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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say, no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the mass graves discovered and tanya, innocent, 7 gaza at least $210.00 bodies of a covered week saucer that is ready on the withdrawal. hello on elizabeth autumn, and this is alex's here, a live from john ha. also coming up to say the baby from a debt mother's work, a 16 children are killed in australia, s tried on echo to how's the referendum aimed at giving security for this?
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we can tell us to fight sewer in violence in organized crime. and china as a once in a century slot warning. she is at brothers and because of was could other people in the south following heavy rain? the a mass glaze at the bodies of palestinians has been discovered and con judas and southern gaza. the remains of 210 people found buried on the grounds of the nozzler medical complex offer. that is really military withdrew its troops from the city. on april 7th, the bodies were discovered over the course of 2 days. much of con, unice has destroyed after months of relentless bombardment and heavy fighting. the bodies include elderly women, children, young man, seems involved, and the alteration say some were shot from behind. international law experts have told algio i had cut them out to war crimes hunting my. what was reports from the
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size and con eunice? early in the war, thousands of palestinians to crack the from is really a tax in the north or hospital in hon. you know, many of them are varied here. civil defense, a cruise have discovered hundreds of bodies on the grounds of the medical complex. now while is, is still looking for her son's remains and the has on just money. i am here to find a body of my son. his name is a lot, i'm not selling. a lot of his brother told me that he buried him here. we came from far away more than once. i don't food, but we didn't find him. we've been trying for the past 2 weeks. really forces withdrawal from han units on april the 2nd. after 4 months of intense raids and air strikes, leaving behind the trail of destruction and mass and graves. it seems who recovered the dead sea somewhere, shuddered from behind. execution is by others were found with their hands tied behind their backs. many more are believed to be buried on the grounds of the
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largest medical facility in southern gaza. when are they coming on? i don't know yet when, when are they going to join? the identified bodies were delivered to their families and we civil defense. keep to an end to find bodies, take note of any distinguished marks for each of them. then we buried another mouth and grave, yet more power city on bodies over free of the from the side was named by not be remembers, their identities are largely lost in on, out of president in war last but remembered, those who have been identified will now receive a proper farewell for calculus. others, the search continues more than 7000 people are still missing across the gaza strip . most of them women and children, and even more vienna and sputtering gauze. so to know if there's been a major attack in gauze, especially the witnesses
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kept at the moment of impact. if it is really as try on a residential area, it is really s strikes have killed at least 24 people in the hot and southern gaza . 16 of them were children of warning view as may find some of the images and thought it was ins, reports, distressing. the phone and olson, this palestinian baby girl was delivered from the one of her mother, posts mother and father with killed. and it is very striking, roughly, she's named ro, which means soul in arabic, raised them, but it is a field, right. and what's their phone or the whole family? why? from the civil registry. and the only survivor is a small baby girl. her sister malik wanted to name her roy, soul know malik, has gone on the door, his level worse mother supreme. the 2nd, he was almost 8 months pregnant when she was killed. doctors say, roost conditions this type of and improving. how does it look and see?
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well, the, when the baby came out to condition was between intermediate and critical currency, often giving her medical care from the not until now. she got paid to gradually. during the past hours, we can now say that her condition is stable, on average. for others did not save only if the isabel strikes on the roof. but close to 2000000 displaced palestinians have so refuge fees that i will have to put in specially. did you see one mind in all those killed? you know, it's about one mind who has been killed all of them inside the house. and here a women and children, as you can see with your own eyes to my entire identity, has been wiped out with my wife, children, and everyone goes as health ministry says that more than 14000 children have been killed in israel's will. in garza, the bodies of many more have not been found that buried under the russell roof will spend the next month in hospital without him mother and father, but as,
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as well friends, a ground invasion of, of thought. she and thousands of children like a face, an even more one set to the future. a mazda is politically to his mind, he says, as well, isn't interested in reaching a cx, 5 deal to end as well. and gaza ends at a non negotiable condition as the complete withdrawal, one of the as really ministry from the gaza strip. and i do also when you have the heavy handbook, despite tens of sessions and communications exchanged by our mediators design instead of me until this points has most agreed to cease firing, garza all they want is the return of hostages, so they can continue the war on casa, and this coming to be, they want time, us and the resistance to agree to maps, referencing the deployments of these radio on me. as if to say, we are legitimizing the occupation of the strip or call on a strip of this come out. speaker, there must be a complete withdrawal from calls ohio and meanwhile is very prominent as
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a benjamin netanyahu has blamed from us for the failure to reach us this fine day. and that would allow the release of is randy captives and gaza. a valid to further increase pressure on her mazda of the coming days. let's of the other show. unfortunately, until now, the old proposed list of the release of all hostages have been outright rejected by somebody that can, excuse me. that's why the us secretary of state, rightly said from us, refused all the officers that were made to, according to him on the only thing preventing a deal that would release the hostages. it's from us instead of backing down from its extreme positions. so how much i must build on division between us and enjoys and encouragement from the pressure directed out of the is randy government. him, we will deliver additional and painful blows on from us. and that will happen soon . in the coming days, we will increase the military and political pressure because this is the only way to free. i will hostages, and the chief victor of it is ready for us as a conducting rates and towns across the occupied west back is rarely made. the tree
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has exchange file of palestinian fighters and janine storms all thought of others in bethlehem. and the ballasa of refugee cabin novelist. is there any military incursions in the west bank having an any, a near nightly occurrence since the warm gauze of again, last october? yvonne supreme lida, i a thought loudly how many has praised the military for its reason strongly con israel. he said the envoy also showed the power and mice of the country. it's the 1st time he's spoken since around launch tools and $300.00 solves and drawn into it as well. a week ago said on says it was in retaliation for an attack on the ronnie and consulate and sylvia earlier this month. how many was speaking during amazing was on a come on the is the issue of how many missiles were fired or the number of missiles hits is a secondary issue. the main issue is proving the will power of the year on a nation. and the armed forces in the international arena, various events have cost and achievements. it is important to reduce the costs and
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add the achievements through flare. this matter was very well executed by the armed forces during recent events. the rocking for 5, hezbollah has analysis resuming attacks on us forces in the country saying there's been no progress and talks on the withdrawal. the group had suspended attacks in january after us troops were killed in a drawing attack in jordan. meanwhile, the us as it shot down rockets 5 from the rocks, was an american military base. in rhode island and syria, no casualties have been reported. or she have a policy has a move from washington dc. in a statement to out of the or us defense of israel said that a coalition, pfizer destroyed a long, tru, and self defense of the reports of a failed rocket attack. and then the coalition base and roman in syria. no, us personnel well injured the attack and emanated from iraq was the 1st since
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early february when the various us militia groups targeting us, which is called a truce catalog, has a bullet. as truce there began on january the 30th they now say that is over, given the lack of progress in negotiations to remove us troops from iraq once and for all. i'm in a statement. the group said what happened a short while ago is the beginning in reference to the attack. the rocky prime minister does that mean just left washington after a week of talks, various officials in the binding ministration. i don't think tax, in fact on friday he had just said that his visit was a new chapter in us rocky relations. she advertise the elders or washington the blows counting this continue and equitable, often many ends to pause and
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a referendum on new security measures. the plans put forward by president dahlia nobela are aimed at cutting gang finance. the ones peaceful south, the back of the country has been struggling with a substantial rise in volumes that has seen it to may as killed this week alone. today's book has moved from ecuador, are holding sensors across the country are now closed and the counting process has already begun in this important referendum for many of the people here in the woods . secuity of the heart of a people have to come here and would there's 11 questions that they have to answer . yes or no. 5 of them are meant to reform this country's constitution, security. the main concern for people here as the drug cartels involved. but tony and drug trafficking, but also any of these on mining and other activities, have taken control of large parts of this country to many years killed in the past week. and on these days, during this vote, a prison warden was also killed. let's not forget of the roll the prisons have had
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in the crisis in this country as criminal organizations operate from within those. for instance, when president then, you know, i took office in november later on to the care of the state of exception and sense and military on the streets to tackle crime. he also took control with the armed forces of this country's prison. so we're going to have to see what that we've called, sorry, but this is a big political test for president noble. he's 36 years old. he's the air of a banana employee room, and he only 2 coffee for 18 months. he came in to replace outgoing for accidents and he's adding more or less so. so there was election happening today to wrong this year and it was on right now is struggling with an economic crisis not being able to recover from the cov, it's from demick, also struggling with an electricity prices with people telling us that they're out of power between 3 and 4 hours every day. so it's a big, big test to, for the president himself. and once that's paid, because not only we forming the constitution, faxing you lost,
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but also how much supports for our students. then you know, war continues to have very several i just see that we've done a lot of want to peek as an indigenous rights activist, and she says it will be very difficult to get the measures through congress and the security measures that are important. it includes, for instance, to transfer the arms and guns taken from gangs and criminals to the hands of the police so they can spread the security a process called consolidated eating slides. putting the military together with the police, deployed them across the national territory. but what is important to keep in mind that from the 9 security questions 5 require refire congressional approval because their amendments to the constitution. so it's not the referendum itself that will be able to solve them. all these questions will need to go to congress and will need legislative negotiations which are increasingly difficult to the president is
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isolated in congress, especially after the invasion of the mexican embassy. it will be difficult to implement because it requires a majority in congress to be able to actually be turned into law. so most of the questions in the referendum, who is all the questions, should have gone through a legislative road instead of a referendum road and 5 of the security questions that gained approval. and the referenda needs now to be negotiated in congress with other parties. so the reality of the matter is that this referendum is evaluation of the popularity of the presidents, of the concerns of it for dorians, for security, and their fear of and security. they gave these monday to the president to focus on the security. but now it will be very difficult to implement the still ahead on knowledge a 0 claims of suppressing free speech. what phone number is the president job both now and has to purchase price is on most castro valley and one and from farmers in
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the u. k. why they say food production will be significantly reduced the high low they will have looked at the full costs for north america. and if we look at the satellite image, you can see some dramatic storms rumbling their way east across the deep south. well, the good news is, by monday they have worked their way across florida, leaving behind a legacy of sunshine and dry of skies with temperature starting to edge up again for the likes of texas. now we've seen lots of sunshine flooding into california attempt is looking very nice here over the next few days and allows you to see a picture for the north of this west and parts of canada and the pacific northwest of the us. but we will see some where the weather is starting to creep into western
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parts of canada and the possible development of some storms moving across the great lakes. as that cold day hits that we may, a rising up from the gulf of mexico, but illogically, a story for the east coast of the us on tuesday. and we're seeing more in the way of sunshine and elevate to temperatures for washington dc. but also a chance of some showers that on wednesday and showers all the story for central america. and the carol, being rain, continues to full for jamaica and his spend your, we're seeing some heavier rain for eastern part from mexico on monday. it's much clearer. however, on choose day of the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept from going on in. definitely
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a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line award winning documentary is from around the corner, which is 0. the challenges here with me, elizabeth put ottoman don't. huh. i don't mind to about top stories to some other city and emergency services, say a mass screening his feet on carpet and con eunice and southern gaza. 21040 something because it, so i saw that were found buried in the not for medical complex as really ministry withdrew from the area 2 weeks ago. is there any strikes have codes,
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tens of civilians across casa and gaza. so they have enjoyed some of the heaviest attacks on 34000 people have been killed since the gas shooting 14500 children. vote counting is underway and equitable often many ends to pass in a referendum on new security measures. the plans are aimed at cutting gang violence . the once peaceful south american country has been struggling with a substantial prize in vandals. the authorities themselves in china, of preparing for what they say could be severe flooding, seen only once in a century. when 80000 people have already been evacuated in guam dung province and on, which has been experiencing to wrench will rain since friday. that's bringing china . corresponding katrina is huge. she's lived for us and paging and rain has been floating in long dawn since last week intensified on the weekend. katrina, what's been the impact? so a file in china is most populous province. that's
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right, so what i'm doing is we use southern was towed to a point of china just neighboring hong kong and rains, as you mentioned, started on friday, but was really on sensitive that we had to read to re bass a several parts of the province. and the most affected areas of the cities of jobs to show $1.00 and $2.00. and in these areas, roads have been turned into rivers. and many homes have also been reportedly damaged by land slides. now, nor casualty numbers have been reported yet, but just in the city of to you and learn more than 60000 people have been evacuated now in other parts of going down more than 1000000 households are affected by power outages, as problems and telephone signals. and schools include have been closed as well as many major transport highways train lines. and by an airport, which is one of 20 busiest at ports has also been severely affected by delays and translations from dongs home to
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a 127000000 people. katrina. so what's expected in walterboro, sr c's and people doing to prepare for the government announced on sunday need, emergency plan, do all municipalities for pet shelters, as well as rations of clean food, keen goals and food to people who may need it. that a warning level right now is longer is at the orange level, which is the 2nd, the highest level. and authorities are really worried that the worst is yet to call them. it's just because in this area, the po riddle data is full of many important rivers. most ways, many of them already at dangerous levels, and so they're worried with rain expected over the next few days that they could be unleashing of some dangerous flood. so they've called the situation room in some areas, monday and tuesday. they've already started some flood discharge plans. now these areas are not strangers to flooding. usually these flooding season starts in summer
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. so this is the earliest that the flooding season has sold as a long don't in april since 19901998 katrina. thank you very much for that such on the corresponding katrina, you live in badging. europe is experiencing the most rapid pace of global warming with the temperatures wise and get around twice the global average. that's according to the humans will meet your logical organization. other european union's climate agency. the license european report on the school is the growing risk caused by high temperatures to human health. as hateful days of death, sewage across the continent. in 2023 alone and more than a 150 people died. you. storms, floods and wild fires, the new party and president will automatically lensky has bank. the us house of representatives for passing a 61000000000 dollar age bill, the spot of a major ministry packets. it also provided funds as well. taiwan and several other
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allies. your client hopes the able to hold russian advances the to enter the country on home and reports from the capital cave. a crane have been waiting for this for months while it runs short shows on the front line and the defense has to protect its power plants. without this u. s. military package. president below them is lensky said ukraine would lose the war. yeah, we'll see. i think based supports will really strengthen the armed forces of your brain and we will advocate chance for victory. great, not if you crane really gets the weapon system we would need so much read the thousands of song just need so much and this age should not be just grad and can layer all over, but it has to end up in tangible weapons systems. 8 was
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$61000000000.14 in direct weaponry. you'd have been stuck in the house of representatives for 2 months. some republicans opposing even going to a vote. still need send it approval before being signed into law. but that seems a little bit guarantee. the more that the site is coming like we've got to bill the senate will approve it so, so that ukraine can re gathered strength of the fight back against russia. then the question is, how soon the equipment could be on the ground. a pentagon space person said that munitions could be moved within days. apparently, some of the west memories were ready in storage in europe, but it will still likely take weeks to get to ukraine's front line military and they say that gives for us your window to continue pressing its current advantage to some time it's policies have been a bouncing slowly, steadily in the west somewhere he may be enough to hold the bones of the summer offensive ukraine says rusher is planning, but it's only
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a matter of time before the country with a guide. me to appeal for more us military. i don't home and out, does it a kid residents, a full sub majority, municipalities and northern cost of a have lost a boy causative was on removing ethnic albanian amaze from office less than $300.00 was needed. 46000 eligible voters costa, about us, the polls will have paved the way for the election of ethics. the officials back i belgrade mccall damien may as well pointed last year off to unless a boy called sparking a wave of violence. i suppose as a phone numbers, any and president desirable is law. according for his return to politics, both now has praised american billing. it is on mosque. so using his social media platform x to lash out against the supreme court judge who bought him from running for office until 2030 monica, you're not hear reports from rio de janeiro. the crowds cheering results,
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former presidential able sonata calling for his return to power its post on idle 2nd rally since it was banned from running for public office until 2030. after being found guilty of using his presidential powers to undermine the integrity of the 2022 elections, i believe god will help is a return the quotes decision and both scenarios will do. elected president again, he prays tech tycoon. eli mosque will lashed out at both scenarios, arch enemy, supreme court judge, and to show that each mode i must cause the courage to defend freedom of expression. let's have a round of applause for him is not spam. i presently still have the support of many voters here, but his political future hangs in the balance investigations and to bring so not as a ledger, grew in parting. a cool underway and expected to rock that's by july. analysts hear
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say, is imprisonment is likely. monday must ask them defaults to people are most and that is using these rallies to show as political might on the streets, hoping it will protect him during all the legal battles you'll be facing in the upcoming weeks. and he's also leading the opposition against a little themselves as well. so natural may have been banned from running for office, but his supporters said he can still help elect his allies in october as municipal elections. monica, you're not give all just 0. we have to narrow columbia as authorization, has held largest process and gas against president gustavo petro is government and routing against wide ranging social and economic reforms. bonds, a left wing administration patrol wants to perform the health care sector, and by cutting out private insurers and increasing stage control on the sounds around p a. t has moved from. but with that means it's turned to, again, sending presidents tens of thousands took to the streets of downtown,
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but with the again, social and economic reforms proposed by colombia as 1st slip. these government. some protested for the 1st time, like 66 years old, medium to apply to the court. we are protesting against spirituals health care reforms. he wants to get rid of the private insurance, has depleting them on purpose because allowed that same without pensions. he wants to use our savings for his plans, and we can't allow that either. the rallies were even larger in columbia, 2nd suited to the doctors and medical workers saying they fear the reforms could be saved by the system. they seem to say about it, it has a system that has its flaws, but has its shortcomings. but it deserves to be reformed based on sound principles and goals that does need to give their opinion about it. this belongs to everyone else is not a game. it is a right, it'd be in his status. so see, i'll put that one. the elections riding the wave of discontent against the
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countries traditionally conservative politics and one of the most unequal countries in the world, no less than 2 years after his story can victory. most of his impatience, restoring his approved and devices, and he's been unable designed the majority in congress to get behind him in response. he has tried to force change to executive actions and proposing a popular assembly to change parts of the constitution, which has helped the opposition to galvanize the space. but also increasingly mobilizing centuries, the middle class sectors of society against the government. this has to make the government reconsider because there is a very large, an ever increasingly present segment of the population that is in disagreement with its policies and its way of governing. if the government decides to ignore it or minimize it, it does so at its own risk sundays are now it shows that there's growing this
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content in a sector of columbia society against the government that will, that will pass through. and in particular, the way he's been trying to push forward his reform, but this message is unlikely to convince the president to back down. and he has already called for account abroad this on may 1st. i listen that i'm get it. i just see in a book that terry anderson a former association press journalist who was held hostage and 11 on sunday, the 7 years has died at his home in the us at age 76. allison called at 11 on civil for 3 years before his captured by his bottle of members. in 1985, he was released in 1991 as the 16. yes, civil war ended sob is of the u. k. a one and crop hills will be headed off a months of heavy rain with untie fields still under water and some areas. food production is expected to slump significantly in an industry already struggling
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with highest fuel and fertilize the costs. and the hey, would reports from short ferry in the east of england? huge swayed subprime english bomb land on the was a month soft. a devastating storm swept the country. the levels of slow the receding, but the damage has been done. a few weeks ago, these fields resembled an inland sea. the only way to get to the house was by boat should all be planted, should be great farmer henry would find himself facing a financial bottle caused by massive storms and a t mum, super cold. rain falls, it's obviously the horizon, the, you know, i'm a young from a co, a baby on the way trying to provide for my family. and this is how i meant to what in the living is by producing food and selling it. and if it's covered in mall, so i can't do that and you get up every day to say your phones, you know, looking like this. and me just wondering, well how in a.


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