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tv   Dying Earth After The Hurricane  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 7:30am-8:00am AST

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the accusing of cracking down on the st. silence, and critics accusation. he's about to do nice democracy. and the constitution is for the type in the country by that the j be i'd be, have proved if the game in the country in the last 10 years of the government's vote. this we've continued to pass the bundle until june fos, the results due to be announced 3 days later. hands and i just needed. just a reminder from that report of the indian government has not granted visas to onto zeros journalist. so if covering the election from outside the country, the employees at volkswagen factory and tennessee have voted overwhelmingly to unionize. the united auto workers union receive 73 percent of con workers pallets. it's seen as a major victory for organized labor in america, south region that's along resisted unionization. she have a time, she has more from washington dc. united older workers attempted to unionize the volkswagen childs a new go plug twice before and failed. but this time it was in
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a landslide and it's an historic moment. the 1st time an auto pounds in the south is voted to unionize. since the 1940s, whereas the big free order and make is in the us, are unionized international companies have taken as volunteers as life spread their operations in the us of the laws in the southern united states passed by politicians hostile to unions who have made it very attractive to join a union. what might have discouraged? joining a union, but things have been changing as workers in the south of seen, the benefits of the u. a. w is brought to the workers, the older workers in the north, particularly off to the recent round of strikes, m d u a w. now says this is just going to be the beginning. mercedes, and highland and alabama will be next. they're gonna start campaigns to try and get you those coupons, unionized and then toyota in missouri and i will coming up next. according to the
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you a w. springing off this victory. she ever time. see elder 0, washington. the officials in indonesia remain on the high alert as a volcano continues to spit out clouds of ash, reaching 1200 meters high. the mound rung volcano on a remote island in north and away z 1st, erupt it on wednesday, forcing thousands of people to evacuate. officials, while he, the fault of the volcano, could collapse into the sea. of course i synonymy and emergency cruise one that more people could be told to move an international land portion mountain. no city less than a 100 kilometers from non prolong remains closed. that's it from the diamond jordan . so now the news continues here, after dying us off to the hurricane state. you have done some watching by the these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of co bleaching in the
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great barrier reef. bleaching occurs by movement ocean temperatures and pollution. first call to expel the algae to get the color range of color at extreme or intake wise over an extended period of time means some structures to been severely damaged . scientists have declared 2020 full mass bleaching events. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world, or the last 12 months, warming se, surface temperatures have caused bleaching events in the northern hemisphere and the engineer conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist, jody rama, says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest cro system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves, and it's just not getting it the,
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the, the, the, the money down because if i type issues and i try to vote, but they should have written it down because the product that is on the need at the time the, the tech is over to the zone live in
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a condo. so i'm assuming that the . ready the the know that the for know the houses all that had been counted bardy but didn't it the saw that the we have no cross the threshold into human into slammed change. we knew this sort of a long times. they told us what was happening, but not all humans are deeply response for people you met, but the image very,
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very true. they are not the ones who are causing the problem. the daughter would not go to the the the . ready the really good now i'm trying to save was and i made it very much. as i said
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feeling insight though i sure what day is it right. well, it's a good to have in the water and got my glasses here. mm. okay, let's just hit about the right elevation for, for this right altitude. good. yeah,
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we're remo. just bought you 1000. yeah. this and i think this is like perfect. so easy and a is one of the united states is largest greenhouse gas meeting states. the many people here or to climate change. so in addition to being a place that's vulnerable to climate change, it's also an area that contributes to it. until the 1990s, the united states was responsible for 40 percent of the pollution that was already in the atmosphere. and now china has overtaken the united states in total emissions but per capita we, we still are bigger polluters, a lot of water. so look out over here, you're seeing
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a lot of holes of water. a lot of this was land a 100 years ago. that's a lot of resistance. changes to the course of the mississippi river is climate change. an intense storm that, that a road in the area, the dan, look you just can you take off, you can see those canals. the, those long straight lines. those are canals that were cut in the mars. those are yeah, those are canals that have been cut in the bars for, for oil and gas exploration. the state is lost over nearly 5000 square kilometers worth of land over over the last 100 years. even under the more optimistic scenario that will be. well, over a 1000 square kilometers worth of land over the next 50 years. so we're looking at a landscape that is going to remain risking and is going to probably become riskier
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as a place to live in the me got you to see the cadillac i am from watkins parents, louisiana. they are all my life. it's a beautiful place to live, but it's a community that struggle and hold on to its roots because of sea level rise close by, you know, the climate change and different things. but mostly we're going out to see like to type panic. it's really down. we go
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from you're looking at the whole town. i am the town. there's only one person living in it to me like most parents was rich. i'll say they whereas the rich state independent of ash because on gas, look at the consequences. we take a look at our environment. it's a battle because you constantly fighting the storm search from hurricane and it wouldn't be for that. i think everything would be good. i've been fighting hurricanes since hurricane betsy. that was in 65. i was then i had hurricane camille and 1969. her came on and 85. then i lost everything. was one story. the
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just amazing street. this came up me came all the way up to the window of the house. we looked like we were sitting in the middle of a river. katrina totally changed the geographics apartments parish for ever as far as people and just every single way of life. the patients from nursing, from hospitals waiting for planes to take them. well, they simply don't know i've never seen anything like this before. it's everyone's doing the best that they can. but thousands are still corrode. here
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at the cities sports arena, the super done, the even countries like the united states with for example, when i read can katrina hit new orleans in the united states some years ago. not a single ritual middle class. the white americans lost their lives. the we're dealing with one of the largest relief efforts in our nation's history and the federal government role play or 1st priority of course, has the same life. more than 1200 for black people living in the 9th lot of new orleans lost their lights in the richest country in the world. when they saw the hurricane coming, they did not receive the poor people, the
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6 bodies in a wheel chair, the land on a floor by the way. and then there's this guy right here this year. with more money. always have more options when it comes to to everything. climate really and whether or not you can evacuate is an economic justice issue because you have to put gas in your tank to leave. you have to, you know, get a hotel room somewhere else. people with more money have more options to leave when they give a mandatory evacuation. that's what it is. take what you need. know because nobody wants to come save. you the it was totally devastated by katrina and it was
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a ground 0 the can look, every genette there is looking for coffins and tubes. i got a brand new able to drive to also do it. and then when he was in a boat, it was total devastation because they had just debris everywhere. a tried job and, and that's when you know you're a good drama so you can get through that the after katrina, the cemetery was a man had tuned all over. he didn't know who was his and i work and a half a month trying to put people back in to see me at the store when they come in,
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they talk no mercy on. not even a cemetery the the devastation that that parish stuff. it's the katrina was monumental to its people and communities as far as just wiping out everything just picked you to very quiet. no electricity, nothing. just total silence. the we don't have a community anymore. the church has to be packed a good alternative up. that's all caused from the environmental changes that have occurred. it caused people to move and didn't want to come back and do
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to go to church and you know, i'm only white women in a church. that's crazy. even if you look at the rich countries which are now being impact about climate change, almost invariably the most vulnerable of people who are suffering now are poor people. in the us, for example, this one is which is the, comes in the world and yet 25 percent of the population live in substandard housing . but it's important to understand that's a, that's climate change is an issue that a shot through is any policy in multiple respects. and we see it in class terms. first and foremost, i guess the most obvious way we know that it's the rich us that are overwhelming and responsible for, for accessing missions. and so there is a very big disparity amongst who causes the problem and who suffers the consequences they feel abandon,
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most of them. she's not fit the depression sets in. you need help. some people need help. so we really have to have a very good place the you know, was the state realized that our cost of land loss was really getting serious? it started pause and we start rebuilding some of those areas that last last they came up with a master plan. one of the projects in the master plan is to rebuild the coast by partially diverting the flow of the mississippi river.
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that one brings a lot of settlement engine landscape and it would bring a lot of fresh water into the landscape. settlement is how you build land and fresh water carries nutrients. it can push salt water out to see if the plan is fully implemented. you're looking at several 100 square miles worth of land that that would have otherwise been this. and it will reduce fund risk over the life of the project. but every year, by several $1000000000.00, the we don't have a say. so in the states messed boy. but it's affecting the people of clackamas parish. and some of them don't like it. a settlement is also can clogged up the gills of oysters. a settlement can bury and we store
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the grandfather, arrived here in 19 o. you heard about the hardworking oysters life in clackamas parish, louisiana. they came from a very poor country. he didn't have much money. in around 1920, he built him with champ where he got his 1st voice to lease back at the time was just a wild wilderness basically no levies to protect your homes from the river and stuff . but you didn't really need it back them because the land was low higher. the, this diversion is, is a bad deal. the basically opened the river 25 miles north of here,
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and just let the water uncontrollably flood into a crime for steam estuary, best balancing sea food, moisture stripe crabs. we knew back 10 and we know it even more now. the devastating effect this is going to have the waste just can't. the so healthy living oyster re creates a healthy living coast. you kill off the oysters. you kill off the coast. we all the canary in the mind. this one mass to mass, a beast is going to flow tremendous amounts of water. and it's going to take millions of gallons of water to move houses, a settlement. and it's not going to work. and the process is going to kill off all of us. that's
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a good sign. great. so that's what we're looking for. that's the future idea. you know, we gotta keep the water, right. everything's gotta stay right for that to try. but i'm gonna have to try one of these website people needs to be the plus sign is a for generation always to the former. they don't have a future here. this thing becomes, comes to like the families in this business for a 120 years. approximately it's, it's all we've ever done as oliver wanted to do a plan on doing this for the rest of my life. now, i don't know. it's easy to say, oh, i'll just go to do something else, but there's not a lot of other opportunity here. the
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you realize how many people are employed outside the coast throughout the country. once some of the sea food that we produce here in a bad area base, that's going to be totally in isolated. we beg, please, let's come up with an ultimate plan. because this is going to destroy, not only our livelihoods, but our way of life, our culture mother nature always wins. so we always are at her mercy. and we just have to sit back, let us half, and then try. yeah, the, there's no necessary contradiction between social object as i like the logical objectives they can and must be accomplished at the same time, we have more than enough energy and resources to ensure a good, less for all,
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several times over the i think the global system is broke and therefore a broken system does not solve itself. we're going to have to find new ways. we do not need fossil fuels anymore. it's people knowing what to do, behaving consciously do the right things. that will help us solve this problem. not by ignoring everybody else, i'm looking after one, so there's a false expectation, particularly among rich people, that they can survive everything. even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate change and they're going to have to deal with it. so fish behaviors, what got us into this problem association behavior will not get us out of this problem the
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which hard because the scientist tides studies sea level rise and i work at a place that's vulnerable to sea level rise and it's, and it's hard for percentage to it does in south louisiana parishes last to 4 percent of the population over the last 2 years. that means one in 25 people in several south louisiana parish has moved out of the account. the schools are closing and if you lose the, the student age population, you're losing the next generation. people that are being born today are going to spend most, if not all of their lines in
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a world that is warmer than the one that their grand parents grew up in. the question that facing us is not. yes, that will happen. but how many people will be impacted, and how many people will suffer? the lot of people from new orleans and i used to have so many friends. i had so much fun cooking dinners, having people over we're going delta. i had plenty ducks, you know, but through the use all that sort of general in a way as we lost environment from storms, we don't have
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a place to gather anymore. the whole environment's totally different. 2 2 2 2 the, you know, i consider myself, well, i do, everybody thinks i'm rich, but i'm not the, that's the environment is, is it's do everybody's life. it's not just my life. it's everybody's like around the world, the environment changes your life changes. that's a true fact. the around the world, it seems natural disasters and become a frequent part of life, from floods to droughts and fires is not like comedy here about extreme whether or destroying infrastructure and most importantly people's lives. the united nation says more natural disasters are coming due to climate change. so is there a need to establish an international agency that specifically deals with such
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events? and would that help to level the playing field with disasters? can we get out of the site? the partners mazda were selling me, i'll say they go really the same, the line, you know, to the end, i'm going to be very due to the devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city,
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it's unbelievable desperation then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change in a rapidly sinking country. we have the problem to be the rest of the work in the habit tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life. before land is one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools. india is general election. will administer now render moody's be taking increase it truly across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment swain focused in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage. but in the selections on out is the era. the legal goal is threatening the survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna, monique people, the forest and the planets ecosystem. with a counter offensive is underway. as the tribal chiefs had to your gold clubs,
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the corridors of power. not to seek help, but the demand, the world heed the warnings of its indigenous people. holding up the sky, a witness documentary on the jersey to the explosion that a base and a rock used by the permanent recruit, the popular level i station forces at least 20 people who are in the loans are in jordan. this is all just a run life and said some of these 5 people are killed in the off by the west fund during finance, between his really forces understanding and finance people have been killed by and his randy as probably.


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