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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision as clear as you do. the the ron says it's shot down 3 drones and one us media says with an attack by israel, [000:00:00;00] the saw me say then this is out just a live from dell. so coming up, is there any forces destroy holmes shops and buildings in an hour long minutes. free right in the occupied west spine. crane says it's shot down. the russian bama used to launch cruise missiles. and then the kicks off the 1st phase of its national elections,
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5 minutes and they're under melody seeking that. the timing of the drums, the defense systems have shot down 3 drugs. this tensions run high with this well being deceptions happen near the central city of san drain. the media says a nuclear assigned to military base in the vicinity was not damaged. american media is citing us officials and saying it was and this riley attacked beside the manager itself on it. so commenting. israel had vowed to attack again, officer as well as off to runs raw, the retaliatory strike on saturday. hundreds of drones and missiles will find tools, israel 1st time to run the taxes rel directly from its own soil. iran launch that attack in response for these re, the bombing of its comes to us in syria earlier this month. 7 members of
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a bronze revolutionary guns were killed and that strike the dosage of bobby has more from tyrone. according to the head of ron's army, major general abdur rahim loose, ivy erodes air defense system, were activated over the skies s on province. early on friday morning, they did manage to down 3 small unknown objects and the head of the army said that's no damage has been sustained to any military facilities in that area. we do know that there is a military air base in that area just outside of a small home city. but according to officials, nothing has been damaged. and there is an investigation that is underway to determine where these drones were launch from and who was behind the attack. the international atomic energy agency is said that there is no damage sustained to any of the countries. 6 nuclear facilities and the head of the agency,
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a russell grossi has urged restraints and highlighted the fact that a nuclear facilities should not be part of any military conflict. there is a sense that things are still very tense, but whether or not this is the final or response by israel is unclear. what is clear is that this attack has been successfully repelled by iran and its forces for the time being whether or not anything else will happen in the coming hours or days remains to be seen. for now, there doesn't seem to be any appetite here to further escalate the situation between iran and israel. doors such a vari, ultra 0 tower on all that speak now to stephanie deca. she joins us live from tel aviv so always ready officials remaining tight lips on this one of the very much. so i didn't think we're going to expect to have any confirmation or any direct comment about it. this is in line with the policy really in the policy have done the same,
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not confirming or denying. and this one in particular saw me stream li, sensitive any reports are either anonymous officials or foreign media reports. i think it's clear, uh, because of course beforehand is really officials were very clear that there was going to be retaliatory strike, post the military echelons and the political leadership saying that the extent of the brazen as afer wants to talk on israel could simply not go without a response, this is the message that they were giving to the foreign leadership to the us president joe biden, who was telling prime minister benjamin netanyahu take the when, because of the successful intersection of that, miss island walk it and drove by raj over 99 percent of those intercepted according to them, but these really said no, they have to respond to their reading between the lines. it looks like they've done something of a middle ground. the radians are not playing it up, these radians not play, not at all. so whether this is now as you were hearing there from door. so whether this is it, um, what were made to be seen, but i think it is interesting is that made by no doubt, this is
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a game changer in the sense for the 1st time you've had a role in directly attacking israel and israel because of its rhetoric directly retaliating pretty clearly to iran before the conflict between the 2 voice sewage proxies and remember, it's serious, it's a rock, it's 11 on it's. yeah, but and this for the 1st time has been very direct, which of course is a dangerous development, which is why everyone was so keen to contain it. all right, but stephanie back is that from tel aviv, the g 7 saw the ministers of a meeting on the italian island of capri. the gathering has been large. they overshadowed by israel's a pound to tackle new ron. now g, 7 nations have roach this route to show restraint. following it rounds, retaliatory strike last saturday. speaking off to that meeting, us secretary of state and to the blink and said to us played no role in the right. but the saying it wrong last to be held accountable for its retaliatory strike that
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we're committed to is real security. we're also committed to de escalate to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. so you saw as well, or you'll see soon in the g 7 statement, a commitment to hold around to account, to account for its the stabilizing activities, holding into account by degrading its missile and drone capabilities. and yesterday the united states announced additional sanctions on wrong targeting u. a. b programs, the steel industry companies that are associated with the i already see the ministry of defense and its armed forces, logistics. i'll just, there is joe in the hall is in kept free with this update us and he's fine with the press conference here. the g 7 foreign ministers meeting in countries extra of sites ends need blinking, had strong words of condemnation for the wrong. but he declined to go to any detail about is really action in iran,
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in the early hours of the morning. he was asked twice and declined twice to say whether the us would received any 4 warning from israel about a possible attack and shared that innovation with its d 7 partners. or whether he thought that the apparently limited nature of the eventual attack could be. and the result of successful pressure applied by the g 7 and israel's allies. he simply said that the us would place no part whatsoever in any offensive operations. and that he would say no more than can sticking pretty firmly to the headlines of the de seven's formal communicate. saying that the g 7 is more united than ever in working towards the escalating tensions getting them at least at condemning iran, of course that he committed re committed the g 7 to israel's defense and security and said that the g 7 would hold around to account by degrading it's miss out and drug activities sanctions,
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he also said that the g 7 would continue to work towards a sustainable spot in gaza. and he reiterated us objections to any possible move by his ro to launch an outright offensive in rough or showing a whole l g 0 covering well, that spring and all seen yet, but it's cool unless mulanda shot right, joins us in the studio. so model one, i guess the question everybody's wondering is, is this it then, is this the end of this chapter at least? so that's, i mean, if you consider this is a book of many chapters, i guess when it comes to iran, and is there any way you could say that this episode is over with. but i think we're going to see other manifestations moving forward because that up and so now is there, it has not said that this is, it will be radians, retaliate for this is very nice. said that know that and said that thus far they have no plans for retaliation. but having said that,
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i think uh what they've seen in the past. what no few days couple of weeks is the motive that ex confrontation between is there a new one? i think moving forwards, it's be like something like that. going forward to the fast where we're going to see more of the same. i submit your code and proxy conflicts and hostages continue to flare between is there a new one? your wife is more comfortably. in this sort of situation, i think is right on the pressure by the united states. also feels more comfortable at this point because clearly, as well as attempt to draw the united states in tories, no more has failed. me. that's important point does is this will be a rainy and see this then as an achievement for them. if they push the dynamic back to proxy. and does that mean that israel will be deterred from attacking, you know, ringing consulates,
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and what's considered 3rd trio solving tower 3. this is the thing, right? i think something has something has happened. the last couple of weeks. a threshold has been crossed for the 1st time and for the 5 years iran. and is it an exchange direct attacks on their sovereign territory? or in case within the board is on the side. so that's new. right. and i think that has set a precedent that we can no longer overlook and can no longer say it's not going to be repeated. there's a very good possibility, especially that it did not do any of that too far, right? i mean, because the idea of the proxy is that, you know, that's the set, the limits to how far it can go. so now that there is direct attack and encounter attack and it is contained, i think you probably could see more of it in the future. do we know some basics on
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dislikes when this attack was launched from now? i that's fine. we don't, i mean, do these various even do not admit that they've got it. that, that, and this is, as we've heard from our, corresponded as a normal thing for us to be cutting such effects without making too much commented on it. i dial wasn't bombastic per se, even though sometimes not saying much is saying a last. so is there, i was in a sneaky kind of way, does not say much, but it's saying a lot by not saying much because the idea that it can carry these attacks on a number of locations in here on a product is celia and your walk with vows making a big hoopla about it that's been on by itself is a source of tricks. all right, thank you so much. my dwanda shawna are now placed in front of the chain demand off the surrounding. the rainy and embassy in paris was initially reported by french
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media and man entered the diplomatic building with an explosive threatening to blow himself up. well, no explosive was found on him. special forces, cold enough, be area, and also interrupt to a nearby metro line. as part of a security measure, the at least 4 people have been killed west of gauze, this is the officer as well as ministry bomb. the family home in the north is ready forces shell, jabante, a and best law here. although tanks have been taking place, east of it off in the south of the us and israel have agreed on a share the objective to the feed time us and that off off doing virtual tools such as roles, plants launch of ground operation in the city dependent on says it believes this route can complete its offensive while protecting civilian lives. this despite
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mounting pressure from rights groups wanting any minute for operation, turn that off into a mass graveyard follicle basel small from the off. generally, the majority of causes population who are paying for a rough off have a great deal of the same as the frustration regarding the potential military and cogent for real partners. pulling up the latest statements released by these really for administer, benjamin to tell you about his disability and military act to, to work on to really totally destroy the remaining about 2 units for how much movement clearly they are questioning about their next destination. they have been told by the east bed administrator multiple times to flee from different areas. and the goal is to the following. these owed is despite the fact that the roof of had been widely attacked in the past few months, pumped loudly. right now people are completely on stats and about if they're going to be safe, even if they are moving to
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a new area. despite the fact that the east by the military has been saying that they are to, you wouldn't take the ultimate precautions to guarantee the safety of civilian spot . we have been hearing from them that there are some assemblies we'll talk to not leave roof off because they have no any other place to take as a shelter, as long as also they cannot be a forward to all the basic needs and light of that attack doctors possibly might take place within the coming days, but completely right now people are terrified from that step as they are well growing. it's a national racism of that. i'm just to pay to act that will be take, be taken by israel by neighboring countries on, but also international humanitarian organizations regarding its deadly consequences will be resulted. fill a head on al jazeera, the us visa is a draft resolution of the united nations. the colts of palestine to be admitted as a full member states,
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the the hello read off the bat will pay the colors on dr. the read, the higher the temperature nice to see by the way. so a lot of heat through india and we're bumping in humidity of the baseband goal here for the northeast of india. calcutta, $41.00 degrees, but factoring that humans x and it's feeling much hotter than that. there is some back to the weather. so we'll take the colors off. this is for the far northeast of india as a big down port secure, and are natural per dash, the potential to see hailstones mixed in as well. community is also bumping in off the salt, trying to see here for trying his hand an island northern vietnam, but with this humidity, with this moisture office, i'll try to see it is triggering big storms, especially for g one g and quantum provinces. these areas have been hammered by the storms over the last few weeks. keep in mind talking to blue and yellow. that's the
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more intense storms. high civil alerts issued for some of these provinces as well. what whether sides into south korea? japan schools, you island this, the forecast on saturday, but another round of rain to go for tissue island on sundays. so that's right. i've seen some line sites here over the next 24 to 48 hours. well, in this weather report in indonesia, and it's looking like a web picture through somebody on island, but the rainy season is now starting to wind down so it shouldn't be as intense. the ok, foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm,
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we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence on the the, you're watching out 0 a time to recap. headlines around says inside defense systems of shot down 3 drones . the deceptions result and they happened in the of the central a rainy and city of us on rainy and media says a nuclear assigned to match the base in the vicinity would not damage. american media are assigned to us officials, the saying it was and it's really attacked. is there any minute treat on comment as well as shelves,
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giovanni and baseline here in northern golf. outside at least 4 people have been killed west of kansas city officers. right. the minute to be from families in the occupied westbank, at least 5 people have been killed in it and is really right. that's been going on . so maybe 24 hours is ready, ministry vehicles was sent into the notions refugee camp. bulldozers were used to destroy homes, shops and facilities that spring in august are the same bus for all of a who's in total caught them in the occupied west bank. so it's been going on almost 24 hours as i mentioned, zine once the picture that's emerging from the of the while, we're here and told her i'm just overlooking the north, some refugee camp behind me. as you say, 24 hours. this operation has been going on nearly 24 hours. drones are still flying overhead. there's been intermittent gunfire, loud explosions happening every few minutes. in fact,
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the is really forces that are moving into the cap. we've seen them coming up and down these roads for several hours. they've been driving past the term refugee camp to get into our sons targeted them. busy by fighters with improvised explosive device is very dramatic escalation and what we're used to seeing for the last few weeks in the west bank. and in the last that we may have learned as to why exactly this is going on. we may know who the prime target of these really military was in this ongoing rate. we just learned in the last hour or so that at least for resistance fighters in talk room for posting or resistance fighters were killed. in this operation we've got multiple sources confirming this, and one of them was the leader of the tutor, him resistance brigade, the battalion of about 50 men strong. but it's based and took him. a man named mohammed job or nick named a boucher job was killed. the 4 bodies of those palestinian fighters were then taken into his really custody and taken away by the israeli military. he has been
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targeted in the past. they've tried to assassinate this man before they killed his brother in december. and this very dramatic escalation events in the occupied west bank in this ongoing rate. they seem to have been successful in targeting mohammed job. it was your job who was killed in this rate earlier today. or i find somebody's name, but probably as a prominent palestinian academic is being released off to an earlier arrest by his ready police on suspicion of incitement. not a shot of hope. kevorkian was already suspended from her position as professor at the hebrew university of jerusalem. that's off the comments she made last month, including the abolishing design isn't the new kind of ministry says it's down to strategic long range russian bama for the 1st time. this video footage shows the plane spiraling to the ground sold to be
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over russian territory that be too full of $22.00 bama carries cruise missiles, crane in president. but all of them is that on skids business, the trenches and inspect it all me defenses in don't yet. russian forces have been gaining ground in the area. so you're trying struggles with a shortage of ammunition. ukraine says 9 people have been killed and russian strikes of a night. happened in the central says you have the need to chop stock for this. following the developments from key, if another night of heavy attacks by rushing full of these seemingly concentrated on the rear of the neat pro ukrainian f. also saying that there was 36 attacks 20 to me solve a full team driving this. they say that they might assume it to sits 29 of these projectiles, but they're happy, more civilian casualties. do you currently know sowards? he's saying that at least 8 people were killed,
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including 2 children. and another $29.00 injury that goes to russia continues to say that it doesn't deliberately target civilians and civilian areas, but civilians are still being killed in these attacks as they have continued to escalate and have done in recent weeks. now. meantime, ukrainian f also also claiming that they found a rush and strategic boma $18.00 to $22.00 and bola, around 300 kilometers from the ukrainian border. this is being denied by the russian. the certainly russian state media saying that the boma was returning from a mission and stuff. it's some sort of technical malfunction, but the video is very convincing. suddenly the disappeared on social media of what seems to be a plane that conforms to that kind of bonus shape plummeting to the ground currently in full season. the last couple of days though, have been claiming that they've been targeting
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a factory that actually produces these vamos in the cars on region of russia. that's at least a 1000 kilometers from the grading border also as well as mentioning that in august last year. you credit in full was, he's claimed to of taken out 2 of these ball as an add based south of st. petersburg. but i think it's worth pointing out that despite these demands being made by the ukrainians and the support to those develop, see mainly they're getting from the nato highlights that they do need great to add defense capabilities to better protect the skies. ukraine is still seemingly able to hit russians. haul gets a long distance from the ukrainian borders. joe, stuff that i'll just 0 keep is your opinion commission president does it have on the line is accusing russia of with an icing migrants she made the comments during a visit to finland's boda with russia and then shot that boat at last year off to an influx of on documents and people from the middle east and africa crossed over
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through russia on the line. so as russia wanted to punish finland for supporting ukraine and joining nato. i'm very glad, glad that we have, for the 1st time, the term instrumentality ization in the legal framework. so the packets for migration and the site them. and this is a new phenomenon. it is a hybrid strict. and it has to be dealt as a hybrid threat to national security. and what we see is that the state is instrumental lies in poor people to put pressure on another state. so that is a clear security issue. and we will certainly, we will certainly be dealing for quite a long time with that. and we will have to prepare for that information has emerged
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on an as strike that killed at least 33 people in north west and 9 julia. it happened in the villages and the state is on fire. on april, the 10th, the ministry conducted an operation targeting um games known locally is banned its gunman kid, not hundreds of people including school children in a series of attacks. since last february, the millions of indians have voted in the 1st of a 7 phase pulse, as well as long as your selection with many a 1000000000 people eligible to vote for. i missed and render moody's but how about the agenda? isaac policies aiming for us to tell them in town the indian government has not given phases to, i'll just serious correspondence to cover the story. so it covering the election from outside the country and alpha and as reports displays that they tend to use them for some of the people costing that balance here in india is northeastern states of money poor were pushed out of the homes last year because of it the
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violence committee to the 0, they have voting for stability, wrestling fees, and bringing back them up or on. normally, what do we have before this last incident? this is our 1st, bradley military person that has been deployed here and across the building states to ensure a peaceful and uninterrupted full. 166000000 indians are eligible to vote in the 1st phase of the was largest collection. if you choose 100 into of the 543 members of the looks of a little house of parliament, the mix of those going to the pause means different priorities when choosing home to vote for. we have voted for the nations well, few movies, which is very good and nothing will change. i will vote, but nobody will do anything. i'll give my vote to whoever i feel. i like the election pits, the governing, bought at the edge on the potty, led by prime minister and that into the movie against the collision of 26 opposition. thought these movie has been the face and force of the beach if the
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campaign which is aimed at security, that's the main office. his popularity of aging and competitive and threw up with you can, leadership is very, very high. he's more popular than the 5 be as the side of these are actually, the opposition has mobilized large crowds, which has not been able to den the beach if he's popularity, is accused of bgp of undermining its members and decline stage, investigating agencies against it. charges the beach if he has denied as hundreds of millions of indians decide who to vote for. they will be hoping that those when will ensure a better country for everyone to know fernandez to 0. let's take a closer look at how india will vote. as we mentioned, nearly 1000000000 people are registered to cost that balance will be voting and 7 sizes. the 1000000 polling stations until early june, they're all 543 seats. and the locks up how low
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a house of parliament upon the needs of simple majority of 272 states to govern. india as $28.00 states will decide whether to extend the ruling or 5 minutes to an end of movies b, j t. moody was 1st the like to 10 years ago and really likes it in 2019. also, the highest votes is so announced in india's history. the b j. p. 's main challenger, is the indian national congress live by a whole guntee. the policies govern for much of the 77 years since independence body is accused of silencing his critics and crashing down on independent media. india has full and 21 places the annual world press freedom index. and india is 200000000. most them say they've been persecuted under the beach, a piece in do nationalist policies that we spoke to a sort of us the, the scope that she's a political john list and says press freedom is declined under the b j. p
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government. and the kind of good forward thing that we are doing is, is also under the shadow off a logical track down on press, freedom of and joined us in india, have been g and, and just 6 months ago and, and used click editor and she, before you guys go was june on the day, there's some new laws and you still continues to be in g rest. freedom and india is also on the question. along with the fact that a large section of mainstream media is a subset of you into the government. and at the do not question the government or to schemes, or it's means which also for the narrative of the government. and is that what makes it even more difficult for those of us? why do you think question? do have, are eligible judge a raid by a lot, you know, by a large number of people be present to question the agenda off doors. a news for those who are questioning the government because the large section of mainstream media especially can be speaking media, which is the large part of northern india and the, the in the speaking bed to be out watching this, this thing was on tv and tv in industrial managers drive
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a massive reach. so these kinds of media being sub sub into the government. and essentially just showing what the government wants to show, even in the saw, you know, during the like 2 months is that a television news media does not show even a fraction of what was going on. so the idea that button that corruption is going on at the highest levels has not lots of people needed to the lowest levels of the country. so a me definitely is a huge role in the elections and of course, independent need up orders are trying their best. but as it was, as long as we don't have the reach of the main screen, television, news, media that can accurate exhorted improvements and fostering from the voters. it remains very difficult to remind to the indian government. it has no grounded visas, 12 to 00, and this so we're covering the election from outside the country. the world health organization has expanded its definition of an air borne pathogen comes off to control the say around the original definition which light the miscommunication


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