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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the colors, the whole rahman you want to me, i'll just it renews online from one headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel target's refugee, you can send the gaza strip. several palestinians are reportedly combs. rawlins present a volume where you see business focused on 3 months after the 2 countries load strikes in each of those territories rescue us in southern china. rush to save lives threatened by a once in a century flooding. and voters in ecuador overwhelmingly approved the referendum in favor of new security measures. to science,
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gang violence. the welcome to the news. uh, we'd be getting gone. so what is right, the forces of launched attacks targeting several areas in the central pulse of the gaza strip, including the alamo housing and the bridge. refugee kens industry at several homes are reduced to rubble. after being bombed, at least 16 palestinians were killed in that attack. doesn't smell, enjoy it, and rush to a make shift hospital mold in 30 full 1000 palestinians in gauze. i have not been killed by his re, the full says since october. the 2nd. let's go save it to honey. my mood or correspondents in rafa in southern guns are standing by for us, it's been another deadly nights of attacks across the strip the honey with those
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refugee camps and medical facilities being targeted once again. yes, that is correct. then to find the right now there, if you can hear from the background, she buzz sounds, the grinding bus down of the drones across rough box city, including recognizance. eric cried from the flag at a very low level across the city. just deepening that shot or sense of, of, of safety across the city here with 1500000 displaced, palestinians are raising them. so for the expansion of the ground invasion of rough city, they don't know where to go. robert has been the last refuge for, for people here for the past 6 months. i know they're still living the aftermath of the, the past, the 24 hours, the looking at least 24 people have been killed, mostly women and children inside residential homes. it's just, it's not a secret right now. we didn't wear a roof on signs of visible distractions. are very clear right now. with rebels. rose rose and destroyed homes and public facilities. a quite dominating the seeing
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and rough i city. but it's really military. 7 continues to pounds across these, the strapping mainly concentrated right now in defense on area where rapids you guys are being repeatedly targeted, including their uh, public health facilities and residential buildings on infrastructure. just the past hours we have allowed that hospitals after charitable health organized vision in on the site on refuge account, not only been constantly targeted by artillery shipping, but also the surrounding buildings are supplying the hospital itself with the solar power of being destroyed, just leaving the hospital without any electricity whatsoever. just given that the difficulties within the past week, the average it costs this particular health facility. is that a brink of glass? just wondering the entire area without any health care facility whatsoever. and well, a lot is really drugs covers menacingly above even in your area. normally at this
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time in the day, honey, i normally ask you, you know why we should be focusing our attention because there were 3 areas. once one is the ongoing attacks which we see day and night. then we could focus perhaps on the aid opperation. if there is one coming in, but also the grubbing tension in rough uh with this potentially proposed is really incursion. why should we be focusing our attention on monday morning, the right now, you know the things that been evolving and i'm very, very dangerous way right now when the fact the entire golf group has evolved into more of a killing box where people are literally be and her data from one place to another here and over crowded robust city of the past 6 months have been very difficult for people not only from the ties in this place, but they have to enjoy the intense bombing campaign or not. with the growing fox
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and the threats of expanding the ground invasion, we're looking at literally, and it's total shatter sense of, of safety and security for people here. and we're talking about whole asia groups here. whether it's women and children vulnerable groups, those floor and hospitals are trying to get the proper treatment if it's available . but also in the center of the area where people are told, if there is a ground invasion and dropbox, that the people should be moving. 7 to either find me on the city or descend from harry, a defense ray, as far as the on safe right now with the ongoing air raids. and i've talked about this really military and hon. you and this is a, is a different story. it's catastrophic. it's more, it has turned into more of a waste plan with no signs of why we're looking at that very difficult situation with complete elimination of social services across the district. whether here in further funding part of the strip or defense from area for the largely empty
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northern parts that have the discharge with woods famine for the past weeks. the attacks are everywhere i do, we can safely say that the entire goal is to serve has been equally targeted. uh, but the concentration of right now is for the display of population and rough. i stated that literally has no place to go to do, to seek refuge or to seek safety. early in the war, thousands of palestinians took refuge from is really a tax in the nozzler hospital in hon. you know, many of them are buried here. civil defense, the crews have discovered hundreds of bodies on the grounds of the medical complex . now while as to looking for her son's remains. no, yeah, yeah. as long as this money i am here to find a buddy of my son. his name is a lot, i'm not selling cars. his brother told me that he buried him here. we came from far away more than once and on foot, but we didn't find him. we've been trying for the past 2 weeks. really forces
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withdrew from han eunice on april. the 7 after 4 months of intense raids and air strikes, leaving behind the trail of destruction and mass in graves, it seems who recovered the dead sea somewhere. shuddered from behind. execution his by others were found with their hands tied behind their backs. many more are believed to be buried on the grounds of the largest medical facility in southern gaza. when are they coming on? the identified bodies were delivered to their families and we civil defense. keep the undefined bodies take note of any distinguished marks for each of them. then we buried them another mouth and grave, yet more palestinian bodies. over 3 of the from this side was named by not be remembered. their identities are largely lost in on out of president in war. last but remembered. those who had been identified will now receive a proper farewell for countless others. the search continues. more than 7000 people
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are still missing across the gaza strip. most of them women and children, most of the, of the, of the southern gaza. so let's just politically, that's spelled honey says that as well isn't interested in reaching a safe spot, able to end its will and gauze that he says that the goods non negotiable condition is the complete withdrawal of the israeli military from the gaza strip. and i do also when you have the heavy hand, despite tens of sessions and communications exchange to fly our media. if this design is sending me in, some of this points has most agreed to receive the wiring goals. all they want is the return of hostages. so they can continue the war on cause this kind of be, they want from us under the resistance they agreed to maps, referencing the deployments of these radio on me. as if to say, we are legitimizing the occupation of the strip or call on a strip of this come up speed. that must be a complete withdrawal from gauze, ohio. and meanwhile, is there any problem in this opinion? destiny, all who has blamed him us for the failure to reach us these 5 deal that would allow
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the result. those is ready to capt as housing goes and the he's failed to find the increase pressure on him us in the coming days. let's avi other show. unfortunately, until now in the old proposal. so the release of all hostages have been outright rejected by somebody must give them to you. that's why the us secretary of state, all right. and he said from us, refused all the offices that were made to, according to him on the only thing preventing a deal that would release the hostages, lost it's from us, you come instead of bucking down from its extreme positions. so home i must build on division between us and it draws on encouragement from the pressure directed out of these rated government the last time we will deliver additional and painful blows on from us. and that will happen soon. in the coming days, we will increase the military and political pressure because this is the only way to free our hostages and the chief victory of a couple of friends that spring in a marsh, always a professor of security and military studies at the time hot institute for graduate studies,
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always good to have your insights into what's going on the eyeball. obviously we've got this, the war of words which mean hearing between the or how about the leader and these right, the prime minister yet. so these very prime minister, the pressure result, and we talk about this military group that is going to be sanctioned by the us. it will happen by default because the the state department administrators have told the american government to the president, what they're doing is perhaps illegally not sanctioning this ministry group. it who, while they, who was what is this battalion, what federal peroration will procedure and then the parameters have been garza. so this particular battalion is as been perceived as a rule battalion and almost semi rogue the gate to the it's the 97th battalion and it's a who to and it's probably mentally for orthodox jews. that's it really just
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use that this to they're primarily it's part of a reserve division. the 99. so flash division which is a reserve infantry division. and it's, it's probably many uh, does infantry with the feel brigade that is that this battalion is part of, it's one of the for the infantry brigade within the that the other one for the infantry battalions within that big and the that to the big was section multiple times, but by the way, the army, so one of its battalions was suspended as sometimes they refused orders into west bank. and they had some hazing exercises that caused them a lot of trouble. that is all for the, for the fuel gauge. they specialize in counterterrorism. and open more 5th and the they're probably mentally uh, working with that area well for nation is in the west bank la garza, but they would, they would move to guys that because they have quite experienced in urban warfare. and that's the most of the problems that is coming for this battalion for the 97th,
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a battalion targeted by the legal or all the targeted. but maybe you targeted by the, you know, these, this is that it's, um, it is the work that he did in the west bank specifically including many the many actions that if, if proven, can qualify as well crimes in many ways. so this has to give its infantry, but winter is in multiple violation. why? why is it so difficult for these riley's to, to actually control a battalion that has both adults mentality and why have now come to the attention of the americans so that the tenant is quite interesting and it's a, it's modal, it's a, it's moto, says your camp is wholly so it's a very, very much in the holiness of the more mission. and in a way, there are 2 issues here, one audiological. so when you believe that the, the holiness of the mission, it's not really commanded by the commander in chief or the,
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the prime minister. but in the, in the holding this of the emission. so they're quite a threat in applying some of their religious interpretations. that's on one end, but on the other end as well, there's really a army is quite relaxed and it's in its command that control structure. it's a, this is, this is what always gave it its edge in fighting its mission command, what they call to they delegate to the junior officers battalion commanders and sometimes company commanders even. and they make very quick decisions without going back to the most senior officer. so it's a, it's a, it's a way of warfare. is it part of the centralized, relatively speaking? uh, but what it gives you always very false decision making on the front when the junior officer is needing the forces so such as actually might sort of rain the mean may be in some shape or form. sometimes. yes, and sometimes no. uh, sometimes you had the eyes installed like aerial shut on uh that cost constantly made a committed ex that could be quite qualified as well. kind in a way, uh, sanctioned by the,
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by his own government at some point. and he was devising the ranks. so it's in many ways it does not ring them in a and i'm not surprised by the actions of the prime minister and you know, coming out today to defend them. because again, it's a, is bulky, a tradition. okay. stay with us, but it's still moment to get through in a moment, but the emotional, thank you. but at least 3, his writings have an interest in a suspect to the car running attack in west jerusalem is where the police say that they found with annette assigned to all of the incidents. so it comes from it heavy security restrictions across the occupied east. jerusalem ahead of the jewish test, save a hold of a, let's call say of defendants smith. they don't keep pod east jerusalem for more on the sun. so choose, begin to observe a significant religious time and security forces on the lot. yeah, so it's the stats of the passover holiday. um the white house, which is the administration of a alexa most could compound behind me, says a few dozen people of enter the plaza area today,
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which the puffin title to do is open to non muslims at specific times of the day. but was jewish worship is not allowed to do is pray on that to jews. this is the holy site, the site of the 1st and 2nd temples for that. and then not allowed to pry it. if i tried to play the prey, the police just uh, supposed to stop them, its much quads today probably be busy on wednesday a couple of days from now, but so far pretty quiet. so with that there was an incident in west jerusalem early today where at least 3 jewish men were injured when they were rammed by a car to men in the car. so many, one of them jumped out of the con, pointed some sort of a weapon, but it wasn't fired and they have run off and those now i'm, i'm home for them and not positive jerusalem. so there is high and security here, there is always high and security in jerusalem. around passover, a lot more. police have been deployed over this week, but comparatively. com for the time being. so, but it, thanks very much for the update. of course,
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we'll continue to follow this situation with you as the day progresses. if it was full, since i've also gotten conducting grades across the occupied westbank. now these right now on the exchange 5, we've policy and funds and janine we also storms as a ton of village in bethlehem. and the ballasa refugee comes in numbers is really incursions in the occupied westbank could be in an unlikely occurring since, as well. last as long garza in october of israel's government is describing us plans do sanction the military unit accused of human rights violations as a red line secretary of state. hence the blanket is expected to announce those restrictions in the coming days. amos robbie has been speaking to palestinians, they will confined westbank to say these sanctions many a whitewash for is ready crimes. after the worst violence in the occupied westbank and weeks are us plan to sanction one is really battalion based on state department
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findings. months old for crimes. now years old. tell us stands for and ministry says the americans are not serious about holding israel to accounts. sections of old was auto and come, but this still let's be an attempt to whitewash is an army or as an army and the government are committing war crimes. it comes against humanity and to come out of the genocide. and by this time, this would love to be a white voice for the army. we believe that the americans are serious thinks would stop the complicity in the age on a side think of the unit in question. the, let's say you who the vitality of a 1000 ultra orthodox soldiers, they have limited interaction with female troops are allowed more time to pray and continue religious studies in keeping with conservative police leave to incidents of torture and abuse in the occupied westbank most notably in 2022. when 80 year old posting and american r a side died in custody. he was detained, handcuffed, blindfolded in a band. and in near freezing conditions,
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the nets are you who that were relocated to the colon heights later that year and are currently in gauze. even if the unit is disbanded, israel's national security minister has said he will absorb the soldiers into the ranks of the police. but 25 other battalions will remain deployed across the occupied westbank. this week is rarely forces subjected palestinians in the tucker and refugee camp to levels of destruction. not seen since the 2nd intifada, 20 years of as well as real as the government is furious, that its biggest benefactor would sanction its military for palestinians. here it is political theater, the americans and lying, i say to bide, and then the americans in nothing with the such are you talk about democracy and human rights while human rights are violated using us money and weapons lava? it's nonsense if the us wanted to sanction them, they wouldn't have talk to them like weeds among us. us president joe biden's
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commitment to one side of this conflict remains clear. despite numerous reports of human rights violations, since the war on guns will begin, his administration has expanded israel's weapons stockpile and just days ago, vetoed a palestinian bid for recognition as a full member state of the un. the best case scenario, this could set a legal precedent in syria. it could mean that israel will no longer be immune to violating international law because really military's behavior might even change. but the more likely scenario, this is damage control. it is messaging by a white house with diminishing popularity ahead of a presidential election. st bus robbie olga 0 remo, load the occupied westbank post on the rocky group. good. the it has been on as i know. so this resuming attendance on us interest and the country. so i think that's the new progress and talks on that withdrawal. the group had suspended the tanks in january after 3 american troops. okay. i'm going to try and attack in jordan for more or less as cause i have a to moment up the one who joins us out from bank. that what,
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what would we know about the threats by this group? and how seriously should the us and its allies take it? it will, despite the fact that the recent statement by it has been less below brigades in a rock threatening to escalate, does not seem like previous statements officially. and also some of the has been obligated to new york doubt that a statement, but yet it seems that we're, we're now going to see another chapter of escalation between the lines. i'm a goose, namely this lumnick resistance in iraq on the one hand. and did it, the american and the coalition forces admitted to the facilities. on the other hand, what is confirmed as of yet is that there is security information set that belongs to the government of the prime minister,
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him how much he has sued any it has posted that they have a pro handed vehicles suspected to be used to launch the rocket it last night that hits a, you estimate it's a base and then know the east of the city and they burned it down in the town of the month that belongs to a name of a province in the, in the northern, the west of but iraq, so now could have as well as own was as they are, they don't not, they say it, they don't buy the narrative that the government doesn't have much to. yeah. so that he usually it gives in, in, in the got to the negotiations with the american side pertaining to the withdrawal of us forces. i'm going to send troops from iraq. and especially after the recent meeting of the bottom, how much he has to daddy who met the us, the president, to bite it in the white house in washington. and they say that that meeting did not give
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a clear response. and then he got to that was through one of us and go to send troops from iraq, which as they say, they are not happy with the outcome of that. to me think that the, what had the for us in fact, that's fine. just bring in a marshall again, who's with us here on the set. again, america under pressure really in a, in an allied states, a in a cough, which is states with, with a rock. i mean, how concerned should it be about this statement? it should be actually quite concerned. this is if we're talking about the has the law could the, if it's below it has below battalions that translate, this is an organization that has been so you can find that switch since 2003 and it has been advancing in terms of one. it's meant powers, so it started with a small in the, in the hundreds organization was a joining the american invasion of iraq. and now we're talking about the 4th of the,
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at least the division sized formation. so the big's the 45th, 46th and the 47th. and they are officially part of the popular mobilization units the pm use, which are at least on paper part of the electron forces. so technically they have an official step is that not just the munition, but also they were talking all about the force of over $15000.00 fighters with the activity units like activity when supporters with rock a doctor that he kept the abilities with the $24.00 5th god forbid it is because they intercepted once a drone feed from an american, uh, uh, drones that are there also have uh, quite significant mix of infantry and special forces. and they keep on the, on the, on that sustaining via text the, the us also has killed many of the, quite a few of the leaders, including the of the found that i didn't want. this was with cost inflame anyone who was killed at the head of the eclipse for so of the islamic revolution. we got
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all the on. so they, they decapitated some of the leaders and some of them as a senior and also the mid ranks. but they also apply that, so it's a steady lising force. and it, this part really, if you know it's, it's very similar to the ebony, says the law models, you know, you don't control the government by the it on. so you don't. the info is really a forced to run the lock, but you have a f, a group of, of issues in this case, advising one to have a veto, always in high politics of all the lot. it's easy to friends, that's america. candidates and from a rocky soil that 12 not to inflame rocky tensions because despite all the politics between baghdad and washington and the military alliances that however they want to sell this as a cooperative military grouping against an um function. there is also the rocky public, isn't that to be concerned about and the politics of around the rocky public
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that and put pressure on the rocky government about that deal with the us. so it remains a context of legality. right. so the americans on one end and they elected governments of trying to win hearts and minds of the pro it on you in groups are trying to do the same and they have the same or they have an alternative negative that the us has a colonial power does not belong here, and we are the orthodontic islamic resistance. so they're trying to even create some digit embassy from a, from religion, to fight back the us. and it's a, it's a, this power of negative that is trying to behold the an influence, the lucky public hodson lines. so it's a, it's still an ongoing contest. but what is very interesting here is that the, the lions don't even have to control the bug that, you know, they always, they would go a step down to have these groups from iraq to live in, onto human, at the very high level irregular welfare. the then these groups would always have
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a veto insecurity. mattress emitted 3 methods in foreign policy mattress and they don't have any responsibility because they're not the government for an interesting time. certainly when we keep an eye marshall, thanks very much for your insight. thank you. have the right the president did by micies arrived in buck installed on a 3 day visit. i am defending biological ties between the 2 countries. tension searched in january after an exchange of strikes, a little measured buddha, right. he sees trip comes or stays off to iran and is rad exchange drive. and miss armstrong's was tensions run high in the middle east. but at least the people still missing after storms calls severe floods in southern china. 53000 have been evacuated onto the path of the heavy right and that's heading, glen dung, problems, the poll river as best as buying some food in the streets and houses. the heavily populated region is time to try this. technology and manufacturing sector. also want to use all warning, it could be a once in a century disaster, katrina,
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you has moved from the chinese capital so so this program long as the south of china, it's northern part is that whole bins which has been the most severely affected so far as you mentioned, it's sort of raining on friday buttons saturday. that's really when we saw a lot of wrench, right back to down in certain areas. in particular, the cities that had been here to the cities in the north of shelves, one seeing and seeing you in these areas, roads have been changing to rivers or land slides that have damaged prophecy. and some houses are completely load. so we have rescue teams working in these areas rescuing those who was stranded so far no casualties have been reported. but according to state media, at least 11 people are missing. and in the city of genuine a learn more than 60000 people has been evacuated in the white a long don't programs at least 1000000 homes had been effected by tyler outages and problems with telephone signals. schools have been closed and transferred to the province within the province as severely disrupted with boards and railways flows,
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the many flights later cancelled. on sunday, the government announced an emergency plan urging all municipalities for pet shelters to get ready. some food or water supplies, those who may need it. the low level has been raised to orange, which is the 2nd highest level. and really, authorities are very worried that was yet to come. because this area, the who river delta is full of important rivers and many of these rivers and reservoirs are ready at the flooding limits and will rain is full cost for the rest of the week. so authority is, have described the situation as written, and this region is no stranger to flooding, but usually flooding happens in may or june. so. so this flooding season, just on april, this is the earliest we've seen. it starts since 1998 because he mentioned that the uranium in president has arrived in the pockets done the capital to meet officials that have to try. and you might say reset the relationship that's cause over to come all high. the joining us now probably some of us come all
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a chance really full, that senior leadership of both countries to reset, as i say, that relationship of, of, to quite a to bill and start to the of the end date. if you remember, it was in january that the iranians launched the attacks against what they said were j shuttle. all the targets inside. but lou just on focused on them condemned a rainfall. uh good for that. by a decade. but new job 5 does on the rainy inside of the border. so indeed, the relationship where the nor dime no. but since then the indian prime minister of foreign minister started came to bug just on for the sized dr. domain fences. and of course they will go so drug that the uranium president ford, where they go a brand name racy now, and it's nama, but they were given a god,
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god of warner by the prime minister. and of cause both sides attempting to reset their relationship. and to enhance cooperation. so what was on the agenda then come all is the 3 day visits. indeed there's a lot to be discussed day, very near the president of the company by the 1st lady, member of the cabinet, the business community. they will be discussing the counterterrorism cooperation that we'll be discussing, border management focused on the new year on shared or 904 kilometer long front care. also to really be discussing energy and agriculture now on the energy fact that they have gone through to be talking about the pipeline. but uh, i like to be discharged. and i've got the iranian president saying that the whole to enhance the trade between the 2 countries, through the june of up to $10000000000.00. come all thanks very much. close will
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continue to follow the rainy and the president's visit to park is done in the days ahead. thank you. the still ahead here all just there will tell you why india as prime minister in the end for moody is being accused of hate speech. just days after the country kicked off its general elections, the had a lot of a let's have a look at the weather over the next few days across europe. and it has been feeling rather cool. thanks to optic winds, blowing down, keeping temperatures in places like sweden, well below the average, but we still have seen some wounds across the south west for spain and portugal will see temperatures continue to rise here in places like lisbon. as we go into the new we, we've also got some areas of low pressure that we're watching. one of those is
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brings wintery conditions across the baltic states west to weather moving into northern parts of russia. and another area of low pressure is going to bring some pretty nasty weather to northern parts of a city with wintery conditions for switzerland, as well as lavinia and some very windy conditions for the south of this, for the likes of tuscany, as well as some of the a tally and islands, and west and plots of the mediterranean. now further east to visit is looking much t y a full the balkans on monday. but by the time we get to choose that you can see that west of weather starting to take hold of greece. and so the other countries around they're like, oh bane. yeah, well the north west of britain and the island of ireland and improving picture. so was coming back in with bright to spells, but it is set to get colder in sweden, on monday of the individual. now more the us army use the highly toxic her with catastrophic
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consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fought for just to get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people vs agents, orange analogies, 0 reporting for the action. how do you mean a great when i'm hearing the fact palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators. if president lucky, self reckoning the stability of the country, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store, the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the book about to the, i'll just that when use with me. so he'll rom in the, in the hall. reminder of all the top stories is where the fault is of launch the tanks, causing several refugee camps and the central parts of the strip. and the threats heavy 16 palestinians have been killed. several homes are reduced to rubble as to being bones. few any and present. abraham roy you see is arrived in a neighboring pocket, sewn on a 3 day visit. i am defending by law told ties between the 2 countries. tensions searched in january and foreign exchange of strikes along that shed folder that the indian prime minister is being accused of hate speech for comments that he made
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about muslims at an election valley in botswana. this weekend, the under moody subject. if the opposition congress came to power again listens would have 1st rights in d as a set c reference to speech by phone, the prime minister to support his comments. your position. is it back to accusing moody of trying to divert vote for attention from the real issues that a 1000000000 indians of voting and parliamentary elections comes to moody is seeking a set time? the valley da da da da da. this is the early a government sit, the muslims will have the rise over the results of the country. is part of the main use of this means they will gather all a welsh and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute among the info, traitors. do you think your hodgin monday should be distributed to the infill traces? do you accept that? this is what the congress manifesto says to give you the question that is a political activist and all the all phyllis freedom about the rights freedom and
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safety of women in india joined us from new de ms. christian, always good to have you on the product. i'm an interesting time ready for indians across a huge display or a land mass that is the largest democratic vote across the world. i mean the tax on your political opponents joining an election. all are expected of the lead up to the vote. but same and during the very clear religious focused attack and nothing new for the b j. p. lead it. but why is he saying this now? i'm not in the run up to the votes and it says actually it on up to the vote because elections have begun. but in the transmission, you just look at it. that was the most uh, explosive, the most provocative sentence was not translated. so let me tell you what that was . he left foot to the sacred tread that mattie team the women wear, and he said that they're gonna, it's, it's usually a gold chain. so he said that they want to come for
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a to snatch away that symbol of maddie to you know, auspicious, married life, they're going to snatch that from the trevino from the throats of in the women, and they're going to give it to the infiltrate to us. and so on. so you'll see what he's doing. there is 2 things. congress. the congress bought the and being guidelines they have put out manifesto was uh, with a vision of justice, social, economic justice and basically inclusiveness of different people who are, who have been deprived of employment and you know, who has wages have gone down and so on. this includes women, this includes of best costs and so on, as well as minorities of all kinds. so that's actually gaining quite a lot of traction and even us to, to tom small, the knows that i just achieve minutes or his claims of having achieved development. and so on,
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i'm not resonating with people. so that is why i think he feels this desperation now to forward back on the default setting multi. so he's not just going for a at the most slim. um, you know, don't listens. this is the 4th will be of push it out the oh, you know, when he would openly attack muslims and call them. yeah, yeah. let me just jump into that too much. i'll just open that ms christian because obviously i get, i get, we knew we know the election is ongoing and i suppose these sorts of comments i would expect in the lead it the 1st phase of this 6 phase vote. yet mr. moody has prime minister body has be in the lead up to the 1st phase, talking up the fact that he's going to get over $400.00 seats. and that he is absolutely sure of an outright majority. yet there is something this rock told him that it's not just about the way that congress has to see themselves across the electorate. he, he gets, report spunk, doesn't, to, a, from the security serves about how that 1st phase has gone. and it hasn't gone to
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plant, i mean obviously the focus on going to be counted to all 6 phases of over. but you get a general just don't you from your party work cuz in places like bonnie pulled up in the northeast and then down south in type of law do where the 1st phase of voting actually a code. and you can get a sense of how people think of what the issues of what the important issues off of that. so i think that one of the things that has, that has missed of will be quick badly is the issue of the electronic bonds, which the supreme court intervention has made was basically a scam run by the prime minister to extort money from certain um, business houses in exchange for contracts and so on. and of course, you know, people generally have, you know, the, the fees that the bill, the government has been transferring bad tax. uh, you know,
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the tax money from indian banks uh by way of loans which are not paid back to the big corporations, extremely rich corporations and also assets, you know, everything from land to uh, you know, public sector and private sector assets. so i think the idea that 3 distribution is in the movies, actually distributing taking what people have. i'm handing it over to a donnie and bonnie and he's extremely rich corporations. that is, i think of something which has adopted him, especially because the linked order button scam is up, you know, front and center. so i think that's why he feels this need to kind of, you know, like the skate go to try and change it, take the discourse a we who to create the field long thing. yeah. to, you know, basically stay and listen. is that something for you women and listenings upcoming for the left? just kind of this stuff coming for your project. i got this whole thing about finding escape, but let me just move this conversation a little bit more. can be the cause. you speak to young people, your organization,
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and you'll, you'll follow colleagues that in very civil society groups speak to a country that has at least 50 percent of his population under the age of 2565 percent on the 35 according to the world population perspective, so i ask you then how important to states like my harass struck roger started in the west, west main goal in east an o to per dash in the knowles in the use fight. because the next vote is the 26th of april, moody has promised jobs prosperity and the future for young people when it comes to his 3rd to the states as huge as they all have a very large young population. tell me what you think that conversation is going to be like in the days ahead. see the thing is that most of the, uh, you know, these all states, these are not states. and many of these states, actually deli, booked a seats and boats to list a movie in 2014 and again in 2019,
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i think i do various expense, but i think the fact is that he has promised jobs and prosperity in the 2014 election again, in 2019 and now to tom's are over and in the eyes facing the worst unemployment rate since in the last 45 years. so i think under desperation, among the people that have been many, many movements by you can different states saying essentially that even after education, there is no employment to we had uh, the only employment to be had is extremely, temporarily, extremely precarious and very, very in paid and i think that was the be if i were to name the biggest election issue this time. i think it's that of the other one is inflation. so i think these are things which a movie has no answer to because we use that to and died. dogs to address those
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things have gone much. what steve a better in before 2014 kind the that was in spite of the 2008, you know, so national, you probably nomic prices and so on. yeah. that's something we have to leave it. but discussion, i'm sure we speaking about this in the weeks ahead. i mean, there was still 5 more phases to go through for the night, but thanks so much for joining us from new delhi. sure, sure. the kudos president says one vote to support for a raft of security measures according to an initial count by the electoral council . the principal forward in the referendum by present on the, on the about aimed at cutting gang violence. teresa by proposed nothing to run in equity, a hold of them being daddy, as well as his wife and 4 children, 5 months ago when a criminal group attacked his home by mistake and killed them. the children were between the ages of 7 and 6 months old, corda, any sangree, and one security forces to put an end to violence in his country. some people tell
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me that it seems nothing happened to me, but i'm keeping it inside. i'm devastated. i'd try every day, not to go mad. on sunday, if we're dorians headed to the post 2 volts in a referendum to the side, the country's future people have to mark with a yes or no 11 questions. you can see them right here. 5 of them are meant to respond to countries constitution. i'm the mostly related to the current security situation, whether people would like to see the military to patrol with the police. also, for example, allowing criminals to be expedited to other countries. the majority of the population voted yes to all of the security questions. mendoza says the situation needs to change by you just on the to the side of the countries destroyed because of criminal groups. now that know bowers in power. maybe we can see something
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change. the results are seen as a sign of support for president, many and noble at hard line security plan to fight against criminal organizations that have taken control over large parts of the country. in january, the government declared a state of emergency and deployed the military on the streets and inside prisons that had become operating centers for drug guns. on the day of the referendum at prison warden, west. skilled in a restaurant showing just how difficult battling gangs continues to be for many, no voice trying to imitate the security plan of his cell, whether precedents and id will kaylee. he managed to reduce gun related violence in his country by the end of the se, there was a difference. okay, le, 8th, i mean i, the kelly was a man, had some type of contact for the criminal groups. he recognized the territory that
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did not happen here. yet, but their response to that for now, people want government action against the criminal groups that most of them say has them living in constant fear? it is shovel, i'll just see to be done. it was all residents of full sub majority of municipalities and northern costs. of it, as long as you boy, you call to the votes on removing ethnic albanian mass from office. less than $300.00 times of the navy, $46000.00 eligible votes as tests the pallets. the poles would have pays away for the election of ethics officials. i think i'll be in that as well. i pointed last year after another set boy called spark, new wave of violence. no subs are accusing the cost of the government of existing pressure with its police presence well called today, is accusing serbia volk, a striking, the boy caused the current and present governments. lensky has bank. the us house of representatives
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full passing, a $61000000000.08 bill. this was part of a major military package that also included funds, israel, taiwan, and other allies. ukraine hopes that the aid will hold russian advances deep into the country. drawn home and reports though, from the capital keith, you kind of been waiting for this for months while it runs short shows on the front line. and the defense has to protect its power plants. without this u. s. military package president below them is lensky said ukraine would lose the war. the will see, i think, raising support will really strengthen the armed forces, will be praying, and we will have a chance for victory. great, not if you crane really caps of the weapon system. we would need so much reach the thousands of soldiers needs so much. and this age should not be just grad, empty layer all over,
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but it has to end up in tangible weapons systems. 8 was $61000000000.00. 14000000000 in direct weaponry. it'd been stuck in the house of representatives for 2 months, some republicans opposing it, even going to a vote. still need send approval before being signed into law. but that seems a little bit guarantee that the more left is the site is coming like with god's will, the senate will approve it so, so that you can, can re gathered strength of the fight back against russia. then the question is, how soon the equipment could be on the ground. a pentagon spikes person said that munitions could be move within days. apparently, some of the west memories were ready in storage in europe, but it was still likely take weeks to get to you cranes, front line military. and they say that gives for us your window to continue pressing its current voltage. to some time its policies have been a bouncing slowly, steadily. the way from re may be enough to hold the balance of the summer offensive
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ukraine says rusher is planning, but it's only a matter of time before the country with a guide me to appeal for more us military. i don't home and out to see the kids. it's called global military spending hits. and the old time high in 2023, reaching $2.00 trillion dollars. that's according to the annual report by the still kind of international piece research institute. notice slippery. it's the 1st time since 2009 military spending rose in all 5 geographical regions. the top 3 spend is on a few to see the us, china and russia versus budget search by 24 percent to about a $109000000000.00 during the 2nd year of its will in ukraine. david, the rush is a professor at the national defense university in washington dc, and he explains most behind the rise in military spending as the gaza war. the main costs are certain kinds of munitions and personnel,
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but i think that what is really driving the increases that israel is, is fielding a new stealth aircraft. the joint strike fighter, which is extremely expensive and is having to develop extensive a missile defense and rocket defense system. so those are extremely expensive. the systems himself and the missiles that they fire also pretty expensive. so i think that this is a one off because a war it will be reflected probably in 20232024 figures. but there's an ongoing development and capitalization of missile defense in advance self air finding, which i think is the real long term driver of the increasing is really costs. one of the criticisms i have of the separate reports is that it just looks at dollars. and so, for example, a $3000000000.00 missile defense system that goes to japan is much more expensive than say, $50000000.00 with the machine guns that go to sudan. but those $50000000.00 with machine guns, they're by far more. d stabilized them. so with that caviar in much the big trend
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that's guiding it. our fighter aircraft missiles, missile defense systems and air defense systems and then ships and particularly ships in an anti missile configuration. what this represents is the emerging technology or technology to stop that emerging technology. so i think what we're seeing is a bow wave of spending trying to find a solution to these problems of cheap multiple drones and ballistic missiles, as well as maintaining conventional mass on the battlefield with artillery. still the head here on the 0, the divisions in columbia, it will tell you what schools thousands take to the streets and the capital buckets
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on the columbia as well position as old as long as protest against against present gustavo petro, his government, tens of thousands of people rally to gain social and economic reforms under warranty. after you pull something from the capital booker, tell me to certain how to gain sending battle. presidents tens of thousands took to the streets of downtown, but was again, social and economic reforms proposed by columbia. as 1st, let these governments some protested for the 1st time, like 66 years old, medium to apply to the court. we are protesting against spirituals health care
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reforms. he wants to get rid of the private insurers. he's depleting them on purpose. we can't allow that same without pensions. he wants to use our savings for his plans, and we can't allow that you go. the rallies were even larger in columbia. second, see the doctors and medical workers saying they fear the reforms could be saved by the system. they seem to say about it, it has a system that has its flores but has its shortcomings. but he deserves to be reformed based on sound principles. and the whole set does need to give their opinion about it. this belongs to everyone else is not a game. it is a right. it'd be, and the status. so see, i'll put that one. the elections riding a wave of discontent against the countries traditionally conservative politics. one of the most unequal countries in the world, no less than 2 years after his story can victory. most of his impatience, restoring this approved and divisive, and he's been unable to find the majority in congress to get behind him in response
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. he has tried to force change to executive actions and proposing a popular assembly to change parts of the constitution, which has helped the opposition to galvanize the space, but also increasingly mobilizing sentries to middle class sectors of society against the government. this has to make the government reconsider because there is a very large, an ever increasingly present segment of the population that is in disagreement with its policies and its way of governing. the government decides to ignore it or minimize it. it does so at its own risk on sundays, sir. now it's shows that there's growing this contains in a sector of columbia society against the government type of fellow affairs. and in particular, the way he's been trying to push forward his reform. but this message is unlikely to convince the president to back down, and he has already called for account abroad. this on may 1st i list,
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i'm going to get the address the, and i will get that as opposed to the principal's for the present try balls and all right. according for his return to politics mechanics, you ever pull stuff from re edition that right. the crowds turing results former presidential tables to model, calling for his return to power its post on idle 2nd rally since it was banned from running for public office until 2030. after being found guilty of using his presidential powers to undermine the integrity of the 2022 elections, i believe god will help us of return the quotes decision nimble snarled, you elected president again. he praised tech tyco milan. musk lashed out at both scenarios, arch enemy, supreme court judge, and to show them what i the most, because the courage to defend freedom of expression. let's have a round of applause for him. there's no spam, i positively still have the support of many voters here,
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but his political future hangs in a balance investigations and to bring so novels. a ledger grew in parting a car under way and expected to rock that by july. analysts hear say, is imprisonment is likely, monday must ask them defaults the popular books and that is using these rallies to show his political might on the streets, hoping it will protect him during all the legal battles she'll be facing in the upcoming weeks. and he's also leading the opposition against the themselves also now to may have been banned from running for office, but his supporters say he can still help elect his allies in october as municipal elections. monica, you're not give all just 0. we have scenario. this thing is a french and usually on 12 israel, where the head of the military intelligence director, it has resigned on monday of a failure, is over the october 7th attack named us major general. our on the have the,
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he's the 1st seen us to go to step down of the role in the role after the step it's, i will have more and that's all the other side of the break to stay with us. here on out is there movies coming up been at the forefront a progressive change. you're locked in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i've come to windows irish, 2 young women who have taken place and it's great to establish grades of freedom and equality. welcome to generation change as level series attempts to understand, i'm telling you ideas that move like use around the world. generation change on out just a or a unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of college and everything is a feminist issue. to on hug voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life in he's
10:59 am
a connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere . there is no over there and it's all not, it's right here. and right now the stream announces era, it is delivered over $300000000.00, will suffice in more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed. and we all turning jo, donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. god promised abraham, this is the land that is going to belong to you and to your children for evermore right here in my back yard sales. as americans listen to this, there is some realtors here just to make sure you know whether you're accident from
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michigan or people here from united states, from russia, from india, from germany. ready findings for the idea of israel's foreign army on it just yeah, that's all i could say the israel target's refugee comes in the gaza strip. several palestinians are opposed to be killed. the thoughts of robin you want to i'll just overlook my headquarters here in the also coming up. there was a president abraham, right. you see visits focused on 3 months after the 2 countries loan strikes in. each of those type of trade risk goes in southern china rushed to save lives by once in a century flooding. i will tell you why india is prime minister in the venture.


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