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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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trays, why concert and breakup with bathing materials, collins he has were founded all the economic reforms working and we speak to the president of the un general assembly about has called action on sustainability council, the cost on alice's era, the prod explosion that a base and iraq used by the power and it should prove that popular mobilization forces at least 20 people are in the run down. jordan, this is down to 0, live from dell. also coming up at least 5 people are killed in the occupied westbank during volumes between his ready forces and palestinian fights. us 8 people have been killed by his randy as strike west of roughly 34000 palestinians
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have not been killed by israel since officer. and ukraine once a defense systems from nathan members as presidents, lensky, or just deadlines to speed up the at least 20 people have been injured off to a large explosion in iraq. it happened the south of the capital, baghdad in the bible province. a lot of the base use by the iran, but to pop it and mobilization forces was hit a few minutes. is that using israel of conducting the attack as regional tension is run high, i'll just say it was month. one of the law head is following developments. somebody, rocky, capital, budget, indiscriminate that is how popular the mobilization units in iraq describe the a head board and the attack that targeted the emitted treat site at, at,
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on the early hours of such a day in the notice of a bad bit of problems. so the rocky capital about that resulting in civil injuries including get admitted to treat individuals with the purple of the mobilization units that so it goes with the rocky ministry of defense as well as civilians who would in the vicinity of the minutes a site it when it was attacked that is cam a call. so that was under control of the, the american soldiers during the us invasion of iraq. but it was handed over to the rocky minister defense in 2011. now that the whole thing goes here are pointed towards, is, is really like using israel of getting out that attack, especially after the, and heading to resolve operation has indicated that they have not taken part in that operation. but yet to mind that is with the popular mobilization forces
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here, still blamed us for me as they say, not preventing such an attack. given the fact that the rock is kind of monitor and controlled by the united states that come under this with the islamic resistance group, which includes it on a line on the groups have vowed to retaliate. in fact, they have posted that they have tried it out, ready to yet to the attack had grown, attacked that targeted as they say, a bytes of target in the is really city of a lot a little i had a 0 about that which alison has a non resident seen a fellow at the atlantic council p. things more details need to be terrified in order to say who's behind the attack. the 1st thing we have to say is that it's hard based on the videos that have come out on social media to do forensic analysis of a precise nature. so to know exactly whether it was an air strike,
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for instance. uh and what sort of ordinance was use was it a drawn, wasn't an aircraft. there's also possibilities of sabotage and explosion with the base culture, the nearest country. and the province is in a predominately shi uh, area. so we wouldn't expect that this would have been for us, is womic state or something if it is confirmed that it was an aircraft that raises the question american or is really or some other short? i think it unlikely that would be american because the by the administration has been trying to camp down on regional tensions and so carefully. choreographing limits on the exchange is a fired directly between the iranians and is really just that machine. yeah, this attack would be more in line with what is real has done below the threshold of direct tax amount of money or on regionally they've attacked iranian back, malicious frequently and then a continuously in syria interact less so. but this may be another message to iran
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saying if you're going to use his beloved, potentially, or a mazda is proxies to attack us. we will attack your proxies. interact in syria, the and they all kind of westbank, at least 5 people have been killed in violence between his writing forces in palestinian fights. us a large number of people have been arrested off to end his righty. right? in the north shuns refugee camp. the loss of ours is ready for it is also rated several homes, while bull nose is destroyed, houses, shops and other critical facilities in north shops. i'll just say it was on the flute as an auto body service. then it has more on the right when nearly 2 days later, these really armies still operating in the notice champs refugee camp, at least 5 palestinians that have been killed thus far. after nearly 60 military vehicles and bulldozer went in to read the camp around 40 hours ago would be is really army maintains that they are trying to crack down on arms,
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palestinian resistance across the occupied territory. and so we've got him, in particular, has been one of the focal cities where they have been operating. and since october, the 7th, you're looking at at least 473 palestinians who's been killed 8300 others who been arrested in nearly 5000 others who been wounded in these reigns in. so we've got them specifically in notice shelves. residents are saying that this is of the worst damage they have seen in decades. and one of the targets of this rate, it was a man called which is yeah, he was the reader of one of these to cut in battalions. and these really army, apparently that that is not their only target as they are still operating hours later, after his death had the central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. as of these 8 pallets, demands have been killed. and that is really striking, a residential home west of roughly in southern guns that it comes as several
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western countries, a warning against and these really ground defensive, the well, the $1500000.00 palestinians displaced from elsewhere and gaza account to sheltering in rough or under 020 my food has more from reference of exhaust we learned from our source up in the georgia hospital that one young woman was. 2 old and several other injuries or sheltering in the vicinity of the targeted house and of 3 schools, astrology and all the debris of the strap. now, fill on that preschool going down one woman and also injury several other people including its children and other people at the vicinity of the preschool as well. also about that really did not last for so long, and the misery continues in the summer and continues as is really monetary continues to pound across. the goal is to serve an earlier hours in the western part of java city. more residential, targeted and more public facilities been destroyed or severely damaged by their relentless airstrikes, including a shudder, refuge account that has been
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a major side of the month. was the target please more, more than 80 percent of the shutters if you're going to have been destroyed completely. and those people are having to be in this residential home or into this place. family members who were at other parts of the city without being in lee and, and from the horror of the ongoing bomb. and same thing happened of done with one district neighborhood in northern parts of the city where another residential home was targeted and destroyed. and other several people were reported to allow the baptist hospital a defend 3rd part of the afternoon. why does rita military continue this attacks and further north camera, a bunch of out of town belie affiliate and the entire eastern area, part of the ongoing military operation to establish a bumper zone that is already eating up 60 percent of the total area of the gaza. strip just further shrinking the size of an already small part of that slip and
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double coals to restrain top to an apartment is rainy. drain strike against iran. on friday, the head of bronze army says, have defensive shut down. 3 unknown objects of it's behind prevents the ring and media say a nucleus site and a miniature base in the area have not been damaged. what is world yet? to comment on the us secretary of state anthony blinking was on the line that us forces will not involve comes off to israel, threatened to attack iran again after tear runs, thrown them this. i'll strike on saturday. not in town is a response. on his radio, ron's conflict in syria. i want to talk to correspond them. kimberly helped get as reaction from the us on as well as the parents would tell you, which was strength on a rough to the bottom. the administration is refusing to comment about israel's early friday morning. strike honor ron. instead at a white house press briefing for us secretary creek, john pierre refused to answer report as questions. the strategy it seemed appeared
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to be to not comment and let the moment pass, and then attempt to de escalate the situation. we do not want to see this conflict escalate. we continue to consult with our allies and partners including including in the region obviously and to reduce further risk of escalation in the region. and that's, that's the sentiment that was expressed in the g 7 form for administrative administrative, joint statements. i'm just going to be super mindful. i'm not going to speculate or speak to any of the reportings that are out there at this time. meantime, the white house is working with the us congress to push even more weapons to israel . the latest a legislation being debated in the house of representatives even includes an emergency provision, allowing the secretary of state to bypass congress. it's a move the white house supports, in fact, since october 7th, us media, including the wall street journal reports that the united states is quietly
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transferred, more than $100.00 different shipments of weapons, including bombs and even precision guided munitions to israel. even as the white house says, it's trying to de escalate tensions and the broader middle east. kimberly help it out 0. the white house. well, the tension between iran and israel dominated the final day of discussions at the g 7 summit in easily foreign ministers. cool for the escalation while threatening further functions against iran, gaza. they weren't against the full scale ministry offensive and rough. uh, obviously it was during a holler up some developments from the economy. a lot of companies as often as rail struck targets in a round early on friday there was little chance of business as usual among the 7 foreign ministers. their host on the island of capri confirming the us had received probably a warning from israel. the in, not the settling for math of my mom. i think it's already known. the us was
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informed at the last minute, but there was no sharing by the us. it was media information. i mean, what about your secretary of state antony clinton refused to be drawn on the details. i'm going to be incredibly boring and not make your day by saying again, i'm not going to speak to what's been reported other than to say that the united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. setting out the main points of the final communicate, he said the g 7 was more, you know, to, than ever in working to de escalate tensions in the middle east or committed his real security. we're also committed to the escalating to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. and you saw as well, where you'll see soon in the g 7 statement as a commitment to hold or on to account to account for its destabilizing activities.
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holding into account by degrading its missile and drawing capabilities, it's n a. d like location in which g 7 foreign ministers confronted a sea of problems from a ronald israel to gaza. ukraine to the in the pacific. the middle east dominated, of course, with ministers repeating the mantra of the escalation to be followed. they said by renewed efforts towards the sci fi in gaza. they were critical of israel's failure to allow the full flow of aid into gaza. talk 2nd about right. yes. as did you 7 the underlying what my colleague, david cumberland and i made clean jews and i'm on wednesday. the spirit supplies of initial steps towards more human savvy and 8. this is not enough to is ray. the government has a duty to help and that he may tell you in suffering of so many people and especially the children and garza and the big signs that these ro is still planning a large scale incursion into rough uh, in the south of the gaza strip. the gym and foreign minister code secretary blinking, restating their objection with up to 1400000 people sheltering that they said it
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would lead to catastrophic consequences. joe, the whole elder 0 to pre the, to the will. and you claim that when president blood of me, as the lensky husband visiting the front lines and don't you ask, inspected the trenches and looked at the armies defensive positions. his visit comes as the country braces itself a renewed russian offensive. obviously it was john's prophet as more from king, the following, a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine council. nate, so chief installs in books at nato defense ministers had agreed to send ukraine more defense systems. this, of course, comes on ukrainians. and many of the wisdom that, while i say is a critical time in ukraine, the country having faced in recent weeks and months, a huge escalation in miss all and drug and strikes by russian forces. russian with
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coal says that he doesn't deliberately target a civilian areas, but we know that many civilians being killed in these all, most unlikely attacks. and it has been literally billions of dollars worth of energy infrastructure destroyed in these attacks. let's have a listen to what the nights are chief had to say in our meeting today. mean this is also address many other pressing needs, including along the 55, meaning that the nation deep precision strikes the filters and drones us each and they do all our with the sides. what to provide silver outlaws made concrete commitments during the meeting on, on finalizing contributions that i expect will be announced soon. help is all the on the way. there was an emotional appeal by the ukranian president below them is zalinski during the meetings and it's key saying that western age at the moment you
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cry and was very limits. here is any point you it as an example to what's happened during the israel in recent days. he said the west had not left israel to find for itself during those attacks by a wrong. so the question is, is how long is it going to take these weapon systems and this munition to get here to ukraine? because along the front lines, the situation is being described by many analysts as being very critical indeed, all eyes now towards the us where we expect on saturday. finally, for the to be a vote in the house of representatives. the could well release that loan waited for $61000000000.00 worth of us 8 jobs profit. i'll just 0. keep shop right here, and i'll just say it right when we come back drug seizures. so in west africa would say is the, and this is tre, disputing finance. and so have region on states the
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of the now the recent, quite severe fun events. this is fairly present picture, very little tired left as mickey is still the same enough status driving that still producing rain of a watson has recently been flooded the areas, but there is nothing extreme now on this job. the big charles possibly in west and you have in might produce local flash flooding. they have done recently, but i think is unlikely that brings us coming to athens. mediterranean certainly is showing something, and in fact for west and took care of is done both southwards. that's a lot of rain coming your way during saturday, but for the most part it's an improving looking picture. there are a few showers around the windows pick up, and the potential for digital sounds don't exist in some of the rock of q 8. maybe on sunday, otherwise tempted to but they should be shut off. i'm particularly vicious anyway, or are released there is still water on the drive to the u. a and solving the wrong
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and pakistan on surprisingly, but it's not going to be top top. so that tropical africa, the shelves are produced. well, quite big results recently, and the full costs for you down to the if you, if you the housing some of the shows yet more cheryl re writing seasonal stuff. it's sporadic, but it's that are all the same sorts of over a sense of bond. the quad have to say there is some rain coming into something goes on big for look further west. nice and sunny of the o. well, it's a thread but who pays the price? when we came to clean up new orleans more than $1200.00 poor black people lost them nights, not a single rich american. less than like the real cost of the climate to emergency. the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as
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new series dying us off to the higher than the welcome back. you're watching out just a right click in mind about top stories here. this is 20 people out of an engine following up law, south of alarms capital bank, that in bundled permits, base, used by the iran bucks. popular mobilization forces was at the p. a method of choosing his right in the conduct of these 5 people have been killed in violence between is ready for some palestinian fighters and they all defied westbank. dozens of people have been arrested during his ready right in the north sam's refugee come . that's last at the hours of these 8 palestinians have been killed in his randy as
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price on a residential home lift up roof in southern cause hold on $1500000.00 to the ends internally displaced plaque as well as sheltering and rock the causes southern switching to the now with a 7 year long legal case against migrant rescue, as has ended with all charges being dropped. they've been accused of aging and legal migration. but active is called it an attempt by the authorities to stop aid workers and helping those at risk on the high seas. it doesn't get for reports, a case dismissed, accused of polluting with human traffickers, these and your workers, it faced 70 years of criminal charges. wiretapping and undercover investigations on friday, according cicely followed the prosecution, surprise request for the case to be thrown out to defend and say this is a victory and that saving lives is not a crime. today the court made it perfectly clear that i want him to mention it's
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even not a crime the only the duty, but also right. it's really began to crack down a migrant rescue missions back in 2016. at the height of the refugee crisis. police sees that you went to ship afterward rescued more than 14000 refugees in migrants in distress. the case which accused migrant workers of coordinating libyan smugglers lasted for years and cost more than $3000000.00. to be there, the 1st ship to be blocked into the cities. but after us, um they have a lot of other ships blocked and they find always new metro us to do this. it telling authorities have since band charities from performing several rescues in a row and often demand their ships. duckett, distant ports along the mediterranean, forcing cruise to decide between responding to distress calls or breaching the law . meanwhile, b u has outsourced parts of its border control,
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partnering with libyan coast guards sanctioned by the un for people trafficking and human rights violations. nearly 30000 people have died or gone missing in the last 10 years. according to the missing migrant project, on the greek island of less, both this cemetery pays tribute to those last it see a reminder of the perilous journey. thousands more taking if to some good food, all dra 0 or to europe and commission president s left on the lion. and as i choose russia with an icing migraines, she made the comments during a visit to finland's border with russia. finland shop, several checkpoints. last year, often the influx of and documented people from the middle east and africa across over through russia. on the lions and russia is taking aim at finland because it supports ukraine, enjoying native for us, and agreed to withdraw its troops on the west african country of new jack. last month, michigan has been a government announced it will end its agreement with the us describing the deal
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was founded on fed agenda support has came out on the streets. the mining us troops leave. washington operates a major drone bates in the night missionary and the city of audit is moved comes months of the elected leader was toppled by the administrative gin to has since initiated ministry ties with russia. even security counsellors held a meeting on the worst thing, humanitarian crisis, and so the hon. just over a year into the conflict between the army and the power ministry rapids support forces. but you and see minutes here and office emphasize the profound impact of the conflict on children when you are lost in trauma and cold and all parties to exercise maximum restraint and avoid further bloodshed. christian somebody has moved from new york. the official is attempted to redirect international attention towards the sudan, pass the conflict they are enters and the 2nd year the impact on civilians has been just devastating. and do you want officials warren,
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that the violence is now creeping closer to l faster? which is the capital of north are for the violent suppose is an extreme and immediate danger to the $800000.00 civilians who resides in as last year. and it risk triggering further violence in other parts of the 4 were more than 9000000 people are in dire need of a manager and assistance. so down the basset or to the united nations blames as people suffering on the recess and country supplying them with weapons. he pointed to the un report that found arms flowing from chad, interested the parties have been able to sustain their confrontation. it is no small part, thanks to the material support they receive from outside the sedan. these external actors continue to float the sanctions regime imposed by the council to support a political settlement, thereby fueling to conflict. this is illegal,
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it is immoral, and it must stop. meanwhile, more than half of the country's population, 25000000 people are in need of life saving assistance. in more than 8600000 have been forced to flee their homes. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations, the united nations office on drugs and crime, says drug trafficking is touring across these, the whole region field in conflict and instability, and send a goal. police of c, the largest drugs, hold on alarm route. i'll just say i was make less concrete thoughts from the sending of these comfortable deco. after 3 years in a crowded prison cell in downtown to carr, this man whom we're calling off made has become a shadow of his former self. the syria national was arrested for drug trafficking, a charge he denies. he says he was burnt by his girlfriend, meaning she used him to transit drugs through sending go without his knowledge. the judge found him innocent and ordered his release. but he says that the traffic of
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cocaine from latin american has, she's, for morocco, is on the rise. so me traffic hers are in jail about ball. there's a, there's so many nationalities in prisons, syrians, colombians, italians, french, moroccans, libyans, spaniards, old because of the international traffic of drugs. it's an extraordinarily well organized trade. on the most western point of africa facing the americas san diego has become a major transit point for drug traffickers, according to the un and drug enforcement agencies. in 2023, at least 6 tons of cocaine was seized with a street value of $420000000.00. that's double the budget of synagogues, ministry of education. the drugs were likely destined for europe, memories, and you've got an, it's called, the senegalese navy have is dozens of both the 2nd, but there are so many more that go undetected. this last monday customs officers discovered one ton of cocaine, hidden in the back of
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a truck on its way to neighboring molly, according to report from the un office on drugs and crimes, the drugs trade is funding armed groups linked to al qaeda and i so active in this how and fueling the conflict in order to process the hands, they would need to be effects on the specs would be what we now see of this i got so you know, at tech stuff you need to be to be able to go through. extensive parts of the territory, including throughout this i couldn't seem to also leave you on uh, you know, this could represent 2 percent. it was rivers and 5 percent. you could re percent 1.5 percent. but you said a huge volume of illegal illegal activity coming to this whole and also to the west africa. the elicit traffic of drugs has a human toll. time in jail has left ahmed, broken. he's in search of his former self. he says, he's just another casualty. of what appears to be an unstoppable and blooming trade . nicholas hawk, elda z, right,
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the car. the not millions of voters have cost that balance in india is 1st day of elections. voting will last more than 6 weeks pregnant. as an arranger, moody seeking a 35 year term, the indian government has failed to give these as to lounge. a 0 is correspondence to report the story. that's what we're covering the election from outside the country. i'm home and reference. both of the world's largest election, i'll start the costing the abundance, nearly a 1000000000 people will have their seat in the next 6 weeks in the fall of the 7 face process which started on friday, 106. the 6000000 indians registered to take part and so many of them the economy. unluckily jobs are the main issues. yeah. the i see that the but the price rises should be controlled, and women and girls shoes feel safe children in school should have job
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opportunities, wants to finish college. thousands of security offices have been deployed across the country to ensure a smooth the elections, but voting in some areas of money. poor state capital, the northeast will stop after allegations of people. glad it is that this became winning close, similar to that of the army and the police. when they went inside a guest or votes, we protested and broke the voting machine. oh, they have stolen our right to the run up to the boat was much better. li, just mentioned in some regions of the country on some boat is hoping to post will bring people closer to me on the board. on the 1st thing i came to vote for us to have a country without any religious does harmony in tell me to not do were altogether conduce muslims, christians for the congress, probably b g piece that under moody seeking effect. um, he's going up against an oppositional collision made up of $26.00 parties, the accusing of cracking done on the same on silence in critics accusation. he's
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about to do nice democracy and the constitution. these were the type in the country by the pgp. i'd be, have proved, if the game in the country in the last 10 years of the government vote this we've continued to pass the bundle until the june 1st and the results due to be announced 3 days later. hands and i just needed just a reminder from that report with the indian government has not granted visas. down to 0 is john left. so it's covering the election from outside the country. its employees at volkswagen factory and tennessee have voted overwhelmingly to unionize . the united auto workers union receive 73 percent of con workers pallets. it's seen as a major victory for organized labor in america, south region that's along resisted unionization. she have a time. she has more from washington dc. united older workers attempted to unionize the volkswagen childs
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a new go plug twice before and failed. but this time it was in a landslide and it's an historic moment the 1st time on auto pounds in the south as .


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