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tv   Dystopia of Seoul  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 5:30am-6:01am AST

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is really driving the increases that israel is, is fielding a new, a stealth aircraft. the joint strike fighter, which is extremely expensive and is having to develop extensive missile defense and rocket defense system. so those are extremely expensive. the systems himself and the missiles that they fire are also pretty expensive. so i think that this is a one off because a war, it will be reflected probably in 20232024 figures. but there's an ongoing development and capitalization of missile defense in advance self air fighting, which i think is the real long term driver of the increasing is really costs. one of the criticisms i have of the slippery reports is that it just looks at dollars. and so, for example, a $3000000000.00 missile defense system that goes to japan is much more expensive than say, $50000000.00 with the machine guns that go to sudan. but those $50000000.00 with the machine as they're probably far more d stabilized them. so with that caviar in much the big trend that's guiding it. our
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fighter aircraft missiles, missile defense systems and air defense systems and then ships and particularly ships in an anti missile configuration. what this represents is the emerging technology or technology to stop that emerging technology. so i think what we're seeing is a bow wave of spending trying to find a solution to these problems of cheap multiple drones and ballistic missiles, as well as maintaining conventional mass on the battlefield with artillery a wrong supreme data i to the human eye is praise the middle tree for its reason strike on israel, he said the on forces show the power and mice of the country. this is the 1st time supreme nita has spoken since iran launched to more than 300 missiles and tries. it is around a week ago that ron says it was a retaliation for an attack on the iranian can see that building and syria on the night was speaking during a meeting with ami come on,
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does get them turned to wish and the issue of how many missiles were fired with the number of missiles hips is a secondary issue. the main issue is proving the will power of the year on a nation. and the armed forces in the international arena, various events have cost and achievements. it is important to reduce the costs and add the achievements through flare. this matter was very well executed by the armed forces during recent events. that's it from me for now, but my colleague elizabeth brandon will be with you at the top in the next hour and 25 minutes time. that's when the news will continue off of the program coming up next, which is disturb you a. so the reporting from the options to have you have a great willing hearing to
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fax, palestinian or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, threatening the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store. the, this is a part of the 4 seasons. a famous piece of music composed by antonio, be faulty 300 years ago the but today people are starting to wonder if our spring summer autumn, and winter will continue to exist because of climate change is how careful for to, who knows it give helpful. but we can put means the old and she told him coding to
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go to a little girl. and i'm old on this big old in the me on look, attendance who can go to them in the to the toyota on his own. it'll warning easy song one unit off was on point 0 of of things he's on. you can don't want to go meter on what she'll climate scientists are studying, whether we're reaching a tipping point, which will change or seasons forever. but this film is about a different unusual exercise. combining the vault is famous music with weather data and expressing climate change in musical form for different parts of the world. 2 the
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the on to and you'll be valid to depict the screen in an update, the way the flowing streams and birdsong at a time when the seasons were predictable. the, this is how artificial intelligence has recompose to be valid this spring in a much less positive version of the 4 seasons. 2 by just how good, and then one of the go month was only doing then because of people turned on to create. it can go back to the back, isn't that good on? usually, do you mind those all to tell you what your thoughts are? so i'm going up to you guys, i'm
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a little bit opening up. i know i'll be able to deal with that. that's the take. i agree, and that's how can you tell me or you know, say, so wait a minute, i'm going to test your interest in coping. i need the leave all the compose the 4 seasons for only stream instruments a hey, i has recompose the 4 movements using common data projected for the year 2050 n as edit percussion and bras instruments. lucky what did you find is how can that for me, i would have caught a cold a cato thailand. i mean, cut it off. i was trying to think of it in a day equal to and then could you thought of the bill homepage will go headphones level have good thing going to talk about in the past the the new a version include one for the south korean capital solar total cobra total says
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they could take a single comes on that because according to count auction level to conduct similar to so do we get law gauge when we should meet the home? say the reviews home with a was a high 6 to 0 to coming up on the con. clear need to have some intricate cool yeah, this is an issue that is important to me. and course i'm very all as excited to play with the, with young on 10 in finance team dealing with that even to young is a talented korean violinist and will be the solo is in the performance of the soul . 2054 seasons. tom deals with that one to go and get it done. one could time the whole thing. all right, and then we have man like you and just the little like the girl runs along when she gets them, when they all think they pay a part of the,
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the musical score a compose by a i is called the on certain 4 seasons the project to recompose it brought together data scientists, composers, developers, and musicians. you put the cable in, the little tentative, easy going on a few by the going, this has to do with a thought of the plan. so you have to kind of tell what's going on it, it's going to put you on the pass, can put it into the project, use climate modeling data from the into governmental panel on climate change, or worst case scenario, or the history has hung. so has to be a window finally on the take on a window to when it comes, we'll use cable coupon i the by the english. so you tell you,
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tell you as you go hello by the project for it. use different versions for 14 separate locations, including venice, the mall, these saltado brennan, cape town, and solar. using each cities projected climate situation. pay touch home by 50 and then if the low low i'm dying of this one and you got 9. and then when the times of the times to be 12, i'm probably within the eclipse and it has the money to be total on the with the same i did something with the putting go knowledge on it. so people don't pay total into inject cool custodial. we move up does happen, and the good to me it comes with the and the english to comes way down the list. then it became probably that that it would the arching h always, you know, either to cut them in. you said you've seen that isn't that isn't much and talk to me of how come talk when uh to mind less. and then the data scientist realized that the damage to different countries was not necessarily in proportion to their greenhouse gas emissions. take all my spinning by side and i got some gift tickets
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cutting out to go. i'm with them and a hunting of duties. have done crew and i wasn't good friends with them when a sometimes 2nd hard on cool. get anything was on the hill, comes with the people in town. well, are you coming to town? i? yes. island through my job was in the car. the one done meal. couldn't you know the guitar? super going to me on the not get them when the owner has to go, but not a cruise on. so i think the 33 korean positions from different groups came together to form of project orchestra to play the on certain 4 seasons composed by a i 1st holy the they started rehearsing for performance plan for september 2022, the spring in the fall. this person is bright and
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energetic, but the 2050 a version is very different. and this orient teaching position. the building also thinking monday, sunday to everybody is i wanna know how long it took on you. what did i find that i needed to quote, the go all good and sound good and includes the can now come into google to do more to get higher on it, get kind of need like a difficult to the temple you'll probably get to get us getting them back for the night is for it. yeah. so basically. yeah, that's fine. yeah. yeah. 90 percent of the again and again, i know this is weird. this music's feels weird, but like, i think we still decide, i think like, play like one musically i think for like the 1st minute wayne mean last concert
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master. just yeah. i think, yeah, we can just make what freezing, you know, all the, all the, you know, musical things. so apply. okay. maybe the felt like alien music. i felt like something from another planet because you can think she killed one or 2. how to cool. uh huh. it's always been a really to a point on this and then to understand why those for 2050 version of spring is so down beat. you have to look at korea's industrial history. the republic of korea is the world's 10
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largest economy. today. it was built during a period of traffic growth in the 2nd half of the 20th century center is also known as the miracle on the hon river of the. but it was based on the large scale use of fossil fuels, which emitted large quantities of greenhouse gases. when an agreement to reduce greenhouse gas was concluded in killed to japan, in 1997, korea was excluded us. it was considered a developing country level to try to because you're probably on the way to, to who don't want to visit those 150. the want also students to want to not on to the tires on a lot of the one year old is going to manage google so many of the $1201.00 could go on it choosing. you know, you can put it off and leave the low cost of humans where you don't know calling. so what do you all push a button on the cold gets a bottle and get you going to put you. they would have somebody go because that's
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what we should do because it is what you chasing intellectuals. i young then equity because i'm not doing not i'll tell. i mean we need to at this point, is gonna deal with assume q austonia at all. why don't you lose weight goes is going to lie there, which on board will put in your on, on the ship tunnel coy as john coronado electric incoming list. junior thought, i want to wish you jo. solo bi limits in the wanted to know more about korea, greenhouse gas emissions. so she met 20 times from the presidential commission on 2015 card, one of the charlie, the, the met at the solar power plants built in 1913 if you still use cool, let us know compared to to liquefied natural gas l n g. the south korea still mainly generates electricity by conventional thermal means
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pulling it on to see cox. was it across the picture day one. what do you know the to the other on sure, putting something on causing us to get that in there. the curious greenhouse gas emissions rose in line with the growth of the economy toward the down unit, which a month ends on the traveling bill. so it's good to be sure you've had another that's what i was wondering when we don't run on it in terms of equation. i'm with assume something on the one x i suppose it's going through the with souls greenhouse gas emission, sol. hi, the search and for season sounds very different from the follow the the orchestra was ready for the concert performance. april to filter it, the tall l on taking on the circle, looking down, creating gum and what they did,
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cuz it's different than a 100. and that often the cover always told in the town, no one quite knew how the audience would react to the new version. the key i'm going to need a to see because it's a little on 0 the project orchestra 1st perform the on certain
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4 seasons in september 2022 the but the summer it was a terrible time for whether in sol as the effects of climate change hits south korea unexpectedly hard, the, the, the torrential rains cause heavy floating across the city on the 8th of august, 4th, and especially the wealthy con them district experience is highest rainfall for 80 years over $100.00 millimeters of rain per our
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records. it in some areas some reports say as many as 19 people were killed. $3000.00 vehicles were flooded and the damage was estimated to have costs around a $100000000.00 us dollars. and you guys are getting it as long as your sold is full number, and the punch is on how to throw on it. somebody possibly be immediate or what home tumor and people need a full blown go should on calling for the own bull and the pets hushing me. the don't the one data of course quicker. no, the, the chance to swear that this kind of major natural disaster will be more frequent in the future. going to tell you it doesn't say in this isn't good and you've done triples and turned it on you to assemble in your unit or putting you and help you out and build them up. total weights on monday either wasn't what,
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i'll get them. it. yeah, ships hop pulls into something to be on the 3rd question. thought all the people wasteful. what is all to eat or clean detail as young men cause some to come get into an ounce hobbled on because your logo get the mail from you guys put them eagle hans high school sent to them because i'm going to get a quote that over with sale. come on, come, you know, coming take off. they just took what you thought. i one wish do you wish a customer humble. now get the unit when she goes the material that you got and couldn't hear the music and i might get them. tons of what about when he got to come on, eat off also? sonya come so do what do you like to? well, my kind of sample of thought i'll get more space in the less than a month later. another climate disaster still korea typhon he num, nor sheep the whole of the south east asia region in late august and saturday, the korean peninsula for 3 days in early september,
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the relentless rain caused flooding to dangerous levels. again, what did that i've been going into play, i'm younger followed and there might be a good day or 2, but with none of i thought she might have had me on this but to point out what to do. and then i'm gonna point to point to in the thought, some guys that will come to the kinds of course and you know, i said no, no, no, that sounds good. i guess. i mean i can not compare. i'm here so i will take it all my notes between giga, somebody, i'll get into the puddled ching, by the studio. tiffany english one, and there is a one unit on posterior and i'll get the most kings i come. you'll come to me in the past saying that i'll get that push the the, the changes in solos, whether in the past 50 years have had an impact on the 100,
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the 1st from 100 the most of the we also heard don't email the. c years ago, and can we move on to the ones that go through the code? and he told me that i need to mine totally with him or is it only john in the mouse patrol to hold it in that and you'll be so she's on young people. how cool behind them with this key to put some i as i am the single expose candidate once a month and it's going down there and doing it. so you don't need to be an inventory because the one, it's hard to vpn tunnel therapy. it's only thing comes into the, to the content escape of them. and so it's on the autumn of years and, and trying to think them to be treated. we don't put into do you enough to, to, to explain it to go to england and what them to my teeth. what help on this used to
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be where the hun river froze, but not anymore. the thompson island has also felt the effect of climate change. thompson is close to the general public nature reserve and birds century, including for endangered species. dr. agent on this is comes on to check on the birds see 0, he doesn't move the so what kind of, what's the 1st kind of sort of which kind of areas of this to boston this is from some was devastated by the floods and covered in mud and garbage.
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birds lost their nest in the heavy rain and struggle to breed the following year. full of things that i can say, i don't think there's a precedent that has been on the, the, the what the official really cool. listening to this one, which gets the 2 types of surplus angle, much different owners and kind of in corporate because in the, the problem with it is welcome to who i know who locate you. i'm going to sit in the portal. when that is all i'm worth and said it is true, but it wasn't for you. it's awful under the thought of it was such as you bubble pretty open it just because of the ones that are essential. we're almost finished up here, but i want to say,
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i'm going to connect them to the old scenario. pleasure. and what's the good thing to learn real? well, if you don't have something in the cuban, i don't, i'm kinda where if it's just you to look into it, that's where it was only about another conference i was able to go out to be on the search and for seasons was composed by artificial intelligence but there's an argument, though we are the ones responsible for the new, the scope and version of the music, the go ahead. go go ahead and engage the super easy one in, in, in going to by the going to get the, the full in guntee theater across to cool. because here there is a coming out of the thing going in, going to cool the ink on e. it's amy, cool. you muggy. i get. i'm seeing,
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i get. i'm looking through the and i'm in the in gun. it was with housing and handling it in the the key to the as
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the case or i'm wondering what's the approval holding his head will stuff in the pipe was on the teammate, but on the phone put them formative problems. have them say reducer that wasn't clear to chris hammer you talk is, are the home it will because i'm through, i don't know who's on those and could see the soon as you get the federal good. i got the we are you the somebody will so tentative us who say to me, my or the middle of the 100. so i sit on the, in the system to the style. the
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little for me seem gabriel put a lot of prolong pollution policy. the region and thought people don't ok, the creative people with homes are they a bit more to one's on to the control module? the without a huge changes in human behavior. there's a strong possibility that we will lose the 4 annual seasons that we're used to and that the phone is bright and expressed in music will no longer reflect the weather. the world will experience by the year 2015 the that the a certain this will be in the vision express by the a version of the 4 seasons will become reality. the clock
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is ticking. we're running out of the, of the in depth analysis of the days headlines. there's the failure to free, the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5 minutes to know that to stay for somebody else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, i'm the united states of america. the crux of the matter is new jersey choice school ministry partners,
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and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera in the via now more the us army use the highly toxic herbicide with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later, the same happened, the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the kids. but to women fox for justice, i get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange on knowledge, a 0, the showcase of best documentary films from across the web. on al jazeera hod, huge, i mean to be used as the i, r c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to scientology use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know, double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular i said to facing realities . government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the a mass grave is discovered and conner, this is have a gaza at least 210 bodies of a covered week saucer that is ready on the withdrawal the pedal on elizabeth autumn. and this is alex's here. a live from john ha, also coming up to say the baby from a debt mother's work. a 16 children are killed in australia, s trying on equity. how's the referendum aimed at giving security for this?
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we can tell us to fight sewer in violence in organized crime. and china as a once in a century slot, wanting to.


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