally into it, brought the community shop the meaning spam. eh, claimed that they end up shooting sites up against the state to resign itself. but we just don't really nonsense. and the, even the call could save the police claim that she was there with that. then the ask for given us, what would be expansion or fair arrest? because she was talking against value when needed. because she was breach, king of the police say that against the occupation in because they found it black cobb, you know, was the claims that these, i mean,
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he is the meaning to use an occupation out. so you're getting a, the stem from dot to wherever these ladies aside, the use of development. and the, as i said before, unfortunately some for a elements we seem to academia. goal is to a, or cooperate with this very dangerous to 30 thought young tendency. that the tail point professor matter is not the only person to be interested on suspicion of in some way. and then i'll tell you when. all right, well i'm going to austin to try and turn up the volume. hopefully you'll be able to hear me now. i'm much better, it's not okay, very good. so to your point, profess, and neither is not the only person to have being arrested on suspicion of incitement in october. last year, reports towards of at least a 100 hour biz, riley's detained on suspicion of incitement. among them, seeing at that level i'm the arrested for posting gold is the only victor a common
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phrase in most and culture. it clearly assign them what is considered incitement. the ball for incitement set very low. absolutely, and it's not the only example, as you said before, a you are totally the main, the dog, digital victim job, the a bunch of senior citizens. the news about the zillow also saw me jewish citizens. why that is that like a good friend of mine, a dictionary and i school was invested in the was accusing please in because the published names in ages 12, but it's been interesting today. would it keep them god's up? so anything it is only they didn't pay the people that i just broke. then there are so many are those with this dead suspended form theory studies. a file
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from the workplace is in all of those because it simply delays the voice against the ongoing, the bloodshed calling for the beast and to stop the war it, that's the situation. it is there. and unfortunately, i myself as a member of development, a once a accused, also in supporting i was struggling against these labs in the and i was almost impeached. formed a problem means a, so a defense accuse, you know, the political bill secures general c d, the clouds including politicians and is a big and simply full with a committee size in the body. see the government, you say on it, eyes on a daily basis, and it's not only the perception of a of luck is the god of those insights, mental disease in. but also now there's a long release of bid, is that the body to be inactive in the bottom of it,
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that they actually down almost any kind of criticism into all these. that's out that the young, fussy split seems look like. all right, thank you so much for your thoughts on that off of costs, and thank you very much. stone sir, is brewing for the southern us this weekend? is jeff with the track of the weather? hello, it's been 40 rain for days on the north coast of dominican republic. copious amounts of rain here, communities cut off and people clinging onto whatever they could to be safely rest . you've got to tell you there's more going in the forecast here on friday. hopefully those some of this rain blues it's intensity. let's go to a higher rate now in the us still getting hammered with rain. the potential for a storms is this batch of what weather moves into the us northeast. it's also dropping down rain into the southern us. so here's a picture today on friday, but i wanted to show you saturday because the storms really get go in texas,
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arkansas, oklahoma rate through to louisiana and mississippi got a watch for the threat of some severe storms here. some clouds floating around california, but peaks of sine including los angeles at $21.00 degrees and cold enough for a snow in manitoba, dustin and when it pay, but north of the city about $10.00 to $20.00 centimeters. not unusual for this time of the year. top end of south america, it's what from the atlantic coast rate through to the pacific. some heavy rounds of rain here. but south of this actually not much to report, not a whole lot going on. plenty of dry weather to be found. looking good in uruguay is capital months of a day or 24 degrees. but a bit breezy today on friday or so i had an, i'll just say off us feet has dropped the resolution of the united nations. that quotes for palestine to be admitted as a full un member will tell you why is this n h l team is moving from arizona to utah. it's coming off the school gym.
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the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change, a playful series it takes to understand the challenge is mobilizing, use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seen the groups, the size of the system says no for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the system generation change on al jazeera, examining the headline, is it or is properly today for the forms of life and god's unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a globe, or only create a world where women come and feel natural released that trauma and creates explore
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and abundance of world class programming on eligibility. around the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just do a time to recap on headlines down the wrong size is a defense systems of shot down 3 drones, inception supposedly happen near the centrally rainy and city of this for hans. the rainy and media says a nucleus side and military base and the facility would not damage american media sites and us officials say it was and is really attacked for these many minutes. we
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use not commenting. israel has shout jabante and best law here in northern gall. so elsewhere at least 4 people were killed, west of kansas city. this route from a family's home and the occupied westbank is very forces of destroyed homes, shops and facilities during arrange exhausted. more than 10 hours of those as well used in no sense for us to come to write the buildings and pros. number of people were detained. the nights of states as being tied to draft, the resolution of the united nations security council is called for power assigned to become a full member. the states full member of the united nations 12 countries voted in favor and to abstain, including the u. k. speaking of the using its vote, it's vito rather america's representative said washington supports the 2 states
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solution. but full palestinian membership is not yet possible. now millions of indians have voted in the 1st of a 7 phase poll. it's the largest election with nearly a 1000000000 people eligible to vote, or 5 minutes the movie is aiming for a so tubman power as nelson and his reports displays the data and then to use them for some of the people costing that balance here in india is northeastern states of money pools were pushed out of the homes last year because of it, the violence community to the 0. they have voting for stability,
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restoring fees, and bringing back them off or on. normally, what do we have before this last incident? this is our 1st, bradley military personnel have been deployed here and across building states to ensure a peaceful and uninterrupted full. 166000000 indians are eligible to vote in the 1st phase of the was largest collection. if you choose 102 of the 543 members of the looks of a little house of parliament, the mix of those going to the pause means different priorities when choosing home to vote for. we have voted for the nations well, few movies, which is a very good and nothing will change will the but nobody will do anything. i'll give my body to whoever i feel. i like the election picks, the governing, bought at the edge on the potty, led by prime minister into the, into the movie against the collision of 26 opposition. thought these movie has been
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the face and force of the b j. p campaign which is aimed at security, that's the main office. his popularity, they threw him competitive and threw up with you. some leadership is very, very high. he's more popular than the 5 be as the side of these are actually, the opposition has mobilized large crowds, which has not been able to den the b j piece popularity. it is accused the bgp of undermining its members and decline stage, investigating agencies against it. charges the beach if he has denied as hundreds of millions of indians decide who to vote for. they will be hoping that those when will ensure a better country for everyone. in a fernandez to 0, as the indian government has not granted visas 2 ounces. 0 as john less and so what covering the election from outside the country last spring and now until a jeep is the national spokes person of the opposition indian national congress
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policy joins me now live from past. and i good to have you with us. so i spoke earlier with a spokesperson full the routing b j. p policy. he said that he's confident he's heading for victoria and a 3rd time from their end to moody is the opposition. the lines heading towards the historical defeat. you know, certainly not 1st let me says, i mean this is truly a, an extraordinary moment for the entire world. i mean, i've always been doing that indian democracy is not just if in there, but it belongs to, to man at the, i mean that close to a 1000000000 people. that means if you, even if you have like 50 percent of the votes, that's off a 1000000000 people go back and forth via very, very confident the congress bought the and the dial coordination of 26 parties that i've got to get the take on the link a bought the agenda that bought the and the mist governance is truly confident of getting to this election because we have run a very,
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very positive campaign. i can speak about the congress bulky and it's very positive agenda as articulated in its manifesto where he lived stress on unemployment, on women's emancipation for the fall, much ensuring a minimum support price and also up send to a black blank of social justice which is inclusive growth something that the bought of pigeons party, the b j. b has not done what the pgp has done and there is a nom de, caught in the event went regarding the b b, b can sense that although, but that's why i guess so tool of victory is because sammy, up the, the, the economy, it'd be completely true and on the bus, the gold levels of unemployment, that is high price rise up for an investment is at the lowest in 16 years. that is low demand. manufacturing is almost dead. and bone indicators suggested the economy is in a big mess. the government, on the other hand, all right,
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the thing that you say the opposition has a very positive message. others, the critics avail position. say there's still some confusion within the opposition alliance. you haven't takes, who will leave the alliance, and indeed the country, if you win the election, who will? i know that that is not a method of debates at the moment. the idea is to put a common minimum program based on inclusive growth based on social justice forward . and beth, for that question will come up later. i mean, this is the reason is if you don't have a strong figure who can inspire confidence as apparently the b j. p claims they have in the render a movie. so that's then added to this is not a presidential. 5 election, this is a parliamentary democracy. it is. uh it is baki or within about the people get together and choose what they need. it is because b, b, b is done, it doesn't mean do you have to do it as well? this is not some good catch up game,
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not at all or via focusing on all sprints be all strengths are positive agenda. and of course the porter lies encompassing of the be did people the loss, explore the number of us what they have done. sammy is possible to use all the weapons of the state to go off. the opposition be does go under all data sources in the, in something which is called the electron boned scheme, which is nothing but the an expulsion scheme of they have a pro is in the account of the congress. bulky so that you don't have this will just to run. they've been show that there is nor level. please be here and i tried the best to make sure it's due to conquer. in all possible sense must be all positions voice. i mean, for the last 4 years, the number of bills that it'd be boss without going to this is that you could hear what you said you, i guess i'm defining. the opposition have complained of harassment. something which has been allegations have been also by international institutions. talk about
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a bank tracking of indian democracy. you've mentioned harassment via pharmacies, police tax authorities, all these feel free and fair elections. i'm a so be believe in the bought of indian democracy in getting it from what democracy has been extraordinarily. it's being facility and it's really. 2 upset or the use of this government is doing is the system still to free? and so the system has been a sub voted by this government. it has been undermined by the government, by the deposition of agencies to target the opposition and ensure that there is no double play fuse. so the so one of electrons is being subverted. it's not a free and fair election then in your vision. is it what? what we're trying to say is that you can get into boxes. he is robust. what we're trying to say is that the people will even see tool, the plans of this got but try as they might decline the underlying they die of
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processes, which is all but the good, any of the executive, what they have done is gone on all of the above all on the executive itself, and use that bar the dog in the election and make it and make it one sided. it, it's, it's a decoder tendency to try and do it, but what the b is in the fall. what of the people to rise up? they've done it before, david rides up and fight back. i mean, how long are they going to tolerate these live a high level group inflation and unemployment, which is the threat board levels. the attempt to pull that i them adult to think about this and even the media there has to be truckload. i mean, if you criticize the government to read it the next day, understood. all right, thank you very much for coming and sharing your perspective. thank you. so let's go back to the story of palestine and the status. it's status within the u. n. a number of countries. a tried to vote. so yesterday on giving full membership to palestine that was, of course, vetoed by the us. but let's take
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a look at how the map stands in terms of that recognition currently of 139 of the 193. you and member countries recognize palestine. countries that do not include the united states, the united kingdom, fonts and canada. several countries including spain and now considering recognizing a palestinian state, richard boyd barracks has an irish politician, a member of parliament. he joins us now live from dublin. so good to have you with us. i guess it was a huge surprise that the us used it's vito palace to school, so that recognition vote no, i don't think any would be serious. the surprise we know that the united states is very committed to defending the is right in the regime. arming
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that regime, providing it with political cover, no matter what crimes it commits, even now as we face the genocide in guys that the united states has been key to providing is ryan with the means and the view mozy to continue as crimes in gaza over the last 6 months, but also for many decades. i don't think anybody could be surprised that in many ways israel is a creature of u. s. foreign policy. how would the full un membership actually impacted palestinians, especially practically on the ground to. 2 that, that is a very good question. and i mean, obviously i will level the fact that countries like garland and spain on some other european countries are talking about giving full recognition to palestine. is because of the enormous anger that existed in this country and across europe. over
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the crimes on the genocide that is, riley is composing an over the growing awareness of the historical oppression of the palestinian people. but i also am concerned that. 8 there is a symbolic aspect is that our government is being put under pressure by public opinion. and obviously we would welcome uh, further recognition for palestinians on a could have legal implications in terms of it making if you like, automatically a crime, things like occupation. the siege of guys i was we do not want it to be a substitute for the sanctions that need to be imposed on israel. and i fear sometimes there's a tendency of my own. goldman elder governments in europe to give symbolic support to palestine, but not followed up with what's really necessary with our comprehensive sanctions
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which is what we need. there's a, there needs to be across the board sanctions imposed on a drive for what it's doing to the ballast and even be although the vote, although the us use the veto yesterday in the vote does a show increasing us isolation cuz even countries like fonts which do not recognize an independent state of palestine, voted full full membership for palestine view. and oh, yes, i think its those uh indicate the increasing isolation of the united states and israel. and i think that is a testament to the huge island or of the public across the world. 6 across europe we have seen on pre so it ended demonstrations all the i rage and anger over walked israel and with the complicity of the united states is doing to the palestinian people in bodies putting enormous pressure on governments in europe
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. i is leading to the brazen roy's relation of the united states on his route, on a growing awareness that it without the support of the united states. israel could not continue as brian's. but i also want to see, i think the people on the streets a this weekend was a demonstration again and told them which will i've, many times a 1000 a month. that demonstration will be calling for our sanctions. not just said voltage recognitions of all the players of palestine, but also order to be followed with actual meaningful sanctions being imposed on his right. all right, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. now, do you kindly ministry says it's down the strategic long range russian ball. most of the 1st time this video for the it shows the plane spiraling to the ground thought to be over russian power 3 the to pull of $22.00 bama calories,
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cruise missiles, ukrainian president of a lot to me is that landscape has visited trenches and inspected all the defenses in the don't yet screeching russian forces have been gaining ground in the area as ukraine struggles with a shortage of munition. and ukraine says, 9 people were killed in russian strikes. overnights happened in the central city of the pro at least a 135 people have died enough, got us down and pockets down in severe weather across the region. heavy rain calls, flash floods in west, in pakistan. many houses have collapsed and thousands of people left homeless more from the storms are expected in the coming days. as shift is a little bit and kat townhome the sports news with gemma. thank you. saw me to have any head codes. julian novels man has extended his contracts, meeting he'll be in charge of the national side,
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the 2026. well comp assess the 6 year old was appointed in september and his once 3 of his 6 games in charge. his current deal was due to expire at the end of year 2024, which germany will heist in june and july. it ends speculation linking novels name with the move back to its former club by munich to replace the thomas tool, the new job and champions by level keys and have continued that incredible on base and run. they still haven't lost this season of that one overall against west time was enough to go through to the right click. so me find those $31.00 on aggregates, west time need a service on a to go deficit. and they found, and i can ask you mikaela antonia but as they've done so often this season debbie, a little say 5 struck relates to make it 11. is there be some homes golden showing that on beach and run strict just a full see full games. they now face room and the last for the regular. so i'm not
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a strong team that they like to sing too much. but once you get them, you tried to, to body them on to and we don't want to stop. we are okay. 44 by the and we can make it the be longer. that'd be great. and when, in 10 years if someone beats us. okay, let's, let's, let's say, let's congratulate them. i live a full beach i salon. so one the night. so they also lost the $31.00 on aggregate. and mohammed style a penalty off the 7 minutes gave you. i was in court sites and type spots that's now full english teams out of your in the space of 2 days, also also and months. as the city with no se jump is a premier league represents cups. last remaining tons of silverware, before least the closet the end of the season. that's alonza next space, small, safer place in the final ask the village. go keep. i mean, martinez made 2 crucial saves and that you're right. the confidence league penalty . she sounds like she again smells. the spice already receiving a red cods. it was all seems happened off the he made the 1st safe. he silenced the french crowd, receive the 2nd yet
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a for it. you way for rules the state to the other cost a notes carried over into penalties. and as a rule that proved crucial for villa, that's because he made another safe as his side reached a european semi final for the 1st time in 42 years. the arch in 10 in was due to throughout the game. the was cut winter of course making impulse and it saves against fonts in the final and cuts out in 2022. that really said yeah. for ma, chelsea and nigeria, matilda, and the college on a be has told out to 0 that isn't enough being done to tackle racism and football stuff of woodson assist julia and from the cock you have been regularly targeted over the years. but vanessia saying he's struggling to stay motivated to play, to, to the recurring abuse. i get very emotional when i talk about it. and sometimes i say things i shouldn't say. and um, but it's, my son is alternatives. they decide to what punishment they keep the punishment is it's,
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it's nowhere near what it should be nowhere near. and we're talking about someone been insulted. you know, because you are setting color, you know, the same people with the same humans. and i think a lot more can be done a lot more should be done. it's about time a lot, a lot more should be done. you can just say you were looking for some of these. you know what, you saw that somebody have one football ground and then you're going to find them for life. that doesn't change anything. it still goes on infinity. g, new romero because been, you know, show things like that. you know, when i was playing, i the same thing as well. you know, when we last game of chelsea, of course by then a social media wasn't as he used to, you know what i mean? and the club reported today fate and nothing was on 0. it was done, we just have to ignore it. like when we put that into the club, the club reported to the fight. nothing was done. ignore, completely ignored, nothing happened. and i have to go back the next weekend, try to put
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a smiley face and continued doing my job. that's just what it was by then. of course, right now has been talked about a lot and still a lot is not done. now when i see play as go through it, i, you know, i've been there, i know what he feels like, you know, it's horrible place to be. it until a lot is done by the target is way by. i just, i think did you, i think clubs can punished and i think so pressing. so yes, because now you don't induct in points from, from clubs for p, f. s. rules. and you can do that when there's been racism towards plays towards human beings. i mean, come on, what we're talking about here. i think a lot a lot more can be done on tilt, as don is not going to stop. i'm sorry, it will continue. it will continue. we see we can, we count if it goes on plan to attempt to is late. what independently, what, but tempting shape in the, you know, in english it goes on. so we need to do a lot more to, to, to, to, to,
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to step racism in football. there's no place right. no place at all that i'm doing . all right, so set the pace in shanghai, head of the fast sprint race of the for me to one season is the 1st them a qualifying solely for a sprint race. as the f one coming the returns to china for the 1st time since 2019 juice, interruptions from the current of ours time. the record on that was that was a red flag earlier in the practice session and happen to get in qualifying that soft patch of gross quote for the trunk size. 5 especially meant for joe one you, he made this into q 3 and what is his 1st as a high ground free, but q 3 pro with it's heavy, right? charlotte? quite a hit struggling with wind damage. and it was norris, you edge down louis hamilton for the fastest lot time he'll stop to the front of the grid for saturday. sprint race with crucial points up scraps just by the way. i think it would been dry. we feel bad. they've been motels, but yeah,
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the level is coming together from s q one has q 2 is getting to happy with the day . funds is being sensation always being amazing. they want back on a see i resign a clarity's, an h l team, amazing to utah and will play as a new font choice. next season is off to the leads board of governors voted unanimously to approve a $1200000000.00 sale to utah jazz looking as ryan and ashley smith feeling alex malley had owned the quiet jesus since 2090 thoughts. the lead lost patience and his ability to find a new arena in arizona or facilitated a say, oh yeah, quiet. he's happy playing at the 5000 seat monitor reading us. i resigned a state university for the past few seasons. i was off today what evicted from the previous time ins, lorenzo berella will retain these clients, his name logo. i'm trademark, say smith street. we'll have to rename the team to secondary story and the fact that is, oh, it will support from me for now. the pizza will have another updates edits for lisa
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sammy, thanks so much kemah. that brings us to the end of this news. i'm back in a moment with another full show. so stay with us here and i'll just see it on the unique perspective. everything is political, you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's home us. it's right here. and right now the stream on out to the around or the killing of i'll just return it is shooting of the hawk there. was not an isolated event, it highlighted the whole question of press freedom, of turn in a skilled one doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction that the
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terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalists killed in the occupied palestinian territories. which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding any one accountable for the death. shooting the messenger one o $20.00. these call choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on the don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person ensures. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dishes we want, we want the education, we want to break. because the women and my country, they're not sweet to come up to us. we are not the night all or 2. we are human beings on this earth to be trees and the coins. we are walking in the footsteps.
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our ancestors, whatever has been done before, can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key. the the ron says it's shutting down 3 drones. and one us media says with an attack by israel, the time you say that this is out just a live from dell. so coming up is ready for us is destroy homes, shops and buildings in an hour long military rate in the occupied west bank


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