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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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ties to me, the risk it from the ruins and guns, the young girl is poor. the, the safety of these ran even if you run substance attacks on the roof, the hello, i'm darn jordan. this is down just a run line from dell also coming up the us house of representatives approved the $95000000000.00 package. that includes ministry aid for you. christ brain's on fonts displays more than
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a $100000.00 people in the room to their authority is according to man killed in as many days in ecuador, and of a referendum aimed at fighting gun violence. the, it's $600.00 g m t, that's 9 am in guns that were at least 16 ballast indians have been killed by israeli strikes on the rough uh over the past few hours earlier, a baby and a pregnant women were killed off the israel's military. bump the house that i come in, central rafa. at least 5 children were injured. the number of palestinians killed since october 7th, as now as a past 34000. but the following one of the strikes civil defense cruise can be seen saving the life of a girl by pulling her from the rubble of her destroyed home. in the rough uh, i'll just say it was honey. not mood joins us live now from rafa in southern gaza. honey. so as was saying that yet more deadly strikes of the night and this morning on rocks that tell us what's been happening, honey. the the
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yes there and well but unfortunately more death and destruction across, throughout the city along with the. 5 the growling, the threats of expanding the, the ground invasion to the city with 1500000 displays palestinians across the different areas of robust city since the beginning of the wars and expansion of the military operations in hon. you in the city. but we're looking at the same exact pattern, entire families are due directly targeted inside the residential homes. they've been filtering and for the past months. so looking at 13 people and 2 separate attacks, one in the eastern part of robots that the, the other one further to the western part near the evacuation is on 13 people have been killed. 5 of them happened to be children, as well as, according to health official to pregnant women who arrived to the hospital already dead, but doctors were able to save the unborn baby. this is the potter we have been seeing
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since the beginning of this genocide or across the city, but more increasingly within the past few weeks, that exponential increase of the tox more relentless attack, targeting the residential on the public facilities across the city. just deepening defense of shattered sense of safety and security for people already traumatized from leading it from one place to another. meanwhile, that uh, health official and health official, an emergency association announced the discovery of last the grave and nozzler hospital. as of the past 24 hours, 50 bodies were retrieved from a massive group inside the courtyard of las or hospital. all right, honey must mood life for us. the in rough in southern gaza. honey, thank you. as well about a student emergency services as honey was saying that i must pray that's been, i'm competent upon eunice. 50 bodies were found buried inside the cities and that's the medical complex. the palestinian civil defense says it's searching for get more
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bodies is really miniature, withdrew its troops on the hon. eunice area on april 7th. much of the city that was down and ruins of to months. overland place is really bumming and heavy fighting. is there any forces i've been coming up more rates across the upside west bank please. randy military is in nablus out of some neighborhood in ramallah and also in hebron is really military incursions into several palestinian towns. i've become an inmate. you have comments since the one goes up again last october. so meanwhile, a general strike has been declared across the i'll divide westbank up to 14 palestinians were killed during a 3 day is randy right? of to kind of monitor use both as, as to destroy home shops and other critical facilities. funerals are expected to take place later on sunday, the, the abram thoughts from the notions refugee camp. when medic say they to come on the is ready. 5, it's a risk many here say they're willing to take medic see is really forces injured one
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of their critics and fire warning shots towards some of their cars. but it's their job. they tell us, as they tried to enter the news jumpstart, a few decals in the north of the, occupying the left bank lands every time we don't need it. we tried to reach a patients, but these really forces obstruct the work. now look how this is really cheap, is blocking the ambulances for mentoring since the war and cause of started. these really forces to being treated the islands cause regular cause the ambulance was forced to return one of several failed attempts. during these read the rate of the account that started late on thursday. we had the dead bodies inside, but the army didn't even talk to us. they signaled with the hands that we couldn't enter, being under, in this way, the siege. it's hard for palestinians to count their dead or injured. there was violence between the 3 disorders and palestinians fighters during the invasion.
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one is where the forces fired 3 needs at some of the homes. they conducted field interrogation, route, detentions, and damage the camps. facilities as well as the them know how this incursion is unprecedented, accepted even compared to the one in 2002 and previous incursions. the r snipers, uninstalled debt squads and special forces deployed and this is the nation's arm through inside the comp. reports heads said their lead that was, that was killed in these really weight, but they've denied that. we are all well and fine of issue john has just left us. now. this is his rifle. we are in high spirits hymer all in service to the cause of god, which is out has been wanted by these really forces as a part of the track down on armed groups and some of the refugee camp cindy occupied westbank for more than a year. people in the north, some sort of pure jacob having to continue with this really wave. we've seen
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destruction, widespread destruction to its rose electricity, lies on water lines before. it's hard for palestinians here to assess the damage from this read yet. but early signs indicates it's the worst. the gap has seen in years that but he just told the okay, by ge westbank, is there any forces of shopping killed to palestinians that the bates and ministry junction it happened just north of hebron and southern occupied westbank is really medias reporting the troops funded at the 2 men, germany, i suspect of the time it says one of them tried to stop a soldier while the other attempted to shoot up from. meanwhile, his ready settlers of attacks palace demands in the occupied westbank on the highway between romanella and jericho. another attempt to place and to the messiah that's northeast of ramallah by causing property were destroyed, and at least 3 palestinians were injured. and as a we have vintage when settlers shots outstanding in house us,
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some is randy media reporting that the buys and administration is set to sanction a battalion. the bes randy ministry for committing alleged human rights violations in the offline westbank. this would be the 1st time the us has impose sanctions on any is really on the unit, chapter tons, he has moved from washington dc to the state department of housing. and else any punitive sanctions against this is riley miller treated instead, what appears to be happening is it, as leaks the story to one of its favorite journalists here in washington dc, who is attempting to frame the announcement before that happens in what seems to be a rather, misleading fashion in the u. s. media telling you this, the by the administration is continuing to get tough on is really violence in the west bank. it's already sanctioned stuff, lives, the settlers groups, and now it's going to sanction this military unit. but that's not quite accurate. last week, a us watched old group pro, public
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a release to report which is based on the testimony of several us state department officials by a former um current, which is the extent of unease and disgruntlement with bite and administration policy. we say that as part of the rule, the state department impaneled a commission to investigate allegations of human rights abuses, extra traditional kenning torture, right for killing of a posting an american. they found these allegations to be credible. they presented their report to blinking. the secretary of state and other words, and one of these officials, the documents have lane in lincoln's briefcase, ever since he's supposed to act by law. he's supposed to cut off any assistance so that you haven't received that report, but he didn't. but he's been caught out by verse leek last week now. oh, we understand blinking. we'll be acting next week sir. this isn't so much
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a continuation of a hardening of positions in the by the administration and in the state department against is really violence. it would appear instead to be the state department. i haven't been course out potentially breaking the role by shielding is riley units. and until last week and now we expected announcement. next week she advertise the elders or washington. the us house of representatives has approved a huge ministry, a package for ukraine. taiwan is read, and several of us allies. the package had been held up for weeks because of divisions among republicans on aging ukraine. but after being split into separate bills, it now goes to the senate after which would be signed by president joe biden. so let's take a look at what's included in the package. well, the 1st bill has $61000000000.00 for ukraine, and that includes defense,
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humanitarian aid of cash, to keep its government running. the 2nd, give $17000000000.00 to israel, including for the punishment of its own. the missiles is also a $9000000000.00 a package for gaza and us development efforts in the occupied westbank. an $8000000000.00 has been set aside for the defense of us allies in the western pacific, mostly for taiwan on today, was particular hanging reports from capitol hill in word and deed, members of the us house of representatives, sending the message with ukrainian flags in the house for the day support sending $61000000000.00 to ukraine. a huge number of republican members, 112 voted against giving money and weapons to ukraine. you know, we have the false choice of, of the same that ukraine doesn't matter to america or support ukraine was no
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question, ask was blank checks and bows. this positions on the board in our national interest to bill is past 17. 17000000000 to is really 9000000000 to the palestinians, prove divisive as well. it passed, but $21.00 republicans voted. know, along with 37 democrats, gentleman from texas is wrecking many criticizing his early prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that, whose actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored the police of the families of hostages. he's ignored the police of the president of the united states. he's ignored his own people, or he's engaged in self preservation. we should not be sending offensive weapons to israel right now after this or warning president joe biden, that if he signs the legislation, he will pay a political price. this is taking away any leverage, present, and buying might have to get and then yellow to pull back on and beating ra, offer or killed him. warranted some people,
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a 1000000000 easily passed for taiwan. and so did a bill that would allow the us to increase sanctions on around allow the buying and ministration to seize russian assets and then tick tock in the us unless it's chinese owners sell the company. now, these bills go to the senate, which is expected to pass them, and then the president is expected to sign it, because you've got officials tell me that once it is signed, they can start getting weapons into crane in a matter of days to go home. elda 0 washington, you know, the training and president loving me as a lensky has found the us house surpassing the package to you. today we received a decision, we expected the package of american support that we thought so hard for. and it's a very significant package that will be felt by our soldiers on the front line, as well as by our towns and villages the sufferings of russian tyra list today. the us house of representatives voted thank you to everyone who supported the package that this is a solution for saving lives out as it was done home and sent this update from your
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cranium capital speak. ukrainian government was really waiting for this nervously. it was a very, very long wait to see if this would be put even to the vote in the house of congress and see if it would get free. the only take 5 minutes. and in the end, it was a fairly convincing vote. that meant that this a package of $61000000000.00 from ukraine will now be sent to the senate, where is expected to pass at the ukrainian president told him, is the landscape had said, if the congress doesn't help you crying, ukraine will lose this war at least publicly, that's how starkly he put it on his relief was evident. immediately afterwards, he treated that he was grateful to the us house of representatives, both partners and personally speaking, mike johnson, who might have put his job on the line. it seems to bring this to a boat. he said that it's a decision that keeps history on the right track,
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and that it will keep the will from expanding and save thousands and thousands of lives. i think that soldiers on the front lines of ukraine would echo dot sentiment . they towed it seems that they dealing with a situation in which every 6 shows coming from russia, they're only able to send one back. and that they see it that that would only get was at least $14000000000.00 about $61000000000.00 a package. it's not all of it will deal directly with weapons. we've training. i'm with operational capacities for the ukranian troops. now a question i guess is once it gets reset, it that happens once it's signed in by the us president joe biden. how quickly can not get here. that was off to depends again on a spokes person said that it could be a matter of days. so definitely the united states government seems to be treating this with a matter of urgency, and that's going to be music to the use of ukraine and the government here,
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don't home and out. is it a key if you cry, time for so frank here and i'll just say right, when we come back, why public health care reform con, come soon enough for some protest as in columbia, florida state critical debate, postage farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to exports the whole while good because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians who may be open in the highest level. they've been using games for this policy. let me come out to him and dave, and course the rivals inside story on al jazeera, 300 years ago. the bound is the full season, the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been re composed by
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alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating and the disturbing like performance in south korea. this nokia or of sold on al jazeera, the colleges here with the the
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welcome back you watching. i'll just hear a quick reminder about top stories here. this at least 16 contest indians have been killed by, as well as the latest sprites on guns us. over the past several hours, a baby under pregnant women were among the victims. opera house was bombed to that comes in rough up more than 34000 palestinians have not been killed since october. 7th is really ministry is conducting raids across the occupied west time. but it's forces storming numberless ramallah and hebron. it's almost a major rate in the north shelves, refuge account which killed at least 14 on the us house of representatives has passed a huge ministry, a package for ukraine, taiwan as well. and several of us are lots 90. $5000000000.00 package company held up for weeks because of divisions among republicans on helping you. frank. it now goes to the senate, full and over. crowded wouldn't vote as caps, eyes and the central african republic. cuttings dozens of people. the accident happened on the poker river near the capital of bung. the video shows the boat,
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which is counting more than $300.00 passengers moments before it broke apart and began to sinking. at least 50 people confirmed a problem, and many more are still missing. the run these repeating for international help of the heavy rains, the space, maybe a 100000 people and destroyed farmland. the countries been struggling off to the el nino weather event extend to the annual rainy season. it is i'm getting food before it's consistent rains. have some merch parts of this church and the entire neighborhood along with it. these houses have got tuned in western burgundy cannot only be accessed by the flood waters have cut off this family from the world. oh, that's about the war to hit us. and we have to look for a place to build a shelter, but we couldn't find any way because the water was already everywhere. we came here, but there wasn't not much water yet. we built a long platform according to the height of the water covered at top holdings.
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dofer's village sits near lake tongue anita, which has been overflowing. the resulting deluge put nearly a 100000 people on the move, destroyed crops and critical facility. thousands of people who died in neighboring pens in the more than 300 livestock, were lost in kenya in the past several days. it's all due to el nino and naturally occurring weather event, heading east africa, causing months of increased rainfall, land slides and hail storms. and environment right for waterborne diseases. without a movie, we have a problem, not only with housing, but we're drinking water too. when we suffer from illness caused by unsanitary conditions, authorities in burgundy, dealing with limited resources, are now calling for outside help. they say 300000 people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. if the some good food out to 01 person has died
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and 7 others are still missing off. the 2 japanese navy had a cup to is crushed. yeah, cross plunged into the pacific oceans and i'm nighttime training exercise, south of tokyo. so they collided in mid f. you can come and see the amount of time self defense. forced rescue is the searching in the area of the incidents and the spotted water believe to be pumps of the aircraft in the sea. and we believe the too heavy cost is crushed. colorado gain things we do at this point. the cost is unknown, but firstly, we're doing our best to save lives. ecuadorian this go to the polls on sunday in a referendum aimed at cracking down on criminal guns. the new security measures include deploying the army to tackle organized crime, to exhibit reports from equity. morning and grief by loved ones. at the funeral for me or close the scientists. he was killed this week by a known assailants in the town of camino ponds hembry cuz he mccloud son just had been in office for less than a year. he's kidding,
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is just another example of this serious violence ecuadorian ser, facing days before voting on a security referendum. president, the new level is asking voters to back the matcher as a way to fight organized crime men would have sent is you send me was brother. he hope suppressed and will get back and he needs to go the, the, the late eco doors insecure because of a lack of lows and hopefully the yes but will when and the minute true be on the streets. i hope that will be new laws to fight crime. my brother was executed and they didn't do anything since taking off his last to your president. then, you know, i declared a state of exception and deployed the armed forces to find the drug. cartels that have increase their controlled over large parts of the country. this town is one of them. security forces here are on high alert space. say there's one more is that there could be another attack. this is an area that is controlled by
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a criminal group. no, no, no, no, they are not only involved in drug trafficking, but also any legal mining. in the past decades, cocaine trade has expanded in latin america, and violence has transformed once quiet countries like white or a. and that's why no war says he wants the military to patrol with a police. expedite accuse criminals among other measures. to do that. he wants to reform the constitution. it was he a single mental health clicks him. there are moments that will mark a before and after, in the history of our nation, as like with dorians, we have a civic and moral duty to make the right choice leads us young. analysts say that voting on sunday is a test. how much support the president has? yeah. was i think that we're seeing the field around 70 percent of the country supports the security measures, but only 40 percent support the president. according to our measures of the military on the streets is a patch to a bigger problem because mafia is, are controlling the judiciary. the police is businesses all across the country.
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while the funeral for me, your son, she's what's taking place. we've heard about the killing of another may are about to nowhere from where we, where it's another reminder of why so many people affected by violence, once the government to do whatever is necessary to stop it and make sure that what happens here won't happen again. police, i will just see death coming up on somebody gets a one on the colombians are set to march on sunday against the government plans to reform the health system. president, gustavo petro once more emphasis, to be put on the public system. these spacing hurdles and congress, a sound run patch of reports from buckets of long lines. in growing frustration, it becomes the norm in recent weeks, at many medicine dispensers, and book with the people they've been spending up to 7 hours in line for life saving medicines that are becoming increasingly scarce. i only have anti coagulant
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medicine and tomorrow i depend on them that a sensor is horrible and infuriated with associated as much as they will cut out because the government of gustavo paid through has accused privacy ensures known as, as of corruption and siphoning, the available money to clinics the control since taking office, he has been pushing for a major overhaul of the system that would cut the insurers out, leaving the state as the so administer. but when the bill failed in congress, the government to intervene, taking control of 3 of the main health insurers, columbia public private system prides itself in providing me or universal coverage and relatively low out of pocket costs. if everybody agrees that it's in dire need of reform to improve the quality of its care and also ensure it sustainability in the future. whether you disagree on it's on how to do that. the sure say the
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government has withheld funds in order to precipitate the crisis. that surgeon aramon by your nest, said that is not the case for good guy exist through the government the enforce this crisis. the crisis already existed almost everything, major damage in the health systems. it's affecting clinics on hospitals, most owned by insurance, and patients. i'm affects us in health care because we don't have the funds to do that. so the government that's as the guarantor of the fundamental rights of health had to intervene because prelim escape. but other medical experts say the government's actions are heavy handed and technically unsound and could bring about a collapse of the system. i believe it's some state uh because and the government is proposing a law studies increasing costs without increasing revenue sources. and at the same time is fragments in the system. and by for inventing the system and making more
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expensive without more money. what that implies is that people will not get the care they need and they deserve how to preserve or transform columbia as health care system has become the latest ideological clash in this deeply polarized country. and that could for to complicate the already difficult access to health care for millions of patients in need. allison that i'm be at the i just need a good that some people have been confirmed dad and india is an additional stay on top of that boat capsized. the accident happened. those passengers were returning from visiting a temple on the minority river searches on to wait to find at least one person still missing around 40 evans were rescued by fishing. the victims of the columbine high school shooting 25 years ago had been remembered in the us state of colorado. so teen people were killed and 21 injured. when 2 passengers went down to teenagers, wins and a shooting spree before turning the guns on themselves. it was considered the was not shooting in the us at the time. it. okay, that's it for me down. jordan,
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you can find more information on the website. i'll just say your top. com. the weather is up next to the inside story examines the impact of india is general election. that's it for me. state you. thanks so much and talk about the the satellite picture, which you'll see in a 2nd reveal some quite active where the dining given southwest society, this is the heads or the front if you like. of a sudden the storm are happy with you might like it's, it's a very big thunderstorm. the result was hail folding in the desert. hey and costs. right. and there was some funding even in the capital center. and certainly in some parts of southwest, inside of the right plan for this was through or my there's a risk of a few more shadows here, but i think the regenerate back in weston or central. yep. and the southwest
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society, the on that the pictures, one of the increasing wind dusty conditions lucky found, also savvy, or in q 8. light childs in iran, up throughout the via job and through the eastern took you, but nothing much to talk about. but there is still right enough kind of stuff in our courses funding here, and it has to be impacted on and the run both of that's dried up. but this, the big board come in afghanistan. picture on monday is pretty similar, except the winds tend to the proper circulation that suggest something is developing. about more of that, the days to come through tropical africa we've seen flooding in burundi. the seasonal rate is now tucked up, stretches up to something to dial across just tomorrow, the as well. but science says that it's remarkably dry to drive safe for many, a bit of activity just in the western kate, on the roof closing for the auction rate,
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winning hearing to fox, how is 10 or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding? the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click send to the pots at the store, 6 weeks of voting in an election where india is prime minister and the render moody success. the term opponent, say, refreshing and sick tearing is him, have worse and under his leadership. so what all the issues will be in action be free and fast. this is inside story. the .


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