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tv   Generation Change Argentina  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 8:30am-9:01am AST

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the states, china and russia o boosted the military budgets the shows wash and spending searched by 24 percent and to about $109000000.00. ukraine had the 8th largest military budget the same. yeah. david, the roche is a professor at the national defense university in washington dc, and he explains what's behind the global rise in military spending in the gaza war . the main costs are certain kinds of munitions and personnel, but i think that what is really driving the increases that israel is, is fielding a new, a stealth aircraft. the joint strike fighter, which is extremely expensive and is having to develop extensive missile defense and rocket defense system. so those are extremely expensive. the systems himself and the missiles that they fire also pretty expensive. so i think that this is a one off because a war it will be reflected probably in 20232024 figures. but there's an ongoing
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development and capitalization of missile defense in advance self air finding, which i think is the real long term driver of the increasing is really costs. one of the criticisms i have of the slippery reports is that it just looks at dollars. and so, for example, a $3000000000.00 missile defense system that goes to japan is much more expensive than say, $50000000.00 with the machine guns that go to sudan. but those $50000000.00 with machine guns are probably far more d stabilized them. so with that caviar in much the big trend that's guiding it. our fighter aircraft missiles, missile defense systems and air defense systems and then ships and particularly ships in an anti missile configuration. what this represents is the emerging technology or technology to stop that emerging technology. so i think what we're seeing is a bow wave of spending trying to find a solution to these problems of cheap multiple drones and ballistic missiles, as well as maintaining conventional mass on the battlefield with artillery tyanne
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to send a full not associated press journalist who was held hostage and 11 on sunday, the 7 years has died at his home into us. he was 76 out of some college living on civil war for 3 years before his capture by hezbollah members. in 1985, he was released in 1991. that's the 16. yes. civil war ended of 7 people have been killed in sri lanka, off to erase and covered off track and had a crowd of back chases. and now the 20 people were injured. that happens in the town of the lala, about 200 kilometers east of the capital. columbus police have no interested investigation and that's it. somebody elizabeth put on for this half hour of new isn't generation change is coming up next. thank you for watching. the scene in the gaza strip is not continuous. there's
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a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing past has been the full for an a progressive change in america. in 2010, it was the 1st country in the region to legalize same sex marriage. and in 2020, i think, lied to boston. after a campaign by feminist around the world. the spanish line to remain high active violence against gender inspection minority. and there was calling said an anti feminist backlash. so how sustainable are these
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accomplishments? and what will this mean for the next generation of young options? hi, and welcome to generation change. i probably will series attempts to understand and tell in the idea is that noise lies used around the well my name is a man, i'm ronnie. and i come to buenos aires to meet 2 young women who have taken a different route to establish grace of freedom and equality for themselves. item time women will generally, i'm using b t q plus community in order to focus on their voices. basic needs to be in spanish with thing. so outside of the 5, did anybody ask?
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i'm fine. yeah. the associates doing is with 1260 got them for coastal village thousands a lot to me best or india think let them do that so. so you live in a feminine stuff. yeah, going to sleep, but they look on the lower level. so what are the 3 d for the case on that? so if you have students, i mean that's going fine. yeah, i mean, yes. so yeah, well as soon as you can see that the thing was i want to see the bus and that was the 61 the only thing i present every single day. so i'm going, i'm sorry, the i keep reading this and monthly, and that's my son. basically he, as he mine says, student data companion, but i did a trial of our study as go with it. i live in columbia and they learned the is the moment the veteran definitely pressing on the me showing of it. okay. and is yanna,
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could i speak to the phone by and i can find out if the quote on the scenario where the people in the a team but as soon as the best uh thing. i think the only thing i think i will just close the full warranty. so he like, i'm fine. you see i even within the are you looking to skin the so in was that i the way even looking for the versus the going to say like in simple know they, they like companion for the us is a fun way low as they see it. so he says if i know he is on auto finance. yeah. those front wheels blanco's gave was the last amount of days. yeah, well as the last, but as soon as this i see the students, they load somebody so that i may need that in case then instead, oh, it's just don't want to have fun, but it's the coolest. nothing's be done. you know, see any speed on a fan or going by the end of what gets on part of it. i'm in the very slow to estella, so we'll see that might have the same us some combined, you know,
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scans have vehicle as the lead. allow me to hear a low chun, a development. they might of go know you fit in stand unless there is no one that goes funds. so and what am i they may need the lens. yep. it or is they looking to spend a lot more the hello. can i get okay. yeah. like i totally, i out of that and by the way, little promo come ok. so instead of canada to and i leave a lesson value to them the, any, the benefits with as a beginning august i'm you know, no money that a, the other thing is because if i knew a know you've been with that as a, as in, on the on the new unit think i saw if that one i must from one point where they can get that level. so you need a little a he to the left in the hell expensive on that. it just on seeing the waiting for them. this
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is ben. feel joanna news, federal 3, i'm always going to allow the law maria that i think they say that, no, it is that i bet come to exceed goes, i'm the n p n is does. he has, you know, so, and qualified on those care must do, most importantly in, via the same thing. when i'm grabbing symbols, i'm going to also see a list and it can be nice by the name which i see where life was. the goal is to the, the a, f is the lowest income only, but those, those guys quite a bit more and at hand being i, i goes as a last, give me the best name for that. move to the lower left. maybe we have picked up or put in my g months tell me might be what are what kind of my teeth? i think i have it all nice. okay. oh yeah. and yeah, nobody said he had the you, my left, the way that i mused on was on the phone cuz he shows that i've went through that and i try to convince
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me any way much one is a little bit like the credit system. but when i check on google, i don't ask you tell me, you know, somebody's on, we explore society. so i almost thursday seems like i'm gonna get the story any, you know, board exponentials and we'll soon as the scene anymore, they lead out of. but i should like for some feeling, some sort of system issue. a po didn't know what else they wanted to see on it. so when someone, when i'm on it on my cheek, that will not, i don't know, they don't want to come through the channel and don't say sooner and he has on by now out a cycling through 75. jose simpler shakes like it's, i'm inside of them funny. i left him, played up this one. ok. it is. they don't go shouldn't the money. and he said it's telling me, and i in
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caea that i'm was a guy, i think a and i will head it could be done, put on these noise fast, you know, sorry, it gives us the esl bundle and this is all to go in. and i mean to increase time, there is even more than 30 minutes a point, the ok, who are fully aware that she got single because it'll get to get them quiz compete . and then he says he's the mother and finish up on cosign saloon to what or in the no money if you still see no matter what. and when he saw they took the reading on the cheek on the way. lucky don't let us know. i left him. yes. when is the time of my, you know, the stomach and low plus delicacy come on like kansas and now i want them. i get definitely get to know. i don't want that. i like the ones that i can see, the real meat of them was canceled. the most singular piece of mills i didn't do today to whom yet, but on this, you know, when a guy does, she goes and in the middle campbell, my password. so i don't wanna get into the house,
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so that's gonna be the see and move that from fairy cause. she knew that if you it is the 1st time most today as the us the american express. they can death every now and that was the medic, though many dining room has been kept in. so i guess with the name that but out of him and i said there was test and by that this was amount of days while i was in a and can i ok gallery fit in to flip a lot less as i say on the and then when i pull it out loud, knock on one of the familiar hole in the familiar hole in the nav. okay. and went to see it in 0 a. i loaded into a new and i moved. yeah. and i've been to the shop so long ago, and i found it as soon gag and be a sub, but i would love the way the casa, who am i speaking you from in,
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with going traveling to sort of somebody and tell us i went away without a lot of and also seeing that i, you know, if i didn't see a little see a, instead of not going to that soon, can pointed out a lot of it. so you can see. and because when the data collection of the gosh, and i'm eva, i left the home on some of those, i will ask a couple listings on moment. does he 34. you can don't want the one number. you don't want to cause us to have in front of the assessment all your friends, you see to dive into 2 level guidelines that i will ask for the status of the 4 level of the kind of moment though it won't be able to get to sick with any type of food and any lady for that. and she has noticed holly's mother. thank you. a little 91 on the way to pick 10 business jelly. cool. let me just be going into effect. so i will ask, so fam steps and i'm thinking what i that i think so what i mean that came through in february. so it was a month on that making sure that she gave me a way that level to see who i was at with that i thought to that, but i mean that is it though, you know way to wait on them, but it's all in the to the bank with us going either to love is a limited i called
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a lot back. i really appreciate them in the know, get a satellite as well, who they talking with lee and because of his financial, been following the man to one of the voices, a game settled in the attic and the telephone's only of them all out of sending us in through the bus housing i saw smoke on profile, so i'm in and i was going to as my new what i thought uh if that after it pulls that i chose and then they hit the last part of the scan. and so of course i missed if there was, you know, not going, but i think i'm getting finishing it. i see, and i just want to confirm the address associated with the anna in the process. so everything you need in the process or the rooms. yeah. and that sounds like fun in the quoting environment and that sounds x, y, a flag. i might even say things are looking at us an estimate on this go gallery. and in fact, the motor co located chose to allow inside a joke. you know what,
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i'm going going, i lieutenant, that the deal can be no, i fell in many of the show. so i and i live in every single. it is easy and i and one thing that goes back is and you're going to click on a secret santa and then somebody think without it because a 1000000 that person on the data and then it will medical they lay 2nd. when you get then it was, i mean, if anything, you mean physics on the island, they know that, i mean, i think i know what is someplace of what it is. so if the entire hosting, no, sorry, no st. blood to make it i want i you can also say he's in. so can you call us look at the video. ok see think were that simple guy that will the thought a last good. ok. tell me the much what of and then i thought that it came the showing us a control center for something else. i knew we'd be more than a 0 to anya squared underneath and for some was missing the somebody else isn't triple a and me and for that one that she lives, it will not. it will, it is a way of us. i'll say a cell phone, a lot of business sales are called us if someone that knows what i'm going to say an island, but it's
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a bundle to the person. i punch it as button. i'm just getting into the trouble cuz that is at the funny see thought and i'm putting it up on getting more and then again a little bit and also for you as that goes, i mean, it's fairly satisfying me for some reason. the findings that are inside of the bible. well that's what i guess. i want to go on and tell them, you know, the faculty outside walls. i am one of the think must have been i don't know. and that's a ticket at all. no focus. i mean, sevens again, us in a safe and ok, several voice. i know them off the phone and it is, i thought i thought a own way them we have for that k e some the one the kind of so the police and other people that alone will, he shall come on board to study the way. so they consider feminist, the federal case significant, but they settled in 75 and i have been, i mean they're in that room, daisy and that i mean that and then it's i don't know if i'm any so you're not
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a can be not days certified. if they don't, i don't don't like the set of so political don't process. all right, well let's do a 90 a continue. i know that, but i mean, i'm not within take advantage of it. colonial gas, the funds of what i said, if anything was good and then it goes to rita. like a get a in the on the on the than us. you have a and i've been, i level say me, i exist. anyone can i person i get the say, but i mean his life on press any stuff going well for, i mean, most i found stuff. i mean even going to be stuff is us going. it looks like they're not only going into this that if any, that it can get the event that i will assume if i or not. so one and a this one the what it was. and again i, when i face the pool head, i start the last one, not only not one of us, but i don't is. okay. and it isn't. i hadn't think it then down life any the media . and that was a couple of interview set up. one of them is that all the work i see on the safe side of things. if anyone from these people, as soon as we move on the phone,
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they can, you know, connect the family funds, have a nice dental them using the sample up and they, they, for those ala came up on a fat spend at the thought of seeing that any new atom, if the fall or the 11th doesn't, we need that little bit closer. i was going to get an e mail and if the soon and when i can and, well ma'am for me i had come out on board talking to me. i told them into somebody else he can send me an email as well. i said what on gays to no size owners had to call in now last night in the in room far as if the quote was buzzing. no show i and no because they didn't, they wasn't skills and those me meant they sending an e mail and i was going not have been a, but i know some even panelists office telling me it was bad. i finished, i don't mind doing. coming up on friday. i think it was nice talking. i spent many steps on that. it's done to me. i know by the way, the laziness of protest this can be as i saw it. and so that is that i was just the thought that i thought i thought that i could i ok, how long would i be so, so i'm just, i think anyone that you know,
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see on that the only thing that for you but only the company and then in fact the get the i lost the knock on one level. so yeah, it goes through e mail is not, i mean, the only think i can get is that if that's always fun, no, from the data accessible. see i leslie, i leave id, i'm on someone that's who i got in from anyone sold or should i stay in the airport? the police take us? yes, but they shall probably take us going good us. if i will also say how you will get no steps to say in those, and i mean, isn't it that i don't what's going on and dollar if the only thing that i that i still hearing daniel is in gwen daniels a and a has some of what i see in the system sort of any size, almost a lot. so i mean these best place or you know, somebody say so low into i, you know, certainly the same thing in and out of your boss or like a center or something. i like went up and then we're going to pass. i still have it in the bus. i'm not going to them. and you know, nobody's a guessing the other thing. okay. yeah. i knew it was better than it walking. just feeling to the high school when they got that r. yeah,
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it probably 60 com focus over there. so then once we get that up, yep. inside, i'm gonna say got them whenever i'm in the and also a local move in and see me and also, you know what i mean, throwing up. we'll see you later back on finding out that. but with the comment that our, the best on us know and in the car, so not i mean that there with the so what are the kind of going, okay, it is. and again, i thought they had done since it was in the mornings. yeah. and because of their birthday, so the soonest with a soon sex, wiley, that the but it's on us, the process, i guess i should be, i don't think i wanna combine it as much as, as you know. but again, then once they got busted or not, i mean thought if we're at a point that it will have them, then i was, if i just combine, you know, go let it, how long ago possible to get those things. he doesn't remember. i think there's an answer that sounds like suddenly they last got those they on the meeting and as soon as they come under the impression to look i and they put it on the government's asking their boss, i think it is something that i've been this our lease assessing, thought the own event. it came out on the ground by going to get the rest. so i will get this and pick the fee ticket is 0. ok, the benefit. and what if you see,
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if i'm not buy louanda the know, got the least a sample of see me, i know a that i've been through the bus that goes through with me, think are going to be, i'm in there and click on that. so i left one of the in colors i get that in for the photo id and who knows. i think the navigate, he thought a lot by louder. yeah. of course, by someone here. yeah. up alotta. the dog. i mean, or there was a fight on going go while i'm going with the system. so there's no possible a glass allow so that i have to experience as going through online. i mean, if you have a list account as sarah swain and send me a solution and i will then send you some answers and the phone with that afternoon . see if the driver was not gonna come from work on this unit. the physical is up on keeping on line as a continuous, any points can any. so i have one of the things i think i thought that was the time one is and phone says a lot of the room tables i is the best assets take our focus. all right. the 1st one here to stay going has been took a wrong way to look at the same vehicle,
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and i started to get a status instead of an experiment 1st. and last, the last one is the strongly agree on us. anyway, pleasant inter plaza shows its name, wildlife bechtel white and tell him the one that is the one. what is that a $12.00. and the single talking that he a setting one, it has a gaming, but a definitive as a settlement. that's a thought though. he is going to cut about $0.60 the goal of you know, city animal. okay. so on the day one finds a way. so what i the school and i things in same way, like i said, uh glenn is gonna start the one. no, i think i saw that list a plato close as in domino kind of dallas and photos. i think the soonest either on the phone line as long as you want me fussing. i can can stay for the 99.90 miles and pretty much the same amount of kind of money me physicals and it was and i me,
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me for the in the room by the the it could. okay. i know. and because the getting on the bus out, i see finished. okay, almost getting on the one and for sale, does it, does it say on the status on your data? so if it's so it's okay. good deciding components. i don't know the certificate of one can as well as they shall gatos. it will not be in okay, that i'm not going to know nothing. once they've gone into the process on this deal and guys, you know, went on with him. i don't especially on the seat of well said, if you thought it was on via something to me on the vehicle be on another call. so he won't be a moment to go on our back to write that out for you. so my last and concern gang stand bases and commodities and that's got a is yackino to in and so forth. yeah. can, can in the same price as the price, it's okay to say, and i finish that and i know what i asked a lot. i was the phone at a time when i can get the order is ready for the time is gone. and it's only now to say the phone got an email and the phone, the association going okay, is this as soon as i, as i said, all right,
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hold on. one of those things get up and assuming with alissa the, the, in the fastest, the guys in the city is along with commercial standard. okay. me, father, they're struggling with that. i. so the sort of furniture is the sort of the same. so that's an issue as a sizable as online course or the data. okay. a good day and process. okay, so there's a lot of them and these are some of that about us. i don't want you going out of in the, in the say so, so don't know if they've been de leon know you're going in so many, one of the fund with i'm units are you who knew? i think that and then we'd also by me and i thought i went to the parking lot most the game bought the guidelines that i sent a letter about. and you know, there's a money that i'm ok and i was looking at the e mail and on family 0. gov main people at the and then then to say no money i make it is, has anyone thought that they live?
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i want the, i love it and i'll see you in one of the company i got in because it already was the, the on and let them see on the guys in. but in that as they say a lot, you get it. so it goes up a flight and they'll get on better get a more they thought in this as a family is the thing i get out of the dimple of the fact that i see a side of things and, and then okay. and they know, you know, in that you come own up. i mean, i've been, they'll said in that then you know, moment sized out of them into the, into a vice unless i allow that because i feel that the last care with, i saw that article, spanish a us and in for me safe as me, as does and endorsement meditating in their rooms and you say ok 3, they think on anything i have been and somebody when shopping in the body and that is yes and that that and here they thing is getting a survey to see if there is i can and i had a fan of what i haven't brought and it's done. so stay in the cool. and when i asked him anything, i look a little bit on the signers and especially in
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a black trash to say, think it'll get the warning info on sales at the moment. but politically, all i'm saying click on that it can listing info and know, don't know that i sent that. i think i like on time, knock about going to the library. so i went to a funny little guy. okay, good. i'm kidding. and i think i saw on it's almost anything but they got to go and i think it was so so, but i guess i'll also say in those like on the as soon as i think it that he bought a fund, there ain't but abundance. i've had a kick on the alonza. if so, can i please find out if the noise think of it, don't know me. one of the best i am looking i don't want to is i'm going to come and find out a 3. and are you all getting us get a in, in a percent or in for in oh, yeah, so i've been out of golf book the animal i was like wednesday, but i love this cnn on the government going. so for example, sci fi, and i'll go on and look to what i'm going in with that. i think it's,
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i still cool. cool as good as close as i'm so, but i like the people that have some time in the state of california. i thought it was something the familiar with a lot of it is. okay, well i understand that the nurse over saturday. yeah. sort of thing. just the one that is anything that was being brookside starting my emails. they have family for safe passing. scan that known as a fan, so i'm gonna try and fix those little files. are you looking for some of the bodies don't for going on. the side of a kind of thing for me, the investigators. i thought that i was, he thought is, but i guess the, the for saving leaders in the years, again staggering. nice. one more thing on a, to the has go there was a how long it is. okay. to say i see the thing is the laptops are here, i $7900.00 their day for some way for the device to offend facial be handling fee. there's a low fee for both in football, but it's like a good guy. yeah. a little bit special. so, you know, get like a gift from a,
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for you in the very low get down for, you know, you live with all the way and look on financial. and i know then for her to validate that if possible, they send me an email in law who finds it hello in a sense of how they've been saturday school. so if they fully began going on the other end of this, okay, nice. okay, but there's a validator, so it, it will get but i me not be in a way to bypass. i think, i mean i the candidate 0 this kid has passed out a lot higher. i so the 3 has, but i can't play left in that the total experience has the same sort of product of this sort of thing. okay that's, that's the sort of preferred. okay. so last of the 100 years after the rest of the cosign with those a service center, again, a center, definitely the listing the best out in a set of plans at this time. the data going
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to stand on names. lackey chasing. my gosh. yes. that's the us and this episode of generation change. hey, in argentina, the god promised abraham, this is the land that is going to belong to you and to your children forever. more right here in my back yard sales as americans present here. terrace from realtors here victoria, that was your accident from michigan. we have people here from united states,
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from russia, from india, from germany to june and findings for the idea of israel's foreign army on it. just yeah, that's all i could say. the latest news as it breaks and wrong on has given a cause that people come out in large numbers to galvanized population a board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better is driving some residents to the brakes from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have a unique perspective. everything is political. you must be out of college as an everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having
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a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's called us, it's right here. and right now, the stream on out the israel continues to carry out the tax across the gaza strip. several palestinians of, unfortunately killed into refugee can. the bottom of this is our, does a live from doha. also coming out of mass grave is discovered and con eunice and southern gaza. at least 210 bodies have been recovered week functions. it is very ami withdrew rescue as for us to save lives in southern china as authorities,
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one of the ones that have.


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