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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the deluxe, and so if we do continue with the animal experimentation, let's be aware of the fact. so 5 actions. let us don't mean that we don't harm. we don't touch, we do, we exploit the color, the clock. this isn't use our life coming up in the next 60 minutes. an independent reviews as is run is yet to provide any evidence for its claims that workers from the u. n. 's relief agency for palestine were involved in the type of the severance, a massive tax at more than 6 months after those attacks. israel's military intelligence chief was on taking responsibility for, for security lat. israel talk is residential areas and the goal is to strip at
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least 7 palestinians, the killed donald trump's criminal trial is to hit opening statements in the new york colts, which itself look into men. relations around president begins a 3 day visit to focused on following an exchange of strikes along the border. in january and foot round the tree and move 11 points. claire in the race for the spanish legged title, as jude failing in schools, an injury time to beat spa, selena $32.00 in el class because the so an independent review of the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees has found that israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of its claims that under uh, employees of members of from us that carried out the october the 7th of tax report, platform a french for him and as a found stopping list regularly being provided for vetting purposes. that is real,
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have not raised any concerns about people on them since 2011. meanwhile, israel's military intelligence chief, well, he stepped down saying he takes responsibility for the lapse and security the lead to the attack by how much major general out on leave is it for a senior government if it gets acquits in the wake of the attack on the ground and gaza is ready for us as a continuing with the bombardments bull, plaintive talk the residential areas and job title, as well as the sort of an upper edge refugee camps can be at least 14 palestinians . all right, let's bring it in, gabrielle. it's under join just now from u. n. h q in new york, and gabe. so what more are you hearing about this independent review as well? this report is expected to be released publicly in next couple hours or so here at un headquarters in new york. we've gotten our eyes on it, it's about $48.00 pages long. quite frankly, i'm still going through all of it,
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but clearly i can tell you there are some highlights that we can glean from it already. number one is the big picture is, this is a pretty damning report, but damning not for unreal. but for israel, the accused 12 unreal, a pull employees of allegedly taking part in october 7th. in this report, they say that the call and a report says that is real, never gave them any evidence to back up those claims. now this isn't necessarily new because we've been hearing for months now from the spokes person for secretary general antonio gutierrez, saying that they have not received any sort of evidence. so the fact that this is now also from the colonial report, they also have not received evidence in here to put, including their final report sort of backs up what we've been hearing all along the big picture. here's this report, and this is important here,
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is not intended to look directly at the claims of the alleged 12 people that were allegedly involved. no evidence has been provided this investigation, commissioned by the secretary general as an independent investigation. that's an independent review to ensure that under uh, adheres to the principles of neutrality, right? and because he's real saying on roads not neutral in this report, they say there's really no evidence that on right is anything but neutral. they do layout a few examples where under a can maybe improve on some internal policies such as maybe better training for employees. maybe can be better communication with donors for example. but those are fairly mine are quite frankly, there's no way as we say, any sort of smoking gun in his report at all. there's also claims by israel that
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we've heard from for many, many months, if not years, that they're anti semitic books and teaching material and unrest, schools in palestine and particularly in gaza. this report by the colona report says that they found no widespread evidence of that whatsoever. so these are a little bit of a few of the highlights that we've seen so far. we expect to hear from catherine colona here at un headquarters in a couple hours from now were short brief journalist more about the report, the report that will be released in the next couple hours publicly done so that deborah is under there at school in headquarters in new york. all right, let's head to the east. the story about these really is military intelligence chief stepping down because deaf decorah and occupied the 3 some joins just now. so stuff that tell us more about this resignation that potentially implications. i guess he's the 1st senior officer to resign over october. the 7th he did at the
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time. take responsibility sake of course, he's the head of military intelligence. and the master said here that it was the division under him, not living up to the task assigned to it, but he is now actually physically offered his resignation in electro. that's been accepted by the administer of defense. he's not the only one at the time. he also has the head of shouldn't back. that's the israel's internal security services saying it was a personal responsibility. october the 7th was a massive ministry intelligence failure and also a ministry failure. we know there are reports up to a year beforehand. israel was handed something called the jericho rule. they blueprint of paper pretty much outlining exactly the attack as how mouse carried out. also, at the time reports, we understand that egypt had given warnings to israel about a possible attack. but from what we understand, they simply didn't think how mouse could carry out the scale of such an operational
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submitted tardy. it was a very for our is the could. what's is along the goal is a border when they were under attack from how mouse were left to fend for themselves. a lot of people angry. all skin. where is the army? it really shook the sense of is rudy security and their face in the army. to its core so he's the 1st one to go interesting me. there was a pole last night 62 percent of his really saying that they believed those responsible for failing to stop october. the 7th should resign. he's the 1st. i'm interesting, the of course we haven't had any such claim from the prime minister. you've got weekly protests intel, that'd be thousands of his rabies were there on saturday, saying that prime minister netanyahu was in charge of october, the 7th. he is responsible. he should resign. but his message is that it's not the time. this is an ongoing war and that questions can be answered softer or i step by step step that can then report. if i'm lucky, buddy's truth a lucky r l there is
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a political analyst and contributed to the heretics. newspaper explains the timing, i believe as resignation. i think it's uh, one of the reasons is made way or reason is that he realized that the net anyhow is not going to put an end to this war in the near future. um you also realize that the s was published in many alternate media outlets. that nathaniel is not really interested in a deal that will enable the captives to those who are still alive as to get back home to as well. um. the other reason is that he wanted them maybe to step down in the climax after the intelligence success in locates in the senior general in general. that's what was
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targeted as we know, according to adjust your uh by uh, is riley drones as well as the attack and just behind that is considered to be a success. so he is leaving in the climax. the other thing is i think you have to look at his letter of resignation. there is one line that was directed is directed to the prime minister. he says, oh, so writing comes which was supposed to be the and now is the highest authority. and he never took responsibility. but let's get more on the latest developments on the ground in dallas, and we can speak with honey, my food, who's in rougher and penny. if you would start with a strike 7 nights and into monday, the
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roll the past the 12 hours including got there like late hours of last night. i've been very violent, done in bloody across the gaza strip. the from the northern part in the city of bay town, all the way through the southern part of this trip here in rough i city, we're 11500000 displays palestinians. up in sheltering here since the beginning of the genocide, a war and expansion of the ground operations in different parts of the district, including recently hon. you and his son defends wrong area, but it's still, i mean, the number of it children and women making the vast majority of casual views and still dominate things. this seems across the gods as to with more people arriving to the hospital or from this phase or group of children, or from other vulnerable grove, whether they are elderly or women here and over crowded roof i city the past 24 hours. see the death of 24 palestinians of from entire families in eastern part of the city on western part of the central area over city in the central area. the
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past a few hours. i mean a wide file is with relentless affairs, right? targeting residential homes or people gathers inc and periods in the center including there is about a 100 bridge rep is you can and then the site out were doing what residential homes were targeted for. people are reported killed in other res rep is you come with more confirmed reports of many others still under the rebels. what difficult is just to remove them, given the difficulty of the situation, is the lack of equipment and machinery to help remove these large pieces of concrete on save life and hon. you and has been wise. civil defense members on the ground are still revealing shocking discoveries. with more master grades being discovered at the courtyard of the hospital, the 3 more massive group today. and where they were able to remove at least 7 to 3 bodies of from under a pile of dirt and sand that they were buried underneath. how they, thanks for that. so how do you might be done that latest update from rafa?
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what is rarely police have arrested to suspects they say were involved in a car running attack in west or east of them, at least 3 is right. these were injured, security has been increased across the occupied histories and ahead of the jewish positive a holiday. and is there any forces have once again conducted raids across the occupied westbank? things change fine with policy and fights isn't. janine forces also stormed as i taught at vintage and bethlehem, and the ballasa refugee camp nicholas is running occasions in the occupied west bank of being unlikely a conference since israel launched as for on casa in october. putting more head on these are including it is prime minister treasure moody is accused of hate speech to say is also the country kicked off at the 6 week general election rescue was rushed to save lives in southern china as well. so it is more of a once in a century and levels of flooding,
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sports on his way to the gulf of who's taking that leaf into the history books after picking up and they have nothing major title that's coming up with the so after a week of jury selection donald trump is criminal trial begins in a short while from now prosecuted, say the former us president to legally conceal payments made to an adult film actress to hide. and if a trump has played not guilty to the challenges and says he's a victim of political persecution, he's running a game for the white house this year. trump is the 1st the you as president in american history to face a criminal trial. chris incidentally, is outside the code for us in your concussion. tell us more about what we can expect of the while we are expecting opening statements today. this is the chance for both the prosecution and
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defense to lay out their case for the jury. then the prosecution will begin calling witnesses to try to show that the payment that was made to act restore mcdaniels was part of a larger effort to suppress negative stories about donald trump in the run up to the 2016 election. remember, it is not the payment to the actors that was legal. it is the allegedly cover, the legend cover up in order to violate tax and state election laws that is illegal and what the prosecution is trying to prove here. so among the witnesses we expect to hear from one key, one will be a man by the name of david packard. he was the publisher of a tabloid who has admitted that in the run up to the 2016 election. he was buying the rights to stories that could be construed as negative or could potentially hurt
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donald trump in the election, and then burying those stories. we also expect to hear from store mcdaniels, the actors herself who accepted the payment. and donald trump's former lawyer, michael cohen, who made the payment, and pleaded guilty to charges related to that now from the defense attorneys, of course, they will try to discredit these witnesses and say that mr. trod. who denies? having any affair with stormy daniels did not know about uh the, the way the payments were listed in the records. again, that's the way the payments were described in records. that is what is illegal here, and that's the confusing part that yours will have to get through the whole trial expected to take about 6 weeks. the key question of course, is whether or not donald trump himself will take the stand in his own says he has said that he will, but it remains to be seen most lawyers and legal scholars say that would be a bad idea because he would have to answer a lot of questions and,
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and couldn't get himself into trouble of course, and give us a sense of how this is resonating with bases and then just how it could impact the election campaign. yeah, that's the key question. there was a pole just in the last week by the associated press and it found that one 3rd of americans, adults. i don't think that president trump committed a crime in this case that's less than the other criminal cases that he is facing. so there's 4 criminal trials that donald trump is up against, and the other ones about half of americans think that he probably did something illegal, not so many, in this case, at the same time, the half of the american se, if he is found guilty, they don't think he should be president. so it really comes down to the jury here. and what they decide swells new yorkers were chosen to be on this panel. and they
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must be unanimous in their decision beyond a reasonable doubt in order for the president to be found guilty, all it takes is one sure who doesn't agree and that could cause a mis trial. and then it would all have to be done all over again. chris and thanks for that christmas leave me reporting that from new york. right, man, president, typically him. what do you see is on a 3 day visit to pack a stone that he did improve the relations between the 2 countries? tensions searched in january often exchange of strikes along the border races. trip comes days off to iran and as well targeted types of targets, i should say, in each of those territories come on how to has more details from as level, but is an important wizard by the iranian president who is always very accompanied by a member of his cabinet, the 1st lady, i know some members of the business community in either on the 2 sides assigned
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a number of memorandums of indian president or given a god of all know as a prime minister, how the focused on a prime minister speaking as a press conference said that the religion jeopardy it on going back century, even before the creation of august on and the country shared common culture of religion. and also history. dear indian president, on the other hand, said that he had the conducive dogs with the buggers on each side, on mutual security concerns. given the fact that earlier in january in mrs. drunk what they said was a gesture for additions and, but not just on providence inside, focused on focused on then retaliated by targeting. what they said was by low to insurgents operating on the inside. but since then, the 2 sides have made a desperate attempt to mend fences and now the relation give of goss improving,
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given the fact that on and focus on those, i have a major project that did the gas pipeline from here on it on one spot gets on to a weight of the united states, it's threatening that they're focused on what to go ahead. read that by line. uh there would be sanctions against bucket done. so ended, the discussion may have gone behind the scenes, but the 2 sided them into and has cooperation and the gods are read in the information in the notes are in cinema, a number of days, including agriculture, cooperation, cooperation on a number that has been great. and those are enhancing grades by setting up a special economic going close to the focused on your on board to come all the data is some of our the know india is prime. ministers being accused of paid speech for comments he made
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about muslims, at an election rally in western registering state the weekend. drindrat moody said if the opposition congress came to power games, muslims would have 1st rights taken these assets. your position is head back accusing, moody of trying to divert voter attention from the real issues, nearly a 1000000000 indians a vote and parliamentary elections. moody is seeking a fed tom ballad, da da, da, da da. this is the early a government cit. the muslims will have the rise over the results of the country. is part of the main use. this means they will gather all a welsh and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute among the info, traitors. do you think your hodgin monday should be distributed to the infill traces? do you accept that? this is what the congress manifesto says. i'm on chris and aerospace person for they brought to you jot that party, the governing indian political policy. he says that
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b j. b does not appease minorities, i'm like the opposition congress, posit the congress. it needs money for us to they have given more friends to one community that might not have to come with a d i. they have made their mind if i still like double streams. the manifesto as to why in fact is done by the simply manifesto was made. it did not the same that they had made and they had made that statement in that money for us to they have made a statement, in fact say that that we distribute all the values of the people equally to everybody is the more they do said a manifesto says that it will be taken that everything will be taken from you and give the all the people 19 percent of the minority company, do they need the funding? what bank politics congress is playing the game off?
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doing all this be the we don't want to appease anybody that's up, it's meant to politics. that is happening from last 74 years from the congress. in the last 10 years they have lost the mandate of the people to the confidence of the people because of that i could do. it was one community i douglas minority majority has been funded. been by there. i do the people of it all the people in building mostly that's open and most lives in india or to be just be let's take this on with the thoughts of my town, who is a political generalist at the quint, focusing on hate crimes, social justice, and national politics, jones is now from new tele fucking the great to have you with us. so what do you make of what may be said, the pretty inflammatory remarks of a young lady, even by the standards in india, which are quite a bit of money when it comes to really just the vision and what it takes on the,
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on this new window is or what you bought a different brand minister lighting and what do you think the only thing we do involved with splitting here the exclusively contiguous names and gotten them into the details within when myers and beyond. nobody's in this and, and does that evidence of it on what they do want to point out is that his statement was in diety, factory. you've got it all sorted all outright night, is that he repeatedly said that the communist manifesto, which is the only opposition party that manifesto, has promised that they will be getting money from you, which is the oblique. he's actually told you investing in that, that he, that you just saw and give it to them on number one, the entire problem. this manifesto he does not mention seems even once he does talk about of gossip census, it says that he would have to add a sentence of the cost in the country and that, and then we would talk about diploma direction then that isn't even a single wrong is of any sort of based on income view distribution in the congress
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manifesto on the surface. i predicted. let me just drop it. i put in pharmacy rest, right. it is this new language. somebody would you say a lady, i'm assuming will be handling the biased be just be the bonds to that i can you little bit incidents of them resorting to come, you know, big g and a hit. i think what else do you think and people have back to this time is back. he hasn't heard back say, husband's uh, cellphone do like the dog was, is better than anything be yours. he's explicitly going ahead and forms them slowly . my citizens of this country and the date that it's quite bizarre, say about just a couple of years ago, like in 2019, during that these, the movement of when several seems well being that a student of the products. he explicitly say, i know that he that do subjecting names that i does by the address is that i think those the ends and we'll do that a couple of years before that in another election. i mean, he said that there are some pieces in india that have more of the same graveyard
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then the mason brown again to get the good can do the recent language. so that has been defeated and it's like these. but like i said, he would have just been in dire need on a band of lives. okay, be the joyce. we're jumping in that we do appreciate your perspective on this. thanks very much indeed. just for speaking to us here, i'll just verify some icon that we're going to head to new york. now donald trump's trial a g to begin within the next hour and he's been speaking with elizabeth i thank you very much. i just want to say hello and again, these are all licensed trials. this is done as everybody knows it. being able to be in pennsylvania, lots of other places, campaigning. and it's very unfair because people understand what's going on. and it's
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a shame i comes out of washington's in coordination with washington. everything to coordination with washington. i just want people to understand that this is done purposes hurting the of the worst president in the history. second, the long run down this issue jane. she came and it has to do with a lot of a $175000000000.00, or she doesn't want me to participate. companies in new york city, i guess, based in california. and what she says. and the numbers on 75, which is what we're supposed to be,
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but i should be good for because i know what is going to be putting up with this. nobody's gonna be listing or to new york. any more businesses are gonna be slow because people are treated, so it's a place to do business, and that's why the business people are leaving and everything else. so in the country on the new york and businesses that are the revenue, somebody's doing stuff in the business of late or the money was put up as a 175. and i don't think she was gonna be for the 1st time ever since.
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so i just want you to know that as taking place in the most over the new york state, he was over during work on that day. so that's, you know, it is. i want to be nice. i want to be very nice. but the thing like, what's going on right here should never be that set for the president, donald trump as his criminal trial as judy begin in new york. okay. within the next the next few minutes. and he said that it, well, well, use lines of donald trump phrase book an election in defense, which on some samples i luckily he said phone numbers are going up and then issued a power outage against the current president j bite. and then the new york attorney general associates a stomach from sticky emergency plants. it'd be nice of aged in southern
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china are off to heavy rains, cause to be a flooding, more than $80000.00 people at the move to safety. in quantum provenance several villages have already been counts of katrina here reports now from vague and parts of going don't provence in southern china, underwater after record of rainfall. over the weekend, torrential downpours coast bruises and reservoirs to overflowed. forcing tens of thousands of people to be moved to safety. the cities of child, $1.00 and $2.00 un, are among the worst hit. in one area, the river level rose by 7 meters. farm lands and villages has been flooded. land slides have damaged property and block roads, emergency teams. we deployed to help their stranded, including 700 students trapped in school. don't latrice people here say extreme weather events have worse and in recent years, to change that it seems 2 years ago, the reinforced on it to get relatively heavy and this year in the past,
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the flaws are really rose to this point. at least the flaws go dream. many businesses and homes have been submerged, but some residents were pet. yellow, you know, for letting reach the ground floor and above basically is way over the ground floor . the measures were all taken in advance. the residence already left power outages have effected more than 1000000 households and transport has been disrupted, with numerous flights and trains, delayed or canceled. rains eased on monday, like many waterways and long duns pole, riverdale to remain swollen and above safety limits. authorities have described the situation as grim with most on spoil cost for later this week. municipal governments have been told to propose shelters, and emergency supplies, fearing the worst is still to come. katrina, you alda 0. what, let's get the weather with rob with more about flooding in southern china. as we
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already reported on the news. how much sudden there is early in the year in southern china, particularly in wind donald province. they are hong kong and also to just general area where you so the massive tide goes the top that there's been some very big dime pulls from 2 or 3 days ago, giving widespread products or this one example. this is what falls as of the hills when you get the size of thunderstorms. they've been having the assistance of this rain. and before sundry rain event, assistant rain has been widespread for the many evacuated. as you can see, the main risk area floods eventually dine towards the hong kong, right? in fact, that's where the heaviest showers are full cost to be on tuesday. so you might see the worst is over. i've to say it may not be a full cost. the hong kong is fairly typical of its worst days, which is scoring thunderstorms for about 3 days. and he made 2829 degrees for the typically if you had to wednesday, you think he's most say maybe it's gone away, but you see there's growing signs once more and the orange tops or where's the
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heavy shadow was by the time we get to thursday we have drug and big charles in land again, and they all still focusing probably in something gone down. so what's the current key that you might have a couple days relief, but i think is yet more heavy rain to come. i dropped, i still a head here and i'll just era ecuadorian spoke to you in favor of talking you security measures to fight gained by the on filing plans of closer military relations. filipino and american troops is set to begin at 3. we come back, exercise drama. suspense, united fight, back of the blowing, a 3 goal leap, which i will have will be coming up with the it's been a full for an, a progressive change. the locks in america at this time the slides were made high
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as does violence against gender sexual minority. i come to when a series to 2 young women who have taken different routes to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generations, have a whole series attempt to understand. i'm telling you is that mobilize use around the world, generation change on out you 0. examining the headlines. is it or is hopefully today for the forms of life and god's unflinching journalism. awesome . every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel niche, it relates to trauma and creates explore an abundance of world class programming on eligibility era. the the
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the, you're watching out is there a reminder about the top stories as an independent review is found that is around has yet to provide supporting evidence of its claims that some employees, if the you an agency for palestinian refugees. i'm asked members who are involved in the october, the 7 to 10 israel's allegations against and will lead major donors to cut the funding to the agency, which is a main humanitarian provider in garza. the head of israel's military intelligence has resigned saying he takes responsibility for the laps and security on october. the 7th. major general out him however, is the 1st senior. if it gets acquits off to be a massive time, donald trump and scribbled trial beginning in and you force you to say the former us president falsified business records. i can see the payments to an adult film
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actress to protect his bid for the 2016 election drums, but not guilty to the charges. he is the 1st full month, full 16 us president to face the criminal trial. now, russian energy corporation guys problem has been forced to shop more than 20 full gas wells, and the are in big regions to protect them from flooding. that's according to an internal company, documents, stone melts pools. the euro river to best has banks in early april, which led to a deluge and dozens of talents and southern russia. tens of thousands of people have been evacuated. usually a chef of oliver has moved from muska, as it was absolutely necessary measures uh in the current situation with the floods and rushes southern euros and the was hate, owenberg return in particular. so gas from stopped, as you mentioned, motor to doesn't wells before the floods started, that's according to the local coal for its publication. so now they say that they
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manage to save the infrastructure that and have they not taken b, precautionary measures a big damage, a 2 days of trust. it could've been close to a gas for work is not cold. the flood situation in the region controllable. and prior to the floods that manages specialists have made a helicopter flight over the production and transportation facilities to assess work required to be done and the priority attention during the flood period. uh no, all wells in the flood zone are protected by a full level security system. they say no destruction of gas facilities, oil and filter leaks have been detected and the source has now said that they monitor the performance over age. well that and also the floods, large scale is required with the general sentiment is that he's willing to fax the whole thing just for in the country of texas president, rest of the top 3rd one is visiting iraq for the 1st time in 12 years. walter is
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expected to talk to jen during the totes right blames tech has done projects for it shortages, but one is also expected to visit a bill in the know san francisco devices have gained a foothold into rights which one was the region of curtis don. nigeria is hosting an african security summit in a beach or in co operation with the un office of counter terrorism. several african leaders and the un deputy 60 general attacking parts along with representatives from the united states, the european union, and from russia, the set to discuss ways to come by the tags. by boca her, i'm an iso, especially in this whole region. but some of the country's most effective by the zone groups such as molly became effective and easier and not expected to take part . so what address is that? that somebody in africa is now officially the epi center of global turnaround times according to the knowledge and national security adviser. and this region accounts. busy 53 percent of all tattered related debts in the world. in particular,
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2 countries, molly and brooklyn, apostles accounts for someone to 3 percent of all types happening in africa. so this particular comprised of supported by the united nations office, whole counterterrorism is looking at more dollars more dollars has to be walked out and collaboration between member countries of the african union as well as congress affected by our incidents of tetra as well as i'm approaching and that we do use their own access to weapons and intelligence as well as collaborate, father to deny terrorism. i'm groups the freedom to operate in these areas. now such a one countries are attending, including of course, international organizations as well as 5 members of the prominent members of basic course. the counsel in union has also sent delegates. so the, at the end of the day organize this of this particular compressor. they want to put out a unified position on how to deal with the problem with terrorism and the country.
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now we'll check total financing, provision of industry, stopping of illegal flow of arms in the applicant continents, especially in areas as well as foster cooperation and shedding of intelligence so that these countries will be able to deal with the problem the problem. and the reason of data from the philippines in the united states, the holding joint naval exercises in climate of tension between china and its neighbors. despite international legal rulings badging claims into a south china sea is it time that's contested by the from the pains and of indian ocean nations. finally, lay reports now from manila to the philippines. and the united states have kicked off the largest of its annual joints, military exercises known as the bulk of done a filipino word, which means a shoulder to shoulder. and officials say, this is exactly what these exercises are about. it's to demonstrate the inter operability of the armed forces of both countries. but during the opening ceremony,
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officials also said that these exercises are constantly evolving and that this year they are focusing on external defense. and so this year we are going to be seeing a number of 1st we are going to be seeing the demonstration, the simulation, and also live fire exercises involving a short and middle range missile systems. we're also going to be seeing for the 1st time, the philippine coast guard and us coast guard sailing together with the philippine and us navies. now on that point, the us and philippine navy are actually going to be joined by the french navy as well. and they will be sailing for the 1st time, outside the territorial waters, off the philippines during the bottle, cuz on exercises, they are going to be safely within the exclusive economic zone of the philippines. but these are areas in the south china sea that are also being cleaned by china. when we increase our mutual response in defense capabilities,
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we strengthen our ability to promote regional security and to protect our shared interest. now both philippines and us defense officials insist that these military drills are not targeted against any country. but ahead of bulk of done, china has said that it is dangerous for the philippines to involve external forces to involve another country. and its territorial dispute with china. in the south china sea, and that this will only serve to contribute to more regional instability on the doing so, if they thought we urge the philippines to stop as provocations and call on relevant countries to stop her organ conflicts in the region. now, majority of filipinos do support the military alliance between the philippines and the united states. but just outside the military headquarters, there were protesters, and they said that they will post us military intervention. and they don't see how us military presence here could deter what they say is chinese aggression in the
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south china sea, wine to below 0 minute echo, as presidents is one votes of support for ralph to security measures, according to any results from the electoral council. the plan is presented in a referendum aimed at cutting gang violence. stories about reports not from that on in the south of the country, quarter them being the idea, as well as his wife and 4 children, 5 months ago when a criminal group attacked his home by mistake and killed them. the children were between the ages of 7 and 6 months old quarter, any sangree and one security forces to put an end to violence in his country. some people tell me that it seems nothing happened to me, but i'm keeping it inside. i'm devastated. i'd try every day, not to go mad. on sunday, if we're dorians headed to the post volts on a referendum to the side, the country's future people have to mark with
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a yes or no 11 questions. you can see them right here. 5 of them are mentally funded countries constitution. i'm the mostly related to the current security situation, whether people would like to see the military to patrol with the police. also, for example, allowing criminals to be expedited to other countries. the majority of the population voted yes to all of the security questions. a lindsey mendoza says the situation needs to change good by you just on the to the side of the countries destroyed because of criminal groups. now that know bowers in power. maybe we can see something change. the results are seen as a sign of support for president, many and noble at hard line security plan to fight against criminal organizations that have taken control over large parts of the country. in january, the government declared a state of emergency and deployed the military on the suites and inside prisons
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that had become operating centers for drug guns. on the day of the referendum at prison warden, west killed in a restaurant showing just how difficult battling guns continues to be for many. now, while he's trying to imitate the security plan of a set of other presidents, maggie will kaylee. he managed to reduce gun related violence in his country. right . and then the say there was a difference. okay, le, 8th, i mean i, the kelly was a man had some type of context with the criminal groups. he recognized the territory that did not happen here yet. but the response to that for now, people want government tax and against the criminal groups that most of them say has them living in constant fear. it is symbol i'll just see to boot on it whether or to columbia as opposition is held as large as protests. yet, against president gustavo, petra's government,
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tens of thousands of people rallied against social and economic reforms, and it's under rump. yet the reports now from book it's all mess, it's turn to again, sending back presidents tens of thousands took to the streets of downtown, but with the again, social and economic reforms proposed by colombia 1st let these government some protested for the 1st time like 66 years old, medium took on sunday the report we are protesting against petros health care reforms. he wants to get rid of the private insurers. he's depleting them on purpose because allowed that same without pensions. he wants to use our savings for his plans, and we can't allow that you to the rallies were even larger in columbia seconds. so there's a medical workers saying they feared the reforms could be saved by the system. to say about it, it is a system that has its flaws, but has its shortcomings. but he deserves to be reformed based on sound principles
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. and the whole set does need to give their opinion about it. this belongs to everyone. health is not a game. it is a right, it'd be in the status. so see all the ones, the elections riding the wave of discontent against the countries traditionally conservative politics and one of the most unequal countries in the world, no less than 2 years after his historic victory. most of his impatience, restoring his approving devices and he's been unable to find the majority in congress to get behind him in response, he has tried to force change to executive actions and proposing a popular assembly to change parts of the constitution. just help the opposition to galvanize that space, but also increasingly mobilizing sense reached the middle class sectors of society against the government. this has to make the government reconcile it or because there is a very large, an ever increasingly present segment of the population that is in disagreement with
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its policies and its way of governing. the government decides to ignore it or minimize it. it does so at its own risk, the sunday, sir, now it shows that there's growing, there's sometimes in a sector of columbia society against the government that will, that will pass through. and in particular, the way he's been trying to push forward his reform. but this message is unlikely to convince the president to back down, and he has already called for account abroad this on may 1st. i listen that i'm get the i just the and above that, that still a head here. now the 0 of indulges to have tiny breaks the record for most hang runs by adjusting the phone plan majorly. facebook trail over here with some people in a couple of minutes. the
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all the girls, as for nick, thank you to defending him as old, but still the spanish title for round the dread he's got an injury. time winner against boston. and that, you know, class the car to put them 11 points clear at the top of the league. they've stakes has the action pizza, wholeseller decided to keep telling him once again, delivering on the biggest stage, burrell, madrid, the twins eroding them in the field. i haven't scored since february, but his winner against barcelona may have just acute that let me get trophy in his day. be seasoned at the club for motor squared, philip, and about how it came at the right time. it's been a while since he found in it,
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but this one can be fundamental to us winning the title. right now, twice. that's a fight from behind in this game. at the bernabite, andreas christy, and headed bout selecting her head up to 6 minutes. lucas passed quite as then what a penalty for right now, the boss is coach. chevy felt it was a dive, but it stood in vinicius genius scored to level things up at $11.00 boss. it felt further agreed when the video rest couldn't decide whether this bullet course the line or not, as our legal doesn't use go law and technology. it wasn't given and they were also denied a penalty for this chairman john footman lopez. he did, however, the school was 10 minutes late to edge bozza in front again. but plenty of drama was to come across, comes back, came right out with an equalizer from 1st quiz. then in the 1st minute about the time, it was best quite as who delivered across the building and went up. these 21st gold at the season, put tray out 11 points, quit with 6 games left. what
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a welcome cushion is they get ready to face by and munich in the champions league, semi finals. i mean this here, of course it's an important step, but we kind of relax too much because we still need a few more points. and the best way to prepare for the champions league is to play wells of the day, the bus elaina already out of the champions league, and now have no real hope of winning a trophy the season chevy left. proving those refereeing decisions. missions that you'll know using host dcm actually moves. i said the game was totally unfair. everybody seen it. that's my feeling and i cannot lie, especially to offends everybody who's saying what happened today. with banks about winds up in manchester, city and bustling that round, madrid, a flying around, beaten in 26 lea games coming back to september. i borrowing something extraordinary. they'll kind of record extending. 36, the spanish title, savings folks. how does era then? well, that wasn't nearly classic how happening on sunday in argentina book
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a genius took on alt tribals roof of plates and superclass, the car, but co in a gold down off to just 10 minutes. when miguel bought a house schooled for river, but he and his teammates would be don't thing to a different tune by the end of the 1st health they go met until equalized book or in the 1st minute, the suffrage time edison cause any then put the book in front, midway through the 2nd home for the brilliant head of another going followed from until as well. cool, went on 2 in 32, it puts them through to the semi finals of the media professional. like no play a studio and taste. and it's, and how to mix that much. so you know, once it goes away with it up to the essay cup, semi final penalty went over coventry, united with 3 know up with 20 minutes left and cruising to a 22nd. the f help final. but then a since ational ton of events is the 2nd to your opponents full. so i back into the game with 2 quick goals for being awarded the penalties. one beside because
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handles styles. how g rights taking the game to extra time. coventry's victor took fools. he'd want it on a 121 minute on the 1st dose be ruled out by valve of side. and so it was on to penalties that even then united guessing there couldn't convert his so take comments, he missed 2 more for rest. this whole and finally brought the shoots out to an end, united, putting it full to and they go through to face much assist you in the final in may mixed feelings is clear that it's a huge achievement to be twice in a i think the final into yes, and on the last 20 is united was all and 5 times in the final. no, we are 2 times in 2 years. so we to do to achievement. but of course, when you are so in control, indigo, you so dominating the game and feel up,
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and then you should bring it over to cities. and the way we did was know to go to the pool, kept putting the pressure on english promenade. rita's also is a beat for them $31.00 trans alex on the, on, on school to brilliant free, taking the 32nd minutes, put the pull ahead, the full set on $74.00 points with also the trail and goal difference, month city. a said, just a point behind that means goes in of 190 quota, has equal directly to 5 straight victories on the lpga tool. highlights his trial was a to show victory at the ship from championship for his 2nd major twice. so american is one of 352715, and a road. nancy lopez did it in 1978 on on a concerns done in 20042005. a previous major victory was the 2021. when is pga championship and $1200000.00 prize takes hostings and endings to nearly
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$2500000.00. and as is customary at this tournament, she celebration by jumping into the pond at colton. woodson, texas? i'm shivering right now, so i'm a little cold and it's just been a crazy, crazy, crazy couple weeks with home really. how golf and i can finally break as i was. i was really nervous on that back 9. i really, really one of this when it feels amazing to get it, it's been an amazing feeling these past couple weeks knowing that you know that i can go on the stretch and not if i stay in my bubble and i keep golf in a sense, simple and let it flow, then i can have so much so, so much fun out here. so when someone goes, he shuffler was closing in on back to back window soft to taking them off. does he is now 5 shells play with the b, c heritage. he still has 3 holes to play on monday. the milwaukee bucks down to the
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payoff series with the indiana pacers without the stall play it yet assess combo. on sunday, he's got a cough injury, but they me a little it made up phase missing teammates. he's called all so i see 5 of his points. the 1st tough a record for his franchise is the books beat the paces one i 9 to 94. okay, let me see if he's shake ill just alex on that has been picked as a fun list of the leaves most valuable parables and in game one against new orleans kind of can see. so why he still 28 point we think cleanings go ahead. fosgate in the final minutes, as from the pelicans 94 to 92. yeah, i was thinking of one, nothing major med plan, say resellers monitoring, despite the might lose the don't to make new. it's 33 point. james hawkins, the 28th of this play of savings for the could take water as a $11.00 i'm going to like pull towards would have got on the top seas in the eastern conference and boston celtics. wait a quick stop that opening games
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a series against mine and he's jason tatum got his 1st career playoff triple sample . as he finished with 23.10 rebalance in tennessee, and the cell 61114294. finally show, hey, a tiny break. the record from both time is hit by a japanese born player. in major league baseball, the late just saw hit a high run against the new met his 176 in the sixty's. even majorly, that's one mold in the monk set by. he came up 3. it's a well series, m v. p in 2009 is significant, and that is all useful for now. pizza will have more free lights on nick dare. we'll see you later. thanks for that. thanks very much. environment. lessons of creative use of the day to raise awareness of plastic pollution held fashion shape models will play being made of discounts to discuss the plastics. a scientist say that the particles of micra plastic the found in every corner of it and even in the blood streams of human beaks. as i say for this new job. but i'll be back in
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a couple of minutes and i'll have more of a days used at the the latest news as it breaks. the doctors who say the witness, the feelings knew exactly where to with detailed coverage. everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the story. these attacks are taking place also was had a city in part on the road, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another. god promised abraham. this is the land that is going to belong to you and to your children forever. more right here in my backyard, a recent here terrace from realtors here victoria, that was your ac central michigan. we have people here from the united states,
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from russia, from india, from germany, to junior findings for the idea of israel's foreign army on a just yeah, that's all i could say. these are the must rockies on the drum is. they used to march 3 d o t before 2 on the box with an increase is really mandatory presence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at, austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the street a full time cards. images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tory or is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use of the law on the street. right now look, it's easy to move around. the law could be different in this war and go to change
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the situation in douglas. we have 70 percent more business people here say the heart of the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in concepts the, the an independent review says is ran is yet to provide any evidence for its claims that work has from you. and the relief agencies of palestine are involved in the type of the 7, some assets, the, the clock. this is out there, a light from doha also coming up move in 6 months off to visit taxi's, rails military intelligence chief designs taking responsibility for the security lapse. donald trump is criminal trial.


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