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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the thoughts funds, emergency donation spends on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the more deadly is rarely strikes in southern guns that, that some hold on to hope. a gun is rescued from the rebel interruption. the other ones are in jordan, this is not, is there a license? the whole set coming up is ready for us is can at least $14.00 demands during a major rating on a refugee camp in the fight. westbank, thousands protest in tennessee begins prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his
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government's handling of the war on gulf from the us. house of representatives approves ministry aid packages with tens of billions of dollars for ukraine. the of a 16 palestinians have been killed and rough ends during buys radio strikes earlier, a baby and a pregnant women were killed up to israel bomb the house that comes in the center of the city. at least 5 children were injured. the palestinian death toll since the war began and has now surpassed 34000. the majority of the thing, women and children. but following one of the strikes, civil defense foods can be seen saving the life of the go. pulling her from the rubble of her destroyed home in rough, now too tired assumes reporting a warning. the view as may find some of the images in his report. distressing this mother is it trying to accept test on hums as going? he's one of the children killed and then is ready strike on the route one,
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somebody home and russell and southern guns. the. the other women and children were also killed in this attack and tell us to a neighborhood 12 year old land that's up to survived that. i mean there's nothing to us and that's what we were sleeping and all of a sudden i heard my sister shouting and crying. the roof was coming down on our heads. i thought i was dreaming, but when i opened my eyes, it was all black smoke. i was buried under the debris. 13 minutes later i was pulled up above the credit of the body of his daughter in disbelief to
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the on the was her back, elizabeth, and what is your home then? know how the album and bud unimed capital because they have an incentive despite international close to a band and plans for the ground and agent of rough israel says it's going ahead with is offensive. the united nations has formed any operation that we're risk the lives of more than a 1000000 people have been shocked during the 60 this is a state crime. there is no country in the world that has committed such crimes, not even in syria or rock or ukraine. nothing like what's happening here. this has never happened in history. palestinian parents in gauze i have been living with the dread of losing their children for months. but you can prepare them for the final
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good by the suffering he has not live top since is will launch its devastating will back in october. and now here, as it's on the protest and they dropped like many palestinians are worried about the likelihood of even more unbearable civilian desks. topic up as an owl. just a rough, rough southern garza palestinian emergency services say a mass grave has been uncovered in hon. eunice, 50 bodies were found buried inside the mass of medical complex. in the city, the palestinian civil defense says it still continuing such operations for more bodies comes after these. randy ministry withdrew its troops from the han units area on april 7th. much of the city is now in ruins of the months of relentless, rarely foaming and heavy fighting. this is 14 palestinians have been killed and, and these rainy re that again on thursday in the occupied westbank is waiting for us, is use bold as to destroy homes shops and other critical facilities and took out and
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need to abraham reports and the notions refugee camp where many medic say they to came on the is really 5. it's the risk many here say that i'm willing to take medic see is where the forces injured one of their critics and fire warning shots toward some of their cars. but it's their job. they tell us, as they tried to enter the news, some sort of few decals in the north of the occupied left bank land. every time we needed, we tried to reach the patients, but usually forces obstruct the work. now look how business really cheap is blocking the ambulances for mentoring. since we're on cause or started, these really forces being treated in the amans cause regular cause. the ambulance was forced to return one of several failed attempts. during these read the rate of the account that started linked on thursday. we heard the dead bodies inside, but the army didn't even talk to us. they signaled with the hands that we couldn't
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answer being under, in his way the siege. it's hard for palestinians to count their dead or injured. there was violence between us soldiers and palestinian fighters during the invasion . one is where the forces fired 3 needs. at some of the homes. they conducted field interrogation, route, detentions, and damage the camps. facilities. as well as the them know how this incursion is unprecedented. that's up even compared to the one in 2002 and previous incursions. the r snipers, uninstalled death squads and special forces deployed. and this is the nation's arm through inside the comp. reports had said their lead, it was yeah, was killed in these we the weight, but they've denied that. we are all well in fine issue john has just left us now. this is his rifle. we are in high spirits hymer all in service to the cause of god,
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which is out has been wanted by these really forces as a part of the track down on armed groups and some of the refugee comp cindy occupied with thing. so we're going to hear people in the north, some sort of pure jacob having to continue with this way. the ways we've seen this function, widespread destruction through its rose electricity lies. i'm walking through lines before. it's hard for palestinians here to assess the damage from this raid. yet what's early signs indicates it's the worst the cap has seen in years. is that but of him as he to, to the occupied westbank for a while the right until the claim is now over his ready forces counting up other rates across the occupied west bank just really minute trace country nablus be i'll episode neighborhood in ramallah and also in hebron is really monitoring codes across the off divided westbank. i've been a near nike occurrence since the one gone. so began last october. i'll just say it was time to salute has more of an occupied east jerusalem. several raises happening
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tonight across the occupied westbank. it comes after in year 3 day read in the occupied westbank city of 2 is cutting in the notice. jumps refugee camp for at least 14 pulse indians were killed there. what's a nice 3 main areas that these rates are concentrated into? my la hebron and nebulous, where at least 1000 unit has been arrested inmate mondays really army has rated one house where they are looking for. they say a wanted power sent in some recurring themes throughout these raids are the destruction of infrastructure in these palestinians. hounds medics that are prevented from reaching casualties both the wounded and the dead. and these rarely armies sniper flyer that is seen on the roofs of these building since the war began . these raids had been stepped up significantly. 5 is really army. they are a near nightly occurrence and since october, the 7th, we're looking at at least 483 post indians who been killed by these really military,
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nearly 8300 others who have been arrested nearly 5000 who have been wounded by these really military in palestinian say, this is just another reality of living under is really occupation. the central jersey to occupied is jerusalem. meanwhile, his ready settlers have attacked palestinians in the occupied westbank on the highway between ramallah and jericho. another attack took place instead of messiah . that's northeast or ramado with cause and property were destroyed and at least 3 palestinians were injured in as a we a village. when settlers shots i was coming in, the house is ready protest as to the streets on saturday to demand early elections and political accountability. they say not enough is being done to return the captives being held in guns that under 0, stephanie beck. and was that the scene in tennessee as the smaller part of the page? as you can see, people have been calling for the government to resign for new election. prime
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minister benjamin, you're in charge on october the 7th. so what is your responsibility? this is, this is the chair. we've also had the family of hostages and their supporters. this is how these pro just started in 30 days for the media deal to bring the whole now become much more political warning for early electron holding for accountability. people who are very disappointed in the band. why? because they believe that this government isn't doing enough to bring the whole degree in the last week. you've had the series of connection with the wrong people here saying that they feel that the hostages is no longer and really hasn't been on the top of the agenda of this government, which is why it's now also become increasingly political. as time goes on, they want more john, they want, and the media deals, a lot of the people who are saying whatever it takes,
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whatever it takes to deal with, how much needs to be made to bring the hostages thoughts. so these protests have been going on on a weekly basis pretty much since the war started, and they feel that their voices are not being part of us. and is randy media reporting that the bite and administration is set to sanction a battalion that these really minute trade for committing alleged human rights violations? neal divide westbank. this would be the 1st time the rest of them pro sanctions on any is really on the unit. competency reports from washington, dc to the state department of housing. and else any punitive sanctions against this is riley admitted treated instead. what appears to be happening is it as leaks the story to one of its favor journalists here in washington, d. c. who is attending the frame? the announcement before that happens in what seems to be a rather misleading fashion in the u. s. media telling you for this, the by the administration is continuing to get tough on is reading the violence and
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the westbank authority sanctioned settlers, the settlers groups. and now it's going to sanction this ministry unit, but that's not quite accurate. last week, a us what skills pro public release the report which is based on the testimony of several us state department officials by former cards which weighs the extensive on these and the discount limits with bite and administration policy. we say that as pub below the state department impaneled a commission to investigate allegations of human rights abuses, extra traditional kenning torture, right for killing of a policy in american. they found these allegations to be credible. they presented their report to blinking the secretary of state and other words, and one of these officials. the documents have lane in lincoln's briefcase, ever since he's supposed to act by law. he's supposed to cut off any assistance to
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that. you haven't received that report, but he didn't, but he's been caught out by vice leek last week. now we understand blinking will be acting next week. so this isn't so much a continuation of a hardening of positions in the, by the administration and in the state department against is really violence. it would appear instead to be the state department. i haven't been called out, potentially breaking the role by shielding is riley units. and until last week, and now we expected announcement next week. a she advertise the elders, there was not a personal break here. and i'll just say about when we come back, why public health care reform come come soon enough assembled protest as in columbia martin statements the
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pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say. tyler sees, thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say, no double stand to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era award winning investigations that give compelling in science interview on your toes from asia and the pacific one. 0, $1.00 east on out to 0. here's from al jazeera on the go and me tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching out. just a quick reminder on our top stories here. this, our 316 honest indians have been killed in rough life since during vice really strikes palestinians death toll since the war began. as now sufficed. 34000 majority of them,
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women and children is really meant to treat is conducting rates across the upside westbank. but it's for so storming numbers from iowa and a hebron summers a major rate in the new a shot record to come was killed at least 40 on his right. the protest. it's kevin and tennessee to them on an election. i'm learning something up to tell them. does anyone south of 8000 shipments break that outside of military prison? were hundreds of college studies. now the us house of representatives has approved a huge ministry, a package for ukraine. taiwan is random. several of us allies, the package had been held up for weeks because of divisions among republicans on aging ukraine. but after being spit into separate bills, it now goes to the senate onto which will be signed by the president of jo 5. so let's take a look at what's included in the package. well, the 1st bill has $61000000000.00 for ukraine, and that includes defense, humanitarian aid,
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and cash. to keep its government running. the 2nd give $17000000000.00 to israel, including the replenishment of its i am the missiles and they'll also be a $9000000000.00 a package for garza and us development efforts in the occupied west bank as an $8000000000.00 for the defense of us allies. in the western pacific, mostly taiwan out 0 is about to go hanging runs up developments from capitol hill in word and deed, members of the us house of representatives, sending the message with ukrainian flags in the house for the day support sending $61000000000.00 to ukraine, a huge number of republican members, $112.00 voted against giving money and weapons to ukraine. you know, we have the false choice about the same that ukraine doesn't matter to america
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or support ukraine was no question as was blank checks and bows. this position on the board, you know, a national interest to the bill is past 17. 17000000000 to is really 9000000000 to the palestinians. prove divisive as well. it passed, but 21 republicans voted no along with 37 democrats. gentlemen. from texas is wrecking many criticising is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored the police of the families of hostages. he's ignore the police or the president of the united states. he's ignored his own people. he's engaged in self preservation. we should not be sending offensive weapons to israel right now after this or warning president joe biden, that if he signs the legislation, he will pay a political price. this is taking away any leverage president by might have to get and then you all to pull back on and leading ra, offer or killed him warning. some people
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a 1000000000 easily passed for taiwan. and so did a bill that would allow us to increase sanctions on around allow the buying and ministration to seize russian assets and then tick tock in the us unless it's chinese owners. so the company now these bills go to the senate, which is expected to pass them and then the president is expected to sign it because you got officials tell me that once it is signed, they can start getting weapons into crane. in a matter of days to go home al jazeera washington. well, while the us house voted on the long delayed farm aid builds ukrainian troops fighting in the east are struggling with the shortage of admission. charles stratford report, somebody the front lines east of ukraine this is a print job to, to re system close to you, grains, east and fund line one of thousands of pieces of heavy weaponry supplied by ukraine's native y license. the will began a soldier shows us the
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munition stock just 12 shows left. holding the 1000000 shells of being placed by ukraine's bankers in recent weeks, but they're not getting here fast enough. ukrainian ministry say the rate of fire is at least $6.00 to $1.00 and the russian on these favor of the year. so the we are trying not to leave our position. yes, the enemy is advancing. but even with this little amount of shelves, we are trying to hold the we hit towards the besieged, small town of chance. if you are russian full season occupied, the eastern outskirts, rushing pointed, yet subbing so between ukraine policies and along the crating on the supply routes . taking advantage of what cube has been saying for months, it's critically short of a defense more no way to a stabilization point just outside the village of just if you all the soldiers tell us that the biggest concern traveling along least very expose roach,
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the circle if you feel 1st patient of drugs that the russians are using to search devastating dangerous effect. please video shows the precision of the russian f t v. cam a cause you're driving a tank on an on would you trade in vehicle you currently ministry estimate that can be up to a 100 with various types of russian and ukrainian drawings operating at any one time in a given 10 kilometers of radius for lease in the front line the so called sugar cube used detect drones, sound frequency, often contact into fi who's, who's an explosion close by bits all the is a medical, one of a number of so called stabilization points just outside chance if y'all were injured. so we'll just get emergency treatment before evacuation across the expose field. the hospital in a safe area may be shown. the stucco producer to one of the biggest dangers is we can be hit by a k
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d or artillery at any time in the house. nearby is completely destroyed, we are anxious all the time. around 10 kilometers to the west of the east. announce good zip. close then to meet the next town on the pulse of the russian army. slow advance, russian policies are increasingly targeting the city which at a pre will population of $67000.00. but thousands of people remain. the woods are clear on the destroyed railway station who what is the question? what was this shows us that the enemy wants to capture constantine if in order to move forward. they want to scale disability instead of destroying the town. we didn't. oh, we can to stop though. ukraine will spend $5000000.00 producing its own weapons this year, including a 1000000 drones dropping the auction for what analysts say is, keeps most critical. charlene since expelled counter offensive last year to hold
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ground against the rushes, expected attempt at a concentrated sum of bonds. charles, prep it out is here a new chance if the eastern new crime victims of the columbine high school shooting 25 years ago had been remembered in the us state of colorado. 15 people were killed and 21 engine. when 2 teenagers went on a shooting spree before turning the guns on themselves, it was considered the worst mass shooting in the us at the time. one persons died and 7 of us to missing out the 2 japanese may be handicapped as crushed the 2 way across, i believe, to plunged into the pacific ocean, south of tokyo during the night time training exercise against coventry the maritime self defense forced rescue is a searching in the area of the incidents and the spotted water believe to be pumps of the aircraft in the sea. and we believe the too heavy cost is crushed. colorado gain things we do at this point. the cost is unknown, but firstly, we're doing our best to save lives. fighting between me and mazama and rebel fight
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as us forced, at least 1300 people, the fleet to neighboring thailand. fighters from the estimate, karen reveled group recently capture the boat, a town of near what a time need is reporting the latest rep. let's talk about a group of maybe $200.00 soldiers, an area close to a major board. a trading post going to tree on. those have been paid to kenya is chief of defense forces was killed in a helicopter crash on thursday. 9 of the offices traveling with general fonts is i'm going to also died when the cross went down showed you have to take off in north west. can you investigate to that? looking into the cause of the crush. still the central ask under public where a wooden boat capsized on friday coming dozens of people. it happened near the capital bungie video shows the boat carrying more than 300 passengers moments before we began sinking. at these 50 people drowned, colombians are set to march on sunday to protest against the government's plan to reform the countries health system. president, gustavo petro wants to make it more public,
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but he's face titles and congress of the sound run. patch reports now from boca to long lines in growing frustration, it becomes the norm in recent weeks. and many medicine dispenser is in book with the people they've been spending up to 7 hours in line for life saving medicines that are becoming increasingly scarce. i only have anti coagulant medicine until tomorrow. i depend on them that a sensor is horrible and fuel the aging. the associate that much, they will get up to the government of gustavo, paid through has accused privacy ensures known as yes of corruption and siphoning the available money to clinics, the control since taking office. he has been pushing for a major overhaul of the system that would cut the insurers out, leaving the states as the so administer. but when the bill failed in congress,
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the government to intervene, taking control of 3 of the main health insurers, columbia public private system prides itself in providing me or universe of coverage and relatively low out of pocket costs. if everybody agrees that it's in dire need of reform to improve the quality of its care and also ensure sustainability in the future. whether you disagree on it's on how to do that. the sure say the government has withheld funds in order to precipitate the crisis. that surgeon aramon by your nest, said that is not the case worker jack system and the government that enforce this crisis. the crisis already existed almost generating major damage in the health systems. it's affecting clinics on hospitals, most owned by insurance and patients. i'm affects us in health care because we don't have the funds to do that. so the government, that's is the government sort of the fundamental rights of health had to intervene because it's fairly mascot. but other medical experts say the government's actions
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are heavy handed and technically unsound and could bring about a collapse of the system. i believe it's some state, uh because and the government is proposing a law studies increasing costs without increasing the resources. and at the same time is fragments in the system. and by for inventing the system and making more expensive without more money. what that implies is that people will not get the care they need and they deserve. how to preserve or transform columbia as health care system has become the latest ideological clash in this deeply polarized country. and that could for, to complicate the already difficult access to health care for millions of patients in need. allison that i'm be at the i just need a good time. and before we go 3 palestinian couples, i've been married that a school hosting that displaced in rough uh they will down the line as well, which is through confetti celebrating young law. but as in june,
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i missed the devastation inflicted on costs. that's it for me down in jordan, for now i can find more information on our website. i'll just say when i come there, it is, and use continuous here on i'll just say right off the top to watch 0. that's a state you. thanks so much and bye for now. the, the, the satellite picture, which you'll see in a 2nd reveal some quite active where the dining given southwest society, this is the heads or the front, if you like. of a sudden the storm are happy with you might like it's, it's a very big thunderstorm. the result was hail folding in the desert. hey and costs. right. and there was some funding, even in the capital center, and certainly in some parts of southwest inside of the right plan for this was through or my there's a risk of a few more shadows here,
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but i think the regenerate back in weston or central. yeah, i'm in the southwest this saturday, the on that the pictures, one of the increasing wind dusty conditions lucky, found, also savvy, or in queue. 8. light childs in your room. up throughout the via job and through the eastern took you but nothing much to talk about, but there is still right enough kind of stuff in our courses funding here and it has to be impacted on. and the run both of that's dried up, but this, the bit more to come in afghanistan. picture on monday is pretty similar except the wins into the proper circulation that suggest something is developing. about more of that, the days to come through tropical africa, we've seen flooding in burundi. the seasonal rate is now the top stretches up to something down across just amount of the as well. but science says that it's remarkably dry to drive safe for many a bit of activity just in the western kate of the,
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the latest news as it breaks around on a given a cause that people come out in large numbers, galvanized populates the board with detailed coverage but the reason prices and the reality, things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residence to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have the one they fall into in london. many young european americans use are raised to believe that the jewish identity is contingent on the unflinching support for the state of his route. well, that identity is now very much in crisis, is many young jews watch in graphic detail. the state of israel is also in gaza and


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