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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision. this key is you to the mass grave is discovered in con units, southern garza, at least 180 bodies up in the covered weeks up to the is really all me withdrew the geologist over life and death coming up in the next 30 minutes. be getting the clean up in the occupied westbank of today's of rates biased by the forces like widespread destruction. nations refuge account the us as the representative of who's a $95000000.00 package that includes ministry as well and ukraine. and see him
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as a kills as a, as many days in ecuador ahead of the rest of the named exciting gang finding the welcome to the right. and we saw it in southern gaza. what palestinian emergency services have uncovered a mass grave. and con eunice, at least 180 bodies of saif all being found buried inside the city's not so medical complex. the palestinian civil defense says that it's searching for more bodies. much of us, as you know, is in ruins of to months of relentless is ready, bombing and heavy fine thing, honey. my mood as mold from the mass grate signs in con eunice. this is really military withdrew from nozzler hospital on april 7th, leaving 3 rows of destructions. all signs of life inside the complex itself severely damaged in all the facilities of what's more socking right now. the
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discovery of this style, the gray, they've the largest one so far uh, in the city of pon unit stuff right here at the court yard. the southern part of the court yard of the hospital work for the past 3 days. civil defense board members in hamilton have retrieved a 180 bodies of people were buried in this past. the great 5 is really military. these are the people, the bodies are removed, including elderly women, children, the young men were all very to hear what soccer. and as we talked with civil defense, the crew members, the bodies that were inside a plastic bag plus the fact the hearts have hebrew writing on them. but the bodies inside they had their hands tied up behind your back. what looks like they were executed and buried in this mazda grave here at the doctors hospital just within the past half an hour, we see a group of people coming here crying parents or remaining family members searching
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for the bodies of their children. i loved ones. this is possibly, the vast majority of the bodies are completely, this is to the point of they are not recognized. old, a few people weren't able surface by some of the bodies here because of the of a body bar or because of the clothes that they are wearing. they weren't able to identify the vast majority of data 10180 bodies are largely deceived. so far beyond full big events here at the doctor courtyard hospital, the does not the grave happen to be very consistent with the test him on his with her to from medical to stop. and also the hospital with the, with the hospital was a sworn by the, the amount of the nurses, the mother goes up this way as families. that exactly is who managed to leave the hospital with this cry for seed inside the hospital where people were executed. also were great that the courtyards the hospital were dug up by that really by the
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story as it was 1st say, 4 bodies of hostages inside the hospital. they're also bodies of patients in injuries as their medical bandages and cavity, or is still attached with the bodies are being removed from uh, from the mazda. great, so is very strong is on rough, i and southern gaza have killed at least 16 palestinians in the past. few hours, a baby and a pregnant women were killed off to a house and they camped in central america was formed. at least 5 children were injured. now the number of palestinians killed since october. the 7th has exceeded 30 full thousands of to one of the strong civil defense crews was seen say, do you go by pulling her from the rubble of her destroyed, who was ready. forces of charleston killed 2 palestinians at the bank to a new military junction. it happened just north of hebron and the occupied westbank . is there any media on reporting that troops find that the team and joining an attempted attack? they say one of the suspects tried to stop
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a soldier while the other tried to shoot at them. is there any forces have carried up more rights across the occupied westbank by the military still novelists have brought on as soon as the neighborhood in ramallah is ready in cash into palestinian towns have been and then not a covered since the wrong cause of guns in october, meanwhile, a general strike has been declared across the old combined westbank after 3 days by the right of total crim killed 14 palestinians. that abraham is that and said this update the the big chairs are speaking for themselves. he attended your shims refugee camp. let me show you what used to be the main street here and how it's turned into a big workshop with the palestinians. have started working to re assess the damage to see what they can do to do it. when we see the situation, we see the 1st responds, there's,
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when it comes to the infrastructure. the 1st thing that they start doing is to restore the basic needed infrastructure facilities when we're talking about the electricity, as well as the water line. stevens is what you can see now from the damage. it's still the tip of the iceberg. as many tele, simians are telling us they save the middle of the more and more damage. we'll try and show you as much of what is happening here saying that there are palestinians who have been killed, but their bodies have been taken by these resources before they left. but we know from the medical team that the bodies of 14 it was taken only made possible. as such a date when we've seen the ambulance is being allowed. and as you've seen over the
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course before the 1st responder is, the medics were not allowed to go in it either to get the bodies of those who would kill or if it has the wounded, were talking about within the fall of simeon who was injured. but when we talk about the damage, it would be really difficult for this teams here to assess if they tell us they don't have a number, they're still checking and assessing what's happening in terms of the damage. we've seen some burns in some of the let's move a little bit more and more homes have been brings up the feelings here is that what is happening here was a targeted targeted, damaging that does not just focus on one area, heat, one area this wherever you go in the computer seats, the roads being completely damaged and through with you will see the infrastructure
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and some of the lines have been bruce, as well as the sewage lines. so it's a difficult situation here and it will take a lot of time to fix, you know, kind of thing is hit or not, no strangers to the fact that it is really forces when they said they took it, everything they do in the infrastructure. but this is, this kid is, this is on presses and says, and people he would say, even during the 2nd, tele simeon, as he called the it'd be 2000. this is even worse when compared to that us on designing the media all reporting that the by the administration is that to sanction a battalion. all of these really military allegedly committing human rights violations in the occupied westbank. that it would be the 1st time that the us as impose sanctions on the unit of these really ami, but a spit how's the view from occupied east jerusalem. the sun is come as a shot. kay? and israel, the united states, the most staunch backer of israel,
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whatever is prepared, it seems to sanction a battalion in the military. it's if the military support for the military and a very divided country. it's a one thing that unites people here because almost every israeli a served in the military. yes, we've heard this morning from the fall, right. as you might expect, a small thing of this as the us as crossed a red line. he's a follow up member of these rarely cabinets along with him, but slow small traits, the finest finance minister called an absolute madness. wiley's riley's fighting for his existence. prime minister benjamin netanyahu called at the height of absurdity and a moral. lo, we will act by all means against these moves. i'm the centre writes fanny guns, souls are a member of the wall cabinet says it sets a dangerous precedent. it conveys the wrong message to all shad enemies during war time. the
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so this house of representatives has approved a major military aid package, but ukraine, taiwan as well. and several other allies that had been held up for weeks because of divisions amongst republicans, obviously quote for ukraine, but also being split into separate bills that allow go to the senate hoping signed off by the president joe 5. and so let's take a look at what's included in the package. well, the 1st bill has $61000000000.00, the ukraine, including defense, humanitarian aid, cash to keep the government running the 2nd to get the $17000000000.00 to israel, including folder replenishment of the i and a miss on system which has been using recently. there's also 9000000000 dollars at age because of the us development efforts in the occupied west bank. and then $8000000000.00 has been set aside for the defense of us allies in the west in pacific, mostly, taiwan, ukrainian present governments. lensky has thank the us house for passing the age
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package to you. today we received a decision. we expected the package of american support that we forth so hard for. and it's a very significant package that will be felt by our soldiers on the front line. as well as by our towns and villages suffering from russian tyra. today, the us house of representatives voted thank you to everyone who supported the package. this is a solution for saving lives. so hold and has both on the ukrainian capital, keith of the ukrainian presidents, but also the prime minister that came out. his chief of stuff came out and he would have been fined congress. and i think it's a reflection of how long this got held up. it was about 2 months there in congress, and a lot of republicans didn't even want this to get to the floor uh for a button. and then after a 5 minute boat, suddenly ukraine had the money that it said that it desperately needed. a team has been told when they've gone to the front lines,
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the russians are out showing the ukrainians from $6.00 to $1.00 and that soon that would become $10.00 to $1.00. and they haven't got the defense units to protect. for example, the power plants, a lot of those have gotten knocked out and also their industrial capacity in the country. so it was really getting into a desperate situation if they hadn't of go. for course, this isn't the end of it now, it's still going to get through the senate, and that it's going to be signed into law by president joe biden. but though you see more of a formality, really, it was congress with this republican majority. that was the major, huddling this key of in itself is in a little bit of a bubbling that it's not hit quite as much as other parts of the country. but even on the national television, the presents is, was sort of celebrating is this got proof of presidency. lensky tweeted immediately off with saying that this meant that history was going to go on the right track and that it was gonna say thousands of lives. i think you have a question though, is how soon it can get to the front line to start saving those ukrainian lives,
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especially of the. so just puzzles that we're going holler is a defense and military analyst. he says that the usa package won't change much for ukraine on the battlefield. in moscow, russian officials have already reacted at the house resolution on the crane and russian responses defined russian officials are said that. ready is not going to change anything that this will not help you create when a few crane is going to lose. but to united states wanted to keep the premium would treat as still 5 being towed in november. presidential elections may be um, that prorated credit rushing out of the americas is spewing russian frozen assets to spend this money still with money on its own motor, industrial complex because most of the money is buy to stay in america to buy
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american arms and ukraine's will be a sacrifice. so it's a predictable reaction that this has not changed much on the battlefield. and this is going to be just worse for ukraine to create is going to lose, but it's going to suffer a lot. there's going to be most likely some kind of balance because there's also not only the american a package, but there's this check or what you're being package password reset for, move your shells already in the pipeline. it should arrive at a minimum between several days, most likely. we've had a week or 2 on the battlefield restaurant been traveling through other countries to get to and find the ukraine military intelligence and ukraine is arming the scientists through target russian ministry assets. it also helps coordinate that cross border raids into the belgrade region. charles trumpet reports from central ukraine, of the soldiers. a training to fight against an army they could
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have joined, will be conscripted into allow me to take you to buy lead to. they want to over throw, this is the side period, the tale, and the vast majority of these men are russians, citizens, and this come from russia to fight with ukrainian military. they've been involved in operations across the russian bold in the belgrade region. the siberian battalion is one of the number of russian units that operate with ukrainian training and logistics as part of kids international detail about what arrived. 7 months ago. he says he came from russia 3 silvia ukraine pays him and his fellow russians to fight. so i'm not super cute, but the main goal is to remove poor attendance and in general, to destroy this version and build and it's a place a beautiful rush out of the future. so this video shows russian volunteers on
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across the board of michigan, inside russia. on march, the 12th they remained quite single in russian solo for 2 weeks. ukrainian military intelligence helps coordinate attacks like these targeting russian assets and high ranking personal. yep. pre approval. great. you know, what's in your personal whether i came to ukraine last autumn, i feel some responsibilities in my homeland. the fact that russia came to a sovereign states and began to seize this territory and killing people. it was unpleasant to me as a person from russia, and i realized that if you live according to your conscience, then your job is to take up arms and participate in this fight against the 2 conversion. with the, with to the 30 day we denise cook pushed in is the leader of the russian volunteer . cool, largest of the russian groups with an estimate. the 2005 says he was born in russia and moved with his parents to germany at 17, off the came to keep germany canceled his residency and impose the shank and visa
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bad because of his football hooliganism post. and he's alleged links with neo nazi groups, which he denies. he tells us about the groups within the supply, whatever happens, all new credit. and so there's no limits we using uh, but uh you create, in military does not allow us to use any ford military assistance weapon systems beyond the state board of which, you know, i personally think it's, and i know that you, great news authorities also think it's pretty can i say stupid, because the question is, 1st of all, to west and the 3rd is do you guys one ukraine to win this war? or you just want ukraine not to lose in this world? russian men fighting for ukraine with
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a dream of political change in the whole charles, rapid elders era, central ukraine still had hey all, and i'll just add a port of entry elections on the way in the multi poll it could affect the countries ties that the india and china, the critical debate, punish farmers are angry. people are starving, and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians often in the highest level have been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the service to intimidate and course the arrival inside story on al jazeera, illegal goals, mind threatening the survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna, monique people,
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the forest and the planets ecosystem. with a counter offensive is under way of the tribal chief, has to europe's gold club, the corridors of power not to seek help, but the demand, the world he, the warnings of its indigenous people holding up the scar, a witness documentary on the jersey to the challenges with the the the,
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the what you have to do with me. so rahman and 100 mine to of all top nice story. it's not a policy and emergency services. a mass grave is being covered in con units. 180 bodies have been recovered safe on the found buried inside the cities. nicer medical complex fees. really ministry with true for the area on april. the sides of the night is very strong. it's on gone. so have killed that be 16 palestinians, a baby and pregnant women, while amongst the victims after house and attempt a dresser with phone mold and such as poles. 1000 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th, the us house of representatives has passed the major military age package for you, train israel and the taiwan. the bill with $95000000000.00 have been held up 2 weeks because of the divisions amongst republican voters in the multi, the casting the ballots. and parliamentary elections crucial for president mohammed needs 6 political parties of fielding, the 370 candidates for the 93 seats in parliament. his election last to escalated
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rivalry between india and china as a result of his pro basing stance. so his administration has promised to remove indian troops stationed on one of the countries islands lead. awesome. um, it is a moldings and basset, or at the united nations. he says the elections focus more on domestic issues than regional politics. as the government is confident of uh, security, at least 70 percent of the seats in the parliament, the election is being held at a, at an important point at any important debt to for the president. it really loved the president to stop implementing the and psychic submitted a number of in business development projects. uh that, uh, the president has initiated since that to me, no fear seemed to him this election is this about deal funded to call that i have of the, in the indian ocean pennies. lot about the law is,
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is more about the future of the morlocks. it's about the mode of young people. it's about being in stability and it's about creating prosperity and it's about creating, raising the employees. and it's about the president realizing the mission he has set out for them. all of this spend peeve onto presidential election last year. and we believe that the confidence that the people off all of this meal class on the president's government view, enable the president to implement those policies and realize the mission, vision of a and includes who bought it's out, be app prosperity is more they see it and that's the, that's the direction that most of the people would like. like for the organs goes to the polls on sunday, and the referenda aimed at cracking down on gang violence. the new security
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measures put forward by present, daniel and the butler increased deploying the armies attack a localized crime, switched by hospitals in southern equity this morning and grief by loved ones at the funeral. familiar close the scientists. he was killed this week by a knowing assailants. in the town of coming to bones hembry cuz he mccloud son just had been in office for less than a year. he's kidding is just another example of the serious violence ecuadorian ser, facing days before voting on a security referendum. precedent by the end of the war, he's asking voters to back the matcher as a way to fight organized crime minority census you sent me was brother. he hope suppressed and will get back and he needs to go the, the, the late echo doors insecure because of a lack of lows and hopefully the yes but will when and the minute true be on the streets. i hope that will be new laws to fight crime. my brother was executed and
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they didn't do anything. since taking office last year, president money and noble, i declared a state of exception and deployed the armed forces to find the drug. cartels that have increase or controlled over large parts of the country. this town is one of them. security forces here are on high alert space. say there's room or is that there could be another attack. this is an area that is controlled by a criminal group. no, no, no, no, they are not only involved in drug trafficking, but also any legal mining. in the past decades, cocaine trade has expanded in latin america, and violence has transformed once quite countries like white or. and that's why no boy says he wants the military to patrol with a police, expedite a tooth criminals among other measures. to do that, he wants to reform the constitution. it does he s one moment they'll have to click them. they are moments that will mark it before and after,
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in the history of our nation. as a quick dorians, we have a civic and moral duty to make the right choice, the seal, and at least say the voting on sunday is a test. how much support the president has yet was advanced up. we're seeing the ceiling around 70 percent of the country supports the security measures. the only 40 percent support the president. according to our measures of the military on the streets is attached to a bigger problem because mafia is are controlling the dictionary. the police is businesses all across the country. while the funeral for me, your sanchez was taking place, we've heard about the killing of another mayor about an hour from where we, where it's another reminder of why so many people are affected by violence. wanted the government to do whatever is necessary to stop it. and make sure that what happens here won't happen again. police, i will just see this coming up on somebody gets a one on an overloaded boat is comp,
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so it's getting dozens of people in the central african republic that happened on the poco river. hyundai. the comfortable in the video shows the boat which was carrying more than $300.00 passengers moments of horror broke. the past begins thinking at least 50 ac, fullest incentive ground and many more are still missing. 7 people have been concerned and india is additional status of that boat. good sized it happened well, passengers were returning from a temple on them and hung the river. fishermen managed to rescue around 40 passengers. one person is dead and 7 and missing. after 2 japanese navy helicopters crushed, so the aircraft plunged into the pacific ocean during the night time training exercise, south of tokyo, us again come and see the maritime self defense. forced rescue is a searching in the area of the incidents and the spotted water believe to be pumps of the aircraft in the sea. and we believe the too heavy caught, this crushed colorado gain things we do at this point the causes unknown. but
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firstly, we're doing our best to save lives. a vigil has been held in australia, full victims of a staffing attack and sidney a week ago. mom you talked to kill 6 people in engine mold, and it doesn't. that's an island bone die junction. last saturday. we'll forward to say the 40 year old had a history of mental health problems. he was chosen, killed by police victims of the columbine high school shooting 25 years ago. being remembered in the us states of colorado, the same people were killed and 21 injured when 2 teenagers went on the shooting spray before turning that guns on themselves. it was considered as the worst mass shooting in the us at the time. so you can follow that story and they also the coming on our website. the challenges ever comes updated throughout the day if the
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weather is next. and then that's inside story, from the news team having to have a nice of the, the big readings in southern china. it's a little early to cold in the seasonal range. they are just giants and the sounds i have to say and moving sides to what hong kong there is floating on the die and there's like to be yet nor hong kong. support costs gives you a pretty unpleasant monday with possibly a cost. sundry weather all the time and then things slowly improve, but it's not until wednesday the window is done and you still got the potential of thunder storms the whole, nothing's moving off show or slow restart said much of the rest is up in china. so the yankee doesn't look bad to it, but that rate is also heading towards southern japan and something is developing just as it comes into was the yellow sea,
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which might be significant rain for the future for the korean peninsula. now those are all that many shows now in india or bangladesh. there are a few particulars northeast of india, but you would expect to see this times the pre bouncing heat and warnings that off . and that's certainly true in westbank go called customer input ticket should not be at 41 degrees. clearly the heat is fairly widespread. the stuff excessive and we must look again what might just happened in pakistan. the still rain folding in the forward shelves in afghanistan, and that's on monday on choose day. things look fine but was gathering is wrong, is wrong, is heading your way of the, the latest news as it breaks around on a given a cause that people come out in large numbers to galvanized population a board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the realities that things
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are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the freight from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, even more important than usual to come together to share what are the tools they have, the 6 weeks of voting in an election where india is prime minister and their end remote, a success. the term opponents say, refreshing and sec, tearing is and have worse and under his leadership. so what all the issues will be election be free. in fact, this is inside story. the hello and welcome to the show. i'm stymied. say that it's a mamma thunder taking with nearly a 1000000000 people eligible.


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