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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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to sing the ancient marshal out of it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educating young goals. 101 east beach. the kung fu nuns cap men do on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the problem. so robin, you're watching the of the news on line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel continues as bombardments of the gaza strip. at least 8 palestinians are killed and attacks in the southern city of the alpha. the. these are the forces conduct the military rate to be able to pod westbank for
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a 2nd to at least 5 people have been killed. the fulton explosion is immensely base in the rock. that house is pro it raining groups . the united states denies any responsibility ukrainian president. i just need to to speed up his ministry support and says it must decide if it's cheap. i like the and we meet a group of displaced suited needs performers who are trying to keep the cultural heritage alive. despite the trauma of war, the welcome to the private we stalls that goes up as well as multiple above and she has no sign of using several homes are destroyed. after the strike is a residential area, knowles of the industry, refugee camp in central garza and the southern part of the strip. at least 8 people are being killed in an attack in rough or multiple casualties to being reported up
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to is ray the buttons at the neighborhood in con eunice. let's go save it to honey . my mood and rough in the southern gauze with the very latest i'd like to focus on because various parts of the strip have been hit. yes and we looked at us if there was a right now where the entire guys and stuff has been equally bombed, i mean there is no lit up in the tax. no signs of slowing down here in rough. i said it just within the past half an hour with the themes of parents and remaining family members for an a doctor waiting hospital, taking the bodies of from last night attacks or transferring them to the hospital or preparing for burials. but the themes of children, wrapped in white sheets and still dominating the scene right here. those they, people were killed last night in the residential homes of the there they were sheltering in with are here in the western part of the city where
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a 9 people were killed. 6 of them were its children who suffered extreme devastating burns. and just within like half an hour of their arrival to the hospital, they just died because of, of the, the attacks on the residential and because of the burn that this, that's staying on the injuries of, of boston like us talk. also another attack, an eastern part of that happened a half an hour before the 2nd attack, where one lady was killed. one young lady was go. the other one, the other injures were the vast majority made of all the children i've driven from the vicinity of the area, just causing a great deal of panic, of people to worship during inside a preschool facility. when a nearby residential home was targeted and destroyed these items from the following degrees, then as wrap them so filling directly head, i, people are back in lights of the bread, grow and gets the rest of expanding the the ground invasion is right now at a point where people do not have where to go, what to do, there's
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a status sense of, of security. and it's important to point out the has been a major size of relentless attacks, either by air or land from the initial weeks of this war. i mean, the talk for the vast majority of people here, the talks about expanding the ground and vision serve as a, as a distraction while at the same time, these really military through the relentless areas. so i continued to pound across the sinew, whether the eastern part of the central parts or the overcrowded western part of the day where evacuation zone is located. yeah, well that focuses on ross. so right now in the area where you are honey, there's also been a great deal of focus on con, knew this, i misread overnights as well. just briefly tell us what's been happening that are as well mm. as well, ever since that is really military and now it's uh, it has completed its offer military operations in hon unit for defense around the
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area. we did not see any sign over slowing down the air attacks on these 2 areas, particularly in the site out refugee camp and it just new fresh air is tried happening within the past hours and early hours of this morning in the site, not rep is you can most of the central part of the food from area just causing great deal of destruction on causing further civilian casualties? our whole transferred reported to all of the hospital that is already exhausted, suffering from the extreme for different medical supplies. but the tragedy of the people are still under the rebels of, from the time these really military was operating aggressively. and then they'll say that refugee camp, the northern part of the cap itself, where people are still under the level. this is the 3rd, the 4th day within ability of, of the civil defense, a crew or paramedics, to remove these bodies of from under the ground. within the past 2 hours. there's a ton of tack on the residential, nebraska in how noun is evacuations on that's on the my wifi by 2 inches on where
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the vast majority of displace families and evacuation were ordered by these really military of the initial weeks of the war to go on shoulder there to avoid being bonds. but right now we're saying this is, this been happening repeatedly. they are attacked inside their terms from the debris. is it from the or the following? just wrap those or sometimes they are actually those directly hit on inside. there's tense, the reports of multiple injuries right now, but there is a difficult deal with transferring these injuries as the presence of a quad captors. these are attack drones and surveillance and drugs make it very risky for paramedics and civil defense, a crew to do their job. and help and save people who need help right now. honey. my mood, the for us, the in rafa in southern gaza. thank you. so at least 20 people looking into doing a lot of explosion in iraq night happened south of the capital bank, the in the business province. on march.
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the bases by the of any of that popular may belong, ization forces was hit. the power military group is accusing as ryan was conducting the attack, the us says at both ends behind the strike, but moved up the wide is following developments for something like that. and how does this update indiscriminate that is how iraq support for the mobilization unit . so describe a, the attack on the hours of a set of day which started the locations in it can call. so a notice of the, at a province of babylon is out of a rocky capital about the dead and enduring get a number of people including get admitted to individuals with the popular mobilization units. and you're lucky, so just as well as the civilians who were in the vicinity of the ministry sites with when it was attacked. now, o, the thing goes here, are pointed towards the israel and forgetting go that attack it over the mobile decision units. commodities have valid to retaliate, in fact,
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they have posted that they have carried out a drone attack and total did what they consider a vital target in these the, in the city of the you that the 2nd, the retaliation of the attack, i guess the locations in babylon problems, and also in the right to the ation of as well as admitted to the campaign against of us. but i'm with the hate. i just gotta go to that. bridge out. some is a northern resident senior fellow. they found the counselor, he was formerly with the us military and the state departments. he says the still looking at the information tonight for sure who was behind the blast. the 1st thing we have to say is that it's hard based on the videos that have come out on social media to do forensic analysis of a precise nature. so to know exactly whether it was an air strike, for instance. uh and what sort of ordinance was use was it a drawn, wasn't an aircraft. there's also possibilities of sabotage and explosion. the base
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culture to the nearest country and above your province is in a predominantly shi uh, area. so we wouldn't expect that this would have been, for instance, is womic state or something if it is confirmed that it was an aircraft that raises the question american or is really or some other short? i think it unlikely that would be american because the by the administration has been trying to tamp down on regional tensions and so carefully. choreographing limits on the exchange, a fired directly between the iranians and those rallies that we've seen yet. this attack would be more in line with what is real has done below the threshold of direct attacks on iran, regionally. they've attacked iranian back, militias frequently and kind of continuously in syria, interact less so. but this may be another message to iran saying if you're going to use his malott, potentially, or a mazda is proxies to attack us. we will attack your proxies,
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interact in syria. the tension between the wrong this round dominates the finding, the discussions of the g 7. amazing and easily foreign minister as a cold for the escalation while threatening for the sanctions against the wrong don't call is that they want to get it's a full scale military operation. in rafa turn a whole wraps up developments from the autonomy of island of capri. as often as well struck targets in a round early on friday there was little chance of business as usual among the 7 foreign ministers. their host on the island of capri confirming the us had received probably a warning from israel. the in, not the settling for math of my mom. i think it's already known. the us was informed at the last minute, but there was no sharing by the us. it was me a information that i made a secretary of state, hampton. a lincoln refused to be drawn on the details. i'm going to be incredibly boring and not make your day by saying again, i'm not going to speak to what's been reported other than to say that the united
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states has not been involved in any offensive operations. setting out the main points of the final communicate, he said the g 7 was more united than ever in working to de escalate tensions in the middle east or committed. his real security were also committed to the escalating to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. and you saw as well, where you'll see soon in the g 7 statement, a commitment to hold around to account, to account for it's the stabilizing activities. holding into account by a degrading it's missile and drone capabilities. it's n a d like location in which d 7 foreign ministers confronted a sea of problems from iran and israel to gaza. ukraine to the in the pacific. the middle east dominated, of course, with ministers repeating the mantra of the escalation to be followed. they said by
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renewed efforts towards the sci fi in gaza as they were critical of israel's failure to allow the full flow of aid into gaza. talk 2nd, margaret. yes. as the g 7, the underlying what, my colleague, david cumberland, i need clean jewels and am on wednesday despite recognizable initial steps towards more human savvy and 8. this is not enough to is really call them and have a do to, to help. and then he may tell you and suffering of so many people and especially to the children and garza and the big signs that israel is still planning a large scale incursion into rough in the south of the gaza strip. the gym and foreign minister echoed secretary, blinking restating that objection with up to 1400000 people sheltering there, they said it would lead to catastrophic consequences. during the whole elder 0 could pre i was only a certain student as tama communities, assistant professor of public policy at the doha institute. full graduate studies. good to have you with the suddenly moving parts of the name instead of just starts off with the situation them at least as we see it right now. since we sort of not as a military holding pattern, but
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a diplomatic holding pets and what's going on. you know, the strikes of israel into iran, iran, general silence about what happened or didn't happen on that type of tree. how do you so to read this as the g 7 finish off, bad me thing and most for the focus will head to the us and security council at some stage and in the week. mm hm. so i mean, i think medically, i think with all of the woods, no, i mean the looking at that as phones is what is this bouncing it on and how there is on the plate. the is the attack on it on. i think the sound of that extended to confrontation is over. know with it, back to the previous, the rules of engagements proxy. what's that? and we'll see this happening in living on to the again, as well as backs with things fuel fits on. here's what i had and then we'll see there's a, there's nothing on it. ok. and then maybe the host is would be involved as long as the original conflict. the conflict in guys has been ongoing. but the possibility
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of another confrontation putting it on and is that i think it's over it. we can see a sense of relief among allies, among other countries, even down to themselves. i don't think they have showed that interest to the, to the 8th of, i don't think what happened when it comes with as late as equity at all. so we've seen these attacks now happen in iraq, and one wonders why the focus would be that is it that pops as well. volts and pups deescalate itself will remove itself from any sort of attack in syria because that's like poking about, sleeping bad really isn't it? right now, yes, of course i mean and, and, and others aren't has to continue. it's, i mean, i mean it's all, it's, it's, it's similar to schools by comforting get on the influence invasion and keep hitting on the add ons allies, edited with something from living on celia it. ok, so this is back to the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the what, what we have know before to, to have known before they use what tactics is that as i have been using to come to the lawns. impressive. so there's nothing new here,
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but i think what's most important is that there is a great sense of relief that a direct confrontation, a continuation of that is something to confront. this continued on it is when is open now. and, but the problem is guys that again, because of things now the center of attention is again going back to guys that would then over to a, i mean, it's an efficient that they wouldn't be a military or petition of drop off for me. and i think the discussions i'm not focused on how the house and, and i think that or the status or sincere a focus in the us the, they don't want to simulate me to conduct like what type of new you said you, you say how and yet it's interesting isn't it that we've had the gym and, and the british foreign ministers sitting down with these really probably minnesota and basically say, don't go into rafa. we notice the sort of conversation is happening. america is warning against it right now. and yet we've also seen israel completely. no, it's so cold allies invested columbus when it, when it wants to launch these operations. what is the,
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what all the chances that israel would really ignore, of the allies. and even, even as the us is sending more or more munitions to television. so here's the thing . so i don't think that they have a clear red line or like a clear have know from dollars. i mean, we have the and all the, all the new red lines of their life. no, no, no, of course, but we have blinking, has expressed, has concerns over a major minute to put ation without having to deal with the 1200000 because it's in dropbox. so as if he is greening a minute to a patient about the symptom conditions that these populations have to be dealt with, that are you located back to the north? whatever it is. so i think now that in the midst of this, they don't want that immediate effect off as it stands now with all the people stuck in the south and the human instead of disasters the so i don't see, i don't even know that i'm not at those and i'd be upset, but i for the website will have the many deadlines and many big notes from the beginning of this will kind of get nothing help with thing is what is work on back
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. so he is, of course he's, he's, he's above the commission system, he's, he's even able to invite us as a lives and they know that he's going to continue. but the thing is on putting bricks on him, constraining his understanding his response. that's what they're doing. now, by supplying amunition and, and support to him minutes and support financial support. while this continues, whether it's from the us or from european allies. we see the continued disconnect between politicians and civil society. you know, university students in the us being arrested for demonstrating a social media network, having its employees sucked for a sitting in their office. is that means google's an daily or weekly, we can protest and major capitals, especially in the united kingdom and in germany and empowers. i mean, this is continuing, it's not, it's not stopping and there is dis disconnect, is that all correct? so it's a great point, and yes, there is, there is
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a huge awakening among the societies in the west and the us the u. k. worldwide. there's a huge sympathy and support for the cnn cause has this been method l as in to pick an action? not yet, but we have to watch for the next elections. i mean noodle is on the verge. you exam the us as and couple of last, you know, and then we have the open elections and means you need to put in capital something from germany. you ok, i mean name it. so what, see how this public opinion or how this awakening would be? what will affect these political outcomes in the elections? i mean, so they'll have to vote and we have to see how, how would this method be like? well, it said if i quite, we kind of the moment until a wake up in your close will continue to pick it time a company. thank you. and you'll keep hard westbank. the is where the ministry is conducting a rate for a 2nd day. the studies lot of people have been killed so far in the operation in the city of
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children and must rest have be made in the news. chums, refugee camp is very full. this is also rated several homes. and these bull days of the destroy home shop sound of a critical facilities that store into the abraham of correspondents. his life was until criminally occupied westbank. the focus has been in and around till come and those military operations continue bringing chaos and worry to the people who list the yes. so we've seen that chaos before when we went to the north. some stuff, usually camp after a 3 day invasion that took place there. and the scenes we're seeing now are not different from those in january, if not, were, is according to the videos that we've been seeing emerging from inside that a few gmp. it's hard to tell what's happening in details because there's little access with the armed confrontations taking place between the palestinian fighters and these really forces. but from the videos we've already been seeing,
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the level of destruction is something that we've probably, we have not seen in that case inside that appears. recap and it's set up as you can . but there's not even strange to those incursions to those in destruction and demolition. and when we visited the new some sort of fiji camp in january, we've heard difficult testimonies from palestinians who have been beaten up at many palestinians would be detained in a group. there would be a large detention centers in the fields and some homes wouldn't even turn into a detention center. so we'd expect thing kind of the same situation to be happening . it's hard. also 2 recalls how many people in and register, how many people in documents who have been killed inside the refugee camp. we know for sure that one of them is a 14 year old and another who has been sitting here as the most wanted in the tooth getting by till the end part of the rule, the armed resistance that has been operating from it's look at him and is it either
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to get a refugee camp or the new, or some sort of few jacob, he's seen to someone who has been wanted not only into cutting, but across the occupies with bank itself. it's a means a tense situation. you can probably hear the drone that has been buzzing overheads of the palestinians for at least 38 hours now is the means a very tense situation where we've just been hearing from the battalion inside. so it's got him saying that they will continue as confronting and fighting with the occupation with these really forces many tardy folks will continue to monitor events with youth as the day progresses. need to abraham. thank you. of the, you're going for the is lensky. his us, west and elijah, so more defense systems, soul, the fight against russia. he's challenging they to prove that it's an ally of key by stepping up. it's military support. fortune must be brought down to
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us, and our sky mazda becomes safe again, and it sees the real um, it depends fully on your choice choice whether life is indeed equally valuable everywhere. choice whether you have equal attitude to old partners, joyce, where that we indeed are allies. soule stratford has moved from cave following a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine council, nate, so chief, you install some books that nato defense ministers had agreed to send ukraine more defense systems. this, of course comes when ukrainians and many of the wisdom allies say is a critical time in ukraine, the country having faced in recent weeks and months, a huge escalation in miss all and drug and strikes by russian forces. russia with coal says that he doesn't deliberately target civilian areas,
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but we know that many civilians being killed in these all, most unlikely attacks. and it has been literally billions of dollars worth of energy infrastructure destroyed in these attacks. but somebody sends to what the nights are chief had to say this, you know, meeting today. mean, this is also just many older pressing needs, including along the $55.00, meaning that the a nation deep position strikes the filters on drones each and they do all are and will decide what to provide several large major concrete commitments during the meeting on finalizing contributions that i expect will be announced soon . health is all the on the way. there was an emotional appeal by the training president below them is a lensky during the meetings, and it's key saying that weston is at the moment. ukraine was very limited at any point. you,
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there's an example to what's happened during the israel in recent days. he said the west had not left israel to find for itself during those attacks by iran. the big question is, is how long is it going to take these weapon systems and this munition to get here to ukraine? because along the front lines, the situation is being described by many analysts as being very critical indeed, all eyes now towards the us where we expect on saturday. finally, for the to be a vote in the house of representatives. the could well release that long waited for $61000000000.00 worth of us a child stuff. alger 0. keith, patrick barry is a defense and security on the is that the university involved. so he explains why ukraine is focusing on defense and it's appeal. so military help the key takeaways, the critical nature of the air defense. now it was, you know, we have hard previous needs and there are sort of the if i munition having 5 issues
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with obviously mind power for the ukrainians as they're moving to address and disrupt through the draft bill. and i know it's, it's air defense essentially, you know, in terms of like the patriot system is one of the most effective along with the aster system. and there's somewhere between maybe $3.00 and $5.00. um that batteries as far as i'm aware and in, in actually in new frame. and they've just asked for another 7 more. so it's on those things kind of getting quite quickly empty. i'm, you can, you can buy this as charles was saying there to the pentagon on you and i sort of got everything and ready to go in on dissipation of, of those. so that, that sounds that are in their ducks in a row, is it worth to move things quickly, but those things will be slower. now this house of representatives has pushed forward with a foreign, a package of $95000000000.00, including money for ukraine, the clearing of the procedural hurdle involved
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a right correlation with politicians from both sides of the political divide. the package also include the aid as well and taiwan, a better process to break the bills or separate measures for consideration. everyone in their, their constituents desires, on the 8th, the brain and a, the end of the pacific. and then our national security package that has all the organizations because we did this process, we got in the millions of ages of costs. the ballots in india is 1st day of elections. now voting will last more than 6 weeks problem. and instead of under moody, is seeking the 5 year term. now the indian government has failed to give visas to, i'll just say it was correspondence to report the story that i thought were covering the election from outside the country. how does um,
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how much reports the vote is the world's largest election? i'll start the custom deb of the nearly a 1000000000 people will have this seat in the next 6 weeks in the fall of the 7 face process which started on friday. 166000000 indians are registered to take part for many of the economy. unluckily, jobs are the main issues. yeah. the see like the but the price rises should be controlled and women and girls shoes feel safe children in school should have double personalities. wants to finish college. thousands of security offices have been deployed across the country to ensure a smooth the elections, but voting in some areas of money for the state capital. the northeast will stop of the allegations of people. glad it is that this became winning close, similar to that of the army and the police. they went inside and guessed or votes.
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we protested and broke the voting machine on the have sold in our right to the run up to the vote was marked by religious tensions and some regions of the country on some vote is hoping to pulse. we bring people closer to him on the board on the 1st thing i came to vote for us to have a country without. and you were the just as harmony in tell me to not do were altogether induce muslims, christians for the congress cooperate. you're going to be peace that in the movie seeking effect, um he's going up against the position coalition made up of the $26.00 parties, the accusing of cracking down on the st on silence. and critics accusation, he's brought to nice democracy. and the constitution is for the type in the country by that the j be, i'd be, have proved if the game in the country in the last 10 years of the government vote this we've continued to pass the bundle until june, fos. and the results due to be announced 3 days later,
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hands and i just needed or just to reiterate that the indian government has no grunted raises to, i'll just as john list so that we're covering the election issue from outside the country as we've gone now too heavy rains, which are killed moles and a 100 people in both and gone this down and focus on and then just many more. that's been widespread damage to homes and rights in both countries. small hydro pool. so for buckets loans, capital is some of the heavy rains have left a trail of destruction. and both of one is done and focused on and focused on the worst effected area that, that goes to the ground based of below. just on a little goes complain they haven't received no help. so fall bought us on that. somebody much idea the reins of re habit, but the provincial does off the doroty is nowhere to be found. man, i got it. this is my home which is flooded with water, but for the last 3 days,
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no one has come to have besides the lots of life except or bad roads and damaged property in farmland. the weather department and warning of more heavy rain for $200.00 and his storms across the country and said the system where the board is sitting here 3, under the end of the month. although the clean up work and underway and the not a targeted and focused on a basing for more landslide river, levered zip code and you are targeted that i've seen people do it work trevon identity situations. deborah light, they come all i there. i just need all, it's not my body. officials and indonesia are made on the highlights of the volcano continues to spit out clouds vash, reaching 1200 meters high. the mountain of wrong home, the remote island of no sort of lazy fish dropped it on wednesday, forcing thousands of people to evacuate. officials worried that positive volcanic had planned since the sea and calls us you know, me,
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an emergency crews will and the small people could be told to move the international airport and monday now split the city less than 100 kilometers from the area remains closed. so head here, home and use our drug seizures. so in west africa with visit the list at trade is tooting violence of this the whole region and to join or not to join a union volkswagen work as in the us state of tennessee. those are the historic proposal, the so that if you're expecting spring and you're in europe all going to europe, this will be disappointment. everything is coming down from the north is going to be cold when it should be. and when he got tight lines in the blue line, the frontal system was when the weather fall over again is
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a wind down of the arctic data trust. and it will say nothing stop it. so it hits the low countries and it finds, i'd dropped the temperatures anywhere from paris. east was well below whether it should be brings rain and possibly snow with it. not just this central part of europe in the baltic states. there's also a cold where this has come sunday, so tensions here going to dropping. you might get some snow are buried as quite well west and from says quite well, but most not so. milan sees aren't coded, come off the mountains, and we down to about 9 degrees on monday as it stopped to. right. and that last for a couple of days. and that's to say the voltage sites what values represents this big drop down to near freezing with a couple of days, a potential snow? yes, i know it's late april, right, right. if you're up there, what catches southern spite and catches morocco, the showers, possibly thunder storms. algeria, caesar, the breeze to pick up the sound of the dust and the springs and struggling through these. yeah. and then to was no, not jerry, a be full of dustin to some degree, suppresses the sheriff. otherwise should be
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a little bit further inland of the week. the look at the world's top business stories. how much of those plans going to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing in stations come down in many costs. well to understand how it affects our daily lives . outline forth how big a problem is to go labeled food insecurity. counting the cost. oh no, just this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves long because there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social. ready media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media, it is always an attempt to frame at to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have
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a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. the the, [000:00:00;00] the book about the, to the, i'll just have a use uh with me. so rom, and in the hall remind to of all told stories at least 9 people have been, get killed in southern gaza, often is really strong cult assembly her children amongst those who died in russia . israel continues talking, the city half of the strips population is sheltering on his way. the re, they'll can find westbank is that into that 2nd to at least 5 people have been
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killed in the operations until occur in thousands of palestinians would be interested. the neutrons and refugee can find at least 20 people living in to join the tax on the rocky military base south of the capital bank that another base is used find the of any and that's popular mobilization forces. the power military group has accused israel of the attack. now the united states has agreed to withdraw its troops from asia last, but the nigerian military government announced that had led and disagreements with the us describing it as profoundly on the june to suppose this came out on the streets demanding american troops leave. washington operates a major dry and base in the city of academic and is around. it has around a 1000 soldiers in the country to be at. um it is a security unless the managing director of beacon consulting a security risk consultancy joins us from a boucher in nigeria, kentucky with us. mr. thomas. i think it was any last week. what were you having the same sort of conversation,
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but this time about the french we brought in the fact that the american said they would leave and they just needed the time and an exit plan that seems to have happened yet the public a still up in arms about the very presence of foreigners on that soil. you yes, um, so this is what the june to a view the payments for its presence on its popularity. what they know that public sentiment i'm trying to get the support of the public on the on t western and then t and perry. i lived on stands. and so anytime he wants to achieve a foreign policy objective or sometimes even domestic policy, objective, new fee, there we think of, of, of that type of sentiment. and so did i, i think where to get the us troops to leave new job. one of the, if we, if you kind of cheap start is to continue to, we bought that, that sentiment while that continue sort of anti imperialist ways. sudden to me into as the cold. and it had spread across the region. housing says, i mean,
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the jazz so, and it seemed the departure of the french on the arrival of the russians. i mean, what difference is not going to make it will influence the public discourse as well . for us, it's beginning to influence the public discords. if you mentally civil society or i know um doctor visits begun question in the we don't behind i'm taping out. that'd be where one you know with send file and then bringing in another for the same book . was that big, where it could be, it appear to the object to mainly the results of oil and on or uranium. so you were beginning to see that that type of difficult, among, especially like i said, civil society active as of course, one of the reasons to have the likes of the french and the americans on board to start with was this full that they would help to bring safety and security to the
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national government that didn't seem to happen and the full oh into and it was supposed to bring it in democracy and freedom that also hasn't happened. is that gonna happen with the russians as well? unfortunately, very unlikely. we look at the end to the ends of directions and all the locations, and i mean, the 2 major drivers of this on t width and so on to imperialism them. sentiments a new quote unquote, the failure of democracy. and then of course, the united billy t on the presence of um, you know, this military with the military president. and if i help to prevent or reduce the effects, you were to tell in just the moment if i hadn't probably the most fix, you were to challenge redone of the wall despite the presence of the width. and so it doesn't. and our region. so citizens of those countries are asking the question, we have, you know, i've missed what yet, you're not protecting those. that unfortunately doesn't look like it's going to be very different from a, for us, the russia. it's to replace the us on the front of the case may be the russians.
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they didn't do that in money where, where they've been prayed for them for more than 2, yet they didn't do that in watching at 5. so at the moment, more than half of the territory of but you know, 5 so it's being controlled by that some they know to tar. we've done all the insights in groups in terms of a then the role of civil society, of civil society controlled by you might say the military because as you say is security call be offered to the public at large. and if you stated molly and became the facet, which i'm going to mention, how much time do you think need has to prove to its people they're going to have to prove to its people that this is the right decision to make that bringing in another falls from another country is the best way forward. so um i'm in the road. the time in on some time is really very short because already with the, um, that kind of discussion coming up uh,
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talks i still ongoing and several other parts of new jar, especially the point that you had between new jersey. but you know, 5 so on monday, just last week we saw a joint military auction that involved in the troops of the 3 countries. um, this followed a task by some of the, you know, regular or to always groups, an extremist groups. and in them decide how to read on on images and territory for the time is really very short. and i think the citizens of the jar of waiting to judge the government on debated no big statement when it comes to the military coup . it's stated that in security on the inability over to civilian government, that the adults fee to, to improve security was $1.00 of the reasons it took about power. so it's not really to, to improve security would really be in direct consequence of how the people are able to judge it on right now. it's not doing very good in that regard. but the presence of the russian,
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it's not likely to improve on that. so that's one area i think we're going to see a lot of discussions from new jerry ends and of course the on happiness if there is no improvement tool as that clock takes. we'll continue to check in with you to see what you think of the situation as it develops that can be done. we thanks for joining us from a beecher. thank you. so it'd be like to nations office on drugs and crimes as drug trafficking and soaring across us, the whole region, fueling conflict, an instability in setting up please of sees the largest drugs whole other land root nicholas tucker, pulse now from the capital tucker. after 3 years in a crowded prison cell in downtown to carr, this man whom we're calling off made has become a shadow of his former self. the syria national was arrested for drug trafficking, a charge he denies. he says he was burnt by his girlfriend, meaning she used him to transit drugs through sending go without his knowledge. the judge found him innocent and ordered his release. but he says that the traffic of
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cocaine from latin america and has, she's, from morocco, is on the rise. so me traffic hers are in jail about both of those are. there are so many nationalities in prisons, syrians, colombians, italians, french, moroccans, libyans, spaniards, all because of the international traffic of drugs. it's an extraordinarily well organized trade. on the most western point of africa facing the americas san diego has become a major transit point for drug traffickers. according to the u. n. and drug enforcement agencies. in 2023, at least 6 tons of cocaine was seized with the st value of $420000000.00. that's doubled the budget of synagogues ministry of education. the drugs were likely destined for europe anymore. and so we got into the center, please, maybe have his dozens of boats assignment, but there are so many more that go undetected. this was last monday. customs officers discovered one ton of cocaine, hidden in the back of a truck on its way to neighboring molly,
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according to report from the un office on drugs and crimes, the drugs trade is funding arm groups linked to al qaeda and i so active in this how and fueling the conflict in order to process how can they would need to be effects on the specs would be what we now see of this i got so, or you know, at tech stuff, you need to be to be able to go through extensive parts of the territory including throughout this i couldn't seem to also leave you on uh, you know, this could represent 2 percent. it was rivers and 5 percent. you could 3 percent 1.5 percent, but it's a huge a volume of illegal illegal activity coming to this whole and also to the west africa. the elicit traffic of drugs has a human toll timing. jail has left ahmed, broken. he's in search of his former self. he says he's just another casualty of what appears to be an unstoppable and blooming trade. nicholas hawk out as he wrecked the car. the let's go to goes, let's hold
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a meeting on the west and came out. it's heavy and crosses instead of it's cold when all policies to exercise and maximum restrained time to avoid the blood shed. kristen sleepy has moved from new york. they want officials attempted to redirect international attention towards the sudan, past the conflict they are enters and the 2nd year the impact on civilians has been just devastating. and do you want officials warned that the violence is now creeping closer to l faster, which is the capital of north are for the violent suppose an ex stream and immediate danger to the $800000.00 civilians who resides in as fleischer and it risk triggering further violence in other parts of the 4 where more than 9000000 people are in dire need of humor, i intend assistance. so down and bassett or to the united nations blames is people suffering on the recess and countries supplying them with weapons. he pointed to un
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reports that found arms flowing from chad, interested. the parties have been able to sustain their confrontation. it is no small part, thanks to the material support they receive from outside the sedan. as these external actors continue to float the sanctions regime imposed by the council to support a political settlement, thereby fueling the conflict. this is illegal, it is immoral, and it must stop. meanwhile, more than half of the country's population, 25000000 people are in need of life saving assistance. in more than 8600000 have been forced to flee their homes. chris and salumi al jazeera, the united nation, a group of suits in his office, who lost everything in the war and found themselves in a come full, the displaced inside of school, have been tending hardship into opportunity museum. how's that story from the
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northeastern city of poets who don't they were only able to bring a few of the musical instruments, say, torn adverse to types and gotten paid to escape with colleagues from the fight to whom vermont and ended up in port. so then after a long treacherous journey from a classroom that serves us both home and workshop, they say the trying to do 5, so that's lost memory. so good, and it can be either been moved within the last was huge. it least 5 of our colleagues have been killed. the majority of those to survive have left to dawn. so our numbers are diminishing and very few remain who mass are the skills required for a continuation of the cultural heritage. and then we try to preserve in this quote, quote you on a group of ethical octaves, rehearse and educational play commissioned by a local and joe, that's why getting the company, i mean, it's a large number of performances staying together. we had either to sit idly by is displaced, individuals wasting for handouts,
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for as creative people in that stop doing something b. and these teams say they chose the 2nd option and began producing see it taking place inside the account. it allowed them to generate some income, and at the same time, to start the process of healing for themselves. and the displays community, the impact on the throne that these people have to deal with all how to measure. i get a fighting between this within his army and the office of both forces have to call tube and other cities into a wasteland, including all aspects of comfortable life. i'm headed. i would highly admit that the from that even the item the was up bruce at the office and lift them homeless and refugees is destroyed the entire co to infrastructure of the country, including theaters, museums, and find out institutions for them. that's. yeah, yeah, we lost everything and our belongings, our homes, our civil documentation. the wall has stolen from us out beautiful memories,
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the best moments of our life and even our loved ones, including my own brother. but i mean, a lot of artists have a way of coping with hardship, with other will victims, mental, tough, you know how to set up, whether it's good to have the title of my paintings, quote fine engine oil destroyed. but what's inside me is to hear my wishes that god helps our country and that i can contribute to the forming of a future generation that will take us in the right direction. but tonight it's about the time of the come, the axis of dissipation, $305.00 to 0. so that will still have here on i'll just say that's how they know forward to useful full charges against the crews of 3 rescue ships. they say they will take to mice for saving refugees and my friends the
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pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say, no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling. for you, it's very, very painful to you the story on talk to how does era, how well it's a threat, but who pays the price? when are we can to clean up new orleans more than 1200 for black people lost their lights? not a single rich americans lost their life. the real cost of the climate emergency. the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as
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new series died off to the higher the the pulls, the backend and special medical team has gained access to northern gall. so it just be on the months of cj find these really ministry. the medics of phones of health care system and causes of the population in dire need of the help i'll just there was and also i'm sure v for bolts. i know it's, i was just one of the special come out i do on somebody. i am currently commanded one hospital in north garza where a medical team has just arrived to provide the necessary medical care for patients amidst a broken health care system in northern garza. after facing numerous challenges and
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several weeks of coordination, this medical delegation was able to reach north and gaza to offer essential care to patients including performing surgeries. am coming and got a wiz filing med and the off mama. at 2 houses that population. we were 2 days in this house. and no, we are coming yesterday uh in the northeast where the population just need. uh oh uh we are like 10 people who had a brothers. how many of the medical delegations start performing surgeries invested in that rustic general and also pete excited recon they've become watching in the intensive care unit yesterday while simultaneously noticing and documenting any shortages of medical supplies. we have brought with us some medical supplies, including medications, but there is a severe shortage officer, a few hours of what we realize that everything is lacking. and they are only
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working with very basic supplies. ha ha, jim us. and we noticed severe shortages in everything in northern gods, including medical supplies and personnel. we will provide medical care including surgeries. in fact, we have already started and so we will continue to observe and document what is lacking. but it is obvious that the health care system is fairly function and there is an urgent need for most of us now and supplies to mozilla. among them also have the health care system is still deteriorating. amidst the ongoing wall and a blockade imposed on an autumn garza. i'm not to show you a good deal of work. is it a volkswagen plans in the southern us state of tennessee, a visit to join the union? that the employees vacated by a 73 percent margin in favor of joining the national united. also because that decision defines a trend in the southern parts of the united states with foreign also make is a benefit from
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n t union rules. shepherd tennessee has moved from washington dc. united order workers has attempted to unionize the volkswagen chattanooga, apply twice before and failed. but this time at one in the land slide. and it's an historic moment. the 1st time an auto pounds in the south is voted to unionize. since the 1940s, whereas the big free order and makers in the us are unionized international companies have taken as volunteers as a spread there offer ations in the us of the lows in the southern united states passed by politicians hostile to unions who have made it very attractive to join a union woman. i've just got approved joining a union, but things have been changing as workers in the south have seen the benefits of the u. a. w has brought to the workers, the older workers in the north, particularly off to the recent round of strikes. i'm the u. a w now says this is just going to be the beginning. mercedes, and highland and alabama will be next. they're going to start campaigns to try and
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get you those 2 funds, unionized and then toyota in missouri and i will coming up next according to the u . a. w. springing off this victory, she ever time. see out a 0 washington, a sound guidance, a search dramatically and hate and recent buttons with criminal goods controlling much of the capital view and says the 1st 3 months of this year. so a 53 percent increase in mental injuries associated with gang violence. social services are on the brink of collapse and the capital full to print. european commission president civil july and has the keys. russia of weapons rising migrants . she made these comments during your visit to finland's board with russia. finland shot several check points last year. for the influx of undocumented people from the middle east, africa, across, over through from russia on the line says russia is taking a but finland because it's supposed to crane and joining nato.
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i'm very glad. glad that we have for the 1st time, the term instrumentality ization in the legal framework. so the pact for migration and the site them. and this is a new phenomenon. it is a hybrid strict. and it has to be dealt as a hybrid threat to national security. and what we see is that a state this is instrumental lising for people to put pressure on another state. so that is a clear security issue. and we will certainly, we will certainly be dealing for quite a long time with that. and we will have to prepare for that. ultimately, though, a 70 of the legal case against margaret rescue is, has ended with all charges being dropped. they've been accused of aging and legal migration, but act is called as an attempt by the authorities to stop aid workers from helping
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those at risk on the high seas. if to some guns that triples case dismissed, accused of polluting with human traffickers, these and your workers at face 70 years of criminal charges while you're tapping an undercover investigations. on friday, according sicily followed the prosecution, surprise requests for the case to be thrown out to defend and say, this is a victory and that saving lives is not a crime. today the court made it perfectly clear that our intervention, it's even not a crime. the only the duty but also right it's a lead began to crack down a migrant rescue missions back in 2016. at the height of the refugee crisis, police sees the event to ship after rescued. more than 14000 refugees and migrants in distress. the case which accused migrant workers of coordinating libyan smugglers lasted for years and cost more than $3000000.00. to be there. the 1st
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ship to be blocked into the series. but after us, um, a lot of other ships blocked and of this trying to always new metro us to do this. it telling authorities have since band charities from performing several rescues in a row and often demand their ships docked at distant ports along the mediterranean, forcing cruise to decide between responding to distress calls or breaching the law . meanwhile, the you has outsourced part. it's a, it's border control, partnering with libyan coast guards sanctioned by the un for people trafficking and human rights violations. nearly 30000 people have died or gone missing in the last 10 years. according to the missing migrant, it's project on the greek island of less, both this cemetery pays tribute to those last it see a reminder of the perilous journey. thousands more taking if this i'm getting food, all jersey are those that follow them from me. so robert,
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of course you can follow those stories on our website as out as ever don't comb with continuing to monitor attacks in russia. and those rates in total come in on explosiveness is just on the other side of the break and to inform you that i see a time crunch. the one of the biggest elections of 2024 in the general election will prime minister now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and use some employment suede boots as in key states? and will the media be able to come of a freebie unfairly, ongoing coverage in the as an action on out is there a 300 years ago? the bound is the full season, the celebrated the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been re
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composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating, and the disturbing like performance in south korea. this nokia or of so on al jazeera, the killing of i'll just return it is shooting of the whole class was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom of turn in a skilled one, doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalist skills into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding anyone accountable for 3rd task shooting the messenger 10 to 0. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec,
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thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 developed, luis heavens, have gone through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we also need your donations incidentally, rec, delivery, in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the . ready ready ready on the mother's side. well children, ottomans, 9 people killed in this right. and strike that hits a family home in southern gaza. the color of 7 light from the also coming up


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