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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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it is us precedent, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the morning and southern guns are off to is really as dry as can at least 10 palestinians and rough on most of them. children the hello i maria, minimize the, this is algebra live from dell ha. also coming up on the program, is there any forces kill it needs to 13 palestinians in
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a 3 day offensive in the occupied westbank. thousands of people are back out on the streets of hell of eve to protest against these writing governments and is handling the war on cause us the us house of representatives approve of minute tre, packages with tens of billions of dollars for ukraine, israel and taiwan. the we begin with the developments and southern gaza parents. there was that emotional farewells to that children killed in on his radio strike. funerals have been held for the 10 palestinians who died in the attack on rasa. most of the dead. well, young children, the warning the view is, might find some of the images and topic i will as is report distressing. this mother is it trying to accept test on homes as going? he's one of the children killed and then is really strike on the one, some of the,
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a home in rough off the southern guns of the the, the other women and children were also killed in this attack and tell us some to a neighborhood. 12 year old learn as a foot survived, that, i mean there's nothing to us and that's what we were sleeping and all of a sudden i heard my sister shouting and crying. the roof was coming down on our heads. i thought i was dreaming. but when i opened my eyes, it was all black smoke. i was buried under the debris. 13 minutes later i was pulled out of the credit of the body of his daughter in disbelief to the on the
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hub backing is bad and what is your home then? know how the album and button and them capital because they have an incentive despite international close to a band and plans for ground and agent of rough israel says it's going ahead with is offensive. the united nations has formed any operation that we're risk, the lives of more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering in the city. this is a state crime. there is no country in the world that has committed such crimes, not even in syria or rock or ukraine. nothing like what's happening here. this has never happened in history. palestinian parents in gauze i have been living with the dread of losing the children for months. but you can prepare them for the final good by the suffering here has not live top since is will launch. it's devastating
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will back in october. and now here, as it's on the protest and they dropped like many palestinians are worried about the likelihood of even more unbearable civilian desks. topic up as an owl. just a rough, rough southern garza to dart joins us live. now tell us about some of the latest strikes that have been just that have just been taking place dark yes, mary. and as we have been talking about and active military operations by the is very surveillance of drugs and this kind of rough, our district as a could be a key sign for further attacks that was clearly happening in the past hour. whether it is where the ministry target to the residential house in a shop who, right neighborhood center rough district where one palestinian has been killed, along with an impulse injuries that have been transferred to the bucket ground to elko way to hospital to receive medical treatments. we clearly have seen that the
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civilians have been healthy appearances which rush to that location of the targeting in order to recover the injuries and the victims for months at the dip rate of the destroyed houses as the the injuries have been transferred. the funds alongside with also uh, with entry lenses uh to post and complete the, um to and the jar hospitalized. so now the military um, surveillance of drones and was still flying in the very low altitudes in, on the central areas of rough district. which means that potential attacks could be as will carry doubts with the coming hours. but we have been also recording really disturbing images and seems imagine from the town and the middle area where the people have been playing the eastern side of their republic on the intense, unrelenting boom boom boom button. and by these very 5 digits on the long side with the onto the re, units on the ground as those people have joined right now to find
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a place in order to take as a refuge away from the it's very binding fuss completely. the middle area has been widely bombarded today as those of injuries have been transferred to i'll ox, the hospital, which is which it's facility has been why the attack with 7 ought to artillery shows that destroyed. and i for cultural labs where uh, this hospital has been completely right now. uh, providing medical treatment for the injuries in the middle areas. but 2 now marian, there is no 80 lease has been fighting, as is very many treat has unprecedentedly, like expands and gets attacks on rough or what's considered to be one of the blue these days for the majority of guns population being trapped in that area. thank you very much tart. oh, is there any protests that have been on the streets have kind of eve to demand in the election and the release of captives held in gaza? or they are on saturday? dozens of left wing is right. the organizations demonstrated outside the entrance
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to a ministry prison with hundreds of palestinians arrested in gaza, of being held as is there a stephanie decker's intel of even joins us now. stephanie, tell us, what's that? what's it like there at the moment as well. those protests have now why own down? these are weekly protests every saturday. they're given an hour or 2 authorization to take place and then uh, they have to go, it's expanded over the months. what started of a protest by the families of the hostages for the government to do more, to strike a deal to bring them back has really become more political over time. now you have a 9 to government group quoting for new elections quoting specifically for this government to resign for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to go. a lot of people today telling us, you know, he was in charge of october. the 7th. he needs to take responsibility. and stein down, they feel that this government hasn't put the hostages at the top of their agenda. many even saying that the nation,
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yahoo knows that his political career is over. he will not be forgiven for october . the 7th, and he's prolonging the war for his own political survival. they also feel that degree in the last week you had the escalation with the ron unprecedented. so they really feel that their cause the hostages, their family members has been forgotten. so today they were trying to put that back on the agenda, but many people telling us they feel like their voices are not being heard. thank you very much. from tennessee, stephanie debt. go with the latest at least 13 palestinians have been killed and i was writing re that started on thursday. the occupied westbank has been gone fine explosions until come last arrest have been made at the north shelves. refugee camp is there. any forces also rated several homes and use boulders as the destroy houses, shops and all the critical facilities and the ever and reports on this. now,
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you know, i'm being says have been able to verify the number of the killed the even some of them according to local sources, have not been able to be carried out outside of that or for jake i'm so maybe the number would be much higher. we really don't know, because as the situation remains this key and intense, it's hard for us to know what's happening inside. and even the people who we've been speaking through with mrs. inside the refuge account, they've been saying that they've also had difficulty to leave their homes to know what's happening outside as this operation in this assault on that a future come on through more than a 40 hours now with palestinians say they've been confined to their homes. with these really forces have been reading one house after another, conducting a rough and a field investigations. but we've just seen a video basically and reported me is that is the members of the battalion saying that their own lives,
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including the head of the notions. but cindy and who has been deemed to someone who was wanted not just on a scale of toys, cut in, but also on the scale of the occupied to us bank as a whole. now, if indeed the members of the battalion are alive, this gives us an idea of the fact that the operation is continuing. these really wave is continuing. so maybe the failure of, let's call it if so, of a rush thing. those a one to the palestinians could be related to the fact that this a full to him. that means you can, this read is continuing. it's not the 1st time that the refugee, the, this refugee camp of nations and to cut him a or is seeing those ways just in january. we've been here and we had a 4th of the 3 day rate. so that a few jacob, when we've seen really a lot of colors to me, is saying that they've been tortured to being beaten up during those field
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interrogation and edits. but from the videos we've been seeing coming out of that i've seen g comes, the level of destruction. seems to be much, much higher than anything we've seen before. and for some palestinians, they believe that this destruction of the infrastructure is one way is really forces is making life more and more difficult for palestinians, specifically those who decide to go through that out of armed resistance, such as the group here in to and cut in the north shims arms battalion. so that's bringing mohammed on last reason media studies professor and political analyst at the dawn is that you for graduate studies. so while attention is fixed on the gauze up, that has been this incredible rise of abuses in the west bank. we're just hearing to speak about the raid on the refugee camp in the occupied westbank that has seen some of the west destruction for decades. and now the one of our reports is also
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spoke about that. what does this indicate about what might be coming in the west 9th, we're already seeing the target of the is there any minute treat ancestors for that might have but how much less couldn't get as well? i think we have to look at what is real sought to achieve from october 7th. i think they saw october 7th as an opportunity not only to ethnically cleanse the gaza strip but also to intensify their ethnic cleansing program in the west bank. obviously, settlement expansion has been ongoing for decades and we know that there's the ongoing land confiscations, the home demolitions, the regular violence just in the 1st 8 months of 2023. before the war. more than 200 pounds, 240 palestinians were killed in the west bank either by is really forces or by violent is really settlers. and so what we're seeing since october 7th is basically just an intensification. and as i said, as
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a result is really government sees this as an opportunity to intensify and excel rate this already ongoing ethnic cleansing program. this is a part of is rarely audiology. it's a part of zionist philosophy that all of the land, including gaza and the west bank must be for the jews, but the land must be purified of the era presents. this is the idea of great if there's a lot of this isn't. this is all part of the ideology in the united nations recorded 1700 sets our attacks between the attack on october 7th and early april and soldiers in uniform of present finality half of those mean that's not gonna come up with any surprise. someone who follows the situation closely at the right, which is never going to intervene, have no track record is not intervening and acts of violence. right? um, well, not only that, but they, they actually shelter and protect the settlers. and in some instances, instances partake,
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and the violence themselves. and then if we are to go further down the road here and nothing is ever or rarely is anything ever prosecuted, no one is ever very rarely, as in his rarely subtler ever convicted of a crime. it's like 3 percent of cases that are brought and then convictions. and so this is an ongoing program of ethnic cleansing. this is idea of greater israel. that's what's being implemented right now. is it just to be care about this? you have entire communities that are being operated and they've been displaced. so i think it's been noted that some human rights organizations is that some 20 communities have entirely up booted on at least 7 since uh, october 7th, 2023. but so in any case, that's just liking to accelerate in the month said, right, i mean, we're talking about, i mean, that we understood we're have to understand here is that there are more than $200.00 is really settlements and outposts and that number is growing with every, you know, passing year, right, there are more than 700000 settlers in the west bank and in jerusalem. and so
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this is not going, you know, going away any time soon unless the international community and by the international community here. i mean, the united states because they're the ones that have the leverage to put a stop to all this unless they intervene, then this is going to continue unfortunately, or suspend military support from the risk of confessed and what's happening. absolutely, absolutely. i mean the us now is, as you mentioned there, they're effectively complicit and what is considered by most experts to be a genocide and what i think will be rules of genocide at the international court of justice and the next few years. i'm advisory. thank you. thanks or in some of the developments stuckey as president version of the type of the one is how talks with him as politically to as my mia and it's done bull. the meeting came days off, the counselor said it was reassessing his role as a mediator in the world. garza are the ones office at the top. so focused on humanitarian aid, how to achieve a ceasefire, and also f,
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it's the palestinian unity. it is much more flat for you on the program, but if it rains insensitive, despise more than a $100000.00 people in the room. they force. he's a pleading for health and then tens of thousands of people to take you to the streets of 10, a reef in protests, against the facts of mass tourism the . the latest news as it breaks around on a given a cause that people have just come out in large numbers, galvanized public to the board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the relative things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have the hard huge, i mean to be used as the i r c suffered casualties,
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we have not suffered fatalities. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular, i said to call facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful. you hear the story on talk to how does era in the polls what is known as a breaking stereotypes full, while practicing the ancient mush allowed to come for it has made me physically very fit and meant to be very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educate to young goals $1.00 oh, $1.00 east beach. the kung fu nuns cap men do on al jazeera, the,
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the, the combat you're watching out there at the top stories. now. funerals have been held for the 10 palestinians who died in the attack on rough on most of the dead. we young children. israel continues to target the city web. hoff of districts population is sheltering at least 13 malice and these have been killed and on his right. right. that started on the 1st day in the occupied west bank up in mass arrests and widespread damage until graham and no shops refuge account. and then is there any protests of gavin and kind of leave to them on the election and the release of captives held in gaza earlier on? saturday, dozens demonstrates outside a minute from prison. wet, hundreds of palestinians of being healthy and washington, the house of representatives is approved, are huge for an aide package, the ukraine, taiwan israel, and several of the us allies package had been held up for weeks because of
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divisions among democrats and republicans. but off to being split into a separate bills for ukraine, taiwan and israel. it now goes to the senate, off to which they will be quickly signed by president joe biden. so in terms of what's in the package of foreign aid itself, you've got the 1st bill with $61000000000.00, few crane. this includes defends humanitarian aid in cash to keep the government running. the 2nd gives $17000000000.00 to israel, including the replenishment of its iron done ms files, and also be a vote on a $9000000000.00 a package for gaza. and us development efforts in the occupied westbank. and then is $8000000000.00 of the defense of us allies in the west pacific. this is mostly for taiwan hockey call hi. and has more on the struggles to get this a bill passed for ukraine as well as the 1st the in the house. they said that they wanted to tied to border security measures, but then when the senate came up with the bill, the funds these countries and changes everything at the southern border.
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republicans said they weren't going to go for that because for were president donald trump said that he wanted the border to be a campaign issue in the upcoming election. and then it really was about republicans resistance to giving any a to ukraine. so much so that there are 3 members of the house the far right. members that have filed a motion to vacate basically that means that they can it within days filed this motion and try and get speaker mike johnson kicked out of his job. and he, initially last time there was a vote for you created, he voted against it. so he had been hesitant to bring this to the floor. but he said after several intelligence briefings, he became more and more convinced that russia would not stop at ukraine's borders. and so he went ahead and called it to the floor and it did pass, although i think it's very notable 112 republicans such a huge number of republicans voted no and they had different reasons. they said, do you need your european union to be doing more that that money should be spent at
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home? that this is, ukraine is spending a blank check with no accountability, but that is a sizable number when it comes to not this package. this package past 61000000000 to. busy that'll last a while, but it would call into question what might come next if you create and still needs more 8 in the future. or you're gardening, present documents and landscapes trying to us to make us for posting the a package to the sewing machine. today we received a decision, we expected a package of american support that we thought so hard for. and it's a very significant package that will be felt by our soldiers on the front line, as well as by our towns and villages suffering from russian tyra list today. the us house of representatives voted thank you to everyone who supported our package. this is a solution for saving lives which on hold and is that we're forcing on the story for us. he sent us this update from a capital keys speak. ukrainian government was really waiting for this
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nervously. it was a very, very long way to see if this would be put even to the vote in the house of congress and see if it would get free. the only take 5 minutes. and in the end, it was a fairly convincing vote. that meant that this a package of $61000000000.00 from ukraine will now be sent to the senate, where is expected at pos, at the ukrainian president told him, is the landscape had said, if the congress doesn't help you, craig, you, craig, and lose this war at least publicly, that's how starkly he put it on his relief was evident. immediately afterwards, he treated that he was grateful to the us house of representatives, both partners and personally speaking, mike johnson, who might have put his job on the line. it seems to bring this to a boat. he said that it's a decision that keeps history on the right track, and that it will keep the will from expanding and save thousands and thousands of lives. i think that soldiers on the front lines of ukraine would echo dot sentiment
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. they towed it seems that they'd dealing with a situation in which every 6 shows coming from russia, they're only able to send one back. and that they see it that that would only get was at least $14000000000.00 about $61000000000.00 a package. it's not all of it will deal directly with weapons. we've training. i'm with operational capacities for the ukranian troops. now a question i guess is once it gets reset, it that happens once it's signed in by the us president joe biden. how quickly can not get here. that was off to depends again on a spokes person said that it could be a matter of days. so definitely the united states government seems to be treating this with a matter of urgency, and that's going to be music to the use of ukraine and the government here. don't home and out. is it a key if you cry, as well? also following developments in burgundy, the government there is appealing for international help. off the heavy rains,
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displaced nearly a 100000 people and destroyed farm land. rain has fallen without laptops. in september of the new weather event extended the annual rainy season across the region of december against the reports on some of the west affected areas. consistent rains have so much parts of this church and the entire neighborhood along with it. these houses have got tuned in western burgundy cannot only be accessed by both flood waters have cut off this families from the world. oh, that's about the war to hit us. and we have to look for a place to build a shelter. but we couldn't find any way because the water was already everywhere. we came here, but there wasn't not much water yet. we built along platform, according to the height of the water covered at the top holdings. dofer's village sits near lake don ganita, which has been overflowing, the resulting deluge put nearly
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a 100000 people on the move destroyed crops and critical facility. thousands of people has died in neighboring pens in the and within 300 lice, stuff with lost in kenya in the past several days. it's all due to el nino and naturally occurring weather event hitting east africa, causing months of increased rainfall, land slides, and hail storms and environment ripe for waterborne diseases. without a movie, we have a problem not only with housing, but with drinking water too. when we suffer from illness caused by unsanitary conditions and things, authorities in burgundy, dealing with limited resources, are now calling for outside help. they say 300000 people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. if this i'm going hood, i'll just 0. this is interesting story from 10, a reef, thousands of people that have been protesting against the effects of mass terrorism in the canary islands. they say the current model is damaging the ecology of the
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area. so like a girl reports it is a sector the canary islands has come to depend on while tourism has been approved to the economy. for many here at this, protested tennessee. it has also been detrimental anymore and anybody else? so this i put out, i think we have the territory of a saturated with construction, as well as buildings that are being totally destroyed with no use within the tourism industry. this is land speculation and it's leaving the natural areas totally unprotected as well as the damage to its landscape activists say that the poll tourism is taking on residents is too heavy, too bad. rising prices designed for tourists and hikes in property prices mean so many life on these islands is too expensive, forcing them to leave the homes to find work elsewhere. this is
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a really good look. it is not the only the tourism projects. it is the cues, it is the precarious work. it is in employment because the weariness of the people who are tired of it separately, environmental organizations are back in the demonstrations, demands for 2 and 3 holes in the islands tourism sector. some protests have even taken part in hunger strikes and a bit to force the government to tackle issues such as the impact of mass tourism and water supplies, waste management, and health services. that's the average wages betty able to cover the rising rents. i couldn't say it is leading to an increase in social exclusion with some lower paid workers resulting to sleeping in the vehicle a local stores, you say that the rise of attention aimed at the tourism industry won't affect visited with the islands receiving a record number of holiday makers last year. the strain may prove too much for
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those who live that. so anyway, yeah, go, i'll just say era will have a full round up for you, old days, developments and then use our that's coming out with myself in about 25 minutes time to to out you there is the program coming on next. but east coast is going to be the place to where you know, straight the weather turns a bit rough. i've say next 24 hours. please send to cloud here already. chris, going to be a bit of a focus of it on show breeze and the hold of something queens and then eventually it'll be fed and also see some sort of shower you, whether it's bit digital to be understand for the know for the sags and for the west, it looks fine and it's still warm and sunny in person about 30 degrees. but the 3 day for brisbin is not good. sunday being the worst caught
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a windy day and i think almost continuous tide covered with lightning and some rain . and then things improve quite rapidly, even shy, maybe, but so it was 26 degrees is not bad. and that sherry stuff the off shore does catch the edge of queensland. usually this weather quite quite as you might expect, the winds not particularly strong, and there's more sunshine than anything else tempted in the high teams. for the most part, the risk of funding from big thunderstorms is still there anywhere in indonesia. i'm not sure i can folks of a particular area, but important. yeah, that seems to be the biggest likelihood or chef and they stretch up to world sometimes as well. my pu kits cool down a little bit from its recent 139 big showers, big great potential flash, southern big highland southern china song which extends just to japan. a unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and
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everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is. all right, here and right now the stream on the, on the fall in love, many young european american jews are raised to believe that the jewish identity is contingent on the unflinching support for the state of israel. well that identity is now very much in crisis, is many young jews watch in graphic detail. the state of israel is also in gaza and the worsening treatment of kind of thing. and in the only 5 west back.


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