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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the welcome to generation change as well. series attempts to understand and challenge be, i say, is that mobilize youth around the world, generation change on out you 0. the a mass grave is, discovers in hon, us southern gaza at least 210 bodies have been recovered weeks off through the is really army with, through the you're watching all to 0 life from a headquarters in delphi and getting navigate to also coming up the is where the air strikes hit the strip from north to south. at least 14 people,
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mostly children are killed in israel, defense the army units, which the us intends to sanction for human rights abuses and occupied westbank. ecuadorian ins begin voting and a referendum names and giving the security forces sweeping powers to fight soaring violence and organized crime. the we started in southern gaza were palestinian emergency services of uncovered mass graves in hon. eunice, at least $210.00 bodies of so far been found buried inside the cities and also the medical complex, the palestinian civil defense as it's searching for more bodies, much of the city is now in ruins. after months of relentless is really bombing and heavy fighting honey, my smooth reports and the sights of those mass graves in fine, eunice,
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this is the side of a master grave. there was created by these really military as it is for not the hospital with in the past months. these really monetary not only destroyed the facility and severely damaged the whole complex that and also the hospital, but also created this mass. the grave for the past, the 3 days civil defense, the crew members and paramedics, have been able to retrieve a 180 bodies of people who were buried in this gnostic grave house. more than half of these bodies were 3 of their on non largely on identified, their identity is lost and their names might not be remembered at all. there's really military is believe to create this massive grave after taking the bodies that were buried at the courtyard of the hospital, given the difficulties of performing formal barrier as the war was urging. and the attacks were scaling up the vicinity of loss of hospital. it is also believe that
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is really military use, this mouse and grave and it created it as it was searching for the bodies of those really hostages. as more bags are found here, with hebrew riding on them. but what's more devastating is the bodies that were found that were tied up with zip blog inside of plastic bags when buried and burned. and in this mazda grace, many of the people who were missing from the hospitals are believed to be among the people. the bodies are retrieved from this mazda graves. this is happening my most was, you'll see it off mazda the hoss without palestine. further north, there has been a major attack in garza city of the witnesses after the moment of impact. if it is really or striking a residential area,
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the health ministry says at least 48 people have been killed across garza. in the past days it takes the total number of palestinians killed to more than $34000.00. that includes more than $14500.00 children. let's get an update from thought about as soon who's joining us not from the, from the south. thought it. what's been happening over the past few hours or so. yeah, so as usual, the remote strikes had talked to multiple areas and because of strep, now, gladly we have been seeing that the neighborhood has been widely attacked in the past. oh, as the altima re, bombardment has did not top has as completely not stops in that area. specifically dr. highlight and it says, i've been disappointing the situation to be the west. and it's was mentioning that these areas in the northeast where the military has proper rates it in before one right now we can see that they are reviewing the military attacks, not only against civil infrastructure box, alongside with residential homes,
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as we have been seeing really just to think images, imagine from the another cotton, in particular to neighborhoods where huge explosions resulted from age by the attacks have been, have been completely carried out and hits among citizens that fox. the reality sounds completely done in other parts of the gaza strip isn't in the middle areas that have been completely trapped. you have been seeing over night legal of residents of that by residents from such and specific areas in the eastern part of derek block that has been on the white military bottom and send them sites that today you, one of the main attacks had killed 7 palestinians and on the se, rock a refuge account as the is very military has been expanding the flight thing of their onto the re, a strikes not only in the middle area, but also in the font. so here in rough off work, at least 19 palestinians have been killed in that area within the past 24 hours. okay, it's hot it. thank you so much for that update. well,
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a general strike has been declared across be occupied westbank after a 3 day is really rate killed. 14 palestinians. hundreds of people turned out for the funeral of the victims of new additions refugee camp. and to look at him. it was one of the worst is really raids and recent months is really forces have now killed $486.00 palestinians and they occupied westbank since october. the 7. i'll just bear with me the hearing reports from the neutrons refugee camp into and cut him in the occupied westbank in the north. some sort of fluids recap, has turned into one large workshop with. 2 responders are trying to take care of some of the damage that has been incurred during the 3 days to that are few decals as you can see here. every thing has been affected. when we talk about the electricity, the water, the rows that have been completely destroyed, but they know that the repairs will take months if not more,
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to be fixed. so this is a different situation than any other res, seem inside the cab. they'll use who is ready for destroying the infrastructure, but the scale of this damage was something they've never seen before. when life is coming to somebody, even during the 1960, the 2nd, the roads never looked like this. they want to take us about decades back into club, so they can take off the public. this is pure event. it is our enemy and has been damaged in our lives since 1948. and i'm not 54 years old. and i've only been seen the ugliness and torture of these rarely occupation. since i was a child, we were asleep. the ami suddenly winton, when my sister opened the door, she saw an odd sort of show and she started crying. she was good. the cap has turned to one big morning house. how nice that my son was laid here some more than
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6 hours. and his really sniper killed him. as he opened the window, medics were shot when they tried to take his body. i stood next to him kissing him . good bye, have of the day as repair efforts. continue here, palestinians tell us there's no guarantee that the israeli forces will not return here again and incur similar damage to the infrastructure. so that of home and so their lives is that, but he just need to look at it. she occupies westbank. israel's government is describing us plans to sanction military units accused of human rights violations, as a red line. the secretary state antony, blinking is expected to announce the restrictions in the coming days. zane bus for avi husband speaking to palestinians and the occupied westbank to say these sanctions are merely a whitewash for is really crimes after the worst violence in the occupied westbank
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in weeks or us plan to sanction one is really battalion based on state department findings. months old for crimes now, years old. how it stands for and ministry says the americans are not serious about holding israel to accounts. sections of old was auto income, but this to look to be an attempt to whitewash is an army or as an army is the government of committing board crimes, the crimes against humanity and to come out of the genocide. and by this time, this would love to be awake choice for the army. we believe that the americans are serious thinks would stop the complicity in the age on the sides and guns on the unit in question. the nets are you who the vitality of a 1000 ultra orthodox soldiers, they have limited interaction with female troops are allowed more time to pray and continue religious studies in keeping with conservative police leave to incidents of torture and abuse in the occupied westbank, most notably in 2022. when 80 year old posting and american are a suck,
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died in custody. he was detained, handcuffed, blindfolded in a band, and in near freezing conditions, the nets are you who that were relocated to the golden heights later that year and are currently in gauze. even if the unit is disbanded, israel's national security minister has said he will absorb the soldiers into the ranks of the police. but $25.00 other battalions will remain deployed across the occupied westbank for this week is rarely for so subjective palestinians and the total and refugee camp to levels of destruction. not seen since the 2nd intifada. 20 years ago. while israel's government is furious, that its biggest benefactor would sanction its military for palestinians. here it is political theater. the americans and lying, i say to bide. and then the americans in nothing with this to you, talk about democracy and human rights. while human rights are violated using us money and weapons lava it's nonsense if the us wanted to sanction them,
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it wouldn't have talked to them like weeds among us. us president joe biden is commitment to one side of this conflict remains clear. despite numerous reports of human rights violations, since the war on guns will begin, his administration has expanded israel's weapons stockpile and just days ago, vetoed a palestinian bid for recognition as a full member state of the un. the best case scenario, this could set a legal precedent in syria, could mean that israel will no longer be immune to violating international law because really military's behavior might even change. but the more likely scenario, this is damage control. it is messaging by a white house with diminishing popularity ahead of a presidential election. same bus robbie, olga 0 rama loved the occupied west bank post on israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has worn the us against imposing the sanctions on. that is really the army units. here's what he said, again, behoove. never since i was fiercely defend the idea. i don't know what i mean,
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and i will fight, does it mutual? if someone thinks they can impose sanctions on an idea of unit. i mean, we find people on my, my goal as a so just i united to protect us on the battlefield that we are united to protect the political feeling good on the end. but so together we will fight another god's help together. we want, we said i was, is there a stephanie jack is running as not from tele visa? stephanie, obviously there's a lot of pushback from that is really is when it comes to these possible sanctions against the army, you know, what more are you hearing coming out of officials there as well as that work cabinet meeting that's taking place? yes. is blanket pushed back, whatever the spectrum of the political divide you are on. the army is a very unifying factor, and is, are all you simply don't criticize that everyone's serves in the army? it's a conscription army. so any kind of criticism, even from within israel, is never welcome to something so high profile as the americans for the 1st time,
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singling out a battalion. this is a battalion that's an ultra orthodox battalion. it's been accused of violations in the past. there's also a specific incident in 2022 where they were charged with killing publishing. an american elderly man in his seventies hadn't coughing him, blindfolding him, and then leaving him and freezing conditions and he died. so you could perhaps think that this might have something to do with the american case, but the bigger picture is that these really army often does act with impunity when it comes to the palestinians in the past. you know, i've covered cases where the only time there is more pressure is when it's actually quit on video policy and i can tell you whatever they want. if it's not caught on video, nothing gets done. the only one things are blatant. there was one incident in hebron years ago where a palestinian man was lying on the ground incapacitated and he was shot a point blank range from a very close. this caused the mass of stir. there was a court case, but very soon after that the soldier was pardoned. so it gives you
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a sense of how is ready see there are means you can use will there as well. strong words from these really prime ministers, the americans. but certainly it is unprecedented. the americans now singling out a battalion for human rights violations against the policy. and just briefly, you were asking me about that work cabinet meeting. this is a meeting that goes on almost on a daily basis. it's supposed to be happening in jerusalem. we don't know whether it's concluded yet. we know that it's about the hostages to of the war cabinet, members of any guns, some guy the eyes and caught cold it to get some answers from the prime minister. tried to figure out a way forward of what is being done 7 months into this war. we're just also ahead of a major religious jewish holiday that celebrates the concept of freedom. and this is why also people now very much pushing this, again, what is happening to the hostages and what is the government doing to bring them back home? okay, thank you. stephanie decker reporting from tel aviv. the still ahead on i was was 0 a referendum and serve majority districts of costs of oh,
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that could remove and i think i'll bring in mayors from power will have the latest from christina and government funds for more affordable health care leads to divisions in columbia. the the latest news, as it breaks, the doctors who say the witness to killing knew exactly where to with detailed coverage. everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the story. these attacks are taking place also was had a city and are on the road, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another. this is the 1st genocide that we see. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream in the listening most covers have been used as co hairs from i'll just on the go and eat tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the effect that from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type them a new app from out to 0 new at using is it the of the
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top stories analogies 0 palestinian emergency services. same mass graves have been uncovered in fine. eunice, 210 bodies have been recovered so far. they were found buried inside the cities. and also the medical complex is really military withdrew from the area on april. the 7 is really airstrikes have killed thousands of civilians across console for the hundreds of cities have endured some of the heaviest attacks. more than 34000 people have been killed since the war began, including 14 and a half 1000 children, the ukrainian president of a lot of years it lensky, his bank, the us house of representatives for passing a $61000000000.00 a bill. it was part of a major military package that also provided funds for israel, taiwan, and several other allies. ukraine hopes the age will hold russian advances deeper
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into the country. john, home and reports in the capital keeps the ukraine have been waiting for this for months. while it runs short shows on the front line, and the defense has to protect its power plants. without this u. s. military package, president below them is lensky said ukraine would lose the war. the will see, i think, is the fault. we'll really strengthen the armed forces, will be praying, and we will have a chance for victory. great, not doing what it is. ukraine really gets the wrapping of the system we. we need so much reach the thousands of song just need so much. and this age should not be just grad and can layer all over, but it has to end up in tangible weapons systems. 8 was $61000000000.00. 14000000000 in direct weaponry. it'd been stuck in the house of
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representatives for 2 months, some republicans opposing it, even going to a vote. still need send it approval before being signed into law. but that seems a little bit guarantee that the more that the site is coming like with gods will send it would prove it so, so that you can, can re gathered strength of the fight back against the rush out. or, you know, then the question is, how soon the equipment could be on the ground. a pentagon spikes person said that munitions could be move in days. apparently, some of the west memories were ready in storage in europe, but it will still likely take weeks to get to you crane's front line military and they say that gives brush or a window to continue pressing its current advantage to some time it's policies have been a bouncing slowly but steadily, the way from re maybe enough to hold the bones. and the summer offensive ukraine says rusher is planning, but it's only a matter of time before the country really gave me to appeal for more us military.
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i don't home and out. does it a kid, the columbia solid position as calling for the largest protest? yet against president gustavo petra's government. they're rallying against wide ranging social and economic reforms by the left wing administration. petra wants to reform the health care sector by cutting out private insurers and increasing state control on the sand repair to joining us from colombia as capital a booger todd to talk to us about how big turn out has been and how much pressure this is actually putting on the president the yes, there's no doubt that this has been the largest there now so far that the opposition has been able to mobilize. and i think why that's been different today is the fact that besides the traditional right there have been other sectors of color beyond a society, especially from the middle class that i've decided to participate in this
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demonstration. that was originally called the by the traditional right being at a party. so again, this is clearly a major message for the government of gustavo fed through it shows that there is an increase in these contains on part, the large sectors of the, the columbia and the population. especially. i think it has to do with the way in which the government has been moving forward. the tries to, for some of these reforms that add to move forward despite the fact that they've been lagging congress in particular the one that you mention to the health reform, which is actually failed so far in congress. that bill has not been able to be approved, but the government has decided if you talk to the people here to sort of precipitate the crisis, reducing the amount of money that it the at gifts to these private, the insurance best 318 or, or accelerating the dinner ready,
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difficult financial situation. so the people who are saying this is not the way of doing that. even if some of them do recognize that there is a need for reform. but it's mostly about the way and the fear that turning it into a mainly public system will make it further on sustain. so on the sandra, how big a crisis is the spend for a columbia? well look, if we look at the, at the health system, there's no doubt, especially if you talk to experts, they'll tell you, look, the system can go on as it has. uh, because it's spending more than what it's the able to make. so something needs to be down and then in terms of controlling the costs, well it also requires a betterment when it comes to the quality of the care, especially outside of great cities like a bowl. good. that's the problem, is that the people here feel that the,
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what the government is proposing with essentially news, the progress that has been made in the last 3 years, especially when it comes to coverage when it comes to reducing out of pocket costs for the average. uh columbia and uh, while also creating new problems and not uh, essentially managing what is proposing to do, which is improve uh health care, especially in rural areas. but this is definitely a message for the government. and the government, though already called for accounts, are processed on may 1st. okay, thank you so much on this sandra reporting from boca to ecuadorian or voting and a referendum which could see tougher measures impose to fight surgeon gang violence . the new security measures put forward by president daniel nobela includes deploying the army to tackle organized crime. the once peaceful south american country has been struggling with a shocking rise in violence that has seemed to mayors killed this week. terrorism
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oh, has this update from upholding station and do it on as well here in this school where people have been coming to bolting as 9 to 21. and we've been seeing loan lines of people waiting to enter. this polling stations that you can see right here. this is the city of food on it's one of the most vine and cities in it and what all the classes between armed forces and the police are frequents here. in fact, the forty's have told us that they have been threatened to by criminal organizations for many, many years now. it whether it has been struggling with violence during the elections like your one time that it was murder. and then we've seen how on the groups enter a tv station to kidnap and a phone. so many of the journals is working there. then you know, want to coffers in november. last year, he promised to find in security to clear the state of exception to philly, the armed forces on the streets in spite of that we've seen in the past 48 hours,
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said to me, or is one murder in some cities about 3 hours away from where we are right now, and that's why the president says that he wants to reform the constitution. people will be voting in 11 questions among them. most of them are related to security, where they're getting the military more involved with the police and fighting criminal organizations. among others. i can tell you that most of the people we have spoken to say that there weeks we may be concerned about the security situation in this country. they want the government to do much more, even if that means we forming the constitution because all of them say that they're tired of living with infect you 1880. so i will just see who done it. one or several serv. majority districts are holding a referendum that could remove ethnic albanian mirrors from power, basic office last year. image violence scenes off to the previous serve, mayor has resigned. all to 0 is omni, montage reports from costs of us capital. christina,
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the presidents of for serve of dorothy musick validus in north of kosovo, have being called to cast their votes in the referendum to remove opinion may as that were elected in april last year on the very small turned off. so fully 4 percent following serves the white glove of local elections. like on the last few left while it was about the roof to between the police and a local sub. so we're center. this is something you may use from entering the municipal buildings. the violence in the north last year led to then to the tensions between the old falls comfortable. and so it'd be, as it'd be of those not recognized close to both in defendants and considered as the, as, as part of its 3rd story. and your has passed in those tensions occurred in the day some for the 6000 voters in north of go. so we'll have a chance to vote in a referendum but could eventually lead to snap elections in those for me in this analysis however, of the serbian part is backed up advice to be all have once again called for
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a boy called and blamed, comfortable prime minister i'd been cool for doing, as they said everything he could for the vote to fail. now, possible prime minister has rejected the accusations and called for citizens to the north, the vote if they wanted to remove and they are from office now for that the succeeds 50 percent of the overall number of voters is eligible. there's these need to vote in favor of forty's in southern china are bracing for what they say could be severe flooding, seen only once in a century, more than 80000 people already been evacuated in gong don't province alone, which has been experiencing torrential rain since friday. several villages have been cut off by the flood waters and the national weather office has warrens about major storms are on the way for coastal areas. or
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you can read more about that story as well as the days other top stories by heading to our website, algebra 0 dot com. the weather is next. and then inside story, we'll take a look at the implications of a size of the latest you as a package for you cream. the also still watch on the ground and do by there is fresh water folding to the west in government, in the capitol and center. and this is from the daily some of the stores that you've been pretty big. and this fairly mentioned this part of you having the same is true the surface to saturday and improvement of weather for the north where it's time. but within a couple of pretty awful days that rain has gone away. now i must have 2 kids. look, you find one or 2 light chairs as temples back up to about 90 degrees of very little wind, where they're osh allison,
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it's really eastern side of took here. possibly as a buyer's down and down to work a rob we should probably watch these boxes temperature down to 24. having kind of close to his record at the end of the weekend. the big picture is one of wind wrong and shares. yes, they're all big chances, you know, dining west and you have in the south west side. if you look at this here for the test, once again, they're called a strong wind blowing down the gulf part time we get to choose day. but the rain here in iran could be something to watch as it moves slowly across into our stand us down unpack as terms of getting rid of cost. recently, flooding was pretty vicious to the warnings i for the whole off can you for the potential big summerstone. same is true on the coast of terms of near but to go science and all that. most of southern africa is robert. to try the, examining the headlines is there is really today for flaws of life and gosh,
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unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor audience, only create wealth for women. come and feel natural released it trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility around the us house of representatives, degrees of $61000000000.00 a package to ukraine, often mumps of political wrangling holding a 3rd will go on with ins, tobacco russian forces will this help in the war or will it just per long the fighting influx shifts? this is inside the store, the .


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