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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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for the seller, i bet you didn't have the police 5 people are killed in the occupied westbank during the violence between is really forces and palestinian fighters. the you're watching all to 0 like from a headquarters in delphi and getting navigate. also coming up. we're committed to israel security. we're also committed to de escalate in the us sector. state appeals for com, while iranian officials say there are no plans to retaliate. officer and appearance
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is really strong, strong drug. caesar is sore in west africa with fears to enlist of trade is fueling violence, and the sa hell region phones close in india's 1st phase of a 6 week long general election involving nearly a 1000000000 voters. the starting the occupied westbank or at least 5 people have been killed in violence between is really forces on palestinian fighters. the large numbers of people had been arrested, offering is really range and the new to some refugee camp that last that hours is really forces also rated several homes. while military bulldozers destroyed houses, shops and other critical facilities in notions from nearby to academy. they occupied westbank zane bus for avi hospice updates,
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so it's been more than 24 hours since these really military rate on the north shelves, refugee camp again. and we are still seeing is really military personnel armored vehicles, military bulldozers, driving up these roads into north shunts, refugee camp. even from where we are here. you can hear the bulldozers working, pulling up roads, destroying buildings, dozens of buildings have been destroyed throughout the last 24 hours. we still hear drones. overhead. there been multiple large, loud explosions that have been emanating from the cam from around the campus. he is really soldiers driving, they're being targeted with explosive devices by palestinian fighters, resistance groups in the token and refugee camp, as well as resistance groups in the north shunts refugee camp. just behind me. we know that arm classes have been ongoing through out the day and you can hear the gunfire coming in throughout the day. there hasn't been an hour that's gone by without some sort of exchange of small arms fire, a large explosion of some kind. and we've learned in the last 2 hours exactly what
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the prime target of these dramatic lol operation bodies really military actually was. the target seem to have been the leader of the commander of the posting and resistance fighter of the battalion, the brigade of about 50 or so on the palestinian fighters that put up resistance on a near daily basis to raise they've been going on. and so i took him refugee camp inside new or something refugee camp for many, many months, mohammed job or and nickname, publish. a job was killed earlier today along with for other people. no doubt the israelis will be seeing this as a major victory. they have been targeting him for months. a few months ago in december, his brother was killed. and today in this dramatic operation, they seem to have got their man and no doubt, the israeli military will be seeing this as a victory. and no doubt the residence up in our sons refugee camp. the residence of the wider tucker and area will the morning. people to be consider fallen heroes zane bus robbie ultra 0 outside your sons refugee camp and took her in the occupied
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west bank. well, there been global calls for restraints officer and a parent is really drawn strike against iran. the head of a runs army says air defensive shut down 3 unknown objects over us, behind province and rainy and media as a nuclear site. and the military base in the vicinity were not damaged. israel is yes to comment and the us sector say down to me blinking has stress, but us forces were not involve. it comes after israel threatened to attack iran again after 2 runs drone and missile strike on saturday. that in turn was a response to it is really a talk on iran consulate building in syria sources. jabari has more from to her on according to the head of ron's army, major general abdur rahim loose, ivy erodes air defense system, were activated over the skies. s on province early on friday morning, they did manage to down 3 small unknown objects and the head of the army said that's no damage has been sustained to any military facilities in that area.
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we do know that there is a military air base in that area just outside of a small home city, that according to officials, nothing has been damaged. and there is an investigation that is underway to determine where these drones were launch from and who was behind the attack. the international atomic energy agency is said that there is no damage sustained to any of the countries. 6 nuclear facilities and the head of the agency, a russell grossi has urged restraints and highlighted the fact that a nuclear facilities should not be part of any military conflict. there is a sense that things are still very tense, but whether or not this is the final or response by israel is unclear. what is clear is that this attack has been successfully withheld by iran and its forces for the time being whether or not anything else will happen in the coming hours or days remains to be seen. for now,
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there doesn't seem to be any appetite here to further escalate the situation between iran and israel. door such a vari, alta 0 tower on the stephanie tucker is running us not from tel aviv. so officially there is no, it's really comment about this attack. but um, what are you seeing and hearing on the ground? stephanie no, we haven't had any official confirmation comment. all the information is from a named officials foreign leaks. in fact, just now, american media quoting, and i'm named american officials saying them what it appears to been targeted is an air defense radar site is behind for the tons nuclear facility. and it appears that that has been taken out. and it appears to have been a message from israel to iran, but one that won't escalate the situation, even though we haven't heard from any official um, other than it's more bank rivera who complained that it wasn't strong enough. let's
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say that's always been the position of the right wing elements of this government. but it appears to have been a message which is in line with that medium form and that the americans and all the foreign countries are really low. being these ready prime minister not to try to escalate the situation. i think moving forward. that was the major concern because of the, the, the ball a tile, the 5th salis, the unprecedented nature of where we are. these are 2 countries that have been foes for so long, but the way their, their conflict has been played out is on other territory, if you will. iraq, syria, lebanon. yeah. been eva never as direct as it has been. which is why there was such a concern that this could potentially escalate as you heard from door. so they're the message oliver on seems to be that they don't want to escalate. is role. so not playing at all. so we'll have to wait and see whether this really is the final stage of this space. but stephanie, i mean if it, it, it, it wasn't deeds, israel,
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and seeing as it was described as such a limit to the attack and scope politically. how does this benefit, nathan, yahoo, in the is really government. well, nothing yahoo came back into power only because he brought with him extreme radical elements in his coalition. i just mentioned there is more ben give here it will. so both of those smart fridge, these man wanted a far more direct, far more harsh response to the wrong. at the same time, i think this isn't so why we didn't hear from nothing. you know, after that, iranian unprecedented strike. we never heard from him. we never made a public address as to this. you had the men's pressure from the americans and also other countries, but really it's down to what the americans want to not retaliate in the sense of escalating the situation. but also remember, this comes at a time where the narrative started in may change from what was immense pressure.
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and that's when you, when it comes to goal, is that well, so internally from is people saying that it's that he's not doing enough to bring the hostages back, that he's really playing a long game. and this more for his political survival and also particularly americans, since that attack on the world central kitchen which killed one american. this isn't a organization that was set up by a famous shaft. he's personal friends with joe biden. so that did strike home even more than before. so there was a lot of pressure on that when you all know iran sort of took the, the heat away from that. but i think we're now back to even all the media here looking at net on yahoo now in talking about cause i told him about the hostages and the question back there. thank you so much, stephanie. dr. reporting from tel aviv us will g 7 for our ministers have been meeting and they tell you and count islands of caffrey the gathering has been largely overshadowed by israel's appearance attack on iran. g 7 nations of herbs is really leaders to show restraint after iran strike last saturday. and speaking
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after that meeting the us next tuesday down sydney blinked and said that iran must be held accountable for its retaliatory strike on israel. we're committed to israel security. we're also committed to de escalate to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. so you saw as well, or you'll see soon, and the g 7 statement a commitment to hold or on to account to account for it's the stabilizing activities, holding into account by the degrading it's missile and drone capabilities. and yesterday, the united states announced additional sanctions on the wrong targeting u, a. b programs, steel industry companies that are associated with the r d. c. administrative defense. and it's our forces logistics, all zeros during a whole, as in comprehensive this updates in his final press conference here,
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the g 7 foreign ministers meeting in countries, extra site density blinking had strong woods of condemnation for the wrong. but he declined to go to any detail about these railey action in iran. in the early hours of the morning. he was asked twice, have declined twice to say whether the us had received any 4 warning from israel about a possible attack and shared that innovation with its d 7 partners. or whether he thought that the apparently limited nature of the eventual attack could be. and the result of successful pressure applied by the g 7 and israel's allies. he simply said that the us it place no part whatsoever in any offensive operations. and that he would say no more. lincoln sticking pretty firmly to the headlines of the de seven's formal communicate, saying that the g 7 is more united than ever in working towards the escalating tensions getting them at least at condemning iran. of course, he committed re committed the g 7 to israel's defense and security and said that
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the g 7 would hold around to account by degrading it's miss out and drug activities sanctions. he also said that the g 7 would continue to work towards a sustainable spot in gaza, and he reiterated us objections to any possible move by his ro to launch an outright offensive in rough, or you're not allowed to 0 coverage. well, the secretary state lincoln also addressed israel's potential invasion of what i saw in southern gaza on rough. we have been very clear about this present by has been very clear about this. we cannot support a major military operation in rasa. first, there are currently somewhere around $1400000.00 people in rough, with many of them displaced from other parts of the gas it. in the 1st instance, it's imperative that people are able to get out of the way of a very conflict. and doing that, getting people out of harm's way is
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a monumental task for which we have to see a plan and not only getting them out of harm's way, making sure that they can be supported with mandatory assistance. at least 4 people have been killed west of gaza city after israel's military bombed a finally at home. while in the north of the strip is really forces shell jebediah and bay fly. here. other attacks have been taking place east of for the in the south of the gaza strip. we haven't had any muscle, just joining us from rough and southern gaza. honey, according to the us, us health ministry. they're saying that at least $42.00 people have been killed and $63.00 injured knots in the past 24 hours of of so yeah, so just within the past half an hour, a residential, all in eastern real fast city was targeted and destroyed completely. there are no injuries reported at a this a, this attack as a result of this attack. then we just,
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it's miraculous because nobody's reported and transferred to the hospital as the house was empty. but it did cause a great deal of panic and concern and cause further displacement for people in the vicinity of the house of the house was targeted and destroyed without any notice whatsoever for the people that bear the vast majority of people set, setup their tents at the any pocket, the land around the area where the house is located are pushed now to move further to the western part of the city throughout. and i'll, i'll see if i can, which is on and revise the, the, and that's what, what, what should be a to consider about referral that has been targeted relentlessly. since the beginning of this worth is the initial release of the war. people who have been asked to move the robot and do exactly the northern part and goes, the city found themselves inside residential homes and 10 cent evacuations on the, on the relentless bombing, an ongoing artillery showing in the past earlier hours, the more of the attacks took place in the, in the uh, the dog has to be another part including the what friends part of the city and the
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northern part of the city. that's a different one neighborhood as well as a shot at refuge account with for me, for people reported skilled inside residential home and other severely injured in a residential home and assist with one neighborhood. and it's important to point out that these people are displaced families inside garza city, and the parts have been displaced in terms of the more than one time. they left their homes because they were forced out of them, their homes were destroyed. right now. the residential homes that they are sure the shoulder again, have been destroyed. more of this is happening particularly at the eastern part of the gods as to what these really military continues with. it's a plan to set up and establish a book or is the one that is already eating up 60 percent of the total area of the gods to just further is ranking the area and making it and basically suffocating any lift area for people do to reside in okay, honey, thank you for that update from the still ahead on alta 0 for on the front line and
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ukraine, president of a lot of resilience. the urges nato to speed up it's will up tree a. the critical debate. pony farmers are angry. people of star and we actually have 2 x, for example, while good because we money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians often in the highest level they've been using games for this point. let me cut out of the service to intimidate and course the rivals inside story. on al jazeera, 300 years ago, the found is the full season the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global
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climate emergency. culminating in a disturbing life performance in south korea. dystopian roof silver on al jazeera reporting for meet the 3. when i'm hearing the facts arabic content has been removed or restricted, i'll just say it was teams across the world. bring you closer to the house at the store. the the hello again, the top stories on how to 0 this hour. at least 5 people have been killed in
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violence between is really forces and comments to the insiders and the occupied westbank. large numbers of people have been arrested during and is really raised on, shuns refugee camp thought lost that 4 hours. iran says it's air defense systems of shots down 3 drones. and as for han problems or reading and media say that a nuclear side on the military base in the vicinity were not damaged. this comes after israel threatened to attack you, ron again following to her on retaliatory strike on saturday. 27 for ministers have been meeting of the tell you in islands of top 3 gathering has been largely overshadowed by israel's appearance attack on a run to 7 nations have urged israel to show restraint. people are out on the streets of baghdad on friday, and support for besieged palestinians and gaza. demonstrators have been calling for a ceasefire every week since the start of the war in october of the zeros or some of in job aids. how's this update from baghdad?
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2 the hundreds of people have been coming. i guess this is going from one last to the address on the on the my, we demand the government of egypt opened his border, crossing and let in humanitarian aid people. as starving their dying of hunger, we call upon egyptian troops to open the board of crossing. we call upon the iraqi government to help them with food and weapons and send a medicine. also the basics has abandoned them and it does not care about the value of the international you're right, that they have to be teaching and a physical on 10. the just the conditions in the to these people
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are going to continue. 6 to hold, i'll say, and below the, this is a violation of the universe who values of the united nations and other organizations that pretend to defend human rights. people are killed and embassies and in the houses. the leaders of the well just the, the, into israel, whether they're in europe or elsewhere, they're subdued by israeli criminality. so we've been hearing this done with the product union. they've done with the assistance and they are going to continue to go to attend their government steps and, and the people the get some rest like in terms of age and ac, find some of the go down to the, to the, to ukraine. our president will let america lensky has said that nato must choose whether it really is an ally of keith by stepping up and providing further military
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support during a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine council. the lensky stress about weapon support. it's crucial to help his country struggling forces. fortune must be brought down to us, and our sky mazda becomes safe, began, and it sees the real. um, it depends fully on your choice. choice whether life is indeed, equally available everywhere. choice whether you have equal attitude to old partners, joyce, whether we indeed are allies of the kind of military says that it's down to strategic long range russian bomb or for the 1st time of this video footage shows the plane spiraling to the ground thought to be over russian territory, the 222 bomber terry's cruise missiles and ukraine says, 9 people have been killed in russian strikes. overnights that happened in the
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central city of sydney pro career shows. top court has ruled president sore on milan, which is not allowed to become the next prime minister, of which had ignored calls to step down as president before running for prime minister representing the social democratic party. teresa voted in parliamentary elections on wednesday in which the governing conservative h. d said party won most of the seats, but not enough to form a government finishing 2nd milan of which his party is trying to gather a coalition. as the un office on drugs and crime says, drug trafficking, a soaring across the whole region, fueling conflict and instability in senegal, police have seized their largest ever drugs whole on a land route with more than a ton of cocaine phones. and of course, hoc reports from the son of the lease capital, the car after 3 years in a crowded prison cell in downtown to carr. this man whom we're calling off made has
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become a shadow of his former self. the syria national was arrested for drug trafficking, a charge he denies. he says he was burnt by his girlfriend, meaning she used him to transit drugs through sending go without his knowledge. the judge found him innocent and ordered his release. but he says that the traffic of cocaine from latin american has, she's, for morocco, is on the rise. so me traffic hers are in jail about both of those are. there are so many nationalities in prisons, syrians, colombians, italians, french, moroccans, libyans, spaniards, or because of the international traffic of drugs. it's an extraordinarily well organized trade. on the most western point of africa facing the americas san diego has become a major transit point for drug traffickers, according to the un and drug enforcement agencies. in 2023, at least 6 tons of cocaine was seized with a street value of $420000000.00. that's double the budget. i've seen it goes,
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ministry of education. the drugs were likely destined for europe, memories to me. i think it's called the center please. maybe have his dozens of both the 2nd, but there are so many more that go undetected. last monday customs officers discovered one ton of cocaine, hidden in the back of a truck on its way to neighboring molly. according to report from the un office on drugs and crimes, the drugs trade is funding armed groups linked to al qaeda and i so active in this how and fueling the conflict. in order to process how hands they would need to be effects on the specs would be what we now see of this i've got so you know, at tech stuff, you need to be to be able to go through extensive parts of the territory, including throughout this i couldn't seem to also leave you on. uh, you know, this could represent 2 percent. it was rivers and 5 percent inquiry percent. 1.5 percent, but he's a huge volume of illegal illegal activity coming to this. i don't know. so to,
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to west africa, the list it traffic of drugs has a human toll. time in jail has left ahmed, broken. he's in search of his former self. he says, he's just another casualty of what appears to be an unstoppable and blooming trade . nicholas hawk out as he right. the car, the millions of voters have cost their ballot, and india is 1st day of elections voting with last more than 6 weeks. prime minister and arrange remotely seeking a 3rd 5 year term. the indian government has failed to give visas to alta zero's correspondence to cover this story. so we're covering the election from outside the country. how does that mohammed reports voters in the world's largest election? i'll start the custom deb of the nearly a 1000000000 people will have this seat in the next 6 weeks. in the fall of the 7
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face process which started on friday. 166000000 indians registered to take part. and so many of the economy unluckily, jobs are the main issues. yeah. the i see that the but the price rises should be controlled, and women and girls shoes feel safe children in school should have job opportunities . once they finish college. thousands of security offices have been deployed across the country to ensure a smooth the elections. but voting in some areas of money, poor state capital, the northeast will stop after allegations of people. glad it is that this became winning close, similar to that of the army and the police. when they went inside a guest or votes, we protested and broke the voting machine. oh, they have stolen our right to the run up to the boat was much better. li, just mentioned in some regions of the country on some boat is hoping to pulse. we bring people closer to me on the board on the 1st thing i came to vote for us to
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have a country without any religious does harmony in tell me to not do were altogether conduce muslims, christians for the congress club. it'd be peace prime minister, not in the movie is seeking effect. um he's going up against a no position condition made up of 26 parties. they accuse him of cracking done on the same on silence. and critics, a position he's about to do nice democracy and the constitution. these were the type in the country by w j. b. and we have proved ethically in the country in the last 10 years of the government's vote. this will continue to pass the bundle until june fos, and the results due to be announced 3 days later. hands and i just needed a just a reminder once again that the engine governments has not granted visas to officer as journalists. so we're covering the election from outside the country. well,
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that's it for me for the time being the news. our isn't about 30 minutes time. in the meantime, you can always get online. our website is alvin 0 dot com. the weather is next. and then inside story, we'll examine all the latest tensions between iran and israel by the the, just in time for your weather, up to date, across the middle east and africa. good to have your join in here. and with this free is off the gulf of aide in here, it's triggering showers and storms through gym. and there's already been some flooding on the south coast there. and we could see some more over the course of the weekend. but otherwise, for the raping peninsula, it's hot and it's drying the temperature. it's starting to shoot up. look, i could wait. 37 degrees take you to have kind of spun. and buckets on more rain is falling over flooded areas and that's kind of stunned. that includes for
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a couple of province in kabul city itself more what, whether to go on saturday, check this out in turkey or western side. it's a fire hose of rain from is stumbled down to on tally. and i think by the time it's all said and done, assemble could see a month's worth of rain over at about 24 to 48 hour period. summer leaf coming from that, heat's indigo can be a series here. so bundles at 36 degrees and still big waves, big winds for the coast of tens, and you have that weather really. we've been around all sides of lake victoria on saturday, also with a breeze off the moves and beat channel here. i think we're running a good risk of seeing a few showers through northern mozambique, but nothing major and still, some foggy starts to the day for the west and south coast of south africa on saturday of the heroes from i'll just say on the go and me tonight,
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out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we the fix. analyzed from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0. new that you think is it the yvon shoots down is really drawn from the latest consultation global calls for the strains, both east and west, the front of more conflict could move for the region and the world. so what's the 2nd thing in yvonne and israel and what's next? this is inside story the .


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