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tv   People Power Israels Foreign Army  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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as 5 of our colleagues have been killed, the majority of those to survive have left to don. sword numbers are diminishing and very few remain who mass are the skills required for a continuation of the cultural heritage that we try to preserve in this quote, quote you on a group of see if they can walk to the city. harrison educational play commission by a local and you. that's why getting the government, i mean it's a large number of performance thing to give a. we had either to sit idly by is displaced to individuals wasting for handouts, for as creative people in that stop doing something b. and these teams say they chose the 2nd option and began producing see it taking place inside the account. it allowed them to generate some income and at the same time, to start the process of healing for themselves. and the displays community, the impact on the throne that these people have to deal with or how to measure. i get a fighting between this with his army and the office of both forces have to call tube
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and other cities into a wasteland, including all aspects of come to life. i'm headed. i would highly admit that the from that even the i do the was up bruce at the office and lift them homeless and refugees is destroyed the entire cultural infrastructure of the country, including theaters, museums, and find the institutions for them. that's. yeah, yeah, we lost everything with our belongings, our homes, our civil documentation, the wall has stolen from us out beautiful memories and the best moments of our life and even our loved ones, including my own pride, that book, i mean a lot of artists have a way of coping with hardship other will victims, mental, tough, you know how to set it up. whether it's good to have the title of my paintings, quote fine engine oil destroyed. but what's inside me as to here? my wishes that god helps our country and that i can contribute to the forming of a future generation that will take us in the right direction. the. but
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tonight it's about the time of the come, the tax of about dissipation, $305.00, to 0. to that on finally some hope amongst the devastation in gaza. 3 palestinian couples of mary that a school hosting, the displaced in rough up the new edge solar by to the loves, and the resilience of the people of casa bringing some semblance of hope to follow . palestinians, i think that's it for me down jordan, for now you can find more information of course and on websites i'll just share dot com. there it is. the news continues here on entre 0 of the people in what state you so much in the in the pools. what is known as a breaking stereotypes full while practicing the ancient mush allowed to come,
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it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educating young goals. 101 east beach. the kung fu nuns got lendue on al jazeera the say october 7th, 2023 is reading and a true rates and sec, lavonne and search in the occupied westbank. hundreds of palestinians have been killed in thousands inch mold and a dozen countries, including the us of condemned the violence. the watch helps us even allow sanctions against several is really settled. but tens of thousands of americans live in a legal settlement. and many sub is really ministry. people empower, investigates, the role us citizens play in israel's occupation and settlements expansion.
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the some of the, you know, i'll give it back to the, the hundreds of these railways are attending this pro, rally in jerusalem, supporting the bombardments of casa a fall, right settlers and american jewel national since october, the 2nd here. and while the united states, as the these restrictions on those turn on the mileage,
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the list doesn't go far real because the relationship between the united states, the occupation on specialist one state was challenge shola the company. now let me call back, i'll be in the slides back to the instruction. i know literally it's a whole lot or a very new i'll be, i'll be, shall be, charlie. so yeah, that's a yeah. they actually go lose. yeah. and that's the horrible news. in february 2024 of the mounting pressure us president joe biden issued an executive order functioning for a freight assessment, accused the violence and intimidation against palestinian since then. both settlers on supplements is being added to the list. but the us remains israel's places to political ally and continues to give it small military aid than any other country in the world. mister president meeting was our united war cabinet to lead as well
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to victory. israel has the right and i would add that responsibility to respond to the slaughter of the people. and we will ensure israel has what it needs to defend itself against these tears. the if you can describe the relationship between the united states and as well and one sentence how, what would you say it's good to read the destroyer. okay. the some more to both party they and start thinking a little bit more like able to use the united states right. therefore to be shot. and we're going to let that happen. we have to, we have to draw a line and say they don't understand the strains, the power. so. 1 you smack them picture in the face and knock
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them down. she didn't even tell the really, we showed you fighting for the idea. and that puts us in the position as well. and so how mazda attacked on october 7th, when at least $1139.00, were killed. and 240 people taken hostage. israel has carried out one of the most intensive foaming campaigns against the populated area in history so far, killing at least that to $3408.00 to $2.00 people and displaced and 85 percent of the population does need a lot of coverage about accusation, the war crimes are being committed by the v is really boston. do you think that that is an issue that the american do national to be in an army that causes accusation plugins rarely make you know, we're a choose your prize whether whether we give it to them or not. we have
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our guys battle because don't go in and carpet bomb the way they got the building. what's the depth dress? why should we just knock it down now? it's it's free. i'm not human rights groups accuse the is really military of collective punishment, arbitrary execute sions, culture. and starvation is real, continues to blame him off for his actions while the us to be towed multiple coals by the un for a ceasefire. and despite biden's executive or the palestinians living on to occupation, say they face increase in restrictions or movements, while specialist accused the violence, enjoying me of impunity. settlers and was ready citizens who live in the west bank
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and east jerusalem palestinian territory, which has been occupied by as well since 1967 the we're now around 700000 specialist the 3000000 palestinians. last the ministry long since october 7th. more than 400 and such a palace to me is to be killed by its very soul. just all sex lives in the occupied west by 29 year old zachary and add to the lives in himself. but he ought to a collection of palestinian villages, which have faced years of attacks and systematic full displacements by his ready settlers. i'm the military, on the 13th of october, settler shocked him in the stomach. he now has trouble walking in a tank and is in constant pain that's associated to the of the summer side
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and had them southern stockton, the southern, the image in the universe of disease and he died reviewing. so my 2nd menez, iowa, had the thought of the horde to monthly get the lower header, easy. hou, homes. yeah, hopefully the weakness a lot of names though, and it's like a non, it's definitely something to get. could you describe that moment? did you know what was happening to the some of the who i am so sorry, i didn't, they come in and assess and the model is moving figures because you're not in front of them. so i didn't that once i got the sense that simple time initial fraud, i send you a button, you know how busy the not kinda tough this house on or side where a cool guy can, gosh, oh gosh, i don't know how to do that. and then i can see if anybody in the new class,
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let me know some of that and i'm shave what is the answer and about how to log in with such and such. but then somebody knew how much is a plumbing? well, i am so the, so how does the, how do i need to know that they've started with the teen? zachary assess the sheets that came from the direction of have asthma on an illegal outpost in the southern have on hills write scripts say it has a history of violent harassments of palestinians. yes, according to recent media report has received private us funding. this isn't uncommon. us residents of funding of millions of dollars of tax deductible donations into illegal settlements, which violate international law, play a significant role in the expulsion of palestinians from the land a around 20 filaments. his nose is heavy and city. one of the stock cars, symbols of the occupation, it's home around 200000 palestinians, and 1000 federalist peggy to from bonuses settlements. i'm the extension is ready
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campaign group piece. now, in order to protect this small group of settlers inside of 15 in the city, the is riley army, seen and whole neighborhoods from the presence of palestinians, the heart of the old city where you had all the shops are clothes for 30 years already for palestinians and there are parts of the streets that they are not even allowed to walk since october 7th. the whole air became even more restricted, for instance i, as i was walking up here, i saw the police station house where the roof of it is taking as a military post. what? so they just take over the roof of the home and they have a military order. it's called the caesar older, and the come under. so i need this property for the security of the area. and i take it temporarily. so this family has to eat, sleep,
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go about the day while there is an occupying full on that roof. sometimes it's not only on the roof, sometimes it can be in, in the next room. all of it is for the security needs. certainly our interview is interrupted. so every time we do an interview well met with soldiers, they're sent here, i believe, to check if swear a threat or whatever. i need to see what are the authorized agents. so this really government can be here. they know that we're here . you're telling me yes, i'm just a as well just so you know the guy here and the fema. a sincere terrace from elsa 0 . we have to make sure you know what is your accident from michigan michigan. okay . after checking out what documents they finally left,
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what was really interesting is i just spoke to one of the folders and he told me that he was from michigan. and a jewel national. how many of the supplements that you're talking about of funded by us residents? we couldn't really know how much money is going directly from funds of charities, american charities to settlements. there are many settlements that get funds from charities in america. you can also look at, you know, the americans give his red x amount of billions for our security. so a freeze, excessive amount of billions for other causes for it as well. so you can say that this in directly supports the set the limits. do you think that there's any desire to try and limit people living on land size? it seemed illegal internationally. i don't see this student in the united states, any big position to the very settlement. what we saw is like
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the 1st step and i think it's not insignificant. it is an important step. and it puts a lot of political pressure within his rent. and it's bringing the issue of secular violence to the headlines in his room, which is something very, very significant. but of course, this was not the end. the occupation the soldier we met isn't the only american in the westbank. according to a city by oaks wood university released in 2015. 60000 settlers living in the occupied palestinian territory are also american citizens. that playing a significant role and enforcing the occupation as we travel through the city to meet palestinians. we witnessed just how difficult it was to move around. there were many is really checkpoints, some denied us entry. we're trying to find a different route. so i got to the palestinian that lives in this area of hyper on times to the idea how do you guys get in for the gate over there?
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yeah. is that an issue of, i mean, you know, you just did it for to. so this is a situation and have right now there's a lot of security and it's very difficult to move around over there. it's called the red oval, but there's no sign from the gate. there's a train on the money of the event. so this is a song role, he lives on the other side over here. he's a local resident and have run. told us that he was attacks us october, the 7th. he's now trying to communicate with a is ready, sold us to see if we can pass through. any of them will totally to us in the email will be some kind of legal name. jim is looking for a michelle about the vice the him bus booths. so that you saw that go to the living room. okay. because yeah, so, so i was talking about the sex pistols. you just
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asked the thing, sorry, this is the way so on. so this is the reality of have wrong i am living here since the autumn of 1718 years. you literally have to get through a dozen soldiers just to get to your home. and people come just come and nobody can come to visit me when the people who are living inside the area are allowed to come here. so this isn't a to bite, but of thing and land by the way, this occurs. and usually the tech posted in farming is here under the effect of nissan ro says the on october 7th, he was attacked and detained by the setlist and is ready soldiers and not in the days after his release, he was also forced out to be signed for we, we put a says claims to the is ready military, but we didn't hear back. i was tortured. i was almost killed. i was coming from
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here to my house the way you, you came and sit close in on autumn, uniform part of my neighbors. i was kidnapped by them. i was kept for the 10, i was handcuffed, mindful did get beaten sexually, assaulted the pointed the gun and then put it on my husband's delta 10. i think that 2 times without any me because the treatment spit in got to me thing many of them it but bad things to me do a sleeping, torturing me for 10 hours continuously. and you thought you were going to die. i. i said good bye to everything. you know. i told that it's my last moment. and recently we've been hearing from the united states from some european countries that they are gonna impart visa restrictions on the settlers. he was convicted of turning out a tax. what did you think when you had this, i can see that it's a kind of a public opinion that fiction, the citizen's policy is already forward and always always to bank debt,
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but i think it's because by so it does that include, what are the and many american citizens here that many american citizens, they live here illegally inside cheaper on a sickness. bishop take them to american costs and to treat them as worth criminals. to be very honest, they should be brought to that. i see nobody was accountable for what happened to me and to many of the statements. and the sickness of not the only one would have taken but to send in these latest villages. lot of sick lives in an autumn uniform that many zip codes joined the army and the killing posting. if you want 3 d to make them accountable because of the account, the settlers, the backed up by the government that's supported by the government. the finance by the government, so let's go off. so those are the governments and then stop them and be spent. and all these are these developments according to the exemption. i know the, the white house recently with us don't know,
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tons of policy on israel supplements, expansion declaring them inconsistent with international law. yes. organizations like the one as well. so i'm an american north of process exempt from federal tax claims x rays. millions of dollars for supplement from us, sent us a message on october 7th. never again is now one of its prominence and buses is gabriel bulk stuff directly promotes and fundraisers to settlements and is really sold as a shop in february. we also have a company that is really military as it formed casa yeah, that's all i can say. right behind me across donald enemy territory that we learn what really they believe after october 7th we are now approaching the cave
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of the most pit off. this huge structure is the burial place of the patriarchs and matriarchs of the jewish people. it's also a holy sight, some muslims, the abraham email, in order to get around the regions. strict ministry control we met with david, an american is ready toll guide. so what do you say says r as in america, who say that that shouldn't be no sanction on, even the funding of settlements by private us like that. or i think that the people who claim that they support the palestinians are not aware of the facts on the grounds. are either being fed misinformation intentionally or imagining events that are not actually happening. david takes us to my alphabet. it's right access to a highly secured and gated settlement, which has received donations from the one israel fund. around 700 central us live
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in the scrolling stuff up in style and luxury community. we met by giving you an aerial, an american use where the sub class is live, teeth, and live in use different places. here's my home. oh yeah. what's your head when i was fast, by the way, i get my kids for the way. this is the view that the, that sold me on my la cover. my wife has a cousin who lives here and we would come from time to time for the holidays and the one day or her husband took me outside and said, you see this house next door, you can have it for $250000.00 shekels, which was a pittance at the time. why is it impulsive to live in a community like this? well, 1st of all, why is it important to live anywhere a person lives where they want to live? and this is as you can see, a beautiful place. historically, god promised abraham, this is the land that is going to belong to you and to your children forever. more right here in my backyard while it's shabat tomorrow,
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wish of us. so my wife there right here is preparing for sure. but the book yourself hey, also american? yeah, i was over here in american accent. it's like i what's going on? yeah. like, is we have people here from all different places of the world. we have people here from united states, from russia, from india, from germany, from ethiopia, where yeah, it is just a small community, a 100 families, a whole lot. chang. yeah. who are going to say, what the hell is that americans are doing? and this one because they are all jews. we are all jews who are exiled from this land about 2000 years ago. we kept that connection to the land for out those millennium. and now thanks to god, we are coming back to our land. if
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the united nation says that there has to be a significant increase in effects from setlist and then also as this area was called by the united nations, an occupation that is illegal under the geneva convention, that it is only right for the united states to take actions, how do you respond to that is not illegal for me to raise my children here. i'm not bothering anybody else. this land never belongs to anybody else who was always state lance. we're going to decide what's best for us. we've established the state which is thriving, which is helping people all over the world. and nobody's gonna tell us what we can do. oh sorry. is really right. sweeps say, part of the supplement is built on private palestinian land in august around 500 meters away. settlers from an unknown location armed with em, 16 rifles wisdom, physically assaulting a policy and file. now,
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how is your feel about potentially having palestinians live here specific? a community is a small community and then wants to stay a small community. and we're also all religious jews over here. so don't here, but in other places, the general, it's very important that use stay the majority. and we, even though we believe in democracy very much. so we believe in the only place for jews to live in call with their own view and describe settlements and the displacements of palestinians as a major obstacle to peace in the region. at the heart of this obstacle of american citizens and groups like the one israel fund, one of the settlers accused of violence and sanctioned by by the us. i'm the u. k is by usas shown here on the one israel fund website, thanking them for donating a drawing. and these are the guys we're really responsible for, for venting they're saving lives fighting the bad guys. funding is often used to
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support this very power. let me speak with the surveillance equipment like throwing vehicles and tell me it missing a lot of equipment. they need it before. but now, because of all the donations they've been able to receive a lot of stuff they want and thank god to be improving the security of all japan scenario. so thank you all. thank you very much. in the us, that increasing pressure to explicitly found the funding of settlements by groups like the one israel fund who did not respond to our repeated requests for comments . for now, american dollars continue to fund settlements and soldiers. well, palestinians like a side, by the front of the occupation. there is a drone. up here. just now, do you think they know a doing industry? what? what is this is, what is it players, they have drones to fill them off to intimidate us, to spy on us. and now it's only on us, was there, so they're filming, as the other physically goes? no, it happens almost every day. whenever i have visitors, i have the,
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the unit as well on here. it's a kind of death we are watching you. that. what do you think america needs to do a medical needs to what a cod to punish the is there any government to punish the? is there any is it gloves, leaders and to punish those? what 80? uh, so if elements, organizations and angels, and even to start with themselves 1st to stop the $3800000000.00 a 2 days in the military every year and making the things you know, ending does a completion and ending there's a, there's a lot of violence and ending there's a about a time here, and they should start with their own people to stop them from funding. that is what it is. it was the 3rd list here. it's really important that they should start the 1st in their own countries that goes into the league of
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the a humanity has opened the gates of hell or in those seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south accrued mistake. talk to one of the 2 on the jersey to these are the mythologies or dramas. they used to march 3 d o t before 2 on the box with an increased. it's really been
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a cheap presidency. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrived at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the st. cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourist, for is the cities often defies the seasonal. we used to belong on the street right now. look, it's easy to move around here because the difference in the warren goes to change the situation and not listen. we have 70 percent more business people here say the heart of the month is even more significant. this year a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in gaza. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice in more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. we insure
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beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed. and we all turning jo, donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with comes does. the more deadly is riley strikes in southern gaza but some hold on to hope. a gun is rescued from the rebel interruption. the outage 0 life and the whole set coming up is ready forces can at least $14.00 to the ends during a major rate in a refugee camp in the fight. westbank thousands protest in tennessee begins prime minister benjamin.


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