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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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all turning your donations into direct deliveries in the shortest, comfortable time donates with confidence the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry, i'm the mazda outcomes. the news, our life from dell are coming up in the next 60 minutes. the morning in southern garza, aust is really as dry as can at least 10 palestinians in rough up. most of them children, trail of death and destruction or shops is riley false. is carol at least the teen palestinians during a major operation in the occupied westbank. thousands of people back out on the streets of calaboose to protest against these rainy governments and his handling of
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the war on garza. and also kindly helped us out of the house of representatives approves, minute tree, a packages, what tens of billions of dollars, the ukraine, israel and taiwan and pizza statements with a little bit a splits. these matches to says here 3 to be if a cup final pip claudio this main defeat chelsea one know at wembley in the semi finals that move later in the program. the in southern gaza. parents of emotional farewells to the children killed in on is really strike. funerals have been l. so 10 palestinians who died in the attack on rasa. most of the dead, what children? just a warning that view as might find some of the images in tag i blessings, reports distressing. this mother is it trying to accept test on homes
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of gone? he's one of the children sealed, and then is rarely strike one's over at one assembly home in rough off the southern guns. the other women and children were also killed in this attack and told us to neighborhood 12 year old plan as a foot survives. and then i mean that's nothing to us and that's what we were sleeping and all of a sudden i heard my sister shouting and crying. the roof was coming down on our heads. i thought i was dreaming. but when i opened my eyes, it was all black smoke. i was buried under the debris. 13 minutes later i was
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pulled out of the credit of the body of his daughter in disbelief to the on the was her back. elizabeth and what is your home that know how the album and button and them capital because they have an incentive despite international close to a band and plans for ground and agent of rough israel says it's going ahead with is offensive. the united nations has formed any operation that we're risk, the lives of more than a 1000000 people have been shocked during the 60 this is a state crime. there is no country in the world that has committed such crimes, but not even in syria or rock or ukraine. nothing like what's happening here. this has never happened in history. palestinian parents in gauze i have been living with the dread of losing their children for months,
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but you can prepare them for the final by the suffering he has not looked talk since as a launch it's devastating will back in october. and now here as it's on the protest and they dropped like many palestinians of words about the likelihood, it's even more unbearable. civilian that topic up as an owl. just a rough, rough southern garza elsewhere is 13 palestinians have been killed and on his riley re that started on 1st day and the occupied westbank is ready forces of use bulldozers to destroy homes shops and all of the critical facilities until crime and the brand reports from the sheriff's refugee camp, where many medic say they have also come on the is right, a file. it's a risk many here say they're willing to take medic see is where the forces injured . one of their critics, and fire warning shots towards some of their cars, but it's their job. they tell us, as they tried to enter the news jumpstart,
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a few decals in the north of the, occupying the left bank land every time we don't need it, we tried to reach a patients, but these really forces have struck that work. now look how this is really cheap, is blocking the ambulances for mentoring. since we're on cause or started, these really forces to being treated the islands cause regular cause the ambulance was forced to return one of several failed attempts. during these read the rate of the account that started late on thursday. we heard the dead bodies inside, but the army didn't even talk to us. they signaled with the hands that we couldn't answer being under, in this way, the siege. it's hard for palestinians to count their dead or injured. there was violence between the 3 disorders and palestinians fighters during the invasion. one is where the forces fired 3 needs at some of the homes. they conducted field interrogation, route, detentions,
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and damage the camps. facilities as well as the them know how this incursion is unprecedented, accepted even compared to the one in 2002 and previous incursions. the r snipers, uninstalled death squads and special forces deployed, and this is the nation's arm, through the inside. the comp reports had said their lead that was, that was killed in these really weight, but they've denied that. we are all well and fine of issue john has just left us. now. this is his rifle. we are in high spirits hymer all in service to the cause of god, which is out has been wanted by these really forces as a part of the track down on armed groups and some of the refugee camp cindy occupied westbank for more than a year. people in the north, some sort of pure jacob, having to continue with his way the ways we've seen destruction, widespread destruction to its rose electricity lines on will through lines before
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it's hard for palestinians here to assess the damage from this read yet. but early signs indicate it's the worst the camp has seen in years that but he just took kind of the okay, by the west bank. is there any settlers of a time palestinians in the occupied west bank on the highway between ramallah and jericho? another attack took place and termed messiah north east of ramallah, where cause and property were destroyed, and at least 3 palestinians were injured. and as a weird village when this after this jolted palestinians homes that oh, we also have been following another story of us and israel media are poor thing that the bond administration is due to impose sanctions on a particular unit of these riley on me for alleged human rights abuses in the occupied westbank. this would be the 1st time that the us has ever taken such a step. let's get more of this stuff from shepherd towns in washington dc. shout.
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what are you hearing about this? yeah, i think we need to be really careful about the frame and as often happens here, what the state department has done is leak the story to one of its favorite stenographers in the press who's framing this as the us the bottom didn't ministration imposing sanctions looked like getting tough, but it's slightly different on the it's, it's actually just us little it's, that's the circled lahey lore of 81 was that $97.00 um before and the system fact it was an amendment of the warrant assistance act, which means that under us law if there's credible evidence that the us has of the state department has off off a unit in gauging and human rights abuses, but us is not allowed to assist it at any in any way. that's just the lord's. there's all divided ministration. doing is in fact what we know is that, i'm sorry, it's okay. it's only binding the inspection. i utilize that for the sanctioning unit. this is the law as mandated by congress and that everything else. and in fact,
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what we know from thursday when pro public, uh, uh, 1st found out that this is, this is what are the watched organization here in dc. they got the leak. that in fact, a report by a state department panel had recommended loss of december. that this unit, the net so who would be cut off from us aid because of human rights abuses, torture extra additional killings, even if a policy in american ma'am, uh, rate of gift show of, of, of, of minus 20, blinking in the words one year as a visual is basically have this report in his brief case since december i've done nothing about it, even though he is, he is legally supposed to have done something. and we should be clear that these abuses all 4 acts from the westbank before october 7th. so it's, it's not so much of the binding, those are just getting tough. if the bye didn't ministration actually doing something that i could have done in december. only off that we got the leak on
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thursday for public, but they should have done this already. all right, thank you. a shower tons, who is the all the latest on that story from washington? well, is ready, protest as took to the streets on saturday to demand early elections and political accountability. i say not enough is being done to return captives held in the gaza strip. stephanie deck who was following these protests for us in tell of these a smaller part of the page. as you can see, people have been calling for the government to resign. prime minister benjamin on october the 7th. so what is your responsibilities of this is? this is the chair we do to have the family of hostages and their supporters. this is how these protests started in 30 days for the media deal to bring the whole now becomes much more difficult for early electron holding for accountability. people
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who are very disappointed in the band. why? because they believe that this government isn't doing enough to bring the whole degree in the last week. you've had the series of connection with the wrong people here saying that they feel that the hostages is no longer and really hasn't been on the top of the agenda of this government, which is why it's now also become increasingly political. as time goes on, they want more than they want, and the media deals, most of the people who are saying whatever it takes, whatever it takes to deal with how much needs to be made to bring the hostages box . so these protests have been going on on a weekly basis, pretty much since the war started, and they feel that their voices are not being hard. and then another story of following is the negotiations taking place involving to kids present ridge of type i do on the holding talks with homeless politically to
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a small any of this has been taking place and as done. pull the meeting game days off to catch us, that it was reassessed. thing is role as a mediator in the war, and casa, are the ones office at the top. so focused on a humanitarian, a how to achieve a ceasefire as well as assets, palestinian unity. i'll just say we're send them cuz hulu has more on this from s danville. this is not the 1st time how much leads or a smile honey i was supposed to buy a turkish present for his up type are drawn in his stumble. a couple of months ago . prisons are gone and brought together how much leisure and also to leader into care as well, according to turkish communications, direct rates as social media posts on a x, a president on a search to add that and the of of the situation in golf. so i should be at the spotlight of the international community and at the latest tension between iran and israel shouldn't shadow what's going on and it causes the presence. ardon has
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always emphasized that he is taking issue in palestine and garza as a personal and until the end of his last breath, he will continue to fight for it. and also on saturday morning a turkish, an egyptian foreign ministers have a binding, true meeting. and after that, they had a joint press conference in which they emphasized the importance of the delivery of to who monetary and of relief to cause. so the continuation of this and also a $22.00 ministers emphasized that the solution to the problem and gaza is for stopping . they is very little can patient on oppression. and also a 2 state solution based on 196 to 7 borders, seen of coastal elders are assembled as bringing mamma down. last reason media studies professor and the let's gonna sit down high institute for graduate studies . so throughout the evening we've seen these very lively, emotionally charged scenes in tel aviv with protest is taking to the streets them.
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i'm wondering what do you think of that? because it did look, has the military strikes involving iran might've given benjamin destiny a little bit of rest by silence increasing support at least for a short time. now we see these renewed appeals from is riley protests is for that to be more accountability and for new elections to be l. mm hm. well, there's no question that netanyahu got a very much needed distraction. right. um, everyone was focused a couple of weeks ago on what was happening and guys, and there were a workers killed and so on and so forth. and then attention shifted to the situation with iran, but now it's kind of back to the sort of day to day grind of the war or the focus is back on gaza and the sort of protests of have returned. now i think it's important to keep in mind is that as i've mentioned in other contexts, that these are not anti war protests. so the, the,
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the mood in israel is very much pro war. so while many people do not like nothing yahoo, in fact, he's unpopular at the moment in terms of just if you look at the opinion of pulling data, most is really is however, i agree with it and yahoo on the need to do what israel's doing in gaza and in fact most is rarely believe that israel's not using enough force in gaza and really important to make that distinction, isn't it? and even with regards to iran is facing pressure from the more extreme response of his cabinet to retaliate with much. tasha ministry strikes against iran, so he, you know, you have parts of the is there any government that want to i'm not charged response, but also important say that you have these protests against the war and actually even as, according some more elections, that position will probably make it easier for netanyahu to continue to drag out the will for his political survival. absolutely, and as it has been noted by,
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by many analysts over the last few months, the longer this war goes on, the better it is for on. yeah. how you've even had american politicians comment on, on this right, that he has a self sort of interest. he has a hidden agenda in continuing this war and he said in december, remember at the time, i think many people sort of snickered when he said that this war was going to go through at least the end of 2024. and now it's looking here we are in, you know, middle towards the end of april. and it doesn't seem to be any uh and insight and then don't likely to be any pressure on that from the by to ministration. because president biden has already taken a massive hit politically as a result of all of this, the months of destruction and mounting desks and realize that, but it doesn't seem to match to what happens. all of which lines across america has made it abundantly clear that it's not prepared to use the leave of
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pressure. it is disposal, which is money and weapons. exactly. you know they're, they're clearly not willing to use their leverage. if they were going to use their leverage, i think they would have, i think they would have used it by now. so the, by the administration, i think the us political apparatus more generally is really shooting themselves the shooting themselves in the foot on not only is biting of quite possibly going to lose the election to, to donald trump. but the us has had taken a huge hit in terms of its in global standing. and democrats, especially young democrats, are increasingly displeased with the binding ministration of more than half of the democrats believe that that israel's carrying out of genocide. and despite that, the, by the end restriction is continuing with the same old, the same old policy. thank you. mohammed almost 3 for joining me on set x. moving to iraq now, or at least one person has been killed. 20 of those injured in a launch explosion. bloss happened at south of the capital bank died in the bible
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province, america saying that it was behind the explosion. sullivan john wright has moved from baghdad. this is the damage of the call to military base between baghdad and battled. the explosion killed at least one feature of the patent, really popular mobilization forces and injury to those to us. since he come on denied reports that it was an american attack. an investigation is underway, but soldiers at the banks have the theories of thought that many can not put them off to the american forces with you to that they carried out. the bombings here is the often matter. this is what resulted from the huge explosion. and this is the crate to created by the bloss hamas statement condemned the attack, calling you to a violation of the 70 from us as it was the bite in administration responsible for the escalation to the interrupt. the security officials that adamant that it was an accident until now,
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i'm sure it's too much air lead to talking about what's going on. but we're talking about right now with the teams. the teams right now they worked 24 hours from yesterday night until now. and i think maybe after the little time they can tell us and we can build up something from every. and i'm sure, and we try some of our courses. we kinda protect our country, our board go on the people on the or sensitive ton system or against high so many a strong spend a minute fee for the full life into a sense of change come on, the invalid group. a fight is called the popular mobilization forces works under the prime minister's office. but it only group such as is lubbock resistance still have a major presence. they maintain, they'll attack us and is where you can trust the water and gaza. what attacks in the air on escalate? what on average of her going to have them all? we do not want to embarrass the government with this issue. this is why we see ours is supportive rules. the rockies lumnick resistance have carried out more than
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$400.00 attacks and we continue to target israel via drums. they have the occupation expands worth russell. this lumnick resistant will escalate this operations to walk through the few confuse the wrong can publicly display its political and military influence. and that rule in iraq, the politics and security is a major challenge for leaders who have to balance the close partnerships with best of allies, including the united states. the latest incident comes and heightened tension in the featured rockies. fear that the ron the united states and israel could use its soil once again for the approximate warfare and the tax, which is the one in bible, carries the risk of igniting far reaching incense, the consequences that might be beyond the rocking. and so some of the driving down to 0, the, the, well, in washington, the house of representatives is approved, a huge foreign, a package for the ukraine, tie one, israel and several,
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all the us allies package had been held up for weeks because of divisions among democrats. and republicans, but also being split into separate bills for ukraine, taiwan and israel. it now goes to the senate of to which that will be signed by president joe biden. and terms of what's included in the package itself. the 1st bill has $61000000000.00 for ukraine. this includes defense, humanitarian aid, and cash to keep with government running. the 2nd, give $17000000000.00 to israel. this includes the replenishment of its iron doug missiles. it'll also be a vote on a $9000000000.00 a package for gaza and us development assets in the occupied westbank. and then is $8000000000.00 for defense of us allies in the west and pacific. mostly taiwan houses. there is patchy called high rounds up developments from capitol hill for us in word and deed, members of the us house of representatives, sending the message with ukrainian flags in the house for the day support sending
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61 $1000000000.00 to ukraine. a huge number of republican members, 112 voted against giving money and weapons to you free. you know, we have the false choice about the same that ukraine doesn't matter to america or support ukraine was no question as was blank checks and bows. this positions on the board in our national interest. the bill is past 1717000000000 to is really 9000000000 to the palestinians, prove divisive as well. it passed, but $21.00 republicans voted. know, along with 37 democrats, gentleman from texas is wrecking many criticizing is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that, whose actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored the, please of the families of hostages. he's ignored the, please of the president of the united states. he's ignored his own people. he's
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engaged in self preservation. we should not be sending offensive weapons to israel right now. acted as a warning president joe biden, that if he signs the legislation, he will pay a political price. this is taking away any leverage at present and buying might have to get and then yellow to pull back on and beating ra, offer or killed warning. some people, a 1000000000 easily passed for taiwan and so did a bill that would allow us to increase sanctions on around allow the buying and ministration to seize russian assets. and ben chick talking to us in las, its chinese owners. so the company now these bills go to the senate, which is expected to pass them and then the president is expected to sign it because you got officials tell me that once it is signed, they can start getting weapons into crane. in a matter of days to go home al jazeera washington, well the economy and present rhodium is the landscape of science, us lawmakers for passing the package to you. today we received
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a decision. we expected the package of american support that we thought so hard for . and it's a very significant package that will be felt by our soldiers on the front line, as well as by our towns and villages suffering from russian tyra list today. the us house of representatives voted thank you to everyone who supported that package. this is a solution for saving lives as well that the boost of american supports for ukraine comes as inclining troops. fighting the east is struggling with a show. seizure of munition shells dropped her voice for me. the front lines in the east and ukraine. the, this is a front job to, to re system close to you grains eastern front line, one of thousands of pieces of heavy weaponry supplied by ukraine's native wild license. the will began a soldier shows us the munition stock. just 12 shows left. hold on the 1000000 shells have been pledge by ukraine's
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back as in recent weeks, but they're not getting here fast enough. do you currently ministry say the rate of fire is at least $6.00 to $1.00, and the russian armies favor of the year. so the, the, we are trying not to leave our position. yes, the enemy is advancing. but even with this little amount of sales, we are trying to hold the uh we head towards the besieged small town of shots if your russian forces occupied the eastern mounts. goods rushing pointed yet, so being slow between ukraine policies and along the crating on the supply routes. taking advantage of what keith has been saying for months, it's critically short of a defense more no way to a stabilization point just outside the village. just if you all the soldiers tell us that the biggest concern, traveling alone least very expose roach the circle if you feel 1st person patient of drugs that the russians ukrainians by using search,
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devastating dangerous effect. please video shows the precision of the russian f t v. cam a cause you drive an attack on on would you trade in vehicle you currently ministry estimate that can be up to a 100 various types of russian and ukrainian drawings operating at any one time in a given 10 columbus of radius from the eastern front line to the so called sugar cuba used to detect drug and sound frequency, often contact into fi who's, who's an explosion close by. vitale is a medical, one of a number of so called stabilization points just outside chance if y'all were injured. so we'll just get emergency treatment before evacuation. accost expose, feels store hospital in a safe area and may be shown to the stucco partition to one of the biggest dangers is we can be hit by a k d or artillery at any time in the house nearby. is completely destroyed,
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we are anxious all the time. around 10 kilometers to the west of the east, announce goods of coast on to meet the next town on the part of the russian army. slo, drones rushing policies are increasingly targeting the city which had a pre will population of $67000.00. but thousands of people remained the woods a clear on the destroyed railway station who what is the pressure? what was this shows us that the enemy wants to capture constantine if in order to move forward. they want to scare the civilian instead of destroying the town. we didn't, or we can to stop though. ukraine will spend $5000000000.00 producing its own weapons this year, including a 1000000 drones dropped in the ocean for what analysts say is, keeps most critical. charlene, since its failed counter offensive last year to hold ground against bushes,
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expect you to attempt at a concentrated summit of bonds, john strep it out to 0. and the chance if y'all eastern new crime, it doesn't use our life from dell. how much wants to last rains and floods displaced more than a 100000 people in the in d. d, as far as ease of pleading for health, tens of thousands take to the streets of generation, protest against the effects of terrorism. as to time grandson, tennis champion, regarding versa, announces how retirements peter will have the details and support the now i said yesterday, there's going to be a disappointment. it has come to pass. all this weather here coming there from knows has meant it's pretty much colder. a good part of europe, good to try to and with it some snow and i said petersburg,
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you maybe not surprised to find it still in the area which gets started. so it's been staying st. petersburg. but it's come a lot to the science as well. in parts of germany and france and of course switzerland, particularly in the alps. it has been snowing. there's been a lot of rain also and he's on his way to greece and in some abundance, through ball gary and remain here on sunday. and obviously a line that runs back up to the baltic states where it is still cold. there's most come here, the switch off. so that's quite a few said to be the fresh snow. and it's probably a bit more to come. and then as the cold meets the woods in this positive, they manage right in quite stormy weather seems like in the southeastern part of from so north mostly to those charles will find the storms in the body. alex and the process something in spite. so i'm not quite to spring, not because somebody like that of course extends into morocco and the atlas mountains with a strong wind steel throughout your area and libya suggests, will be up here. but the winds become nice of them this. i have the shelves and make
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a lot more progress in language example. tiger and gunner the, the latest news as it breaks around on has given a cause. that's great, but it does come out in large numbers. your guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better. it's driving some residents to the break from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what little they have in the vietnam war. the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2
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women fought for just to get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies. 0 the come back to it and use our life from down the main stories now. funerals of in house of a 10 power city and 2 died and the attack on ross on most of the dead young children . israel continues targeting the city with hoff of the strips population is sheltering. at least 14 palestinians have been killed and on his writing re that started on 1st day in the occupied westbank has been mass arrests and widespread damage. and until cr, i'm know,
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shuns refugee and then is ready for testers of galvan and tennessee to the modern election and the release of captives held in concept. earlier on saturday, thousands demonstrated outside of ministry present what hundreds of palestinians are being held. now the news, hundreds of students has staged. another sits in front of columbia university in new york in solidarity with palestine. police have dispersed a gathering on the university grounds on thursday. dozens of students were arrested, protested on wednesday on to the universities present, appeared before congress to testify on allegations the campus has become rife with anti semitism. so we can now speak to sarah, who is a post graduate student at columbia university, and she was arrested at that goes the solidarity incumbent and is now bought from campus fearful of the consequences she liked to withhold identity. sarah joins us
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live now for me or can i do appreciate you speaking to us, sarah? so just to be clear about your position at the moment, the columbia has made it clear that they are in the process of identifying students for suspension. you of been bod from entering campus, but for the moment you are still a member of the student body. yeah, well, i'm a member of the student body, but i am suspended on an interim basis. so the reason i been banned is because i was arrested and suspended and have they given you any further information about the next step in this process are very little. um i think that in general they have been operating contrary to their normal process. so i believe a hearing will be scheduled, and i don't know much more than that. usually a hearing is overseen by a group internal to the university. but what i've been led to believe is that the internal group of like faculty, has been replaced by an extra no law firm. and it may be the law firm that was also
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responsible for prepping our university president in the new shift. for her testimony before congress. and so there is a, the, you all hoping there is a possibility you will be reinstated at the university. yes, i'm, i'm one of hundreds of over 100 students has been suspended and arrested merrily for peaceful protests. it was an entirely peaceful protest and even the police force here, the n y p d has gone on on the record saying that they believe we were entirely peaceful and are not confident of why they were called columbia official. was required to come to the station and sign an affidavit, but confirmed that columbia university wanted his own students, arrested. i'm one of the lucky ones because um, i'm a little bit older and more established. and so the other students, but many of these were teenagers were on their own for the 1st time they came to columbia university in hopes that they would be, you know, taken care of and have a space to learn. and instead they enter this highly militarized zone,
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this police state essentially where they're check points at every gate and people surveilling them and calling the cops on them. it's, it's very disturbing here. so my hope is that the movement is big enough and it's growing every day that will be able to win. the demand of amnesty is one of our 3 core demands. and that would ensure that all of the students and faculty who've been suspended, fired or disciplined, will be able to return to their former positions. because you know, i, and many of my colleagues have bright futures, we hope ahead of us and, and there's no reason for those big teachers to be disrupted. other than the fact that we don't have a political view that is profitable for the university. explain to us why it's important for you to take part in these protests and to make the, the, this, the sacrifice the home making on a personal level. yeah, i think it's very meaningful to many of us. we are a very broad coalition. hundreds of students got this started in the initial gaza,
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solidarity and comment. and now it's, i would say, well, over a 1000 students who were involved in a kind of follow up a ton of his protest of students camping out, sweeping and being together on the lawn. next to where we were initially arrested. and that's like an autonomous protest that came together in support of our core demands of the investment, financial transparency and amnesty. so it's, it's a huge movement and, and many people feel strongly that, um, you know, our tuition dollars, the grant money that we bring in, that is all being funneled into a genocide of palestinian civilians. it's very disturbing to us to see ourselves that way. we feel complicit and the university is certainly complicit. and so we believe we have an ethical obligation to do everything we can, including putting our careers in our physical safety on the line in order to ensure that we're no longer contributing to a genocide. on top of that, i'll add that i know that there are many allegations of anti semitism. i believe
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they're entirely unfounded. and i myself and jewish was raised, attending synagogue 3 days a week. and it was in those spaces that i learned the moral values that are informing why on taking a stand today. thank you very much for telling us about all of this are in the course. wish you all the best with your studies in your future. thank you. it's a wooden boat capsized on friday coming dozens of people in central african republic near its capital. bunky video shows the boat carrying more than 300 passengers moments before sauces. thinking that he has seen trying to send a show while others tried to reach them using smoke boats, at least 58 people have drowned. in other news burundi is appealing for international help. off the heavy rains displays nearly a 100000 people and destroyed farmland. rain is full and without laptops in
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september, off to the new a weather event extended the annual rainy season, across the region, and just have some guns that reports on some of the west affected areas. consistent rains, have some merch parts of this church and the entire neighborhood along with it. these houses get tuned in western burgundy cannot only be accessed by those flood waters have cut off this family from the world. oh, that's about the war to hit us. and we had to look for a place to build a shelter, but we couldn't find any way because the water was already everywhere. we came here, but there wasn't not much water yet. we built a long platform according to the height of the water covered at top holdings. dofer's village sits near lake tongue anita, which has been overflowing, the resulting deluge putting nearly a 100000 people on the move, destroyed crops and critical facilities. thousands of people has died in
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neighboring pens and the more than 300 life stuff with lost in kenya in the past several days. it's all due to el nino and naturally occurring weather event heading east africa, causing months of increased rainfall, land slides, and hail storms and environment ripe for water born diseases. without a movie, we have a problem, not only with housing, but we're drinking water too. when we suffer from illness caused by incentive sure, you can do since using the authorities in burgundy, dealing with limited resources are now calling for outside help. they say 300000 people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. if the some good food to 0 to thousands of people in 10 reasons, been protesting against the effects of mass tourism in the canary islands, they say the current model is damaging. the area is ecology. so when i get good reports, it is
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a sector that the canary islands has come to depend on while tourism has been approved for the economy. and many here at this, protested tennessee. it has also been detrimental anymore and everybody else. so this, i do know that we have the territory of a saturated with construction, as well as buildings that are being totally destroyed with no use within the tourism industry. this is land speculation and it's leaving the natural areas totally unprotected as well as the damage to its landscape activists say that the poll tourism is taking on residents is too heavy, too bad. rising prices designed for tourists and hikes and property prices mean so many life on these islands is too expensive. forcing them to leave the homes to find work elsewhere. this is the for you to look at, is that the only the tourism projects, it is the fuse. it is the precarious work. it is an employment because the
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weariness of the people who are tired of it. several environmental organizations are back in the demonstrations demands for 2 and 3 holes to the islands tourism sector. some for testers have even taken part in hunger strikes and a bit to force the government to tackle issues such as the impact of mass tourism and water supplies, waste management, and health services. that's the average wages betty able to cover the rising rents. i could be say it is leading to an increase in social exclusion with some lower paid workers resulting to sleeping in the vehicle local stores. he said that the rise of tension aimed at the tourism industry. won't affect visited with the islands receiving a record number of holiday makers last year. the strain may prove too much for those who live that so many diagonal,
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i'll just say era. what i'm doing now bye pod you on the line of his social answer . apologise the university of boston. lona is also the co author of the book of a tourism accessed as discontents and measures and travel and tourism joins us live from boston. lona: so the title of your book, kind of nice little summary of these are these protests that we see very difficult, isn't it? to balance the economic necessity of terrorism with the need to protect the environment a yes and good 9 c m there. well, actually when we talk about over to resume we, we talk about of, uh, uh, an over from lake sham crises. and what does actually happening now in, in kind of the island is an over the completion and crises in which we see a separate all rights that can be knowing in dangers and, and rides like, i'll see deliberately, jain, we do oil of work and, and pre guys for kit we at,
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at the season that level. and that's why when we talk about the oldest reason we, we are not only talking about the volume a to east and the easy to economy, but how the concentration of to resume copies of the star to promote important among the, the, the local population. and these, in this case we are talking about and i see available that he's really for our jain . and he's not the case that the, one of the concept, the key concept of the deck process to was desperately meets, you know, boot some leads on to reason girl, i know economic growth on, on guess the balance that cause even more economic damage. i know you say it's not just about the effective masters in the, on the voices applies, waste management health services, but it's just, it's, it's exacerbated any quantities and parts of society. so if you trying now
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start implementing measures to limit tourism, could that exacerbate the the, those problems? oh, yeah, no, of course when we, when we talked about me sure. and most of the time we uh we um, in induce in those c d seen those destination that were relying on tourism economy. uh, sometimes we talk about, uh, uh, technical uh, tech clinical and technocracy. um or for example is marked as my solution. but she a, we can see that we do needs a political approaching terms off of uh, working on those rights. um, it looks like because when we talk about, uh, the reason why jenn, that's reason is not all lead to reason related. issue are not all the related way to reach them related weeds and the ecological transition. we didn't agenda equality,
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we precarious work and these and works. and of course with these and um, with these continuous accumulation by these procession. and these procession of nature, lot of resources and of course also also writes. and so for example, in the process that we have seen in kind of we island add one i, one of the claim was and to stocked, we did an echo tax, know ecological tax also because when we talk about to tourism sometimes while we talk about sustainable threes and most sustainability and we know that sustainable to reach them. these are not see model until we are not going to with the car boarding ization of our economy for de cardboard nice our economy. and, and of course, the reason is 5 to off one of the, of the, of the industry and this expedited promotes and a big impact for our planet. and in the,
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in the case of those type of the re and community that we're relying on to on, to reason. it's really interesting and said to say that kinda reality is really is really dramatic as received more than a 60000000 outsourced uh in 2020 treat at. but the activities is the 2nd highest. and um, the community, we risk up social exclusion. so we see that also when we over the i onto we some days at promotional, also off, you know, quality in terms of quality of life. yeah. is the same, it drives out it drives up prices on the island and it can make it too expensive for locals. and so thank you very much for explaining whether or not to us. i do appreciate it. claudia mulanda. thank you so much. now the united states has agreed to withdrawal its troops from new yet last month. and i jerry minute treat government to announce that it will end its agreement with us describing as profoundly on fast magenta. as the ford has came out in the streets,
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demanding american troops leave washington of rates and major drug base and the city of august as and as around a 1000 soldiers in the country. a small, still to bring you on the program to may, is killed in his many days in ecuador, ahead of a referendum and fighting gang violence. 23 chinese. soon as i took in the total impacts, despite testing positive for bond substance, diesel. explain why is for the this is the 1st genocide that we see in the field. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers hub in use is examining. the headline is an, is hopefully today for the forms of life and got unflinching journalism. awesome.
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every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a globe or, or do you want to create a world where women come and feel natural released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on which is era. hey nicole, what is known as a breakdown of stereotypes full while practicing the ancient mush allowed to come. it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educating young guns. 101 east beach, the kung fu nuns got lendue on al jazeera, the . the pan out. this for very, thank you so much. in the african champions of
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a t p. mozambie were held to a goal of strolling. they sent me final 1st lake by continental giants. i'll awfully. there was a golden eunice though esperanza came out on south against mamma though the sun down south, south africa. young ceci. with that strike the 2nd legs that take place. mix to match as a says he or 3 to the final after one know when of a chelsea at wembley, the any go to the game. can lights been auto silva starting home in the 18 full but its full city pick audio off fluids flashed out at the schools administrators when he called an unacceptable shed. you said he said champions be cool to final on wednesday. i didn't understand how reason wife today has been people cannot imagine how bunchy now face you know, to be out for the gen, present age and the way we were out. why them give us one more day for the how to the place to arrive on sunday?
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because calling to just keep in mind that they don't think tempt to speak to an employer robeteck to end up bringing them between as well. so he have lost a place at the top of the premium, the standings of to also one to know that holds the endo trusted with the opening. go love the game at mullin. you just people who have time as it turned out, the gun is 2nd. go would also come lights, but in the 2nd half, this time it was a month ago to god finishing up from a time to angle. even though the top associated limits will have a game in hand on because it will take since main it's now being reveal between t 3 and chinese swim is what cleared to compete to the ticket with empty games. the spike returning positive doping tests and australia newspaper has reported on these athletes testing positive for hawk medication at a training tempe for the totes, you lympics water and chinese authorities agreed that the taste to be contaminated . and that is how they were allowed to take in tokyo, trying to swim is $16.00 middles,
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including 3 goals at those games. the winter of last sunday's beijing hoff madison has been stripped of these middle and prize money up in the investigation. contents 3 other runners that slowed down. so they thing when the race, the inquiry concluded that the 2 canyons and one of the opium ethnic deliberately reduce the paste, allowing china is he g to take victory? the african trio who finished joins. second, i've also had the middles revoked a special committee setup to investigate the results. said that full remedies had originally been hired as pacemakers by sponsor. but the main organizes of events had not knowing this. one of those pacemakers didn't finish. the main organizer is also losing its rights to host the race has punishments. i don't want it on the plan, so says broken, his own will break, holding the pole bolt into says diamond leave meeting of the season. the sweet achieves this at east 1st st. in chapman
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e 6.2 for me to if it's breaking the 6.23 meters he states in september. it's the 8th time he's broken. the will record is 1st with 6.17 meters in 2020. the tucson will doubt to champion so as more than 3 months to go before we defend cease olympic tide link, paris. it's crazy. it's crazy that they're trying to comprehend everything. you know, if it was my, my 1st time germany or china and it was really just trying to trying to enjoy the moment and trying to put on is going to show as i can and that there's always a little bit of a different pressure when you jump in a new stadium in front of a new crowd. to tom grand slam tennis champion, go being and move it with uh has announced over time. and from this both the 50 year old was victorious at the 2016 frame sharpen and 2070 wimbledon. those victories also make the spaniard the only player to defeat each williams as the in the slam final. mcgrew has not played since last year in january,
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a way to get them in the most of the scale. you know, it has been a long and beautiful career. it has been a career full of anecdotes and moments ago. i could speak about so many of them. but i'm feeling that it is time for me to retire and to open a new chapter in my life. meanwhile, the town, well that'll any history on tech has been eliminated from the states cause open elaina the backend of the feature, the polls 6346, and 6th street incentive. a semi final, it's free on takes the 1st ever, the feature s as 2 of them in the back into the coming out on top to reach of the final of the year. so far, she'll take on martha custer in the final elsewhere on the main steward cast through to see to the boss elaine open. finally norwegian, and the thing is that some of the small teenage of 8766 who you face the phone, us 6 of us in sundays funnel. the sun rises, hydra, by the hand of the deadly capitals in the indian premium. e by 67 runs, travis had raced to 18. 0, i know if any 32 bulls 100, but as
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a 100 up as early as the 5th of it and i'll be 6 yamma combined for the spacing, opening partnership of 151 from any 6 of these are tools. so those are maybe starting on the actual laser down the other with a non deeply 5929. and surprisingly the capitals fail to get close to they. it's all good to go to assume not that i've done the pick up, the boat is a full for 19 sunrise is up to 2nd the list and there was even more one side of the fading rubble penalty is focused on the piece of news even by saving wickets, so he saw a free de helping himself with 3 for 13 black cups roll out for just 95 histone chasing me down comfortably with 7 of isn't 5 bowls to space, they need the series one. that's what was full of faithful to life. mary peter, thank you. i don't want to take you to equitable before we end the program. millions of people that go into the polls on sunday to vote on a referendum put forward by the president. daniel. no,
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but he is judging versus approving your security measures to tackle the rise in violence to raise a bow reports morning and grief. i loved ones at the funeral. for me, you're close the scientists. she was killed this week by a known assailants in the town of camino phones hembry cuz he nic white, our son just had been in office for less than a year. he's getting is just another example of this serious violence ecuadorian ser, facing days before voting on a security referendum president then you know, war is asking voters to back the measure as a way to fight organized crime. when would you send to you? send me was brother, he hope suppressed and we'll get the back and he needs to go to the eco doors insecure because of a lack of lows and hopefully the yes but will when and the minute true. be on the streets. i hope that will be new laws to fight crime. my brother was executed and
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they didn't do anything since taking office last year. president then, you know, i declared a state of exception and deployed the armed forces to find the drug, cartels that have increase their control overlarge parts of the country. this town is one of them. security forces here are on high alert space. say there's room or is that there could be another attack? this is an area that is controlled by a criminal group. no, no, no, no. they are not only involved in drug trafficking, but also any legal mining. in the past decades, cocaine trade has expanded in latin america, and violence has transformed once quiet countries like it, whether or and that's why no boy says he wants the military to patrol with a police. expedite a tooth criminals among other measures to do that. he wants to reform the constitution, it was he us on went ahead and clicked to them. there are moments that will mark it before and after, and the history of our nation as like what dorians, we have a civic and moral duty to make the right choice,
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that the seal analysts say that voting on sunday is a test of how much support the president has it was i think that we're seeing the field around 70 percent of the country supports the security measures. the only 40 percent support the president according to our measures of the military on the streets is attached to a bigger problem. because mafias are controlling the dictionary, the police is businesses all across the country. while the funeral for me, your son, she's what's taking place. we've heard about the killing of another mayor about an hour from where we, where. it's another reminder of why so many people are affected by violence, once the government to do whatever is necessary to stop it and make sure that what happens here won't happen again. police, i will just see death coming up on somebody gets a one on let's it for this news now, but i will be back in a moment. was more of the day's news to stay with us.
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the i go to goes to the polls on april. the 21st to boot or new plans to come back, criminal gang and find toby. nice cried ken, president, daniel nebo. a convinced ecuadorian to approve the constitutional performance to expand police and military power. follow the story. one out to 0. why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us president joe finding right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues? is there any seen this in stock? is we also saw on gaza for going on in definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the same as a full for an upgrade, has changed the locked in america. this time the slides remain high, active violence against gender and sexual minority. i comes of windows irene,
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2 young women who have taken place in route to establish grace of freedom and equality. welcome to generation change. a political series attempt to understand. i'm telling you ideas that may apply you around the world. generation change on, i'll just say around the challenges the way you will see a duty and a groove using for p use a card to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the card and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on web presence. and remember, it's
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a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest the the hello i'm r m i z. this is been use our life from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. the agony and grief and southern guns are off, his radio strikes kill at least 10 palestinians in rough up most of them children.


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