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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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always come 1st of the $300.00 on luis hobbins, it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the doctors in the hospital in southern garza saving and bold baby who's pregnant about the latest died from injury sustains. and then it's really a time they were like, my headquarters here in the coming up to palestinians a shot and killed in the occupied westbank as well as where else as well as other attempted stomach us signed is really media repulse of the by the administration.
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it's up to sanction it is really military units. the alleged human rights violations and occupied westbank, the, the us house of representatives approved a $95000000000.00 package that includes military aides for israel and ukraine. the welcome to the public and we begin in gaza where at least 16 palestinians are being killed and is riley attacks. will planes targeted residential areas and the city of rafa where around $1500000.00 displaced people. a sheltering doctors to 8 hospital were able to save and unborn baby after it's pregnant. mother was critically wounded. she liked the died from her injuries. other family members were killed or wounded in the same attack. elsewhere hands off, a civil defense, cruise rescued, a young girl from the rubble of her destroy time is ideal. strikes have targeted
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a number of houses in recent hours. the boss gray has also been found with 50 bodies. one covers in the southern city of con eunice, the remains were found inside the knots of medical complex, after as well as military withdrew from the area. earlier this month. i need my move to days and raffle for satan, southern gauze. and so let's just begin with the latest rates early on sunday. just tell us what more we know about these particular incidence. yes, what we're just getting confirmation are from the jar hospital or 3 more bodies. we're remoted from under the rubble just to bring in the number of people being killed and over. not attacks across the rough city and the eastern part in the western part. and the central part of the city to 15 people confirmed uh, 5 of them were children. uh, and this is what we have been documenting and seeing for,
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for the past months. the pods of deliberate attacks on entire families inside residential homes targeted and, and killed. and causing further internal displacements for people and the surrounding area of every residential buildings that has been targeted. those were the air strikes of last night and eastern part of the city on one of the residential home where the family was children again. and another one do it in like half an hour of the 1st air it strikes. another one targeted a residential home in the western part of the city, showing 9 people, mostly its children and women, the the scene of the woman who transferred to the hospital a pregnant woman in a critical injuries that thought staying. and later on she died. but doctors were able to save the unborn babies. the other is shocking afoot is that we looked at of a little girl from on being removed from under the levels by civil to show member. but that's not the case all the time as people go go missing on
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a tribe under the rebels for 4 days, then it's 6 times some times to remove them. but by the time they're removed, they're ready to seize the coals. honey, more disturbing news badging of another mass grave at the hospital side. just tell us a bit more about us as well. isn't more of exceeds our coming to from the not sort of how this all down the positive that i was formed by these really military. it's why is the destroying the vast majority of its equipment then a medical facility is just turning good. the entire area into blue and pile of ruins. when we look at is a group of people, a close to 50 people that been retrieved, bodies of retrieve it from under the levels in a massive gray. but the courtyard of the hospital is something that is very consistent with what we documented and, and heard it from medical staff and evacuated inside the hospital who managed to evacuate. until however,
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the stories of how these really military rounded up people and ticket them from inside the facilities to blindfolded with their hands tied down their back and killing them either by the use of the quad captors or the use of a sniper. but they all buried in one not so great. that is something consist that this is not the 1st time it's happening. nonprofit, the not the 1st health facility where their master grades ship a hospital within the possible discover. more bodies at the northern part colored one hospital 2 months ago, more bodies were also retrieved from under durable. i've been really military continue to do so concealing it's a crimes on the ground. honey, my mood that for us in rough and southern gaza, thank you. it is already full, so they've chosen kill to palestinians and the best a new military junction that happened just north of had problems and be occupied. westbank is rarely median. all reporting troops find the 2 men during an attempt to the tag. they say one of the suspects tried to stop a soldier while the other tried to shoot at them. these are the forces have been
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coming on low rates across the occupied westbank. the military is commonly in nablus, the hour or so neighborhood in ramallah and also in hebron is ready incursions into palestinian towns, have been a nightly occurring since the world calls that began in october as being well a general strike is being declared across the occupied west bank, after the 14 palestinians were killed during the 3 days by any rate of total time, the military use bold as to destroy the homes of shops and other facilities. funerals are expected to take place later on sunday. the abraham repulses from neutrons. refugee kind of where a medic say they to came on the is riley fire. it's a risk many here say that willing to take medic say is really forces injured one of their critics and fall your warning shots towards some of their cars. but it's their job. they tell us, as they try to enter the news, some sort of few decals in the north of the,
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occupying the left bank land every time we don't need it, we try to reach a patients, but usually forces obstruct the work. now look how this is really cheap, is blocking the ambulances for mentoring since the war and cause of started. these really forces to being treated in the ambulance cause regular cause the ambulance was forced to return one of several failed attempts. during these read the rate of the account that started linked on thursday. we heard that bodies inside, but the army didn't even talk to us. they signaled with the hands that we couldn't enter, being under, in this way, the siege. it's hard for palestinians to count their dead or injured. there was violence between the soldiers and palestinian fighters during the invasion. one is where the forces fired 3 needs. at some of the homes. they conducted field interrogation, route, detentions, and damage the camps. facilities. as well as the them know how this incursion is
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unprecedented, accepted even compared to the one in 2002 and previous incursions. the r snipers, uninstalled death squads and special forces deployed. and this is the nation's arm through pins. it becomes reports had said their lead that abuses that was killed in these really weight, but they've denied that. we are all well and fine of issue john has just left us now. this is his rifle. we are in high spirits hymer all in service to the cause of god, which is out has been wanted by these really forces as a part of the track down on armed groups and some of the refugee comp cindy occupied to a thing. so nobody here people in the north, some sort of pure jacob having to continue with this really wave. we've seen destruction, widespread destruction to its rose electricity. 8 rise on with through lines before . it's hard for palestinians here to assess the damage from this read yet. what's
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early signs indicates it's the worst the gap has seen in years. is that what he just told kind of the okay, if i to us bank and the joys of stuff on to chrome, neither one of the longest to was rates ready by the israelis into the member. i think over into it from why you, why it's not so, i mean, it is over now, but the chaos is pretty evident of what's to be left behind. yes, the 1st responders and the comedies are trying to assess the damage that took place here in the refugee camp where they say it's been on precedence. it's even on the scale of new a shuttle that has already seen a lots and lots of damage in the previous is raising the rates to the fuse. you come. as you can see here, it's barely a place for people to walk. we've just seen someone who has been sick being carried on at sea or trying to navigate his way outside the better for gigi gap,
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as we'll see more and more trucks coming in and do some basic remedies to what has been happening really with that for you or whatever, which 3 to 5, when it comes to the electricity, the water line, the even homes have the motors. it's not birds by the continuous. really read for more than we, they were very difficult festival needs from kind of city of living here. saying that really there's nothing that has to say in this gap and has not been attacked by israel. they say that that happens to be the serious and the side of the targets here in the top as much as the main goal was destruction. they say the aim is to remind how the city is of the cost of trying to
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resist these ready occupations. we know that there's an arm group here operating inside the refugee cab a. but look, i mean, people talk unless that's even though we're seeing a large scale of damage here, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the damage at the other neighborhoods. inside that a few g come that have been taught gets it's, i would love to know more about that, eh, you know, what? it's felt to be president of north shems it a few. jacob with miss said, we need, i've the him of who's a resident of the come, excuse me, i shall stop you soon. but alex didn't i please about the comp time only 3 days. the 3 days with a part of the 2nd that we have seen the has to and that you can come in a brutal way. they have it shot the so many people civilians, people have been shots without mercy. the kids were really horrify. even
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terrified in the president didn't mind that they didn't bother as well over the place. and the 5th i'm going to sleep face. so we live in the home was shocked by a sniper. and he was killed immediately. and when someone calls you know, around the 1018 to 20, i was his parents within the house of his mother without being saved. and i think there was a lack of humanity in these days. how would this is too much? we have tried to take him out, we have tried to call them a it with all the international, regional or local organizations would know way. a lot of people have made some personal efforts in old the, to the, the risk to the good people and take martha's away. the situation was
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insane and before so leave to his brothers were also for kaylee a full month does the same house and they have the brother was also has also bar it is where the situation is bad, but completely bad. what was the difficulty in the glass of mind that his family have found the law? the difficulty is to remove them. um it was hard to take it from a place to another place. uh, we need to like fridge it all they do put him in this place and that will buy the mazda and not electricity was not available. and we had nothing to do was to ask for help from the international organizations. but we have that and we have the nothing. and then just little over the place and this 3, we are not saved, rescued. and you know, suppose the left, but from these present with that person,
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it is definitely what are the reasons behind that? well, what do you think about the reason? the reason is to people the people that have risen of the policy and the people that destroyed the infrastructure, which i totally events the most brutal way. as i understand they may have from the 1948 out of my 54 years old. and i see that this thing says the age of a to the occupation is doing more and more time that the, the, the pilot stadiums. and uh, yeah, uh, i mean, it makes use of the weak points, the society and the we, as muslims, we have most, you know, hard, but the echo patient know nothing of tools as you heard there hello city and say that they had to resort many palestinians with such as they have to resort to armed
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resistance as a way to fight these rate the occupation. they say that they didn't get anything by negotiations by trying to look for a peaceful solution that you paid for us. thanks very much. close will depend with that, need it throughout the day you are assigned is ready. the media reporting that the board and ministration is set to sanction a battalion. all these really ministries allegedly committing human rights violations the occupied westbank. now this would be the 1st time us as impose sanctions, all the units of these really ami she, every time she has moved from washington dc to the state department of housing amounts, any punitive sanctions that gaines this is really admitted treated instead what appears to be happening is it has leaks the story to one of its favor, john lists here in washington, d. c. who is attending the frame? the announcement before that happens in what seems to be a rather misleading fashion in the u. s. media telling if this the by the
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administration is continuing to get tough on is really violence and the westbank authority sanctioned settlers of the settlers groups. and now it's going to sanction this military units. but that's not quite accurate. last week, a us watched old group pro, public a release to report, which is based on the testimony of several us state department officials by a former current which is the extensive uni's and disgruntlement with vitamin administration policy. we say that as part of the rule, the state department impaneled a commission to investigate allegations of human rights abuses, extra traditional kenning torture rate for killing of a policy in american. they founders allegations to be credible. they presented their report to blinking. the secretary of state, and then the words and one of those officials, the documents have lane in lincoln's brief case ever since he's supposed to act by
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law. he's supposed to cut off any assistance to that. you haven't received that report, but he didn't. but he's been caught out by vice leek last week. now we understand blinking will be acting next week. so this isn't so much a continuation of a hardening of positions in the by the administration and in the state department against is really violence. it would appear instead to be the state department. i haven't been called out, potentially breaking the law by shielding is riley units. and until last week, and now we expected an announcement next week or she advertise the elders or washington. the smith house, the view from occupied east jerusalem. sundays come as a shop. okay. and israel, the united states, the most staunch backer of israel, whatever is per pad. it seems to sanction
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a battalion in the military. it's if the military support for the military and a very divided country. it's a one thing that unites people here because almost every is really a served in the military. yes, we've heard this morning from the fall, right. as you might expect, a small think of this as the us as crossed a red line. he's a follow up member of these really cabinets along with him. but so small traits, the finance, the finance minister, quoted absolute madness. wiley's riley's fighting for his existence. prime minister benjamin netanyahu called at the height of absurdity and immortal. lo, we will act by all means against these moves. and the sensor writes, many guns souls are a member of the wall cabinet says it sets a dangerous precedent. it conveys the wrong message to all shad enemies during war time. still head here on the opposite of a parliamentary elections on the way the mole dates and the polar could affect the countries ties with both india and china.
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the the, the recent top up of snow in full the outs is probably seen is more pretty than useful given that most ski results will be closed. but we've had this cold pool or that or cold push it back, come down. or if it's central, you're young and when it reaches will more to remove water, it spins up into a low, you got this general big circulation which continues over the next couple of days. so it was snow falls likely in most places on the, on the hills, and beaten all sort of the out. you've got rain spitting from albania, through greece towards about gary and romania, but it's snow might for here. and yet more probably getting through western russia into ukraine and the roost. for example. this continues during monday and given what you see up in the baltic states with 2 drawing code at down here,
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we're splitting, if another low with some snow, for maybe the autonomy and alps and rain over the power valley. it looks pretty. i'm cousin, really. i'm most they might even catch stock of them is more like the fix on this side of the sucking baltic with the full cost. so we get been pretty impressed for a couple of days and much better on wednesday. so you put the colorful colors on it's not like good will. those spain and portugal a sydney woman with is coming out of the west and that of still strong and algae or if there's to shy was up in the moroccan atlas. the
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book about to you watching over there with me. so rahman and the reminder of all told stories, the latest is really strong. some dollars that it was killed at least 16 palestinians. the baby and the pregnant women were amongst the victims of her house and a cabin rasa was molten. 30 full 1000 palestinians have now been killed since october . the 2nd he's ready. the military is conducting rates across the occupied westbank with forces still be fabulous or my land happily. now this one is a major rate in the new shelves, refuge account, which kills at least 14 palestinians. us on this way, the media now reporting that the fight and ministration is such a sanction of a tally and nobody is really minute treats for allegedly committing human rights violations occupied westbank. so this would be the 1st time that the us as impose sanctions on the use of these riley. and joining us, it is tom, a con lucy's
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a assistant professor of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies such as expand on those potential sanctions. embarrassing to a certain extent for the us having to do this for the 1st time. but it does raise the question about the crowds behind the scenes of the state department, telling the leaders but what's going on is wrong. but natalie does not listening to them a sort of course, i mean, and this brings us to the method of accountability. i mean, but additions are the ones what are comfortable because they are elected to the present, the entrance of the all nations and people a but the technical us are the ones will do the due diligence and make sure that the country auto state is a didn't put the national so clearly in the us, in the, in the front of the us and the solution. we have been seeing more of it all in pensions, between the technocratic exports 11 and the political. the petitions are more or less spin, protecting is the and the, and, and under the technocrats or the technical out of it, we see it of
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a lucian and uprising, say, know enough is enough with envisioning our position as a states at a stop. even in the us, we have seen this in the u. n as well, with all the these experts will not die c, g, you know, the experts will say they've been saying the screaming that what's happening in the as is on the side of the road and then at the pick up. but at the can live in the, on the, on the counseling we see spent, the presumptive sticking a different approach. and that's the problem with international. but when it comes to us, i think this is an, this is what we think something. and you know, this is unprecedented to see this, this happening inside the us. i'm the sedation and let's see how, what it takes us. and so the interesting, that is really politicians from the far right to in the cabinet to also talk about this is the red line that the us is cross. they can't do this to us. they will be repercussions yet. but the happy to take the money from the us to continue that warring cause of course, i mean as well without this money is what i'm kind of a for to continue this war. and we own this. we all know that's without your
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support is an immunization, it's gone but, but the thing is, yes we, we are with the special version that is a package to, is it a? so another symptom, we hear this a news about the sensors. what would you expect is the this a, this condition to is attached with some conditions as well to ensure that the food enough to use the use it any misconduct, the, the technical us. what backs the something us government. the want to see is what i'm doing. so, but it's not happening again, it's an 8. the version that it's like is going to is and without any conditions type with. so on and on. it's positive to see this happening. but we want more aggressive approach from the us to really a condition that even the future when it comes to this. okay, we'll continue to impact this as a day continues time or can we think of. so this house of representatives has approved a major military, a package for ukraine, taiwan, and as well as we just mentioned on several other highlights. not it has been held up for weeks because of divisions amongst republicans on support that you find. but after being split into separate bills,
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that will now go to the senate holding signed off by the president, j 5. and so let's take a quick look at what's included in the package. the 1st bill has $61000000000.00 for ukraine, including defense, humanitarian aid and cash to keep the government running. the 2nd bill give $17000000000.00 to israel, including full the replenishment of defining the missile system, which has been using recently as also $9000000000.00 and $8.00 for garza and us development efforts in the occupied. westbank is also $8000000.00 set aside for the defense of us allies in the western pacific. nicely tie one particle, hey, and how small. all the details from capitol hill in word and deed, members of the us house of representatives, sending the message with ukrainian flags in the house for the day support sending 61000000000 dollars to ukraine. a huge number of republican members,
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112 voted against giving money and weapons to ukraine. you know, we have the false choice about the same that ukraine doesn't matter to america or support ukraine was no question. ask was blank checks and bows. this position on the board, you know, a national interest. the bill is past 17. 17000000000 to is really 9000000000 to the palestinians. prove divisive as well. it passed, but $21.00 republicans voted. know, along with 37 democrats gentlemen from texas is wrecking many criticising is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored the police of the families of hostages. he's ignored the, please of the president of the united states. he's ignored his own people. he's engaged in self preservation. we should not be sending offensive weapons to israel
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right now. acted as a warning president joe biden, that if he signs the legislation, he will pay a political price. this is taking away any leverage president by might have to get and then you all to pull back on and leading ra, offer or killed him warning. some people a 1000000000 easily passed for taiwan and so did a bill that would allow us to increase sanctions on around allow the buying and ministration to seize russian assets and then tick tock in the us. unless it's chinese owners sell the company. now these bills go to the senate, which is expected to pass them and then the president is expected to sign it because you got officials tell me that once it is signed, they can start getting weapons into crane. in a matter of days to go home al jazeera washington, let's go save. it's a keys now, john, home and is standing by for us. some sort of the need on the ground seems edge. and because it's all about getting that military aid from, you might say the us to way you are. oh
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yeah, definitely. so patsy was just saying there at the end of that pace, that pentagon officials say they can move in the east, but it's not quite as simple as that to get it to the front lines in ukraine. what the us military officials of oh, so i said is they've got some of the western real ready in europe. that means that they can mobilize it foster and get it to the country. once there needs to be distributed, the military analysts say that that could take weeks. then what that does is it gives russia a window to exploit the advantage that it has right now. at the moment you crank him on this have told a team that they getting out, shout 6 to one on the front lines and not consumed. go to 10 to one in terms of the countries energy plots. it's cities that are on the front line. that being showed a lot at the moment because ukraine hasn't got enough defense units. so one of that is still to arrive rusher is expected to try and press home. it's advantage before you can get to the west from ray. i think there's another thing as well,
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which is especially in the ukraine, a position, lawmakers and government officials are looking at. and that's the fact that even when this comes, one official will make a position. they'll make a said despise us time, it doesn't when the war and the question is, what happens off to the say package given that it took about 6 months to get through. and a lot of republicans in the us was so against it. when they say a package comes misused, what will happen off that will that be another one for the full 2025. will the country then be in trouble? it's on hold. well that for us to in key thanks very much, they update you all the photos and all these, all the testing that balance now in parliamentary elections crucial full presence. how many that me as you 6 the political parties all fielding, the 370 candidates, folding, 93, st. paul levant, his election last year escalated rivalry between india and china. as a result of his probation stands that his administration has promised to remove
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around 90 indian troops stationed on one of the countries islands. thousands of people in 10, the rates have been protesting against the effect of mess, tourism in the canary islands. they say the covert model is damaging the environment and wants limits to be pushed on the number of total risk visiting. so do you guys take or has the story? it is a sector the canary islands has come to depend on while tourism has been approved to the economy for many here at this, protested tennessee. it has also been detrimental anymore and everybody else. so this i put out, i think we have the territory of a saturated with construction as well as buildings that are being totally destroyed with no use within the tourism industry. this is land speculation and it's leaving the natural areas totally unprotected anal, uh,
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as well as the damage to its landscape activists say that the po tourism is taking on residents is too heavy, too bad. right.


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