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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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so i'll just areas move i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0. news that you think is it the mass graves is discovered in hong units? southern gauze, at least $210.00 bodies are recovered. week's onto the is riley on me, withdrew the hello. i, laurie m i z. this is algae 0 life from dough ha. also coming up on the program. don't to save a baby from a dead. mother's womb as 16 children a kills, and on his right, strike on rough on poles of clothes in ecuador, and
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a referendum aimed at giving security forces sweeping powers to fight soaring violence and organized fine results for the present job. both scenarios are riley and we are diginero calling for freedom of expression, the hello and welcome to the program. the mass grave with the bodies of palestinians has been discovered in hong units southern gaza. the remains of 210 people were found buried on the grounds of the nozzler medical compacts. of these riley ministry withdrew its troops from the southern city on april 7th. the discovery was made over the course of 2 days. much of the area is destroyed, often months of relentless, bombardments and heavy fighting. the bodies are said to include elderly women, children, and young men, teams involved in the operation say, some of them will show from behind. international law experts have told al jazeera,
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this could amount to will crimes honey. my mood reports from the sites in hong eunice early in the war, thousands of palestinians to crack the form is really a tax in the nozzler hospital in hon. you know, many of them are buried here. civil defense, a cruise have discovered hundreds of bodies on the grounds of the medical complex. now while as it still looking for her son's remains the has on just money, i am here to find a body of my son. his name is a lot, i'm not selling cars. his brother told me that he buried him here. we came from far way more than once and on foot, but we didn't find him. we've been trying for the past 2 weeks. really forces withdrew from han units on april the 2nd. after 4 months of intense raids in air strikes, leaving behind the trail of destruction and mass in graves, it seems who recovered the dead sea somewhere, shuddered from behind execution his time. others were found with their hands tied
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behind their backs. many more are believed to be buried on the grounds of the largest medical facility in southern gaza. when are they coming on? i don't know yet. well, when i come into the identified bodies where deliver it to their families and we civil defense, keep to an end to find bodies. take note of any distinguished marks for each of them. then we buried another mouth and grave, yet more palestinian bodies. over 3 of the from this side was named by not be remembered. their identities are largely lost and on out of bristol dungeon war, last remembered. those who had been identified will now receive a proper farewell for countless others. the search continues. more than 7000 people are still missing across the gaza strip. most of them women and children, and even more via the southern gauze. and then 5 and also has been
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a major attack in gauze. a city witness has captured the moment of impact of in his righty as strike on a residential area. oh yeah. strikes have killed at least 24 people in rough uh, in the southern gauze as well. 16 of them with children. just a wanting that view as might find some of the images entire couple items report distressing of the no sense this palestinian baby girl was delivered from the one of her mother post mother and father was killed and it is very striking. roughly. she's named drew, which means sullen. arabic raised them, but it is a field. right. and what's their phone or the whole family? why? from the civil registry. and the only survivor is a small baby girl. her sister malik wanted to name her room, so no malik has gone only to wash his level worse mother supreme. the 2nd,
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he was almost 8 months pregnant when she was killed. doctors say roost conditions is painful and improving. how does it look and see? well, the, when the baby came out to condition was between intermediate and critical currency, often giving her medical care from the not until now. she got paid to gradually. during the past hours, we can now say that a condition is stable, on average. for others did not save only if the is very strikes on the roof. but close to 2000000 displaced palestinians have so refuge fees that are more have to put in specially did you see one mind in all those killed? you know, it's about one mind who has been killed all of them inside the house. and here are women and children, as you can see, with your own eyes to my entire identity has been wiped out with my wife, children and everyone causes hills. ministry says that more than $14000.00 children have been killed in israel's will garza,
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the bodies of many more have not been found that buried them of the russell roof will spend the next month in hospital without him mother and father. but as, as well friends, a ground invasion of rough. she and thousands of children like face and even more on sets and future or elsewhere. a general strike has been declared across the occupied westbank of 2 a 3 day long. this ray, the ray killed 14 palestinians. hundreds of people turned out for the funerals of the victims in nor shawn's refugee camp until com. it was one of the worst. is there any roads there in recent months is where the forces of now killed $486.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank since october 7th. i'll just say it was needed and print reports from the north shops, refugee come until a crime in the occupied westbank in the north, some sort of fluids. the gap has turned into one large workshop with 1st responders
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are trying to take care of some of the damage that has been incurred during the 3 days to that are few decals as you can see here, every thing has been affected. when we talk about the electricity, the water, the rows that have been completely destroyed, but they know that the repairs will take months of no more to be fixed. so this is a different situation than any other res, seem inside the account. they're used to is really forces destroying the infrastructure. but the scale of this, um, it was something they never said before was coming to somebody. even during the 1960, the 2nd, the roads never looked like this. they want to take us decades back into the club so they can take off the public. this is pure event. it is our enemy and has been damaged in our lives since 1948. and i'm not 54 years old. and i've only been seen
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the ugliness and torture of these rarely occupation. since i was a child, we were asleep. the ami suddenly winton, when my sister opened the door, she saw an odd sort of show and she started crying. she was good. the cap has turned to one big morning house. oh nice. that's the hm. my son was late. has to move in 6 hours and he's really snipe acute him cuz he opened the window, medics for shot when they tried to take his body. i stood next to him kissing him. good bye, haven't the positive pair efforts continue here, palestinians tell us there's no guarantee that the is really forces will not return here again and incur similar damage to the infrastructure. so that home and so their lives need that, but he does eat, outsource that in the west bank. now the stories have been following.
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israel's government is describing us plans to sanction of military units accused of human rights violations as a red line x rays. they asked me, blinking is expected to announce the restrictions in the coming days saying bus, rob, he has been speaking to palestinians in the occupied westbank. they say the sanctions, emilio whitewash is really crimes. after the worst violence in the occupied westbank and weeks. us plan to sanction one is really battalion based on state department findings, months old for crimes. now years old. tell us stands for and ministry says the americans are not serious about holding israel to accounts. sections of old was auto income, but this still looked to be an attempt to whitewash is an army or as an army. the government are committing war crimes that comes against humanity and to come out of the genocide. and by this time, this would love to be a white voice for the army. we believe that the americans are serious thinks would
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stop the complicity in the age of science and guns on the unit in question. the nets are you who the vitality of a 1000 ultra orthodox soldiers, they have limited interaction with female troops are allowed more time to pray and continue religious studies in keeping with conservative police linked to incidents of torture and abuse in the occupied westbank, most notably in 2022. when 80 year old posting and american omar, a stock died in custody. he was detained, handcuffed, blindfolded in a band. and in near freezing conditions, the nets are you who were relocated to the golden heights later that year and are currently in gaza. even if the unit is disbanded, israel's national security minister has said he will absorb the soldiers into the ranks of the police. but 25 other battalions will remain deployed across the occupied west bank. this week is rarely for so subjective palestinians and the total and refugee camp to levels of destruction. not seen since the 2nd intifada,
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20 years ago. while israel's government is furious, that its biggest benefactor would sanction its military for palestinians. here it is political theater. the hot to the americans and lying, i say to bite it and then the americans enough like with this to you talk about democracy and human rights. while human rights are violated using us money and weapons lava it's nonsense if the us wanted to sanction them. it wouldn't have gone to them like weeds among us. us president joe biden's commitment to one side of this conflict remains clear. despite numerous reports of human rights violations, since the war on gods will begin, his administration has expanded israel's weapons stockpile and just days ago, vetoed the palestinian bid for recognition as a full member state of the un. the best case scenario, this could set a legal precedent in syria, could mean that israel will no longer be immune to violating international law because really military's behavior might even change. but the more likely scenario,
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this is damage control. it is messaging by a white house with diminishing popularity ahead of a presidential election zane bus route the old to 0 remo low the occupied westbank post on a mass politically to is mahogany. as been speaking about the state of negotiations. and he says that israel has no interest in reaching any sort of seas 5 deal to end the war on garza. is it a non negotiable condition? so this is a complete withdrawal of the mid a tree from the gaza strip. and i do also when you have the heavy, the despite tens of sessions and communications exchange defy our media test design instead of me until this points has most agreed to receive the wiring goals. all they want is the return of hostages. so they can continue the war on cause, and this coming to be, they want some us under the resistance they agreed to maps, referencing the deployments of these ready on me. as if to say, we are legitimizing the occupation of the strip or call on
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a strip of this come up to speed. that must be a complete withdrawal from gauze, ohio, and meanwhile, he's really permanent. so benjamin netanyahu has planned to last for the failure to reach any sort of deal that would allow for the release of his riley captives in gaza. he vowed to further increase pressure on her mice in the coming days. let's the other so unfortunately, until now the old proposed list of the release of all hostages have been outright rejected by some other documents. give them view. that's why the us secretary of state, rightly said from us, refused all the offices that were made to uh, according to him, on the only thing preventing a deal that would release the hostages loss is from us instead of backing down from its extreme positions. so how much i must build on division between us and enjoys and encouragement from the pressure directed out of the is randy government and we will deliver additional and painful blows on from us. and that will happen soon. in the coming days, we will increase the military and political pressure of them because this is the
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only way to free our hostages. and the chief victor has gone live now to him to silence his unoccupied easters. and what else have we heard from these riley's today? it was really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, not just tonight, but for the last several months, maintaining the military and political pressure are the only ways to bring back these really captives who are still being held in gaza. this is a policy he has maintained since the beginning of the war, even though there was a cease fire deal back in november. that did see the release of quite a large number of his really and 4 and captives known as in yahoo has blamed him, asked for failure to reach a deal with him as bullying. these really, but there are sticking points from both sides that are still prevalent and not have mass wants to see an end to the war or withdrawal of these really forces from the gaza strip. what we use rarely say that is simply not going to happen,
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but even if there is a pause in the fighting that is secured, the war will continue. but at this evening's war cabinet meeting, according to weeks with it is really media prime minister benjamin netanyahu had rep, remanded the group. he was speaking to saying that those who are speaking anonymously offering these weeks to media and journalists are giving how much power to toughen their sam so well, both leaders are exchanging a war of words. we are seemingly nowhere close to a deal. how much pressure is not to be on the facing from those within his own cabinet, but also from the general public to release the captives. and there's been a lot of pressure on this in yahoo, both internationally and domestically here in israel. you have families of is really captives, as well as is really to have been protesting for months now calling for his removal from office, calling on new governance to secure a deal to bring back their loved ones. but nothing yahoo has maintained that. he is
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the one in charge and he's the one that is going to be making decisions that will bring back those captives. but the protestors blame him. they play him for october 7th. and they blame him for nearly 200 days into this war that his policies have failed. and now they're fearing, but the focus is shifting on bringing them back because they feel that this latest escalation with it on. and these really saying they are still going to invade drop by sometime in the future. that is what's on the table for these release to discuss . and the issue of the captives has fallen back on the back burner. so there is a lot of pressure on it and yahoo and the protests that have been ongoing, not just weekly or bi weekly, are really picking off in size and scale calling for his removal from office. i'm does our new thank you very much and will still to bring you on the program. the attending our attention to colombia government outcome of homes
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has led to deep divisions that they would have the i had a low, they will have a look at the full costs for north america. and if we look at the satellite image, you can see some dramatic storms rumbling their way east across the deep south. well, the good news is, by monday they have worked their way across florida, leaving behind a legacy of sunshine and dry as guys with temperatures starting to edge up again for the likes of texas. now we've seen lots of sunshine flooding into california attempt is looking very nice here over the next few days. and the logic here picture further north of this, the west and parts of canada and the pacific northwest of the us. but we will see some waste of weather starting to creep into western parts of canada and the
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possible development of some storms moving across the great lakes. as that cold day hits that we may, a rising up from the gulf of mexico. but it logically a story for the east coast of the us on tuesday. and we're seeing more in the way of sunshine and elevate to temperatures for washington dc, but also a chance of some showers that on wednesday and showers all the story for central america. and the carol, being rain, continues to full for jamaica and his span. yoda, we've seen some heavier rain for eastern pot for mexico on monday. it's much clearer. however, on choose day. the . this is the 1st one i saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves long before. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to stay out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the the how come back a reminder of the main stories now, a general strike has been declined across the occupied westbank all to a 3 day long. his rating raid killed 14 palestinians. hundreds of people to announce the funerals on the victims and no shots refugee camp until. as rainy as strikes have killed thousands of civilians across cause, a rough thought and gauze,
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and since he has endeared some of the heaviest attacks, more than 34000 people have been killed since the war began, including 14 and a half 1000 children. and then part of sending emergency services, the thing a mass grave has been uncovered in hong eunice and southern guns. at $210.00 bodies have been recumbent so far, it was found buried inside the cities. at nasr medical complex. these right, the minute treat, withdrew from this area on the april 7th. now, earlier on we spoke to william, shave us about this. he was chairman of the un commission of inquiry into the 2014 gauze. a conflict is that the discovery of this grave could be crucial, evidence of a will crime, a little mass graves like this have always been an indication that the more crimes had been committed. whether it was in the form, it was law, the menu or ukraine. and now in as a, there's an obligation under international law to see that the dead are treated with
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respect and with dignity, that they're buried according to rights. and that they can be identified by their next, the cube next of kin. and none of that appears to be done. so his real has a lot of explaining to do about this. but moreover, the fact that some of the bodies were apparently bound up were tied points to summary execution. so all of this, as i say, calls for full blown criminal investigation with a view to holding the perpetrators account of the obvious institution to prosecute them is the international criminal court. when there were a mass graves found in the suburbs of keys in 2002, 2022, the international criminal court jump with 2 to attention and began to investigate them immediately. and of course, the mass graves and ukraine were condemned by the united states and other countries . this requires at least the same treatment. the international criminal court is the body that should be investigating them. of course, whether it will do it is another question we're waiting for to act. and finally,
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of course, we have to remember that this is occupied territory, and israel is responsible for the welfare of the people in the occupied territory. the problem though is you say is where they'll be held accountable. this is a, a, this is a routine that acts with impunity. and maybe many of the people involved think that they have nothing to worry about. and they'll never be brought to justice the deck we're doing now where the poles of close often millions voted in a referendum on new security measures. the plans put forward by present daniel no bo are aimed at causing cub in guidelines. the once peaceful south american country has been struggling with a substantial rise in violence that seem to may is killed this week alone. i'll just erase to raise a ball has more in this for matt goodell. the holding sensors across the country are now closed and the counting process has already begun in this important
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referendum for many of the people here in the wood. secuity of the heart of a people have to come here and with there's 11 questions. somebody have to answer yes or no. 5 of them are meant to reform. this country's constitution, security. the main concern for people here as a drug, cartels involved, but tony and drug trafficking, but also any of these on mining and other activities have taken control of large parts of this country to many years killed in the past week. and on these days, during this vote, a prison warden was also killed. let's not forget of the role that prisons have had in the crisis in this country as criminal organizations operate from within those. for instance, when president on, you know, watch a coffee in november later on to the care, the fate of exception incense and military on the streets to tackle crime. he also took control with the armed forces of this country's prison. so we're going to have to see what that we've called, sorry, but this is
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a big political task for president no more. he's 36 years old. he's the air of a banana employer, and he only 2 copies for 18 months. he came in to replace outgoing for accidents and he's adding more or less so. so there was a election happening today to wrong this year. and the father right now is struggling with an economic crisis not being able to recover from the cove. it's been demick also struggling with them electricity prices with people telling us that they're out of power between 3 and 4 hours every day. so it's a big, big test to, for the president himself. and what's the page is not somebody reforming the constitution. faxing you lost, but also how much supports precedent then, you know, war continues to have very several, i've just gotten a point on i suppose the former president president job of scenario cooling has returned to politics and arriving in rio de janeiro. he praised american bending at your most for using his social media platform x to lash out against the supreme
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court judge of the bond him from office until 2031 to key on a key of reports. the crowds cheering results, former presidential able sonata calling for his return to power its post on idle 2nd rally since it was banned from running for public office until 2030. after being found guilty of using his presidential powers to undermine the integrity of the 2022 elections, i believe god will help us of return the quotes decision nimble snarled, you elected president again. he prays tech, tyco, milan, musk, who lashed out and both scenarios, arch enemy, supreme court judge, and to show that it's a lot, i must cause the courage to defend freedom of expression. let's hope we are wrong to close for him. don't spam, i presently still have the support of many voters here, but his political future hangs in the balance investigations and to bring so novels
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a letter grew in parting a crime under way and expected to rob that's by july. analysts hear say, is imprisonment is likely they must ask them before the people are lost and that is using these rallies to show is political might on the streets, hoping it will protect him during all the legal battles he'll be facing in the upcoming weeks. and he's also leading the opposition against the will also now to may have been banned from running for office, but his supporters say he can still help elect his allies in october as municipal elections. monica, you're not you, of all just 0. we have to narrow the columbia salt position is held, the largest protests yet against presidents gustavo, petro, is government. they are routing against wide ranging social and economic reforms by the left wing administration. petro wants to reform the health care sector by cutting out private insurers. and boosting state control of a sound trump. yes,
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he was at that protest in bogota. of this has been by far the largest protest by the opposition against the government, the gustavo pro and its attempt to push forward a series of social and economic reform. and that would overhaul in many ways, the way that they said to additionally conservative country is operates. and in particular the protesters have been talking about their health reform is one of their main worries. the fact that the government, the proposal is essentially to cut out to the administrators that are these private, the health providers in the country and bringing much of it under control of the state. now that proposal also would like to increase prevention, increase coverage in remote areas, but the feeling here among those who are protesting is that what the government
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says for opposing good. well, a make this system less stable at a time when i is already running out of money. that's what they said um, but i think that the main takeaways here are that the right wing in the country has been as, as proven to have that that had, has become more and more successful on the mobilizing its base. and also on convincing the other people other sectors of society, especially middle class and said 3 sco loan bands that are feeling these content, the words to this government into and in cases that in some cases they've been voted for them, but they're now here protesting. so definitely to be a strong message for the government to of gustavo paper, but not one that the a will probably be enough for the president to back down here already called for account to protest. the next may 1st, i've just done that, i'm get the address. so you know, both the as ours he's in,
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southern china are preparing for what they say could be severe flooding, seen only once in a century. more than 80000 people have already been evacuated in one don't provence alone, which has been experiencing torrential rain since friday. several villages have been cut off by flood waters, national weather office, one that may just storms are on the way for coastal areas. moves pro china, ruling policy has is predicted to win control as part of it in a landslide victory and sundays election. president mohammed muses, people's national congress is set to win. a 2 thirds majority in the house vote is seen as a crucial test for me. those foreign policy goals he pushed for close to ties with china, moving the country away from long time allied india. the . now the present rhodium is the landscape, finds the us house of representatives for posting
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a $61000000000.00. a bill was parts of a major military package that also provided funds, the israel, taiwan, and several other allies. ukraine hopes the a will hold to russian advances even deeper into the country after there is john holland reports on this. now from the capital case. ukraine have been waiting for this for months while it runs short shows on the front line. and the defense has to protect its power plants. without this us military, a package president below them is lensky said ukraine would lose the war. the will see, i think raising support will really strengthen the armed forces of the printer, and we will have a chance for victory. great, not seeing what it is. ukraine really gets the wrapping of the system. we would need so much reach that thousands of soldiers needs so much and this age should not be just grad in similar.


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