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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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dyed lab monkeys from across europe. this female racism a gas cause can survive 19 joseph experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given a new form at lot then yet the an independent review says, israel is yet to provide any evidence for its claims that workers and the u. n's relief agency for palestine were involved in the october 7th from us times the your walter, hilda 0. lie from the headquarters in del, find a navigator also coming up. israel's intelligence chief becomes the 1st senior official to resign, taking responsibility for failure to stop the october 7th. a time opening
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statements get underway and donald trump slash money trial. for the 1st time, prosecutors present a criminal case against a former american president's to a jury. and warnings of a once in a century, flooding and southern china, over $80000.00 people had been moved to save the hello and independence review of the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees has found the israel has yet to provide supporting evidence for its accusations, one of our employees are members of from us on linked to the october 7th attacks on israel. the report by a former french for administer phone staffing lists, had regularly been provided for vetting since 2011. but israel did not raise any concerns. well, since that claim was made in january, many countries, custom of funding to winner was including the biggest funders,
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the u. s. germany and the new owner ra supports 5900000 people across 5 territories, gaza the occupied westbank, lebanon, jordan and syria. often providing the basic necessities of life from food to schools and even infrastructure in refugee camps. chris goodness is a former winner. a spokesman, he said, is really obligations remain on substantiated. and he appealed to donors to come back. it was supposed to commit because it confirms the unreal is an indispensable lifeline for people at least refugees. it also concerns the staff, a significant number of mechanisms and procedures to ensure compliance with monetary principles to take the neutrality. and it says it possesses a more boss to present the product to the any other u. n o n g o organizations. this is key because right now there's this big debate
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about should all the agencies take the should well, who programs do the food distribution to know what kind of a thing has better to cavity mechanisms, then all of these others and perhaps the most significant prelim northside clear blue as well as made these public claims about the large number of employees. they are essentially members. a terrorist organization is really has yet to provide supporting the vision of what these allocations. the ticket is, crisis remain on substantiation. see this very clearly amount to the model lice based on the to the don't see it. and if i make this one last click on the curriculum, which is often used as a stick to beats on run reports on which the colonial 20 space says when i click on the house of my quotes, which is the smallest of the criticism of its textbook,
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and says, initiated the range of a mission, just to ensure the product table for teaching materials. it finds the dictation updated guidelines and manuals that come with the adequate purpose that i think is a reading endorsement. but even though it comes up with some proposals, done relations and stop oversight, but i'm delighted with this report and i think i'm wrong with the full well, the in partnership with them has been using these very methodist is the loan that is highly likely for years so yes, i think the douglas knew very well i'm it does have these new relations mechanisms, the focus not mechanisms in place. yes, of course. always to be done, but i think the done, it's no very well. what is that? because a lot has been working specifically with for decades, implementing this robust 0 tolerance policy. so yes,
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it's time for the day to come back. well, we're now joining fire and have somebody got here james base here in the senior james, you're taking a look at the report. what was the highlight or the takeaway message for you? i mean, this is the report. it's not publicly released yet. it'll be released the next few minutes, i'll just say were obtained a copy several hours ago, worked all way through it. and the main point is this, these, right, these have not provided any evidence for the allegations. they made very, very strong allegations that 12 on right employees were directly involved on october the 7th. they then claimed that another 30 assisted those on october 7th. and they made the, the allegation to 12 percent of under stuff with, in some ways affiliated with home us and the un from the very beginning axis. it's fired. those 12 members of stuff, 2 of them i believe with that. but it for those that, that, that the remaining 10 members of stuff and they instituted a review and said, we need some evidence. if you have somebody to back up your allegations,
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we'll take your allegations in good faith. but we'd like to see the evidence of this report is telling us that not only has the of these read, he's not given any evidence to the u. n. at any point. now the inquiry, the un set top, which is headed by an independent person form a form and as reference, but haven't given her any evidence sign and date of the allegations at the time led to many countries suspending the funding to enter. why so how im damning then is this report not only to israel, but those countries as well that suspended the funding like the you can the us who continues to do so. and many as you say, have now given back to us starting to, to, to, to fund on ro, again, bought. remember, the us particularly is important in this last year we gave under $371000000.00. that is a 3rd of the budget. and this is money that is desperately needed in the us congress as possible just by sion saying, i'm just not getting any us money until 2025. so that's a great big hole in the budget. in the u. k,
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they said that they look at this report and decide often that's what the government's official position is. but there are members, the ruling conservative policy. pro is right then peace was saying, no, we should continue. not funding unless the damage in many ways is done. what different streams do such reports actually make? i mean, israel has had a longstanding policy to sort of the funds or so do you think that this report is going to have any sort of impact? i mean, i think the set country general now he's welcome. this report is, is the all know sort of fine line because he doesn't throw spam. i changed that's actually across the u. n. and listen to lots of stuff on it to try to think about this particular report here in by own award to the humanitarian principles. of neutrality, the secretary general is also grateful to the ro, wellenberg institute, the mickleson institute, and the danish institute for human rights, for the central research that they conducted,
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the secretary general accept the recommendations contained in most color knows report. he has agreed with the commissioner general filipe deluxe, or we need that on the walk with the secretary general's on support will establish an action plan to implement the recommendations contained in miss called on us. the final report. in this regard, the secretary general counsel and the cooperation of the donor community, the host countries, and the staff of unable to fully cooperate with the implementation of the recommendations moving forward. the secretary general appeals to all stakeholders to actively support on the wall, as it is a lifeline for palestine. refugees in the region, and as you well know, miscoded, now we'll be here to brief you in about 20 minutes in this room and tomorrow. um philly blood, cerini, the commissioner general of and what will also be here to brief you and that will be done at noon here. and then i will brief uh, after that,
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um tour venice loan or special coordinator for the middle east peace process that over the weekend. and he's gravely concerned by the height and violence across the west bank. he said that we must avoid further escalation and that attacks on civilians must stop, including settling violence as the war and gaza continues and regional instability mounts. westbank stability is essential to keep alive the prospects of pc said. we also have a few operational details updates to give you an argumentative turn, working gaza that you're about to turn coordinated for the occupied posting territory behind. i had to visit a garza yesterday for the 1st time since he took up his post as humanitarian coordinator of to see the situation on the ground. of course, to meet with you, meditation and colleagues working in goes up. so that is the spokesperson for the year one secretary general stuff funds which are expecting out of been you when commenting on the reports and that's just been it's the leaks in fact, we expect
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a formal briefing in the next few minutes and the next 20 minutes or so about the findings of this report into owner while we have with us james bay is once again. so james, clearly out of the you in the comment is that the secretary general accepts the recommendations that have been put forward. and this report accepts the recommendations, but he's not saying that he is unhappy that israel has not provided the evidence because i think he's, he's trying to find line here. he doesn't want to be critical of, i'm of israel and the us for pulling the funding. he wants to be very diplomatic, antoine, carriage donations to give back the funding. but as i was saying moment ago, the problem is the us is a huge gap. and the us has passed congressional legislation saying they wouldn't be any funding until at least 2025. and that's a 30 percent cap of, of the funding. so it's a difficult position for the un secretary general is also, it was saying, this is one of a series of reports. there is another report by the office of internal of
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a site that stuff like the internal police and the un. and they will looking very specifically at the allegations against the 12 on the stuff. but i have no indication from any un sources that they've been given any evidence by israel, either. it's west, remember remembering that israel and minis senior was ready politicians, including those who are currently in government, do not lie camera. they do not want tundra. they want to close, unreal down and many will say that's because unreal provides the backbone of a system to health care, education aid, other key services, the sort of things. remember, these won't palestinians during the job under un umbrella that eventually would be done as part of a palestinian state. you can imagine those civil servants working from one day looking for a policy in the state. and also remember unruh operates in the region, doesn't just operation garza and east jerusalem and the westbank. it also operates in jordan 11 in the syria looking off the palestinian refugees. now that's
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a designation. israel doesn't like it doesn't say except these people refugees anymore. and it doesn't want any link to that right to return. right. so what, that's why i think unreal has been stopped, should talk it is route for so long. maybe israel does have proof to his allegations, but the question is, if they do, why have they not giving it to anyone? why are they not sharing any evidence? ok, james will speak to you throughout the hour. thank you for the time being. well, the head of israel's military intelligence has resigned accepting responsibility for the lapse and security that led to the attack by him. us on israel on october. the 7th. major general a her on her leave is the 1st senior government figure to quit in the wake of that attack, which killed a 1139 people. he says there was a failure of his really intelligence and has called for an investigation. we have stuff in the decker. joining us are occupied is jerusalem. so what's been the fall out of this resignation? stephanie, that's why it's been accepted by the minister of
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defense. he remains in his position until they can replace him in terms of pulled out. not that much suspected that at some point, senior leaders will be accepting responsibility. in fact, most of them did. and in the optimal of october, the 7th, he said he accepted responsibilities ahead of the shouldn't batch. that's the internal security forces. they are set, they accepted responsibility for the failings. also the head of the army chief of stalls said that they also failed in preventing october. the 7th, the main person we haven't heard from is these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and you've had, you talked about full without you've had some finger pointing today. well sir, from the leader of the opposition? yeah. le pete, welcoming this resignation saying it was the honorable and justifiable thing to do . and that prime minister benjamin netanyahu should be doing the same. this was a catch of scott catastrophic failure on an intelligence level and a military level. there were warnings up to a year before this attack, a blueprint even given to israel. that how much seems to have executed almost down
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to every line. even in the days a hedge. they were warnings from. it's tyler wise that have mass was moving in unusual ways and then the ministry took hours really to organize themselves. the kibbutz has left to their own devices, so it was a massive failure of the biggest israel's history when it comes to nation. yahoo, what he says, he says you will on. so tough questions, but now is all the time and that he'll do so up to the was over. but just briefly, a lot of criticism also on the prime minister from is ready to say he was in charge . she's the ultimate one responsible he should resign and that he's prolonging this war only for his own from that goal. survival. okay, thank you. stephanie. different thanks is earlier strikes and central dogs that have killed at least for palestinians, and entire residential block was targeted civil defense cruise say there are sales people trust under the russell and in the southern city. if a half of 26 people have died over the past 24 hours, this really air strikes,
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hit new residential buildings and bring in our correspondence out of ours who, who's joining us from. but i find this outside it, 1st of all, what are you hearing about reports of a military operation in the court or that separates the north and the south of the gaza strip a well, since the beginning of in fact, the reason of this conflict as these thoughts also with the ground invasion, the ministry had been a dividing the entire war into 3 faces, including that one of the faces was stress. them that was stressed on the facts that they will twice to collect. been tell a guns, a strep into 3 areas, and the right now, what we can see is that the new core we deal with is where the ministry has established in the middle area, specifically close to needs. the ream junction is practically start to put lots between both paws. owns the gaza strip as military accounts happened establishment
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the 2 main linking groups. the completely right now under the is very managed to control it's ongoing bottles and confrontations in areas that are completely dry. you send to that. great. so what we can see is that the military has been destroyed and residential houses and carrying out a wide scale raising campaign by has probably been those as an adjacent agriculture labs just to clear the entire area from any residential population in that part of the gaza. strip um its me attracts, have been completely escalating or the mid area that are, that are a combined with that military campaign that is still ongoing to now on what we can completely understand from that corey doors, commas study and does that mandatory is trying to impose it's loan approval long existence inside the territory as they are taking fiscal reserve as a soon trained by useful potential in the future. operations it to the nother part of also to the south of district thought it. what are you hearing about the efforts
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by civil defense crews who are trying to find people who are stuck under the rubble after is released airstrikes hit residential buildings there. well generally the civil defense cruise right now watching on the really unbearable humanitarian conventions and of the shortage of their basic civil equipments that are highly required in order to help them to recover the injuries from under the rustles. they are struggled by the usability threat. so have to be ongoing bombardments in areas of fight thing alongside that they are taking time as they are using the valley hands alongside with very primitive tools in order to recover those injuries and boost victims from the under the deputies of the destroyed buildings. but what we can see is that the latest waves of is buddy attacks had just destroyed on up for a residential houses in the north of the gaza strip, getting one palestinian alongside with the 3 others being injured and cut off in
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a softball. we on the long side and also hop on neighborhood as has been showed how intended, how many for who had been completely destroyed on what we have been hearing from our civil defense cruise is that they are sometimes on april to recover the victims from under the rubble of some destroyed houses and are forced to wind down into rather these houses and the stones remains. the names of the victims, thoughts are on the order to be later recovers and that we have thousands of palestinians are still beneath these areas that have been completely destroyed without having can you risk cubic arrangements to now? okay. time to thank you for that update from it off the opening statements. and donald trump's 1st criminal trial have now wrapped up prosecutor say, the former us president legally concealed payments made to an adult film star to
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hide an affair with trumpets pleaded not guilty to the chargers and says that he is a victim of political persecution. as he makes another run for the white house this year, this is all this is done as everybody knows it. lots of other places and is very unfair because people understand what's going on. and it's a shame. i comes in coordination with washington every day to coordination with washington. i just want people to understand that this is done versus hurting the of the worst president in the history. we have christmas allowing me outside the court in new york. so how did the opening statements go on? what happens next? kristin?
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so the prosecution and the defense got to lay out an overview of the case that they're hoping to present in the next 6 weeks. the prosecution, detailing what they say was a long running conspiracy to hide and silence people that may have news that would be negative to the president. and they've already called their 1st witness. in this case, a man by the name of david tucker, who was a publisher of the tabloids and i discussed with donald trump and has admitted discussing with donald trump and donald trump's lawyer, michael cohen. a skein to essentially by any stories that are, were considered negative and not publish them in order to not get bad news out. like for contacts, we need to point out that this was all happening in 2016 just months before the presidential election after
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a very controversial access. hollywood tape was released, where donald trump could be heard talking about how he treated to get away with it. because he was rich and famous, that is the contact for this case, which the prosecution describes as a election interference election fraud, pure and simple. but the defense is already taking that on. they're attempting to discredit michael cohen, one of the key witnesses in this case, the man who actually made the harsh money payments to store mcdaniels. they say he's got a record of perjuring himself before the court. they've also said that was an election. this is democracy. there's nothing wrong with trying to influence the voters. that's what we call democracy. so a preview of what's in store for the coming weeks, as several witnesses are lined up to take the stats. all right,
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thank you. christian, thanks for that reporting from new york of the india as prime minister as being accused of hate speech for comments he made about muslims at an election rally in western registered on state at the weekends. the ranger moody said if the opposition congress came to power again, most looms would have 1st rights to induce assets. the opposition hit back accusing moody of trying to divert vote or attention from the real issues. nearly a 1000000000 indians are voting and parliamentary elections. monique seeking a 3rd term valid. i'm going to use the da da da da. this is the early a government said the muslims will have the riots over the results of the country. it's part of the main use of this means they will gather all a welsh and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute that
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among the info craters. do you think your hodgin money should be distributed to the infill traces? do you accept that? this is what the congress manifesto says. no hon. chris, not a spokesperson for a bar teenager, not a party. that's the governing indian political party. he says the b jp does not appease minorities, unlike the opposition congress party, the congress. it needs money for us to they have given more for the friends to why don't come to the, to my now to do come with a d i. they have made then mind if i still like double streams, the manifesto as to why in fact is done by the simply manifesto was made. it did not the same that they had made and they made that statement in that manifesto. they have made a statement, in fact say that that was distributed. all the belt of the people equally to everybody is the more they do said they manifesto says that the really big,
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big gun that everything that they confirmed we want to give the all the people 19 percent of the minority coming to do to day in india for the world bank politics comm glasses playing the game off, doing all this. but we don't want to appease anybody that's up. these went to politics. that is happening from last thursday for us from the congress in the last 10 years. they have lost the mandate of the people to the confidence of the people because of that actually to was one community i that is minority majority has been funded. been by there. i do the people of it all the people in the claims the most claims in india, or to be just be on show average it is the spokesperson for the opposition party, the indian national congress. he says that moody and the b j. p one to divide
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indians based on face the indian democracy is essentially based on secular values. it's a pump zip code. so last time the movie government got 57 percent of the votes. that means the off position policies or other policies. we just 2nd of pock, you've got 64 percent of the boards. no, of course became into bob because he had the 1st boss support system. it's not proportional representation. but that does not mean that indian democracy or the indian people always buying to this, not if, if they loved playing with the emotions they loved playing the majority in ism, and that is what they try back. if they like. it's not a question of faith door. in fact, this is a question of housing by people on the basis of faith. i've been trying for the book to get this bud mostly into the discourse. i mean that because the indian man uh, the indian national congress, the manifesto on our list of promises and i've gotten to use that to speak and also
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indeed will be elections as resembling data, but mostly the which was at that time responsible. oh. as the full front of the partition of india and the formation of buckets on somehow created kind of a wage. i can do more than batch again. the prime ministers always repeatedly brought in. normally they should have categories in a speech and spell it again. we all continue to do so let me remind everyone that as that gets into the back seat as defined that the opposition against them is growing. business joslyn, becky bice, the retro to the rainy and president. and so what i hear about us is on a 3 day visit to pockets on aimed at improving relations tension, storage in january officer and exchange of strikes along the border. the easiest trip comes days after iran and israel attack targets in each other's territories of the british prime minister, which is soon access be 1st flights carrying asylum seekers to rewan the will leave in $10.00 to $12.00 weeks. the plan is the central part of his government strategy
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to tackle a legal migrate it migration. but the scheme has been widely criticized by human rights groups and it's lied to political deadlock. parliament is due to base the matter in the coming hours. enough is enough. no more prevarication, no more delay. parliament would set that tonight and vote no matter how late it goes. no, as no box. these lights on going to roll into the success of this to tear. it doesn't rest on one side alone. it rests on the relentless, continual process as successfully and permanently removing people to rolanda with a regular rhythm of multiple flights every month over the summer and beyond until the votes, all stopped. nigeria is hosting an african security summit in a boost in cooperation with the un office of counterterrorism. several african
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leaders in the u. n. deputies x ray general are taking part along with representatives from the us in you and russia. they're set to discuss ways to combat attacks by boca hard, um and i so especially in this whole region. but some of the country is most affected by bees are in groups like molly burkina, faso, a new share are not expected to take parts. as much as it is, is that that somebody in their booster africa is now officially the center of global tara at times, according to the not getting national security advisor. this region accounts for 50 percent of all settled related debts in the world, in particular to countries, malia and brooklyn across the account for someone to 3 percent of all types happening in africa. so this particular conference supported by the united nations office will come to tourism is looking at more dollars more dollars has to be walked out and co operation between member countries of the african union as well
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as congress affected by our incidents of a tetra as well. as i'm approaching and that we do use their own access to weapons and intelligence as well as collaborate, father to deny temporaries, and i'm gonna be free to, to operate in these areas. now, such a one countries are tending, including, of course, international organizations as well as 5 members of the prominent members of basic or council in union has also send delegation. so the, at the end of the day organize this on this particular compressor. they want to put out a unified position on how to deal with the problem with terrorism and the country. then we'll check the total financing, provision of military equipment, stopping of illegal flow of arms in the african continent, especially in areas as well as foster cooperation and shedding of intelligence so that these countries will be able to deal with the problem. the problem is the reason of data russian energy corporation gals problem has been forced to shop more
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than 24 gas wells and the orange or agree engine to protect them from flooding. that's according to an international internal company, documents, snowmobiles cause it all revert to burst its banks in early april, which led to a delusion, dozens of towns and southern russian. tens of thousands of people were evacuated. 3 people accused of spying for china had been arrested in germany. prosecutor said, the trio, german citizens had been passing sensitive information to try and use intelligence . since of please june 2022. 1 of the suspects name is thomas r had been reportedly handling technologies with potential military purposes. the 3 german citizens are also accused of exporting a laser, a to a china, which is prohibited under european regulations. while emergency plans have been activated in southern show.


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