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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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some small beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties. the us house of representatives approves military packages with tens of billions of dollars, ukraine, israel and taiwan. the hello i'm, i am the marketing. this is alger 0 at life from del how so coming up on the program, thousands of people a back out on the streets and had a visa to protest against these riley governments. it's handling of the war on gaza . the
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morning in southern gauze and off to is really as traits can at least 10 palestinians in rough up. most of them children to may, is a killed in as many days in ecuador ahead of a referendum aimed at sites and gang mileage. the long welcome to the program. in washington, the house of representatives is approved a huge foreign, a package ukraine, taiwan israel, and several of the u. s. allies package has been held up for weeks because of divisions among democrats and republicans, but also being split into separate bills for those 3 countries. it now goes to the senate, off to which they will be quit case signed by the president joe biden. so let's take a look at what's included in the package of foreign aid. the 1st bill has $61000000000.00
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for ukraine, including defense, humanitarian aid and cash. to keep his government running. the 2nd give $17000000.00 to israel, including the punishments of it's on. doug missiles will also be a vote on a $9000000000.00 a package for garza and us development efforts in the occupied westbank. and that is $8000000000.00 for defense of us allies in the western pacific. mostly for taiwan, which is there is patrick online, joins us live now from capitol. hill is more than this. and so i teach pups. it's was looking at why it was so difficult to get this bill passed. well, 1st the in the house, they said that they wanted to tied to border security measures. but then when the senate came up with a bill, the funds, these countries and changes everything at the southern border. republicans said they weren't going to go for that because for. busy president donald trump said
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that he wanted the border to be a campaign issue in the upcoming election. and then it really was about republicans resistance to giving any a to ukraine. so much so that there are 3 members of the house the far right. members that have filed a motion to vacate basically that means that they can. it within days filed this motion and try and get speaker mike johnson kicked out of his job. and he initially last time there was a vote for you created he voted against it. so he had been hesitant to bring this to the floor, but he said after several intelligence briefings, he became more and more convinced that russia would not stop at ukraine's borders. and so he went ahead and called it to the floor and it did pass. although i think it's very notable 112 republicans such a huge number of republicans voted know, and they had different reasons they said, do you need your european union to be doing more that that money should be spent at home? that this is, the ukraine is spending a blank check with no accountability, but that is
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a sizable number when it comes to not this package. this package past 61000000000 the. busy the last a while, but it would call into question what might come next if you could and still needs more aid and future. so how can i this play out? that is you say the debate has split the house republicans into these warring factions. there are those who are in favor of intervention overseas and then others who move the, the trump style, the trump brand of conservatism. that puts america 1st. how like that develop of what we're going to be watching to see of speaker. jonathan keeps his job and i did wanna mention though, there was also fraction among the democrats when it came to the israel 8. as you mentioned, 17000000000 to. busy sure, israel $9000000000.00 for guys on the occupied westbank. and that was interesting. now that passed with a huge majority. it was 366457 against. but the breakdown of the
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57 is really interesting. there were 21 republicans. you said no, now we heard from some speeches that a lot of the, the republicans who spoke said they would not vote for. busy because it gave money to the palestinians, and they said that that was giving money to hum us. but there were 36 democrats who voted no and they were very vocal in their criticism is really pregnant as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. 36 might not sound like a lot, but it's somebody who studies us is really relationship right here in washington. this is really remarkable. it would have been almost unheard of a decade ago, 2 decades ago. but i think it shows a growing shift in the democratic party. i spoke to a member of care, the largest atlantic organism, american islamic organization in the united states. and they said this is basically a deal breaker when it comes to president joe biden, that there's the point of no return. and we are seeing this having a huge impact on him in the polls, not just the therapy americans and not just with muslims,
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but with the young people. they are very upset with this policy. it also people of color. he can't when, if he can't get those votes behind him in the general election. and this is going to further cast him as on the side of israel when he signs it and he says he is going to sign it. so i think the $36.00 is a growing recognition of just the absolute hor, that's taking place in gaza and the us role in it and the fact that it might have political repercussions in the upcoming election. thank you very much, patrick. all 9 there. and capitol hill? well, as you were saying, the 1st bill that was passed in the house contained billions of dollars, some $61000000000.00 for ukraine. john home incentives, this update from keys. the training government was really waiting for this nervously. it was a very, very long wait to see if this would be put even to the vote in the house of congress and see if it would get free. the only take 5 minutes. and in the end,
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it was a fairly convincing vote. that meant that this a package of $61000000000.00 from ukraine will now be sent to the senate, where is expected at pos, at the ukrainian president, loaded me as a landscape had said, if the congress doesn't help you crying, ukraine will lose this war at least publicly, that's how starkly he put it on his relief was evident. immediately afterwards, he treated that he was grateful to the us house of representatives, both partners and personally speaking, mike johnson, who might have put his job on the line. it seems to bring this to a boat. he said that it's a decision that keeps history on the right track, and that it will keep the will from expanding and save thousands and thousands of lives. i think that soldiers on the front lines of ukraine would echo dot sentiment . they towed it seems that they dealing with a situation in which every 6 shows coming from russia,
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they're only able to send one back. and that they see it that that would only get was at least $14000000000.00 about $61000000000.00 a package. it's not all of it will deal directly with weapons. we've training. i'm with operational capacities for the ukranian troops. now a question i guess is once it gets reset, it that happens once it's signed in by the us president joe biden. how quickly can not get here. that was off to depends a good on a suppose person said that it could be a matter of days. so definitely the united states government seems to be treating this with a matter of urgency. and that's going to be music to be, is of ukraine and the government here. don't home and out. is it a key if you cry. meanwhile, is there any protest as a gathering instead of ease to demand an early election and the release of captives held in gaza earlier on saturday, thousands of left wing his radio organizations demonstrate that outside the
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entrance to a minute, treat prison. hundreds of palestinians arrested in gauze are being held out. is there a stephanie that goes and tell of even joins is live now, what's that? what's it like that at the moment? stephanie, the, the people who just marching away from the main area where, um, quite, quite loud, sorry, where they were protesting and sort of the ministry defense. whole thing now is an anti war protests. this is a smaller part of the time. you can see people have been for the government to resign. prime minister benjamin. you're in charge on october the 7th. so what is your thoughts? communities are this is, this is the chair. uh, we've also had the family of hostages and their supporters, which is how these protest started in early days for the deal to bring the whole
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now become much more political for early elections holding for accountability. people who are very disappointed in the band. why? because they believe that this government isn't doing enough to bring the hostages hope degree in the last week. you've had the serious escalation with the wrong people here saying that they feel that the hostages is no longer and really hasn't been on the top of the agenda of this government job, which is why it's now become increasingly political. as time goes on, they want more, john, they want to the media deals, a lot of the people who are saying whatever it takes, whatever it takes to deal with, how much needs to be made to bring the hostages back. so these pro jobs have been going on on a weekly spaces pretty much since the war started, and they feel that their voices are not being hard. all right, thank you very much. from tennessee, stephanie deca, where the poach, i seem to be continuing
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a well into the night. but let's then take you to southern gaza. the parents have been emotional farewells to children killed in on is riley strike. funerals have been held for 10 palestinians who died in the attack on rafa. most of the dead well young children, and just a wondering that you may find some of the images and tarik i was in this report. distressing. this mother is it trying to accept the test on terms of going is one of the children killed and that is really strike on the one family home in russell and southern guns. the
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other women and children were also killed in this attack and tell us to neighborhood 12 year old plan as of to survive human. i mean that's nothing to us and that's what we were sleeping. and all of a sudden i heard my sister shouting and crying. the roof was coming down on our heads. i thought i was dreaming, but when i opened my eyes, it was all black smoke. i was buried under the debris. 13 minutes later i was pulled out of the credits of the body of his daughter in disbelief to the on the was her back. elizabeth and what is your home that know how the album and button and them capital because they have an incentive
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despite international close to a band and plans for the ground and agent of rough israel says it's going ahead with is offensive. the united nations has formed any operation that we're risk, the lives of more than a 1000000 people have been shocked during the 60 this is a state crime. there is no country in the world that has committed such crimes. what not even in syria or rock or ukraine? nothing like what's happening here. this has never happened in history. palestinian parents in gauze i have been living with the dread of losing their children for months. you can prepare them for the final by the suffering he has not looked talk since as a launch it's devastating will back in october. and now here as it's on the protest and they dropped like many palestinians are worried about the likelihood, it's even more unbearable. civilian desks, topic up as an owl, just a rough, rough southern garza, a target,
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joins us live. now what's happening there and rough, how would you describe the atmosphere is the the bombings in the air rates of continue with marianne. there is no really tough in it. strikes in a rough i district as in the past just couple of minutes ago with the is very mandatory, has talked to a residential house in the western side of a roof district where a number of casualties have to report signals loose injuries have been transferred to another truck hospital to receive medical treatment, but yet, as i can clearly hear the bucket ground, the ongoing positives will fit yours very minutes. range surveillance of drugs that completely do not leave the causes, discard of the guards. this trip in particular, he has a rough district within these early hours of this morning and that reflects more potential attacks that might be carried out within the coming out was at what
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happened just minutes ago. you. but also the situation is still ongoing, really dying and other parts of the gaza strip, including the middle areas where at the facility of locks, the hospital has been widely targeted with 7 uh, to really shows that target the entire area that um it, me injuries have been transferred to the hospital for medical treatment, so the entire situation on the ground sounds critically down as is barely met, that you had on president unprecedentedly targeted because of strep today in the middle areas, alongside with the north of the church where you were a number of houses and as a tune and she's yeah, yeah, neighborhood has have been completely destroyed as a part of it is very miniature informations on the ground. the all right, thanks very much. sorry i was enjoying is that from rough garza as we see that the shelling in the air rates have continued in the territory way more than half of causes residents of sheltering. and just a,
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one of the developments to mention took, he is president measure of type ad one has been holding talks with him as politically to his smile. any of this has been taking place and it's done bull. the meeting came days off the capital side. it was reassessing its role as a mediator in the war on gaza, or the ones office at the top so focused on humanitarian aid. how to achieve a ceasefire as well as assets, the palestinian unity is much more so to bring you the south. the 2nd day of his right the minute he rides in the occupied west buying, targeting palestinians and meet no shops, come. rains and floods displays more than a 100000 people in burundi stars. he's a calling for help. the
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now i said yes, that is going to be a disappointment. it has come to pass all this weather here, coming down from knolls as methods fitting much cold over a good part of europe. good to have tied to and with it some snow st. petersburg, maybe not surprised to find it still in the area which gets started. so it's been staying in some pieces but, but it's come a lot the science as well in parts of germany and france and of course switzerland, particularly in the alps. it has been snowing, there's been a lot of rain also and it's on its way to greece and in some abundance through ball gary remain here on sunday. and obviously a line that runs back up to the baltic states where it is still cold. there's most come here. this was outside the quite a few said to be the fresh snow and it's probably a bit more to come. and then as the cold meets the winds in this part of the mediterranean. quite stormy weather seems like in the southeastern part of from so north mostly to those charles will find the storms in the body. alex and the process something in spite. so not quite a spring, not cuz somebody like that,
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of course extends into morocco and the atlas mountains with a strong wind steel throughout your area and libya suggests, will be up here. but the wind is becoming lighter than this. i have the shells and make a lot more progress in manage example tiger and gum of the god promised abraham. this is the land that is going to belong to you and to your children forevermore right here in my back yard. present here, terrace realtors here just to make sure you know where you're at. central michigan . we have people here from united states from russia, from india, from germany. ready findings for the idea of israel's foreign army on a just yeah, that's all i could say. the
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welcome back. a quick look at the main stories this now now, the us house of representatives is post the for an a package was $95000000000.00. this will provide assistance to american allies, ukraine, taiwan, and israel funerals have been held for the 10 palestinians who died in the attack on rough on most of the dead young children. israel continues to target the city well off of the strips, population is sheltering. and then, and other developments is riley protest, as of gavin and televisions to them on, on the election. i'm the release of captives held in gaza area on saturday. dozens demonstrates outside of ministry prison,
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where hundreds of palestinians are being held a spring in one of the most recent media studies professor of political. i'm is that the don't constitute for graduate studies. i know that you are watching this house bill developments on capitol hill very closely. billions of dollars promise to american allies and something that would correspond to pass eco hain pointed out when we were speaking to her a bit earlier in the program, $3737.00 house democrats, $21.00 republicans voted against it. she said that for the democrats, that's quite a high number. so we know we have a small number of bull, progressive democrats who are annoyed about the approach present bite and has taken to gaza. but how do you see that playing out, fans in the months ahead? yeah, so 1st of all, i do think it's significant that 37 voted against this. and i do agree with her that we wouldn't have seen something like this, you know, 10 years ago or even,
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you know, 5 years ago. but on the other hand, we still have to recognize that there's overwhelming support for israel in the american political elite. i was looking at twitter or x and john ferryman, who was a democrat from senator, from pennsylvania. he said that the people who voted know, are lunatics, whether the republicans or democrats and i shudder to say that most of the american political leech would agree with him. so we shouldn't, i think, you know, we shouldn't go overboard and our interpretation of these, you know, these 37 dissenting votes from the democrats on the 21 on the republicans. i do think it's worth keeping an eye on, especially on the republican side, because more and more republicans, these america, 1st republicans, as you all noted, are starting to question why the us support is still is so staunch and iron clad to use jo biden's word for israel, it is important to strike that balance because if you're looking at the end of the
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maneuvers, the minute shy of us politics, it is important to point it out. but the of the day off to sun many months of killing and in the incredible destruction in gaza. it is a sorry state of affairs when you have what is supposed to be the progressive contingent of this bond. he's just still not comfortable if voted against his bill, but they are not really comfortable doing size. right. and i think you mentioned something important and that's the upcoming election. and i do think that there's a real worry right now. but for democrats and joe biden is going to lose the selection to donald trump, and it's going to be because of his, um, his guy is a policy. right. if you look at the opinion pulling data, they're not favorable to joe biden at all. and i think even more telling me then your pin opinion pulling data is what happened in the primaries and swing states like michigan and wisconsin, where tens of thousands of people showed up at the polls just to protest the vote they. they voted on uncommitted. and if that happens in november,
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joe biden is almost certain to lose those states. and if he loses those states, he's going to lose the election to donald trump in all likelihood of borrowing something unforeseen, some of the other states. so, you know, at some point, i think the american political leads, and i think the democrats in particular have to ask themselves, you know, at what cost are we supporting israel? is that going to change the debate? the, even if biting was to lose the election, you did the long held argument for in, in policy making. so that goes along. academics is that supporting israel isn't america's best interest, or that's one perspective. there are other perspectives here. there's another perspective that suggests that it's the lobby that that is the pro israel lobby that wields all of the influence. i think we should keep an eye on the young people in the united states because that's where things have trended in a different direction of late. you have 50 percent of young americans supportive of what from aust. it on october 7th, for instance, the overwhelming majority of young people in america are opposed to what israel is
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doing in gaza. so are the across a wide demographic? no, absolutely limited to particular ethnic groups. absolutely. so we're looking at 182242422929 to to $35.00 in particular, but also also even up to the, for the age 40 for a bracket. and if we, if, if we start to see that shift and if that shift maintains momentum in the coming years, then i do think you could see potentially a change in us policy. but let's not get a get ahead of ourselves on that. thank you for that. appreciate it my how much out of my story. thanks. and other developments at least 10 pallets, and these have been killed in a 2 day long. it's raining right in the occupied westbank. the. it's been gone far and explosions throughout the day on saturday. mass, the rest of been made at the notions refuge account is there any ford is also rated several homes and they use both of those as to destroy houses shops and then all
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the critical facilities as well. it rim has more, you know, i'm being says have been able to verify the number of the killed, the, even some of them according to local sources, have not been able to be carried out outside of that or for jake. i'm so maybe the number would be much higher. we really don't know, because as the situation remains this key and intense, it's hard for us to know what's happening inside. and even the people who we've been speaking through that with mrs. inside the refuge account, they've been saying that they've also had difficulty to leave their homes to know what's happening outside as this operation. in this a full on that a few g come answers more than a 40 hours now with palestinians. say that they couldn't find that homes with these were new forces. have been raising one house after another, conducting a rough and a field investigations. but we've just seen a video, basically and reported me a,
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that is the members of the battalion saying that their own lives, including the head of the notions. but cindy and who has been deemed to someone who was wanted not just on a scale of tooth cut in, but also on the scale of the occupied to us bank as a whole. now, if indeed the members of the battalion are alive, this gives us an idea of the fact that the operation is continuing. these really wave is continuing. so maybe the failure of, let's call it if so, of a rush thing. those a one to palestinians could be related to the fact that this a fault on that as you can this read is continuing. it's not the 1st time that the refugee, the, this refugee camp of nations and to cut him a or is seeing those ways just in january. we've been here and we had a 4th of the 3 day rate so that a few jacob was seen really a lot of colors to me is saying that they've been tortured to being beaten up
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during those field interrogation and edits. but from the videos we've been seeing, coming out of that i've seen as you come to the level of destruction seems to be much, much higher than anything we've seen before. and for some palestinians, they believe that this destruction of the infrastructure is one way is really forces is making life more and more difficult for palestinians, specifically those who decide to go through that out of armed resistance, such as the group here in to and cut in the north shims arms battalion and we want to take you to burn the the countries of paintings international help of the heavy rains displaced nearly 800000 people and destroyed phone land. rain has full and without any laptops in september of to be a new weather event extended. the annual rainy season across the region of december again said reports on some of the west affected areas,
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consistent rains. have some large parts of this church and the entire neighborhood along with it. these houses have got tuned in western burgundy cannot only be accessed by both flood waters have cut off this family from the world. oh, that's about to move to hit us and we have to look for a place to build a shelter. but we couldn't find any way because the water was already everywhere. we came here, but there wasn't that much water yet. we built alone platform, according to the height of the water covered at the top holdings. dofer's village sits near lake don ganita, which has been overflowing. the resulting deluge put nearly a 100000 people on the move, destroyed crops and critical facility. thousands of people has died in neighboring tens, in the more than 300 life stuff with lost in kenya in the past several days. it's all due to el nino and naturally occurring weather event, heading east africa,
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causing months of increased rainfall, land slides, and have storms and environment right for waterborne diseases. without movies, we have a problem not only with housing, but with drinking water too. when we suffer from illness caused by unsanitary conditions, authorities in burgundy dealing with limited resources are now calling for outside help. they say 300000 people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. if the some good food out to 0, millions of people and equitable will go to the polls on sunday to vote on a referendum put forward by the president. daniel in the book, judging votes, has to approve new security measures to tackle the rise of violence in the country to rise a bow reports morning and grief by loved ones at the funeral. familiar closely, scientists. he was killed this week by a known assailants in the town of coming to bones hembry cuz the nick wild son just
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had been in office for less than a year. he's kidding, is just another example of the serious violence ecuadorian ser, facing days before voting on a security referendum. precedent then you know, war is asking voters to back the matcher as a way to fight organized crime. when would you send to you? send me was brother, he hope suppressed and we'll get the back and he needs that goes in as the, the late eco doors insecure because of a lack of lows and hopefully the yes but will when and the minute true be on the streets. i hope that will be new laws to fight crime. my brother was executed and they didn't do anything. since taking off his last year president, many and noble, i declared a state of exception and deployed the armed forces to find the drug cartels that have increase their control overlarge parts of the country. this town is one of them. security forces here are on high alert space, se there's.


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