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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the mass graves discover the nissan units. at least 210 bodies have been recovered week . sotheby's ray the army with through the lines. that means i them, this is out just a live from the hall. so coming up on me that, but i came in nor some sort of music. i'm in the occupied westbank with f 3 days where you rate has caused massive destruction falls enclosed in them. all these websites have been choosing a new parliament that could effect ties with china and india. a warning from
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farmers in the u. k. food production will be hit is one of the which is twins his own record of modes online. the always stop in southern gaza where palestinian emergency services have uncovered mass graves. in con us at least 210 bodies of so fall being found buried inside the cities and also medical complex. the palestinian civil defense says it's searching for more bodies. much of the city is now in ruins. off the months of related to this is right the bombing and heavy fighting. i'll just say arrows honey. my mood is in hon. eunice, with more on the discovery of those mass graves. this in the side of a mouth, the grave though the created by these really military as it is for not the hospital
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within the past months. these really military not only destroyed the facility and really damaged the whole complex that and also the hospital, but also created this master grave. for the past, the 3 days civil defense, the crew members and paramedics, have been able to retrieve a 180 bodies of people who were buried in this gnostic grave house. more than half of these bodies were 3 of their on, on largely on, identified, their identity is lost and their names might not be remembered at all. there's really military's believe, do freed, this mazda grave, after taking the bodies that were buried at the courtyard of the hospital, given the difficulties of performing formal barrier as the war was urging. and the attacks were scaling on the vicinity of nice and hospital. it is also believe that is really military use this massive grave and it created it as it was
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searching for the bodies of those really hostages. as more bags are found here with hebrew writing on them. but what's more devastating is the bodies that were found that were tied up with zip blogs inside of plastic bags when buried, and barred. and in this mazda grace. many of the people who were missing from the hospitals are believed to be among the people. the bodies are retrieve from this massive graves. this is happening my most was you'll see it off last at a hospital, palestine alone. so go to mandy is electra in international relations at kings college london. he joins us from the procedure capital. good to have you with us. so when you find bodies, including those of the elderly, with the hands reportedly tied behind the backs usually is that enough? circumstantial evidence to warrant some concern. that war crimes might be involved
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here or by somebody who thank you for having me and yes, i think the look finding the mass graves like this is always a red flag that deserves an incredible independent investigation into the commission of potential crunch. i think there's a, there's 2 elements here, a pay on the $1.00 have the all the existing obligation by israel to identify and respect a little the, the remains of those that die even even if they are the boxes. and this is an obligation that has been established given by a really close to the existence of there's a, a and that's a non mark in mass graves isn't itself about time. once you find it then, then there's also the need for, for incredibly investigation into potential problems and into the circumstances of
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all these people thought, right, well, is it likely to be investigated, given some of the criticisms from international human rights organizations that say, you know, there is a history of israel. nothin investigating allegations of abuse is all crimes. yes, i think uh the um world central kitchen. uh no. a car. um it is evidence that let's say investigations are selected. there's very few instances of israeli soldiers being sent to jail for crimes. and in general though, the high brass of the is really mandatory sell them receives any, any kind of like a criminal sanctions. the even even in are going to strike the kitchen. weren't aware of the things or the world was like triggered. so the main punishment was spill. um. let's say
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a neighbor like firing someone dismissing somewhere. not exactly the opening of criminal investigations. um so i don't think we should expect. um it is really huge. um into this i think the pattern so far in this company, i think that that's not the case, but i do think it's important to remember that this the, the imperative got the whole house phone is subject to the jurisdiction of being dropped off a report and it is this court that it has to be in charge of investigating all of these occupations. well, that leads nice thing to the next point then is, is there an opportunity to see how much of an opportunity is there for external knowledge, right? the investigations is the i see so you're likely to move on this well, or there have been reported in the media and of course these are unconfirmed for that. they were serious enough for the nothing. yeah. point. ministration to ethic and seriously and going to uh,
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sort of the emergency mode that his cabinet under the theater that the eyes you see where they would issue an arrest for and against high ranking members of his cabinet board even including himself. uh so i think um the ice if he has stayed in a very long time. um and it serves criticism for, for not acting faster. um, but as i don't think it should be discarded, i think proving with sufficient level of certainty that there are war crimes being committed is a difficult task. so while uh, i wish that the i d, c were high, were acting faster. it is still possible, especially after the snow reports of seem credible enough for these really going on that it might take action. um, not necessarily specifically over the mass grace because they, they just, they just happened to but for the entirety of the, of, of the, you know,
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of the conflict. right. thank you so much for analyzing and breaking that down for us. thank you for having is riley strikes on rough and southern gaza as killed at least 16 palestinians in the past few hours earlier, a baby and a pregnant woman were killed all through a house in a camp in central rough was found at least 5 children were in just a number of kind of simians killed some, some type of the 7th is exceeded. so t $4000.00 us and this right, the media reporting the by the administration is set to sanction a battalion of these, right? the ministry for committing human rights violations in the occupied westbank would be the 1st time the us as impose sanctions on the units of these really all me out . this is stephanie deca, isn't televi tv's joints, a slide from the as a how those reports going down with these ready officials a well not well little and you can imagine it's closest ally,
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a sanctioning potentially a battalion of its army for human rights violations against the palestinians, it's something that they're simply not used to. you've pad a lot of reaction from the upper echelons of politics from. is there any prime minister saying that as we are fighting monsters, you know, is showing sanctions against our army? is the height of absurdity and tomorrow low. you also have many guns member of the work cabinet. save. this is a dangerous precedent as uh, sends the wrong message to our common enemy at the time of war. the leader of the opposition use are reacting basically saying that this is a political mistake, putting the blame at the men that prime minister benjamin netanyahu brought into government, particularly to write tweeting ministers as an all smart judge. and each of our bank. and we are saying that these 2 men are in support of extreme settler violence . these are of course, to ministers who live in the occupied west. i'm just like many of the men who make
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up this ultra orthodox battalion when it comes to criticizing the army here, assigned me. it is something that simply isn't done. the army is a very rare unifying factor in israel. everybody serves as a conscription army. so it is something that simply isn't done. so again, like i said, if you have a, you know, is, are all the largest ally actually public you stating? well, it looks like your battalion has been accused of human rights abuses against the palestinians. is simply that they saw something that they cannot stomach and understand the world cabinets. men may think, well, it's coming out of that yes, well this has been close by 2 of the members of the war cabinet to discuss the hostages, the captives. this hasn't been discussed for over 2 weeks, really folding off the agenda and this is something that they're trying to discuss . again, of course, any kind of deal with him. us at the moment seems completely off the table. you have had the war cabinet intensively meeting over the last week because of the
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escalation with iran. and i can tell you, we were at the weekly protests here yesterday, and this is still the feeling among thousands of his res, that this government simply hasn't prioritize the return of the hostages were 7 months into this war. they questioned how many of the hostages a 133 still being held in gaza. how many of them are even alive? so i don't know if we're going to expect any kind of statement, but certainly it's a, it's a meeting that's been cold by to the former. i ideas a types of stuff to discuss what the plan is and how to move forward. thanks so much. stephanie deca. now is there any forces of count out more rides across the occupied westbank imagery? still nablus have wrong and i love some neighborhood in ramallah is ready incursions into palestinian towns have become a new night really a color and since the war i'm gone. so began in october, as
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a general strike has been declared across the occupied west bank of 2 or 3 days. riley right on to and cut them. killed 14 palestinians, be the abraham reports from the north. some sort of fluids recap clustering the info, one large workshop with 1st responders are trying to take care of some of the damage that has been incurred during the 3 days to that are few decals as you can see here . every thing has been affected when we talk about the electricity, the water, the rows that have been completely destroyed, but they know that the repairs will take longer to be fixed. so this is a different situation than any of the rain is here at the inside the account. they're used to is really forces destroying the infrastructure. but the scale of
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this damage was something they've never seen before. one lady was coming to somebody, even during the 1960 the 2nd, the roads never looked like this. they want to take us decades back into cool. let me get them to call the police. this is pure event, it is, i will, in amana has been damaged, you know, lives since 1948, and i'm not 54 years old. and i've only been seen the ugliness and torture of these rarely occupation. since i was a child, we were asleep. the ami suddenly went in with my sister, opened the door, she saw an odd sort of show and she started crying. she was good. the cap has turned to one big morning house. oh nice, that's the hm. my son was late. he has to move in 6 hours and he's really snipe acute him cuz he opened the window, medics for shot when they tried to take his body. i stood next to him kissing him. good bye, haven't the positive pair efforts continue here, palestinians tell us. there's no guarantee the that the is really for says was not
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restoring here again and incur similar damage to the infrastructure to the home. and so their lives need that. but he just need to look at it. you'll probably westbank know ron's lead to i is a lie looks, i mean i has praise the ministry for its recent strike on the as well. have a nice said the armed forces show the countries power. it's the 1st time he's spoken since the wrong launch, more than 300 missed 1000 drones that israel a week ago. although strikes were in retaliation for an attack on the it was rainy and consulates in syria. it'd be of this month when i was meeting with forces come on this, getting them turned to wish, and the issue of how many missiles were fired with the number of missiles hips is a secondary issue. the main issue is proving the will power of the year on a nation and the armed forces in the international arena. various events have cost
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and achievements. it is important to reduce the costs and add the achievements through flare. this matter was very well executed by the armed forces during recent events. the balls of clothes in them all these websites is being costing that balance in parliamentary elections crucial for president humbug wiser. 6 political policies all fielding, nearly 370 candidates for the 93 seats in parliament. ways, those election last year escalates of rivalry between india and china. as a result of his campaign to reject indian troops. his administration has promised to remove indian troops. one of the countries islands, i did not say i'm how many automotives, the united nations. he says the elections focus more on domestic issues than
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regional politics. the government is confident of uh, security, at least 70 percent of the seats in the parliament. the election is being held at the, at any important point at any important debt to for the president. he really loved the president to stop implementing the end side. it submitted a number of in business development projects. uh that, uh, the president has initiated since that, to me know if he is, you know, and this election is miss about deal funded to colored i'm of the, in the indian ocean penny's lot about the law is, is more about the future of the morlocks. it's about the mode of young people. it's about being in stability and it's about creating plus parity. and it's about creating, visiting in florida. it's uh and it's about uh, the president realizing the mission he has set out for them all of this spend peeve
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onto presidential election last year. and we believed that the confidence that people ophthalmologist middle class on the president's government bew, enable the president to uh, implement those policies and realize division i vision of uh and includes who bought it. it's uh, we have prosperity is more they see it. and that's the, that's the direction that more than young people would like. still had an al, jazeera crowns tank to the states, and the resilience, city of re jeanette rhodes show support for several president. diable sinatra. the pod came into the use of the oil, c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler,
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to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say, no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on told to how does era, how well does it rant, but who pays the price? when we came to clean it, new orleans more than $1200.00 for black people lost their life. not a single rich americans lost their life. the real cost of the climate emergency. the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series died off to the higher the
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challenges with the the bank you're watching out just to time to recap on headlines, the palestinian emergency services a mass graves have been on competence on unit 210 bodies have been recovered. sofa found buried inside the cities and also the medical complex. these are the ministry, withdrew from the area on april. the 7th. like this is really strong. some guys have killed at least 19 palestinians, or young child and pregnant women were among the victims off to a house in
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a camp. and that off was fund within $34000.00 palestinians have been killed since october, the 7th, brazil's former president. diable. sinatra is called for a rally and supposed to freedom of expression, which he says is on the threat. both sonata, it was facing several legal battles, including an investigation into another coup against current. president louise announced the silver you also faces charges for lying about his coverage. 19 vaccine records on a kid of is that the riley in rio de janeiro. we are here in the narrows. i'd like on the beach for all the you can see here the president, shy you also not are you was banned by the supreme court for running for public office until the 2030 because he's seen as the aid of cool to keep
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himself in power. even after he lost the election to current president, we do not most of the few, but now people here believe the big will be able to overturn this decision by showing their strength on the street. earlier we spoke to both when i was son sen, flavio full sonata, and that is what he said. now people here also think that they have to support a billionaire a long most must have washed out against brazil. supreme court saying that it was interfering with free speech cannot happen after result. supreme court dropped down accounts on social media on ex, formerly known as twitter of people, according to the supreme court used it to instigates the cool monitor. you're not give all just sarah, we are just generic ecuadorian going to the polls and the referendum aimed at
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cracking down on gang violence. the new security measures include deploying the army to tackle organized crime. isabel reports from the southern ecuador, morning and grief. i loved ones at the funeral for me, you're close the sentence. she was killed this week by a known assailants in the town of camino ponds hembry cuz he nick wild son just had been in office for less than a year. he's kidding, is just another example of this serious violence ecuadorian ser, facing days before voting on a security referendum president, i need to know why he's asking voters to back the measure as a way to fight organized crime. when would you send to you? send me was brother, he hope suppressed and we'll get the back and he needs to go the see the le eco doors insecure because of a lack of lows and hopefully the yes but will when and the minute true. be on the streets. i hope that will be new laws to fight crime. my brother was executed and
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they didn't do anything since taking office last year. precedent then, you know, i declared a state of exception and deployed the armed forces to find the drug cartels that have increase their control over large parts of the country. this town is one of them. security forces here are on high alert space. say there's room or is that there could be another attack? this is an area that is controlled by a criminal group. no, no, no, no. they are not only involved in drug trafficking, but also any legal mining. in the past decades, cocaine trade has expanded in latin america, and violence has transformed once quiet countries like whether or and that's why no boy says he wants the military to patrol with a police. expedite a tooth criminals among other measures to do that. he wants to reform the constitution. does he assume went ahead and clicked to him. there are moments that will mark a before and after and the history of our nation. as i could dorians, we have
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a civic and moral duty to make the right choice that the seal analysts say that voting on sunday is a test. how much support the president has it was. i think that we're seeing the field around 70 percent of the country supports the security measures. the only 40 percent support the president, according to our measures of the military on the street is a patch to a bigger problem. because mafias are controlling the dictionary. the police is businesses all across the country. while the funeral for me, your son, she's what's taking place. we've heard about the killing of another mayor about an hour from where we, where. it's another reminder of why so many people are affected by violence. once the government to do whatever is necessary to stop it and make sure that what happened here won't happen again. police, i will just see death coming up on somebody gets a quad farm is in the u. k. a warning crop field. so be here. it's after months of
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heavy rain but didn't time feel still under was are in some areas food production is expected to be significantly reduced in an industry already struggling with higher fuel and so its allies of costs, haywood reports from lincolnshire, the east of england. huge swayed prime english farm land on the was a month suffered. devastating storms swept the country. the levels of slow the receding, but the damage has been done. a few weeks ago these fields resembled an inland sea . the only way to get to the house was by boat showed all the plans that should be great. farmer henry would find himself facing a financial bottle caused by massive storms, an 18 month supply, or a cold rain full. it's obviously the horizon, the, you know, i'm a young farm, a call a baby on the way, trying to provide for my family. and this is how i meant to why in the living is by
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producing food and selling it. and if it's covered in malls, so i can't do that and you get off every day to say your phones, you know, looking like this. and you just wondering, well how and i'm going to carry on well, puppies. he can be insured against flooding crops in the ground. cons. so the estimated loss of not bringing in the hospice to will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. the soil onto the water is some of the most for the child in the country. but clearly, no crops will be produced from it in the next few months. and the former here faces the real risk of flooding again. and that means food which should be making its way onto the market in the coming months from here was a few kilometers away. some planting has been taking place after the land was heavily floated, but it has been a struggle. and that's reflected the national picture, hopefully we normally 60 percent through deficiency in this country. i think realistically,
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i'll be down in the lower fifty's and with what's going on around the world and how we can't rely on importing all these. all these different types of refresher. what was that whomever else we need to be around 70 percent self sufficient to make sure, okay, som is, are adaptable, but increasing the find them. so what's on the front line of climate change both here and around the world. it's very, very difficult. they've got the sci fi, they've got to what with politicians, what with government, what different agencies network communicate to consumers do as much as they can. but ultimately there's probably digital that in many circumstances they can do the u. k. government size, which is supporting agriculture, but many farm is believe they need to go further to the trying to establish how to make this long viable. well to have it the future brings and the he would, i'll just, sarah, in lincolnshire. well, that's it for the show, you can get more information and all the stories have been telling you about if you head over to our website, out to 0,
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don't com. now the good news is deadline is back in a few minutes with another full show. so stay with us the the now as we come to the tail end of the rainy season and into an easier in particular, there are still some pretty pokey channels around. the emphasis tends to move from west to east. and the emphasis i think on monday is going to be sort of lazy rather than java or born here. but i wouldn't want to rule out big chairs here either. and the same extent into something timing with their warnings. williams found that they were wanting some big funds to him, so they could be repeatable as well. but the biggest, i'm will like to be signed in southern china. there is widespread funding in ground on one g because this has been f assistant feature of the last couple of weeks,
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orange tops, big thunder storms. we've seen hail coming from these going science, eva hong kong. so a hong kong, full cost is pretty poor, really score the sound, the sounds on monday and possibly tuesday, a little bit better, maybe on wednesday. but that's the base of all the have. so it will be humid with it. this right in spreads across tools, the science of japan. i don't think it'll be quite as fund 3, but it's still a lot potential and there's more developing on its way out of eastern china. so, hong course, the last of the woods, even though things look a little bit better on tuesday, but then you solve that's already. why don't you send the source code developing india the pre months in hate, for example, in algebra dash o about possibly our dish about coal cancer represents the hottest part of into with and i was wanting to boot the examining the headline. is it or is it a ford forms of life and got unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview,
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just like the war sharing personal stories with a globe or audio, only $38.00 it welts for women, come and feel naturally released to trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility era. the the money fall in love. many young european american jews are raised to believe that the jewish identity is contingent on the unflinching support for the state of israel. well, that identity is now very much in crisis. is many young jews watch in graphic detail. the state of israel is also gov and the worsening treatment of palestinians in the west bank. i don't think i realized the extent to which what i would come to


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