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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating, and the disturbing like performance himself, career, dis, nokia or of so on al jazeera the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters and don't find any you navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes and independence review says israel is yet to provide any evidence for its claims that work or some of the you n's relief agency for palestine were involved in the october 7th from us attacks. israel's intelligence chief becomes the 1st senior official to resign,
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taking responsibility for failure to stop thomas's october 7th. a times. a day in court for donald trump will have the latest from the 1st after a criminal trial of a former us president. noah's no box. the slides are going to roll into the british prime minister doubles down on his plans to send asylum seekers to our wanda don piece of statements with all the de spots he's also known as president plans to demand al plastic could be replayed. i'll say you've seen had a goal. this allows you to 3 to defeats, to rail madrid. the hello a review of the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees,
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has found that israel has yet to provide supporting evidence. if it's accusation, since that one of our employees are members of one us and linked to the october 7th attacks on israel. since that claim was made in january, many countries have cut their funding to enter while, including the biggest funders, the us, germany and the u. winner was supports 5900000 people across 5 territories, garza the occupied westbank, lebanon, jordan and syria, often providing the basic necessities of life from food to schools and even infrastructure in refugee camps. let's bring it to gabriel is although he's the one who's not from the united nations headquarters in new york. so um, gabriel, we have the press briefing. what was the take away message from the briefing as well as the report as well? i'd say 2 things. number one, the big picture is under a has a pretty good bill of health. and what i mean by that is that you heard from catherine corona, she basically said,
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and they put in the report as well. that when it comes to principles of neutrality that are so important for humanitarian organizations or international organizations . she said, and the reports that under uh actually has processes in place that hold it to it has good if not higher standards then many other un organizations or non governmental organizations, very strong processes in place. also in the report, she basically said that uh, that unreal gibbs to israel, a list of all of its nearly $32000.00 employees every year. and since 2011, israel has not voice any concerns about any of our employees. and they have list with documents about their background resumes, all sorts of information about those people. and of course also she said that is real,
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provided no evidence that any unreal employees were part of any quote unquote terrorist organizations, as israel has claimed. now that wasn't her role necessary to look into those specific allegations, never the last one, i asked her about it. she said israel failed to even volunteer any information to back up their very explosive comp claims. now it will say she does give a list of more than 50 recommendations, that unreal should undertake to help with neutrality issues. but they're pretty mundane list to be quite honest with you. it's things such as onrush should be having more meetings at this a, at, at the u. n. and new york and should better communicate to donors about neutrality processes they have in place just to name a few. but the big, big picture here is, is that it's a pretty good clean bill of health for under a. and a lot of the claims that israel has it made against under, are not backed up at all in the findings from this report. all right,
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uh gabriel. thank you so much for that update from the united nations. well, here's a look at the hon. humanitarian assistance for palestinian. so then you an agency supports nearly 6000000 palestinian refugees across the middle east. it runs 706 schools and a 140 primary health care facilities. it also provides food and cash assistance to more than $1800000.00 palestinians. most of them in gauze of employ is about 13000 staff, a 178 to been killed and is really attack since october. the 7th, more than a 164 owner of facilities have been damaged during the war. the us as the agencies biggest donor in 2023, it contributed $422000000.00 to warner was well speaking at the you and the former friends for a minister, catherine colona said interrupt plays a vital role in the region. she gave a summary of her independence review of the owner was neutrality. here's what she
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said over the findings of the review. all of that in rise in place of birth, certificate number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the humanities and principles of neutrality. actually had property of a more develop system then all the you are an organization, all addresses which is a necessity, considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult a situation in which they operate and the uniqueness of the mission. that's what was room for improvement. a well known speak to lex tech and birth is a senior advisor with the air brought us loans for democracy and development. he's also a former chief of ethics off of the ethics office of owner why he's running his life from a mon. well, come to al jazeera sir, so when it comes to these issues of neutrality that they review has seemingly identified. how significant are they?
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do you think i as well the issue, the issue is that the review has identified is that and right indeed has a very elaborate system in place to deal with the fact that it is cooperating. a sort of like a super tanker in the middle of the storm in a very important pilot environment and, and uh, uh, uh, in, in, in more homes. um, not just in gas, also, regulatory and other fuel civil peroration uh and to comp, winsted and rise over the years developed and, and, and coming under scrutiny. frequently the agency has developed a very comprehensive neutrality framework with, with policies, with practical measures arrangement to inspect installations, arrangement,
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to, to safeguard neutrality or beneficiaries. uh, to a very robust training on social media and neutrality and more generally on from neutrality humanitarian operations. uh so the, the, the review of the firm's dad's of buying large di systems hope to new, to be in place even in the, in the very challenging circumstances. or for often of genocidal actions in the, in the guys and stripped with more than what's closer 200, unwrapped us and now being being killed so many others injured against still missing. uh so the agency is indeed receive just strong support for the you know, the hard work and the end, the commitment all for all the 30000 staffing guys in the other 70 pounds. and our show in the, in the other areas of operation right in the colonial review also says it also makes it clear. in fact, the owner is indispensable when it comes to palestinians across the region. if
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someone who's worked there, give us a sense of just how important it is and what impact the funding cuts have had on the organization as well. indeed. and right is the only organization. if we take guys on the sort of general side happening in guys, not unless you have any organization that has the ability to sufficient come into the guys and structure of also uh israel, a language to where to deliver that folder and especially to stopping people in the north of the guys' is group and as we know is reality is that it's not doing that at the moment. this is, this is a separate issue from the, from the funding issue. unless the only organization that has the stuff in place to test the confidence of the rest of the community, which is critical to prevent sort of the kind of, of, of, of, of tragic incidents that we have seen. where is, where is a significant number of people being killed when, when you know, and,
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and try to receive aid unrest. the only organization that has to warehouses detracts to distribution centers. and so without, without under, uh, you know, human and tearing age in guys that comes to this, it becomes, becomes very, very difficult. and, and the other, you are going to cherry and agencies of meat that jody only has dark sense of style . uh, the short full of the funding is, is uh, is uh and right is living sort of planning months by months. uh, whether its can continue to operate, needs roughly 50 to 60000000 months in sort of the regular operational costs. apart from, from the, from the humanitarian supplies that, that, that need to be brought into the guys the strip and the energy and the situation. of course we now hope where is the wish to report that to a number of toner 2nd at most,
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yet resume funding. i'm waiting for what was the outcome that you know the organization. and that's another point i wanted to raise with you is that the report also said that israel has yet to provide support in evidence of its claims that the employees are foreigner. well, are members of hamas obligations? of course that were made earlier this year, which led to the funding cuts. so do you think that the statements in this report is actually going to make a difference? and it will actually have some of those donor countries resumed their funding, like the u. k. uh oh wow. oh yeah. well, absolutely. um yeah, i am, you know, a number of donors has not even waited for the report when, when it became clear about a months ago that, that israel had not been forthcoming with which providing evidence they, they decided as you know. and they had to give on what have been of the benefit of doubt and an original me version funding for the organization. there were
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a number of others that type of sort of explicitly be waiting for this report. so i, i would assume now that on rise essentially being given a team based off, how do you pay the netherlands and, and a couple of others will, will not, will so immediately resume funding if it does not happen. it's, it's literally in, in, july, almost at the agency may may grind or to a standstill. i mean, we're, we're only, we're only a weeks away from, from that happening. so it's very critical that to come back and i expect i expect it to do so without delay. all right, we thank you. lex, talking about thank you for speaking to us from i'm on are now is really airstrikes and central dogs. i'll have killed at least for palestinians, an entire residential block was targeted. civil defense cruise says therapist, still people who are trapped under the rubble odds in the southern city of south 26
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. people have died over the past 24 hours as really air strikes, hit more residential buildings. thought about zoom, is there any is not from what i found on the south of the gaza strip. thought it was, 1st of all, let's speak about the most recent airstrikes and the roster mouse. what's been happening? us? yes uh the reason in fact, so what we can clearly see that the military attacks on the another part of the gaza strip. one is the past couple of hours have been rubbed late increase the where the is right. the military has advanced more into the nother and parts, specifically in bay town and baked law here town as they are trying to attack residential houses. the specifically off to the latest announcements being released by the military wing of hamas about their attack. one is ready to those isn't the shooting of one of the is very so it just is another part of the town that clearly move residential houses have been destroyed. and as of time we neighborhoods alongside with, i'm a so how about a area where
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a residential tower that has been completely destroyed, where one palestinian has the report of killed with at least 3 others being king. just not only the know that part of the gaza strip that have been attacks within the past couple of hours by new strikes, an aunt to reboot bomb except loudly of a heads in the mid areas where i witnesses that have been describing the situation to be really unprecedented, this specifically that this increase of strikes is unprecedented for months of this . what right now as a, according to the administer of health that make them a 8 palestinians have for reported killed since the hours of this morning with at least more than 60 others being wounded. only in the middle areas, alongside that attacks did not stop even in the far south. here in a rough were in agriculture, a land that is a jason to the boat is what egypt had been talking to where the gods of health ministry has been recording a police safety for palestinians being killed within the past 24 hours. okay.
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taught at thank you for that updates from gaza as the head of israel's military intelligence has resigned accepting responsibility for the laps and security that led to be attacked by hamas on israel on october. the 7th major general of her own . how leave is the 1st senior and government figure to quit in the wake of the attack, which killed a 1139 people. he says there was a failure of his really intelligence that has called for an investigation. stephanie decker has more from occupied east jerusalem when it's been accepted by the minister of defense, he remains in his position until they can replace him in terms of for now, not that much suspected that at some point, senior leaders will be accepting responsibility. in fact, most of them did, and in the often loss of october, the 7th, he said he accepted responsibilities ahead of the shouldn't batch. that's the internal security forces. they are said they accepted responsibility for the failings. also,
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the head of the army chief of stalls said that they also failed in preventing october. the 7th. the main person we haven't heard from is these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and you've had, you talked about fallout, you've had some finger pointing today. well sir, from the leader of the opposition? yeah. le pete, welcoming this resignation saying it was the honorable and justifiable thing to do . and that prime minister benjamin netanyahu should be doing the same. this was a captain scott catastrophic failure on an intelligence level and admitted to level there were warnings up to a year before this attack, a blueprint even given to israel. that how much seems to have executed almost down to every line. even in today's a hedge. they were warnings from, it's tyler wise that have mass was moving in unusual ways and then the ministry took hours really to organize themselves. the templates is left to their own devices. so it was a massive failure of the biggest in israel's history when it comes to an s at yahoo . what he says, he says he will answer tough questions,
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but now is all the time. and that he'll do so after the war is over. but just briefly, a lot of criticism also on deployment is or from is ready to say he was in charge. he is the ultimate one responsible he should resign and that he is prolonging this war only for his own political survival. jewish holiday of passover has begun the week long festival commemorates freedom. honest, typically observes, with a feast to celebrate what jews believe was the liberation from biblical slavery. this here relative, so the captives detained in gaza or observing passover in a square in tel aviv to raise awareness of their loved ones. plates from the sun holds reports, jewish people around the world. and here in israel are commemorating passover. this is a major jewish holiday, they say that commemorates freedom, but this year it comes, it means the backdrop of the war on gonzo and those who are still being held captive in the palestinian territory. now there are around 500 people from 2 boots, very having their traditional holiday,
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faith known as the said are here in what's become known as hostage square. they say that there is no sense of normalcy for them. so they decided to have that traditional meal here. in tel aviv now, some is really, is, are telling us that throughout all of the, some of the backdrop of a muted holiday, they still blame me. is really government for what's going on. they blamed these really prime minister himself and want to see change within his rules governance so that there can be a deal to bring back. the remaining is really captive the opening statements and 1st testimony and donald trump's 1st criminal trial have now wrapped up for the day prosecutor say, the former us president illegally concealed payments made to an adult film star to hide an affair. trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges and says he's the victim of political persecution,
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as he makes another run for the white house this year. i'm speaking to the cameras outside the court room. as the court wrapped up for the day. he said that he believed the day had gone very well. this is the case. nobody wanted to break and it was just as the last case that back it goes back many, many years, 2015 before that change. busy to bookkeeping which is minus the terms of all of our around that's going on our side. this is a cheap to christmas louise joining us from outside the court in new york. so that was trump speaking, but what did his legal team have to say in the prosecution that sold both trains got to lay out their overview of the case and opening
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statements before the jury. as this historic trial, the 1st criminal prosecution of our president did get under way. the prosecution is describing this as a case of election fraud. sure. and simple. they say that payments made to the actress stormy daniels known as stormy daniels to cut her off and keep her quiet about. an alleged affair with donald trump were improperly documented as legal fees as part of a long standing conspiracy. they say to silas people who had bad news to share about donald trump in the run up to the 2016 election. they called as their 1st witnessing the case, a man by the name of david pepper. he was a publisher of a tabloid newspaper. he was the 1st witness to take the stand. they say he and michael cohen, donald trump's former lawyer,
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were part of that to sierra c. and they are going to lay out how that all went down in the days to come. now, the defense in their opening argument argues that there was no affair, and that donald trump did not try to hover cover up these payments. they say that michael cohen has a history of why on the stand and can't be trusted. and furthermore, defense attorney todd's blanche argued that there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. they say it's called some mocker. see. so overview so far of what we expect to see in the coming days this trial expected to go for about 6 weeks. so how is this then resonating with american vote, or is in an election year and how could it impact the campaign of the whole. donald trump is trying to make this a center piece of his campaign that he is being persecuted by. democrats who don't want him to run for election, he says,
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has it's being done to prevent him from campaigning on the campaign trail. but as we just saw, he is using the court room as his megaphone and his microphone to speak to the american public input c. u. s. judicial system on trial if you well, now americans so far are skeptical. they seem to be hearing that argument and only about a 3rd of americans believe that he did actually commit a crime here, but they do say house as americans say that if you use convicted, then he shouldn't be president. so that is what is that safe with this journey going forward? okay, chris and thank you for that reporting from new york roberta as prime minister risk soon acts as the 1st flight securing asylum seekers to rwanda will leave in 10 to 12 weeks time. the plan is the central part of his government strategy to tackle in
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legal migration. it's been widely criticized by human rights groups and has led to a political deadlock problem into is debating the scheme in what the government is hoping will be the last stage in a long running battle. as enough is enough, no more prevarication, no more delay. parliament would set that tonight and vote no matter how late it goes. no, with no bots. these lights on going to roll into the successive vista terrace. doesn't rest on one slide alone. it rests on the relentless, continual process as successfully and permanently removing people to rolanda with a regular rhythm of multiple flights every month over the summer and beyond until the votes, all stopped. pol brandon is joining us, not from london. so paul, looks like it might be a long night ahead. what's at stake here as well? what to say care is the government's whole migration or immigration policy versus
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the next set of 5 key principles and, and keep promises to the electors. especially important because we are in a general election. yeah. this year i'm one of those 5 promises was to, as he described, it stopped the boats, the small boats inflatables that have been crossing the narrow stretch of the english channel from the northern french coast to southern england. i'm one of the key things he believes will stop the votes, is the deterrent effects of when immigrants arrive here telling them that they will not be able to claim asylum here in the u. k, that they will be sent to the african country of rwanda. where even if they are granted asylum and their asylum claims are accepted, they will not pretend to the u. k, they will stay in rewind, or will be distributed somewhere else in that area and basically to do away with the prospect of and coming here to the u. k. it's, here's a controversial, as you mentioned in the introduction to human rights and opposition groups are a pulled. 5 is effectively britain offshore and it's, it's
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a refugee responsibilities. but the problem is to the, determined to push it through. he wants to appear to be strong. he's not going to back down, he's not willing to compromise, even on what appeared to be fairly sensible. compromises for molds have tried to introduce so this legislation to amendments were, were rejected. one of which would grant a special exemption to off guns, for example, who had worked alongside unsupported british forces who's who were working in afghanistan in previous years. he's even rejected this. and people are scratching their heads as to exactly why he's doing that. the impression seems to be that he wants to be strong on this and he's going to push this through using the government's majority and the comments. so essentially trust the all of the boards and push this through into legislation. so, oh, nice because it's on not compromising. what, well, i mean, despite their concerns and this political deadlock we're seeing, is it inevitable that this will eventually become law, although,
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and i think it is, i think it is on the resistant, much conservative party governments here in the u. k. how has the majority in the comments on the lords we expect? we'll re introduce some new amendments when they start debating it in the next few minutes. but they're going to run out of options. they comp reintroduce amendments that have already been introduced and then rejected by the lord. you can't do that . so you have to come up with new objections that they're going to start running out of avenues to it's, it's are reasons for for objectives. and so they may come back, well that certainly come back, we will more expect that maybe even to more. but as we get later into the evening, tempers might start to fly. and as you might start to sag on, they might just say, well, good luck if, if you want the bill, you can have it done despite the deep concern that there is about the wording of it . okay, paul. thank you. palmer and i'm reporting from london. the still ahead on the al
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jazeera news, our rushing to save lives in southern china. as all, ford is worn off a once in a century flooding. i'm prime minister and arrange remote. he is accused of hate speech just days after india kicks off. it's 6 weeks general elections. the dogs are, is a show hey, or tiny breaks the record for most from runs by of japanese born player and major league baseball. peter will be here with us story in supporting the they have been and they will be more big some stones in the match this areas of west in yemen and south with saturday. they've given me fresh. that's but we'll briefly look at the eastern met and the strength of wind is coming out of africa, particularly for us, maybe as produce mornings here of lucky sand storms. and you can see this dust in the air for crete, probably for greece, maybe for west in turkey,
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over the next day or so. right. and is currently west as of age and it might head slightly east was why wouldn't worry just yet big charles has a following once again, and he wrote another note giant. it probably won't cost me something, but they are all there again. and they may not stay there. i think the trend is to take the east was back in to afghanistan and west and pakistan. and apart from the sheriff in the mountains, it's twice the size of that the wind might well pick up tuesday or wednesday down the go. so it will be dusty not as usual this time of the year. i have to say time to get to wednesday. that's the hint of the sherry stuff from across the board, maybe into something park. your site is not big, it's not to worrying, but there is to funding on the drive. and sir is where the light through drop coal africa. there have been some higher breaks of flooding as you well know, but on the particularly badly affected, possibly in kenya too, but it's times of their weather, which is weather is over the next day or so. the size of that it's still too dry.
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a unique perspective, why should the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so and about each other for discussion and for such a little time on hub voices, tick tock has been a place for organizing politically for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you want find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live with the public health? we get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era is the lowest payoff, the gross has destroyed many. the cities, water buckets in a race against india is booming. water shorts is an engineer turn. the water conservation is takes on cities. that was one lake at the time.
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catching the rain in india, that lakes alive a witness documentary on a jersey though. the truth reminder of the top story is on the algebra news. our review into the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees of warner raw says israel has not provided evidence . it's employees are members of arms groups, since that claim was made in january, many countries cut their funding to enter. well, the head of israel's military intelligence has resigned saying that he takes responsibility for the laps and security deluxe to the homeless attack on october. the 7th major general i wrote how leave is before senior and government triggers to
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quit. and court has ended for the day and donald trump's criminal trial informing us presidents and excuse a falsifying business records by concealing payments to an adult film mattress. he's pleaded not guilty. the trial is scheduled to resume tomorrow morning. we'll stay with our top story for a moment and the findings of think when or what report will bring in more one big shot i. he's out as the rest senior political analyst joining us from london and would want to get to happy with us again for you. what was the take away message from the report in the findings in the way it is an excellent you want to be agency. and the very few things mentioned in the, for the word, the recommendations must be made by agency or getting any message to any government in the world. reduce the nature of institutions that anywhere to be evaluated to be the view to be of interest to be made. i think i'll hold on
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a lot as gains excellent. credit the heart of this despite the intention. so don't for one click to are you taking for that to get bad reviews for the organization. there's some reactions coming through. one notable one is from the secretary general, antoine, you're good terrorist and he's put out a relatively short statement by the one saying that the secretary general accepts the recommendations contained in mrs. colona as reports. what extent do you think that this extra general here is walking a sort of diplomatic type ro because on one hand, he wants to be on the right to support palestinians. but on the other hand, he wants to restore some of the funds and costs that have taken place recently. that's the point and i agree, 100 percent. so i think he is walter's right show, but he's also would like to be sure behind him just because if you see the whole point of raising the problem with the on the part of the service
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centers is, is, is an exercise of deflection. just what it is, right, because in service uh for its uh, shows are in garza including the king of some $150.00 on the staff by the beginning of january. that's when his ride started surfacing these homeowners about some form if you were on the staff, maybe 2017000 beacons are being integrated and somehow we don't know there's no evidence in october summit. so the idea of deflection, i think now has basically failed. you could say, or the media continues to be consumed by a position that goes on there. well, i think the board and the piece, the beginning of end that we went for the 2nd report to whereby the western back years. oh wow,
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no excuse to freeze the funds. you can do support this in dispensing with the one organization when it comes to these claims that israel had put forward that there were homeless members involved in the october 7th attack. this report specific, this report was not looking into these claims, but what it did reveal is that israel has yet to provide supporting evidence if it's claims that there were members of hamas involved in the october 7, the attacks. why do you think that israel has still not provided such evidence? it almost uh, tablets. uh, nicholas i said the whole issue from the store was the initial deflection. uh, basically focusing on the site or focusing on deserves rodney genocide in pennsylvania. it's one thing that probably be the most important i, i with this aside from some of our independent juniors is one of
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the we've just done how you on page and see what thousands and thousands of employees been there and to be sold more. i think they where the finally i with this, i guess what was happening to their schools, they're students to do kitchen all the situations. and so because the intent to reserve and to basically uh, trying to see the status of the b i for the sports is happening. the 2nd part, this is not a bit of so i could even october something if you remember the really it was on the inside was janice question the administration but try to bury the line precinct it's phones and basically insulting or doing everything possible services
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because it's meant to in the best thing ever fiji question. this remains to be the case today. i tend to under one to undermine the refugees and they're right. see you the rice, full return? well good afternoon. this place to not work well, this reports about, well i'll make a difference in terms of restoring that funding. we know that in the us congress has passed the bill, meaning there is no funding for interrupt until 2025 and the new u. k. the ruling conservatives, obviously they have a, a somewhat significant pro is really lobby, so will this report change their minds? so this is the story idea of life that some of the main factors upon the research and to some of their sins and their support. the restaurant it's hard paid on it's on the patient's pressure is by this comes of the table that are
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accepted up i've, since i've been here, should be that they should be, should have this house and they should restore it one way or another by they may be, i don't know exactly, he could have executive authority to do something about the same thing in here in you. but i think more important, i think those who have been talking about the united nations into the senior prize line question like china, like all the other countries. so i've been quite bombastic and there's a vision still. why should it be germany and the united states and the concepts? we know something very da as probably the 4th largest contributor. i think some of the countries like china, needs to stay and take up their international responsibilities. they need to talk it for some countries. don't then they should still be they should because of human rights and that is okay by the one beside. i thank you so much for joining us from london. a rainy and presidential behavior. the ac is on
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a 3 day visit to pockets dawn and improving relations between the 2 countries. tension sir, is in january off to an exchange of strikes along the border, but both countries seem determined to move on. us come, i'll hide the reports from as lama by the rainy and bridget entered ivy. and that's what i'm about to a guard of on speaking at a news conference. they blamed ac stressed the need for cooperation to address read . does it go to the challenges i looked at my, what was the case rather than what, what is it about, you know, what is a country? whichever number a common position i mean, but only, for example, on both countries are determined to fight against terrorism, against organized crime, against narcotics, and against a different phones have been security which endangered our 2 countries at the same time, the forehead spark environment address. yep. i should've said that relationship with the road in history, culture and religion to audrey harvey bought, we have had
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a very candid dialogue between 2 neighbors and discussed relations from religion to culture, diplomacy, and economy, including security. let me reiterate. we don't just have 76 years of relations with around dicing back to the bus and focused on these relations of centuries old there to kind a number of agreements in energy bar to management. then to go to d. n. gracie, a known spans to increase trade with focused on from $3.00 to $10000000000.00 a focused on already has or did where did on for a gas pipeline. but the project has been stored finch 2017 because of un sanctions on decker on washington tech. and it's now involved with similar major if it went ahead that to later that phone common ground on palestine board the board, an independent palestinian state and condemn the on going genocide in god. yeah. i'm, i like that. i just read uh,
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it's not my but the india as prime minister as being accused of hate speech for comments he made about muslims at an election rally on sunday. nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to cast ballots during the 6 weeks of voting, which started on friday. moti seeking a 3rd term, the indian government has failed, so it gives us thousands zeros correspondence to cover the story. so we're covering the election from outside the country. how much of a, how much reports just these into induce elections, prime minister in that, in the movie as close to control the c is addressing supporters in registered state, easy, 5 to muslims. us can please take this robot thing to see if the opposition congress bought the game to paula. again, most lips would have 1st rights to induce us. it's the guy. this is the
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earlier government said the muslims will have the rights over the results of the country. is part of the main use of this means they will gather all the wealth and give it to the people who have more children. they will distributed among the info, traitors. do you think your hodgin monday should be distributed to the info traitors? do you accept that they come, i've got the position, sees moody's comments, a disgraceful? i'm sorry, this is a very just route to the effects of people realize that really shows that congress buddies and zip code your wisdom, give it to the reserves that exists. and it could let me know which normally a civilized election commission, which is a law. and one of the candidates for speaking like maybe a 1000000000 indians are eligible to cost products independent entry elections. that can be c bodies trying to do, but vote that tension from the re issues. he has promised jobs and prosperity in
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the 2014 election again in 2019 and now to tom's out over in the spacing the worst unemployment rate. since in the last 45 years since coming to paula in 2014 moody has been accused in claiming religious tensions between majority induced and muslims who are come for about 14 percent of the population of attacks and violence targeting mostly in properties and religious sites, i've increased the size of the most name rhetoric. most incidents happened in states headed by the governing, but at the jeannette apache in a be to china, moody. a new spot is to, you know, in these elections, dads and civil position parties of united to form a coalition booting. we continue until the june defies. hands them. and they just go to the philippines in the us are holding joint naval exercises in
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a climate of tension between china and its neighbors. despite international legal rulings, beijing claims the entire, so trying to say as its own, and that's contested by the philippines and other indian ocean nations. barnaby lo reports from manila, philippines and the united states have kicked off the largest of its annual joint military exercises known as finally get done. filipina word, which means a shoulder to shoulder and official say, this is exactly what these exercises are about. it's to demonstrate the inter operability of the armed forces of both countries. but during the opening ceremony, officials also said that these exercises are constantly evolving and that this year they are focusing on external defense. and so this year we are going to be seeing a number 1st, we are going to be seeing the demonstration to simulation and also live fire exercises involving
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a short and middle range missile systems. we are also going to be seeing for the 1st time the philippine coast guard and us coast guard ceiling together with the philippine and us navies. now on that point, the us and philippine navy are actually going to be joined by the french navy as well. and they will be sailing for the 1st time, outside the territorial waters, off the philippines during the bottle, cuz on exercises, they are going to be sailing within the exclusive economic zone of the philippines . but these are areas in the south china sea that are also being cleaned by china. when we increase our mutual response in defense capabilities, we strengthen our ability to promote regional security and decor, shared interest. now both the philippines and us defense officials insist that these military drills are not targeted against any country. but ahead of bulk of done, china has said that it is dangerous for the philippines to involve external forces
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to involve another country. and its territorial dispute with china in the south china sea, and that this will only serve to contribute to more regional instability when the doings will say, thought we urge the philippines to stop it's provocations and call on relevant countries to stop provoking complex in the region now, majority of filipinos to support the military alliance between the philippines and the united states. but just outside the military headquarters, there were protesters, and they said that they will post us military intervention. and they don't see how us military presence here could deter what they say is chinese aggression in the south china sea, wine to below 0 minute emergency plans have been activated in southern china aust. or heavy rains caused severe flooding. more than 80000 people have been moved to safety and wrong dung. providence. katrina, you reports from beijing and parts of going don't provence in southern china,
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underwater after record of rainfall over the weekend. torrential downpours coast bruises and reservoirs to overflowed. forcing tens of thousands of people to be moved to safety. the cities of shell $1.00 and $2.00 un are among the worst hit. in one area, the river level rose by 7 meters. farm lands and villages has been flooded. land slides have damaged property and blocked roads, emergency teams with a point to help their stranded, including 700 students trapped in school. don't latrice people here say extreme weather events have worse and in recent years to attend that it seems 2 years ago the reinforce started to get relatively heavy. and this year in the past, the flaws are really rose to this point. at least the flaws go dream. many businesses and homes have been submerged, but some residents were pet. yellow, you know, for letting reach the ground floor and above. basically is way over the ground
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floor. the measures were all taken in advance to the residents already left. power outages have effected more than 1000000 households and transport has been disrupted, with numerous flights and trains, delayed or canceled. rains eased on monday, like many waterways and long duns pole, riverdale to remain swollen and above safety limits. authorities have described the situation as grim with most on spoil cost for later this week. municipal governments have been told to propose shelters and emergency supplies, fearing the worst is still to come. katrina, you out to 0. so head on the aisle does it renews our ecuadorian votes in favor of tough new security measures to fight and gang violence and sport arsenal. have a big chance to put some pressure on their rifles and a premier leak total res details coming up. the business latest is brought to you by, i guess,
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as outlined. my on one of your jobs makes more than plates. the business like just is free to you. i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates.
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the again, time for the sportsmen serious peter 13. thank you so much, boss alone. as president, one sundays l plastic coats will be replayed in the events. it is found. these team incorrectly had a goal. this allowed on sunday boston were beaten 32 bye on drive those around madrid, living in your mall associated school. would you still the goal to be ruled out 5 va or joan lat pull to has requested videos and audio generated by that situation to be analyzed. also not only live in points behind rail in the span of everyone, still a lot for us to feel as well after we analyze it. if we can determine a mistake has been made, which we think we did,
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and we will pursue any measures we deem necessary. to reverse the situations, including judicial actions, if it can be confirmed, it was a legal goal, which we think it was. we will go further and demand a replay of the game. i mean, they also will have the chance on tuesday to exist. some pressure on the arrivals in the premium, the title race, the gun is host chelsea on tuesday, a wind. we'll see them take a 3 point lead of a 2nd pace livable at the 4 point feet of a man, just the city who at present have played one game less. then also i didn't you win and your matches and to, and you're bringing the margins is more than a smaller. and that's the only thing that we can do at the moment because there seemed nothing our hands on the eval to try to the tomorrow night. and that from really well, try to in the game. and if we do that at that pressure would increase for show how to and i'll say phase one of the middle east rising combat sports prospect. and she's getting ready to make a mixed martial,
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alt debut between the 2 year old 1st cage match happens at the professional fights as the events and re add on may attain. she's the 1st of a female fi, so from saudi arabia to sign up with a major global em in a promotion, having one multiple more time metals, including a title at the we'll come back games last year. she's been speaking to l. just. it was so hale malik about her impressions in the, in a and even before i started the combat sparked, i was telling myself that i was born as a fighter. i was fighting my whole life. so i have the spirit of the fighter. so at the moment i started combat sports, i found my soul there. i, i feel like this is the right place that i can be there. i didn't had the. busy care of a normal life or an easy life before i had some troubles,
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some i lost my parents, a lot of things that got me to, to fight far as you know, as a saudi women competing in professional support. how much does it mean to you to be able to spy a future sound? the athletes? that's not an easy sounds. thing to be kerry. i will represent my country. i will represent every female in my country for beginning the 1st females. i'm so proud to be the 1st female, and i'm quite sure that i'm the right person to do it. it's means a lot. and that's why i'm always working hard doing my best. and i will do whatever i can to show the best, cuz i know that i will make history. what is it that you want to achieve in any i want to? she's the best of all is, i want to good to get all the felt. i want to get all the names. i want to have the
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glory. i want to let all of the world know who i am and know that there is amazing fighters from saudi arabia and in my country. the milwaukee bucks store. it's a big pile series with the indiana pacers without the stops a honest and see to compel on sunday you go to coffee injury, but they me, lou made up for he's missed in st. mary's goals. 35 of these points in the 1st health. that's a regulatory franchise as the but to speak the pace is 10994. oklahoma said he's a shy guild. just alexander has been paced as a finalist for believe most valuable player award. and the game one is new leaves. he said, why is 428 points including the go ahead, false good. in the final minutes as the sun, the age, the pay that comes from $9492.00 and show hey tony broke. the record for most home is hit by a japanese boom. pat, imagining baseball, the la dodgers star hit
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a home run against the new york mates is 176. and more than 6 seasons in the major leagues, that's one more than the box it by he, dickie matsui who was we'll see who's in vp in 2009 because he's the one that some of them will remember one score he shiffler has become the 1st man, since 1985 when the mazda is and the following weeks events on the pga to sure if it's a victory at the r b. c. heritage or the off to say was not completed on sunday. the american out of 5 shortly to a 3 holes to play and do the finish the job with a 3 shot victory. it's also a 4th when it is the last 5 events. so that's what we're supposed say. so the time being all as more a bit later, we'll say later, peter, thank you so much. well, ecuador, as president, has one vote or support for a raft of security measures. according to early results from the electoral council . the plans presented in a referendum are aimed at curbing gang violence to reasonable reports from durand
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in the south of the country. quarter them being the idea as well as his wife and 4 children 5 months ago. when a criminal group attacked, he's home by mistake and killed them. the children were between the ages of 7 and 6 months old quarter of any sangree. and one security forces to put an end to violence in his country. some people tell me that it seems nothing happened to me, but i'm keeping it inside. i'm devastated. i'd try every day. not to go mad. on sunday, if were dorians headed to the post volts on a referendum to the side? the country's future. people have tomorrow with a yes or no 11 questions. you can see them right here. 5 of them are mental refunded countries constitution. i'm the mostly related to the current security situation, whether people would like to see the military to patrol with the police. also, for example,
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allowing criminals to be expedited to other countries. the majority of the population voted yes to all of the security questions. a lindsey mendoza says the situation needs to change a good by you just on the to the side of the countries destroyed because of criminal groups. now that know bowers in power. maybe we can see something change. the results are seen as a sign of support for president, many and noble at hard line security plan to fight against criminal organizations that have taken control over large parts of the country. in january, the government declared a state of emergency and deployed the military on the streets and inside prisons that had become operating centers for drug guns. on the day of the referendum at prison warden, west killed in a restaurant showing just how difficult battling gangs continues to be for many,
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no voice trying to imitate the security plan of a set of other precedents. maggie will kaylee. he managed to reduce ken related violence in his country by the end of the say, there was a difference. ok, le 8th, i mean i, the kelly was a man had some type of context with the criminal groups. he recognized the territory that did not happen here. yet, but the response to that for now, people want government tax and against the criminal groups that most of them say has them living in constant fear, a symbol, a defeated buddha and it was all as well. people in the canadian city of london were presented with a light show that engulfed the night sky on sunday, but it wasn't by design, a train engulfed in flames barrels through the city as witnesses called local fire departments. the trains that eventually come to a complete stop and fireman removes most of the cargo. that was farmable. all right,
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that's it for the news. our thanks for watching. i'll leave you with tom a crate to have much more of today's news. and all the latest headlines by the in the pool. what is known as a breaking stereotypes full, while practicing the ancient mush allowed to come. it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educate to young goals $1.00 oh, $1.00 east beach. the kung fu nuns cap men do on al jazeera, the
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in the center. i bet of the humanity is open the gates of hell. within those seats is having orlando's effects, as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on just
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the challenges with the independent reviews is as well as you to provide any evidence for its claims that work is from the you ins, relief agency, palestine were involved in the on top of 17 mazda tax, the potomac hi, this is l just every line from doug how also coming up as well as intelligence chief becomes the 1st senior official to resign,


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