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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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ms warren goes to change the situation and now we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year, a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering in gaza. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm around the was the, this is the news our live from tao ha, coming off in the next 60 minutes. at least 5 people are killed in the occupied westbank during violence between is there any forces in palestinian fighters were committed to israel security were also committed to deescalate the secretary of state appeals for com. while iranian officials say there are no times to retaliate
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off to an apparent as rainy drone strike present really to me is the lens. he just may talk to speed up his ministry a and says, it must decide if it's ukraine's allied choice. whether you have people to, to joyce, whether we are a lot also coming out this now is a u. n. a saying gang violence in hays. he is out of control with the number of murders surging since the thoughts of the yeah, the will begin any occupied westbank where at least 5 people have been killed in violence between his writing forces and palestinian fighters. a large number of people have been arrested officer and his ready rate. any notions refugee camp that went on for hours is ready for it is also rated several homes.
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while ministry boulders is destroyed, houses shops, and of the critical facilities in that notions from nearby to occur. i'm in the occupied westbank design bus for avi centers this update. and it's been more than 24 hours since these really military rate on the north shore refugee camp again. and we are still seeing is really military personnel armored vehicles, military bulldozers, driving up these roads into north shunts, refugee camp, even from where we are here. you can hear the bulldozers working, pulling up roads, destroying buildings, dozens of buildings have been destroyed throughout the last 24 hours. we still hear drones. overhead. there have been multiple large, loud explosions that have been emanating from the cam from around the campus. these really soldiers driving their being targeted with explosive devices by palestinian fighters, resistance groups in the tucker and refugee camp, as well as resistance groups in the north shunts refugee camp. just behind me. we know that arm classes have been ongoing through out the day and you can hear the
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gunfire coming in throughout the day. there hasn't been an hour that's gone by without some sort of exchange of small arms fire, a large explosion of some kind. and we've learned in the last 2 hours exactly what the prime target of this dramatic law operation bodies really military actually was . the target seemed to have been the leader of the commander of the posting and resistance fighter of the battalion, the brigade of about 50 or so on posting and fighters that put up resistance on a near daily basis to rage. the been going on inside took room refugee camp inside new assaults, refugee camp for many, many months. mohammed job and nickname published a job was killed earlier today along with 4 other people. no doubt the israelis will be seeing this as a major victory. they have been targeting him for months. a few months ago in december, his brother was killed. and today in this dramatic operation, they seemed to have got their man and no doubt, the israeli military will be seeing this as a victory. and no doubt the residence of been our sons refugee camp. the residence
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of the wider token area will be morning. people to be consider fallen heroes zane bus robbie ultra 0 outside your son's refugee camp and tutoring the occupied west bank. well, in all developments, at least 8 hours things have been killed and on his riley as strike on a residential home west of rough in southern gaza. as comes as several western countries was wanting against him, his right of ground and causing into rough uh more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians displays from elsewhere and gauze. a juice as well as will all currently sheltering in that parts of garza. aus is, there is honey, my load has moved from rough as we learned from our source of the majority hospitality. that one young woman was gold and silver and other injuries or sheltering in the vicinity of the targeted house and of 3 schools, astrology, and all the debris of the strap. now, fill on that preschool going that one woman and also injury several other people including its children and other people at the vicinity of the preschool as well.
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also about that really did not last for so long, and the misery continues in the summer and continues as is really monetary continues to pound across. the goal is to serve an earlier hours in the western part of java city. more residential targeted and more public facilities has been destroyed or severely damaged by their relentless airstrikes, including a shudder, refuge account that has been a major side of the month. was the target please more, more than 80 percent of the shutters, you're going to have been destroyed completely. and those people are having to be in this residential home or into this place. family members who were at other parts of the city without being lee and it from the horror of the ongoing bomb. and same thing happened of done serve with one district neighborhood in northern parts of jobs. as it was another residential home was targeted and destroyed on other, several people were reported to allow the baptist hospital a defend 3rd part of the afternoon. one is read a military continue this attacks and further north the god forbid you evaluate down
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the line and the entire eastern area, part of the ongoing military operation to establish a bumper zone that is already eating up 60 percent of the total area of the gaza. strip just further shrinking the size of an already small part of that. as far as international medical team has gained access to northern garza, which has been on the months of siege by these right, the military emetics have found a health care system in crisis. and the population in dire need of their expertise . i'll just there as, as a sherry for reports, i was just one of the special come out i do on somebody. i am currently commanded one hospital in north garza where a medical team has just arrived to provide the necessary medical care for patients amidst a broken health care system in northern garza. after facing numerous challenges and several weeks of coordination,
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this medical delegation was able to reach north and gaza to offer essential care to patients including performing surgeries. am coming and got a with 5 meg and the off mama, as who has is that population. we were 2 days in this house and know we are coming yesterday uh in the north where uh, population just need uh oh uh we are like 10 people who had a brothers. how many of the medical delegations start performing surgeries invested in the rustic general and also pete excited recon they've become watching in the intensive care unit yesterday while simultaneously noticing and documenting any shortages of medical supply lessons. we have brought with us some medical supplies, including medications, but there is a severe shortage officer, a few hours of work. we realize that everything is lacking and they are only working with very basic supplies. ha ha,
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gym us and we noticed severe shortages and everything and northern guns including medical supplies and personnel. we will provide medical care including surgeries. in fact, we have already started and so we will continue to observe and document what is lacking. but it is obvious that the health care system is barely function and there is an urgent need for most of us now and supplies. among them also, the health care system is still deteriorating. amidst the ongoing wall and a blockade imposed on an autumn garza, i'm not to show you a good deal of the ban global call for restrain alternative power and is right. he drove strike against iran, that if it runs on he says defensive shut down 3 unknown objects of it's for han province around new media, se a nuclear sites and a military base. and that as soon as he has not been damaged, isabel has yet to comments in the us and groups. they asked me blinking because on the lines that us forces were not involved, it comes off to israel,
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threatened to attack iran again, off to death, runs drone and missile strike on site today, which was itself response to in his writing a tax on a bronze consulate building in syria out there, as joseph jabar is following all of this from the iranian capital tower on. according to the head of ron's army, major general abdur rahim loose, ivy erodes air defense system, were activated over the skies s on province early on friday morning. they did manage to down 3 small unknown objects and the head of the army and said that's no damage has been sustained to any military facilities in that area. we do know that there is a military air base in that area just outside of s, phone city. but according to officials, nothing has been damaged. and there is an investigation that is underway to determine where these drones were launch from and who was behind the attack. the
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international atomic energy agency is said that there is no damage sustained to any of the countries. 6 nuclear facilities and the head of the agency, a russell grossi has urged restraints and highlighted the fact that a nuclear facilities should not be part of any military conflict. there is a sense that things are still very tense, but whether or not this is the final or response by israel is unclear. what is clear is that this attack has been successfully repelled by iran and its forces for the time being whether or not anything else will happen in the coming hours or days remains to be seen. for now, there doesn't seem to be any appetite here to further escalate the situation between iran and israel. door such a vari, alta 0 tower on let's go live now down to south who, who is in ok. 5 eastern use them. and it was washington that initially can fund is riley action against iran. anyone from these res,
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as well, there's been no official confirmation or reaction by the is really government as they typically do not comment on their military activities outside of israel. the only times they haven't been commenting on it, or when they have hit what they call the targets in southern lebanon. but remember, this all started on april 1st after and is really air strike on the, on the and console and building in damascus for which still these really did not claim responsibility for. but when it comes to this, a parent is really attacked into it on the, in territory, there has been no confirmation bias really, officials, and it is unlikely that we will see that as well. is there any time as a benjamin netanyahu is already under a great deal of public and political pressure, not least from his coordination partners who want him to take more robust action? how could this affect him? well you have israel's national security ministry tomorrow, ben,
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beer known ultra national is perhaps the only one to give any sort of reaction in a post on ex, formerly known as twitter, saying one word, but apparently translates to pathetic or weak. and according to reports within is really media based on anonymous sourcing. the prime minister had summoned him to speak to him, saying that he was a threat to national security with his words and his actions to the national security minister. according to nathan, yahoo, in these weak reports is a threat to national security, harming national security because the far right does want some sort of larger, more robust response to what happened here last saturday. but there's a lot of pressure on that and yahoo internationally from some of the biggest allies like the united states, the united kingdom, germany, france just to name a few. but there's also a lot of domestic pressure families of the captives who say, but nothing yahoo is not focused on achieving that goal in the war that the focus has been shifting now to it on and it needs to turn back to the goals of the war and bringing back the remaining captive,
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still held in gaza. thank you very much. i'm desolate, as well as the use of a shadow conflict between israel and iran. they do now appear to be directly confronting each other more and more. but as we are hearing that from him, the israel never publicly confirms or denies this involvement in this last year to have wrong blamed. is ralph drone attack on an munition? death own is for hon. the same city attacked or the night in 2021. meet in the tons of nuclear facility and as the home province face the blackout is really media reported. it is a cyber attack carried out by is really intelligence in 2020 a top iranian nuclear scientist was assassinated in his con, it's a wrong western intelligence. believe that most in the south of is uh there was behind a secret nuclear weapons program that was halted in 2003 and then between 20102012 full iranian nuclear scientists were killed in shootings and bummed bloss. ronnie
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and officials said they arrested several people working with his writing intelligence to carry out the attacks. was there any i spoke to him on a sure he's a professor of security ministry studies at the doha institute for graduate studies . and he was just explaining this significance of israel's attack on iran. it was still in the early stages, but it's looks like it's a, it's a complex of tech. it looks like there were more then drones involved, the main need because it was suppression of the cdn air defenses. and so i done that i into the spots there and may need to, if you do so you're trying to find a safe passage for your man, their cost. so i assume that the ladies faucet made this a c, as we quoted suppression of any air defenses. pasto, syria and probably from a lock launched, a, a missile at penn state's an air launch ballistic missile. the part of it that was
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shown by the rockies. it's a special, uh, ballistic missile. and its, uh, these are, were designed basically to, to shoot at that, to train these radiated defenses data to and that a sweet systems to shoot at that. but apparently they used it for in that the tech . so perhaps this is an indication that it's not the big warhead so that there's more. so this isn't a launched ballistic missile vice suppression of any air defenses. that's a complex of operation offense. the from the news reports, we are talking some of the unnamed american sources and clean the missiles were launched. and they, there's also a fan of the, some news about the, another hit into a breeze in the northwest a. and this is where you have the side, those of this you have to and she have 3 the but the stick missiles and all white house correspondent, kimberly how kate has reaction from the us on israel's retaliatory strike on iran
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to the bottom. the administration is refusing to comment about israel's early friday morning strike honor, ron. instead at a white house press briefing, press secretary cream, john pierre refused to answer report his questions. the strategy it seemed appeared to be to not comment and let the moment pass. and then attempt to de escalate the situation. we do not want to see this conflict escalate. we continue to consult with our allies and partners including including in the region obviously and to reduce further risk of escalation in the region. and that's, that's a sentiment that was expressed in the g 7 form for administrative administrative, joint statements. i'm just going to be super mindful. i'm not going to speculate or speak to any of the reportings that are out there at this time. meantime, the white house is working with the us congress to push even more weapons to israel
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. the latest age legislation being debated in the house of representatives, even includes an emergency provision, allowing the secretary of state to bypass congress. it's a move the white house supports, in fact, since october 7th, us media, including the wall street journal reports that the united states has quietly transferred more than 100 different shipments of weapons, including bombs and even precision guided munitions to israel. even as the white house says, it's trying to de escalate tensions in the broader middle east. kimberly help it out 0. the white house as well. it touches between one and as well, dominates the final day of discussions of the g 7 summit. and it's a foreign ministers of cold for de escalation while also threatening further sanctions against iran. and then on gaza, they want against a full scale military operation,
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rasa jonah holler up some developments from the italian island of capri after israel struck targets in the round early on friday there was little chance of business as usual among the 7 foreign ministers. their host on the island of capri confirming the us had received probably a warning from israel in order to establish and sort of mathematical i think it's already known. the us was informed at the last minute, but there was no sharing by the us. it was me a information, i mean, what am i to the secretary of state antony clinton refused to be drawn on the details. i'm going to be incredibly boring and not make your day by saying again, i'm not going to speak to what's been reported other than to say that the united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. setting out the main points of the final communicate, he said the g 7 was more, you know, to, than ever in working to de escalate tensions. and them at least for committed his
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real security were also committed to the escalating to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. so you saw as well, or you'll see soon in the g 7 statement as a commitment to hold or on to account to account for its destabilizing activities. holding into account by degrading its missile and drawing capabilities. it's n a d like location in which g 7 foreign ministers confronted a sea of problems from a ronald israel to gaza. ukraine to the in the pacific. the middle east dominated, of course, with ministers repeating the mantra of de escalation to be followed. they said by renewed efforts towards the sci fi in gaza as they were critical of israel's failure to allow the full flow of aid into gaza. talk 2nd, margaret. yes. as the g 7, the underlying what? my colleague, david cumberland and i need clean jewels and am on wednesday despite recognizable
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initial steps towards more human savvy and 8. this is not enough to is really call them and have a do to, to help. and did he miss terry and suffering of so many people and especially to the children and garza and the big signs that israel is still planning a large scale incursion into rough uh, in the south of the gaza strip. the gym and foreign minister echoed secretary blinking, restating their objection with up to $1400000.00 people sheltering there, they said it would lead to catastrophic consequences. during the whole elder 0 country, the you claim ministries has written down to strategic long range russian boma for the 1st time is video footage is drawing the plane spiraling to the ground of what's thought to be russian territory. to you. 20 to bowman is carrying a cruise missiles and that some of the footage that's coming of the plane being down. meanwhile, ukraine is saying that 9 people were killed and russian strikes of the night in the
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central city of the new pro. elsewhere in the done yet squeeze you in on friday, present. belgium is lensky was on the front line, inspecting on the defense is, is visit, comes as a country, braces itself for a renewed russian offensive. and then later, during a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine council lensky said, may thomas choose whether it really is an ally of keys by stepping up military support. for jim mazda be brought down to us, and our sky mazda becomes safe, began, and it sees the real, and it depends fully on your choice, the choice whether life is indeed equally valuable everywhere. choice whether you have equal to 2 old partners, joyce, glad that we indeed are allies. valdero's child stratford has won us now from cave
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following a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine council late. so chief, you install some books that nato defense ministers had agreed to send ukraine more defense systems. this, of course, comes on ukrainians. and many of the wisdom allies say is a critical time in ukraine, the country having faced in recent weeks and months, a huge escalation in miss all and drug and strikes by russian forces. russia with coal says that he doesn't deliberately target civilian areas, but we know that many civilians being killed in these all, most unlikely attacks. and it has been literally billions of dollars worth of energy infrastructure destroyed in these attacks. but somebody sends to what the nights are chief had to say, you know, meeting today. mean this is also address many over pressing needs, including along the $55.00, meaning that the nation deep position strikes the filters on drones
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each and they do all are and will decide what to provide. several lars made concrete commitments during the meeting on, on finalizing contributions that i expect will be announced soon. help is all the on the way. there was an emotional appeal by the ukrainian president below them is a lensky during the meetings and in ski saying that in western age at the moment you train was very limited at any point you. there's an example to what's happened during the israel in recent days. he said, the west had not left israel to find for itself during those attacks by iran. the big question is, is how long is it going to take these weapon systems and this munition to get here to ukraine? because along the front lines, the situation is being described by many analysts as being very critical indeed, all eyes now towards the us where we expect on saturday. finally, for the to be
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a vote in the house of representatives. the could well release that long waited for $61000000000.00 worth of us a child stuff alger 0 give me or i spoke to patrick barry. he is a defense and security analyst at the university of boss. he told me why ukraine is focusing specifically on ad defense and his appeals and military help. the key takeaways, the critical nature of the air defense. now it was, we know we have hard previous need and there are sort of the if i munition having 5 issues with obviously mind power for the ukrainians as they're moving to address and to drop through the draft bill. and i know it's, it's air defense essentially, you know, in terms of like the patriot system is one of the most effective along with the aster system. and there's somewhere between maybe $3.00 and $5.00. um the batteries as far as i'm aware and in, in actually in new frame. and they've just ask for another 7 more. so it's,
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it's on those things kind of getting quite quickly empty. i'm, you can, you can buy those as charles was saying there to the pentagon on you and i sort of got everything and ready to go in on dissipation of, of, of, so that, that sounds that are in their ducks in a row is that work to move things quickly, but other things will be slower. you're paying commission present to us, you have on the line is accused russia of western analyzing migrants. she made these comments during the visit defendants boarded with russia. finland shot several check points last year. after an influx of undocumented people from the middle east and africa crossed over through russia on the line said that russia is taking a look finland because it supports ukraine, enjoys nato. i'm very glad, glad that we have for the 1st time the term instrumental ization. in the legal framework,
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so the pact for migration and asylum. and this is a new phenomenon. it is a hybrid strict. and it has to be dealt as a hybrid threat to national security. and what we see is that a state this is instrumental lising for people to put pressure on another state. so that is a clear security issue. and we will certainly, we will certainly be dealing for quite a long time with that. and we will have to prepare for that. the millions of lotions of cost, the balance in india is 1st day of elections, lotion will last more than 6 weeks. financing or under moody is seeking a, a 3rd 5 year term for himself. the indian government has failed to give visas to l . just there is correspondence to cover the story properly. so it's being followed
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from outside the country and that comes in the home. that reports boat is the world's largest election. i'll start the costing the bundle, nearly a 1000000000 people will have this seat in the next 6 weeks. in the fall of the 7 face process which started on friday. 166000000 indians registered to take part. and so many of them the economy. unluckily jobs are the main issues. yeah. the see like the but the price rises should be controlled. women and girls. shoes feel safe children in school should have job opportunities, wants to finish college. thousands of security offices have been deployed across the country to ensure a smooth the elections, but voting in some areas of money. poor state capital, the northeast will stop after allegations of people. glad it is that this became winning close, similar to that of the army and the police. when they went inside an guest or votes, we protested and broke the voting machine. oh,
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they have stolen our right to the run up to the boat was much better. li just mentioned in some regions of the country on some boat is hoping to pulse. we bring people closer to me on the board on the 1st thing i came to vote for us to have a country without any religious does harmony in tell me to not do were altogether conduce muslims, christians for the congress, probably b g piece that under moody seeking effect um he's going up against an oppositional collision made up of $26.00 parties. they accuse him of cracking done on the st. silence. and critics accusation. he's about to do nice democracy and the constitution. these were the type in the country by the pgp. i'd be, have proved, if the game in the country in the last 10 years of the government vote this we've continued to pass the bundle until june, fos. and the results due to be announced 3 days later,
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hands them having to just, you know, we had from sort of us the scope to political journalist. she said that's press freedom has taken a real blow onto this b j. p coming and the kind of good forwarding that we are doing is, is also under the shadow off our logical crackdown on press freedom and joined us in india have been g and, and just 6 months ago and, and used click editor and she could be 4 guys, so was june on the day, there's some new laws and you still continues to be in june rest. freedom in india is also on the question along with the fact that a large section of mainstream media is a subset of into the government. and at the do not question the government or to schemes, or it's means which also for the narrative of the government. and is that what makes it even more difficult for those of us? why do you think question? do have i value for dodge was raid by a lot of, by a large number of people be present to question the agenda off doors and use for those who are questioning the government. because the large section of mainstream
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media, especially can be speaking the deal, which is the large part of northern india. and the in the speaking bed to be are watching this, this thing was on tv and tv in industrial managers drive a massive reach. so these kinds of media being so plugged into the government and essentially just showing what the government wants to show. even in b 's audio during the like 2 months is that a television news media did not show even a fraction of what was going on. so the idea that corruption going on at the highest levels has not lots of people needed to the lowest levels of the country. so a me definitely is a huge role in the elections. and of course, independent media for those are trying their best. but as it was, as long as we don't have the reach of the main screen, television, news, media that can activate, exhort, it's influence in 5 to inform the vote does it remains very difficult. i just want to remind you that the engine government has granted the visas is not going to be just out of there as john list. so we're covering the election from outside the
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country for now. it's much more still a head for you on the program. victimize for saving rescue. cheese and migrant authorities in italy dropped all charges against the crews of 3 restitution the that most of the cults interval strategy was fairly okay. and then dry and warm and sunny, but they're all significant. shasta again, the escalade in the south miss mit will or is the 9 beating bolts off the water. so in queens then from brisbin dolph with big chow seem likely have possibly not the increase the shar likelihood of new south wales of air from the gulf coast down south as well. those places improve a little bit on sunday for the rest. it's possible in the sunny posts around about and such agreement steadily in new zealand breeze up from the southwest stuff
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unusual. it's not particularly strong. they went whether of stuff they should have gone by sunday. accepting gives been so reason we find looking picture and the heavier reading, the recent nicole, some flooding in popular west, papua in small lines around here, isn't like to be repeated because the soft a big challenge is to the west of that symbolic, creepy, up to something tied on to kit's hope 39, maybe it'll be accompanied by a temporary thunderstorm. and the big thunderstorms that we've already seen for about a months down. so in china, off through a grungy run don't was likelihood of big hail and potential flash study. and this rate increase the up into the western side of japan and just touching the sides of the dream potentially which phase of it on sunday. but it does not fade in southern china is just as bad the. the ok foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world,
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100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of the 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. has been at the forefront a progressive change. you're locked in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i comes of windows irene to these 2 young women who have taken different routes to establish great to freedom and equality. welcome to generations, have political theories attempts to understand and talents. the idea is that mobilize youth around the world, generation change on out,
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you'll see around the houses there. i want to remind you of the top stories. miss alice, at least 8 out of studies have been killed and on his riley strike on a residential home west of rasa in southern garza. more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians, internally displaced by israel's war. sheltering there in russell, which is garza's southern most cities. meanwhile, the east 5 people have been killed in violence between his writing forces and palestinian fighters in the occupied westbank. large numbers of people have been arrested during and his re, any right in your shops, refugee camps that went on for hours. and iran is saying it's a defense systems of shot down 3 drugs. and as for han providence, ronnie medias as a nuclear site in the military base in the vicinity will not damage. it comes off to israel, threatened to attack iran again,
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following iran retaliatory strike on the south today as well. so i've been following the mass demonstrations in the rocky capitalise. have been happening every week since israel launch the war on garza. they're in support of besieged palestinians in the strip cooling for an immediate cease fire. just there is a summer been job, a is in the rocky capital bank done hundreds of people have been coming to protest. i guess this is going from one last to the other end on the, on the we demand the government of egypt opened his border crossing and let in humanitarian aid. people is starving their dying of hunger. we call upon egyptian
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troops to open the board of crossing. we call upon the iraqi government to help them with food and weapons and send aid. and medicine also has abandoned them and does not care about the value of the international human rights that they have to be preaching and affiliated until the just the condition involved, the change. these people are going to continue to hold out the end. but dodie, a, this is a violation of the universe who values of the united nations and other organizations that pretend to defend human rights. people are killed and embassies, and in the houses, the leaders of the world are such w into israel. whether they're in europe or elsewhere, they are subdued by israeli criminality. so we've been hearing 5, you speak to somebody who they say this done with the union. they've done with the distance and they are going to continue to go to until the government steps in and
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the people that get some rest, like in terms of a, an ac fly from missouri down to the euro. the gang violence has surgery dramatically in haiti in recent months with criminal groups controlling much of the capital, the ones as the 1st 3 months of 2024. so a 5053 percent increase in motors or injuries associated with the gang line as compared to the previous quartet view and says 1660 people were killed. and now the 845 injured social services. on the brink of collapse, due to the persistent violence impulse of friends, well, etc. and it could take a look, is the editor in chief of haiti week. he joins us live now from costa prince. so we really seen this horrifying rise in violent since the assassination of present jovan annoys in july 2021. he has this legacy of gun violence,
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but how powerful as a gains now, as there are quite powerful, controlling most of the capital here again this afternoon, we heard shots from the street, so it'd be in a few blocks from here. again, it's all enough in the last 2 days, but everybody's wary, and most of the downtown photo print is now under their control. so we're, we're waiting to see what's going to be their next state who do want to attack next . it was their final goal at the end because the here all of the schools are closed for monday night and more than half now because there was a new crisis, the 3rd the february. and now since then, and no offices, i hope in some markets or been but most of the stores that are close to i. so it's a really hard situation here, enroll wondering when we're going to be able to travel out photo grants because all the roads out of the side of the fence are controlled by the, the,
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the do on groups and, and your report. now i've been to those also since a lot of i know this difficult few, you are in points of friends, but just in terms of people that you might be speaking to, what is the situation outside the capital then and, and rural areas, for example. and it's quite dire in parts of the country, mostly in there are 2 bullets region, but most of the region outside of the capital are pretty safe. there really there's a security there has been type in the big since the light came patient in the north . i've established ways for people to registered with the getting down people from outside of town to register there and make sure that everybody's accounted for that the dis, just problems or doesn't go further away. it's a dentist, it did. the country is effective in different ways because since photographs is as a center of the economy,
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everything is as stop all along the country. everybody's waiting to have jobs that actually have to do more commerce and even in border products. and that's the main thing that people are waiting for. most of the people are living on the daily at work and since, and i need to tell me personally to on either to and tell me exactly how they help people then surviving. if they can't go to the jobs, it's not fair if, if people are still being paid. but you know, even if they do have access to money, they might not be able to leave the homes to actually get food. or if food prices have been soaring as a result of this instability, how people surviving like that in everyday life. it's a good question and there's. busy almost a 100000 people that i've left for the past because that he's outside of the capital and it does. there are lots of agriculture. it's a tropical country. so there's, there's a tropical fruits and vegetables. so i believe there's some basic foods there. so
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that's why a lot of people are also leaving the capital, but the biggest help that is really bringing, but it's a really dire situation here. and this is almost spending like in this situation and all the in all the country. there's malnutrition in almost half of the population right now. and it didn't contain paula. thank you very much for taking the time to speak to us on this story. you joining us from port to prince. we like to share right now present. gabriel bar, which has accepted invitation by venezuela's leader nicholas madero to discuss the violent crime wave believes to be led by that is white and criminal gang. but for it says he wants more than just rhetoric as tensions escalate between the 2 nations . outlets of america added to this and human reports now from santiago, kidnappings, decapitations, extortion, and much more had spread fears, ro, chilly,
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ever since the so called. and i would train in organized crime syndicates arrived here from the in his way left. so and venezuela is fine minister said the viet, i would trains of pigment of the media's imagination. but chile, it was the last straw, simple for the black as well as the deeply troubling and are grave insults of the families and victims of the criminal organizations that should attracted by jimmy stable economy. tens of thousands of on documented venezuelans have entered this country. the vast majority have come looking for on this floor, but chillies. horace of northern borders with neighboring bolivia, m for rule have also allowed been as well as largest criminal organization to set up shop here. this is in blood each has recall autism bassinger to venezuela. much was by lateral tensions escalating. venezuela's president is now offering an olive branch at a fee and say, what are you? i'm only loving point. so in a fight tell the president for it's publicly that if you want to talk about the
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subject, let's talk personally because they tossed that accusations that are picked up by the media which uses them in their campaign against venezuela. voltage has agreed, but with caution, i got to put the body go beyond the rhetoric on my slides. what we expect is concrete collaboration. what should happen is that venezuela hand over the criminals, committed a very grave crime. listening wednesday did come. if you don't, he's referring to chillies request for cooperation to arrest tube in his wayland men who return to their country after having allegedly kidnapped and murdered a former then as well. an army officer, an opponent to president my buddha right here in chile, as the prosecutor says, this investigation has led to the conclusion that this was a political crime organized in venezuela. but he does not say by whom president buddage is under pressure. give us the execute we ask the foreign minister and the
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president to leave on both of the here and consider breaking ties with venezuela. even a socialist congressman from the left wing government coalition is proposing a bill to ban venezuelans from entering chile for the next 2 years, a deteriorating bi lateral situation that will take more than offers of cooperation to fix the c and human al jazeera santiago. we've got a se where a 7 year long legal case against migrant rescue is, has ended with old charges being dropped if it accused of aging in legal migration . but active as cold, an attempt by the authorities to stop a workers from helping those at risk on the high seas. if to so i'm going sides reports a case dismissed accused of polluting with human traffickers, these and your workers at face 70 years of criminal charges while you're tapping and under cover investigations. on friday, according cicely followed the prosecution,
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surprise requests for the case to be thrown out to defend and say, this is a victory and that saving lives is not a crime. today the court made it perfectly clear that our intervention, it's even not a crime. the only the duty but also right it's a lead began to crack down a migrant rescue missions back in 2016. at the height of the refugee crisis, police sees the event to ship after rescued. more than 14000 refugees and migrants in distress. the case which accused migrant workers of coordinating libyan smugglers lasted for years and cost more than $3000000.00. to be there. the 1st ship to be blocked into the series. but after us, um, a lot of other ships blocked and of this trying to always new metro us to do this. it telling authorities have since band charities from performing several rescues in a row and often demand their ships. duckett, distant ports along the mediterranean,
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forcing cruise to decide between responding to distress calls or breaching the law . meanwhile, the eu has outsourced parts of its border control, partnering with libyan coast guards sanctioned by the un for people trafficking and human rights violations. nearly 30000 people have died or gone missing in the last 10 years. according to the missing migrant, it's project on the greek island of less, both this cemetery pays tribute to those last it see a reminder of the perilous journey. thousands more taking. if this i'm getting food, all dra 0, the reason breaking news is coming from the iraq at this hour and it's use of logic loss that's been reported south of the capital. baghdad at this time, a military base used by the power millet tree group. the popular mobilization forces has reportedly been hit. this is a very powerful military force that operates inside
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a rock and has done so many years was it's not clear who carried out the attack at this point. but what is important is that it does come off the back of a series of attacks between iran and israel, with israel having just carried out an overnight attack against iran, which breach defenses in both syria and iraq. so actually will stay across the story, bring you a little bit more of in a couple of minutes time, where we hope to be in baghdad to get some information on this. but to there's much more still a head for you covering other stories this hours. well, the drug seizures on the rise in west africa is the elicit, trade is fueling violence in the south region.
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[000:00:00;00] the united nations office on drugs and crime says that drug trafficking is storing across the style region, ceiling conflicts and instability, incentive goal, police of seeds that largest drugs hold on a line root. nicholas hacker ports now from nissan. douglas capital dot com of the after 3 years in a crowded prison cell in downtown to carr, this man whom we're calling of made has become a shadow of his former self. the serial national was arrested for drug trafficking, a charge he denies. he says he was burnt by his girlfriend, meaning she used him to transit drugs through sending go without his knowledge. the judge found him innocent and ordered his release. but he says the traffic of cocaine from latin america and has, she's from morocco, is on the rise. so me,
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traffic hers are in jail about both of those are, there are so many nationalities in prisons, syrians, colombians, italians, french, moroccans, libyans, spaniards, all because of the international traffic of drugs. it's an extraordinarily well organized trade. on the most western point of africa facing the americas san diego has become a major transit point for drug traffickers. according to the u. n. and drug enforcement agencies. in 2023, at least 6 tons of cocaine was seized with a street value of $420000000.00. that's doubled the budget of sent. it goes, ministry of education. the drugs were likely destined for europe anymore. and so we got the top, the senegalese navy has his dozens of boats assignment, but there are so many more that go undetected. this last monday customs officers discovered one ton of cocaine, hidden in the back of a truck on its way to neighboring molly, according to report from the un office on drugs and crimes,
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the drugs trade is funding armed groups linked to al qaeda and i so active in this house and fueling the conflict in order to process how hands, they would need to be effects on these specs would be what we now see of this i got so you know, at tech stuff you need to be to be able to go through. extensive parts of the territory, including throughout this whole thing to also leave you on uh, you know, this could represent 2 percent equal rivers and 5 percent because we percent 1.5 percent. but this is a huge volume of illegal illegal activity coming to this whole and also to the west africa. the elicit traffic of drugs has a human toll. time in jail has left ahmed, broken. he's in search of his former self. he says, he's just another casualty. of what appears to be an unstoppable and blooming trade . nicholas hawk out. is he right, the car warner, we count about breaking news story that we have this now and now from iraq, with
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a large bloss being reported just south of the capital of baghdad in the bible province and military base that is used by the pound of mit permanent troop, the corporate immobilization forces was reportedly hit in this attack. sullivan. java joins us from over the phone in the capital bind. gotten, of course the timing of this is very interesting that just the coming off to israel carried out a piece of cat out an attack against iran somewhat you hearing about the circumstances surrounding this attack. who might have been involved is very early stage of what it is, the just it shows the reports that are coming in now it's us from various security sources within the rocky government, as well as the popular mobilization forces. one source in the popular mobilization forces is indicating that this was an air attack which targets at the headquarters or the 7 to the gate. and the, this is literally based,
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which is called the counsel ministry base, which is north of babylon and south of back that so it's essentially between babylon and back that. and there is at least one person according to this popular mobilization force to source who have been wounded, but they are either casualties that are fit. there are some of them look resources for telling out there now that there are multiple with cropped uh that are on the uh that have you said on the outskirts back that you use for yeah, that the, the, and with the uh, but there are uh, these reports that again, do that initial reports coming into us from various security sources who are speaking to us on the condition of anonymity or officially the rocky government or the interior ministry has not confirmed what caused this blot. and what, who might have been behind it?
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according to popular mobilization forces back to the shop there, suspecting that this was an american strike which was carried in their bosses tank units and other fraction of the above the level applies this room forces looting that by the aid and some of the paps just was reflecting for a moment on the network of the popular mobilization forces, particularly since the defeats of ice. so in iraq, the were attempts to integrate this group into the military, but they are very important for us in terms of competing for ministry, political and economic power in the country to but the popular organization forces essentially came to the for, during the fight against isom in that famous a degree by i had a lot of you have to stop, i mean that that is
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a good tree for muslims to fight i. so, and these 2 are essentially be, are head of all of those operations which are carried out in order to defeat deisel . and since then, they've been buying for power because after i so, has been in from iraq, these groups, which became very powerful with all the military training and hon. i found themselves be competing for space and then they were integrated into the rocky forces. so now the popular mobilization forces directly to ford under the office of the prime minister. uh, but as you said, the real in the homeless, political as well as the cold months in the heaven, iraq and a half allegiances training and various connections linked to iran. as well, so it is a call, it has become a complicated sphere. but in the last few years, the rocky government has been trying to bring these on the default of the raw
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humility. a lot of people have been merged into the hit off the armed forces as the soldiers. and then they also have this power. lot of units of popular mobilization forces continue to have the weapons and operate on on the other places where the lot the army or the it off the security forces are not operating. so in the wake of what has been happening in the last 48 hours of the tax on a data being counted on by israel, it's the 2nd night uh, florida in continuation where people are waking up to this news of more project eyes trying more attacks and more explosions. sullivan joe, right in baghdad. thank q. it's now heavy rains, have killed more than a 100 people in both. i've gotten a stone, a bunk is still on an injured many more. it's been widespread damage to homes, ad infrastructure in both countries. come all high to reports from as long as bon, heavy rains have left
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a trail of destruction and both of one is done and focused on and focused on the worst effected area that goes good luck run best of below, just on a little goes complain. they haven't received no help so far. brought us on it. somebody might talk to the reins of re habit, but the provincial disaster doroty is nowhere to be found. man, i got it. this is my home which is flooded with water. but for the last 3 days, no one has come to have besides the lots of life except or bad roads and damaged property and farm lands. the weather department and warning of more heavy rain for 200 and his strong across the country. and said that system where the board is city or 3 under the end of the month. although the clean up work and underway and the not a targeted and focused on a basing for more land slides, never lever that's good. and you are targeted that i've seen people have worked
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trevon identity situations. deborah light, they come all i there. i just need all it's not my boss that wraps up the news out all that time. honda jump june is going to be in this chair in just a few minutes time the the individual now more the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. the same happened. the us state of oregon, these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the care for 2 women fought for justice. i guess some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies. 0 pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered states.
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pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know, double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves, the chest. wow. the heroes here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt? how many other channels can you say? we'll take the time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported
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areas. of course, we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how this finds, the young man has regions and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we care strict a the a blast, so the military base and the dog has been reported. the paramilitary group, popular mobilization forces says it was talking to the i'm how much of room this is out 0 live from to have also coming up. palestinians have been killed by and is really are


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