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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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and the problems of holding any one accountable for the desk. shooting the messenger $10.00 to 0. the israel targets refugee comes in the gaza strip. at least 7 palestinians have been killed the to kill him. so rahman, you want to go just every line headquarters here in the also coming up. these really intelligence chief resigns taking responsibility to failing to prevent the october 7th attacks rescue is in southern china. a rush to save lives threatened by severe flooding. and india's prime minister under, under moody, is accused of hate speech. just days after the country kicked off its 6 weeks
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general election. the welcome to the packet with the getting goals of what is ready falls as of last attacks on several areas in the central parts of the strength, including as mcgasey and otherwise refugee comes and misread the bottoms reduced times to rubble. at least 7 palestinians have been killed. dozens more were injured and rushed to make shift hospital. is there any forces of killed more than $34000.00 palestinians in gauze as is october the 7th. so meanwhile, and data that lies riley, just talked to the group of people in the city center. at least 3 people have been killed and that's a ton. many of the wounded up children. they've been taken to the hospital. the treatment honeymoon has more for us from russia in southern casa, not only were seeing a drawn van recognizance, their crafts are hovering at a very low level. here in the skies of rough estimate is just deepening defense of
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shattered safety and pretty much hurting people to areas where they think it might be safe for them to shelter. and, but at the same time, these very drones are carrying out of talks in the central area 1000000, jared black to be work within the past. our group of people near a residential home to do or shelter again were targeted to 3 people reported. killed right away. with some of the others injuries or reported to a lockbox hospital that just happened within the past couple hours. as we were preparing for earlier reports, the initial reports stated that it was a car. but then later on we learned from a source on the ground. it was only a group of people who were simply outside the residential home that they have been filtering again since they were displaced from the northern parts of the gaza strip . and this is the, the pattern that we've seen within the past couple days within the past couple of weeks. more of it is happening where families, entire family is
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a group of people that you need possible gathering. whether it's small or big are being targeted deliberately. the past 2 weeks, the attacks on the children a flight run is another indication of how the leverage there's basically no to learn. so what's going on on the ground whatsoever? these are drones right now. here's our pretty much a bad omen for people to hear because as soon as they are in the skies, they just have a great deal of panic and concern for people because you don't know when are they going to try? and where are they going to strike of israel's military intelligence chief has to down to saying he takes responsibility for the lapse in security on october the 7th . let's close over to ben. it's been occupied east jerusalem. this is news. it's just a matching, but quite significant news. indeed, the sale major general are on a from her leave is the most senior member of these riley military to resign. as a consequence of hamas attack on israel. on october, the 7th he said in his actual,
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in his resignation, over time and statement is that the intelligence division did not live up to the task we were entrusted with. we know now that there was a major failure of his riley intelligence, the lead up to october, the 7th that allowed how much to get away with this large scale attack on these really territory. we know now that for up to a year before is riley intelligence a go hands on a how much document the laid out the plans developed over the 7th attack that happened pretty much as, as the, as those plans have been laid out. we know that spot to is watching from the towers around gaza in the weeks a months leading up to october 7th. is there any military spots? as i've said, they'd seen a lot of unusual activity. they said they'd seen, i'm us, a battalions preparing for some sort of a sold rehearsing. something all of this was ignored at the very highest level of the military. i'm the government because that was this belief the how much was not
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interested in launching a mandatory solves and israel. how much was more interested in managing gaza. they got lots spectacularly wrong. the head of military intelligence background leave as accepted responsibility for about take her accepted responsibility a couple about a week after the tax is going to stay and post and help until his replacement is found. and he's also called for the establishment of a state investigating committee to look into everything light up to october. the 7th. of course the governments don't, don't, not yet. it says it wants to carry on 1st finish the war and gaza benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister facing criticism that he's prolonging this war in gaza. to avoid setting up this committee on the reckoning, the will come with it when he is the prime minister. is might have to take responsibility himself for october. the 7th. yeah, better, thanks very much. pull that up. they've been dismissed. that for us and occupy the story. so then let's go save it to wild. a police. glenn, listen, contributed to her rights newspaper in israel. enjoy the stuff on top of ease i
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missed out. always good to have you on. i'll just the fuel contribution and mr. i wrong, i said that he would resign but oversee the gauze operation. one does, while he's decided to step down now, and i think it's one of the reasons is may, may reason is that he realized that the net anyhow, he's not going to put an end to this war in the near future. he also realized that the s was published in many alternate media outlets. that nathaniel is not really interested in a deal that will enable the captives to those who are still alive uh to get back home to as well. um, the other reason is that uh he wanted uh maybe just stepped down in the
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climax after the intelligence success in locates in the senior general in general. that was uh, targeted as we know. uh, according to uh, just you, uh, uh bye uh, is riley drones as well as the attack and just behind that is considered to be a success. so he is leaving in the climax. the other thing is i think you have to look at his letter of resignation. there is one line that was the direction is directed to the prime minister. he says, oh, so writing comes ways, responsibility, and now is the highest authority and he never to responsibility. so actually, mr. holloway, you are wanted to set the kind of a personal message to nothing. yeah. oh uh,
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to tell him if i can do it, you also should do it. yeah. and the other thing, the timing is uh today. well, in a few hours from now, these ladies will gather into the holidays and this will be the talk over the day of yeah, indeed i, i want to get to that because the resignation right now in the past serve as no coincidence if you sending a message to the prime minister. he's also sending a message to these riley public logs that when you've got the right of a passover and sit at your table's the did a. this is the topic that you should be discussing. uh yeah, the, the topic was uh, until a few hours ago was the captives and uh, people planned to put uh, an empty chair. next to the said the table and the yellow ribbons all around. and he really the last and most patient and some of the day people were
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distributing the plastic bags with cooper does contain a quarter of a p top. and this is uh what uh the captives are going to get. so this will maybe also put that more energy to the protest against nathaniel. and he is a, i think that he's a good day or lack of interest to got to deal with that will suit and then to the world. and many people suspect that there's any, always doing this or not doing this. what he should have done because of personal interest that he knows at the end of the war is the end of his political career. and may be, you know, this is the, how do you deal freedom and this will be the end of his holiday or freedom. it will remember, this is what remember that he sees the trial. yeah. indeed. sorry to jump in that.
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but it is something that every but, i mean every other list we've spoken, every contributes has been talking about the demise of that and you know, it has not really happened. i was just wondering if major general, who leave us resignation is significant. if we, in the coming days, if we're talking hypotheticals here, small resignations at different levels within the military brass is not the pressure that is going to, you might say get more people out onto the streets and pads pressure to the government and the cabinets itself. so yeah, and i think the next one is not only a member of the highest military i should on, i think that it wouldn't go to, to former chief of staff who members of the cabinet of the world cabinet. and i mean, mr. dunstan. mr. eyes in the box, and maybe this will create a dynamic that will make it harder for them to convince they
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their constituency, their voters, that they have a good reason to say. if i don't have to leave out. who was the chief of these early stages, feel that this is a time to say goodbye may more and more. he's very sleep, call them to step down. since they were also responsible, they were part of this lack of strategy. do. and the conflict with the policy means and not to put more power where less power didn't work or you see what happens. let me in the coming out of that. i mean, the story is going away too quickly for the baby and typical elder thanks so much for joining us from telling me so i think you think so it is ready. please have the rest of the 2 suspects. they say what involved and they call running attack in west jerusalem at least 3 is right. these were injured. security has been increased
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across, occupied east jerusalem ahead of the jewish past. the holiday is very full. it's is once again conducted rides across the occupied west bank. they exchanged fine with palestinian sciences engineering forces, also storms as a tato village. in bethlehem unblocked the refugee camp in nablus is really incursions in the occupied west bank of being a may not be a current since, as i loved it some more ongoing. so, you know, type of the the springs and the days of the news now when conflicting reactions are emerging from rocky groups. the principal does lubbock resistance about resuming attacks on us installations in the country that they have has belong, had suspended a times in january of to 3 american troops are killed in a drone attacking jordan. meanwhile, the usaa is that shot done rocket slide from the wrong tools in american military
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base and around my land in sylvia, the casualties have yet been reported. let's get more of this from the one had to join us from the rocky capital bank down. so what more do we know about the threat to buy that the has bull on how seriously will or could to the americans and the la allies take this well, fits and conflicting get posts and statements by these let make resistance which include 4 major airline aligned you're lucky, i'm a groups including good type hezbollah, they reckon branch of cadet hezbollah. now, this whole situation, these are statements and counter statements. a conflicting get both despite the stomach resistance all have been and i was around with the attack on the hold up in the g admitted c based city and but it's a base which host was it usa admitted c personnel. and the notice is a big city,
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a at yes today. now, according to the city and observatory of human rights and rockets, what are the, what a targeting a, the, the base. but we're confronted, we're confronted by the, by the, the n t a, the n t missile a system in that base. but also at the same time, the, the security information sale that belong to the government to them about that posted that they have that plan. did that vehicle? that was used to launch the missiles from the eh, eh, noticed that an iraqi problems of native a towards the us admitted to be based in its studio. and they have the vehicle it down. now, this lemma cruises does any rock including cars that has the law at the beginning of the posted the, the they will review is collision against the us and coalition troops in iraq and syria. but at the same time, they did lots to specify where and when they will,
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it is your, these escalation. but later on this morning be posted x. and another statement denying that they will resume operations against us. and the course emitted cheapest forces in iraq and city. so whether or not that is deliberate, that is not confirmed as of yet a very fluid situation, of course will come back to you as that develops. thank you. by the way, the impact at least 11 people are missing. i have to stall this cold. so the floods in southern china 53000. they've been evacuated out to the path of the heavy rain that sitting on the province, the pill river as best as banks and slate, into streets and houses. the heavily populated region is home to trying this technology and manufacturing sector and also which is a warning. it could be a once in a century disaster. katrina, you has moved from beijing to turn this program long. as the south of china,
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it's moved in part is that whole bins which has been the most severely affected so far. as you mentioned, it sort of reading on friday buttons saturday. that's really when we saw a lot of wrench rate bassa down in certain areas, in particular. the cities that had been to, to the cities in the north of shelves, one thing and seeing you in these areas, roads have been changing to rivers. there been land slides that have damaged prophecy and some houses are completely load. so we have rescue teams working in these areas rescuing those who was stranded so far, no casualties have been reported. but according to state media, at least 11 people are missing. and in the city of genuine, a learn more than 60000 people has been evacuated now in the white a one don't programs, at least 1000000 homes had been effected by tyler outages and problems with telephone signals. schools have been closed and transferred to the province within the province is severely disrupted with roads and railways players, and many flights later cancelled. on sunday,
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the government announced an emergency plan urging all municipalities for pet shelters to get ready. some food or water supplies, those who may need it. the low level has been raised to orange, which is the 2nd highest level. and really, authorities are very worried that was yet to come. because this area, the who river delta is full of important rivers and many of these rivers and reservoirs are ready at the flooding limits and will rain is full cost for the rest of the week. so it's already, as i've described, the situation as written. and this region is no stranger to flooding, but usually flooding happens in may or june. so, so this flooding season, just on april, this is the earliest we've seen. it starts since 1998. we'll still head here on, i'll just say we're ecuador insights in favor. of tough new security measures to find the gang violence that story after the break the, the,
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the showcase of best documentary films from across the flat on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the book back you want to, i'll just bear with me. so he'll run the reminder of all told stories. the head of israel's military intelligence has resigned saying he takes responsibility for the lapse in security on october. the 7th major general out on leave is the 1st scene
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is to get to quits after the how much time is a the police of the rest of the 2 suspects they say were involved in a call running attack in west harrison. 3 is very easily injured. in the incident until monday and police say, they found a width of the site is very full sense of loads the tanks, tufts, and several refugee camps. and these central toxic districts and 1000 the threats at least 7 palestinians have been killed. several times were reduced to rubble as to being fold. palestinian emergency services have recovered 210 bodies from mass graves and con units. southern garza, they say 500 people are still unaccounted for a, nobody's a batteries on the grounds of the nice sort of medical complex. international law experts have told out is there these could amount to will crimes. honey must lead reports now from the site in the south of the strip a fairly into or thousands of palestinians to crack. the form is really
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a tax in the nasir hospital and han, you know, many of them are buried here. civil defense. the crews have discovered hundreds of bodies on the grounds of the medical complex. now while as, as the looking for her son's remains and the has on just money, i am here to find a body of my son. his name is a lot, i'm not selling. a lot of his brother told me that he buried him here. we came from far away mounted ones. i don't for but we didn't find him. we've been trying for the past 2 weeks. really forces withdrawal from han units on april, the 7 after 4 months of intense raids and air strikes, leaving behind the trail of destruction and mass and graves. it seems who recovered the dead sea somewhere, shuddered from behind. execution is by others were found with their hands tied behind their backs. many more are believed to be buried on the grounds of the largest medical facility in southern gaza. when are they coming on by the owner?
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they come into the identified bodies were delivered to their families and we civil defense. keep to an end to find bodies, take note of any distinguished marks for each of them. then we buried another mazda gray and get more power, city, and bodies. over 3 of the, from the side was named by not be, remember, their identities are largely lost in on, out of president in more, less but remembered. those who have been identified will not receive a proper farewell for calculus. others, the search continues more than 7000 people are still missing across the gaza strip . most of them women and children anymore mode via the stuttering cause any and present that. but he, roy, you see is on a 3 day visit to neighboring, focused on aimed at improving relations between the 2 countries. tension searched in january after an exchange of strong, subtle leveled. i received the trip comes days after around on israel,
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the type targets in each other's territories. and the as prime minister is being accused of hate speech or comments that he made about muslims that to the election . riley and rogers found that the weekend, the under moody said that if the opposition congress came to power again, muslims would have 1st rights to india is assets. they all position has hit funk accusing mary of trying to divert food to attention from the real issues. nearly a 1000000000 indians of aging and parliamentary elections, many is seeking a set time kind of got to be on about it. this is the early a government sit, the muslims will have the rights over the results of the country is part of the main use of this means they will gather all the welsh and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute among them full traitors. do you think your hodgin monday should be distributed to the info traitors? do you accept that? this is what the congress manifesto says. earlier, we say 2 political enter is give you. the christian entry says, the 1st round devoted to the beach i. p appears to have misjudged public sentiment
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in his planes of having achieved the development and so on. i'm not resonating with people. that is why i think he feels this desperation now to forward back on the default setting, multi. so he's not just going for a and teen was slim, but you know, i don't listen. this was the or more be of good off stuff. oh, you know, when he would openly attack muslims and call them yeah, people who, you know, page too much and so. so i think that one of the things that has the active list of all the quick badly is the issue of the electronic bonds, which the supreme court into mention has reviewed, was basically a scam run by the prime minister to extort money from certain business houses in exchange for contracts and so on. i think the fact is that she
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has promised jobs and prosperity in the 2014 election again in 2019 and now to tom's over an indian spacing the worst unemployment rate since in the last 45 years. so i think and the destination among people that have been many, many movements by youth in different states. seeing essentially that even after education, there is no employment is to we had a, the only employment to be had is extremely, temporarily, extremely precarious. and very, very in paid and i think that is the be if i were to name the biggest election issue this time. i think it's that and the other one is inflation. so i think these are things which a multi has no answer to because we use that to inside terms to address those things have gone much, was still better in before 2014. and that was in spite of the 2000 dates, you know, international, you know,
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we cannot make crisis and so on. and we just like to inform you that the indian government has not granted visas to elders. there is gender. let's say we're covering the election from outside the country. the equitable is president has one day to support for a raft of security measures according to the results from the actual council. the plans presented in a referendum aimed at kind of big gang violence treats, but it has both in durham in the south of the country, a hold of them being daddy, as well as his wife and 4 children, 5 months ago when a criminal group attacked, he's home by mistake and killed them. the children were between the ages of 7 and 6 months old quarter, any sangree and one security forces to put an end to violence in his country. some people tell me that it seems nothing happened to me, but i'm keeping it inside. i'm devastated. i try every day. not to go mad. on
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sunday, if we're dorians headed to the post volts on a referendum to the side, the country future people have tomorrow, with a yes or no 11 questions. you can see them right here. 5 of them are meant to respond to countries constitution. i'm the mostly related to the current security situation, whether people would like to see the military to patrol with the police. also, for example, allowing criminals to be expedited to other countries. the majority of the population voted the yes to all of the security questions. mendoza says, the situation needs to change. if i use this little side of the countries destroyed because of criminal groups with now that know bowers in power, maybe we can see something change the results are seen as a sign of support for president. then you know, at hard line security plan to fight against criminal organizations that have taken
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control over large parts of the country. in january, the government declared a state of emergency and deployed the military on the suites and inside prisons that had become operating centers for drug guns. on the day of the referendum at prison warden, west coast in a restaurant showing just how difficult battling gangs continues to be for many, no voice trying to imitate the security plan. no, for the seller whether precedence maggie will kaylee. he managed to reduce gang related violence in his country by the end of the say, there was a difference. okay, let it that mean i, the kelly was a man had some type of contact for the criminal groups. he recognized the territory that did not happen here. but the response to that for now, people want government action against the criminal groups that most of them say has them living in constant fear. it is simple,
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i'll just see to build on it whether that's it for me for the clock will be here in just in the last time with the news up and next on on to there it's talk to hours are 7 to stay with us. the, the, the rest of the science of the cheryl is a, reach you up into the some of the philippines that one or 2 isn't big, but the biggest out definitely for the size of java, for one year, sumatra increasing the, potentially in potentially, i'm a lazy pump to knock is a case in point where you got 3 days of thunderstorms. some of the heavy. you tend to get about 12 days of funds to orgs, even this terms you can see a tailored to the right the season. but clearly it's still raining in australia where it's been so popularly batted brisbin that has gone off shore and so upon from a few showers on the east coast of queens and it's looking fine,
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but there is cold air with sherry, stuff on his wife into the toria passes enjoying round about 22 degrees that come right down from 30 of a couple of days ago for counseling. now, when is one which takes the temperature diary that's the wind changes. direction to come on the show. it's done to about 60 degrees. the few shelves, maybe that's not extraordinary for this time of the year. to pass the new zealand. this is also not extraordinary. a fine looking down, choose day, 17 degrees in christ church, sunshine, a buyer, and it gets a bit wilma, you get some food effect, won't sing christ church on wednesday and on the 1st day because this normally breezes bringing, right. some of that pretty darn heavy the, the killing of elders you return, it is shooting of a hawk. that was not an isolated event. it's highlighted the whole question of press freedom of turn in this killed one,
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doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of children, the skills into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding anyone accountable for 3rd task shooting the messenger one out to 0, the one the fall in love. many young european americans use are raised to believe that the jewish identity is contingent on the unflinching support for the state of. well, that identity is now very much in crisis. has many young jews watch in graphic detail. the state of israel is also in gaza and the worsening treatment of


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