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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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and that the stories that really filled us having a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's all right here. and right now, the stream on out the israel continues to carry out attacks across the gaza strip. several pals demands of, unfortunately killed into refugee can. the bottom of this is out of the human life from door ha. also coming out of mass grave is discovered and con eunice and southern gaza. at least 210 bodies have been recovered. week foncher that is very ami withdrew rescue as for us to save lives in southern china as authorities, one of once in a century,
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levels of flooding and ecuador, as well as in favor of tough new security measures to find gang violence, news we begin and gaza was really focused have launched attacks targeting several areas in the central parts of this trip, including on mcgasey and put a refugee comes in to say that several homes are reduced to rubble off to being formed. the 360 and palestinians were killed in that attack. dozens more injured and rushed to a make shift hospital over 34000 palestinians and it also had been killed by his ready for assistance october the 7th. this spring law corresponding hunting. my 4th is joining us live from alpha and southern gaza and really has been another nice of deadly attacks across this trip had in refugee camps even medical facilities. once again, being hit of the yes,
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elizabeth and the fact that there's really another very separate updates of aggressive. 2 here for games, the central area in the area, particularly in the farrah refuge account within the past weekend 4 or 5 days. there was a military operation in the northern part of the refuge account. and later on is really military announced that after 5 days that completed the pop, the operations went back in and then renewed at the top across the block itself. the northern part, including the neighboring refugee categories as well as the central part of the central area, was of the gaza strip, including operation and not as a refugee camp and the southern area of why they have the targeting more residential homes and public facilities. and this time we're looking at that charge of, of health facilities and operate that and managed by allow the organization, beth, a chargeable health organization where it's not only the building has to stay and
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a great deal of damage, but also the nearby building that houses. it's solar panels system weren't targeted to storage is pushing the entire facility out of service right now because of lack of electricity and inability to get power. generators running for power here and rough i city was didn't more attacks across the city from the eastern part of the border line all the way through the evacuation moss, the last the zone. and what for, and part of the to the more residential voters ever targeting more evacuation centers are being target into right now. just a brief block and rough road. the, the, the, the, the, the rumbles and the destruction is a quite visible. and that's in light of the growing the threats of expanding the ground invasion dropbox, that the and how the, even with the attacks have stopped. people are still very much dealing with the, off them off with the number of mass graves being found over the past week. or so this is
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what we're looking at less than 10. they is the basel group. this covers loss or hospital was the 4th in a row right now one. and they have city a do, and i ship a hospital. and one of this one right now in hon, you and is where it's at least a close to 200 bodies where retrieve the from the, the massive grid that was created by this really monitor. and just judging it from the bodies that that were retrieved, some of them were in fact execute it with the evidence that they're the shows that their hands are tied behind their back. this is what we were able to document as we, we are right there in the middle of the mass. a great looking at those 3 bodies early in the war, thousands of palestinians to crack the from is really a tax in the nozzler hospital in hon. you know, many of them are buried here. civil defense, a cruise have discover hundreds of bodies on the grounds of the medical complex.
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now while as, as the looking for her son's remains and the has on just a minute, i am here to find a body of my son. his name is a lot and much selim electronic. his brother told me that he buried him here. we came from far away more than once and on foot, but we didn't find him. we've been trying for the past 2 weeks. really forces withdrew from han, eunice on april the 2nd. after 4 months of intense raids and air strikes, leaving behind the trail of destruction and mass in graves, it seems who recovered the dead sea somewhere, shuddered from behind. execution his tie. others were found with their hands tied behind their backs. many more are believed to be buried on the grounds of the largest medical facility in southern gaza. when are they coming on? i don't know yet when, when are they going to join? the identified bodies were delivered to their families and we civil defense. keep the undefined bodies take note of any distinguished marks for each of them. then we buried of another mazda gray, and yet more power, city, and bodies. over 3 of the,
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from the side was named by not be remembers, their identities are largely lost in on out of president in war. last, but remembered, those who have been identified will now receive a proper farewell for calculus. others, the search continues more than 7000 people are still missing across the gaza strip . most of them women and children. and even most of the, of the southern guns come off as politically to as mine. he says, as well as an interested in reaching a 6 find deal to end swan gaza. honey. it says that a non negotiable condition is the complete withdrawal of the as riley military from the gaza strip. and i do us with you and you have the heavy despite tens of sessions and communications exchange to fly. our media test design is telling me in some of this points has the most agree to cease firing goals. all they want is the return of hostages. so they can continue the war on cause this kind of to be they
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want some us and the resistance to agree to maps, referencing the deployments of these radio on me. as if to say we are legitimizing the occupation of the strip or call on a strip of this come up space. that must be a complete withdrawal from garzo and we want is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has blamed him off for the failure to reach these 5 deal that would allow the release of his rarely captives held in gaza. he found to so the increased pressure on him off in the coming days. let's the other phone. unfortunately, until now, old proposals with a release of all hostages have been outright rejected by some of them do. that's why the us secretary of state, rightly said from us, refused all the officers that were made to, according to him on the only thing preventing a deal that would release the hostages. it's from us, you called me instead of bucking down from it's extreme positions. so home i must build on division between us and drills and encouragement from the pressure directed out of the is randy government. him we will deliver additional and painful
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blows on from us. and that will happen soon. in the coming days, we will increase the military and political pressure because this is the only way to free our hostages and the chief victor on the side of whom it has moved from occupied a story. so then a continuation of a war of words between the 2 leaders as both israel and have asked continuously blame each other for the reason why there still hasn't been a deal reached. but it comes as this. and y'all, who was under immense pressure from not only his government, but also his own population, want to see a change he was in protesting, week after week in order to call for his removal, saying that she's the reason why not only october, the 7th happened, but why 7 months into this war, the remaining is really captive, still have not been brought back from dasa. now in this evening's war, cabinet meeting according to reports within is really media based on anonymous
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sourcing. these really prime minister had reprimanded those in the room saying that those who are leaking this information to the media are further emboldened and come us, which is why they have a tougher stance. but there are still heavy sticking points from both sides. and that how mass wants to see it into the war. and these really say that that is simply not going to happen. that's an yahoo maintaining but military and political pressure are the only ways to bring back the remaining captives from the central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. it is very full says have again conducted raise across the occupied westbank. that was really on the exchange file and palestinian fighters in janine. they also storms off at a village in bethlehem and they belong to a refugee camp in nablus. is there any incursions in the occupied westbank of being amy and nightly occurrence since as round launched as $1000.00 in october? the
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at least 11 people are missing off to storms caused severe floods in southern china . 53000 people have been evacuated after the pos of the heavy rain. that's heading gong dong province. the pill rather has boost its banks and flowed into streets and homes. the heavily populated region is home to china's technology and manufacturing sector authorities. a warning, it could be a once in a century disaster. katrina you brings as moved from the aging. so this program long as the south china ruled in part is that programs which has been more severely affected so far. as you mentioned, it's also frightening on friday buttons saturday. that's really when we saw a lot of wrench rate bassa down in certain areas. in particular. the cities that have been here to the cities in the north of shelves. one thing and seeing you in these areas, roads have been changing to rivers or the land slides that have damaged prophecy.
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and some houses are completely sleep mode. so we have rescue teams working in these areas rescuing those who was stranded so far no casualties have been reported. but according to state media, at least 11 people are missing. and in the city of genuine, a learn more than 60000 people has been evacuated. now in the white, a long don't programs, at least 1000000 homes had been effected by tyler outages and problems with telephone signals. schools have been closed and transport to the province within the province as severely disrupted the boards. railways closed the many flights legal counsel, once under the government announced an emergency plan urging only just the policies, the one down to protect shelters, to get ready. some food or water supplies, those who may need it. the low level has been raised to orange, which is the 2nd highest level, and really, authorities are very worried that was yet to come. because this area, the who river delta is full of important rivers. and many of these rivers and reservoirs are already at the flooding. limits and will rain is full costs for the
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rest of the week. so authority is have described the situation as ribs in this region is no stranger to flooding, but usually flooding happens in may or june. so for this flooding season, just on april, this is the earliest we've seen it starts since 1998. the rocky group, good time has by that has announced as resuming attacks on us interest from the country saying there's been no progress. and towards, on the withdrawal the group had suspended attacks in january of 3 american troops were killed in a drawing attack in georgia. meanwhile, the us as it shot down rockets 5 from the rock to was an american military base and ruling and sylvia no casualties have been reported. she competency has moved from washington dc in the segment throughout the 0 u. s. defense of israel said that a coalition, pfizer destroyed a long, tru, and self defense of the reports of a failed rocket attack of the coalition base and roman in syria. no us personnel
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were injured. the attack that emanated from iraq was the 1st since early february, when the various us militia groups targeting us was called a truce catalog. hezbollah, as truce there began on january the 30th they now say that is over given the lack of progress and negotiations to remove us troops from iraq once and for all. i'm in a statement of the group said what happened a short while ago is the beginning in reference to the attack there at the prime minister as they just left washington after a week of talks with various officials in the by did the ministration. i don't think tax, in fact on friday he had just said that his visit was a new chapter in us rocky relations. she had her chance the algebra washington are included as president, has one vote and support for a raft of security measures. that's according to initial counts by the electoral
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council. the plans put forward and a referendum my president died in the bullet or aimed could banks gang violence. the once peaceful south american country has been struggling with a substantial rise in disorder, including the killing of 2 may as this week alone. and while the peak as an indigenous rights activist, and she says, it'll be very difficult to get those measures through congress or the security measures that are important. it includes, for instance, to transfer the arms and guns taken from gangs and criminals to the hands of the police so they can spread the security a process called the consolidated eating flies, putting the military together with the police, deployed them across the national territory. but what is important to keep in mind is that from the 9 security questions, 5 require refire congressional approval because the amendments to the constitution . so it's not the referendum itself that will be able to solve them. all these
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questions will need to go to congress and will need legislative negotiations which are increasingly difficult. the president is isolated in congress, especially after the invasion of the mexican embassy. it will be difficult to implement because it requires a majority in congress to be able to actually be turned into law. so most of the questions in the referendum, who is all the questions, should have gone through a legislative road instead of a referendum road and 5 of the security questions that deemed the approval and the referenda needs now to be negotiated in congress with other parties. so the reality of the matter is that this referendum he's, they've valuation of the popularity of the presidents, of the concerns of it for dorians, for security and their fear of and security. they gave these monday to the president to focus on the security. but now it will be very difficult to implement residents for, for the majority of municipalities and northern cost of,
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or have largely boy cautious and voted $100.00 moving ethnic albanian may as from office less than 300 dollars of nearly $46000.00 eligible voices cost the ballot the poles would have paid the way for the election of ethics, sub officials backed by belgrade. if mikhail banyan may is appointed last year after another, the boy costs sparking riots still ahead on challenges. era, the government's health care reform, sleep deep divisions in columbia. and guns and ammunition of the military spending . so just to see it on the rise intentions and security, the in depth analysis of the days headlines, those. the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes with nothing you know, who is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to know that to stay possibly out
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of j. frank assessments how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature parties. and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera devastation, finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation. they're living on a freedom just life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapidly sinking country. and some of the problem today, the rest of the work in the habit tomorrow. and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land. the, the, the old just with
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the the, you're watching on just a, i have a me, elizabeth put on and, or ha, a reminder of on top stories. the seller is ready for us to have launched attacks targeting several refugee camps and the central parts of the gaza strip in the side of the camp. at least 16 palestinians were killed and several times from reduced to rubble locks of being formed. alliston in emergency services say a mass grave has been uncovered and con eunice and southern gaza. 210 bodies have been recovered so far. they were found buried in the loss of medical complex, as wally military withdrew from the area 2 weeks ago. and that's where the forces
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have again, conducted rates across the occupied west, back as ready on the exchange fine with palestinian functions of the city of janine they also stormed bethlehem. annapolis is rarely incursions in the occupied west back of being in the unlikely to common sense as well launched as will on gaza. at least 18 children were killed and is really strikes and the southern city of alpha. on sunday, the health ministry says at least 48 people have been killed across garza. the past day thought it was a report from the alpha and a warning. the view was may find some of the images in his report. distressing the phone and olson, this palestinian baby girl was the livid from the one both had the mother post mother and father with killed and it is very striking roughly. she's named ro, which means solon arabic,
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raised them because i feel right. and what's their phone or the whole family? why? from the civil registry and the only survivor, it's a small baby girl. her sister mother wanted to name her room, so no malik has gone on the door, his level worse mother supreme. the 2nd, he was almost 8 months pregnant when she was killed. doctors say ruth's conditions is painful and improving. how does it look and see? well, the, when the baby came out to condition was between intermediate and critical currency, often giving her medical care from the not until now. she got paid to gradually. during the past hours, we can now say that her condition is stable, on average. for others did not save only if the isabel strikes on rough, but close to $2000000.00 displaced palestinians have so refuge fees that i will have to put in specially. did you see one mind in all those killed? you know, it's about one mind who has been killed all of them inside the house. and here a women and children,
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as you can see with your own eyes to my entire identity has been wiped out with my wife, children, and everyone goes as health ministry says that more than 14000 children have been killed in israel's will. a garza, the bodies of many more have not been found that buried under the russell roof will spend the next month in hospital without a mother and father. but as, as well for in the ground invasion of russell she and thousands of children like face an even more one sets and future columbia as opposition has held the largest protest against against president gustavo petro is government there rounding against wide ranging social and economic performance by the left wing administration of us on that, or on the, at the report from bull. with that mess it turned to again, sending presidents tens of thousands took to the streets of downtown, but with the,
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again, social and economic reforms proposed by colombia. first, let these government some protested for the 1st time like 66 years old, medium took on sunday the report we are protesting against pictures, health care reforms. he wants to get rid of the private insurance, has depleting them on purpose because allowed that same without pensions. he wants to use our savings for his plans, and we call and allow that you to the rallies were even larger in columbia seconds . so there's a medical worker saying they feared the reforms could be saber by the system. to say about it, it has a system that has its flaws, but has its shortcomings. but he deserves to be reformed based on sound principles . and the whole set does need to give their opinion about it. this belongs to everyone. health is not a game. it is a right, it'd be in the status. so see all the ones, the elections riding the wave of discontent against the countries traditionally
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conservative politics and one of the most unequal countries in the world, no less than 2 years after his historic victory. most of his impatience, restoring his approving devices and he's been unable to find the majority in congress to get behind him in response, he has tried to force change to executive actions and proposing a popular assembly to change parts of the constitution or just help the opposition to galvanize the space, but also increasingly mobilizing sense reached the middle class sectors of society against the government. this has to make the government reconsider because there is a very large, an ever increasingly present segment of the population that is in disagreement with its policies and its way of governing. the government decides to ignore it or minimize it. it does so at its own risk on sunday,
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sir. now it shows that there is growing. this contains in a sector of columbia society against the government type of fellow affairs. and in particular, the way he's been trying to push forward his reform. but this message is unlikely to convince the president to back down, and he has already called for account abroad this on may 1st. i listen that i'm get it. i just see in a book that doesn't mandatory spending hits us another old time, high and 2023 reaching $2.00 trillion dollars as an almost 7 percent height from the previous year, according to the stall calling international peace research institutes. annual report is the 1st time since 2009 that military spending was an old 5 geographical regions. the top 3 spend is the united states, china and russia own most of them of the tree budgets. the shows wash of spending searched by 24 percent, and to about $109000000.00. you can have the 8 largest military budget the same
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year. david, a row. she's a professor at the national defense university in washington dc, and he explains what's behind the rise in military spending to the gaza war. the main costs are certain kinds of munitions and personnel, but i think that what is really driving the increases that israel is, is fielding a new, a stealth aircraft. the joint strike fighter, which is extremely expensive and is having to develop extensive a missile defense and rocket defense system. so those are extremely expensive. the systems himself and the missiles that they fire are also pretty expensive. so i think that this is a one off because a war it will be reflected probably in 20232024 figures. but there's an ongoing development and capitalization of missile defense in advance self air fighting, which i think is the real long term driver of the increasing is really costs. one
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of the criticisms i have of the slippery reports is that it just looks at dollars. and so, for example, a $3000000000.00 missile defense system that goes to japan is much more expensive than say, $50000000.00 with the machine guns that go to sudan. but those $50000000.00 with the machine goes they're by far more d stabilized them. so with that caviar in much the big trend that's guiding it. our fighter aircraft missiles, missile defense systems and air defense systems and then ships and particularly ships in an anti missile configuration. what this represents is the emerging technology or technology to stop that emerging technology. so i think what we're seeing is a bow wave of spending trying to find a solution to these problems of cheap multiple drones and ballistic missiles, as well as maintaining conventional mass on the battlefield with artillery in the mall. dave's the ruling people's national congress party is predicted to one controller of parliament in a landslide victory off to sundays and action. president mohammed louisa's policy
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is set to when 2 thirds majority in the house, the village was seen as a crucial test of his foreign policy goals always is pushed for closer ties of china moving the country away from long time ally india. 7 people have been killed and 3 long cut off to erase and come bid off track and has a crowd. spectators. and now the 20 people were injured. it happened in the town of the law of about 200 kilometers east of the capital. colombo police have launched an investigation. terry anderson a full associated press journalist who was held hostage and 11 on some 87 years has died at his home in the united states. he was 76 years old. addison, calvin's 11 on civil war for 3 years before his capture by his bullet members. in 1985, he was released in 1991. as the 16, yes, civil war ended. and that's set for me,
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elizabeth put on my colleagues. so head rahman will be here in about 30 minutes with another full news bulletin. whether was next to the inside story, we'll take a look at the implications for all 5 of the latest us a package for you. chris, thank you for watching the i had a load that will have a look at africa in a moment, the 1st to the weather across the middle east and live and, and off to some pretty dramatic pictures of flooding. the places like the u. a across the golf, things have a calm down as we go into monday. this guys are looking dry. i'm not sorry for ron . you can see a rash of rain still taking a hold here. but for the west of that lodge, the dry skies across the event temperature is picking up for cities like jerusalem,
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as well as damascus of the next few days and times as will also be on the off, across the gulf. doha, coming up to 34 degrees celsius, but the wind will pick up to and we could see visibility issues on the charts of some lifted dust and stronger wins. the strong, strong wind is the story across the north of africa. we have had warnings out with eastern areas of algeria, but you can see the west of when taking a hole in libya with the chance of bring some pretty nice the sand storms here, monday into tuesday. but he's continues to dominate to the south of that. what's the weather, however, working its way around the gulf of guinea, some pretty intense thunderstorms in the southern parts of nigeria on choose day weather as well, continues to dominate full costs of kenya and tanzania. but much to wire for the south. the. this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop
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a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the us house of representatives, degrees a $61000000000.00 a package, the price of the months of political wrangling hold of the food will go on with in tobacco russian forces. will this help in the world? will it just per loan, the financing influx? shit. this is inside the store, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm toma craig of the months of political holes trading and bring some in ship. the us house of representatives find.


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