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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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all the people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just leave this very good. they're bringing the news to the world from here. the, the, at least 5 people are killed in the occupied westbank during violence between is really forces on ta, this thing and fighters. the, you're watching all to 0 life from a headquarters and i'll find daddy, you navigate to also coming on. we're committed to israel security. we're also committed to deescalate the us sector state fails to confirm its rules role after iran side. it's also treat, drove a warning about the list of drugs trade in west africa and how it's fueling filings
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in the south. polls close in india's 1st phase of a 6 week long general election involving nearly a 1000000000 voters. the restart in the occupied westbank or at least 5 people have been killed in violence between is really forces and palace thing and fighters. so large numbers of people had been arrested image fighting and the new defense refugee camp that lasted for hours is really forces of also rated several homes. military bulldozers also destroyed houses, shops and infrastructure in the refugee camp from nearby to and cut them and they occupied. westbank is investor ivy, sent this update, and it's been more than 24 hours since these really military rate on the north shelves. refugee camp again and we are still seeing is really military personnel
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armored vehicles, military bulldozers, driving up these roads into north shunts, refugee camp even from where we are here. you can hear the bulldozers working, pulling up roads, destroying buildings. dozens of buildings have been destroyed throughout the last 24 hours. we still hear drones overhead. there have been multiple large, loud explosions that have been emanating from the cam from around the campus. these really soldiers driving their being targeted with explosive devices by palestinian fighters, resistance groups in the token and refugee camp as well as resistance groups in the north shunts refugee camp. just behind me. we know that arm classes have been ongoing through out the day and you can hear the gunfire coming in throughout the day. there hasn't been an hour that's gone by without some sort of exchange of small arms fire, a large explosion of some kind. and we've learned in the last 2 hours exactly what the prime target of these dramatic lol operation bodies really military actually was. the target seemed to have been the leader of the commander of the posting and
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resistance fighter of the battalion, the brigade of about 50 or so on the palestinian fighters that put up resistance on a near daily basis to raise they've been going on. and so i took him refugee camp inside new or something like that. you can for many, many months, mohammed job or, and they came publish a job was killed earlier today along with, for other people. no doubt the israelis will be seeing this as a major victory. they've been targeting him for months. busy few months ago in december, his brother was killed. and today in this dramatic operation, they seemed to have got their man and no doubt, the israeli military will be seeing this as a victory and no doubt the residence of the newer sons refugee camp. the residence of the wider token and area will the morning people to be consider. fallen heroes seemed the throbbing, ultra 0 outside, nor sums refugee camp and told her in the occupied west bank. there been global calls for risk range officer and a parent is really driven strike against iran. well, the head of a runs army says era defensive shut down 3 unknown objects over us. behind province,
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randy and media as a nuclear side and a military base in the vicinity have not been damaged. and israel is you have to comment on the us sector state as any of lincoln has underlined that us forces were not involved. it comes after israel threatened to attack iran again after to her ons drone and missile strike on saturday. that in turn was a response to it is really a task on iran consulate building in syria. all sorts of jabari has more from to hong. according to the head of ron's army, major general abdur rahim loose, ivy erodes air defense system, were activated over the skies s on province. early on friday morning. they did manage to down 3 small unknown objects and the head of the army and said that no damage has been sustained to any military facilities in that area. we do know that there is a military air base in that area just outside of
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a spa city. but according to officials, nothing has been damaged. and there is an investigation that is underway to determine where these drones were launched from and who was behind the attack. the international atomic energy agency is said that there is no damage sustained to any of the countries. 6 nuclear facilities, and the head of the agency of russell grossi has urged restraints and highlighted the fact that a nuclear facilities should not be part of any military conflict. there is a sense that things are still very tense, but whether or not this is the final or response by israel is unclear. what is clear is that this attack has been successfully withheld by iran and its forces for the time being whether or not anything else will happen in the coming hours or days remains to be seen. for now, there doesn't seem to see any off the types here to further escalate the situation between iran and israel. door such a vari, ultra 0 tower on. we'll get the view from tel aviv now and speak to stephanie
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decker, but you know, is really official. stephanie, are officially staying silent about this as they do with other attacks. but how is this sort of being seen right now in israel? yes, and protect one of this kind of a sensitive nature. we don't expect them to say anything. they haven't said a word. other than it's more vandevere or the minister of national security who tweeted one word which was translated pretty much as name or pathetic in terms of israel's response, which was really criticized within the cabinet. and also the leader of the opposition. the or the pied saying that this was a major breach of security that never in israel's history had administer done such a thing. of course the writing at him is benjamin netanyahu, his government, people like it tomorrow. ben give her a bed. no smart church people. he depends on people he brought in to, you know, make sure that he could actually come back as prime minister as only way they wanted a far harsher responds. this is why we'd never heard from prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu in response to saturday nights are wanting to talk on israel. he never said anything, despite the fact that for the last 2 decades, he's been talking about the executive. it's the central threat of iran. he was in such and difficult place also because of the international pressure, the americans really telling him not to do anything harsh to avoid an escalation to a and void. what is a very real danger of a regional escalation. so reading between the lines at the moment it seems that they've managed perhaps to achieve some kind of a middle ground around. it's not making a big deal out of it. israel is not making a big deal out of it. but again, as always with these things, the things are unpredictable. what is clear is that the rules of engagement have changed. for decades. the relationship between these countries, the conflict, if you will, were played out between the proxies. you're talking about iraq between syria between dublin on has ma, have mass. yeah, i'm in the who's these and now you have seen direct exchanges between the 2. so
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this is also why the international liter, she was very keen and very stern with these ready 5 minutes to try to contain it. all right, thank you. stephanie decker reporting from tel aviv, or after years or for shadow conflict between israel and iran. they now appear to be directly confronting each other as stephanie was just saying, but israel never publicly confirms or denies its involvement last year. it's a wrong blaine's israel for a drone attack on an munitions depot. and as for han, that's the same city that was attacked overnight. in 2021, been a tonnes. nuclear facility and us behind province space the blackout is really media reported it as a cyber attack carried out by is really intelligence. and then in 2020 a top iranian nuclear scientist was assassinated in his cart near to iran. western intelligence believe that most and fuck result off was behind a secret nuclear weapons program that was halted in 2003 between 201-020-1248 rainy and nuclear scientists were assassinated in shootings and bomb.
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bloss arrangement officials said they arrested several people working with is really intelligence to carry out those attacks. well, g 74 and ministers have been meeting and they tell, you know, and discovery gathering has been largely overshadows by israel's parents attack on iran. g 7 nations have urged israel to show restraint following iran strike last saturday. speaking after that meeting, the us sector, state antony blinking said the us played no role in the raids. but he's saying that iran must be held accountable for its retaliatory strike on israel. we're committed to his real security. we're also committed to de escalate to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. so you saw as well, or you'll see soon, and the g 7 statement of a commitment to hold or on to account to account for its destabilizing activities,
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holding it to account by a degrading its missile and drawn capabilities. and yesterday, the united states announced additional sanctions on the wrong targeting u. a. b programs, the steel industry. companies that are associated with the arrow to see the ministry of defense and its armed forces, logistics. all the zeros donna hall isn't comprehend send this updates and he's fine with the press conference here. the g 7 foreign ministers meeting in countries extra of sites ends need blinking, had strong woods of condemnation for the wrong. but he declined to go to any detail about is really action in iran, in the early hours of the morning. he was asked twice and declined twice to say whether the us would received any 4 warning from israel about a possible attack and shared that innovation with its d 7 partners. or whether he thought that the apparently limited nature of the eventual attack could be. and the result of successful pressure applied by the g 7
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and israel's allies. he simply said that the us would place no part whatsoever in any offensive operations. and that he would say no more. i think i'm sticking pretty firmly to the headlines of the di seven's formal communicate saying that the g 7 is more united than ever in working towards the escalating tensions getting them at least at condemning iran, of course that he committed re committed the g 7 to israel's defense and security and said that the g 7 would hold around to account by degrading it's miss out and drug activities sanctions. he also said that the g 7 would continue to work towards a sustainable spot in gaza. and he reiterated us objections to any possible move by his row to launch an outright offensive in rough showing a whole l. g 0. covering the
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at least 4 people had been killed west of garza city after israel's military bombed a family home. while in the north of the strip is really force a shell jabante a and bake. now yeah. other attacks have been taking place east of for the far in the south neighborhood is joining us from vanessa from southern gaza. so it looks like the is really, is, are not really sparing any part of gaza from their airstrikes, honey talk to us about where they've landed and what's been the aftermath of the yes, very well, this has been actually the concern for the past been hours the world is busy looking at these really military attack and you're not iran waiting for the reaction that at the same time that house serve as a distraction from what's going on in the ground. the past 24 hours have been really bloody on buying. and we'll look it up for massacres against families across the guns for $1000000.00, a city and the northern part of the city,
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entire families inside residential homes. they have been sold during and for the past month. and since they were driven away from their homes at the northern part, the eastern part of the city were bombed. and we're not given any time whatsoever to leave these residential homes. that one person described, or given as little as to administer, evacuated, entire building. that was definitely not enough for people to leave their classes alone. the entire buildings that for people reported at the western part of the city. so that's in a shot, the refugee camp. and this is not the 1st time we've seen the refuge account being relentlessly attacked and bon several other injured injuries also and from a stupid one, a district that's in the northern part of the northern part of gauze and city where more residential buildings were targeted. and destroyed, including another residential buildings in a public facility and jamalia refuge account on july the found and further north. so bit law you'll see that all of this happened in one of the same time. there's really military expanding good spot for zone of the eastern part of the borders of
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gauze. a city you did not get about 16 percent of the total area of the gaza strip, just further shrinking the area. make it in very hard for people window or resolve or if they want to go back to their homes that happen to be located based or in parts. they will definitely not have any hot home or any place to go to during the entire gaza strip. it from a densely populated area into right now evolving it into more about killing zones. that is full of destruction and masculine gabriel where. okay, honey, thank you so much for that update from enough as well. people are out on the streets of baghdad on friday, and support for besieged palestinians in gaza. demonstrators have been calling for a cease far every week since the start of the war in october last year. i'll just, there was a, some of in job aid sent this update from baghdad. the hundreds of people have been coming through. again,
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this is really going from one loss to the address and i guess that has been imposed on the my we demand the government of egypt opened his board of crossing and let in humanitarian aid. people are starving their dying of hunger. we call upon egyptian troops to open the board of crossing. we call upon the iraqi government to help them with food and weapons and send aid and medicine. also, i did it actually community who they say has abandoned them and does not care about the value of the international human rights that they have to be preaching and affiliated until the just the condition involved, the change these people are going to continue to hold them but dodie,
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this is a violation of the universe who values of the united nations and other organizations that pretend to defense human rights. people are killed and embassies and in the houses. the leaders of the world are such w into israel, whether they're in europe or elsewhere. they're subdued by israeli criminality. so we've been hearing 5, you speak to somebody who they say this done with the union. they've done with the distance and they are going to continue to go to until the government steps in and the people to get some rest like in terms of a, an ac fly from missouri, the other, the era a still a heads on i was a 0 a russian bomber shut down by ukraine while president of a letter is a landscape, visits troops and the don. yet, screen the the
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hello read off the bat will pay the colors on dark to the read. the higher the temperature nice to see by the way. so a lot of heat through india and we're bumping in humidity off the bait then goals here for the northeast of india, calcutta $41.00 degrees, but factoring that humans x and it's feeling much hotter than that. there is some active weather. so we'll take the colors off. this is for the far north east of india as a big down port secure, and our natural per dash, the potential to see hailstones mixed in as well. humidity is also bumping in off the south china sea. here for china's hand, an island northern vietnam, but with this humidity, with this moisture off the south china sea, it is triggering big storms, especially for grungy and quantum provinces. these areas have been hammered by these storms over the last few weeks. keep in mind talking to blue and yellow, that's the more intense storms, high civil alerts issued for some of these provinces as well. what, whether sides in to south korea, japan's keeps you island this. the forecast on saturday,
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but another round of rain to go for q island on sundays. so the threat, i've seen some land slides here over the next 24 to 48 hours when this weather report in indonesia. and it's looking like a web pitcher through somebody on island, but the rainy season is now starting to wind down, so it shouldn't be as intense. the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change, a playful series that seem to understand this holland. the idea is moving, i think he's around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems. know how come from a generation because 0, this is being seen the greek society. the system says no for most dangers of working class people. there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the system generation change on al jazeera. so the,
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for the top stories on, on to 0, this hour, at least 5 people have been killed in violence between is really forces in palestinian fighters and the occupied westbank. large numbers of people have been arrested during fighting and the new to some refuge account that lasted for hours. iran says it's air defense systems have shut down 3 drones in us for han problems. the rainy and media, se in nuclear site and the military base in the vicinity were not damaged. and this comes after israel threatened to attack iran again. following st. ron's retaliatory strike on saturday. g 7 for ministers have been meeting and the it's all your knowledge of caffrey gathering has been largely overshadowed by israel's parents
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attack on iran. g 7 nations, encourage israel to show restraint. the un office on drugs and crime says drug trafficking is soaring across the saw, have region fueling conflict on instability instead of golf. police to seize their largest ever drugs hall on a land roots with more than a ton of cocaine phones. as well as hoc reports from sending goals copies of the car. after 3 years in a crowded prison cell in downtown to carr, this man whom we're calling off made has become a shadow of his former self. the syrian national was arrested for drug trafficking, a charge he denies. he says he was burnt by his girlfriend, meaning she used him to transit drugs through sending go without his knowledge. the judge found him innocent and ordered his release. but he says of the traffic of cocaine from latin america and has she's from morocco is on the rise. so me, traffic hers are in jail about voters are there are so many nationalities in
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prisons, syrians, colombians, italians, french, moroccans, libyans, spaniards, all because of the international traffic of drugs. it's an extraordinarily well organized trade. on the most western point of africa, facing the americas, sending goal has become a major transit point for drug traffickers. according to the u. n. n drug enforcement agencies. in 2023, at least 6 tons of cocaine was seized with a street value of $420000000.00. that's doubled the budget of synagogues ministry of education. the drugs were likely destined for europe anymore. and so we got into a problem. the senegalese navy has his dozens of boats assignment, but there are so many more that go undetected. this last monday customs officers discovered one ton of cocaine, hidden in the back of a truck on its way to neighboring molly, according to report from the un office on drugs and crimes, the drugs trade is funding arm groups linked to al qaeda and i so active in this
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how and fueling the conflict. in order to process a hand, they would need to be effects on these specs would be what we now see of this i got so you know, at tech stuff you need to be to be able to go through. extensive parts of the territory including throughout this i couldn't seem to also leave you on uh, you know, this could represent 2 percent. it was rivers and 5 percent. you could re percent 1.5 percent. but is this a huge volume of illegal illegal activity coming to this whole and also to, to west africa? the elicit traffic of drugs has a human, tall time in jail, has left ahmed, broken. he's in search of his former self. he says, he's just another casualty. of what appears to be an unstoppable and blooming trade . nicholas hawk al dizzy. right? the car information has a murder stuff, an air strike that killed at least 33 people in north west or nigeria. that happens in the villages in the state of some far on april 10th,
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the military conducted an operation targeting armed gains. no locally to spend its gunman have kidnapped hundreds of people, including school children and a series of attacks and slates. february, the ukrainian military says it's down to a strategic long range russian bomber for the 1st time. this video footage shows the plain spiraling to the grounds, ought to be over russian territory. the $222.00 bomber carries true is ms. charles and the don. yet, screens are and on friday, president of a lot, america lensky was on the front line where he visited a trenches unexpected army defenses. this as the country braces itself for a renewed restaurant offensive in the spring or summer. and ukraine says, 9 people had been killed in russian strikes overnights. it happens in the central city often the pro charles stratford is following all the developments from cheats . another night of heavy attacks by russian forces seemingly concentrated on the
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area of the neat pro ukrainian f. also saying that there was 36 attacks 20 to me. so i was a full team driving this. they say that they might actually went to sits 20000000 of these projectiles, but there have been more civilian casualties. do you currently know? sorry to saying that at least 8 people were killed, including 2 children. and another $29.00 injury the coast of russia continues to say that it doesn't deliberately target civilians and civilian areas. but civilians are still being killed in these attacks as they have continued to escalate and have done in recent weeks. now. meantime, ukrainian f also also claiming that they found a rush and strategic boma a t t you $22.00 and bola around 300 kilometers from the ukranian border. this is being denied by the russians. suddenly rush and state media saying that to the boma was returning from a mission and stuff with some sort of technical malfunction. but the video is very
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convincing. suddenly the disappeared on social media of what seems to be a plane that conforms to that kind of bonus. shape promising to the ground currently in full season. the last couple of days though, have been claiming that they've been targeting a factory that actually produces these vamos in the cause, a region of russia, that's at least a 1000 kilometers from the grading border also as well. as mentioning that in august last year, you cried in full was he's claim to of taken out 2 of these ball as an ad based south of st. petersburg. but i think it's worth pointing out that despite these demands being made by the ukrainians and the support to those develop seemingly, they're getting from the nato highlights that they do need great to add defense capabilities to better protect the skies. ukraine is still seemingly able to, it's a russian talk, it's
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a long distance from ukrainian borders. tell stuff algebra. keith curry shows top court has rules that president zora and milan of which is not allowed to become the countries next. prime minister, a lot of us had ignored calls to step down before renee for the post of prime minister for the social democratic party creation of voted in a parliamentary election on wednesday in which the governing, conservative h. these dead party won most of the seats. but not enough to form a government finishing 2nd, milan a virtuous social democratic party is trying to muster a coalition the to endure in our poles of clothes and the 1st phase of a 6 week general election, prime minister and a render moody is seeking a 3rd consecutive term in office, the indian government has failed to get a visa to algebra zero's correspondence to cover the story. so recovering the
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election from outside the country without fernandez reports. after no mean, luckily contested campaign, hundreds of millions of indians now have veterans to get their voices heard the state of money polluted. the adults east of india is being run by violence between the hindu majority mated and cookies, though tribal communities, since last me as the gunfire. the one that i the existing between all the company does the ruling bgp enters the election on the high new cleaning. the tub of charged indian economy is one of its major achievements, but higher unemployment, police, and mistakes and economic anxiety driven by soaring prices. pinson volta, i'm or the son of a diesel is $73.00, it will be deleted. the range of multi is seen as these bodies most effective weapons. however, if you give one vote for the congress party or the communist, they cannot form a government at the center. you're welcome to go,
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we started. and so what's a go to the b a b, which would inform the government? that is my get a $26.00. so position policies have created an alliance to stop the b g p. the accused the government of using state agencies to track down on the opposition congress party politician priyanka gun. the says the ruling party wants to cure victory east. there is a level playing field or that is this man. it's the elections are free and fair where the voting machines are not tampered with. then i can say constantly. they can not when more than 180 seats promote progress, the pgp is successfully marketed. it seemed to nationalist brand politics in a nation where 80 percent of the population is in do with them. and they say it's not the only factor for the party success, welfare benefits need or to see if we can itself off position so that the money to deal with. so think him to full evaluation or any single issue can not win any part the election. but not everyone is buying the b g p page cabin another. politicians
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have rejected what they call religious and costs based politics. what all those a weary of your normal because for poor people in for daily pages, his part in his government have not done anything for the good of the money. 10 years ago, more these to us campaigned on the platform of ho, he's 2nd, tim judge trust. and as he seeks us, that he's guaranteeing that he will make india a bigger and better country for it's 1400000000 people. critics say the only way for that to happen is to have a strong position that holds the government accountable. you know fernandez g 0 as least a 135 people have died and pockets done. and i've gone to stein and severe weather across the region. flash floods have left thousands of people homeless and more. thunderstorms are expected in the coming days. if this i'm going food reports
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in western pakistan, homeowners inspect the damage, need deep and muddy waters for 5 days. to view whether invalid, which has done an eastern have gone it's done, has effected roads, destroyed homes, and livelihoods. dozens of people and animals died when their roof collapsed on them. they've got the 3 goats in this room that were lost. people are taking out the animals and belongings from under the month. they suffered huge losses. multiples of the houses have been destroyed and need to be rebuilt. more than 2000 livestock were lost in this part of afghanistan, and up to 4000 homes were destroyed across the region. the heavy rains are unusual, nearly double the rainfall of previous years. experts say countries experiencing the effects of climate change. we'll see more erratic weather like this it has been raining continuously for the last few days and it is now turned in.


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