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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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2nd, we have people here from united states, from russia, from india, from germany, to june your findings for the idea of israel's foreign army on a just yeah, that's all i could say the israel targets refugee comes in the gaza strip. several palestinians are opposed to be killed. the thoughts of robin, you're watching all just every like my headquarters here in the also coming up there all as a president abraham. right. you see business focused on 3 months after the 2 countries loan strikes in. each of this type of trade press goes in, southern china rushed to save lives by once in a century flooding. i will tell you why india's prime minister in the venture moody
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is being accused of hate speech. just days after the country kicked off its 6 weeks general election news. welcome to the bank and we begin in ga. so what is really false as of last attacks on several areas and the central parts of the strength, including and because the other, a refugee comes in uh, the rest of it. bottoms reduced homes to rubble and killed. at least 16 palestinians. dozens more injured and rushed to make ships. hospital. is there any forces of killed molten? $34000.00 palestinians in garza since october the 7th. meanwhile, in general about is ready. will kings talk to the group of people in the city center, the wounded hoping, taken to alexa hospital, the treatments? many of them of children kind of moved is all correspondence funding by for us in southern guns that short time ago. how do you, when we was speaking these really drones were above your head? what's the situation like that now knowing that strikes happens both day and night?
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well, not only we're seeing a drones and recognizance or crafts are hovering at a very low level here in the skies of rough estimate is just deepening defense of shattered safety and pretty much hurting people to areas where they think it might be safe for them to shelter and but at the same time, these very drones are carrying out attacks in the central area. amelia, during the last to be work within the past. our group of people near a residential home to do or shelter again were targeted. 3 people reported killed right away with several others injuries or reported to unlock soft hospital that just happened within the past couple hours as we were preparing for. surely our report, danish, a report stated that it was a car, but then later on we learned it from a source on the ground. it was only a group of people who were simply outside the residential home that they have been
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sold during again since they were displaced from the northern parts of the gaza strip. and this was the, the pot under we've seen within the past couple days within the past couple of weeks, more of it is happening where families, entire family is a group of people that any possible gathering wood or small or big are being targeted deliberately. the past 2 weeks, the attacks on the children a flight run is another indication of how the left breast. there's basically no 2 arms. so what's going on on the ground whatsoever, these it drones right now. here are pretty much a bad omen for people to hear because as soon as they are in the skies, it's just causing great deal to panic. i'm concerned for people because you don't know when are they going to try and where are they going to stripe? yeah, a menacing sounds i believe that we can here in the street as close as being transmitting gladly as well to all of us. honey, we often say, you know, wish do we focus our attention?
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there is so much to discuss whether it's the impending stress of a rasa incursion is the age getting through a tool through any of the gateways into gaza. oh again, as you've just mentioned, the strikes that come day and night. let's just talk about the tension that they raise in rough at the moment, about this ongoing threats by the israelis of an incursion. what is quite a draining for the 1500000 displace palestinians in dropbox city, in addition to the local residents here who literally have no safe place to go to. and that's not, not to say that the rep that has been largely safe in fact, that has been targeted repeatedly and more relentlessly, equally as areas of the rest of the gosford that were born valenze of the by the air strikes more people have died here across throughout the past 6 months because of the relentless there it strikes,
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then the sheer level of destruction paused here. there are areas of roof. i hear that completely without any social surfaces whatsoever. just forcing people into more internal displacement. i'm on top of that. the shortage of, of food supplies and medical supplies, particularly we are able to see here and document the daily striking of people here at the go with hospice. i'm trying to get a treatment of from the hospital, but the hospital with its insufficient medical staff, as well as the disorders or medical supplies unable to provide any sufficient treatment. what's the favor, perhaps the most tragic thing that's going on is the ongoing discovery of massive raise that put more pressure and people that just shattered their any sense of safety right now or is it like a logical will be? is the discovery of almost $200.00 bodies in the 4th and a 4th mass, the grave. in a role there has been within the past. and these 4 major discoveries of these mazda group, across the guster of the northern parts and gauze and city,
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were able to document this mass, the grave and the tree of, of bodies from nozzler hospital. as of yesterday, early in the war, thousands of palestinians to crack the from is really a tax in the nozzler hospital in han eunice. now, many of them are buried here. civil defense, the crews have discovered hundreds of bodies on the grounds of the medical complex . now while as to looking for her son's remains and the has on just monday, i am here to find a buddy of my son. his name is a lot, it might sell him out of town. his brother told me that he buried him here. we came from far away mounted ones around for but we didn't find him. we've been trying for the past 2 weeks. really forced his withdrawal from han eunice on april the 2nd. after 4 months of intense raids in air strikes, leaving behind the trail of destruction and mass and graves, it seems who recovered the dead sea somewhere, shut it from behind execution style. others were found with their hands tied behind
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their backs. many more are believed to be buried on the grounds of the largest medical facility in southern gaza. when are they coming on? i don't know yet when, when are they going to join? the identified bodies were delivered to their families and we civil defense. keep the undefined bodies take note of any distinguished marks for each of them. then we buried of another mazda gray, and yet more power, city, and bodies. over 3 of the from the side was named by not be remembers, their identities are largely lost in on out of president in war. last, but remembered, those who have been identified will not receive a proper farewell for calculus. others, the search continues more than 7000 people are still missing across the gaza strip . most of them women and children. and even most of the, of the southern gauze know, israel's military intelligence chief has to done up to saying that he takes full
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responsibility for the lives and security on october the 7th. let's get more on this breaking news story with ben and smith. he's occupied east jerusalem. so militarily the heads of started to roll. so yes are on the leave. a is the head of military intelligence decades of experience of animals in charge on october 7th. but how much launched that the salt into israel, the most devastating assault of israel as a this has happened in his round since the countries foundation in 1948. now, we now know, but since then, the reason that was allowed to happen was launched because of a spectacular failure of military intelligence. we now know that for up to a year before the, how much the attack on october, the 7th, these riley intelligence had, had a hands on the document. pretty much detailed how october the 7th would come out. we know that spoke to is and he's really military spots as in the towel was around
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because i had been reporting for months that they see not cubic feet in gaza that look like how mazda another fighting groups were saying, preparing for some sort of attack on israel all about was ignored. it was all ignored because that was a belief. we now understand right at the top of military intelligence, i'm conveyed and held by these riley government. but how much did not want or was not in the market for looking to attack is riley was more interested in governing gauze. what we now know that that was not the case. and our on leave is the 1st while he accepted responsibility. i think about a week or so after october, the 7th, but it stayed in post during the war in gaza. he's going to stay in pose now. in fact, until a replacement has been found. but he is the most senior leader to resign. he's cold and his resignation for a national commission of inquiry to be stablished into what led up to october 7th
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to in the highlights and expose the failure is the government has yet to do that. the government says it wants to concentrate on the war in gaza. but many accused prime minister benjamin netanyahu deliberately prolong getting that will, because he also does not want to face up to any responsibility he might have for october. the 2nd actual behavior. a lot more of this in the coming out, somebody and then a thank you us. now at least 3 is very lisa being injured that i suspected car on the attack in west jerusalem. the 2 suspects of being the poorly arrested security has been increased across occupied east jerusalem ahead all the jewish past, save a holiday. is there any forces of once again conducted rates across the occupied west bank? they exchange fine with palestinian fighters and janine false is also storms, atara, village and bethlehem. and the beloved refugee camp in nablus is really incursions . milk pod westbank could be that they're not going to cover instances where a lot of this will run guns october, for hundreds of people turned down. so the theater was
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a full team palestinians killed during a 3 day right by these right. in the army in the neutrons refugee, you can, it was one of the worst is really rates in recent months. is there any falls isn't sacrilege of killed a full $186.00 palestinians be able to find the west bank and nearly 7 months. israel's government is describing us plans to sanction a military unit accused of human rights abuses as a violation of the red line security secretary in the states entity blinking is expected to announce those restrictions in the coming days. same sort of we have been speaking to palestinians, they will confide westbank to say the sanctions on mailing a whitewash 1st way. the crimes after the worst violence in the occupied westbank in weeks of us plan to sanction one is really a battalion based on state department findings, months old for crimes. now years old, how stands for and ministry says the americans are not serious about holding israel to accounts. sections of old was auto income,
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but this to look to be an attempt to whitewash is an army or as an army. and the government are committing war crimes, it comes against humanity and to come down to genocide. and by this time, this would love to be a white toys for the army. we believe that the americans are serious thinks would stop the complicity in the age on the sides and guns on the unit in question. the let's say you who the vitality of a 1000 ultra orthodox soldiers. they have limited interaction with female troops are allowed more time to pray and continue religious studies in keeping with can surface police at least the incidents of torture and abuse in the occupied westbank, most notably in 2022 when 80 year old posting and american omar a stock died in custody. he was detained, had cost the blindfold in a band. and in near freezing conditions, the nets are you who were relocated to the golden heights later that year and are currently in gaza. even if the unit is disbanded,
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israel's national security minister has said he will absorb the soldiers into the ranks of the police. but 25 other battalions will remain deployed across the occupied west bank. this week is really forced to subjected palestinians in the tucker and refugee camp to levels of destruction. not seen since the 2nd into 5 to 20 years. while israel's government is furious, that its biggest benefactor would sanction its military for palestinians. here it is political theater. the hot to the americans and lying, i say to bite it and then the americans enough like with this to you talk about democracy and human rights. while human rights are violated using us money and weapons lava it's nonsense if the us wanted to sanction them, they wouldn't have talked to them like weeds among us. the us presidential guidance commitment to one side of this conflict remains clear. despite numerous reports of human rights violations, since the war on guns will begin, his administration has expanded israel's weapons stockpile and just days ago,
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vetoed the palestinian bid for recognition as a full member state of the un. the best case scenario, this could set a legal precedent in syria, could mean that israel will no longer be immune to violating international law because rarely military's behavior might even change. but the more likely scenario, this is damage control. it is messaging by a white house with diminishing popularity ahead of a presidential election. zane bus robbie olga 0 rama loved the occupied westbank post on the 2nd to nigeria, which is hosting an african security summit and help you with the officials will take part along side representatives from the us the european union in russia. now that's set to discuss ways to combat groups in the region, like a book of her arm and deisel. but several countries including molly, became defensive and is, you know, it's expected to attend. let's get more of this from and the address to joins us from the capital of boucher. so what's on the agenda and that's
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what so many things. so basically they're looking at the type of financing, number one, the flow of illegal. so that is to and in the crisis, not only i talk to my, i'm groups like i would kind of before. i'm like, also in, i did it. yeah. you also have, i'm groups, operating immoral community step arising, people displacing hundreds of thousands of media. so wow, and keep nothing people to run some, they are going to discuss that as well. and they're also going to cooperate uh, regarding fighting a fighting terrorism as one of those types of tetra o. i'm groups operating in the region for example. according to that nature such as speed, some print to 22 africa right now. accounts for more depths, then asia and the middle east combined when it comes to general types. now basically doc has waste concerns. yeah. and what separate to in particular countries like model input, can it possible accounts for 73 percent of full text property, you know,
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forget and represent also 53 percent off on the sides of tax. and in terms of that, i'd be comfortable 53 percent globally of the depths caused by 10 restaurants across the world. so the lead us yeah, i want to discuss this and also co operate on finding ways to deal with the problem . the presence of 5 members of the security council at this meeting as well as the un constant orders of offices, signifies that they are willing to cooperate and also look at the possibility of using the country country, separated by tourism using their way to getting equipment and intelligence to deal with a problem a time. so while on that, but it's easy to gather everybody together, it's easy to talk about the issues at hand. it's more difficult to implement the mass. you say somebody has to be achieved. ton jibley doesn't that in the region. exactly. and that's just the 11 of the biggest problem facing the fights. i guess
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i'm goose operating. not only in nigeria. yeah. the so how long the rest of the cabinet was little coordination among the members. it's even within the next at region, but it's something called the mock, the national joint task force that includes contraceptive bible for them in other countries like money not get it, but can apply. so comfortable and recently to one veneer republics, they are all doing things their own way. there is little coordination, despite the presence of the month to maximum force. there is little coordination and that is little shedding of your time. these are some of the discomforts. so there is one group called the month to interaction with your task force fighting these i'm groups that are also individual, i'm his administrative of the region fighting these. but again, lack of shedding, i guess, i mean, tentative among countries in africa, countries, not so many efforts in a possible modeling. i did it at all these countries, do you the um hoops because the, the freedom to operate without having a coordinated approach to dealing with their position. this is,
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this is because many of these countries have failed to organize themselves and organize this of this particular come for us, are saying that this is what they want to get done before they can just meeting by tomorrow as well. and then address that for us in the future. thank you. we'll still head here on, i'll just share ecuador insights in favor of tough new security measures to fight gang violence. the the, there's been a flat as much as central europe of cold air to emanate from the out think has been warmed a little bit, but as is coming down, it's meant mobile waters and phone 3 children to 3 to the lowest. one of the a g, i think one of the black sea and one of the stuff here in western russia then running into was the voltage states. all those are produced notable whether they're
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to be slightly weather and that's obviously over the alps and stretched into west in pots of austria. does rain developing in west new tray in significant stay for the baltic states and this process will continue into tuesday. but rid this is expanding side of the snow possible in the pairing these and significant rain dialing albania and up through to remain here as well with what looks like mole cold air coming down into the northern finds you well, not brussels have seen snow that was stay in belgium on sunday, but i don't think he's going to be repeating the as not as cold as it comes in mid week. sorry for tuesday, wednesday and so so you have about 10 degrees and the top of your range has it looked to bypass. it should do significant wind at the moment in libya and now jerry enough to pick up the desk. some actually produce a sandstone, but where it's rubber active here, it's not in the sales. the shows are not reaching a long way. know of up into something and bobby the,
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the book about you want to, i'll just bear with me. so he'll rodney the reminder of all told stories is really full, say sort of low tanks, townsend several refugee cans in the central parts of the strip in this way. and that be 16 palestinians are killed several times reduced to rubble after being foamed. it drives me to change halogens, cheapest down up to saying that he takes responsibility to the lapse in security on october. the 7th. major general, i don't believe it is. the 1st scene is ready to go to quits following the how much the time for the spring and i my show has been following events with us here from
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the doha is chief of graduate studies. interesting departure at the top of the is really military brass. quite interesting. yeah. it's uh somebody had to take the full 4 7th of october. i think it's quite high level in terms of the, the top of the military intelligence. although they the, the, the issue as was more of the intelligent cycle because they had the information they had the that they saw the preparations, the, these are preparations were reported by junior intelligence analysts. but it was not the did not reach the thought process because it, it was felt that it's not significant enough. and what they're seeing maybe how much is willing to do something like that, but it's being capable of doing so. so it was an under estimation of the god forbid, at ease of the cause, some battalions intensive face of the prism in which we view israel and how it likes to be viewed by the international community. so the quite some pressure, bailey, now we're hearing of this military a general being removed or residing,
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but also a battalion also being sanctioned by the us. there was pressure a little bit more pressure. yeah, absolutely. but the, the, the, that the tell you, in particular, the, the 97th battalion of the fee, a brigade of the $9.00 hundreds, the gate. it's a sort of a little battalion in a semi, it'll be gate. it's not the 1st time it was accused of beating a palestinian american citizen. a lot of that law died off to the heart attack which made it looks that this was in january 2022. so the u. s. was sustaining, especially since then and demanded that uh the some sanctions get applied to this uh, discipline get applied to this uh, tell you and particularly, and these are you response was, uh was that were going to deploy this battalion, this infantry battalion from the west bank to the golden heights to put them under
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the northern command. and it was done on paper, but we're not sure if that actually happened. they stayed in the west bank and after the 7th of october, they were deployed in gaza. and apparently the, there are some quite a few violations that were recorded there as well. so that increased the pressure to do something about about this battalion in terms of the overall viewing all of these really minute treated by maybe it was a be the westbank coal. cause i think the spotlight is more on them now. not just by the united states, but, but by the you, for example, i mean if america's going to put some sanctions on this but took it a battalion normally you follow states as well? oh, absolutely. i'll throw this, this level of destruction, of this levels of multiple allegations against fine as a full full of crimes against humanity on that level of force. concentration 5 ball concentration in areas that are a civilian areas. the white, widely populated with,
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with the women children, elderly, after older. so you'll probably have some significant political pressures on the, on these ready to government. but historically, is where the government has been quite defined and resisting social pressures and acting according to their plans, which does not include the human rights reservation of the had a senior. so yeah, we're just see what happens in the coming us of the my mentor emotional, thank you. a radiant present. it brought him raising says rise in buckets down on the 3 day visits aimed at mending biological ties between the 2 countries. tension, search and january after an exchange of strikes along the shred, buddha lacey's trip comes to stays off to iran. and isabel exchanged road. and miss armstrong's attentions went high in the middle east to come all high to possible on the visit from the bach hasanti capital. it was in january that they, iranians launched the attacks against what they said were j. show all the targets inside but not just on target done then condemned
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a rainfall. uh good for that by attacking. but new job white guys on the right hand side of the border. so indeed the relationship was that done or dime? no, but since then the indian prime minister of foreign minister started came to plug it on board, the sized dr. domain fences and of course they will go to a drug that they are in, in presidents awards where they grow a brain racing now and it's normal, but it was given a god, god of warner by the prime minister. and of cause both sides attempting to reset their relationship and to enhance cooperation. there's a lot to be discussed day very near the president of the company by the 1st lady, member of the cabinet. the business community day will be discussing counterterrorism cooperation day will be discussing border management focused on a near, on shared or 904 kilometer long front care. also to really be discussing energy
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and agriculture now on the energy fact that they have got to be talking about the pipeline. but uh, i like to be this gosh, and i've got the iranian president saying that he hopes to enhance the trade between the 2 countries. through the june of up to $10000000000.00, and the as prime minister has been accused of hate speech. the comments he made about listening and such an election rally in botswana that the weekend, the under moody said that the opposition congress came to power again, muslims would have the 1st rights to induce a set. so he referenced a speech by sold a prime minister to sports cummins. the opposition is at bank accusing mary of trying to divert those retention from the real issues valid, i'm going to use that to got to be on it, bob. bob, this is the early a government said the muslims will have the rise over the results of the country. is part of the main use of this means they will gather all the welsh and give it to the people who have more children. they will distributed among them,
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full traitors. do you think your hodgin monday should be distributed to the info? traits is do you accept that? this is what the congress manifesto says. at least 11 people are missing off the stones, close to the floods in southern china. $53000.00 are being evacuated out to the path of the heavy rain that sitting on dung providence, the pill rivers bust its bangs, insight into streets and houses. katrina, you has moved from beijing of this problem. long as the south of china is northern part is that whole bins which has been the most severely affected so far as you mentioned, it sorts of writing on friday. but saturday, that's really when we saw a lot of wrench rate bassa down in certain areas. in particular. the cities that had been here to the cities in the north of shelves, one seeing and seeing you in these areas, roads had been changing to rivers. there been land slides that have damaged prophecy and some houses deep sleep mode. so we have rescue teams working in these
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areas rescuing those who was stranded so far no casualties have been posted. but according to state media, at least 11 people are missing. and in the city of genuine a learn more than 60000 people has been evacuated in the white a warm don't provence. at least 1000000 homes have been effected by tyler outages and problems with telephone signals. schools have been closed and transferred to the province within the province as severely disrupted with words roll bass players and many flights later cancelled. on sunday, the government announced an emergency plan urging all municipalities the wrong. don't profess shelters to get ready. some food or water supplies, those who may need it. the low level has been raised to orange, which is the 2nd highest level. and really, authorities are very worried that was yet to come. because this area, the who river delta is full of important rivers and many of these rivers and reservoirs are ready at the flooding limits and will rain is full cost for the rest
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of the week. so it's already, as i've described, the situation as written in this region is no stranger to flooding, but usually flooding happens in may or june. so so this flooding season, just on april, this is the earliest we've seen. it starts since 1998 the old days, the building people's national congress policy is predicted to in control of parliament. and along this line victory after sundays election. present mohammed means use policy is set to in a 2 thirds majority in the house. he had pushed a close the times with china and moving the country away from its long time ally, india. the president has one vote to support the rest of security measures according to initial count by the electoral count. so now the plans put forward in the referendum by present, daniel and above, aimed at cutting gang violence trace of a pulse in durant and equitable quarter them being died. he has lost his wife
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and 4 children 5 months ago when a criminal group attacked his home by mistake and killed them. the children were between the ages of 7 and 6 months old quarter, that he sangree and one security forces to put an end to violence in his country. some people tell me that it seems nothing happened to me, but i'm keeping it inside. i'm devastated. i'd try every day, not to go mad. on sunday, if were dorians headed to the post volts on a referendum to the side, the country future? people have tomorrow, with a yes or no 11 questions. you can see them right here. 5 of them are meant to respond to countries constitution. i'm the mostly related to the current security situation, whether people would like to see the military to patrol with the police. also, for example, allowing criminals to be expedited.


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