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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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1st taken different rates to establish grace of freedom and equality. welcome to generations haines political series attempts to understand and talents the ideas that move like youth around the world. generation change on al jazeera yvonne shoots down is really drawn from the latest consultation. global calls for the strains, both east and west, via for the more conflict could mean for the region and the world. so what's the 2nd thing in yvonne and israel and what's next? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on them. yvonne and israel have for to warn the shadows for years despise as well, never in missing it's part. but both sides now appear to have target at each other
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directly. what was the remote possibility just a year ago as now of reality? with the side striking at each other from the soil world leaders, according on his riley and devante and officials to de escalate the situation faring a region already the stabilize by as well as one gauze that will be driven further into chaos. so where is this leading? what are the views in each country and in the us, israel's chief allies on supplier? we'll get to i guess, to the moment. but for us this report from image and kinda 3 drawings shot done by runs defense systems. slowing over is behind provence facilities, which are part of a bronze nuclear program located the, including an underground enrichment site in the city in a tonnes. you called us nigel. i'm done 2 or 3 hours earlier at midnight. sounds were heard and it's a hands sky. based on the information we acquired, several small drawings were flying in the sky,
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which will side us until this moment. it's a hands on a thirty's, haven't given us any information. no casualties of damage have been reported to us and you get a regulatory body. the i a, a just confirm that you could have facilities would not hit the latest developments for the launch by wrong 300 drawings and missiles and its 1st ever direct attack on these ro, most intercepted by israel and it's on ice. the attack was in retaliation for these really bowman of the reigning coincident building in damascus. earlier this month to generals with the rainy and revolution, we got for him on 7 people code i knew about israel has so far remain silent on responsibility for that. i'm not trying to tackle any wrong, but responding to close for restraint from the visiting british and german 4 administered on wednesday, 5 minutes the nets and yahoo reserved the right to act doppler thought too long. i want to make it clear that we will make our own decisions and the state to be as
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well. we'll do everything necessary to defend itself. it was the us that confirmed the drug and attack is carried out by israel saying the board and administration was wound on 1st day and attack was imminent, but were showed that iran deep facilities would not be damaged. let me simply 1st of all, repeat what our focus has been and what it remains to the escalation avoiding conflicts and so yes. calling on all concerned to exercise restraint. that's what we've been doing over the last couple of weeks and as necessary. that's what we'll continue to do. the danger of rudy volatile situation? worsening is butch, the united, the rest of the world, the us, china, russia. i'm the you for one speaking almost as one, hoping that tensions with ease. we have to do all everything possible that all sides refrain from the escalation in that region. it is absolutely necessary that
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the region states stable and that all sides refrain from further action. critics, if these ready prime minister, so the flare up with a wrong helps deflect attention away from his genocide a warrant garza, while the risk of military conflict between enrolling and israel persist, fees remain of the humanitarian and economic consequences. such a confrontation, not just for the region, but for the wide world imaging kimber, which is 0, the inside story that spring and i guess now input on my home and that on the dean of faculty of world studies at the university of fed on instead of eve gideon levy economist for the hearts newspaper and in london, roxanne 5 miller for mind, professor of modern, middle east politics at the university of cambridge, a very warm welcome to all of you, mr. levy. i'll start with you in tennessee. what was, as well as message to yvonne with these attacks,
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the message was quite clear. we can, we might, but for the time being really stream. and then the side thing cause a very general message. it's very rare that they can say in some good of all these really policy. but this is one of the moments in which at least they didn't go wides and did something very, very measure. and i know that by this we are contributing this vicious circle until the next one, a mis 5 months of mind. israel's national security minister at the my bank via tweeted after the attack, just one would feeble. what does this tell us about the internal politics and as well right now, and who's in charge? well, i think we have normally seen that the israelis have tended to hit back very hard if they are head, it's part of the policy that goes all the back way back to ben green. and i think we also had expected that there could be really serious escalation from the
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comments that benjamin netanyahu made after the ronnie and show what force in retaliation for the uh, is rarely hitting of its own dom damascus consulate. so i think there was the anticipation that this could go considerably further. and i would agree with the get in that the, that it's quite a release that in fact both iran and israel seem to have practiced some restraint and that they are looking to wind this down hopefully. okay. mr. mate on the, how is this being viewed in yvonne miss fairmont for mine was saying that you know, both of on it and as well have practice unrestrained the criticism of yvonne and its attack on april 15th of more than 300, sending more than 300 missiles and drones is not restrained. so how is around view
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and you know, 3 drawings coming coming across. well, i think the iranian strikes was misrepresented for the benefit to be, it's right in the regime. first of all, the running and i've shown patients for a very long period of time when you run in advisors and soldiers and officers were in syria fighting isis. and our by that uh, there's rabies would attack the ryans but because they wanted. and they, they was helping the highest, there's an outside that they were alongside people on height. and but at that time the focus was on syrian to stabilize it from and prevent it from falling. then more recently, again, that is regular seemed struck to running officers, and the run is again showed patients. but when they struck the embassy that was a very important red line, because after that, then there's really regime could strike embassy after embassy and get away with it . so the run is felt they had to respond and respond severely. but what do you run
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into? did was they didn't carry out heavy strike. they sent they, they actually would try out the very spark corporation based cent abruptly. i don't know, 200 drones. all of them very old drones, and they were decoys, and it took 4 or 5 hours for them to get to palestine. and when they got close, they sent to 6 sets of miss house ultimate files. that again were decoys and to 10 to 20. more modern mishaps, so the drones and the old miss house, which costs are due on really almost nothing. they engage the is riley ease and the americans engaged in 5 themselves. and these remedies alone, according to it up their own number, spent $1350000000.00. the money is may be spent. i don't know, $10000000.00. the rise knew that those would be down. that was the purpose so that the other missiles could get to those 10 to 15. i don't know if 20 minutes has they
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hit 2 bases, one in the side, okay. our base with a 5 and one in and or so it wasn't a major strike. there were 2 bases that were targeted in the miss, awestruck those bases. okay. and again, in the context of that iranian attack, how is the is rate, how those really drones being sent into if on being seen and you know, at the time of this recording, iran hasn't said that, as well as responsible for this attack, it's choosing to say in full traces, why is that? because they are small drones and most probably, uh they were launch from somewhere inside the country run is a very large country. it's the size of germany, france and britain combined. and therefore, they cannot determine now who actually carry them out, but no one was hurt. no one, uh, no installations were damaged. it was a, a non event. and, uh, the,
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the 3 down drones were down. my when i in the morning when i called the colleague in this on uh, she said that she hadn't heard anything and her relatives hadn't heard anything. so nothing really happened. so it's a bit confusing now because it's, it's effectively no, no operation took place. even though the me, i, there was an unknown american but claimed otherwise. and so i don't know what the re, okay. do you want me to go put them in the will be because is it a non a band or is it a, an attack? yeah, i want to talk to our other guests, especially miss farm on for mind about whether it's a non event or not in just a moment. but mr. levy if i can bring you back in because you know, you'll open in comments about how this was an uncharacteristically measured response by this is way the government. why do you think that is you know, even a broken they watch saves the right time, twice a day. a i think more more seriously,
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this is riley. so these are in government funded and the still the getting now into a consultation about and competition was around with the video and we're so excited . we're starting guess. uh and the last thing we need those will always be around in any case we. busy always around the something very explosive and very dangerous you're out is they'll come out as the rest of your writing. so please, but those are different capabilities, different sizes. and i wish that it would have been more careful even before this. but in any case, at the last moment, baby is the store base or the government of the store. they're going to know for a confrontation, we'd be not only still pretty, but also very, very dangerous. mr. levy we've had lost all over the last 6 months about how prime minister nathaniel, who wants to continue the war and gaza because that will ensure he stays in power. we've also heard about how he wants to widen the conflict with iran he wanted
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because that would drag america in. do you think that that is the case? so has been the case so far and that we might be seeing him stepping back from that position when decision makers are getting their decision is it's the only one kind of coordination. and they say losing all but simplified. the many. it is a bit clinic like this to the older population in the mail. busy is he's posted that agenda. i don't think so. is the agenda. he's very dominus, but it's not his own. only a consideration because he knows very well even from the point of view. the agenda, the ticket faster fee was 0 and this yes. cool. easy right. and we'd be also and things use korea. so what we need to execute a getting now. yes, we continue this one guys without any purpose, without any drawers,
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without any plans for the day after. and that's why it says enough. but the run is a different game. ok, and we can of course not lose size of what all of this means for the one, gaza mis 5 model for mind. if i can bring you in on a point that mr. mirandi was making, he was calling this a non event, but i do want to talk about the significance of is for han, is it significant for military industrial complex? we have mentioned it hosts a nuclear facility. it even has some major a base even if you know if the, the f 145 budgets there are aging. well, i think this was really a, an exchange that on both sides was very symbolic. and i think it was no accident that these rallies chose to make their particular move. and as for hon, because it is a city of great importance as a serious city, 1st of all, also culturally, but it has the nuclear facilities around there. they have had it before and in fact
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had hit it some time ago about a year and a half ago, a factory by a certain drones that. likewise, the, the providence of those were clearly a, israel's, perhaps, but it was unclear from where in the wrong they were just that they were emanating . and i think that was also part of the symbolic element that these were drones that came from within the country, indicating that israel has close enough linkages with opposition, forces that it can trigger and internal attack, if you will, sorry, the form on for my and are you saying that the drones came from within yvonne itself? that is one of the things that is being discussed and it's very possible unlikely. yes. but at least some of the mr. i think. okay. sorry. yeah, please continue. so i think it was very calculated this move and,
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and i think it was also very possibly part of a deal, but it had that the israelis had made. but the americans, there was a huge amount of pressure by the americans and the other international powers that it helped deflect the wrong attack that came to israel's a. but i, i think very, it a repeat would have been very unlikely. number one, a number 2, i think the united states really wanted to ensure this did not escalate. so i would not be surprised if there was some deal in this that if the as rarely is conform to a symbolic and measured response, the americans would veto the resolution in front of the u. n. a. see the united nations security council that would, that had been proposed to recognize palestine as a state which they proceeded to do. yeah. yesterday, a lot to unpack from what you've said. but don't you think that the united states given its history of v towing anything that is in any way in favor of palestinians?
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wouldn't they have vetoed that anyway? well, i think it's more um, stark, at the moment. certainly the history would suggest that on the other hand, they have really had to come out and support a 2 state solution. and how does one do that if one of the parties was not a state? so i think that's a more critical now. then probably it has been in the past. okay, mr. merante, if i can come to you with one of the points that miss find on my mind made, which is the possibility that this is ready to roll an attack could have been carried out from iranian soil. these are not the sort of drones that you've seen has belie use against this right in the regime or those right in the regime use against has for a lot of the russians use against the ukrainians. these are very small drones from my understanding. they're not the sort of drones that we may be thinking about. so
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it's quite easy to obtain them, but they did fail and they were unable to print, penetrate any of these bases. and there's also another issue that is important. and that is that because in the past, the united states, and is there any of these along with, with the health of what other western embassies, both any, ron and surrounding countries, may, when they would carry out sabotage that created a culture any wrong of building a key installations underground. and so most, almost everything that is of particular importance is really and accessible to those rallies, just like in yemen where they're drones and miss house and radar systems are deep underground. and american bombing has no impact on 11 on where it has been lots of tunnels or some of their tablets. they are deep underground. this is
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a strategy that has been pursued over the last couple of years. so these dogs really not wouldn't have much of an impact, but they were not able to penetrate the base. but what about the context that this attack is taking place and you know, as miss walks miss a farm on for my mention that they was. and now the as rarely attack in is the hon just over a year ago. i think they even took credit for that on the weapons production facility. a lot has happened since then. and the context in which events take place can define the conflict as much as an attack itself. comp. very so again, the, the, what do you make of the importance of this attack in the current context? a window. first of all, i'd like to point out that i have no doubt that the americans would have vetoed the un security council resolution on palestine. it was a foregone conclusion. they even lobbied in the other countries before it came to the security council to vote against it in the subcommittee. if,
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if that's what it's called. so the, what, what really happened was that the iranians said to the americans through the messages that they, that went back and forth it, we're going to hit them very. it is, riley is very harm. uh, not like last time with not with old drums and old miss styles. and if you miss howes, you are miss how's go? we're going to hit them really hard and our policy has changed for now and we won't allow them to kill you, ronnie. it's anywhere whether they're in embassies or outside inside the run outside. and the americans took that very seriously, and americans don't want that escalation. because they know, 1st of all, the israel would lose that exchange. and 2nd of all, it could spread beyond the real quick, it was a spread across the region, and that would be catastrophic for the global economy, the oil and gas to come from this region. we all know how important it is. yeah, mr. levy, i want to bring you in here on the messaging from america and how that's being
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viewed in israel because we can maybe every day from the americans that they don't want to, the escalation and the region. and before this is randy attack, they said that they wouldn't support any offensive action from israel, but they would always come to as well as defense. this the support for as well as i am clad and so on and so forth. but how is it being seen in as well when america has to come to as well as defense because of as well as offensive actions the besides and john, so they help shots that shoot down or the is right on the 1st of april, was because of the is rarely attack on the iranian cons let in damascus 2 weeks earlier, in terms of, you know, originally so it is of it is not being done by most of these raise. they don't see the connection between the sedation, the mess goes and they run in at the end. there is a very clear logic, a linkage between them to what these. right and these don't know if these rights
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don't austin set up. some folks are treat, wasn't really necessarily this a sentence for nations in this time when we are stuck in gaza. what came onto the feet? what do you know? you told us? here's what i do. and i go to your side or the or, and then the questions of us as a nation. i'm just getting your 3 out of the 42. does this really serve any interest? but those questions, i don't ask you this way because he is right and is quite a narrow minded thing before and for me to go home and why it's blindly and saying that very judge because you're obviously about them as long as they just go and just advise and just search and just the war is where it came quite to, you know, it's only about america which is threatening to take measures to now american do take any measures to school is right in front of things to buy
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his writing for other a 10 more reasonable, i hope this would come, but let's not forget immersion not only from the veto and here i totally agree. english professionals are on the their marriage and majority said they're merging to the feeling any change. the emergence will supply is a discrepancy in any case. the question is, what happens? so, to ms. farm on the side mind, given what mr. levy has said despite them out because actions about the escalating and mister veranda himself is saying that america doesn't want a why to reach and how much are its actions? because from what mr. lovey saying they're enabling israel. so how much of the american actions pushing the region closer to the brink of wall? well, it's a very good question and i think we see that it's not here the left hand. no, it's not what the right hand does. i think there is
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a balancing act taking place. i think that the president biden is facing an election. he's got a very outspoken muslim population that he would like to garner their votes. he's, he's risking those by his enormous support of, of uh, of israel at the same time he's trying to bring on board to his side, the saudis, and the other gulf states. and they're being very hesitant because he's facing a, a, an as a situation in the red sea, i think that he hadn't really intended it 1st. and i agree with mister a, dr. mariah d that the, you know, the, uh, the actions of these, these groups are, are often quite difficult for, for iran to, to, to control it. certainly not. they are partners that are not proxies. and, and so i think that, you know, he's the,
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and the gulf states are not supporting the maritime defense group that the united states has that has mounted there. so i think that in many ways we're seeing that the united states is trying to, to cover too many bases and to please, to many people. and i think what happened here is that when the is really attacked, took place in damascus, which then had this knock on effect. it shifted the focus of the story from gaza and the famine to the possible escalation of war with even one. and i would say that was very much on the minds of those planning list in one way. and in another way, it was also something that involves the united states much more. we only have about 3 minutes left in the program and i'd like to ask and a very important question to each of you, mr. mirandi. i'll stop. what do you do? sink? we're in a new era of conflict between a ron and as well no longer and the shadows, given the direct attacks on each how the soil is released,
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have been carrying out attacks before it is only this time that the ronnie eggs have responded. and yes, that iran has said that it has changed the equation, but the ron will not allow the focus to be moved away from god. so there is no way that there's ran, these are the americans, or anyone will be able to move attention away from the genocide or a holocaust. so it has change. but the iranians will be very careful to make sure the focus stays on gaza. okay. and that is, feels weakened by your arms capabilities. mr. nivi, i'm quite concerned because we uh, same thing going to really explore the mountains and, and any small mistake can lead us to re and cut that survey. i wish i knew what the reasonable to patients of your on i really think because i've had different relationship was on my pretty care about the patients that bob died in the way that
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is very stringent. they. the 1st thing is a strange way that these are distributed by this thing, and i students think that the right it is a for the fall through the phone. much more of a cooling language, like before, by the way, like in the 6 seventy's. and i really wish that this will change one day my job. we still get to bear on monday to miss uh as as long. right. yeah. those as well as the doors. ms. 5 on my end, your last thoughts. i think its changed it and uh, in a minor way. i think the fact that iran responded the way it did has to some degree change the goal posts and indicating to israel so that it will respond again, should it is, will continue to attack it's generals. and it's people with impunity. there is no impunity anymore. i think that has changed the gold co somewhat,
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but i don't think that what we're, we're really hearing is the drum beat of an escalating war, vip dot, between the 2 of them. thank you so much to roxanne 5, mont 5 might in london, while i'm in the randi and pay it on and get in love and kind of a and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, which is the com. and for further discussion to go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. you can also join the conversation on x. a handle is at a inside story from me, elizabeth put on him and the entire team here. bye. for now. the one is the biggest elections of 2024 in the general election. will administer now render movies be taking increasing fruit across the country. how will economic
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uncertainty and you've sent employment swaying, focused in key states, and will the media be able to cover the vote reading? i'm fairly ongoing coverage in the as the elections on our tuesday era in the vehicle more the us army use the highly toxic herbicide with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ribs, bring something and they didn't even see the care for 2 women fought for just to get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies 0 the,
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the latest news as it breaks. iran has given a cause. that's great, but it does come out in large numbers. your guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better. it's driving some residents to the brakes from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what little they have in the pools. what is known as a breaking stereotype school while practicing the since march allowed to come. it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping or finish cleaning up the streets and educating young guns,
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$1.00 oh, $1.00 east beach to come from nuns, got men do on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the problem. so robin, you're watching the out the news on line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes . israel continues as bombardments of the gaza strip at least h palace, city is a killed and attacks and the southern city of the is there any forces, conduct military raids to be able to pod westbank for a 2nd to at least 5 people were being killed. also explosion is immensely base and the rock that houses pro it raining to groups


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