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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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as a recent crisis and the realization things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residence to the brain from around the world, people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual, to come together to share what they feel they have the that explosion that the military base and their rock that houses pro rainy and i'm groups the us denies any responsive and it's the other one down. jordan, this is all just a run life. and so that's coming up. it's right. the rates and the all divided westbank. i'm going for a 2nd straight day. so far, 5 people have been president brought them in savanski or just nato to speed up. it's been a $38.00 and says it must decide if it's ukraine's and victimized for setting
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refugees and migraines authorities and fits and they drop whole charges against the crews of 3 rescue ships. the at least 20 people have been injured down to a large explosion in iraq could happen south of the capital bank that in the bundle province. a lot of the a bass seems by the run back to popular mobilization of forces was hate. the group is accusing israel, conducting the attack. the us says it was behind the strikes. i'll just say i was mock. what i'm doing while head is following developments from the rocky capital budget indiscriminate that is how iraq support for the mobilization units describe a, the attack cap on the hours of the sets of the day, which started the locations in it can call. so a notice of the, at
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a province of babylon is out of the rocky capital about the dead and injured and get a number of people including get admitted to individuals with the popular mobilization units. and you're lucky, so just as well as civilians who were in the vicinity of the ministry sites with when it was attacked. now, o, the thing goes here, are pointed towards that is what and forgetting go that attacked it over the mobile decision units. commodities have valid suited to the 8. in fact, they have a posted that they have cut it out a drone attack and told of what they consider a vital target in the z e city of the you that the site and the retaliation of the attack. i guess the locations in babylon province and also in the rotation of is ready to submit it to the campaign against of us. but the height is 0. but of that, which allison is a non resident seen
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a fellow at the atlantic council. he says best to not enough information to know for sure who was behind the bloss. so the 1st thing we have to say is that it's hard based on the videos that have come out on social media to do forensic analysis of a precise nature. so to know exactly whether it was an air strike, for instance, uh and what sort of ordinance was use was it a drawn, wasn't an aircraft. there's also possibilities of sabotage and explosion to the base culture to the nearest country and above your province is in a predominantly shi uh, area. so we wouldn't expect that this would have been, for instance, is womic state or something if it is confirmed that it was an aircraft that raises the question american or is really or some other short? i think it unlikely that would be american because the by the administration has been trying to tamp down on regional tensions and so carefully. choreographing limits on the exchange is a fire directly between the iranians and those rallies that we've seen yet. this
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attack would be more in line with what is real has done below the threshold of direct attacks on the wrong originally they've attack iranian back, malicious frequently and kind of continuously in syria interact less so. but this may be another message to iran saying if you're going to use his malott, potentially, or a mazda is proxies to attack us. we will attack your proxies. interact in syria. the israel's bombing campaign continues across the gaza strip. several homes were destroyed off to announce try kit, a residential area, north of the, in the state of the refugee camp. that's in the central garza and many casualties have been reported off to an attack on a neighborhood in hong eunice in the southern part of the strip of honey mac mood joins us live down from a roof in southern gaza. honey, so just bring us up to date 1st with the latest on the strikes on rough or where you are, or the
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yes, well as of last night at about midnight, extended all the way to early hours of this morning, a surgeon days, really ears trice across the rough i city, including the eastern part of the city, that's a fill out neighborhood, a densely populated area with so many displaced. families residing digging shoulders and residential homes intensive the federal be either in the streets or any pocket of land, including the western part of the city. got specialist hold on air where the vast majority of display families have been. so things in that area since the beginning of this wars and since the expansion of the ground invasion in one is the central area. but we're looking at a total number of please 10 people that being killed 9 and i fell asleep on area. that's what's in the city where it's really attacked in an apartment. the cause not only destruction due to this targeted apartment, but also the facilities, the area causing further civilian casualties and shocking level of destruction. and
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probably further in turn of displacement to people who are in the building at the vicinity of the, of the building that was targeted also in the eastern part of river city. the initial reports that there were no casualties, but then half an hour later we, we learned from the hospital and the one woman was killed. i'm freshman to the hospital. a couple of children who were injured on other givers in the vicinity of the area. but again, in the after now causing internal displacement for people who are being moving from one place to another. leading the heart of these funds for the past 6 months. the situations in brooklyn are increasingly getting very, very dangerous, very risky and lots of the growing the threats of expanding the ground and vision. what needs to be clear here is the fact that since the beginning of this for the initial week of the, of this genocide, the more of a has been in major sights of relentless fear attacked by these really military. not only, it's not only because of the threats that we're seeing this search of their
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thoughts. in fact, many people are being killed within the past. 6 months of due to the, the aggressive barrier strikes across the city with or the eastern part, the central part of the city or the evacuation zone. that's a lot feedback engines on part of robot, in the western part of the city on honey. as we've been reporting, they've also been a tax on hon. eunice on the say that tell us what's been happening to me. well, this is part of the, the confusing is really narrative where it is really military announced that it had completed the operations in the central area, emilio and then the rest of the accounts, or within the past 2 weeks, where there was a statement talking about with complete withdrawal from han eunice in the operations the yet to receive a tax continued to pound across these 2 areas in a new, fresh attacks of unless i that refuge account that was under heavy military. i every strides within the past for almost 5 days, the causing,
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gets regulars of destruction to all means of life and eliminates you know, social services. so more residential buildings are being targeted and more public facilities are destroyed or severely damaged. to the point, it turns the entire area into on uninhabitable area for people to go back and, and positively try to find any signs of life and hon. you and as the reports that we're getting right now, the targeted area is a residential the block in a last week evacuations on march. the back is origins on is an area that's been designated by this really military as a safe zone for people to evacuate. and to move in order to this stuff wouldn't be involved in the large or dogs and cities. but what's really tragic about this is not a safe zone anymore. it has been targeted repeatedly in the past tense, more residential building. we're started, we're still waiting for confirmation on the number of casualties that will be coming up within the coming hours. all right, honey. my mood life. i say in
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a rough in southern gaza, how do you thank you is what is there any raids and they optimized westbank the ongoing for 2nd day, at least 5 people have been killed during the operation in the city of to cut them on thousands upon his demands were arrested at the north, shines refugee count. it's ready for it is also rated several homes and use both as is to destroy houses, shops and other critical infrastructure. i'll just say i was homeless salute isn't occupied east jerusalem. and as move on the race. when nearly 2 days later, these really are me still operating in the notice. sions, refugee camp, at least 5 palestinians that have been killed thus far. after nearly 60 military vehicles and bulldozer went in to read the camp around 40 hours ago would be is really army maintains that they are trying to crack down on arms, palestinian resistance across the occupied territory. and so we've got him, in particular, has been one of the focus cities where they have been operating. and since october, the 7th, you're looking at at least 473 palestinians who's been killed 8300 others who been
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arrested and nearly 5000 others who had been wounded in these raids in 2, we've got him specifically in notice shelves, residents are saying that this is all the worst damage they have seen in decades, and one of the targets of this rate was a man called up, which is yeah, he was the reader of one of these to cut in battalions. and these really army, apparently that that is not their only target as they are still operating hours later, after his death have the central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. tensions between iran and israel dominated the final day of discussions at the g 7 summit. and it's a foreign ministers code for de escalation while threatening further sanctions against iran. don't gaza. they won't against a full scale the military offensive and rough. uh, i'll just say it was during a whole wraps up developments from the autonomy an island of country as often as
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rail struck targets in a round early on friday there was little chance of business as usual among the 7 foreign ministers. their host on the island of capri confirming the us had received prior warning from israel in order to establish and format the i think it's already known. the us was informed at the last minute, but there was no sharing by the us. it was media information, were much secretary of state antony lincoln refused to be drawn on the details. i'm going to be incredibly boring and not make your day by saying again, i'm not going to speak to what's been reported other than to say that the united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. setting out the main points of the final communique, he said the g 7 was more united than ever in working to de escalate tensions in the middle east. we're committed his real security. we're also committed to de escalate
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to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. so you saw as well, or you'll see soon and the g 7 statement a commitment to hold or on to account, to account for it's the stabilizing activities, holding into account by a degrading it's missile and drone capabilities. it's n a d like location in with d, 7 foreign ministers confronted a see of problems from iran and israel to gaza. ukraine to the in the pacific. the middle east dominated, of course, with ministers repeating the mantra of de escalation to be followed. they said by renewed efforts towards the si fi in garza, as they were critical of israel's failure to allow the full flow of aid into gaza. talk 2nd, margaret. yes. as the g 7 the underlying what? my colleague, david cumberland and i need clean jewels and am on wednesday despite recognizable initial steps towards more human savvy and 8. this is not enough to is ready to
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call them and have a duty to help. and then he may tell you and suffering of. so many people and especially to the children and garza and the big signs that israel is still planning a large scale incursion into rough in the south of the gaza strip. the gym and foreign minister echoed secretary blinking, restating their objection with up to 1400000 people sheltering there. they said it would lead to catastrophic consequences. during the whole elder 0 country, the president brought them is an ascii as us western allies. a more ad depends system, the account, the russian aggression. he's challenging that to prove that it's an ally of keys by stepping up ministry support. fortune must be brought down to us, and our sky mazda becomes safe again, and it sees the real, and it depends fully on your choice. choice
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whether life is indeed equally valuable everywhere. choice whether you have equal attitude to old partners, joyce, well, that we indeed are allies to 0 strong stratford has moved from caves, the following, a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine council. nate, so chief in stilton books at nato. defense ministers had agreed to send ukraine more defense systems. this, of course, comes with ukrainians. and many of the wisdom allies say is a critical time in ukraine, the country having faced in recent weeks and months, a huge escalation in miss all and drug and strikes by russian forces. russian with coal says that he doesn't deliberately target civilian areas, but we know that many civilians being killed in these all, most unlikely attacks. and it has been literally billions of dollars worth of energy infrastructure destroyed in these attacks. but somebody sends to what the nights are chief had to say, you know,
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meeting today. mean this is also address many over pressing needs, including along the 55, meaning that the nation deep precision strikes the filters on drones, us each and they do all our with the sides. what to provide silver outlaws made concrete commitments during the meeting on, on finalizing contributions that i expect will be announced soon. help is all the on the way. there was an emotional appeal by the ukranian president below them is zalinski during the meetings and it's key saying that western age at the moment you cry and was very limited. any point you it as an example to what's happened during the israel in recent days. he said, the west had not left israel to find for itself during those attacks by a wrong. the big question is, is how long is it going to take these weapon systems and this munition to get here
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to ukraine? because along the front lines, the situation is being described by many analysts as being very critical indeed lies now towards the us where we expect on saturday. finally, for the to be a vote in the house of representatives. the could well release that long waited for 61000000000 dollars worth of us a child stuff without a 0 q while the us house of representatives has pushed forward with that fine. a package of $95000000000.00 including funds for ukraine, the clearing of the procedural hurdle involved the recommendation that will make us from both sides of the political divide. the package also includes a israel and tie one stuff. i saw a break here and i'll just say it right when we come back to join or not to join the union volkswagen workers in the us vote. i'm not historical appraisal with explain what it means for the future. i'm on the
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i go to goes to the polls on april, the 21st to book to a new plan to come back. criminal gang, and find toby. nice crime. can president daniel nibble and convinced ecuadorian to approve the constitutional to expand the lease and military power? follow the story one now to sierra. this is the 1st genocide that we see in feel. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening most covers hub in use is covered under contract reporting exclusive stories, explosive results, pouches, era investigations, critical debate, postage farmers are excellent. people of starving. and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the
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security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians with the often in the highest level they've been using games for this policy. let me cut out of the service to implement aid and course the rivals inside story. on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about you watching out just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this all at least 20 people have been injured following an attack on a new rocky miniature base and bond with products south of a capital. but the base is used by the iran thought to corporate immobilization
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forces group as acute is right. is ready rate in the off by the west bank has been ongoing more than 50 hours after it began at least 5 feet within killed city, up to cover and dozens of honest demands of interest as of the north shams refugee camp buildings destroy. now the us has agreed to withdraw its troops on the west african country of new shape. last month's mission has miniature government announced little and disagreement with the us. just finding the do as profoundly unfair magenta. suppose this came out on the streets demanded us troops, leading washington operates a major drunk base and then a share in the city of events and has around a 1000 troops in the country. the move comes months off to elect to lead. it was toppled by the ministry agenda has since initiated, military ties with russia. united nations office on drugs and crime, says drug trafficking, a sewing across the side of region, field in conflict and instability, and send
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a goal. police of sees the largest drug sold on the land route. nicholas og reports from assembly is capital dot com is after 3 years in a crowded prison cell in downtown to carr, this man whom we're calling off made has become a shadow of his former self. the syrian national was arrested for drug trafficking, a charge he denies. he says he was burnt by his girlfriend, meaning she used him to transit drugs through spending go without his knowledge. the judge found him innocent and ordered his release. but he says that the traffic of cocaine from latin american has, she's, from morocco, is on the rise. so me traffic hers are in jail about both of those are. there are so many nationalities in prisons, syrians, colombians, italians, french, moroccans, libyans, spaniards, all because of the international traffic of drugs. it's an extraordinarily well organized trade. on the most western point of africa facing the americas san diego has become
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a major transit point for drug traffickers. according to the u. n. n drug enforcement agencies. in 2023, at least 6 tons of cocaine was seized with the st value of $420000000.00. that's doubled the budget of synagogues ministry of education. the drugs were likely destined for europe, memories, and he got me to call the center please, maybe have his dozens of boats assignment, but there are so many more that go undetected. last monday customs officers discovered one ton of cocaine, hidden in the back of a truck on its way to neighboring molly, according to report from the un office on drugs and crimes, the drugs trade is funding arm groups linked to al qaeda and i so active in this how and fueling the conflict in order to process, how can they would need to be effects on the specs would be what we now see of this i got so, or you know, at tech stuff, you need to be to be able to go through. extensive parts of the territory including throughout this i couldn't seem to also leave you on. uh, you know,
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this could represent 2 percent. it was rivers and 5 percent. you could 3 percent 1.5 percent, but the session suits volume. often they got the legal activity coming to this whole and also to the west africa. the elicit traffic of drugs has a human toll timing. jail has left ahmed, broken. he's in search of his former self. he says he's just another casualty of what appears to be an unstoppable and blooming trade. nicholas hawk out as he wrecked the car to it's an e mail where a 7 year long legal case against migrant rescue is, has ended with all charges being trumped. they've been accused of ating legal migration, but active as cool that an attempt by the all far it is to stop aid workers from helping those at risk on the high seas. it was, i'm getting fed reports a case dismissed, accused of polluting with human traffickers. these and your workers, if faith,
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70 years of criminal charges while you're tapping and under cover investigations. on friday, according cicely followed the prosecution, surprise request for the case to be thrown out to defend and say this is a victory. and that saving lives is not a crime. today the court made it perfectly clear that our intervention. it's even not a crime the only the duty but also right. it's a lead began to crack down a migrant rescue missions back in 2016. at the height of the refugee crisis, police sees the event to ship after rescued more than $14000.00 refugees and migrants in distress. the case which accused migrant workers of coordinating libyan smugglers lasted for years and cost more than $3000000.00. to be there. the 1st ship to be blocked into the series. but after us, um, a lot of other ships blocked and of this trying to always new metal us to do this.
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it telling authorities have since band charities from performing several rescues in a row and often demand their ships docked at distant ports along the mediterranean, forcing cruise to decide between responding to distress calls or breaching the law . meanwhile, the e u has outsourced parts of its border control, partnering with libyan coast guards sanctioned by the un for people trafficking and human rights violations. nearly 30000 people have died or gone missing in the last 10 years. according to the missing migrant, it's project on the greek island of less, both this cemetery pays tribute to those last it see a reminder of the perilous journey. thousands more taking. if just i'm getting food, all jersey or heavy rains of killed more than a 100 people in both afghanistan and pakistan and not injured many more. doesn't widespread damage to homes and infrastructure in both countries. i'm 0 is come all high to reports from pakistan. capital is lemma,
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but the heavy rains have left a trail of destruction and both of one is done and focused on and focused on the worst effected area that goes to the ground based of below. just on logos complain they haven't received no help so far. but us on that somebody much idea of the reins of re habit, but the provincial does off the doroty is nowhere to be found. man, i got it. this is my home which is flooded with water. but for the last 3 days, no one has come to have money on their sides. the loss of life is swept away roads and damaged property and farm lands, the weather department and warning of more heavy rain, 400 and his strong across the country. and said the system where the board, if city are 3 under the end of the month. although the clean up work is underway
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and the not targeted and focused on a basing for more landslide river, levered zip code and you are targeted that i've seen people do it work trevon identity situations. deborah light, they come all i there. i just need all, it's not my by that as well as may not position and collection has agreed to unite behind, form a different lot, edmondo gonzalez, he would run against president nicholas. my bureau in july is election gonzalez replacing the deal positions original candidates matter. yeah, colleen and much out of state comptroller's office band half in the holding public office for 15 years. but the roads going to choose of tracking down on the opposition. i had the phone. this will cause it a volkswagen plant in the southern us state of tennessee have voted to unionize. the employees voted by 73 percent margin in favor of joining the united auto workers union. the workers decision defies on historic trends in the southern part of the us. i find automakers have benefited from time to union noise shepherd towns
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he has more now from washington dc. united older workers attempted to unionize the volkswagen chattanooga plug twice before and failed. but this time it was in a landslide and it's an historic moment. the 1st time an auto pounds in the south has voted to unionize. since the 1940s, whereas the big free ordinary makers in the us are unionized international companies have taken as volunteers as life spread their operations in the us of the laws in the southern united states passed by politicians hostile to unions who have made it very attractive to join a union element of discouraged joining a union, but things have been changing as workers in the south of seen, the benefits of the u. a. w is brought to the workers, the older workers in the north, particularly off to the recent round of strikes. m d u a w now says this is just going to be the beginning, mercedes and highland and alabama will be next. they're gonna start campaigns to try and get you those coupons,
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unionized and then toyota in missouri and i will coming up next according to the you a w springing off this victory. she ever time see out a 0 washington with allstate for me down enjoying the weather is next and inside story will next. i'm in israel, the latest strikes on the rock state you. thanks for watching the the now the recent, quite severe fun events. this is fairly present picture, very little tired, less mickey is still simon. that status driving that still producing rain of a watson has recently been flooded areas, but there is nothing extreme now on this job. the big challenge possibly in west and you have in might produce local flash flooding. they have done recently, but i think is unlikely that brings us coming as an administrative certainly is
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showing something. and in fact for west and total care is done both southwards. that's a lot of rain coming your way during saturday, but for the most part, it's an improving looking picture. there are a few shells around the windows pick up, and the potential for decimal sandstone exists and solving the rock of q 8, maybe on sunday. otherwise, temperance really should be shut off on particularly vicious, anyway, or are released there is still water on the drive to the u. a and suddenly wrong and pakistan on surprisingly, but it's not going to be topped out. so at tropical africa, the shelves are produced. well, quite big results recently and the full costs, so you've gone to the if you, if you and has even some of the shows yet more cheryl re writing seasonal stuff. it's sporadic. but it's that all the same size of old way since you brought the call, i'd have to say there is some rain coming into something goes on big for look further west. nice and sunny of the it's been
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a full for an a progressive change. the locks in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i've come to one to 2 young women who have taken different routes to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generation change as a whole series attempt to understand and talents. the idea is that mobilize youth around the world generation change on al jazeera yvonne shoots down is really drawn from the latest consultation. global calls for the strains, both east and west, via for the more conflict could move for the region and the world. so what's the 2nd thing in yvonne and israel and what's next? this is inside story. the


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