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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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and will the media be able to cover the vote, sweetie, unfairly, ongoing coverage, but in the, as an action on out, is there a the blast of the base and that up to used by the parent military group popular mobilization forces at least 3 people are injured the i'm how much i'm doing this is out 0 life from don't also coming up. at least 5 people are killed in the occupied westbank during violence between is really forces and palestinian fighters. now a people have been killed by and is really there a strike west of more than 34000 palestinians have been killed by israel since october president. below the mirror, zalinski urges nato to speed up its military aid and says,
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it must decide if it's ukraine's alan the we're starting with breaking news. coming out of it off a large blast has been reported south of the capital book that in the bible province. the military base used by the parent military group popular mobilization forces. was it at least 3 people are injured? all right, let's cross now to him i would have to do i had joining us from the adoption capital, both a dad mode. um, if you could just tell us 1st, what are the latest details we're getting about the attack? and what exactly do we know about what is housed at that base? that was hit of the most of the, according to the head of the security,
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come with the in net by bill 5 explosions. the targeted the civil sites in cam cause. so this is admitted tree base that used to be a professional with the american forces. it'd be for 2011 when and a 20 that was handed over to the iraqi difference at ministry it since then. it has been used by the popular mobilization units and the lucky automate some of the locations have been hit. but according to the head of the security committee in babylon, he says that at the beginning get a delta that it see it. the attack was carried out by a drone. but now he says that it's most of probably not a drum because the, the attack is huge. probably it used it. it big missiles because the crate of the explosion is 5 meters deep and about to from 10 to 15 at y. now, at the mobilization units,
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it sources in locations say that at the have some part of the civil injuries. and also they say that they are vowing to retaliate as we speak. now the stomach resistance a group, does it all aligned on with the groups? eh, it say that they have issued a statement indicating that they have attacked was drones. a vital what they call a vital target is really city of but you that in the union of that attack and also android. so you should, as they say, of the crimes against it posting is by israel, seeing how much more in an earlier statement. the popular mobilization forces blamed american aggression for this attack, but they're no longer saying that correct of the did. it does no longer saying that in fact, the accusing israel of but kidding go that attack whole the fingers he pointed at.
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it is a given the fact that these a stomach resistance, all of the groups have been engaging in attacks. it thousands of attacks against it is really admitted. see at sites insight is read including today's attack, which is according to the statement by that they stomach existence and they use the joys to attack via to what they call the vital target. and these re, the city of but it took so it also given the fact that the inherent resolve it at stated on x, that if they have not taken part in that attack, despite the fact that as you remember, well, how about that to us? it tended out similar attacks in the past, but not this one according to this statement by the inherent results. all right, that's how these here is much more the why had joining us from the capital book that thanks so much more rich outs and is
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a non resident senior fellow at the atlanta council. he was formerly with the us military and the state department. if things more details need to be clarified in order to determine who's behind the attack. the 1st thing we have to say is that it's hard based on the videos that come out on social media to do forensic analysis of a precise nature. so to know exactly whether it was an air strike, for instance, uh and what sort of ordinance was use was it a drawn, wasn't an aircraft. there's also possibilities of sabotage and explosion to the base culture to the nearest country and above your province is in a predominately shi uh, area. so we wouldn't expect that this would have been, for instance, as long as the state or something if it is confirmed that it was an aircraft that raises the question american or is riley or some other short. i think it unlikely that would be american because the by the administration has been trying to tamp down on regional tensions and so carefully. choreographing limits on the exchange
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is a fire directly between the iranians and those rallies that we've seen yet. this attack would be more in line with what is real has done below the threshold of direct attacks on iran, regionally. they've attacked iranian back, militias frequently and kind of continuously in syria interact less so, but. ready this may be another message to iran saying if you're going to use his milan, potentially, or a mazda is proxies to attack us. we will attack your proxies, interact in syria, and the occupied westbank at least 5 people have been killed in violence between israeli forces and palestinian fighters. a large number of people have been arrested after and is really right in the north shops, refugee camp. this last of ours is really forces also rated several homes, while military bulldozers destroyed, houses, shops and other critical facilities in north shops. all right, let's go live now to have this one who would, who is an occupied east, jerusalem the, what's the latest on the raid at north shops, refugee camp and are,
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is really forces still in the camp as well. nearly 34 hours later, these really are me still operating in the notice champs refugee camp, around 3 am local time confrontations between palestinian fighters and these really military broke out. once again, we're looking at at least 5 people killed more than 60 military vehicles and bulldozers that have gone in and wreaked havoc on the palestinian refugee camp. residents are saying that this is some of the worst destruction they've seen in decades as these really are me continuously read these palestinian towns across the occupied west bank. and honda, how does this current rage fit in with the larger pattern of is really activity across the occupied west bank since the war began as well. since the war started, these really army has really stepped up. these raids across the occupied was bank.
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and really, since all of the attention was on gaza, there wasn't really a lot of focus on the west bank. so these really military was going in killing palestinians, at least 473 have been killed in the near night. we raise that these man is really military has been engaged in. you're looking at nearly a 1300 other arrests, nearly 5000 people who have been wounded as well. so these really are re, says they're trying to crack down on arms palestinian resistance so much so that they've even taken is really army for days out of gaza to bring them back to the occupied westbank where they had been operating on a higher level even before the war, but during this war specifically we have seen an update in these raids in what these really army is trying to do. and the destruction that we've seen across the west bank and several palestinian towns and refugee camps. residents a is some of the worst. and again, these really armies continuing to do this over the last 2 years or so. these raids
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near night we once picked up, but specifically during the war in the last 6 months, these really army has really stepped up their military operations. that's how these years have this and heard live for us from occupied east jerusalem. and thanks so much the at least 8 palestinians have been killed in and is really air strikes on a residential home west of rough and southern cost. this comes of several western countries or warning against them is really ground incursion there. more than 1500000 palestinians displays from elsewhere and gaza due to israel's war, are currently sheltering in the other 0 is handling my mood, has more from whatever and southern gosh, as we learned from our stores that the majority hospital that one young woman was gold and silver and other injuries or sheltering in the vicinity of the targeted
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house in a 3 schools, astrology, and all the debris of under strap. now, fill on that preschool going that one woman and also injury several other people including its children and other people at the vicinity of the preschool as well. so about that really did not last for so long and the misery continues and the suffering continues. as is really monetary content, as the found across the goal is to serve an earlier hours in the western part of java city. more residential targeted than more public facilities has been destroyed or severely damaged by their relentless ears. price including a shot, the refuge account that has been a major side of the month was the target, please. more, more does 80 percent of the shutters. you're going to have been destroyed completely. and those people are having to be in this residential home or in the display of family members who were at other parts of government city without being a lee. and if from the whole world, the ongoing bomb and same thing happened of done this year for the one district
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neighborhood in northern part of the city was another residential home was targeted and destroyed on other civil people were reported to allow the baptist hospital a defend 3rd part of augusta, anyone does read a military continue this attached in further north valley on camera bridge, evaluate down reliability and the entire eastern area. part of the ongoing military operation to establish a bumper zone that is already eating up 60 percent of the total area of the gaza strip. just further shrinking the size of an already small part of that there been global calls for restraint after and a parent is really droned strike against the ron. on fridays, they had a garage army says air defense, a shot down 3 unknown objects over as fine province running media, se a nuclear side and the military base and the vicinity have not been damaged. israel is you have to comment and the us secretary of state anthony blinking has underlined the us forces were not involved. it comes after israel threatened to
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attack you, ron again after that runs drone and missile strike on saturday. that in turn was a response to and is really attack on iran concert building in syria. dorsey jibari is following the developments from the iranian capital to hong. according to the head of ron's army, major general abdur rahim loose, ivy erodes air defense system, were activated over the skies s on province. early on friday morning, they did manage to down 3 small unknown objects and the head of the army and said that no damage has been sustained to any military facilities in that area. we do know that there is a military air base in that area just outside of s, phone city. but according to officials, nothing has been damaged. and there is an investigation that is underway to determine where these drones were launched from and who was behind the attack. the international atomic energy agency is said that there is no damage sustained to any
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of the countries. 6 nuclear facilities and the head of the agency, the russell grossi has urged restraints and highlighted the fact that a nuclear facilities should not be part of any military conflict. there is a sense that things are still very tense, but whether or not this is the final or response by israel is unclear. what is clear is that this attack has been successfully withheld by iran and its forces for the time being whether or not anything else will happen in the coming hours or days remains to be seen. for now, there doesn't seem to be any appetite here to further escalate the situation between iran and israel. door such a vari, ultra 0 tower on the tension between the ron and israel dominated the final day of discussions at the g. 7 summit in italy, foreign ministers called for de escalation while threatening further sanctions against the rock and on guns or they weren't against a full scale military operation in the roof. i joined
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a whole wraps of developments from the italian island of capri, as often as well struck targets in a round early on friday there was little chance of business as usual among the 7 foreign ministers. their host on the island of capri confirming the us had received prior warning from israel, the, in not the settling for the math of my mom. i think it's already known. the us was informed at the last minute, but there was no sharing by the us. it was me a information that i mean, what am i to the secretary of state, hampton. a lincoln refused to be drawn on the details. i'm going to be incredibly boring and not make your day by saying again, i'm not going to speak to what's been reported other than to say that the united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. setting out the main points of the final communicate, he said the g 7 was more united than ever in working to de escalate tensions in the
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middle east or committed his real security. we're also committed to de escalate to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. so you saw as well, or you'll see soon in the g 7 statement, a commitment to hold or on to account to account for it's the stabilizing activities, holding into account by a degrading it's missile and drone capabilities. it's n a d like location in with g, 7 foreign ministers confronted a c of problems from a ronald israel to gaza. ukraine to the in the pacific. the middle east dominated, of course, with ministers repeating the mantra of de escalation to be followed they side by renewed efforts towards the si fi in garza, as they were critical of israel's failure to allow the full flow of aid into gaza. talk 2nd, margaret. yes. as the g 7, the underlying what, my colleague, david cumberland and i need clean jerusalem on wednesday despite recognizable
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initial steps towards more human savvy and 8. this is not enough to is really call them and has a do to, to help. and did he miss terry and suffering of so many people and especially to the children and garza and the big signs that these ro is still planning a large scale incursion into rough uh, in the south of the gaza strip. the gym and foreign minister code secretary blinking, restating their objection with up to 1400000 people sheltering there. they said it would lead to catastrophic consequences during the whole elder 0 could pre a still a head on alger 0. do you in says gang violence in haiti is out of control with a number of murder searching since the start of the drug seizures sewer in west africa with fears the illicit trade is killing violence in the side of the
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now i'm not sure you get to call this the seasonal right, and it's because big see big kills here. class suggest is nothing line however significant, right? he's following once again, 1st the in southern china and there's the big hail list size of golf balls has been reported as certainly cause flash probably in the last couple of weeks and it's carrying on then that curl up around the yellow sea. does that spring rain throughout the terrain potentially into chicago cool q issue and west and home? shoot that will fade away little bits during sunday, but the chinese and still phase where to the doctor gets even with the nephew, not south of the yanks, if you and the officer has to be fine, we'll hold on the task back down to 4. again, admittedly, but that is staying where it should be a bit more of an impression of big thunderstorms. again, a western java bornea of sumatra and really got put into and that is it is something tied on little it dry. so the square recently has been very wet it into
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the main story. those are awesome. big thunderstorms and in the northeast is that the rising sheet look at these temperatures are in the low fourties. now they expect pre monsoon heat, admittedly, but sometimes it's worse than others. and if you take color color as an example, talk to me then hazy and well above where it should be. the god promised abraham, this is the land that is going to long to you and to your children forevermore right here in my back yard. present here, terrace from realtors, your victory was your accident from michigan. we have people here from united states from russia, from india, from germany. ready findings for the idea of israel's foreign army on a just yeah, that's all i could say the
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the, you're watching on the 0 reminder of our top stories this hour. at least one person has been killed and 12 others are injured following a blast south of red ox capital bug that in bible from its base used by the iran back popular mobilization forces was hit. the p. m. f is accusing israel of conducting the attack. at least 5 people have been killed in violence between these really forces and palestinian fighters and the occupied westbank. bars. numbers of people have been arrested during and is really read, endorse jumps, refugee camp slash routes. at least a tell us indians have been killed in and is really air strikes on our residential
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home west in southern gosh, within 1500000 palestinians, internally displaced by israel's war, or sheltering under 5 causes southern most of the in the don't ask region on friday, ukrainian president of the loading their zalinski, visited the front line, inspected the trenches and looked at the armies defenses. his visit comes as the country braces itself or a renewed russian offence, a troll stratford. it has more from keys following a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine council, nate, so chief, you install some books that nato defense ministers had agreed to send ukraine more defense systems. this, of course, comes on ukrainians. and many of the wisdom allies say is a critical time in ukraine, the country having faced in recent weeks and months, a huge escalation in miss all and drug and strikes by russian policies. rusher of
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coal says that he doesn't deliberately target a civilian areas, but we know that many civilians are being killed in these all, most unlikely attacks. and it has been literally billions of dollars worth of energy infrastructure destroyed in these attacks. but i've listened to what the nights are chief had to say in our meeting today. i mean, this is also addressed many older pressing needs, including along the $55.00, meaning that the nation, the position strikes the filters on drones each and they do all are and will decide what to provide several large major concrete commitments during the meeting and finalizing contributions that i expect will be announced soon. the health is fully on the way. there was an emotional appeal by the training president, the modem is zalinski during the meetings and it's key saying that western age at
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the moment you cry and was very limited at any point you. there's an example to what's happened during the israel in recent days. he said, the west had not left israel to find for itself during those, it's acts by a wrong. the big question is, is how long is it going to take these weapon systems and this munition to get here to ukraine? because along the front lines, the situation is being described by many analysts as being very critical indeed, all eyes now towards the us where we expect on saturday. finally, for the to be a vote in the house of representatives. the could well release that long waited for $61000000000.00 worth of us a child stuff. alger 0. keith gang violence is search dramatically in haiti in recent months with criminal groups controlling much of the capital. the u. n. says the 1st 3 months of 2024 saw a 53 percent increase in murders or injuries associated with gang violence compared
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to the previous quarter. social services are on the brink of collapse due to the persistent violence in puerto france. it's in co tape. politic is the editor in chief of haiti weekly. he says have, he's armed, gangs have growing more powerful and the situation is out of control. it's only enough in the last few days, but everybody's wary. and most of the downtown border print is now under their control. so we're, we're waiting to see what's going to be their next state who do want to attack next . it was their final goal at the end because the here all of the schools are closed for monday and i had more than the half now because there was a new crisis that started on the end of february. and now since then and no offices, i hope things and some markets open, but most of the stores that are close to i. so it's a really hard situation here. and we're all wondering when we're going to be able
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to travel out or photographs. because all the roads outside of, for the parents are controlled by the, the, the do on groups and, and year report. now i've been to those also since some of them have most of the region outside of the capital, a pretty safe. and they're really, they're the security there. i've been tied in the big cities like inpatient in the north. i've established a ways for people to registered with the getting down people from outside of town to register there and make sure that everybody's accounted for that the dis just problem doesn't go further away. it's the, the dentist visit. the country is effective in different ways because sort of misses as a center of the economy. everything is as stop all along the country. everybody's waiting to have jobs back to us to, to do more commerce and even important products at the that's the main thing that
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people are waiting for. the united nations office on drugs and crime, says drug trafficking and storing across the sad region, fueling conflict and instability, and sent a gall police of seas, their largest drug hall on a land root. nicholas hawk reports from the senegalese capital. that car is after 3 years in a crowded prison cell in downtown to carr, this man whom we're calling off made has become a shadow of his former self. the syrian national was arrested for drug trafficking, a charge he denies. he says he was burnt by his girlfriend, meaning she used him to transit drugs through sending go without his knowledge. the judge found him innocent and ordered his release. but he says that the traffic of cocaine from latin american has, she's from morocco, is on the rise. so me, traffic hers are in jail about motivators or there's so many nationalities in prisons, syrians, colombians, italians, french, moroccans, libyans, spaniards, old because of the international traffic of drugs. it's an extraordinarily well
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organized trade. on the most western point of africa facing the americas san diego has become a major transit point for drug traffickers. according to the u. n. n drug enforcement agencies. in 2023, at least 6 tons of cocaine was seized with a street value of $420000000.00. that's doubled the budget of synagogues ministry of education. the drugs were likely destined for europe, memories and you've got the top. the senegalese navy have is dozens of both the 2nd, but there are so many more that go undetected. this last monday customs officers discovered one ton of cocaine, hidden in the back of a truck on its way to neighboring molly, according to report from the un office on drugs and crimes, the drugs trade is funding arm groups linked to al qaeda and i so active in this how and fueling the conflict in order to process, how can they would need to be effects on the specs would be what we now see of this
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i got so you know, at tech stuff you need to be to be able to go through. extensive parts of the territory, including throughout this i couldn't seem to also leave you on. uh, you know, this could represent 2 percent. it was rivers and 5 percent. you could re percent 1.5 percent, but it's a huge a volume of the lake out the legal activity coming to this house and also to the west africa. the elicit traffic of drugs has a human toll timing. jail has left ahmed, broken. he's in search of his former self. he says he's just another casualty of what appears to be an unstoppable and blooming trade. nicholas hawk al dizzy, right? the car. the un security council has held a meeting on the worsening humanitarian crisis in sudan just over a year into the conflict between the military and the parent military rapids support forces. the you in humanitarian office emphasize the profound impact of the conflict on children. when you are lasting trauma,
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it's called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and avoid further bloodshed. christian salumi has more from new york, so the visuals attempted to redirect international attention towards the sudan, past the conflict they are enters and the 2nd year the impact on civilians has been just devastating. and do you want officials warren, that the violence is now creeping closer to l faster? which is the capital of north are for the violence poses unimed stream and immediate danger to the $800000.00 civilians who reside in as washer. and it risk triggering further violence in other parts of the 4 were more than 9000000 people are in dire need of a manager and assistance. so down the basset or to the united nations blames is people suffering on the recess and countries supplying them with weapons. he pointed to un reports that found arms flowing from chad, interested the parties have been able to sustain their confrontation. it is no
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small part. thanks to the material support they receive from outside the sedan. these external actors continue to float the sanctions regime imposed by the council to support a political settlement, thereby fueling the conflict. this is illegal, it is immoral, and it must stop. meanwhile, more than half of the country's population, 25000000 people are in need of life saving assistance. in more than 8600000 have been forced to flee their homes. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nation, to italy, where a 7 year long legal case against migrant rescue words has ended. with all charges being dropped. they've been accused of ating illegal migration, but active is called it an attempt by the authorities to stop aid workers from helping those at risk on the high seas. if this i'm going for reports a case dismissed accused of polluting with human traffickers,
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these and you workers, they faced 70 years of criminal charges, wiretapping and under cover investigations on friday, according cicely followed the prosecution, surprise request for the case to be thrown out to defend and say this is a victory and that saving lives is not a crime. today the court made it perfectly clear that our intervention. it's even not a crime. the only develop judy, but also right. it's a lead began to crack down a migrant rescue missions back in 2016. at the height of the refugee crisis, police sees the event to ship after rescue. more than 14000 refugees in migrants in distress. the case which accused migrant workers of coordinating libyan smugglers.


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